Transcript for:
Embracing Islam Amid Family Challenges

I was raised with Islam is bad do not come home with a Muslim man do not come home with a foreigner they wanted me to come home with a Dutch man cuz I'm Dutch my mom it was kind of the same thing but we facetimed when I first told her I was interested in Islam and she literally said to me okay that's fine yeah you do you I don't care if it's making you happy do your thing and I was like okay well this is going well but then she said as long as you're not going to wear hijab then I'm okay with it I'm not fully wearing hijab every day I'm slowly learning cuz it's been 19 days since I've referred it before the Haram police is in my comment section again sh sho SHO [Music] it comes like this that made me remember why I wanted to post about me being a revert because probably just like this girl I did it all on my own I had to do it all on my own I don't have any Muslim friends not yet anyway and telling my family was probably one of the most scary iest yet easiest things I had to do in my entire life even though I've gotten so many hate and threatening DMS and comments like are you okay I was raised with Islam is bad do not come home with a Muslim man do not come home with a foreigner they wanted me to come home with a Dutch man cuz I'm Dutch so you can imagine me having an interest in Islam and me telling my parents I want to learn about Islam it was mind-blowing for them I'm someone who car a lot about the opinions of someone else like I care I'm super super sensitive their opinions matter to me except about this one for the first time in my entire life I was so sure about something and I felt such peace in my mind and in my body I knew I was doing the right thing I knew I was following the right path so it didn't matter honestly their opinion did not matter and it was scary cuz I knew I knew their thoughts on Islam I knew it yet it didn't bother me my parents are also divorced so I had to tell them separately I had to do all the anxiety things two times I invited my dad over for a cup of tea and I told him I know your thoughts on Islam I know it but I found such peace within my body within my mind it is going to be such a huge part of my life your opinion does not matter to me it doesn't bother me if you do not accept if you do not accept me that's fine with me but it's bringing me peace and I'm going to hold on to that I told him I'd love it and I'd appreciate it if you would respect and accept it if not that's up to you but I wanted to tell you then I started crying obviously cuz I was scared he didn't want anything to do with me anymore but he said to me I know how much you care about the opinions of someone else and the fact that you say this to me that you do not care about what I think that says aot and I accept it I respect it it's going to be difficult but you're still my daughter I feel like crying believe me I did not expect this reaction at all I thought he was going to make such a huge deal out of it but because I said it doesn't matter it doesn't bother me that was acceptable literally said I'm proud of you he was proud of me cuz I was doing what was right for me that is how my father responded of course it's still new and he views Islam as bad because of things he's seen from co-workers and stuff in the media and I get that I thought bad of Islam as well at first cuz I was unknowing I believed Western media and all of that my mom it was kind of the same thing but we facetimed when I first told her I was interested in Islam and she literally said to me okay that's fine yeah you do you I don't care if it's making you happy do your thing and I was like okay well this is going well but then she said as long as you're not going to wear a hijob then I'm okay with it well from that moment on my world crumbled cuz I knew I want to wear hijob I'm wearing a scar right now cuz I'm about to leave the house for a re meeting which I'm super excited for I'm not fully wearing hijab every day I'm slowly learning cuz it's been 19 days since I reverted before the Haram police is in my comment section again Sho Sho Sho I don't want to hear anything about it okay it's my relationship with God not yours shut up my sister was the first family member I told also one of the first persons I told about Islam but in the end she said to me you're still my sister I love you and I was so fortunate by that I I cried the entire evening besides telling my parents the one I was most afraid of was my grandmother my grandmother lives next door we eat together every evening she is definitely not a fan of Muslims and she she kind of tells me every day at least every week so telling her gave me a lot of anxiety yet again I did not care about the opinions of anyone else cuz I finally found peace but still my grandmother she's like my third parents she was the third person who raised me and she matters you know I knew how negative she thought of Muslims so the fact that I wanted to become someone she hates she really truly ha it was scary and it kind of was breaking my heart cuz I already knew I was going to break her heart and I did break her heart she made it obvious that she that I wasn't doing the right thing and I should read the Bible instead if I wanted to believe yeah but I told her yet again grandma if you do not accept me that's fine if you don't want contact with me anymore that's fine then I'll move out I'll move somewhere else that made her cry cuz she knew how scared I was to tell her that made her cry she said that hurt me it's been 2 months since I told her and she's accepting it she's also the only and first person I wear hijab with so she can get used to it and you guys now cuz this will probably the first video I'll post on my account wearing a scarf and it's a bit scary but I feel protected I personally am grateful that I did not wait telling everyone around me of course I didn't tell everyone immediately I still have some family members I have to share this with but then it's off my chest I can learn and practice Islam in my daily life I hope Allah makes it easy for you and you can always always reach out to me if you want to talk about something thank you [Music] o [Music]