[Music] have you ever wondered why some people are just happy all the time while some people dread the sense of their existence if you are ready to make the changes needed this system can help you achieve what most people search for all their lives and never attain love happiness money career and fulfillment [Music] as human beings we are deceived to believe that we do the things we do because that is just the way we are but the reality is all our decisions in life are 99.9% impacted by the ABC model the ABC model was developed by a psychologist named Albert Ellis around 1950s who was greatly influenced by Asian Greek and even Roman philosophers so let's cut the chase what does it do the a stands for activating events these are the things that happens all around us on a daily basis that can be micromanaged up to the very second if you really want to go insane the be identifies beliefs or personal beliefs is how we filter the world around us is life beautiful or just a nightmare waiting to be over think of it like a pair of colored Shades that changes the world around you whenever you view through it the third one is the consequence how we respond to the stimulus that we filtered through our colored glasses how do we use this to our advantage you may ask over 2 years ago I was in a very dark place weighing in a whopping 250 lbs give or take a few I was overweight stuck in a dead T job introverted played video games all day consumed too much alcohol smok cigarettes even a back a day sad lonely with no ambition the good news is that I was transformed all those negative Vibes that I mentioned were transmuted into positives and a key player in my transformation was changing my ABCs which turned out to be the key component for the major upgrade the first thing I had to change was my activating events they say you are the sum of the people you spend your time with and that couldn't be true I was hanging out with people who were of bad influence in my life and all they ever wanted to do was party all the time and dram so the first step is to change your activating events remove yourself from positions that will not serve you and put yourself in positions where you can start winning the battles if you have a friend who complains all the time how the world is against him or her you will absorb that mindset and think the world is giving you a hard time it's get some new friends Pierce and even a partner if it's needed I removed 80% of the people in my life who are not serving me or helping me become my greatest version it was a drastic change I have to agree but drastic change needs drastic measures but what if you can't change the stimulus I will tell you now a lot of it is in your control more than you would even think do you browse Facebook a lot cut it out of your life you don't need false belief to influence you if you can't do that remove people from your social media that are not helping you become a better person some people just have a toxic mindset and you need to distance yourself from them if you watch the news Let It Go why do you need fear and anxiety to take over your mind once you filtered the activating events in your life it's time to focus on the main dish the belief this is how we view reality what you see is all there is but because of false beliefs or unconsciousness we often make the problems or situations worse than it is what made me lose 80 lbs was changing the way I think about food before my belief was filled with I want to eat because it looks delicious but I decided to replace how I view food into if I ate this what are its nutrition value is it just empty calories or am I feeding myself with with valuable nutrients will this help me get an athletic body I'm aiming for that made me reach for strawberries instead of poptarts or choosing water and not soda so ask yourself this important question am I filling my head with wisdom that serves me or garbage that drags me and this is not just beliefs for eating this also means changing the way you think I started calling my problems into situations by calling it a situation I already disattached myself from the activating event instead of taking it as a direct personal attack I enrich my beliefs with self-development books and spiritual awakening that resulted in a spectacular change in my life you might have filtered the situations from your belief that I am trying to attack you because I'm asking you to change the way you see things instead of a cuff medicine technique that will solve all your problems right away but I'm telling you now that you are capable of doing wonderful things in this lifetime and the only thing limiting you is that false wall of your old belief [Music] system he who says he can and he who says he can are both usually right confucious if my car breaks down I will not be pissed because now I have to take it to the mechanic or how Mery slowest direct reflection of my life I will see it as a challenge and think cool I can practice diagnosing my car today and learn something new who knows maybe it's something simple like changing a few spark plugs if I can't fix it I'll look at how much I'll be enjoying walking to my destination or how many calories I'll burn using my bicycle to get around for the meantime analyzing our ABC model literally changes how we see the world if you can't control your activating events and beliefs then the only thing left is consequences most consequences have either love or fear on the root of its reasoning the world is run by fear which often comes disguised as practicality the media feeds on our fear fear is by far the easiest emotion to utilize fear Keeps Us blinded Keeps Us scared and unfulfilled it's difficult to take the high road and it's usually The Road Less travel so when a situation happens how will you respond love or fear have a nice day stay authentic [Music] peace if you enjoyed the video don't forget to hit the Subscribe button below and don't forget keep going 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