Hello everyone, my name is Piyush and welcome to the 30th video of CKA 2024 series. In this particular video, we are going to be deep diving into the world of DNS and we are going to understand how DNS works. Oh wait wait wait wait wait, who are you? I am Piyush, who are you and what are you doing in my channel? I am also Piyush and we are going to do the DNS today.
Who are you? Okay, okay, if you are Piyush then okay let's let's start the video and let's see what we have to learn today. Oh yeah, that's cool Piyush.
So it's very weird to call Piyush and Piyush, you know? Yeah. So today we are going to see the DNS. So we'll be understanding like what is DNS?
Why on this earth we need this DNS? And why, like what, how exactly this DNS works? Because, you know, as a developer, as a programmer, or maybe as a cloud engineer, it's very important to understand DNS, no? What do you think?
That's definitely true. Like you would... need to understand how it works only then you will be able to work like even if you are a developer even if you are someone who is a devops engineer cloud engineer dns comes in every picture like you have to understand it how it works externally internally and how to troubleshoot the issues related to dns um and yeah like whatever you've said i've totally agree with you yeah right so what do you say piyush shall we start yeah definitely you Okay, so let's see dive into the DNS world and let me just quickly share up my screen Let me know if my screen sharing is working and everything is cool. Everything is crisp and clear.
Okay, all good So first things first, what is DNS? I mean, what's the full form of DNS? Let's google it I don't know so DNS full form So yeah, so as you can see that DNS stands for domain name system domain name server Howsoever you want to call it, but what exactly this is? bieuze did you see that just now i just typed in like google.com and what just happened yeah i see what you did there yeah what just happened so it translated the ip address it translated the domain name which we you have entered google.com into an ip address and rendered the result for you on the web browser but why do we need this translation like you just said in a very technical form okay but the thing is that why do we need this so complex structure like just by just by you know writing in google.com why can't i just directly reach to the google.com why do we need this dns stuff this ip translation and what that nerdy word that you used i mean why a lot of things why can't i just i don't know maybe maybe maybe it is easier to remember a name like google.com instead of an ip address why do we need an ip address why just not google.com why not to name the server as google.com and just directly i don't know you tell me you are you tell me you are also jewish Okay, so let's say that you want to visit my house, right? You want to come and you are most welcome.
So the name of my house is actually Garg Villa. So if I tell you that, hey, the name of my house is Garg Villa, will you be ever on this earth reach to my house? Can you? No, no.
No, no, no chance. I mean, there will be like, there is no chance, right? So if you want to reach to my house, you need some particular address. You need the street name, street address. you need need my pin code you need my city name state name so basically you need my fully qualified name in order to reach to this location right similar to that if on the internet you have a lot of servers you have a lot of clients every client has their own ip address which is always unique so in order to reach to any kind of machine on this particular internet you need the ip address but I'm not sure how much almonds you eat in a day, but how is your memory?
Like, can you remember how many IP addresses can you remember? I don't know. Maybe, maybe just a few local IP addresses that I work on daily basis. Like I have a few machines on which I log in on a regular basis and that's all about it. Yeah.
Not more than that. Okay, that's actually huge because even if I work on my local machine, I have to write it down for the IP addresses. But let me the thing is that we actually browse a lot of websites day to day. And it's very hard to remember these IP addresses. And there might be a chance that these IP addresses are changing.
Maybe the Google server is down and Google is temporarily migrating some of his servers to some other server where the IP address is changing. So it is actually very hard for a company like Google to convey. to convey to its users that we have changed our ip address and all that stuff so for that basically these google.com these domain names are just a friendly name on top of the ip address for example you have my phone number you have saved it as the name peush and whenever you dial in peush you basically go to my contact because it's easier to remember the domain names that's why we have this domain name system right so the if we roll back to the problem okay so if we roll back the problem so let's say that you have a browser and on this browser you set google.com so what your browser needs to do is as an end user what do you want that just by typing in google.com you should be reached to the google's web page right and the problem is that just by typing in google.com there is no way that you can reach to the google's server that is where this dns thing comes into the play so you know what happens is when you actually type in google.com your browser your browser who has no idea about google.com goes to the dns server okay so you can just assume that there is some kind of dns server which is like running okay goes to the dns server this dns server is nothing just it's just like a public book okay and asks that hey hey bro can you please tell me the ip for google.com ip for google.com so this is what your browser first makes a request to the dns So what DNS will do is this DNS server will actually search among all the records that what is the IP address of google.com and whatsoever is the IP address will be returned from the DNS server to this particular browser.
So let's say hypothetically it returned something like this and now your browser knows that whenever the user is saying google.com this is the IP address where the request should be forwarded. If this DNS server was not here there is no way to reach to Google server just by typing in google.com. In that case, you have to remember the IP address of the google.com, which is not that easy.
Okay. So this is like a very high level design and a very high level thing of why do we need a DNS server? Right?
Correct. Yep. Correct.
All good. All good. But here is a big problem.
You'll hear like things are looking very easy that, okay, it's a DNS server. takes an ip and you know resolves this to an ip address this is known as like the dns resolution and after this is like resolved to an ip address we are just forwarding it just imagine in today's world how many internet users are there any number yeah countless like billions billions maybe more than billions right and they are increasing day by day is it possible for this particular one server to handle all the internet load no no Just imagine the amount of load. The countless number of websites, countless number of DNS that it has to manage. Plus, you know, when you type in, it has to search to the entire database and return your result. And when you get the result in your browser, it is just in few microseconds.
Yes. So, yeah. So I see the problems over there.
Yes. So how do you think that we can resolve this problem? Do you have any idea?
Like, maybe something. called local cache or like uh dns within browser locally and you know nearby location edge locations okay so that's a very great thing that what you can do is we can maybe cache so let's let's just like two problems here which i can see uh very clearly number one the problem is that let's say let's say that the server is very powerful and it is able to keep it is capable of handling billions of requests let's say this is not a problem the problem still will be that every time i have to visit google.com i have to make an extra hop to the DNS server. Okay. And if I have to make an extra hop on every website visit, just, uh, just think about the latency that I have.
So what users will think is that their internet is slow because a non-technical user doesn't know about DNS. So he will think every time I like visit google.com, it actually takes some seconds. And that, and the bottleneck here is DNS server. Right.
So to solve this problem, it's very simple. That is the caching. So whenever there's a slowness thing, you always think about caching. So there is something known as DNS caching.
So what happens is, Aside from resolving the DNS, DNS also caches it. Okay. And there are multiple levels of caching.
It's not like that the caching is only done on the DNS level. Your browser caches the IP addresses. So if you are visiting any website for first time, that means the cache is not present.
In that case, yes, your browser is going to make a DNS query. But after that, your browser will maintain a cache that, okay, I got the IP address. I'll remember it. So I don't have to make DNS query again and again. So your browser maintains a cache, your operating system also maintains a cache, your router also maintains a DNS cache, your ISP also maintains a cache.
So there are actually multiple levels of caching so that, you know, you can minimize the DNS query and make the web more fast. So this is one thing that, you know, if you don't have to make DNS query on every visit. So, for example, I can even give you an example. Piyush, can you tell me any website which you think I have never opened? Like maybe...
uh some your college website or something which i which you can make sure i have never opened yeah try try this one uh this is our community website the cloudops community.org uh can you spell it again the yeah yeah the cloud ops okay the cloud ops cloud of community.org okay so this is the link okay so now guys uh whosoever is watching this video can you think that I have never opened this website before, right? So first time, this will be my first time making this request. Do you think that there should be a DNS resolution?
What do you think? There should be? Okay, let's see. So if I have never opened this website, so there should be a DNS query. So here is the call that was made.
And if I open the timings, oh, can you see this DNS lookup? Can you see that actually, yes, there was a DNS lookup. When I was trying to get this particular URL, there was a DNS lookup.
because i don't have the dns thing right because i didn't have the ip address but if i do a small refresh because now i have the cache now you can see that do you see the dns thing no no no no the dns thing is gone you can see same url but there is no dns now because the browser had the cache browser knows the ip address what is the ip address by the way here is the ip address so this is an ipv6 address because i'm on ipv6 so you can see that this is the ip address where it made a call on port number 443 because this is https So from where on this earth, this IP address first came from, where did I got this IP address? From the DNS. Yeah.
From the DNS. So if I copy this particular link and I open up my terminal, you can actually do something like NS lookup and this dot O-R-G and enter. So you can see that this is exactly the IP address.
This is the IPv4 IP address for this particular domain. By the way, where it is hosted. It is hosted on LightSail. No, it's hosted on, I guess, Cloudflare. It's on Cloudflare.
So basically, this is some IP address which is returned by the Cloudflare. Because this is what you have added. So this part is done by the DNS.
Now, coming on to the second problem of DNS, that can it handle billions of load? Now, of course, the answer is no. even if the answer can be yes maybe you are adding a lot of gpu cpu a lot of memory to handle billions of people there is still one problem that is the single point failure what if this single server goes down due to any natural calamity let's say right there can be several reasons so what will happen the whole internet will break and imagine if whole internet breaks i'm not sure about you but i'll go crazy i'll go mad so what to do now how can you solve this problem maybe some offline server something offline okay or or like the way you do build your own dns server that even that can go down even that can go down but actually you know you are somewhat right okay build your own so the thing is that currently what we are looking at is kind of like a central architecture like there is a central dns server which is resolving and all so central is not a solution for this because it can go down So let's do one thing. Let's make it decentralized. Let's have multiple copies of DNS server and every DNS server maintains its own records.
Kind of like, you know, I'm trying to have more servers so that we can balance the load. So what happens is, yeah, high availability, low latency, and, you know, high availability, of course, so that if anyone goes down, we still have a backup, right? So how it is done is basically there is something known as root name servers.
Have you heard about this? root name servers and there are 13 root name servers right there are exactly 13 root name servers so if you search for root name servers and you visit let's say this particular link these are the 13 root name servers and you can just see the name that is a b c so these are literally hard-coded 13 root name servers so these 13 root name servers are actually responsible for doing something known as dns query okay now this process is not like that first of all here is one thing because there are literally hard-coded 13 ip addresses do you think that only 13 servers can handle the billions of people no no so actually though there are 13 root name servers but internally they have a lot more servers so for example this a.root server.net can internally have more 10 servers. But the all 10 basically advertise to the same IP address which is this one. So this is done using the anycast thing.
So what happens is there are more than 13 but on the upper level there are 13 IP addresses which are available where you can resolve. Okay. So for us it will be like 13 servers, 13 separate servers but internally these 13 could be the load balancers that internally redirect the traffic to their back ends and there could be multiple back ends on each server on each of these exactly exactly so load balancer is the right word so there can be multiple servers okay and these 13 root name servers you can see that who owns them for example this is owned by version this is owned by university of southern california this one is by nasa so like there are different different organizations who are owning and maintaining them okay now what happens is let's say that you like you make a request to let's say you should not dev sorry for advertising myself yes yes please go ahead yeah so let's say you make a request on this so what happens is first your request goes to one of these root name servers whichever is closest to you now there is something known as t l d top level domain can you guess what is my top level domain in this case yeah so if I if for example if you say www dot the www thing is a sub domain okay this is my apex domain and this is the top level domain so top level domain can be like dot dev dot com dot org in your case right so there can be multiple top level domain so for this top level domain it is basically now further rooted to a server whosoever handles this top level domain so there can be a separate server for dot com there can be a separate server for dot dev there can be a separate server for every tld so this particular request will go to with server for dot dev because the dot dev is actually the one that is handling it. So once this request, like first of all, to the 13 root name servers, which internally has a lot of servers, then goes to a.dev server. And that is where it goes to your authoritative name server.
Like whosoever is your registrar. For example, in my case, it's Google. It can be Cloudflare.
It can be GoDaddy. Whosoever is the registrar, it goes there. And then from there, it searches like whatsoever that DNS server, which is running, whatsoever that returns is basically a result.
So. an ip address is returned ip address gets returned on every level they are caching it and that is how finally you get to the ip address of fuscal.dev correct so this was again a very high level things because internally a lot of more things goes on but this is the ideally how a dns works right okay yep now have you ever added a dns record to your registrar or something yep yep okay so you might have seen let me just show you if i open up my cloudflare account and i log into my cloudflare account let me just show you that how a typical registration looks like okay uh so i forgot to verify me as a human hey i'm a human for sure so bot is asking us to verify us as a human yeah a bot is asking me yeah bro i am human you are not human okay so uh let's say i open up this particular thing that is like fioska.xyz where top level domain is xyz and i go to into this dns tab Now you might be able to see some DNS records here. So these are some DNS records. Like for example, if any request goes to pushkar.xyz, this must be opened. If some request goes to like search.pushkar.xyz, this should be returned.
So just for a demonstration purpose, if I try to say like search.pushkar.xyz, so you can see that when it does a lookup, this IP address is returned, which is I have added here. so what you can do is as a owner of that particular domain you can actually add a record you can select a type of domain record a record uh four times a record there is a c name record there is a ds record https record and if you see there is a txt record srv and txt and all mx record and then you can have like what is the sub domain so if you use add the rate it basically means future.xyz if let's say i want to add www this is basically for this thing so i can add anything like anything so subdomain this thing and where do i want to point it do you know that how these records work actually what is the meaning of these records maybe we can discuss that it will be a good idea for everyone to understand because you know understanding dns is one thing and setting up dns is another thing setting up all like whoever is working on this whether for learning purpose or whether for a project they must be interacting with dns in one way or another and understanding DNS is of utmost importance. So I guess it will be a good time if we can, you know, put some pointers on that. Okay, let's go ahead.
Let's do one thing. Let's pick up the most important and commonly used ones. Yeah.
Okay. Yeah. So whenever you register a domain and you set up DNS records, okay, so how do you set up a record? So first thing is that you have to choose a type. So the most common type that you're going to use is the A record.
So you can say like, I want to set up a record for, let's say, at the rate. At the rate usually means whatsoever is your Apex domain. For example, right now I'm setting up it for future. X, Y, Z. So at the rate will basically means that I want to set it for directly for the root domain. Okay.
But if I add some value here, which means it's a sub domain. So I can say at the rate. At the rate is also called naked domain.
Not sure about the naked, but I have used the term like Apex domain. So this is my Apex domain. So the root domain I can say, like use at the rate for root. so let's call it as like this is my root domain okay and i can actually add an ipv4 address so what i can do i can actually add an address like this basically means that on this internet which is right now on the earth i don't know future if we have some internet on mars or something but right now on the earth if you try to visit push.xyz what this dns server has to do it is going to query it is going to search for an a record and when you search for an a record it finds an ip associated to it and when this ip address is found it basically forwards your request to that server so this this ip address can be off your server so let's say you have a server running somewhere and the physical ip address of that machine you can just put it here uh let me know if you want to see that how set up setting up a server and you can see the ipv4 address so i'm all i'm also okay with that to show that okay so this is the a record very simple no thing okay so query a record and forward it to the ip similar to this there was one more record if you have seen that was four times a this is similar to a record only the only difference is instead of having an ipv4 address you can actually add an ipv6 address so a is for ipv4 and if i change it to this this is for ipv6 address so now i can also add ipv6 address Now, the next record that is most commonly used is CNAME, which is my personal favorite as well. So what is this CNAME?
Okay, so have you used CNAME records? Yep. Okay, so CNAME basically means whenever I choose, let's say if I'm choosing a CNAME record, and I'm trying to make a subdomain, maybe, you know, some app.pusha.xyz, it is asking me for a target.
Yep. And this target can be some other domain. if you see this right so that means for a cname record let's say if for cname i'm adding a magic let's say some magic thing and as a value i can add a domain so let's say i i added maybe google dot com maybe okay if i'm adding this google.com okay and and and in the google's uh book in the google's dns let's say google.com has a a record which is pointing to maybe right this is like google's record so what this means is if dns goes to if if someone starts to search for magic.fusion.xyz it will see that there is a c name record right correct this cname record is pointing to what google.com google.com now from here it has to make another dns query to google.com okay to google.com and find the a record for it and whatsoever is here to return it here yep Got it?
So that means magic.pusher.xyz will also be resolved to what? The Google's A record. So it's kind of like adding an alias.
Correct? Correct. So instead of hard coding the IP address, I'm making a dynamic that whatsoever Google.com's A record is pointing to, you also point it to that.
So if tomorrow Google.com changes this IP address internally, it automatically changes mine as well. Okay? Just for a demonstration purpose, for example, if I copy this link.
Okay? So your... uh the the cloud uh the cloudops community.org is pointing to 172.67 point this thing so now if i go on to my records and i add a magic record to your uh domain and i turn off the proxy and i do a save so it will first of all take some time as i just added the domain so it has to take some time for the propagation because you remember 13 root names of 13 root name servers and servers so it will take some time to you know reach to all the servers but yeah we can for sure make a trial so if i try to do ns lookup and i say uh you know magic dot push girk dot xyz so what should ideally happen this should go to this it will find a cname record cname record is for this it should make another dns query and should resolve to this particular thing so let's do an enter and you can see that i am getting exactly same answer that you have set it up correct so that is how the cname is working Now, so now you know about... Can we also discuss a little on the use case of it?
Like, yes, you have shown it. Like, how does it work? But when do we actually use it?
Okay, very great question. So why is there a need for the CNAME, right? Okay, so let's say that you are actually outsourcing. Okay, let's say you have a domain.
Let's say I have a domain app.pushed.xyz. Okay. So let's say this particular application, whatsoever I want to host it, is basically managed by some external provider. Let's say, do you know about Vercel? Okay, so let's say that I want to host, I want to point this thing that this particular application should be managed by Vercel, right?
First thing is what I can do is I can hard code it. I can hard code the IP address, IP address of Vercel, right? I can hard code the IP address of Vercel and I can actually add a record.
the problem is that let's say it's 2 am in the night and you know i'm sleeping and what happens is versil decides to change their ip address internally so what will happen i'll be sleeping and i have a habit of waking up late in the morning so what will happen my website will be down for the whole night because this ip address changed right and this can cost me like millions and billions of dollar of rupees right because of course this is a very popular website okay don't visit it is actually nothing okay so what happens is because this was not dynamic now i have to wake up with 30 missed calls from the boss and i have to see what is the new ip address of and i have to change it here instead what i can do is i can actually have a c name right and i can actually point it to the versal let's say wherever versal wants me to host now what happens is because now this is dynamic in nature tomorrow if versal changes it right so it automatically changes mine as well because it's just a dns query so just like this one because i was pointing it to google.com if google changes it mine automatically changes because now it is dynamic so this is one advantage so whenever you are giving your domain to some external provider where you know you want that him to manage the ip address you can just add a cname to their record so it is automatically done correct even even the cloudflare are you hosting your website on cloudflare workers uh I know about CloudFlare Workers, but I haven't hosted it. Okay. So it also like it also creates an internal DNS record for you when you host your website.
So it's it's something called dev dot dash dash dash cloudflare.com. Okay. But you don't want your users to visit that website, right?
So you create an internal CNM record which points to your website. And it's it's just like, you know, the similar thing that you have explained. Got it.
Got it. So basically it's like an alias. It's basically like giving an extra name to a IP address. So yeah, that's how it works.
So yeah, great one. and there is a so the most common that you're going to use is like an a record you're most commonly going to use a cname record for your subdomains and all that and then there are even more records for example there's a mx record this is for mail exchange so you remember like you use gsuit where you have your company email like pewsh at the rate somecompany.com so there you use this mail exchange records so you can actually say that if anyone tries to email to let's say mail dot something like like for example pewsh at the rate mail dot So you can enter a server address, which is running SMTP server that can receive the emails on your behalf, right? So you can have mail exchange record. And then there is a NS record. This NS record is very, very, very like advancing.
So let's discuss that in a while. So name server record is there and you have SRV for validations. You have TXT records.
TXT is just like, you know, just adding a text. So if let's say you want to. have some ownership of someone's domains on someone or some kind of verification so there you can just use a txt record this is basically a human readable text that's it okay yeah yeah now this ns record have you ever used this ns record ns no i haven't used it yeah this ns is something that is not commonly used but it's very powerful you know what this means let's say if i if i just have some you know some word let's say maybe abc dot future.xyz and i say that is managed by some name server and it stands for name server record let's say i pointed to ns something dot uh maybe you know something dot com what this means you are actually saying that all the records for abc.push.xyz and all these subdomains for this one for example something dot abc.pyushkar.xyz all the subdomains for this one should be handled by this server. Okay.
Let me tell you how it works. So currently what we are doing is we are saying hey I want to add an NS record okay for which domain you are saying like something oh no what was the that thing abc so you are just saying for abc.pyushkar.xyz and the name server that you are adding is ns.something just a second something dot com okay now what happens this basically tells that all these subdomains which are inside it for example it can be s dot something like this it can be okay it can be like something here it can be like puce dot abc dot so you can see that these are all the subdomains inside the agency so all these domains who will resolve the DNS for them this guy oh okay So what happens if someone tries to visit, let's say this link, this will go here. Okay.
It will see that this is actually a part of this particular stuff, right? ABC. Okay. You should not XYZ.
Then it tries to go here to the NS. This is an NS record for this one. The NS record is pointing to where the NS dot something dot com. Now what it will do is it will actually go to the domain wherever it's DNS is hosted and try to find an A record. okay for like so this particular thing will go to this particular ip address and it will not resolve to this no it will say that here a server is running which should have port number 53 on udp exposed okay so this will say that hey can you please tell me the ip address for okay can you please tell me the ip address for this puge.abc.pusha.xyz and this server can basically do some kind of database lookup and return an IP address.
So let's say it returns, let's say. So this will be now treated as the forwarding address for this particular thing. So this is basically hosting your own DNS server. Exactly.
If you want to create your own DNS server, what do you have to do? You have to first have a DNS server. Okay.
And ask your users to just have a NS record on their domain. And you have to run a machine port number 53 open, and you have to like respond back whatsoever this server is going to ask you. And that is how you can actually create your own DNS.
Correct. So yeah, that is basically the like very high level to medium level thing, a story of DNS, how DNS works, what is DNS. So yeah. No, that was, that was amazing, Piyush. I mean, I have.
you know watched countless videos in the past since i started working and i have seen a lot of videos about dns and how it works but the level of explanation that i got from this video from you it's exceptional like this is something that i have never seen before and the way you have explained it i am sure every viewer who is watching this video now have a clear understanding of how dns works so thank you thank you so much for doing that just just one request though like can we also uh touch base on a few important files that we can uh you know look into in our local system when whenever there is a dns issue or whenever we think that there is something wrong internally with our server the client server who's making the request okay got it so let's say uh maybe you don't have to log into the server it just maybe just mention it over here and yeah that should be it got it uh okay so let's see the important files that might um you might be interested in number one file is that uh like i'm currently talking about the linux system of the mac macOS system i'm not really sure about how the windows where the windows store it so first file that you might be interested in that if you do a cat i hope you can see my terminal clearly right yeah so if you do a cat on slash etc slash host file this is basically where you can actually add some local dns records let's say for example you can already see this one so what this means is that if the browser tries to go on to this particular port which is for localhost So if browser tries to enter this particular thing, redirect him to, like, this is what you have to resolve. So I was, like, building an application where if you go to teachers-local.site, which is not actually a real domain, okay? So my browser, when internally will try to, you know, resolve the DNS, so this is the IP address will be returned.
So I don't have to really buy this domain for internal testing. So this is one... This is like an internal A record?
Yes, this is kind of like an internal A record. Do you know that whenever you type in localhost, you actually go on to the localhost? How this localhost is also resolved, you can see this. So, you know, when you say localhost, it actually resolves to or the IPv6 one. So it's not like that localhost is a reserved keyword.
When you type in localhost, it actually uses this file to see to which IP address you should, you know, point to. There is an A record already set for that. Exactly.
So there's an A record already set for that. So this is one file that you might be interested. You can also try to add more domains here.
So just add 127.0.1 and you can add anything here and try to visit. So you will see that you are actually redirected to the local host. And second file that you might be interested in that is resolve.config file.
Okay. This is basically your DNS settings. Okay.
So this DNS settings, basically you can see that for me, if I just, you know, scroll it up. you can see that for me the dns server is set up to this thing right which means currently whatsoever i'm doing on this web which dns server is getting used who is resolving my dns right who is resolving it for me it is my local router even my router has the capability to resolve it so currently who is use which dns server i'm using i'm using my local router so there are many popular dns servers but there are majorly two popular ones number one is a dns server from cloudflare which has the ip address of 8.8 oh sorry and second dns server is google which is right so what i can even do is for example if i want to do like ns lookup and i want to do pyushkar.dev right this will use which dns resolver my right that you just saw 192 that but i can actually say hey can you please use this dns server this dns server which is of cloudflare okay so this will basically go to the cloudflare's uh dns on port 53 and ask for stuff so you can see it made a request to port 53 and this is what is returned by the dns servers of cloudflare similarly i can even ask the google server so google server is also returning the same thing so these are the two files that you might want to check and if you think that your dns is slow maybe your router is low you can actually edit this dns uh this etc conf file and you can change your dns records to maybe you know because cloudflare's dns is very fast so then your computer will start to you know use to resolving the dns cool so i guess uh the way i understood is if we don't want our DNS resolution request to go over the public internet, we can resolve it internally using our router's IP address or our local DNS server, right? Yeah.
cool yeah i guess uh i guess yeah we we have covered everything uh yeah so thank you so much peuch this was wonderful and i'm sure everyone who's watching this video now have a clear understanding of dns um i i'm sure like i have told you this before like why we were doing this video is because from the next video we'll be looking into some uh networking stuff related to kubernetes itself like code dns and so on So I thought it would be a good idea to add a prerequisite to that because this series again is it was created from the beginner's perspective. So to need to understand core DNS, you need to know how DNS works, actually. And that is why we are doing this. And yeah, so thank you so much for doing this, sparing the time and sharing the valuable knowledge with everyone.
And I hope we'll connect. we'll connect sometime soon we'll collab more and it'll be a good learning experience for every one of us so yeah thank you thank you so much once again and i wish you have a good day also one thing like i am also watching your cka series and honestly i would recommend each one of you watching this video to view all the videos they're super high quality and i have seen the internal thing okay i have seen like how you have planned your curriculum so like hats off to your dedication And, you know, thank you so much for providing the Kubernetes high quality videos for free, of course. So, yeah, I would highly recommend to every viewer to see the series. I like personally really like the series and it's an absolute honor to be a part of it now.
Thank you so much. And yeah, and I never imagined like we'll be doing collab together because, you know, I have always watched your videos. I have always seen people posting about your, you know, about your videos on Twitter. So.
I still remember there are a few guys who say wake up babe, Piyush has uploaded a new video. And you know the video is how to build your own DNS server, how to build your own Docker hub, how to build your own whatever it is. So you know you are famous for that everywhere and it's fun watching those tweets, it's fun watching your videos.
And you know it's finally a great experience doing the collab with you. so yeah thank you so much same here so yeah okay bye bye everyone and take care okay thanks bye