Jul 22, 2024


Main Ideas and Key Points

Difference #1: Think Big vs. Think Small

  • Rich People: Think big, value their time highly.
  • Poor People: Focus on saving small amounts at the cost of time.

Difference #2: Results vs. Time

  • Rich People: Choose to get paid based on results.
  • Poor People: Choose to get paid based on time and effort.
  • STRATEGY: Work for the result, not for the salary.

Difference #3: “Both” vs. “Either/Or”

  • Rich People: Believe in abundance and want both.
  • Poor People: Believe in scarcity and choose one over the other.

Difference #4: Opportunities vs. Obstacles

  • Rich People: Focus on opportunities and potential.
  • Poor People: Focus on obstacles, risks, and what could go wrong.
  • STRATEGY: Focus on opportunities to get more opportunities.

Difference #5: Associations

  • Rich People: Associate with positive, successful people.
  • Poor People: Associate with negative or unsuccessful people.
  • STRATEGY: Study and model successful people.

Difference #6: Commitment

  • Rich People: Are committed and know exactly what they want.
  • Poor People: Just want to be rich without specific plans.

Difference #7: Promotion

  • Rich People: Promote themselves and their values.
  • Poor People: Think negatively about selling and promoting.
  • STRATEGY: Promoting is a duty if you believe in your product.

Difference #8: Life Control

  • Rich People: Believe they create their own life.
  • Poor People: Believe life happens to them.

Difference #9: Money Management

  • Rich People: Manage their money well.
  • Poor People: Mismanage their money.
  • STRATEGY: Use five accounts: Investment, Play, Education, Give, Expense.

Difference #10: Problem-Solving

  • Rich People: Are bigger than their problems.
  • Poor People: Are smaller than their problems.

Difference #11: Receiving

  • Rich People: Are excellent receivers.
  • Poor People: Are poor receivers.
  • STRATEGY: Accept compliments and gifts graciously.

Difference #12: Playing to Win

  • Rich People: Play the money game to win.
  • Poor People: Play the money game to not lose.

Difference #13: Money Working

  • Rich People: Have their money work hard for them.
  • Poor People: Work hard for their money.
  • STRATEGY: Create passive income to achieve financial freedom.

Difference #14: Net Worth

  • Rich People: Focus on their net worth.
  • Poor People: Focus on their working income.

Difference #15: Action

  • Rich People: Act despite fear.
  • Poor People: Let fear stop them.

Difference #16: Learning and Growth

  • Rich People: Constantly learn and grow.
  • Poor People: Think they already know.

Difference #17: Admiration

  • Rich People: Admire other rich and successful people.
  • Poor People: Resent rich and successful people.