Transcript for:
Shadow of the Earth Tree: Legendary Bosses Overview

there are so many awesome bosses in Shadow of the earth tree ranging from The Fairly familiar to wonderfully bizarre in their design and like me I'd imagine many of you were left wondering exactly who most of these bosses were where they came from and their purpose in the realm of Shadow so today we'll be looking at all 11 main legendary bosses in Shadow of the earth tree to answer as much as we can about the law and stories of each with some additional guidance for fighting them too feel free to use the time stamps if you're interested did in a particular boss but without further Ado let's Dive Right In so let's start off with the first legendary that myself and I imagine many of you will face in Shadow of the earthree in the theater towards the upper regions of bellat as we enter for the first time we'll awaken seemingly the Divine Beast dancing lion boss oh horn de beast from higher sphere delivered take root inside the tower sculpted Keepers and perched within we beg of thee rise the Cort cleans all the fty wo and those who plague the tong cleanse away the trumpet's fire The Voice that we hear for this scene is none other than horns sense grandom an old horns Cent woman residing in a locked store room below which can be opened with a key found on our way through bellat now she firmly believes that we are simply another of mesma Warriors sent once again to lay waste to the ruins and Destroy anything left in fact if we meet before fighting the Beast she'll question just why we a supposed mesma Ally are still attempting to lay waste to her Homeland she even threatens us with having to face the eye of the Divine beast and thus when we enter the theater she calls upon it to defend bellat once again but this isn't in fact the original purpose of the dancing lion nor in fact is it specifically a lion we're fighting but more so the channeled spirits of a lionlike Divine Beast notice how she asks it to take root inside the towers sculpted Keepers well that's because under the garments of this creature are actually the bodies of divine Beast Warriors of whom quote only those who truly excel at Divine invocation become sculpted Keepers and are granted the honor of the lion dance end quote that's something we learned from the Divine Beast Warrior armor looted later on from these guys at anim indeed the feet and the bodies of this Divine Beast are made up of two sculpted Keepers fully leaning into this creature's real life inspiration of Chinese lion dancing however the spirit Spirit of this creature is still very much present serving as a horn decked beast from higher sphere delivered the horn sent people originally seem to have been a very spiritual culture and this lion dance ritual was originally an homage to both the heavens and fury of nature but as we can learn from the remembrance when mesmer's Army assailed the tower the lion dance ritual was instead used as a means of defense and now when ha and grandom bids it to cleanse away the strumpets vi progeny she refers once again to mesma the strumpet of course being Amica who was behind mesma assault on the horn Center and her progeny her Offspring being mesma himself who's another boss that we'll come to in a later chapter but what I find most interesting about the dancing lion though is that it both is and kind of isn't this divine lionesque creature and the headpiece which we can loot after the fight explains this almost slightly grafted entity is brought to life by horn sense Gram's prayer a prayer to an entity who clearly has some divine power over the elements as a lion can call upon storms frosts lightning and more what isn't clear though is exactly where the Beast heads come from whether a lionesque creature is sent from a higher plane to be decapitated and fashioned into ritual headwear or whether the horns scent Simply Fashion this head themselves from unliving material I say this because in the cuts scene where the lion stands up the sculpted keeper slams its lower jaw into place in an almost mechanical kind of way and if these Divine beasts whatever their actual body looks like are so revered and respected I struggle to see the horns sent first killing them even if it's to channel their Furious Spirits later and make no mistake this boss is furiously aggressive diving spinning and spitting Elemental attacks with little chance to recover luckily we can summon Freya for this fight and she can take a lot of that aggro if you want to just solo it then maybe go stuck up on Shadow tree fragments first and if you want an even greater challenge then there's actually a second dancing lion over in the ruins of Ral with the additional attack of death blight breath I covered that in more detail in this previous video of bosses you don't want to miss but knowing what we know now about the puppet nature of the dancing Beast it makes this one's death blight abili even more Curious I theorized before that it had something to do with the heads of Godwin bar in the catacombs below whose dissol body naturally spreads a form of death so perhaps the horns sense outer gods of the elements is utilizing Godwin's death blight to its own ends but if you want more info on all of that then do go check out the previous video specifically the chapters on death Knights and this dancing lion as to the one back in bellat defeating it and wearing its head for ourselves then speaking to Horn and grandom will allow her quest line to advance truly convincing her that we ourselves are in fact a sculpted keeper and you'll want to do that before defeating mesma as she too will request that you exact Vengeance in the name of her people so to sum up the Divine Beast dancing lion is a puppet comprised of devout horns Cent Warriors and puppeted through Prayer by an elemental being of divinity probably an outer god of the elements next up is one of my favorite boss fights in terms of combat and in fact soundtrack Rana twin moonnight can be found at the end of Castle Enis a princess of Kian descent and not to be mistaken for her twin sister ranala whom we of course fight and eventually use for respecing back in the base game rala also had three children with rigan Mar's other half and they were Redan Reichard and Luna princess Ronnie so Rana would also be Aunt to them but unlike her twin sister who would eventually become Kian Queen Rana according to her remembrance disavowed her Birthright and chose to stand at mma's side instead knowing full well that not even the Brilliance of the Moon could Grant him sucker before long she became known as The Sword of mesma so whilst her sister ranala courted the literal other half of America rigan Rana similarly pledged her Allegiance in a way to America though from that description it sounds almost as though Rana was unrequitedly infatuated with MES giving up everything despite knowing that he would never love her back and by love I don't necessarily mean in the Romantic sense there's not a whole lot of evidence for that but perhaps more a total Devotion to mma's cause which we'll cover in his chapter from this remembrance we can get two more items firstly rana's twin blades which appear to represent this Union between karia and mesmer's Crusade with one serving as a shining glint Stone piece whilst the other Burns a light with mma's flame perhaps the closest thing to Union between the two that drana could ever achieve the twin Moon sorcery though appears to be more connected with her sister ranala after all from rala herself we can gain a very similar sorcery of just a singular moon in fact the same goes for ral's singular sword it feels almost like Rana just wants to one up her sister in a sense and whilst ral's moon is described as an entity she encountered when younger rana's twin moons are described in much the same way explaining that renala and Rana discovered together a set of twin moons which at the time were overlapping as though nestled against one another and when Rana went to the shadow realm and renala stayed in liania I guess each world ended up with one Moon each explaining the skies when we go there and Rana didn't head into the shadow realm alone either with her she brought an elite guard of Karan Mages and her Chamberlain mrail who was also according to her sword a friend to the trolls who served the royal family and she proudly wielded their weapons as she foughts arm in-arm with her gargantuan comrades Moon ral's involvement in this offshoot of Karan royalty in fact probably explains the spectral troll guarding the Ral way gate just outside castal lenis who's worth defeating by the way for a nice bouncy of smithing Stones these followers of Rana were said to have left their Homeland with an unparalleled devotion and according to the rana's Cameo Talisman said by your leave we will accompany you wherever your Luna vessel takes you now when it says Luna vessel I'm curious to hear your thoughts on what that could be as far as I can tell the moons of Elden ring aren't simply large spatial bodies but rather entities outer gods in their own right lunar princess Rani rana's niece back in the base game May call upon the wisdom of the Moon to usher in her age of stars where the lands between is left more to offend for itself but is no longer subjugated by the greater will could the moon ranat have been another such outer God and could it have served as her Luna vessel guiding her through life I think certainly Luna magic does originate from Outer Moon gods that renala and Rana met in their youth but I'd love to hear your thoughts on these lunar aspects of the law so with her Elite guard it appears as though Rana has been eternally tasked with guarding castal lenis serving as a Midway defense between the horn Cent city of bellat and mesmer's shadowkeep and if we want to defeat this Speedy Twin Blade glint Stone wielding boss then again summoning leer for the fight can offset a lots of rana's aggro from us whilst very Nimble Rana does not often leap from foot to fo across the arena in less than a second like other bosses but otherwise I found a bleed build helped to drain her health pretty quick and not being overly greedy with attacks unless you can break her stance watch out for the big moon slam towards the end of the fight too which requires some well timed jumping and good luck in defeating this Karan Warrior Luna princess mesma may seem like a major villain of the DLC and he is though he has a lot more Nuance than that as we'll see he's one of the only bosses we need to defeat to progress the expansion and he is by no means easy the grace of God sh all death in the Embrace of mesma flame this quote I'm sure we're all overly familiar with and it more or less sums up the motivation behind mesma Crusade you see at one point in time Marica and her golden order sought to eradicate the horn Cent people and it appears she told mesma that this was a cleansing action removing those that aren't part of the greater Will's plan so that all may come under the rain of the golden order and as we've established the ancient horn sent Culture worship another outer God one tied in with the elements and divine beasts they are Untouched by the grace of gold and thus must meet death in the Embrace of mesmer's flame mesma amica's son sent to lead this violent crusade to burn away all opposition for the glory of the golden order or at least that's what mesma thinks in actuality amica's motives are far more fueled by Vengeance and in the hinterland region behind the shadow keep only accessible after performing the oh mother gesture guarded by two earthree Sentinels we can come to the shaman Village a completely empty settlement but more a wash with life than anywhere else in the shadow realm here we can find a minor her tree which America used to bathe her Village in Gold knowing full well that there was nobody left to heal she also gifted to somebody called the grandmother one Golden Braid of her hair an offering it would seem in return for a prayer or a wish or a confession perhaps at least it's my theory that it's most likely the latter you see the shamans of the shaman Village didn't just up and vanish from here they were taken by the horn sent to the Bonnie village where through a grotesque ritual the Flesh of multiple people would be pulped and congealed into one repulsive entity then stuffed into living jars and it said that the Flesh of shans especially was most attractive to the horn Cent as it melded harmoniously with others as to why the horn scent conducted this ritual at all well they seem to believe that this is the means by which shamans would achieve sainthood and the fact that most of these jars could be found in the underground Jails of the Shadow realm perhaps suggests that the flesh melded to the shamans was that of criminals perhaps the horn Cent sought to purify sin by combining Sinners with the seemingly innocent Chans though that's just my speculation whatever their motives it's clear that Mar later sought revenge in the name of her Village the Fate suffered by her people was after all disgusting and stirred her eye tremendously bringing us back to her son mesma now we don't Know mma's full parentage not for certain but it seems he was born before the likes of Godwin morgot and mo Amica and Godfrey's children perhaps even being born into the shaman Village itself but of all his siblings and half siblings he seems most alike to melenia and Mika who both are also cursed leading me to speculate that those two are not the first children born of a union between Mara and rigan two halves of the same person and that in fact the two had conceived this secret child together before splitting off to marry Godfree and rala respectively the story trailer shows Amica ascending to godhood at the Gate of divinity having plucked a Golden Braid from something or someone the seduction and the Betrayal an affair from which gold rose and so too was Shadow born I think perhaps the affair could be speaking of marica's later marriage to Godfrey which ultimately resulted in the founding of the golden order this would have ended the first secret Union between Mar and rigan which according to this Theory would have produced both mesma and melan indeed the item mma's kindling says quote mesma much like his younger sister or a vision of Fire end quote and whilst both melenia and Ronnie could also qualify as mma's younger sisters it is of course melan who's destined to serve as the kindling that will light the Earth tree of flame and whilst I'd love to dive into this melaner Theory more here given the number of bosses to cover in this video let's try and stick with mesma moving on to his curse you see as we learn when we meet him a malevolent snake wried within mesma a being known as the a serpent which Mara Locked Away by placing into mma's eye socket a seal of Grace and it's also said in his remembrance that this is the reason mesma was banished or sent to the shadow realm keeping company with the original sin and a hatred that would not be confined now I'm not certain yet what the original sin is referring to but if this is a contained reference to Mar's founding of the golden order I would assume once again that it's the horn sense Act of forcing shamans into jars those events and marica's vengeful war that followed are all things she'd rather seal off from the lands between all of its too corrupted to ever be purified into the golden order now mesma flame is also described as a dark thing eaten away at by a wicked Serpent and it's capable of burning the ceiling tree which it appears was a device used by the horn Senter to conceal anyim from mesma forces now according to the mesma orb incantation he despised his own fire time and time again he hoped to rid himself of it but ever did it burn and this presents two theories either a mesma hates the ACC csed base serpent inhabiting his flesh and the flame that comes from within it or be that once in an attempt to rid himself of the flame that he may have been born with he invited the base serpent to consume it hoping that it would cleanse himself of the flame for good only for the base serpent to also become a part of him cursing the poor demigod twice over resulting in the placements of marica's seal and his imprisonment in the shadow realm the fire serpent incantation is described to launch a serpentine flame that bends and curls in pursuit of its foe taught to the fire knits as a substitute after mma's own flame would not find purchase within them so mesma despite hating his own flame also it seems attempted to imbue his fire nights with it this was presumably done in an attempt to further deliver Mar's Vision as when she did seek venance against the horn sensor mesma made himself a symbol of fear undertaking the cleansing Crusade she desired direct thy maledictions thine ey and thy grief towards me alone mesma was so loyal to his mother that he s to take complete blame for the atrocities inflicted in his burning Crusade and make no mistake much as we've looked at things from mma's perspective so far what he did to the horn sense was atrocious sure some of them started it by putting shamans into jars but the name mesma the Impaler only begins to describe mesmer's actions in his campaign during which Stacks upon stacks of bodies were piled high and impaled on spikes the fire giant Golems additionally were created specifically as these huge furnaces into which countless victims would be thrown and even the majority of divine beasts were gored and hung upon mesma Spears then burned in his flame creatures born of the primordial Crucible whose only crime was to be Untouched by the grace of gold and remember mesma very likely didn't know that Marica was doing any of this to get revenge for the shaman Village he was willing to slaughter the horns sent people simply because horned Omens were seen as a vile affront to the golden order or at least that's what horns Cent believes who we can summon in the mesma fight as an ally and who understandably is desperate for Revenge my Clan's suffering their pain all that they felt do you understand now your ugliness going back to the base serpent though and it seems Marica seal wasn't the only thing keeping this creature locked away and the additional winged serp would become a token creature of mma's military forces a wise friend keeping the base serpent at Bay and holding its power in check according to the helm dropped by cou captain of the fites just outside mma's own Arena but mma's own Helm also expands on the winged serpents a little more describing them as constant companions which have been with mesma from when the base serpent was sealed behind his eye accompanying him through his eternity of suffering and Contin to accompany him even after destroying Mar's Grace keeping the base serpent at Bay in fact let's look a bit more at just why mesma does this during the fight with us which happens at pretty much the Midway point of his health where begging for America's forgiveness he opts to pluck out her seal and let loose the base serpent as he believes that now to be the only way to defeat us for the entire fight in fact from the moment we enter the room mesma struggles to fathom just why his mother America would sanction for us to become Elden Lords after all we are at tarnished and thus stripped of the grace of gold and banished from the lands between becoming part of the very thing mesma swore to destroy and so true to his purpose he would rather unleash the monster within him than concede defeat to us but after another 50 tries once you finally learn the timings of these giant writhing snakeheads that doesn't work for mesma either and and finally faced with his defeat mesma for the first time seemingly ever falters in his loyalty to his mother America a curse upon me and it's no small faltering either it's not oh mother why hast thou abandoned me it's a full 180 a realization that this tarnished has been granted by America enough Grace not just to defeat him but the base serpent too and ultimately the suffering mesma endured here at marica's behest all the slaughtering and impaling he did only ultimately led to his abandonment and death we don't know exactly how long mesma held out here loyal to America not specifically but we do know that it was a very very long time during which mesma not only stood as Victor over the defeated horns sense but also faced Rebellion from in amongst his own ranks the Black Knight Commander Andreas and his son Captain Hugh are both ashes which could be found in the fog rft and Scorpion River catacombs respectively these guys too like Rana abandoned the grace of the earth tree to follow in mma's Crusade but when learning of his true Serpentine nature attempted to Rebel leading to their imprisonment in underground tombs and mesma mourning the loss of his brothers in arms and whilst plenty of Black Knights still remained loyal to him by theend and it's really the fites who were truly mesma most loyal and whilst it seems they couldn't be granted the power of mesma flame directly there are plenty who ran Fire magic experiments of their own Sala the sage for one an elite Knight guarding the passage to the ruins of raal will drop a rain of fire incantation and a swollen Hood he's described as having a disdain for barbarism even though his Supreme skill with fire LEDs to him burning more Villages than any other it may even be he who burnt down the Church of the butt which will'll come to later though eventually it seems that salsa did make a stand refusing to burn down one old ruin at risk of his own life his Elder wo can also be defeated down in the church district and he is caught in the midst of a much more Sinister experiment involving mma's flame commanding to some corpses fire take seed in them in an attempt at Resurrection this is further accounted on the death mask Helm we can loot after defeating him and describes the flame ridden bodies he brought to life as utterly soulless though what this does tell us is that mesma flame can be used albeit fleetingly to animate the debt though the second they reach us they will immediately explode which I guess hammers home the idea that mesma flame is purely meant for destructive means the last fite we're going to talk about is that of Hilda an ashes found at the very top of this huge library in the shadow keep which is kind of awkward to get to and involves timing to counterweight elevators but finally obtaining the ashes it reads quote Hilda was a dear friend to salsa the sage and joined those who urged that these specimens be preserved Hilda's ashes were enshrined as a charm to protect the storehouse end quote so much like salsa this fire night didn't want to burn the remnants of the horns Cent Society completely and it seems was a major voice in commissioning the construction of this ginormous Library which as it turns out is housing the knowledge of the entire horn Cent culture it explains the existence of the secret right scroll for instance which provides insight into how one would use the Divine Gateway at the concealed enim to become a God and I think overall in agreeing to preserve the knowledge of the horn Cent culture mesma at least displays a decent amount of wisdom if not straight up compassion he's doing his job at the behest of his mother still of course though she only said to kill all those devoid of Grace not to destroy every memory and reference of their culture so overall whilst mesma May at first appear to straight up be a villain I would also say he's partly a victim to the abandonments of his mother we've talked a lot about mesma just now but given how prominent he is in the story I'm certain there'll be more details I've missed so please comment below your thoughts theories and additional info but with that it's on to the next legendary boss which just so happens to be mma's best friend Commander gas found just north of the Shadow keep in the shadow view region via the secret elevator at the back of the storehouse and when first entering this region it's clear that gas is guarding the passageway up to the shadow tree chalice and will charge towards us with insane speed as we become trapped inside the arena and you can see me panicking realizing that a fog wall has actually just come down here and how There's No Escape gas is a very tough fight well at least he was for my build and is kind of like a more difficult charging tree Sentinel though we can cheese him a bit by immediately going behind this corner to bring in our summons so I hope that's useful you'll notice through the fight that gas heavily resorts to gravity magic much like radan and when finally defeating him we can uncover plenty of law to explain this starting with gas's remember reading quote both were as Elder Brothers to the lion and were cursed from birth in spite of or perhaps because of this very reason gas was both mma's friend and the leader of his men end quote and presumably that's meaning military commander of mesma entire Army seeing as his Black Knights fire Knights and the rest each have their own appointed individual leader within their own groups the lion referred to here is no doubt talking about Redan and indeed gas's armor confirmed that both he and Redan were taught their gravitational techniques by the same Alabaster Lord presumably around a similar time as the blades of stone sorcery describes gas and Redan as good rivals in their youth the sorcery a product of their friendly competition this also however confirms that mesma once served as an elder brother to radan literally of course he was his half brother but it seems as though he also had a hand in raising what would one day grow up to be argu arguably the most powerful but also kindly Lord it once again lends Credence to the idea that mesma isn't out andout evil but also suggests that he spent some time in the lands between presumably before the lands between and Shadow realm were separated and since we know that Mika knew the younger ran too perhaps it's no stretch to assume that mesma and Mika also knew one another but we're getting off topic here back to gas and the remembrance also mentions his curse now how is gas cursed exactly well after defeating him head into the region Beyond and before looting your five Shadow tree fragments from The Chalice head directly west to the aloric shack defeat the wolf Rider and loot gas's Greaves something gas himself could never wear as he was in fact an aloric people made by human hands from the primordial de or silver teers who since they aren't given Life by the Earth tree are thus considered Untouched by its Grace additionally they are all cursed to lose the use of their legs and eventually their lives thus any Warrior Alban orics are forced to ride into battle at top mounts most including gas's female companion ride with white wolves but for guas it was a massive very difficult to dodge ball whom it said he was never without after all how could he stride into battle at a moment's notice if not always at Top This Magnificent beast but why then is K is stationed down here out the back of the keep why isn't he guarding the front entrance or just up there keeping mesma company the two after all were friends and well you see there's something that doesn't quite add up here gas's Alban oric extraction makes him graceless and as we've heard mesma say a million times now those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death gas and mesma should be enemies but it appears thanks to the bond in their use which presumably was before Mar's Crusade mesma could or would not kill gas and we've seen how devoted this guy is to his mother the lengths he'll go to to carry out her will even shouldering all the blame afterwards for himself and so I think perhaps gas placed himself up here in an entirely separated region well below the shadowkeep and sealed off to from the Hinterlands amica's empty home which is instead guarded by tree Sentinel perhaps the reason gas attacks us when we enter here is that he thinks we're an agent of mesma finally sent to finish his job and also who is the aloric companion located just beyond I mean you'd think gas might get a free pass from mesma but her perhaps she's his second in command or maybe even his lover the sharpshot Talisman found in her Shack at least indicates that she was an elite Archer and who else is gas going to guard this gate for if not the one that he loves alternatively gas may just be trapped here imprisoned by mesma as a compromise to not killing him but never able to leave after all somebody had gas's Grieves fashioned as a cruel joke and again perhaps that was mesma kitting out his aloric Commander to spend his days in the shadow view region then again this whole Theory would need to suggest that gas was only leader of mesma men before this crusade in the shadow realm before America bade mesma kill all those without Grace for the glory of the golden order and perhaps instead gas simply was mma's commander even through this Crusade and for whatever reason an exception was made for Alba orx it's just difficult to see that being the case when they were so heavily persecuted by the golden order back in the lands between something else we mustn't Overlook though is the shadow tree chalice found here at the base of this huge structure at the northernmost point of the Shadow realm with the largest collection of five Shadow tree fragments all in one place as well as a collection of skeletons containing blessed bone shards the remains of Warriors touched by the shadow tree and said to be the greatest honor that can be granted to the dead now there's a lot of speculation as to what exactly the purpose of this chalice is and if you ask me I think it's a means of honoring the dead in the shadow realm the place that all death ultimately drifts after all a chalice is like a Holy Goblet and when we enter the shadow realm for the first time we see from a perfect angle the shadow tree pouring its sap right into this huge structure which itself has a curved chalice likee shape too it appears this entire thing is incredibly sacred to the people of the Shadow realm and whilst I still take issue with gas an aloric escaping mesma flame perhaps he simply has been tasked with guarding such a holy sight used to bless the remains of the Deads though this is all getting way into Shadow tree territory bringing us on to the next boss nestled between Shadow View and the hinterland or be it located deep below through a secret passage in the drained Church District we can come through a tunnel across a wooden bridge and into the tree worship sanctum a place that clearly followers of America used to congregate at implying that the shadow tree too would was worshipped once upon a time but now guarding the fatted almost oily landscape beyond the sanctum is this sunflower Guardian the shadow tree Avatar a boss that I really started off enjoying but by the end I was getting very Fed Up of dying in round three it fulfills the same role as ER tree avatars of course but in terms of design differs wildly and to understand its purpose here I think we have to briefly look back to the Earth tree avatars much more stump likee in appearance and numerous around the land between it said in the staff of the Avatar description that these avatars only emerged in the wake of the Elden Rings shattering determined to serve as protectors for the withering Earth trees Offspring so they're not really there for the sake of the earth tree at all but rather the minor more vulnerable Earth trees yet the shadow tree Avatar specifically inhabits the base of the Shadow tree presumably guarding these once sacred grounds and takes on the wildly different form of a sunflower head attached to impenetrable Thorns the remembrance of the sunflower begins to shine light on this reading quote the shadow tree is the shadow of the earth tree born of dark Notions that bear no sense of order that twist and bend its stock rendering it brittle end quote so whilst the Earth tree is a holy Beacon of the lands between a uniform golden structure representing the grace of the golden order the shadow tree represents exactly what this realm is disordered twisted and mostly devoid of Grace a land steeped in so much war that Amica sealed it off to serve as a shadow of the lands between before ultimately abandoning it and all those within the shadow tree fragments themselves describe the tree as crumbling from its core scattering itself across the shadow realm for the pieces to be collected and used in prayer sending out splinters as opposed to the Earth trees golden seeds the impenetrable Thorn sorcery found in the shadowkeep storehouse literally allows us to replicate a signature move of the Shadow tree Avatar therefore I believe its description speaks something to this sunflower motivation quote sorcery of those who abandoned the practice of incantations after devout Faith rewarded them with only despair the image of the Twisted Shadow tree is an edict denounce their ways do them harm for they have abandoned us end quote clearly there's a great deal of bitterness from those who worship the shadow tree feeling utterly abandoned by the golden order and wanting revenge for such Mal treatment going back again to mesma for a second he in his final moments denounces and curses Marica upon finally realizing this whole time that he too has been abandoned though I expect many of his followers would have realized this a long time before and notice around the church dist even in the very tree worship sanctum the statues of America have all been beheaded no doubt by those bitterly fulfilling the Edict of the Shadow tree there's also an ulcerated tree spirit in the church District once we drain it which seems to emerge from this similar shadow-like tree and this one will drop the mantle of thorns reading almost identically only with the edict saying quotes spurn all that exists wound all that exists for we have been abandoned and end quote okay so it's saying basically the same thing but this time it's much more extreme the bitterness is directed outwards at anything and everything and I may be stretching here but the edict is seemingly becoming more Extreme as we draw closer to the shadow tree avatar from Trading its remembrance at the finger reader we can obtain two more things the first is the shadow sunflower Blossom the head of the creature to be wielded as a weapon this description draws particular attention to how a second store winds tightly around the first likening it to a tender Embrace and indeed the shadow tree is one of the many parts of the Elden ring Universe it seems that represents a duality the same as Mar and rakan Godfrey and horu Ronnie and Godwin and as we'll look at later Redan and Mika this duality of the Shadow tree is also present in the Avatar's land of Shadow incantation channeling the shadow trees power its gold is accompanied by Shadow unlike the Earth tree which is purely gold yet as we can see the shadow tree isn't entirely just a shadow of the earth tree after all it leaks its own golden sap which is more than could be said for the Earth tree and this sap is clearly sacred enough for people to build a ginormous ritualistic chalice structure in order to collect it and bless their fallen Warriors these blessed bone fragments can be used to craft some Warth stones and again these stones are more powerful versions of basic warming Stones crafted from Earth tree material I think it's clear at this point that this sap falling from the shadow tree is actually more holy and more powerful than anything we can find in the lands between now the primordial Crucible is said to be where all life originated and I believe the duw from the shadow tree is a direct connection to that Crucible on the aspect of The Crucible Thorns incantation dropped by the golden hippopotamus we can learn that before the shadow realm became and shrouded in Shadow the Vitality of The Crucible flourished manifesting itself in the Divine beasts that inhabited this land similarly the Blessed due Talisman explains that once the Earth tree dripped with the same sap but eventually ran dry making the tree more an object of Faith nowadays and the shadow tree with its sap dripping still glows with far more power than the earth tree in the ruins of RA we can also defeat an enemy called devonia oldest of the Cru Knights who left the lands between In Search Of The Crucible origin drawn here no doubt as well by the still flowing sap of the Shadow tree back in the avatars Arena we can also Harvest Shadow sunflowers another reflection of the golden sunflowers around the earth tree with these ones being uniquely covered in impenetrable thorns and suffused with profound Holiness much akin to the shadow tree itself now that's a very interesting description and suggests these sunflowers also Al to be more holy than those growing around the earth tree perhaps implying that the disorder of nature is still more powerful than the regimented golden order or perhaps any of the other orders to have come before it the shadow tree may now be brittle and Shattered by what's happened to this realm but it wasn't always and with the sanctum found down here it's clear that even marica's followers also worshiped the shadow tree long ago perhaps before her betrayal of the horns Cent and her crew state so coming back to the Avatar itself its chaotic contorted thorny design represents more the chaos of Nature and also perhaps manifests the bitterness felt by many who've been abandoned in this realm towards the ER Tre the other curious item that the shadow tree Avatar drops though the main reason you want to power through the three stages and defeat it in fact is the remains of micha's great Rune said to be relinquished by Micha broken and bereft of its Bounty it retained not but the power to resist charms Mika set off for the tower enshrouded by Shadow abandoning everything his golden flesh his blinding strength even his fate all in an effort to bury the original sin to embrace the whole of it and be reborn as a new God we'd best come back to a lot of that in the final chapter of this video covering Redan and Mika now functionally this Rune is very useful in that final boss fight for dispelling micha's heart stealing charm but the main thing I'm left wondering is just Why Micha divested the remains of his great Rune to the shadow tree Avatar specifically and whilst that isn't 100% clear what is more clear is when as you approach the shadow keep for the first time you'll hear a shattering sound ring out somewhere a great Rune has broken and so too has a powerful charm this Rune is destroyed literally as we're in the shadow realm suggesting that Micha may even have been down here alongside the shadow tree Avatar very recently before us presumably as part of his quest to anir ilim shedding off every part of himself the great room too then was something that had to go but why bring it to the shadow tree Avatar does this thing have a specific ability to destroy great runes with its deeper connection to The Crucible or is there perhaps a more ritualistic sense to it does the Avatar destroying a great Rune of the earth tree succeed in burying the Earth tre's original sin perhaps handing it over to something older more chaotic and much more powerful whatever the case it appears the shadow tree and by extension its Avatar played a vital role in micha's Ascension to godhood something again we'll come back to a few tips for fighting this very fascinating boss though make sure at the end of each stage to come around and land a crits on the flower heads to immediately knock off 25% of its health for the next round also staying close to this one can actually avoid most most of its attacks say for these ground spikes annoyingly and in round three when it starts doing this I highly recommend you run good luck if you haven't completed it already it's a fun fight and one of the best pieces of prep for the last notoriously difficult boss Ramina saint of the bud is the next compulsory boss whom we'll have to defeat at the ruins of raal in order to burn the ceiling tree with mesmer's flame very unique in design Romina is clearly Affiliated heavily with Scarlet rots though unlike Melania who originally resisted her internal rots Romina didn't and appeared much more eager to embrace it and it said in romina's remembrance after the church was burned to the ground Ramina discovered a twisted Divine element which she weaved into the baleful Scarlet rot perhaps then the buds might find somewhere to gain purchase once more within the scorched remains end quote now this event we can actually see taking place in the story trailer amidst the fire and Carnage of mesmer's crusade kneeling amidst burning ruins is Ram before her transformation holding in speechless silence a bud that bud would become her blade and the rotten butterflies an incantation we can obtain alongside the pole blade of the bud are described as alike to the goddess of rots Wings bereft of a master they were soothed by Ramina who reached out to them so effectively after her church was burned burned and Ramina knelt in speechless silence she discovered a twisted Divine element this set in motion her transformation from human into an amalgam of centipede scorpion type centor thing and the description may appear to imply that Ramina through partnership with an outer God created the Scarlet rots and whilst I think that's partially true I think it only applies to the Scarlet rots found at the ruins of raal this stuff of a more pinkish Hue back in the base game the blue dancer charm describes how melenia under tutelage of a blue dancing fairy sealed away an ancient god a God that was rot itself so it appears the rot God is a being well beyond just rina's church and it stated on the lake of rot map fragment that this is a place where in the Divine Essence of an outer God is sealed away so no I don't think Romina created Scarlet rot as a concept entirely I mean if she had then you'd expect her to be a tougher opponent but it appears she did resort to using an element of the rod God's power to rebuild the Church of the but after it was destroyed by mesma the pest thread Spears found behind the stairs towards the temple speak of the Kindred of rot pests who back in the lands between serve as the Forsaken abandoned Servants of the rot goddess yet in the saint of the buds who did choose to take them in they found finally a mother it's the same deal as the rotten butter flies all were rejected by melenia who refused to come into her true godhood but no doubt in attempting to rebuild the Church of the Bud's power Ramina saw these abandoned creatures as valuable allies who desired only to fulfill their purpose as servants to the Scarlet rot similarly the terrifying giant spider scorpions a native being to the realm of Shadow are described in their ashes only to have grown to this extreme size under the meddling of the Church of the buts another means for Ramina to bolster her defenses and protect the Church of the buds from ever being assailed again well until we come along and perhaps also the Scorpion tale Ramina took on came as a result of her meddling with spider scorpions overall Ramina shares many similarities with melenia representing the type of being melenia may have morphed into had she embraced her role as goddess sooner but whilst Rina would achieve sainthood by giving into to the Scarlet Rod's Decay she would was not an Imperium and thus never was destined to become a rot goddess but the Church of the buds buds were forever changed into Scarlet buds that will now never again come into bloom another thing that the Church of the Bud also had the task of was defending the ceiling tree located on a platform behind the church adorned with yet more butd statues a tree very similar in design to the shadow tree itself and projecting a giant thorny illusion that obscured was the city of enim in Shadow now I would guess from the fact that mesma forces marched through the church before and the ceiling tree wasn't burned that doing so may never have been part of mma's plan and perhaps anyim was supposed to remain obscured by Shadow hiding the Gate of divinity then again we also know that the fire Mage Sala did refuse to burn one of the ancient ruins and perhaps that was the ceiling tree or maybe it was simply planted later on and thereafter Ed by the new Scarlet rotted Church of the butt I don't know this whole aspect is still something of a mystery but overall R seems to represent what happens in this world when one chooses to embrace the Scarlet rods Decay and all the dennant that live amongst the rots it illustrates that the Scarlet rots doesn't spell just an all consuming death like the frenzied flame say but rather a rebirth into something new Ramina wasn't killed by the Scarlet rots after all but reborn into something far more powerful thereafter brandishing her Bud as a weapon to defend her church and likely the ceiling tree Beyond from any further Invasion deep below the Cerulean Coast we can find the stone coffin Fisher now these huge Stone coffins littered across the Cilan Coast are described to be of Unknown Origin seemingly drifting to this place to be watched over by the keepers of the spirit Graves the rings of spectral light sorcery also describes this place as where all death ultimately drifts the same message also found at the tower of suppression and the Cerulean Coast specifically is not a bad place to wind up at in death I guess with its beautiful blue flowers but in the Fisher below ground even more of these Stone coffins seem to coales though this isn't the only secret how within the fure as buried in the depths even further below is the garden of Deep Purple pretty much seen as described and guarded by the malformed putrescent Knight and its Steed armed with a Cleaver of human bones and a seeming ability to mold its form much like the silver tears of nocon this is a tough boss with moves forcing us to dodge not only the knights but also its separate Steed at the same time fortunately if we've spoken to tiia and progressed his storyline he'll be able to lend a small amount of help down here he'll at least draw some of the boss's aggro and with the pesent Knight defeated we can begin to decipher just what it was starting with its remembrance which reads quote all tainted flesh eventually becomes pesent and this clump of it em bibed St Trina's nectar which granted it Eternal rest and so it was that pesant became her Knight end quote yes this is the guardian of St Trina and after defeating it we can meet her in a small cave just beyond now St Trina is the other half of michola and just as Mika divested every other part of himself across the lands of Shadow he too Cast Away St Trina his love as is described by the Fisher cross and back above on the Cerulean Coast we can see that in order to be able to do this Micha First cast aside his doubt and vacillation allowing him to have no quals about abandoning St Trina a nearby ghost in this region will also comment on this saying kindly Micha I see you've thrown away something you should not have under any circumstances how will you salvation offer to those who cannot be saved when you could not even save your other self end quote indeed for all micha's talk of a Thousand-Year Voyage Guided by compassion it does seem particularly hypocritical when he has divested himself of Love casting St Trina into the very depths where all death will ultimately drift to and like so many living in the realm of Shadow St Trina took who became abandoned as her velvet sword describes now em bibing her nectar and dying multiple times she'll eventually reveal that she doesn't want Mika to become a God that Divinity would be his cage and instead she'd like us to kill him and I guess by extension her I might go into more detail on St Trina herself in another video because we should really get back to the putrescent night we know that it took on this form by eming St Trina's nectar but what was it originally well around the rest of the Fisher we can fight several clumps that drop the ingredients congealed pesant revealing that this is what remains of the impure lives kept within the stone coffins oozing out of them to become something not too dissimilar to the silver tears of nocon and indeed the putrescent knight's more flowing form is very reminiscent of those molded entities albeit with some bones thrown in the mix and the mass and Vortex of putrescent sorcery also reveal that quote in an age long past death was burned by ghost flame even the remains of Tainted flesh were given equal treatment in death end quote so effectively before the Earth tree ghost flame was used as a form of cremation presumably allowing body to separate from Soul but what happens to the remains well according to the knight's remembrance all tainted flesh eventually becomes pesent and the tainted remains inside all these Stone coffins that drifted to the fure would it seems eventually coagulate into this as we make our way along these coffins in fact we can see some measures have been taken to defend against the emerging pesent in the form of these same Sentry stones that guard the ever jails and none of the congealed pences are living within sight of these Guardians I think given the coagulated properties of the PED Knight how it seems formed out of droplets of an Essence I think it possible that canal pesant could actually be what remains of silver tears the fissure is very similar in tone to the Eternal City of nocon and I think that may be because nocon is where the stone coffins originally floated in from and since here All Flesh even the tainted remains of beings crafted from Silver teers like Alban oric was all burned in ghost flame I believe this is what gave putrescence its bruise color it's at the very least a big contrast to the concealed flesh of the jars which maintain their fleshy color suggesting the formation of congealed putrescent must at least be wildly different to that ritual and whilst I can't confirm it its origin as life made of silver teers would fit both with the coloration and it being labeled as tainted flesh the Alban orics after all were reviled as impure for being crafted by human hands then again I think it could also be possible that this is the ghost flame burned flesh of her peoples like the Chans after all it's said that they melled together and Mell with others exceptionally well whatever the case this would thus make the putrescent Knight an amalgam of silver tears or Chans burned in ghost flame then buried in a stone coffin underground we can then see how it oozed and dripped into the garden of Deep Purple below and after eming St Trina's nectar took on the form of her protector The Shining night that she no doubt longed for for after having been abandoned by her other half however since pesent can't quite do what silver teers can to the same level of quality the end result is this curved contorted entity which needs to rely on their help of Bones to hold its structure together but it's incredibly deadly all the same with its own use of ghost flame making this Theory even stronger in my eyes too but I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one as I'm sure there's other ways we could swing the ultimate origin of the pessa night meta is an old being the first Envoy of the greater will sent to the lands between seemingly long long before the Elden Beast she is the great mother of all the two fingers and all finger creepers that spread across the lands thereafter but today she is located deep below the Manis meta Cathedral and to get to her we'll first have to complete the quest line of Emir which in doing so will clear up a lot of the additional law when first meeting eir he'll come across as immediately friendly giving us the whole Laden necklace and a ruined map leading to the first finger ruins of Ria he incites us to travel there and in the center ring the hanging bell implying it is purely to our benefit to go and do this and I mean it is to her benefit we'll see why so coming to this ruin we see it's this ginormous structure of sprouting fingers which centralizes around a large hanging bell now looking down from above on the map even the ruins themselves are shaped like a fingerprint or specifically like the heads of mattera whilst we'll eventually learn that she inhabits her own plane linked to another grounds perhaps these then serve as her physical manifestations in the lands between her breeding grounds if you will where fingers are sprung up from these shoots below another another revelation after ringing the bell is that the fingers were instrumental in the planting of the earth tree the ancient Crimson seed Talisman here is is alike to the one from the lands between only this one is also grasped by the two fingers implying that it was they behind its creation it's the same case with the Cerulean seed Talisman found at the second set of ruins further to the north and note the proximity of this one to the shaman Village above where Marica originated from it wouldn't be a stretch to assume that Amica came into contact with the two fingers here thus beginning her relationship to the greater will and event ual Ascension to godhood except it wouldn't necessarily be a relationship to the greater will but rather just to the two fingers you see Upon returning to Emir after ringing the first Bell we can straight up ask him about the nature of the world and what he reveals is eye opening to say the least I fear that you have borne witness to the whole of it the conceits the hypocrisy of the world built upon the Earth tree the father holes of men their bitter suffering is there no hope for Redemption the answer sadly is clear there never was any hope they were each of them defective unhinged from the start Marica herself and the fingers that guided her and this is what troubles me no matter our efforts if the roots are rotten and we have little recourse this is the beginning of emir's revelation of the truth that Marica and the two fingers were never actually operating under the direct guidance of the greater will that the roots upon which her golden order was founded are ultimately rotten and her line as we see time and again is Tainted by cursed children he also reveals that this Revelation is what led Mika on his journey ever young Micha saw things for what they were he knew that his bloodline was tainted his roots mired in Madness a tragedy if ever there was one that he would feel compelled to renounce everything when the blame lay squarely with the mother after securing both seed talismans we can ask Emir about the nature of the world yet again and he'll reveal even more this time do you recall what I said that Marica and the fingers that guided her were were unsound from the start well the truth lies deeper still it is their mother who is damaged and unhinged the fingers are but unripe children victims in their own right we all need a mother do we not a new mother a true mother who will not give birth to further malady and in saying this it appears he is directly blaming mattera mother of the fingers for having lost contact to the greater will for a hell of a long time now birthing the two fingers planting the Earth tree and likely having a hand in marica's ascension all without ever actually receiving any updated guidance from the greater will now this does call into question whether the Elden Beast still had a connection to the greater will but at any rate the fingers whom have been relied upon for guidance all this time actually haven't been receiving the staff of the great beyond fashioned from meta's tail fingers tells us that despite being broken and abandoned she kept waiting for another message to come and with her gazing finger colossal weapon we can also read that her tiny wlike eye gazes vacantly into the Beyond now one slightly confusing part of this quest line comes when email hands us the third and final map saying my final gift to you may you join the glimmer in stars above now many have presumed that in handing us this third map Emil is instructing us to go and kill mattera who we reach by ringing the bell in the final finger ruins below though I'm unsure if this is the full intention it's clear pretty early on that Emil himself desires to become the true mother of the fingers having slated mattera as damaged and unhinged he believes himself capable of doing a better job his own ambition has clearly grown throughout his life and where he once instructed Rana in sorcery he later abandoned his allegiance to the Moon after realizing that it was merely the closest of the celestial bodies nothing more and by becoming a mother of the fingers himself Emil hopes that he will be able to commune with the greater will an outer God and a far more powerful Celestial entity it would seem than the moon but does this mean that Emil once met a dead or does ringing the bell merely open the way to her and by telling us to join the glimmering stars above Emir is sacrificing us to get to the original mother himself and I think the reason this may be his goal is to gain the means by which mattera once communicated with the greater will this seems to have been done you see with something called a microcosm an orb that meta will summon during the fight between her tail fingers and which she will eventually flee through after her defeat now microcosm suggests that this is merely a representation of something much larger a piece of the greater will itself I would guess or perhaps a window to it now we also know that Emil had figured out slightly how to summon these things orbe it only briefly a fleeting simulacra which he fully clung to but could not sustain we also know that his own maternal staff was fashioned after tail fingers with a crystal ball within once again representing a microcosm but again this also received no sign from the greater will and so I would wager that Emir sought the actual microcosm wielded by matter and after we force her to flee we don't kill her she disappears after the fight through this Wormhole thing that this is the action that wounds count Emir most irreparably leading to the attack from both yolan and himself after having fashioned his own birthing fingers much like meta look here at my fingers I I will be the true mother now I grant you there's a couple holes in this theory for one it's not clear the nature of access that eir had to met his astral plane this whole time but given he seemingly needs us to ring the bell at each of the other ruins I would presume that he can't access meta either it's also possible that after killing meta IMA sees us as a threat even a competitor hence the line and I will be the only mother I'd love to hear what you guys think as to why imir attacks us because I don't know maybe becoming a mother of the fingers has just driven the guy to utter Insanity after all if we just killed the true original mother of fingers then what kind of Hope does he have so to sum up meta was the first agent of the Divine will to arrive in the lands between she was the progenitor to all fingers and finger creepers who collectively were instrumental in the establishing of the Earth tree and Mar's golden order though for a long time both before and after that meta has secretly been cut off from the greater will residing in some pocket dimension of the Shadow realm as yet another abandoned being of this place still waiting for another message from Beyond one final sorcery though that I think may offer a reason why the greater will abandoned meta is the glint Stone nail which flings a magic nail that crumbles during flights in the description account Emir boasts that this is mere Child's Play an echo of a greater truth and I may very much be stretching with this Theory but what if stretching is the problem perhaps the messages from the greater will themselves are now coming from so far away and if they too crumble during flights then by the time they reach meta she won't be able to detect them it would be no less of a sad Revelation but at least would imply that the greater will didn't simply choose to stop talking to its envoys in the lands between okay so this next one may not technically be a main boss in that they don't drop a remembrance but given that Bale The Dread is the end boss of the entire Jagged Mountains area and has a huge amount of law surrounding him we're still covering this ginormous dragon now we first hear the name Bale on our approach to the jagged Peak range when encountering a wounded man near pillar paath cross Egon is a drake Warrior who previously challenged the dreads only to be grievously injured and broken by fear now laying with each of his limbs in a bloody ruin having fled his battle with bale but why was Egon hunting Bale at all well to answer that question we'll have to head through the dragon's pit defeat the Ancient Dragon man looting his awesome Katana then come out to the other side and head south to the Grand altar of dragon communion where we meet the dragon communion Priestess formerly a Dragon herself and now serving to guide Drake Warriors towards the jagged Peak to defeat and feast upon the heart of Bale for killing this Mighty dragon and consuming its vile heart would be the purest form of communion this of course answers why Egon wanted to defeat Bale though also raises more questions such as why the consumption of dragon hearts became a thing in the first place and why this former dragon is encouraging such a thing and to understand that will have to go back to a time before America the golden order and the Elden ring as we know it in ages past the reigning Elden Lord was instead dragon lord placex a mighty four-headed dragon who ruled from the ancient city of faram maula in an age before the ER tree and according to his remembrance he too served a nameless God a god which one day fled leading to placex awaiting its return in the storm Beyond time we don't know who who this God was for certain but there's a good chance that it could have been one of the outer gods that we do know of or one that we don't either way when we enter the storm Beyond Time in faram Mazula there we will find pusx only unlike his Talisman depicting foreheads The Dragon King now only has two with the other two clearly having been torn off in some ancient battle now let's go back for a second and listen to what the dragon Priestess has to say about Bale in a time like long PA Bale turned upon the Dragon World the foul traitor has sailed our master and inflicted a grievous wound only to make a hasty Retreat becoming a sworn enemy of the PO indeed this Grievous wound she speaks of we can actually see to be the double beheading of bdx and we can confirm this with even more certainty by taking a very close look at Bale's body and noticing that still attached are two of the long necked heads of bosx but we're getting ahead of ourselves first we should answer exactly why Bale betrayed his Elden Lords and to answer that we'll have to come behind the fort of reprimand to the Elder's Hub where a ghost could be found looking out on the jagged Peak proclaiming oh Bale Tyrant Drake Do Your Wounds yet ache is your Fury still yet to Crest it Zenith hurry hurry and lay all to waste lay waste to the proud the conceited each every last one of that arrogant lot evidently Bale had grown tired of the pride and arrogance of the ancient dragons and clearly despised the ideals upon which placd aac's order was founded the contrast is reminiscent in fact of the difference between the horns Cent and the golden order and these Spirits accompanying Talisman confirms that bal's challenge to the dragon Lords ended in Grievous Mutual injury when also asking the dragon Priestess about Egon she explains he is driven by a bottomless hunger and fiery ambition which only flows from those young and short of sights all qualities which also seem to exist in the Dragon Bale clearly Bale comes across as a much more brutish Dragon governed by rage than the other ancient dragons and perhaps it was after places Sax's God left that Bale grew tired of the Dragon Lord's unguided rule seeing not why he shouldn't be just as worthy to rule in Pia Sax's Place whatever and whenever the case it would have been an epic battle and when Bale fled after both had suffered Grievous wounds he was forever named enemy to the ancient dragons though it appears he wasn't acting entirely alone in his rebellion and the final Dragon will face before Bale on the jagged Peak is another of the Ancients senos showing that at least one of piaac order shows to side with bale aside from that the other dragons will face on this mountain are not of the ancient variety but rather all the Lesser dragons of Bale's bloodline the Drakes notably different in anatomy for having just one set of wings and one set of legs as opposed to the two of each which the Ancients had I guess Dragon descendants just don't inherit the lost limbs of their ancestors ancient dragons also could channel the power of primeval red lightning whilst Drakes again had no such ability described by piaac crack blade as the poultry mortal dragons of today and dragon communion the act of consuming dragons Hearts to gain their powers was a way for the race of ancient dragons to incite Drake Warriors to kill the Drakes and absorb their power automatically culling bal's brood of lesser dragons and with the promise of the heart of Baal himself granting us immense power it's up the mountain to defeat him though on the way after bearing witness to a fight between two Drakes will once again come face to face with Egon who still broken in body remains on the mountain in Soul and begs that once we reach Bale we summon him to for eight bading to my favorite performance in the entire DLC hurt you come on we fought him enough times to know all the lines and every single time he said them they did not Wayan in epicness in fact the entire Bale fight as a whole is visually epic with both incredible and terrifying moments both definitely my favorite dragon fight in Elden ring but with bale defeated Egon finally gains peace and sadly on our descent back down the mountain we find that his body has given its last his great bow confirming that his Feud with bale was more akin to an obsession but now we can take Bale's heart to the alter of dragon communion and consuming it will unlock one of two draconic Powers though both of them come with a warning that even after being consumed the throbbing heart of Baal continues to resist subjugation never weakening and that one day the Fire Within will consume the very body and soul of its communion Devourer one day this seems to imply that should we consume bal's heart The Dread Dragon will one day be reborn from within us perhaps suggesting the possibility that our age as Elden Lord May in fact morph into the age of Bale just as he wanted long ago though I'd be curious to see how Bale's heart fares up against a tarnished already scorched by the frenzied flame speaking of which midra lord of the frenzied flame is easily the most missable legendary boss in the entire DLC found a top his our csed mats deep into the Abyssal Woods which themselves can only be accessed via the darklight catacombs exiting here we find immediately that the entire region is guarded by a horn sent called Jory The Inquisitor who wields a barbed staff spear the tip bristles with golden barbs symbolic of the inquisition's torture now bear this item in mind because something very similar is going to come up again soon but heading into the woods after about 5 Seconds torrent will bolt and a message will read the spectral Steed is frightened and cannot be summoned all whilst a terrifying soundscape begins to descend in this ominous place and what could possibly make our horse that's ridden through all manner of danger scare off like this well heading in further written upon the ground are warnings from the game itself saying don't let it see you once you are seen There Is No Escape it cannot even be touched this is of course in reference to the winter Lantern enemies which indeed cannot be hit unless we Parry them first now heading south we'll at least be able to find in some church ruins the map for the area which describes it as a thick forest untouched even by sunlight known as the sanctum of sage midra and is a region forbidden by the horn cense this would explain why Jory The Inquisitor was serving as a gatekeeper to the entire area whatever happens here the horn cense are desperate to stop its spreading and it's pretty clear after our encounters from the base game that what happened in this region was the frenzied flame that's all consuming Madness inducing fire which according to the item surging frenzied flame has the power also to melt away Spirits destroying them despite the fact that they should be Eternal and seeing this terrible destruction the horn sense much like the golden order forbade the Flame's use and it also explains why Torrance is too terrified to be summoned here as a spirit himself this would be one of the few places capable of actually destroying him it just sucks for us because we now have to walk everywhere as though this region wasn't already scary enough but that's enough on the region so let's take a look at mid's mats as this place will explain just how the Abyssal Woods came to be as they are and as we enter this place we're greeted immediately with a warning leave now come no closer no closer I say the man is where this is the voice of midra begging us to stay away and should we choose to ignore his warning speaking instead to a spirit ahead it will only reiterate more of the same I welcome you oh Uninvited Guest but I must warn as you venture in heed the words of our Great Master midra approach not the madness lest he succumb indeed even the way further inside has been hidden from view disguised behind a painting clearly depicting midr mans in an age far less bereft of light a stately home surrounded by flowers comparable only now to marica's Shaman Village in the hinterland but all of this would of course become consumed by the frenzied flame turning into the hellscape of today beyond the painting we'll face off against several spectral horns scent soldiers including the elite Bird warriors further confirming that midr mans before this catastrophe was a another settlement of the horn sense and now perhaps these Spirits Patrol the place in order to keep midra in check but who was midra well the Mad Craftsman's cookbook confirms that Not only was he master of this mans but that he ruled it alongside his lady of the mats nah who is just as important to this story as midra himself ascending to the upper levels of the mats will then meet another Spirit who please I beg you stop haven't I Tak enough are we not Brethren common in our line and yet you offer only cruelty I ask what great crime did midra commit it appears that after midra inherited the frenzied Flame the horns Cent laid waste to his mats destroying those that dwelt within and suppressing midra all in an attempt to contain the all consuming Wrath of the frenzied Flame the swollen grape item found around the MS confirms that midra inherited the frenzied flame much in the same way we can having been touched directly by the three fingers Embrace though the horn scent would not permit that and leading their own assaults on midra mans beat back the growing Fury of the flames and for midra himself they inflicted upon him the Eternal Agony of golden barbs piercing through his body to suppress the frenzied flame midra cannot become lord of the frenzied flame in this state but he's also forbidden from dying and given how desperately midro warns us away Upon Our entry to the Mana as well as this line when we eventually do reach him the depths of your foolishness I think that this eternal suffering was accepted willingly on mid's part perhaps he only realized after accepting it the all consuming nature of the frenzied flame and subsequently allowed the horn sense to then pierce his body with suppressing bars but why then did midra venture to become lord of the fr flame in the first place as a wise Sage you'd think he'd know better was he enticed by a manipulative figure like shabiri well perhaps but I don't think that it was shabiri himself heading to the upper region of mid's Library we can find the body of nayah clutching in her hand the item Naya's torch it reads that in a distant land in an age long past was born a man who failed to become the lord of the frenzied flame All That Remains of him is cradled gently by Niah the lady of the mats companion to midra lover or perhaps finger Maiden well mid's remembrance would suggest the latter telling us that as the golden barbs inflicted Agony upon Him midra held fast to Den's in treaty endure the word was a curse now why would a lover tell midra to endure this for Millennia granted death may not have been an alternative on the table so that might be it though a three-finger Maiden would have a very good reason too you see in suffering through such torments enduring it for so long midra will eventually break much like Kal's Merchant Caravan who were imprisoned beneath the capital the victim after suffering for so long finally resorts to say screw it may chaos take the world and as mid's flame of frenzy States the Lord of frenzied flame shall take their torment despair their Affliction every sin Every curse all melted away yet midra like others before him was too weak to become a Lord and yes in the end his weakness was proven but that's because of the supreme power of this tarnished and for a moment back there midra had decided to give in to the frenzied flame and had he emerged the Victor from our fight I think he'd finally have triumphed over that weakness and perhaps would then have taken up the mantle of the Lord of frenzied flame using the power of the outer guard of chaos to wash away everything of the old world and why else would nah cradle his remains using a torch fashioned from a dying frenzied flame if she wasn't an agent of said flame another Point may be for you guys to discuss in the comments overall the midr fight is both fast-paced and explosive requiring plenty of focus I mean literally the madness quelling stat to emerge the Victor ridding the world of this prospective Lord for one of its greatest scourges after having initially briefly Unleashed it admittedly or if we ourselves seek to become the Lord of frenzied flame then we just took out the competition you know for a while I didn't think I'd actually be able to manage this one and that's because promised consort Redan or more so Redan consort of Micha is just so damn tough you'll definitely want to head into this fight with micha's great Rune which we obtained from the shadow tree Avatar earlier as well as the Golden Braid for negating Holy damage found in a tree at the shaman Village but some of you may be wondering just how exactly we've come to be fighting Redan again whom we already killed back at the festival in kalid and our arter lies in the quest line of ansbach after Lord Mo slain at his dynastic Palace it appears his body has been absconded with and taken straight to kind Micha what they possibly have in mind for Lord moog's Remains the implications are rather unnerving to understand what Micha plans to do with moog's body we have to uncover the secret right scroll also found here in the storehouse this describes the secret right of the Divine Gateway saying a Lord will usher in a God's return and the Lord's soul will require a vessel so Mika on his journey to godhood was forced to cast off everything as we've learned already from his crosses and the description of his great Rune but now stripped of physicality Mika just like the other gods will require a lord to enforce his will in the lands between the soul of somebody with great strength who can be challenged by no other returning the scroll to anbar he'll confirm that the body of his former Lord Moog is to become this vessel we all know at this point just Whom The Vessel will house but continuing the quest and delivering ansar's letter to Freya we can receive this information ahead of time as the Festival of War concluded General redan's Soul met an honorable end but kindly Micha wishes to revive it so as it turns out we are largely responsible and have enabled mela's plan to become a god twice over firstly we finally gave Redan an honorable defeat at the festival allowing his soul to leave his body and drift just as everything ultimately does into the shadow then we defeated Lord Moog allowing his body to serve as an empty vessel for a dance soul it may be a kick in the teeth to learn that this boss you're stuck on you've already actually defeated twice over Moog of course was the one to kidnapped Micha in his cocoon from the halic tree and bring him to the moquin palace and for a long time before the DLC everybody assumed that Moog did this of his own entire Free Will hoping to raise kindly Micha to full go godhood becoming his consort and kickstarting his own Dynasty which would serve another outer Gods Not the greater will but the formless mother who said to bestow power on a cursed blood a blood God of sorts I suppose though as it turns out Moog was mil a porn in mola's plan a vessel to ultimately house micha's actual promised consort so why exactly did Mika want Redan well according to the remembrance of a Lord and God in their childhood Mika saw radan as a lord his strength and his kindness that stood in stark contrast with their Afflicted selves and so Mika made his heartfelt wish that radan would one day be his King consort and we can see this exact moment through a dream relived after defeating the pair Lord brother I'm going to be a god if we honor our part of The Vow promise me you'll be my consort I'll make the world a gentler place an important thing to note with this though is that we never hear Ran's reply in fact we never hear ran speak a single damn line throughout this fight all the game making it tough to gauge his take on all of this though I'm willing to wager that Redan did not promise this or if he did he later changed his mind and wanted desperately to avoid becoming micha's consult perhaps after learning the true nature of the age of compassion that Mika sought to usher in you see Mika has the ability to charm people to steal their hearts and force them into loving him we can see this at the start of the DLC when all the NPC characters are working in service to Mika right up to the point where his great room is broken the charm is dispelled and everybody reverts to working in their own self-interest we can experience this charm again firsthand during the boss fights where if grabbed twice by this move will have a heart stolen by Micha joining his Thousand-Year Voyage Guided by compassion but distinctively not of our own free will though it's something I'd recommend doing once in the fight mind you to obtain a unique gesture but after that simply disarm it with Mika's Rune and this hard stealing charm of Mika is presumably what he seeks to enact at far greater scale across the lands between literally forcing everybody to love him and to do whatever he bits so whilst a compassionate age doesn't sound too bad from the outset when it's also entirely bereft of Free Will is it really an age anybody would want to be a part of When Love is used as a weapon to enforce order but back to ran himself and the evidence that he did not want to become micha's promised consort could be seen by the fact that Melania mola's sister went to war against Redan this was seemingly the first attempt to kill Redan which would have sent his soul to the shadow realm for the next stage of micha's plan but the battle ultimately ended with no Victor to avoid defeat melenia unleashed the rot flower blossom across aonia turning it into the Scarlet rot swamp that we we know today it's the same sort of move that she pulls in our fight with her and now we know from The Young Lion armor set that as she did this to Redan she whispered in his ear saying Mika awaits thee Oh promised consort again this didn't kill Redan but Milly destroyed his mind leaving him to roam the Wast of kalid until we finally defeat him right up to the end Redan fought against death he fought to avoid becoming the promised consort and maybe that's why Redan says nothing in the final boss fight it may be the case that at this point Only the Strong Warrior part remains if Mika had had his way Redan would merely have been the enforcer with Mika making all the decisions from a top his shoulders we learned from Emir and The Meta chapter that Mika knew his bloodline was tainted that the golden order was built on lies he of course first grew the secret halic tree to serve as a refuge for those shunned by the order but it seems now from his conversation with ran that his ultimate plan was always to become a God and do away with the old order and regardless of whether you think Mika's plan is evil or actually the best solution in a broken World Mika still stands in direct opposition to our tarnished own Ambitions which is why will time and again keep passing through this fog wall until finally this rival God and Lord lie defeated Micha sought to accept all that was and would be but found one that refused to be embraced no wonder as one God and one King consort is all the world needs and there we have explanations for every major boss in Shadow of the earth tree I did not realize how long this video would turn out to be when I started it and you know I think there's probably definitely more even now that could be explored regarding each of these bosses but next time I think I'll return to less well-known bosses or characters so subscribe for more and ring law and secrets in the coming months huge thank you as always to the patrons for your continued support especially for huge videos like this which take a crazy amount of time to research and create and if you want to support more of this content then consider pledging from a pound a month for Early Access to content your name in each video like these awesome people special ranks in the Discord server and the option to cancel again at any time thank you for watching I hope you learned a fair bit I'm Sam Bram and I'll see you in the next one