Wow! Amazing! Angoori has decorated
the house beautifully. Is Bhabhi Ji home? I think Bhabhi Ji is here! Welcome... Hi, Laddoo! It's good that you have stopped
wearing shorts lately. Where's Bhabhi Ji?
- Where's Bhabhi Ji? Anita is on her way here. There was some problem.
But she is on her way. I hope she comes soon. Why are you worried about her? She is my wife,
but you are worried about her! Yes, of course! She will come soon! Look, I am worried for you. Because according to the rules, singles won't be allowed
to attend this party. They will be kicked out
of the house. You also look single!
Where's your wife? The rule applies to you too! I am here. My goodness! You look amazing, Manmohan! Hello, Bhabhi Ji. Oh, God! Hello, Bharbhuti! When did you reach here? That's strange, Bhabhi Ji!
I'm standing right in front of you. But you ignored me. Please forgive me.
I didn't look at you. Actually, Manmohan looks so dashing that I can't take my eyes off him! Manmohan, can I say something?
- Yes, dear. You look so 'hand-pump' today! Dear, that's 'handsome'. You got it right!
- Thank you! Where's Anita?
- She is on her way. Yes, ask her to come quickly. Actually, Manmohan has made a rule
for this party. No 'babysitter' is allowed
to attend the party. Bhabhi Ji, that's not 'babysitter'.
That's 'bachelor'. You got it right! Bhabhi Ji is here! Manmohan is so happy! Look at him. Bhabhi... Oh, God! I like it! Hello, Manmohan! How do you do? Manmohan, you told us to bring our girlfriends along to attend the party. Look! I have brought her, Manmohan. Her name is Saxeni. I like it! I will give you a tight slap!
Do you get that? One smack and you won't
even recognise yourself! Do you think I will fall for this? I know he is Mr Saxena! But, Manmohan,
he is a woman at heart. He wants to be a girl. He might look
like a man to everyone. How does his body matter to you? Do you want to do
something with his body? Tiku darling! What? - Stop talking nonsense!
Let's go inside. Come, darling.
- Let's go. Oh! Excuse me! Hello, Bhabhi Ji and Vibhuti!
- Greetings, Vibhuti! May God bless you two! What's with you, Mr Saxena? Hey! He is not Saxena!
Her name is Saxeni! Speak softly, or else
Manmohan would kick us out! No, Tika. He won't kick you
out of our house. The rule is that everyone
has to bring a partner. And you have brought
your partner with you. Enjoy the party! I will be right back.
- Okay, Bhabhi Ji. Tika, your partner is a male. Vibhuti, he has a man's body. But his heart is that of a woman's. Really? I doubt it. Bhabhi Ji is here! What's wrong with this man? Has he gone mad? Bhabhi Ji... Manmohan, this is
my girlfriend Tilli. Do you think I am a fool? You think you can fool me! Are you the one who has not paid
my brother for months? I swear had I been there
instead of my brother, I would have skinned you alive! You wretch! May you rot in hell. You shrew! Get the bell fixed. We are the ones who
are facing the problem. You aren't. Tilli! Look over there!
Isn't she your friend? Hi! Come with me. Darn! Hi, my dear! How are you? I am fine, dear! I like it! Hello, Anu baby! What's up? I am whispering to you
because I am at the party. You are coming, right? What? The train got cancelled! Why did it get cancelled today? So, will you reach here
by tomorrow? Okay. I am really missing you! I love you, baby!
I love you, sweetie! What happened?
Did Bhabhi Ji call you? Yes. It's obvious that I'll say
'I love you' only to Anu. Oh, you are right!
What did she say? When will she get here? She is coming... She is on her way. That's great. She is here! She will live
for a hundred years! Thank You, God... Come, Gullu.
- Happy new year! Come with me. Hey! How are you?
- Happy new year! Inspector...
- Shut your mouth! Stand straight, Gullu!
Happy new year! Happy new year, my sister. Happy new year, my brother. She is here! Hey! What are you staring at? Oh, no! Forgive me, Mr Tiwari. Actually, you asked us
to bring a partner along. So, she is my partner for tonight. Come, Padmini. Hey! Keep the door open! Hey! My teacher is here! He is my partner! May God bless you, Laddoo! Wow! Everyone is well-dressed! Hello, Bhoop Singh!
- Hello... Do you have any manners or not? Oh, God! Everyone's here! But Bhabhi Ji is not here yet!
I have thrown this party for her. Darn! Bhabhi Ji, your food not just tastes amazing,
but it also has an amazing aroma. You must be tired.
You are working since morning. No! What are you saying? You know I love cooking! I get 'horny' while cooking food! Bha... Bhabhi Ji, that's 'happy'. You got it right! Bhabhuti, listen to me. Hey... Listen to me... Bhabhuti... Hey... Bhabhuti! Bhabhuti! Tika! You look dashing
in this black suit! Thank you...
- Listen! Hey, Malkhan!
Who lent you this suit? You beggars!
- Listen... Bhabhuti, listen...
- Hey, ladies! How do I look? You can scare little kids tonight. Listen, Bhabhuti! Hey, Happu Singh! How are you? I am fine. We met half an hour ago. Yes. What was I saying? Listen to me, Bhabhuti! Oh! I am sorry. Bhabhuti! You said Bhabhi Ji would come.
Why isn't she here yet? She will come, Mr Tiwari.
Actually, the thing is, she was coming here by a rickshaw. And the heel of her sandal
broke on the way. Oh, God... You...
- That's why she got late. You are a disgusting man! Bhabhi Ji is in trouble! And
you were enjoying 'pakodas' inside! Excuse me! I have not touched any
of your snacks till now! Mind you! I have not touched
your snacks till now! That won't make you less guilty.
Do you understand? I will go and give a new pair
of sandals to Bhabhi Ji right away! Hey, Mr Tiwari! She has almost reached home.
She will be here in some minutes. Why are you so eager to meet her? Just take it easy. Ladies and gentlemen! Let's play a game. We will take two bowls. There will be chits of the names of the guys and the girls. We will pick up chits
from each of the bowls then. We will get two names. Those who are named
will pair up and dance. It's as simple as that. Wow, Vibhuti!
- Yay! Now, I will pick up one chit
from each bowl. The first one among the men is Vibhuti!
- Oh! Wow, Vibhuti!
- Come on! Rock the dance floor, Vibhuti! And from the ladies, I would like to call... 'I hope it's Bhabhi Ji!' 'Please, God!' I would like to call Saxeni! You rocked it! Let me pick up the chits now. And the next one on the dance floor will be Manmohan! Come on, Mr Tiwari! Listen, Laddoo!
Please pick up my name now! Okay, Bhabhi Maa.
- No, Bhabhi Ji. Let's not break the rules. Pick up the chit, Laddoo. And the name in this chit is Tilli! Oh, my God!
- Yay! Hey, Mr Tiwari! "After making my heart race,
she whistles." "After making my heart race,
she whistles." "She creates a ruckus
in the middle of the street" "by gesturing to people." "And then she winks at me." "She winks..." "She winks at me." "She winks at me." "She winks at me." Amazing!
- Superb, Mr Tiwari! Are you at peace now? You had fun, Mr Tiwari! That was great!
- I like it, Tilli! You danced really well! The next name in the chit is Bhoop Singh!
- Manners! Let's see his manners now. Do you have any manners or not? And Bhoop Singh's dancing partner is Nurse Padmini! Wow! You have hit the jackpot!
- Fantastic, teacher! Wow! Bhabhi Ji, only you are left now. So, let this new year
begin with your performance. Wow! But should I dance alone? Bhabhi Ji, you can rock
the stage alone. Go, dear. - Come to me
when I signal you. Bhabhi Ji, I will also join you.
- Okay! "My name is Chin Chin Chu." "Night, moonlight, you and me.
Hello, mister! How do you do?" "My name is Chin Chin Chu." "Night, moonlight, you and me.
Hello, mister! How do you do?" "Mister, I have come all the way
from China with a fragile heart," "youth as lovely as Singapore
and as charming as Shanghai!" "Mister, I have come all the way
from China with a fragile heart," "youth as lovely as Singapore
and as charming as Shanghai!" "Hold your heart, mister!
I fear you might go crazy!" "Hold your heart, mister!
I fear you might go crazy!" "My name is Chin Chin Chu." "Night, moonlight, you and me.
Hello, mister! How do you do?" Wow, Manmohan! Wow, Vibhuti! That's it! It's okay! It's fine! So, ladies and gentlemen, ten seconds to go for the clock
to strike 12! Let's start the countdown!
- One minute... Bhabhi Ji is still not here! Don't worry! She will be here!
She is on her way! And can't we welcome the new year
without your Bhabhi Ji? What are you saying? So, guys,
let's start the countdown! 'I'll kiss the nurse
as soon as it turns dark.' 'I'll kiss Gullu
as soon as it turns dark.' Ten!
- Nine! Eight!
- Seven! Six, five...
- Four! Three, two and one! And... Happy new year! Happy new year!
- Happy new year! Whoa!
- Yay! Do they have manners or not? Do they have manners or not? I like it! Sorry, I jumped and stepped back.
- And he hopped forward. Oh no! I could have kissed
these ladies in the dark. Darn! Let me call Bhabhi Ji. Hello, Bhabhi Ji.
What is taking you so long? The new year has commenced already. You said you would come.
But you aren't here yet. Bhabhuti told me
that you were on your way here. I was waiting for you... What? Okay, Bhabhi Ji.
Wish you a happy new year. Bhabhi Ji! Please serve dinner!
I am famished! - No dinner for you! You won't get anything!
Get out of here! Get out... - Oh, God!
What are you doing, Manmohan? He is our 'ghost'.
- Bhabhi Ji, that's 'guest'. You got it right! He is our guest.
Why are you misbehaving with him? He is not our guest! He kept fooling me all night
that Bhabhi Ji is on her way here. But Bhabhi Ji is not
even in the city! Oh, God! So, isn't she
coming tonight? - No. She is out of the city. And now, according to the rules, singles are not allowed
to attend this party. Understand? Before I murder you
at the beginning of this year, get out from here! Get out! Get out! Move aside! Happy new year!