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Growing Taller After Puberty
Jul 13, 2024
Growing Taller After Puberty
Growing after puberty is possible by spiking certain hormones.
Key hormones: IGF-1, Growth Hormone, Testosterone.
Examines Dinka tribe (South Sudan) known for height.
Dinka Tribe Nutrition
Diet: raw dairy, sorghum, millets, meat.
Growth Hormone (GH)
Released in pituitary gland.
Functions: tissue repair, growth.
GH alone doesn’t increase height; it’s converted to IGF-1 in the liver.
IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1)
Responsible for height growth.
Peaks at age ~15, decreases after.
Ways to increase IGF-1: healthy sleep (8-9 hours), hydration (salt-based), regular exercise, sunlight, minerals/vitamins (zinc, vitamin D3, vitamin C).
Increase metabolism and caloric intake.
Important hormone for growth.
Increase through diet and healthy habits.
Specific Nutritional Recommendations
High intake, including red and organ meat.
Prefer raw dairy; nutrients diminished when boiled.
Prefer clean sources (white rice, wheat, sorghum, millets).
Found in dried fruits like black raisins and prunes; essential for bone health and growth.
Essential for bone strength and health; sources include animal gelatin, bone broth, chicken feet.
High intensity sports (basketball, football) increase GH and IGF-1.
Wolf’s Law:
Bones adapt and grow based on the stress applied.
Additional Nutritional Needs
Avoid seed oils.
Required micronutrients: selenium (Brazil nuts, chicken, shellfish), magnesium (beef heart, mineral water), calcium (raw dairy, bone broth), choline (egg yolks), glycine (bone broth, egg whites), vitamin C (blackberries, oranges).
DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)
More potent form of testosterone.
Does not convert to estrogen, important for masculine traits.
Increase via zinc supplementation.
Hormones to Avoid
Estrogen and Prolactin:
Bad for height growth; estrogen closes growth plates.
Reduce estrogen: raw honey, carrot, olives, black ginger, selenium.
Androgen Receptors
Bind to testosterone and DHT.
Improve by: avoiding blue light, increasing zinc, magnesium, calcium intake.
Important for height perception.
Exercises: deadlifts, dead hangs, back training.
Future video on mechanical stress related to growth.
Follow suggested diet, exercise, and lifestyle habits to grow taller and improve health.
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