okay so before we can have any kind of copyright dispute or any copyright lawsuit or any case we have to figure out the threshold question in every copyright dispute is the thing even copyrightable is a copyright able people try to claim copyright on all sorts of crazy things for example a president Trump back when he was a television performer he tried to client sue people for using the phrase you're fired he tried to say that that's copyrighted and he was going to sue people and the copyright and opposite know right and so just use your intuition why do you think you're fired is not copyrightable another example Paris Hilton back when she used to be a thing no she tried to sue people for using the phrase that's hot because she always used to say that and the court said indignant in it so what's your intuition it's because they're just common words common words and phrases are not copyrightable right facts are not copyright of all right if I write a book that says High Point University was founded in 1924 and then you write a book and say High Point University was founded in 1924 I cannot sue you for that that would be silly copyright is about protecting your special way your unique way of expressing something and so for example I've written a book my book is copyrighted because that's my special way of top talking about that topic that doesn't mean other people can't write about the same topic it just means that they can't take my words and do it they need to come up with their own special way and so we have three hallmarks of copyright ability the threshold question and copyright dispute is a copyrightable and we ask these three questions is it original were you the first person to say it that way next that's to be tangible if I'm just talking here speaking to the class that's not copyrightable on the other hand if I take this video and I put it online I could put the C in the circle and say this video is copyrighted and I don't want you to use it without my permission so it needs to be tangible either written or video or on the web or however you want to do it and it needs to be replicable if it's not replicable then it's not then nobody can copy it so it's not coming to reputable right it needs to be original tangible replicable