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Day 12 Job 32-34
Dec 18, 2024
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Heart Dive 365 - Day 12
Podcast Name:
Heart Dive
Job and Elihu’s speech
Recap of Job's closing arguments from the previous day.
Introduction of Elihu, a new speaker in the audience.
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A prayer for humility, daily sustenance, forgiveness, reconciliation, guidance, protection, and a focus on God’s will.
Elihu’s Speech
Job 32–37
Elihu, son of Barakel the Buzite.
Elihu is angry at Job for self-justification and at Job’s friends for failing to provide a satisfactory answer.
Elihu waited patiently to speak due to his younger age.
Key Points
Wisdom vs. Age:
Challenges the notion that wisdom comes with age.
Asserts that wisdom comes from the spirit of God.
Rebuking Friends:
Criticizes Job’s friends for not refuting Job effectively.
Expression of Frustration:
Elihu feels compelled to speak.
Describes his words as constrained by the spirit within him.
Elihu’s Advice:
Claims sincerity in his speech.
Encourages Job to listen and consider his words.
Misinterpretation of Job:
Misquotes Job’s assertion of innocence.
Accuses Job of equating himself with God.
Purpose in Pain:
Discusses pain as a possible signal or rebuke from God.
Offers perspective on enduring pain with purpose.
Anticipation of Jesus
Mentions the need for a mediator, hinting at Jesus.
Prophetic Insight:
Some interpret Elihu’s speech as anticipating Christ’s role.
Elihu’s Critique of Job
Suggests Job is prideful and rebellious.
Incorrectly claims Job denies value in godliness.
Deep Dive Questions
In what ways were you able to see God’s heart beat through this reading? Does it challenge or affirm your understanding of who God is?
Can you tell the difference between righteous and unrighteous anger? When is a reaction warranted and what should it look like?
How can you determine when God is speaking through dreams and visions?
Call to examine one’s reactions and expectations of God.
Gratitude for God’s patience, guidance, and the promise of Jesus as a mediator.
Full transcript