Day 12 Job 32-34

Dec 18, 2024

Heart Dive 365 - Day 12


  • Host: Kenoi
  • Podcast Name: Heart Dive
  • Topic: Job and Elihu’s speech


  • Recap of Job's closing arguments from the previous day.
  • Introduction of Elihu, a new speaker in the audience.
  • Encouragement to like, subscribe, and sign up for newsletters.


  • A prayer for humility, daily sustenance, forgiveness, reconciliation, guidance, protection, and a focus on God’s will.

Elihu’s Speech


  • Chapters: Job 32–37
  • Character: Elihu, son of Barakel the Buzite.
  • Anger: Elihu is angry at Job for self-justification and at Job’s friends for failing to provide a satisfactory answer.
  • Approach: Elihu waited patiently to speak due to his younger age.

Key Points

  1. Wisdom vs. Age:
    • Challenges the notion that wisdom comes with age.
    • Asserts that wisdom comes from the spirit of God.
  2. Rebuking Friends:
    • Criticizes Job’s friends for not refuting Job effectively.
  3. Expression of Frustration:
    • Elihu feels compelled to speak.
    • Describes his words as constrained by the spirit within him.
  4. Elihu’s Advice:
    • Claims sincerity in his speech.
    • Encourages Job to listen and consider his words.
  5. Misinterpretation of Job:
    • Misquotes Job’s assertion of innocence.
    • Accuses Job of equating himself with God.
  6. Purpose in Pain:
    • Discusses pain as a possible signal or rebuke from God.
    • Offers perspective on enduring pain with purpose.

Anticipation of Jesus

  • Mediation: Mentions the need for a mediator, hinting at Jesus.
  • Prophetic Insight: Some interpret Elihu’s speech as anticipating Christ’s role.

Elihu’s Critique of Job

  • Suggests Job is prideful and rebellious.
  • Incorrectly claims Job denies value in godliness.

Deep Dive Questions

  • In what ways were you able to see God’s heart beat through this reading? Does it challenge or affirm your understanding of who God is?
  • Can you tell the difference between righteous and unrighteous anger? When is a reaction warranted and what should it look like?
  • How can you determine when God is speaking through dreams and visions?


  • Reflection: Call to examine one’s reactions and expectations of God.
  • Prayer: Gratitude for God’s patience, guidance, and the promise of Jesus as a mediator.