you glitch it's a long family must have christ bless you almost ain't crazy blessed uh can i get a brother to scribe for me a soldier or a book that would be able to be on for the duration of the class um i have to get off a little early today due to a radio show starting um immediately after so um i'm going to pretty much do this within an hour or hour 10 minutes hour 15 maybe so if i can get a brother to scribe for me that'd be excellent a soldier or a bull preferably but if not then lord's will uh a brother okay so today we're gonna be going over leviticus chapter 26 or reading chapter leviticus chapter 26 through leviticus excuse me through numbers two numbers chapter two all right so get about five more minutes three four well three four more minutes uh for brothers and sisters to come on and if i can get that scribe to be great let me go ahead and get ready to jump into class because i am gonna have to read through this pretty quickly today all right um lord's will all crazy can y'all hear me better i am talking a little low due to uh trying to gather my thoughts okay so when i get ready to read it'll be louder lord as well all right all right all right so we're gonna start here in just a few minutes y'all just a few minutes we're gonna get started uh it's 302 now lord little gonna try to be started by 305 no later lords will is i don't know no fighting i ain't too big to apologize look at those things gonna change [Music] [Music] me oh you know our praises to the most high praise to the most high shalom family most high christ blessed uh i see brother said bishop is still on yes sir i understand i'll pray to the most high um this is the time slot that i was given so i'm gonna just fulfill my duties as it was given to me by leadership so i'll praise but i thank you for that brother thank you all praise to the most high all right let's face jerusalem send our prayers so so make sure your head covered brothers make sure your head uncovered all right jump right into it the heavenly father lord god of heaven and earth thank you for sending your son jesus to christ lord thank you for your mercy thank you for understanding lord god thank you for the wisdom that you bestowed upon your servants lord god we ask that you be with us throughout our daily walk lord god guide us and strengthen us lord god be with us in the wintertime lord god as we are preparing our bodies to be prepared for when we know that the coronavirus impact is going to hit his heart as lord god lord we ask that you say your healing angels amongst us and amongst the body amongst those that have contracted the coronavirus lord god we ask that you heal them quickly and speedily if you be thy will lord god we ask that you shield us from the devices of the wicked and us down his own devices to be upon his own head lord god for seeking the hurt of thy people lord god lord we ask that you also uh give us strength to endure the trying times that are ahead lord god and that you continue to give us mercy as we evaluate ourselves and get ourselves together under the guise of your commandments in your name we pray i'm on shalom family shalom musa and christ bliss shalom obviously you want a thunder cry bless you officer all right i'll pray so today we're gonna be reading leviticus chapter 26 through numbers chapter two so like i said i got a little over an hour or rate at an hour so i'm gonna be reading kind of fast so it might not be much breaking down today all right so we're gonna start in leviticus chapter 26 verse 1. ye shall make you no idols nor graven image neither rear you up a standing image neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land to bow down unto it for i am the lord your god so of course we know this is going into making images graving images and then bowing down to those images worshiping those images images of stone like islam the cobblestone today like the cross today like egyptologists uh worship those different relics of egyptian heads and all those things of that nature uh the israelites are not to do that all right verse two you shall keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary i am the lord so when it goes into uh referencing the lord's sanctuary if you remember in leviticus chapter 10 i'll read it really fast leviticus chapter 10 uh and verse one it says and they dab and abihu the sons of aaron took either of them his censor and put fire therein and put incense thereon and offered strange fire before the lord which he commanded them not and there went out fire from the lord and devoured them and they die before the lord then moses said unto aaron this is that the lord's fake saying i will be sanctified in them that come nigh me and before all the people i will be glorified and aaron held his peace so as you can see uh the lord killed um nadab and the bayou for them offering strange incense okay strange fire that the lord did not ordain so when you came into the sanctuary of the lord you better come with respect because the lord was putting people to death you understand yes brother i know i know this that a lot of people are uh concerned we know the bishop is um doing a class it's actually a class that was already he already did is just streaming live right now premiering for the first time live but this is the time slot that i was given to do this class i appreciate you all's concern um leviticus chapter 26 and verse three if you walk in my statutes and keep my commandments and do them then i will give you rain in due season and the land shall yield her increase and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit yield their fruit so if we kept the commandments this is the same thing that you read in the book of deuteronomy the 28th chapter the curses and the blessings are the blessings and the curses these are the blessings for walking in god's commandments he will give us rain and due season meaning there wouldn't be a famine our plants and our crops will continually grow our harvest will continually come in on time and when it was a drought the lord would make sure that we had rain at all times in our land where we dwelled right if we kept the commandments verse 5 and your threshing shall reach unto the vintage and the vintage shall reach until the sowing time so the threshing going into like your corn um it will reach until the vintage meaning the one when you would your grapes or your wine excuse me and the vintage shall reach into the sowing time so i mean your wine would last you until it was time to sow your corn and your crops again so we would never have without we would never be without wine we would never be without um crops you understand food whatever whatever have you lettuce tomatoes these different things right it would reach to each season all right um verse uh five so read verse five again it says and your threshing shall reach unto the vintage and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time and ye shall eat your bread to the full and dwell in your land safely and i will give you i will give peace in the land and you shall lie down and none shall make you afraid and i will rid evil beasts out of the land neither shall the sword go through your land so the lord is talking about giving us peace no enemies will be able to come against us no one will be able to harm us uh there will be no war in our land okay everything would uh be for our benefit for our favor no one would make us afraid no one would make us uh run we would um be the ultimate peace you understand that's how you know the people in israel today are not the real jews because if they were then the props this prophecy will be fulfilled that we read in leviticus chapter 26 i'm going to read jeremiah 30 verse 10 it says therefore fear thou not o my servant jacob saith the lord neither be this man or israel for lo i will save thee from afar and thy seed from the land of their captivity and jacob shall return and shall be in rest and be quiet and none shall make him afraid you understand so the bible when you read in leviticus chapter 26 verse 6 that was the blessing that was supposed to be bestowed upon our people and it happened during the time of king solomon where there was no war around us you understand there was no fighting you know it was it was a rest for us in the land right and in the future tense when we read about the future it says that when the lord saves us from captivity it'll be the same none will make us afraid all right like i said i don't have really much time to break them break everything down today so i'm trying to move quickly so uh i pray you all able to keep up so leviticus chapter 26 verse 7 and you shall chase your enemies and they shall fall before you by the sword so we will chase our enemies they will fall before us by the sword right that's going into making us uh making the nations fear us they would fear us they don't fear us today but in that time when we kept the commandments we kept this ordinance as a nation the nations feared us right you read about that in joshua and so on and so forth verse eight and five of you shall chase a hundred and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword for i will have respect unto you and make you fruitful and multiply you and establish my covenant with you so god will be with us and with our children and we'll have respect unto us and our enemies will flee from us five of us will chase a hundred and a hundred of us and chase ten thousand that's how much power the lord was gonna bestow upon his people all right i'm very punished first and foremost uh verse 10 and you shall eat old store and bring forth the old because of the new so we would eat old store meaning um all of the the vintage and the threshing that we were looking at earlier we will be able to store it in our store houses we will have old money you understand old crop things and things that were still in our storehouse and we have to take that out just to bring forth the new that's how plenteous the lord was gonna allow us to be if we kept the commandments and i will set my tabernacle amongst you the lord will be amongst us and my soul shall not avoid you the lord wouldn't hate us and i will walk among you and will be your god and you shall be my people i am the lord your god which brought you forth out of the land of egypt that ye should not that you should not be their bond men and i have broken the bands of your yoke and made you go a right but if you will not hearken unto me and would not do all these commandments and if you shall despise my statutes and if your soul abhor my judgments like today so that you will not do all my commandments but that you break my covenant i also will do this unto you i will appoint i will even appoint over you terror consumption and the burning argue that yours con that con that shall consume the eyes and shall cause sorrow of heart and ye shall sow your seed in vain for your enemies shall eat it so this is not a flip side if we did not keep the commandments of the lord he was going to walk contrary to us i mean he was not going to deal with us right he was going to go opposite of us we would want blessings we wouldn't receive blessings because the lord will be in exact opposition to us and not allow these things to prosper he said he will appoint over us terror that's terrorism and that's what we go through every single day uh being terrorized by uh wicked uh corrupt police officers being terrorized by our own brothers and sisters being terrorized by all these nations right that's that terror that's that fear that the lord will put us in that consumption we would the consumption is going into being consumed with different diseases and with oppression and with uh financial mishaps and um having a lack of banks being in the prison system that goes into all that we are being consumed in this land right we are consumers in this land you know there's another point uh and then the bernie ague is going into uh diseases uh heart harm to our eyes and cause sorrow of heart and i mean in our mind and you should sow your seed in vain so we will go out and we will plant vineyards we will plant things uh seeds and so on and so forth but we wouldn't be able to reap it because our enemies would eat of it and also our children we would sow our children in vain we're just having children just for them to be killed just for them to be incarcerated just for them to grow up in a curse so that's what we're reading and do i mean in leviticus chapter 26 and verse 16. now we're at verse 17 and i will set my face against you and you shall be slain before your enemies you see that every single day they that hate you shall reign over you and you shall flee from when none pursue with you so this is is a clear explanation of why there will never be laws passed to help black people there will never be reparations for blacks and hispanic and native indians we will never get that because the lord said they that hate us will reign over us so for any one of our people to believe that they can go democratic or republican or any other party and then it's going to be beneficial for black people it will not it will never be okay because god has a curse on us he has set his face against us we are being slain before our enemies and our enemies that hate us now reign over us right and we flee when none pursueth and he said and if you will not if you were not yet for all this hearken unto me then i will punish you seven times more for your sins and i will break the pride of your power so god would break the pride of the power that he was going to he promised us that we would have in leviticus chapter 26 verse 3 through 14 or 23-13 we would have much power our enemies would flee from us he said he don't break the pride of that power and that's also going into how that's the explanation of how you know that it had to be divine intervention for the so-called white man to bring us in slavery and the chinese and the arabs they're not bigger stronger nations than we are you know they're not a more powerful nation but god broke our power you understand he took our strength from us so that our enemies would be able to prevail against us right we outnumbered them many times in the cotton fields yet we couldn't do anything this is the reason why and i will break the pride of your power and i will make your heaven as iron and your feet as brass as going into the shackles on our neck and then that cage that we put above us and then also the shackles on our feet and your strength shall be spent in vain for your land shall not yield her increase neither shall the trees of the land yield her and if you walk contrary unto me and will not hearken unto me i will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins and i will also send wild beasts among you which shall rob you of your children and destroy your cattle and make you few in number and your highways shall be desolate that could be your wolves coyotes um bears so on and so forth the lord would allow those things to come upon our people there's some real deal there's some real deal uh uh uh drama you understand some real deal um evil that the lord brought upon us for our wickedness you understand why i'm gonna punish you seven times more for your sins you know he would send animals amongst us to kill our children and to kill us you understand also going into like the bishop brought out in uh revelation chapter six going into how they would bring diseases uh mixing it with uh fetal tissue and animal dna and mixed the two and now we get coronavirus and and swine flu and and influenza all that stuff is a mixture of bats and human being and uh i mean animal dna and fetal tissue from um uh humans right so that's how that they will rid us as well verse 23 and if you will not be reformed by these things so he said if you if i bring these things upon you and you don't repent you don't really reformed but will walk contrary unto me then will i also walk contrary on to you and you and will punish you yet seven times for your sins i'm gonna bring seven times more even more than what i've already promised and i will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the coil of my covenant and when ye are gathered together within your cities i will send the pestilence among you and you shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy let's express some skill some evil going on to this day right and when i have broken the staff of your bread 10 women shall bake your bread in one oven and they shall deliver you your your bread again by weight and you shall eat and not be satisfied so that's going into a lack of resources or lack of food which says the 10 women will break will uh shall bake your bread in one oven i don't know if y'all remember but uh some of us when we was young you always had to go to somebody house next door and borrow sugar i always had to go to somebody else next door they got a grill over there we grill over such a such house we don't have the money to a four degree all appliances don't work our refrigerator don't work this don't work for us we got to go to this house that's what that's going into it's going to straight poverty it's like many of us grew up literally knocking on somebody's door saying can i borrow some sugar can i borrow your iron can i borrow your um your bread can i borrow this can i borrow that same thing to this day man damn verse 27 and if you were not for all this hearken unto me but walk contrary unto me then i will walk contrary on to you also in fury and i even i will chastise you seven times for your sins so the lord said i'm gonna be in the midst i'm gonna be the one doing it i'm gonna use your enemies to do it but it's gonna be me behind it that's some heavy stuff right there and you should eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat so that's going into 70 a.d that also happened during the time of the kings where our city was besieged and we had to eat our children because of the uh the lack of food all right i'm gonna read that real quick because i just don't want nobody to be confused uh second kings chapter six and verse 25 and there was second kings chapter six verse 25 to go with leviticus chapter 26 and verse 29 and it says and there was a great famine in samaria and behold they besieged it until an ass until an ass's head was sold for four score pieces of silver and the fourth part of a cab was of dove dung for five pieces of silver so they were selling horses heads and dung from doves and as the king of israel was passing by upon the wall there cried a woman unto him saying help my lord o king and he said if the lord do not help thee when shall i help thee so they're showing you right here that this is some real deal famine that was going through the king said that the lord can't help you i can't help you verse 27 and he said if the lord do not help thee when shall i help thee out of the barn floor or out of the wine press and the king said unto her whatever and she answered this woman said unto me give thy son that we may eat him today and we will eat my son tomorrow so we bore my son and did eat him and i said unto her on the next day give thy son that we may eat him and he's and she have hid her son so that's showing the priest of the second kings in second kings chapter 6 verse 25 through 29 you also go to uh luke chapter 21 verse 20 on down to go into how we would our city was besieged you also go to deuteronomy in the 28th chapter uh i believe it's verse 52 through 56 i believe so um that's just a gist of it like i said i can't really fully go into the deep deafness of the breakdown obviously because uh we're short of time we were pressed for time today so back to leviticus 26 and 29 i'm moving kind of quickly y'all so bear with me and you shall eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughter shall you eat so we read that and i will destroy your high places and cut down your images and cast your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols and my soul shall avoid you so our people dying in the christian church with a cross around their neck our people dying laying up against that cobblestone worshipping our lives while people still dying lord i'ma cast your body upon your images i'm gonna cut them down too um and destroy your high places i remember uh last easter easter before last i remember uh uh tornado was something hit a church in africa and it fell in on everybody during a so quote-unquote easter program and a lot of israelites in africa died because of that thing we read about that in verse 30. verse 31 and i'll make your cities waste and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation and will not smell the savior of your sweet older so the lord wasn't accepting our sacrifices the lord was destroying our sanctuary he used the enemy to come in remember you read that in psalms 137 where he said when babylon came against us esau was on the side saying racist racism even to the foundation that ruled so the babylonians destroyed our temple uh the greeks destroyed our temple the romans destroyed our temple so on and so forth verse 32 leviticus 26 and 32 and i will bring the land into desolation and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished in it and i will scatter you among the heathen and draw out a sword after you so he said not only was he gonna scatter us among the he that he was gonna send wickedness amongst us death and anguish amongst us uh and your land shall be desolate in your city's waste then shall the land enjoy her sabbath as long as it lied death instead of land or actually to enjoy the sabbath when we weren't there because of how much evil we was doing we were there and ye be in your enemy's land even then shall the land rest and enjoy her sadly said damn lord said i gotta y'all say if y'all be there we can't get rid of y'all wicked ass and let your saying let your land be able to rest on the savage because of your evil and as long as it lies desolate it shall rest because it did not rest in your savage when you dwell upon it because we weren't following the commandments that the lord told us to follow we weren't supposed to cook we're supposed to till our ground do any of that evil on the sabbath every seven years we're supposed to let the land rest and we didn't keep those commandments the lord's gonna rid us out of the land for because of it that's some real heavy stuff right there verse 36 and upon them that are left alive of you i will send a faintness into their hearts in the lands of their enemies and the sound of a shaken leaf shall chase them and they shall flee as fleeing from a sword and they shall fall when none pursue it so he said in the land and those that are left alive of us he will send a faintness into our hearts that's the same things you read in deuteronomy 28 when it talks about we will have sorrow of mine uh let me just get it real quick i don't want to i don't know i really don't like doing that unfortunately i'm just short press the time i don't like to paraphrase it let me just read deuteronomy 28 real quick in verse 65 and it says and among these nations shall thou find no ease neither shall the soul of thy foot have rest but the lord shall give thee there a trembling heart and failing of eyes and sorrow mind and thy life shall hang in doubt before thee and thou shall fear day and night thou shall have no assurance of thy life in the morning thou shalt say with god who were even and that even thou shalt say with god and with mourning for the fear of thine heart wherewith thou shalt fear and for the sight of thine eyes without shall see so that's going into all the the atrocities and the trauma and the things that will happen to us in the land of our enemies for breaking god's commandments so when you go back to leviticus chapter 28 let me excuse me i keep saying 20 think about deuteronomy leviticus chapter 26 and verse 36 and upon them that are left alive of you i will send the faintness into their hearts and the lands of their enemies and the sound of a shaking leaf shall chase them and they shall flee as fleeing from a sword and they shall fall when none pursue it and they shall fall one upon another as they were before a sword when none pursued and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies so even at these protests these so-called riots when they get to shoot those rubber bullets and when they get to um spraying their tear gas or water hose i got those dogs coming out we stumble and fall over one another trying to get away from the pain of that still to this day we're doing the same thing wow verse 38 and you shall perish among the heathen so many of us die in this land and in all the lands we are scattered and the land of your enemy shall eat you up there's oppression right and they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemy's land and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pound away with them so that's going into us dying we pine and away right um you'll see people just decay from their sickness like the lord may not judge him right away he might give him a chance to repent and land their enemy but they continue to eat the defiled food they continue to smoke their weeds smoke their marijuana you understand uh still dope in and out of jail and they slowly pine away it's a miserable life to live you know we gotta get right with the lord man uh verse 40. leviticus 26 and verse 40. if they shall confess the iniquities of their fathers with their trespass which they trespassed against me and that also they have walked contrary unto me and that i also have walked contrary to them unto them and have brought them into the land of their enemies if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled and they and then and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity so that's what we're doing right now we're in the process of repenting ourselves confessing our sins remembering them with the israelites that our forefathers sins are we trying to change our uncircumcised mind back to the father we're trying to come back to god you understand that's what he's saying right here and it says uh we have must humble ourselves and accept our punishment we understand that going through our trials and tribulations going through these different things we're not trying to fight for no reparations we're not on the streets trying to march uh as far as equality as concerns quote unquote but uh we are accepting our punishment of the ink of our iniquities that we send against the lord right verse 42 then will i remember my covenant with jacob and also my covenant with isaac and also my covenant with abraham will i remember and i will remember the land so the lord said when we will repent and turn it back to him like you read in first kings 8 and 46 on down then he will remember our covenant or the covenant that he made with our forefather abraham then our forefather isaac and our forefather jacob and was passed down to us his children the children of israel and it says verse 43 the land also shall be left of them and shall enjoy her sabbath while she lied destiny without them and they shall accept of the punishment of their iniquity because even because they despise my judgments and because their soul avoid my statute so we have to accept that we were evil and wicked against the lord verse 44 leviticus 26 and 44 and yet for all that when they be in the land of their enemies like we are today i will not cast them away neither will i abhor them to destroy them utterly and to break my covenant with them for i am the lord their god so the lord is basically explaining to us that he sent us here in the captivity not for us all to die but for us to have a chance to repent to get ourselves together to be afflicted so much that we finally turn back to the lord god of heaven and earth which is our father the lord god of israel so he said he was not going to fully cast us away so when you hear [ __ ] or people say the israelites are done away that's a lie because god promised that he wouldn't destroy the abraham isaac and jacob seed but that he would give us a chance to repent and allow us to remember his covenant and allow him and he will remember in until he will remember his covenant it's also going into uh future tense you understand uh verse 45 but i will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors whom i brought forth out of the land of egypt in the sight of the heathen that i might be their god i am the lord there it is right there these are the statutes and the judgments and laws which the lord made between him and the children of israel and mount sinai by the hand of moses all praises to the most high all right so that was leviticus chapter 26 a quick recap those were the blessings and the curses uh that will come upon the children of israel for either obedience or disobedience a lot of heavy stuff in there this pr this goes in um parallels with deuteronomy the 28th chapter as well okay moving on leviticus chapter 27 verse 1 and the lord spake unto moses saying speak unto the children of israel and say unto them when a man shall make a singular vow so this man makes a vow the person shall be for the lord so the person shall be for the lord he's making a vow to the lord right and it says by thy estimation right meaning the estimation of the priest all right so this person is bound himself to the lord you also read about that in uh first samuel where um samuel's mother vowed that his life was going to be dedicated to doing the business and the work of the lord right so the same thing we read right here except they had an estimation and we're going to read about it a little bit more in depth when you get to verse three and it says my estimation shall be of the male from 20 years old even to 60 years old so this was going this is the prime of the life 20 years old to 60 years old right even by estimation shall be 50 shuffles of silver after the second of the sanctuary so this person was worth 50 shekels of silver between that time um verse five and a lot i see a lot of people saying that um that they apologize for being late due to them watching bishop i always watch bishop before any of our classes the bishops should come before any of us as far as understanding is concerned he supersedes us in understanding and wisdom so i would love to have watched it too obviously but this is the time slot that we had to fit this in today uh particularly because we have some radio shows afterwards so that's why i'm kind of flying through the scriptures y'all so bear with us with our prayers you don't need to apologize for being late for us for because you were watching the bishop all praise watch the bishop um leviticus 27 verse five four now and if it be a female then the estimation shall be thirty shekels of silver for her vow which is the estimation for her vows she was vowed to the lord to do uh for blessing or for um for healing or whatever the case may be but it had an estimation on her because of that right uh and if it be from fit five years old even unto 20 years old then thy estimation shall be the male 20 sheckles for uh and for the female 10 shekels so this is the estimation of his vow all right or the value of this person for their vow to the lord right to how they would be redeemed this was how they would be redeemed out of that vow they would have to pay these shuffles of silver by their estimation um verse six and if it'd be from a month old even until five years old then thy estimation shall be for of the male five shekels of silver and for the female that estimates shall be three shekels of silver and if it be from seven years old and above if it be a male then thy estimation shall be 15 shekels and for the female 10 shekels but if he be poorer than thy estimation many can't he can't pay that right he's not valued at that excuse me then he shall present himself before the priest and the priest shall value him so the priests give him the value of his um the value of the estimation for his redemption from that vow and it says and the priest shall value him according to his ability that vowed uh shall the uh priests value him because for his ability meaning his is his worth right what he was able to to provide or to bring forth uh verse nine and if it be a beast where men bring an offering unto the lord all that any man give of such unto the lord shall be holy so if you brought a beast to sacrifice for the lord it had to be holy all right it couldn't be blemished right verse 10 he shall not alter it nor change it a good for a bad or a bad for good and if he shall at all change beats for beast that it and the exchange the world shall be holy right uh and if it be clinton if it be uh i'm sorry and if it be any unclean beast of which they do not offer a sacrifice unto the lord then he shall present the beast before the priest and the priest shall value it when it be for good with whether it be for good be good or bad and thou values is about value is it who art the priest so shall it be but if it will at all redeemed if he will all that redeem excuse me then he shall add a fifth part thereof unto thy estimation so whatever the value was of the beast he would have to add a fifth part of it to it um if he wanted to redeem it so to be able to get that beast back he must um bring forth the estimation now what is going into unclean is going into those beasts with those blemishes right uh verse 14 and when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy unto the lord then the priest shall estimate it so he should make the estimation for his house uh or value whether it be good or bad whether it be a good or bad that that could be presented before the lord as the priesthood estimated so shall it stand and if he that sanctified it will redeem his house then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be his so a fifth part of a hundred would be twenty so uh if the house was worth a hundred thousand um and he wanted to redeem it he would have to pay that hundred thousand plus the extra 20 000 the fifth part of the estimation to redeem that house that he vowed to the lord for whatever reason uh verse 16 and if a man shall sanctify unto the lord some part of his field of his possession then thy estimation shall be according to the seed thereof a homer of barley seeds shall be valid and 50 shekels of silver if he sanctify his field from the year of jubilee according to the estimation it shall stand but if he sanctify his field after the after the jubilee mean to your release then the priest shall reckon uh unto him the money according to the years that remain even unto the years of jubilee and it shall be abated from thy estimation and if he that sanctified the field will in any wise redeem it then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy estimation unto it and it shall be assured to him same thing we just read about the house you have to add the fifth part on top of the estimation of the field how much it was worth right verse 20 and if he will not redeem the field or if he have sold the field to another man it shall not be redeemed anymore but the field when it goes out in the jubilee shall be holy unto the lord as a field devoted the possession thereof shall be the priest uh and if a man sanctified unto the lord a field which he had brought which he had bought excuse me which is not of the fields of his possession then the priest shall wreck it unto him the worth of thy estimation even the year of the jubilee and he shall give thy estimation in that day as a holy thing unto the lord so when he keeps mentioning of the year jubilee what you believe was the year of release all right of the year of rest right so that would be the time when um the land would have to rest so they would bid the estimation on how close of the year jubilee was which is the seventh year so if if you brought forth this field and you want to present that as an estimation or to the release from the vow right then they would have to take the field and say okay it's four years left until the year jubilee so this is how much is valued at how much we can reap it's almost like and i'll try to make the best example that i can it's almost like when you have a car right and you take your car to trade it in or you take your car to sell it right and say your car got is it's a 2018 so it's only two years old it's only got 20 000 miles on it obviously you're gonna get more money or more value out of that car than you would if you brought an 05 car with over 150 000 miles on it right that's that's what that's going into okay uh so that's how they would estimate it based off the year jubilee the year of jubilee was really close then they know that it wouldn't be much time for them to be able to reap the benefits of the land because the year jubilee which was the year that the land had to rest will come up i hope i i hope that that make that's not just you get understanding from that but i just for the sake of time i have to kind of rush the understanding of it i can't go to the proper precepts i think i can go to deuteronomy chapter 15 real quick uh let me see uh let me see in a second okay i'm gonna get to it right now i gotta i gotta find my preset uh maybe i better find it at the very end so leviticus chapter 27 and we are at verse 13 24 now excuse me in the year of the jubilee the field shall return unto him or whom it was bought even to him to whom the possession of the land did belong and all the estimations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary 20 garage shall be the shekel so that was the standard right that was the set price only the first wing of the beast which should be the lord's first lean no man shall sanctify it whether it be or sheep it is the lord's and if it be of a unclean beast then he shall redeem it according to thine estimation or shall add a fit part of it there are two excuse me or if it be not redeemed then it shall be sold according to thy estimation notwithstanding no devoted thing that a man shall devote unto the lord or all that he had both the man and beast and of the field of his possession shall be sold or redeemed every devoted thing it must is most holy unto the lord none devoted which shall be devoted of men shall be redeemed but he shall be surely be put to death and all the tent the tithe of the land whether of the sea of the land or of the fruit of the tree is the lord's it is holy unto the lord and if a man will at all redeem out of his tithes he shall he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof and concerning the tithe of the herd of the flock even of whatsoever passing under the rod the tent shall be holy unto the lord he shall not search whether it be good or bad neither shall he change it and if you change it at all then both it and the change thereof shall be holy it shall not be redeemed these are the commandments which the lord commanded moses for the lord for the excrement for the children of israel in mount sinai so that's leviticus chapter 27 uh a quick recap is going into it for brother or sister were to bow themselves to the lord the redemption from that vow would be according to the estimation it was 20 to 60 it would be 50 shekels for the man if it was a woman it'd be 30 shekels if it was 5 years old to 20 years old the estimation would be 10 seconds for a man uh 20 seconds for man excuse me 10 seconds for the woman and so on and so forth if you had a house or you had a field all these things are just going into how the priest would be able to calculate the estimation of these particular things in order to release you from that vow okay so numbers chapter 1 verse 1 and the lord spake unto moses in the wilderness of sinai in the tabernacle of the congregation on the first date of the second month in the second year after there came there come that will come out of the land of egypt saying take ye the sum of all the congregation of the children of israel after their families by the house of their fathers with the number of their names every male by their pole from 20 years old and upwards so they counted the men the armies of the army the numbers is the numbering of the armies of the lord the numbering of the armies of the children of israel that's what we're going through right now this is uh moses uh and the and the elders numbering the brothers from 20 years and older now the numbering the armies of the lord okay uh the numbers the armies of israel so verse 3 again from 20 years old and upward all that are able to go forth to war in israel thou and aaron shall number them by their armies so these are the men that were able to go to war and with you there shall be a man of every tribe every one head of the house of his fathers and these are the names of the men that shall stand with you of the tribe of reuben elizor elizor the son of shadow of simeon shalumiel the son of zarishadai of judah nashan the son of a minidab of issachar nathaniel the son of zwarte of zebulon eliad the son of hellon of the children of joseph of ephraim alicia ma the son of emma hood of manasseh gamaliel the son of peter peterson of benjamin abaddon the son of gideoni of ge of dan a hyzer a hyzer excuse me the son of a mischievo of asher pacquiao the son of okra of gad ilyasath the son of duel of nephthali ahira the son of inane these were the renowned of the congregation princes of the tribes of their fathers heads of the thousands in israel so the lord always chose men that he wanted to choose so it ain't up to us to choose who gonna be leadership or who gonna be in this position won't be in that position it's never us this proves what you read in psalms chapter 75 and six i believe or maybe 76-5 where it says i always get those two confused i think it's psalm 76 and five where it goes into promotion come let me just read it real quick real quick so the lord elected these men as renowned men it is 75-6 okay psalm 75-6 it says for promotion coming even from the west nor from the north from the excuse me nor from the west nor from the south but god is the judge he put it down one and set it up another so the lord chose these men to be heads of their tribes to stand with moses and aaron as they were numbering all right the armies of the lord 20 years and above is what we're reading verse 18. uh verse 17 excuse me uh and moses and aaron took these men which are expressed by their names and they assembled all the congregations together on the first day of the second month and they declared their pedigrees after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward by the poll so we always because when you look at analytic or uh quote unquote jewish right um you're jewish based off your mother but that's not what the bible says the bible says that the lord uh just established the pedigrees of the children of israel by the house of their fathers because the father plants the seed all right the woman is basically the soul the father plants the seed in the soil and it grows all right into a child obviously verse 19 and the lord commanded moses so he as as the lord commanded moses so he numbered them in the wilderness of sinai and the children of roman reuben israel's eldest son by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names by their poll every male from 20 years old and upward all they were able to go forth to war those that were number of them even of the tribal reuben were forty and six thousand and five hundred of the tribe of simeon by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers those that were numbered of them according to the number of the names by the opposed every male from 20 years old and upward all they were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of simeon were 50 and 9 and 300 of the children of gad by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of gad were 40 and 5 650 of the children of judah by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all they were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of judah were three score and 14 600 of the tribe of issachar by their generations of after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of issachar were 50 and 4 thousand and 400 of the tribe of zebulun by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from the from 20 years old and upward all they were able to go forth to war those were numbered of them even of the tribe of zebulun were 50 and 7 400 of the children of joseph namely of the children of ephraim by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of ephraim were forty thousand and five hundred of the children of manasseh by legit by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of manasseh were 30 and 2 thousand and 200 of the tribe of the children of benjamin excuse me by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all they were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of benjamin with 30 and five thousand and four hundred you know the tribe of the children of dan by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of the of them even of the tribe of dan were three score and two thousand and seven hundred and of the children of asher by their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even in the tribe of asher were forty and one thousand and five hundred of the children of naphtali throughout their generations after their families by the house of their fathers according to the number of the names from 20 years old and upward all they were able to go forth to war those that were numbered of them even of the tribe of naphtali were fifty and three thousand and four hundred these are those that were numbered which moses and aaron numbered and the princes of israel being 12 men each one was the was for the house of his fathers so were all those that were numbered of the children of israel by the house of their fathers from 20 years old and upward all that were able to go forth to war in israel even all they that were numbered were six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and but the levites after the tribe of their fathers were not numbered among them for the lord had spoken unto moses saying only thou shalt not number the tribe of levi neither take the son of them among the children of israel but thou shalt appoint the levites over the tabernacle of testimony and over all the vessels thereof and over all the things that belong to it they shall bear the tabernacle and all the vessels thereof and they shall minister unto it and shall i camp round about the tabernacle so the lord didn't have moses and aaron and those 12 princes to um excuse me to uh or after their tribe screaming to uh number the levites because they were set up obviously to um take care of the sanctuary of the lord and the minister unto the lord and to the people uh and when the tabernacle said it forward the levite shall take it down and when the tabernacle is to be pitched the levites shall set it up and the stranger that cometh nigh shall be put to death and the children of israel shall pitch their attempts every man by his own camp and every man by his own standard throughout their hosts but the levite shall pitch round about the tabernacle of testimony that there be no wrath upon the congregation of the children of israel and the levites shall keep the charge of the tabernacle of testimony and the children of israel did according to all that the lord commanded moses so did they so i know that was lengthy and i know some people may think that that's boring i remember when edomite told me one time you read numbers i said yeah he was like he felt like he was sleeping but of course the bible ain't for him but it's all it's beauty and everything that we read we're reading about the lord forming our armies as we were in the wilderness because we know we was going to have to be prepared to go to war with these nations so our praises to the most high god for that um that the lord found us fit and choose us to to be his people man that's a beautiful thing when i reached up like that it it's not boring to me okay so it shouldn't be to you all that either um okay i only got about 20 more 15 20 more minutes i'm going to read chapter two and then if there are any questions about leviticus 26 to two i'll try to answer them in the time that i'm able okay uh numbers chapter 2 verse 1 and the lord speak unto moses and unto aaron's saying every man of the children of israel shall pitch by his own standard with a sign of their father's house afar off about the tabernacle of the congregation shall they pitch and on the east side toward the rising of the sun shall they of the standard of the camp of judah pitch throughout their armies and nishan the son of a minidab shall be captain of the children of judah and his hosts and those that were numbered of them were three score and 14 and 600 and those that do pitch next unto him shall be the tribe of issachar and nathanael the son of zwar shall be captain of the children of issachar and his hosts and those that were numbered thereof were fifty and four thousand and four hundred then the tribe of zebulun and eliad the son of holland shall be captain of the children of zebulon and his hosts and those that were numbered thereof were fifty and seven thousand and four hundred all that were numbered in the camp of judah uh were a hundred thousand four score uh four score thousand what excuse me and hundred thousand and four square thousand and six thousand and four hundred so i believe that's 186 thousand four hundred uh throughout the their armies these shall set forth these shall first set forth on the south side shall be the standard of the camp of reuben according to their armies uh and the captain of the children of reuben shall be eliezer or ellen ellison excuse me the son of shadow and his host and those that were numbered thereof were uh sorry and and the whole enemy's hosting and those that were numbered thereof were forty and six thousand five hundred and those which pitched by him shall be the tribe of simeon and the captain of the children of simeon shall be uh shalim yell the son of jerishidai and his host and those that were numbered of them were fifty and nine thousand and three hundred then the stream the tribe of gag and the captain of the sons of gads shall be eliasa the son of ruel and his hosts and those that were numbered of them were 40 and 5 and 650 and all that were numbered in the camp of reuben were 100 thousand and 50 and one thousand and four hundred and fifty and fifty throughout their armies and they shall set forth in the second rank so you have these tribes that will certainly i don't know if you've ever seen if any of you that was seeing the picture of like the the levites and they're close to the tabernacle like the tabernacle in the middle and you see the the the fire coming down the pillar fire coming down the light by night and then you got the the sections of the tribes around that's what this is what we're reading right now this is the numbering of the lord's army that's how we're supposed to be set in formation that's that's some heavy stuff very good um verse 17 verse 17. then the tabernacle of the congregation shall set forward uh with the camp of the levites in the midst of the camp as they encamp so shall they set forward every man in his place by their standards on the west side shall be the standard of the camp of ephraim according to the fan armies and the captains of the sons of ephraim shall be alicia ma the son of emma hood and his host and those that were numbered of them were forty thousand and five hundred and by him shall be the tribe of manasseh and the captain of the children of manasseh shall be gamaliel the son of peterson and his host and those that were number of them were 30 and 2 and 200. then the tribe of benjamin and the captain of the sons of benjamin shall be abaddon the son of gideon and his hosts and those that were numbered of them were 30 and 5 and 400. all that were number of the camp of ephraim were a hundred thousand and eight thousand and a hundred throughout their armies and they shall go forward in the third rank the standard of the camp of dan shall be at on the north side by their armies and the captain of the children of dan shall be a highest order a hyzer excuse me the son of a mischievo and his host and those that were numbered of them were three scored in thousand and six hundred and those that can't buy him shall be the tribe of asher and the captain of the children of asher shall be pagiel the son of okran and his host and those that were numbered of them were forty and one thousand five hundred then the tribe of meth valley and the captain of the children of naphthalene shall be a hira the son of enan and his host and those that were numbered of him of them were fifty and three thousand and four hundred all day all day that were numbered of the camp of dan one hundred thousand and fifty and seven thousand and six hundred they shall go behind them behind most with their standards these these are those which were numbered to the children of israel by the house of their fathers all those that were numbered of the camps throughout their hosts were six hundred thousand and three thousand and and but the levites were not numbered among the children of israel as the lord commanded moses and the children of israel did according to all the lord commanded moses so they pinched by their standards and so they set forward every everyone after their families according to the house of their fathers so i'll pray this to the most high whoo that's a read right there so um we got about i got about maybe five minutes maybe five to ten minutes i pray hey you know yeah yeah how is that your how aside you your how aside you um appreciate you subscribing bro oh praise it to the most most high how that fourth score works four score is going into so a score is 20 right so four score would be 20 times four which is 80 so that's what it means by four score uh are they multiplying to get the total people four score three score yes uh four score will be like i said if a score is 20. so it says a score that's 20 if he says to score that's 40. he says 3 scored at 60 and if he says uh four score then that should be 80 yes uh [Music] all praise anybody got any questions before we got shut down i got about five minutes to answer questions for leviticus 26 27 numbers one or numbers two okay any questions any questions three score would be um 60. free three score will be 60. any questions any questions i know leviticus chapter 26 let me chapter 27 can be a little confusing you must read it over and over and over uh i've had to read over and over and over um as it pertains to the vow and the estimation and so on and so forth some of these things can be a little tricky um but i'll pray this to the most high we were able to get through it uh no problem uh jaray and mario robinson is real no problem anybody have any questions we got to shut down here in just a few minutes we got a radio show coming up right afterwards so he's kind of pressed for time today so we had to squeeze in squeeze everything in within an hour so if anybody has any questions let it be known and uh y'all y'all y'all uh i want to say your name right you're outside yeah uh if you want to bro um you don't have to continue to to just scribe for the rest of numbers chapter two you basically just put having to just put each one down just do whatever you add just do numbers two twenty four through thirty four and just be done with it i'll pray to the most high uh uh it makes you tired but it's beneficial yeah what does it mean to vow yourself to the lord it means that you're gonna promise for whatever if the lord were to give you in exchange for that you're going to vow yourself to the lord saying that you go i'll give you an example uh real quick i got one minute two minutes first samuel chapter 1 and verse 11. so we're reading about samuel's mother right uh hannah right so they said first sandwich chapter one verse ten and it says and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed unto the lord and wept sword because she couldn't have children right and she vowed to vow and said o lord of hosts if thou wilt indeed look on the affliction of thy handmaiden lord that you will bless me and remember me and not forget thy handmaid but will give unto thy handmaiden man child then i will give unto the lord all the days of his life and there shall no razor come upon his head so she prayed to the lord to bless her to be able to have a child which became samuel and in exchange for that she vowed samuel to to her child me to the lord all right so he'll be in the service of the lord that's how the story of samuel began so that's what it means to vow yourself to the lord right you tell the lord that in exchange for in exchange for you know a blessing in this regard you're gonna vow to do this and that's why christ wrote about that because it's very dangerous you must pay your bow you have to say you must pay your vow right let me get that real quick in matthew 5 and verse 30 let me see what am i looking at matthew chapter 5 and verse 33 it says again you have heard that it has been said by them of old time thou shall not forswear thyself uh but shall perform unto the lord thine oath so you of you made an oath to the lord or about to the lord you're going to do something you better paint it but i say until you swear not at all neither by heaven for it is god's throne no by the earth for it is his footstool neither by jerusalem or is the city of the great king neither shall thou swear by thy head because thou canst not make one hair black or white or black uh but let your communication be yea yea whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil right so um don't persuade yourself don't vow you know so don't make a vow just say lord's will that's what we always like to say lord's will i get this done lord's will i'm able to do this you understand leviticus 26 was the first time it talks about the curses correct in depth yes in depth yes all praise i'm just logging on shalom it's 144k is the same as one third no the 144k is the elect um so the intro induction in the army was involuntary or mandatory what was the cut off age for participation in the wars oh i'm not sure um all i can say is that these men were chosen able men um every man had to go to war you read about that later on in numbers where every man went to war unless they had some type of ailment you read about in deuteronomy however man before man went to war um if he had just gotta have uh had gotten married or just got a house and hadn't dedicated it he wouldn't have to go to war well a man was fearful he didn't have to go to war if he was fearful because that spirit would jump on other brothers the lord chose able men when you read in the book of judges uh he cut down to men from what twenty-something thousand down to three hundred all right um all praise to the most high as far as the cut off age for participation i'm pretty sure that would be if you weren't able right moses was a bad man moses hold up holding up stat and hold up the staff and everything what he had for what all that time they had to put their arms up on a mighty man so i'll pray to the most high so with that being said israel um i'm going to go ahead and shut it down like i said we got someone coming after us uh uh truth be told by uh iuic dc so our praise looking forward to that so with that family we're gonna say shalom we'll sign christ bless pray for leadership join the booster club continue to pray for the brothers and sisters in the body that have been affected with covet pray that the lord doesn't affect you and i will cover it or our families that he keeps us safe in these trying times stay in the spirit stay strong most high in christ bless you all you