Transcript for:
(Part 2) Devastated Because They May Have Lost You (Extended Version)

Hello, my beautiful people, and welcome to your extended reading. This is the Dream Clairvoyant. Thank you so very much for tuning in.

I truly appreciate your support. So let's go ahead and take a look at your reading. All right. In this extended, we're really going to do an analysis of the feminine energy here.

I feel like the initial reading was all about the masculine energy and his feelings and emotions about the separation. So we're going to give the feminine energy a chance and we're going to dive into her energy and see what's going on with her. Okay, how does the feminine here, how does the feminine feel about this connection and everything that's going on? How does the feminine...

Actually, I want us to do some new reading here. There we go. How does the feminine feel about the connection and everything that's going on within the connection? Let's see. The king of pentacles.

Whoa. Okay. Let's see here.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I think there's a new love.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I think there's a new love that she's connecting with.

I think there's a new love that she's connecting to. Three of wands. Or there's a new love that's waiting for her.

Is this new love or is this the energy of this main now here? Ten of cups. Y'all.

Y'all. She's like... This is new love.

She is like on the borderline of a past relationship, right? Like she's still connected to this main male in some way as she's stepping foot into a new beginning with someone else. Like she's on that borderline of the past versus the future. If she takes one step forward, She's going to be with a future, with a new love. If she takes one step backward, she's going to be with this main male.

Like she's literally on the borderline of two significant relationships. They're looking into her energy like this is about her. So I'm wondering why is she not showing up?

There's another male that's showing up who's in her energy. So there's already been some sort of exchange between the two of them, whether physically or spiritually. But there is an energetic exchange.

He's showing up. Oh my gosh, this main male is going to just, he's going to be so. angry.

The new love is showing up as the king of pentacles. Could be an earth sign, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Or this could just be someone who is also very financially well off.

King of pentacles tends to be very successful. He's been in the background, seven of swords. He's been in the background expecting to see her, three of wands. He is connected.

Ten of cups is that happily ever after card. He's more of a traditional man. And I feel like he does want a future with her.

He does want, like he can see a whole life with her. The wedding, the marriage, the children, the happy home. He sees that vision with her.

The Eight of Pentacles is work. So he's already doing the work to make a home. Y'all, a new love is present.

He's already doing the work to make a home with her. This is a man who saw a valuable woman and took the chance immediately. He seized the opportunity immediately.

And truly, like attracts like. As in, valuable people can tell when another person is valuable. They can see.

Valuable people can see other valuable people, places, and things. he's already doing the work to build a happy home, family life with her, Ten of Cups. This is a traditional man.

Seven of Cups is here. Like, this man is making plans. He's weighing his options. He's making decisions. He's already preparing himself for a life with her.

How did they connect? How did they connect? Like he's making arrangements. He's behind the scenes though with the Seven of Swords, that sneaky sort of energy. Not to say that he's doing anything bad, but he's behind the scenes already making accommodations for her.

He has spotted this woman and he spotted a woman who he sees as his potential wife. What one man won't do another man well. I'm telling you, this is a very valuable woman that most to many men want.

So when you see her, when she's presented to you, you got to seize that opportunity and do the work or another man is going to come in. And what this main male thought he could do was put off doing the work and keep her in a prison. It's like put her on reserve for when he is ready for her. And it doesn't work that way.

It's not like you can purchase something and put it on hold for yourself. Which is what I feel this main male is used to doing. Purchasing things because he has a lot of money.

But this woman here is not property. How do they connect? How do they connect?

Because he's making himself, her energy still isn't out. So I'm like, what's going on with her? Is she just taking a back role now? But his energy is showing up when I asked about her.

So how do they connect? Page of Swords. He may be at a distance for now with a Page of Swords. That curiosity, watching something from a distance. He's at a distance and he's like, he's calling her towards him.

He's energetically calling her towards him. This is another emperor. There are, just like how there are many chosen ones, there are many, or there's a good amount of chosen ones.

So there are a good amount of emperors and empresses, as in there are a good amount of men who carry that divine masculine energy. It's not just one person. It's not just one chosen one. Right? So there are a good amount of men who are chosen and carry the divine masculine energy, just like how there are a good amount of women who are chosen and carry the divine feminine energy.

And I feel like that's why he could have been very possessive with this woman. I keep on seeing him trying to keep her. Right where he wanted her, because if she really gets a taste of freedom and spreads her wings to fly, another divine masculine is going to see her and want her. There's a king.

This king of pentacles is a divine masculine. He's showing up as the emperor. And it's like he stumbled upon this woman, Page of Wands.

And he's like, who is that? Well, well, well, what do we have here? And this is a king of pentacles, honey.

He's all about valuable people, places, and things. So when he finds valuable people, places, and things, he treasures them. He wants them in his life.

So the page of swords. He's watching. He's working behind the scenes.

He's making inquiries. I feel like he's watching her from a distance and he's really hoping that she will push forward to start this new beginning. The Six of Swords is moving things from rough waters to calmer waters. In a way, he could be wondering like, hmm, is she having difficulties moving things forward?

He's, it's like he's ushering her into this new beginning. He cannot, he can't go and get her. Okay, she's at that borderline. where he is the new, he is the new love, the new soulmate, the new emperor or divine masculine. He's in her future.

She's like on that borderline of her past versus her future. She's at that borderline. As much as he wants to go and... get her and usher her into this new beginning.

He can't. All he can do is stay at a distance watching her and trying to call her towards the future. She's at the borderline.

She has to take that step forward in order to be with him. Or she can take that step backward to stay with this main male. So as much as this new emperor wants her, he has to respect her wishes. So he's at a distance trying to get her. trying to usher her like, come on, take that leap of faith.

Come towards this new beginning. He's worked eight of pentacles. This man is working like he's making plans, you guys, with the eight of pentacles. Ten of pentacles.

He's connected to a business empire as well. Oh my gosh. He's the chariot.

The chariot are people who are very successful, very driven. They carry a success story. He's connected to a business empire. The world. A successful completion, the Ace of Swords.

This is who she can be with if she's willing to complete a current chapter of her life. Wow. He has already said yes to her.

It's like he got a glimpse of her and he's like, yes, I want to give this a shot. I want to give this a chance. Ten of Wands. I did not expect a new masculine energy to show up. He wants this so bad that it's overwhelming him.

Ace of Cups is new love, new beginnings, but Ten of Wands is stress and worries. He's in distress about this. He's taking this connection very seriously.

He's stressed out about this connection because he wants to see her again with the Six of Cups. A reunion. But he's not sure what she's going to do, what her decision is going to be. Look, so much to the point where I think he's feeling a bit competitive with the Five of Wands.

Because I'm telling you, she kind of, it's like she took a step into her new beginning. And she met someone. But she hasn't taken a complete step into the new beginning.

And she has not officially entered this new beginning. new beginning of her life, but it looks like she took a little peek of it. It looks like she took a little bit of a step into this new beginning and met someone. And now this person is in expectation mode. Now this person's like, I want you.

It's like she got a glimpse of the future. And she's connected with someone. If she hasn't connected with this man, he is connected to her.

He saw her. Like it could be a situation where they both saw each other or maybe he saw her and he's expecting to see her again to make a formal introduction. But she has already energetically connected to a new love.

It's so much to the point where he's like, am I going to see her again? So she's gotten a little taste of the future. I feel like the divine allowed it so that she can see what she could have if she's willing to take a leap of faith into this new beginning. So she's gotten a glimpse of the future. And now as she's on this borderline, she can either stay where she is at with this main male.

She can take a step backward with this main male or take a step forward and enter this new beginning with this new emperor. But he, I'm telling you this, man, like five of wands is drama. conflict and competition seven of wands is here he's like i'm gonna go find her he's like i'm gonna go find her where is she because i'm expecting a new beginning with this woman i want to see her again not knowing that she's currently trying to close out a chapter with a past or present love But Five of Wands is drama. Seven of Wands, he's in that defense.

Seven of Wands is like, you have to stand your ground. Why is he in this Seven of Wands? Because to stand your ground, defend yourself. I think he doesn't want her the star. He feels like he may have to compete.

He feels like there must be another man, the tower. He was completely starstruck by this woman. Completely. It's like he got a little taste of her and he wants more.

Just like how she got a little glimpse of the future and she may now feel encouraged to move into her new beginning. The star is wish fulfillment. It's prayers being heard, wishes being granted, and the tower. Starstruck.

They met each other or he saw her unexpectedly. And he's like, who is that? He could see gold all around her, nine of pentacles. Can you imagine one person being, and it's not hard, this woman is not a hard miss. She's not.

she can easily be spotted out because she's so abundant. She showed up as mature woman and the privileged lady. So one person being surrounded by nine out of 10 pentacles. The nine of pentacles are people who pretty much have it all.

The job, the car, the home, she has it all. Brain and beauty. And she may even have a lot of abundance or luxury things around her, nice things. But when someone sees you as the nine of pentacles, they pretty much see you as someone who has it all. And he's like, I have to see this woman again.

The star. And he's like, my prayers were heard and answered. She is my answer to prayer.

She is my wish fulfillment. Where is she? Is there competition? Do I have to go get her myself? Um, yeah, he's stressed with the four of swords.

He's stressed with the four of swords. He's look, 10 of swords. He is like, this is not fair. Um, It's like you get a taste of something and you want the whole thing.

You want the complete thing, you know? The Wheel of Fortune, King of Swords. What is he gonna do now?

I feel like he could be looking for her, looking into her, researching her. King of Swords, he's thinking. He's definitely thinking. King of Swords, he's in this, like his, it's not just his head is in the cloud.

His whole body's in the clouds. I don't know. I don't want him to get into this King of Swords energy though. At this point, I don't want him to get into this King of Swords energy for some reason. Because I feel like he's going to bring out another side of him.

There's, what is he doing? Because the Wheel of Fortune. No, I don't want him to.

There's something here. The High Priestess. The king of swords is someone who is very serious minded. So...

And then he's, oh, he's a high priestess. He has a spiritual side. I feel like he's trying to use his intuition or discernment to figure out what to do. He is very spiritual or maybe even spiritually gifted. He believes that the two of them are supposed to be together with the four of wands.

He believes that it's fated with the wheel of fortune. So he's coming, he has now shifted into this king of swords energy where he's like, what can I do to get this woman? I, me, like there's like a I, I, I. There's like a, I should do this, I can do that.

The eight of cups. Five of swords. It's the Eight of Cups. I feel like he went out of his way to find her.

He found her. I feel it. I feel like he went out of his way to like locate her. And I don't feel like she's far away from him. I don't feel like she lives far from him.

That's the thing. Why was Swords his son? But I don't want him to be in this King of Swords energy for too long.

Because sometimes a King of Swords can be, can see things from only one perspective. They can get a bit too tunnel vision. and they come from a place of I, I, I, I, I, I, you know um Eight of Cups He definitely located her or found her. I feel like he followed this woman like there's I feel like he found her.

And the thing is, she doesn't live far away from him. She might even live in walking distance from him. I don't feel like she lives far from him, honestly.

Like he could use a horse to go to her house. He could ride a horse to go to her house. It's not a far distance.

It's something fast. Like she lives right around the block or something with the eight of wands. Yeah, he found her, the judgment.

He found her. her so he did step into that king of swords energy for a split second he did where but i don't feel like he went too far with it um where he's like i gotta do something about this But she doesn't know that. Queen of Pentacles and the moon.

There's a lot that's hidden from her. Which is why I'm saying she may have not even seen this man. But he saw her.

And he's just behind the scenes for now. Look, now she's aware of the hangman coming into an awakening. Now she's aware, but before she was not. Because it's up to her when it comes to what plans she will be carrying out. Two of wands making a decision, carrying out a plan, trying to get a sense of direction.

The choice is hers. The choice is hers. Everything is fine.

Three of pentacles and the queen of wands. Literally, the choice is hers. Who does she... She gets to choose who and what... She gets to work, like who she gets to work with, what team of people she gets to work with, what environment, what community.

This lady has options. Hmm. I just feel like it's either a hit or miss with this woman. She is a true gem.

And it is a blessing to have her in your life. It's a blessing to have her be a part of your life. It is.

And this main male from the initial reading knows it. She's like a four leaf clover. She's a lucky charm. And so if she chooses you or she chooses your business, your company, or she chooses your community, your neighborhood, you're blessed because of that, because of her, because her presence is now in your life. She's hot on the market.

Like Queen of Wands, she's hot on the market. And who wouldn't want her to be a part of their life? Who wouldn't want her to be a part of their team with the Three of Pentacles?

Who wouldn't want to work and collaborate with her? Yeah, who, the Empress, who wouldn't want, um... Gosh, y'all.

This is like a real divine feminine here. This woman's energy is like gold. Gold.

She's like gold, diamond, pearls. She's all of the above. I see. I see the Empress, the Two of Cups, the Two of Pentacles. Everybody wants a chance with her.

Everybody wants an opportunity. You can learn from her. The Empress, this is her energy, the Empress. The Empress is so abundant, so mature, so wise, so creative, so fertile and fruitful. There's so much that you can learn from a person who carries a divine feminine energy.

And this King of Pentacles, this new emperor is like, I'm not going to fumble this. And when I get this woman in my life, I'm not going to keep her at arm's length. She's going to be the center of my world.

She's going to play a big role so that she can feel appreciated. Wow. I'm still wondering what her energy is. Like, how is she feeling about this?

I'm not able... Can we get her energy? Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding us.

Get her energy. Three of Cups. What's her energy here? What is her energy? Like her energy is not really coming out.

So I don't know what she's... Maybe she just doesn't care. This one we could be on to the next, right? For all we know.

I'm just like, can we get a little bit of her energy? What's going on here? Nine of Swords and death? I think she's disappointed. Nine of Swords is someone who's in distress.

I feel like she's one of those people who doesn't like to leave people behind. Like no one, no one gets left behind. You know, the divine feminine is the mother, the nurturer.

And I think that's what's hurting her the most is having to leave someone behind or leave people behind. The death is a, it's a permanent ending. The Three of Cups is social, like, these are people who she cared about, who she bonded with.

Yet she knows she's pessimistic. She knows that she can't stay in her current situation. She really thought she could make a home with these people. Temperance, peace and lovingness, temperance here, justice.

Okay, you see he's messing with her. This main male, it's like you cause a disaster. And then now you want to play cleanup.

Now you want to do the right thing. It causes her to be torn, indecisive. Like there's something here. It's messing with her. Yeah, torn, indecisive, two of swords.

But she needs to realize that... He's a little too late. If you are only making changes at the last minute because, you know, because you're leaving. then this is just a manipulative tactic to keep you there with them. I really feel like that's what it is.

It's manipulative. Because why didn't he make changes a long time ago? Why only now when you're leaving? Why only now when you're leaving? Page of Pentacles.

You see, now he's trying to give her everything that he was refusing to give her. It's, it's, it's, mm-mm. Mm-mm.

Six of wands, no. If you ask me for advice, I mean, everyone can do what they want to do, of course. But if you ask me for advice, I would want to be with someone who appreciates me the first time.

Not the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, millionth time. Why did it take you that long for you to see my worth, my value? Or were you hoping that I wouldn't see my worth? And that I would wait it out, hold it out for you? You see how this king of pentacles, immediately when he saw her, this man is already making arrangements for her, accommodations to bring her into his life.

That's the kind of man that you should want. And do we all make mistakes? Yes, but I feel like this main male didn't just make mistakes once or twice.

I feel like it was a bunch of times. And I feel like he had a long time to make things right with her. He's just doing it in the end. He had a long time. But instead, with the five of pentacles, I actually feel like he could have left this woman out in the cold and didn't even want to work with her.

No, I think he just liked the idea of being with someone as valuable as her, but doesn't really have what it takes to be the man that she deserves. I feel like that's just what it is. She's being called to guard herself, guard her heart. So I'm going to go ahead and end the reading here. Thank you guys so very much for tuning in.

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