Transcript for:
Essential Biology Diagrams for 9th Grade CBSE

hey there and welcome to Ba's 9th and 10th grade Channel I'm your teacher aishwaria and in this short and sweet video I'm going to quickly tell you all the important diagrams that will come in your Examination for all of you n9th graders so if this video is something that you were looking for then this is your One-Stop solution for the same now of course if you haven't subscribed to the channel already don't forget to hit the like button and the Subscribe button on the channel now of course when we talk about the important diagrams from biology in your cbsc syllabus as per ncrt there are only three chapters as per the rationalized syllabus so we have the fundamental unit of life then of course we have the tissues chapter and last but not the least we have the Improvement whilea chapter now from this chances of diagram based questions are much higher in the fundamental unit of life and tissues which is why we will cover these two chapters in great extent and we will will quickly go over the chapter which is Improvement so let's get started everybody now as you can see this is your ncrt textbook and I'm going to quickly have my pen diagram ready and in the first page itself of your ncrt you would see that there is a diagram of the compound microscope now this particular diagram that is given to us which is of the compound microscope at times can be asked in the examination where they might give you this particular diagram like in some schools they do ask that when they give you the diagram and then they'll ask you to identify what is this uh or you know what is this particular lens what is a stage and here normally case questions can come right so here we're talking about case based questions where then they may either ask you questions which are based on Cell Discovery and talking about you know who was the one who discovered cell or they can ask you in the other aspects where they may give you even a section of the cell and try to identify what kind of cell it is which is why in this particular case right as you you see when we go down I'm just going to move a little lower so as you see here in this particular diagram which is of the onion peel this is again something that they can ask you for mcqs they can ask you for two marks or case-based questions now students understand that questions which are based of section under a microscope section of either onion peel it could be cheek cells or it could be maybe of any other structure they could ask you how it looks under the microscope similarly even observations of cells under the microscope could be something that you can get in the examination now as we go down the next diagram that we come across are the different types of cells that are there in the human body for example we have nerve cell blood cell smooth cell ovam and all of that now ideally they will not ask you to draw these diagrams please remember these diagrams are not something that they will ask you nerve cell well yes for nervous tissue in the next chapter they can ask you to draw but in this case chances of questions based on this and coming are very less but the concept that it is based upon that different cells have different shape and structure in order to carry out specific functions is a concept that will come for assertion reason or it can come for two marks to justify so this diagram and concept is something that you will have to remember now of course the next big topic that we're going to have is plasma membrane or the cell membrane now in this particular diagram as well or in this particular topic if you see as for the textbook there are not many diagrams given to us if I scroll through the entire one you will see no diagrams but let me tell you one thing topics which are based on diffusion right so topics which are based on diffusion and osmosis can come for diagram based questions especially when we have a look at the tonicity of cells right or tonicity of solutions and what would happen if I keep a cell in hyponic solution or hyponic what would happen those kind of topics that we cover under this could be represented as diagrams for example if this is my raisin I kept it in a solution which then made the raisin look like this so then they will ask you what kind of solution was it kept in um you know what is the process that has happened here what would happen if I came this cell in let's say a beaker full of pure water so now what has happened there is no diagram given to you in the textbook but the concept that is mentioned in the text book has been represented diagrammatically which is why this is something that you can definitely expect your schools to give you questions on this topic right so don't forget that whatever you study you must learn it visually as well and in case if you want to learn it visually as you all know nowhere else will you find this kind of visualization happening other than the B the learning app so you can go ahead and check out the app the link is available in the description you can go to our Shopify website and have a look at the BYU app and learn extensively not just for your annual exam but also for your grade 10 as well so everyone do check it out now of course let's move on as we go below right the next topic that we encounter is sell wall and nucleus now if you talk about cell wall nucleus and all of this in this case I would scroll down all the way to page number 55 as per rationalized textbook and we would have a look at the diagram of the animal cell now if you see we have the diagram of the animal cell and just above in the previous page we have the diagram of the procaryotic cell now they can ask you to identify the cell identify whether it is a procaryotic or eukariotic cell and they may ask you to differentiate between the two so McQ case base two marks three marks can come on the same for them to ask you to draw procaryotic cells chances are less but learn to draw the diagram as well similarly they can ask you in some cases see in ninth grade because your school is setting the paper they could ask you for animal cell and to draw the animal cell so learn about the animal cell and the different parts as well and of course individually the SC the plasma I mean not the plasma membrane sorry but the ribosomes mitochondria and the GGI can be asked individually where they may ask you you know identify this structure you know which organal is it what is the function how does it help in membrane biogenesis so these are type of questions which can come so even though individually for cell organal you do not have diagrams given in the textbook go through this diagram it is super duper important students please don't skip this diagram similarly I would say the same for the plum cell diagram given to you as figure 5.6 they can give you this diagram they can ask you case questions from this diagram identify different cell organal maybe draw the cell organal in some cases if your school is asking for it so go through the diagrams because this is super important now as we go down we've covered all the different cell organal and the last diagram that is going to be there is going to be the mitosis and mosis now here they may chances of them asking you to draw the diagram is very less but they will ask you this diagram and they will ask you to identify what type of division is happening let's say in this case where else do you see this division happening and what can you tell about this division where in which parts of the body do we see this on the other hand they can ask you okay uh can you differentiate between the diagram given above and the div uh the kind of cell division that happens in the sex cells or in the gametes so thereby you need to be able to write the answers when such diagrams are given to you right right they are very very important yes so now of course if you see even though this particular chapter seems easy there are some topics for which the diagrams are not effectively given in the textbook but you should be able to interpret the diagram and understand the concept now drawing again is subjective because I know that as per cbsc 10th board chances of them asking you to draw diagrams are very rare right they will give you a diagram and then they will ask you to interpret right maybe identify AB BC D that's how it happens in grade 10 but in grade n because it's conducted by your schools please follow what is mentioned and that's why I said in some cases if your teacher has asked you to learn the diagram to draw it please learn how to draw it yes now let's move on to the next chapter which is tissues so I hope that all of you can see this on my screen yes so we have tissues which is the next chapter now in tissues as you see the first diagram that we will encounter is that of the mer atic tissues now here if you see let me just reduce the size a little bit so that I can fit the diagram so as you can see meristematic tissue and the positioning of this is very important and they can ask you to identify what is a b c right and they'll ask you which part is responsible for elongation of stem which is responsible for increase of girth right so such kind of questions can be asked now in some cases they can also give you a section wherein they may give you some polygonal cells or they'll give you oval cells which have no vacu and a thin cell wall so they will tell you that the section above has um you know they'll describe the characteristic of the cell so they'll say that the section above has thin cell wall no vacu and is continuously dividing identify the cells um to identify the tissue to which they belong so here characteristics can also be represented in the form of diagram so please always do not forget to learn to interpret the characteristics as well now of course as we go down the next that we come across are the permanent tissues now this diagram that is given to us is that of the section of the stem and they'll not ask you to draw this in your examination chances are very very less but in case if they do ask you they could ask you with respect to identifying epidermis and the vascular bundles because those are the easiest I would say that don't learn to draw the diagram unless it's been specified by your school this is a simple diagram that most likely will not come in the exam but go through it nonetheless right so now we will move on to the next one now types of simple tissues are very very important they are super duper important please don't skip this no matter what questions based on paren Kima colon Kima scarin Kima will come in the exam they will ask you identify the diagram sometimes with respect to scar and Kaa they can ask you to draw it as well so learn to draw and learn to interpret the diagrams because for sure questions based on this will be there in the exam similarly if you look at epidermal cells as well the surface view that you see right here this diagram also can be asked for case based questions so in case if you've not checked out our top 30 most important questions for biology and the 100 pyqs and mock papers please have a look at those videos the link is available in the description because because in those papers we have covered some indepth diagram based cases that are that can come in your examination so this is something that you will have to learn to identify drawing again chances are less but identifying and interpreting is more important because they can ask you a question between differentiate between what you see on top versus this diagram given here now both are protective tissues but that is an epidermal tissue while these right here are seen in old plants and these are cork the depositions that we see in Cork is very different to what we may find in the cuticle layer so these kind of differences can be asked based on diagrams next up we have a complex permanent isssue students I will almost bet on it that questions based on these diagrams can come in the examination especially with respect to xylm and flm they will ask you identify what is um you know what is a b and c here they can ask you this says a b c and d what is a function of C what is a function of a what is a function of B case based questions five Mark questions can come on all of these diagrams please go through it in great detail don't skip these diagrams because these are short short questions that can come in the examination next up we have our animal tissues and under animal tissues if you see please go through the structures of Squam stratified Squam cuboidal and columnar because again they can ask you this particular diagram yes so let this diagram just load so as you see these diagrams can come in the examination where they will show you some flattened cells right so they may give you a top view of some flattened cells right and then they'll ask you where do you find these flattened cells right um or they can ask you an McQ based question as to which among the following parts would most likely have these kind of of cells as their inner layers right so again structure function you must be able to associate same goes for cuboidal cells and the columnar cells and the stratified tissue now as we go down right as we go down we see that we come and we encounter more and more different kinds of tissues which have more labelings so if you look at the concept here that is given they have given you more details for example you have types of wbcs where you have neutrophils eosinophils basophils now here the intent is not for you to learn the important functions of each because that's not covered in the ncrt but what you do need to know is that wbcs are not of the same type right that's what the learning here is tomorrow if they give you this diagram you need to be able to identify what category of cells they belong to which tissue they belong to that is what they are looking for so if they ask you what is a function what are these cells and to which tissue do they belong so you must be able to say that these are all the white blood cells of our body which belong to the fluid connective tissue that is the blood so that is why these diagrams are important similarly they can give you maybe red blood cells which which is a little more disy and they can ask you to differentiate between these two diagrams drawing is again very less adipose tissue diagram is important which is the uh I would say more than uh the adipo the adipose tissue diagram here they can give this to you and label the fat droplet and they'll ask you which cell is is being ident labeled which tissue does it belong to what is a function why do we see that there is a thick fat of blubber in animals let's say in the colder regions when compared to let's say of people living in India right so these diagrams are again very important when I say important like I said I'm not just telling you that all diagrams are important sub p no I'm also telling you what kind of questions you can expect right so that's what I want you to I want you to pay attention to that you shouldn't later and comment saying important important what kind of questions can you expect do you need to learn how to draw this no unless and until specified by your teacher right but most importantly diagram based questions can come and that is what I'm focusing on and I'm telling you in Greater detail yes okay next up the diagram that you see on muscle tissues are very important chances of them asking you to draw is important or they will ask you different differentiate between the three kinds of muscle muscular tissue we find in our body or they can ask you this diagram and ask you questions based on which muscular tissue is shown in the diagram where do we find this muscular tissue located how is this different from the tissue located in our heart so here as you can see I've just explained a five mark question that can come based on this one diagram so you should be thorough with the concept of muscular tissue yes now as we move on we'll go on to the last sure short diagram that they will Paka ask you to draw whether it's in ninth standard or whether it's in 10th standard learn to draw this diagram of neuron because neuron diagram Z exam so please everybody questions either uh you know asking you to label the neuron asking you to draw the neuron questions based on the neuron whatever it is don't skip neuron topic it is very important so as you see maximum number of diagram based questions will come from the chapter s which is fundamental unit of life and tissues now the last one that we have here is Improvement in food resources now from this the chances of diagram based questions are very less maximum if as we go through this right if we were to look at it this diagram on intercropping can be asked where they'll give you this diagram and they'll say identify what kind of cropping pattern is observed here now how will you identify it's very easy in intercropping I've always told you that the crops are sewn in a specific pattern right so there is a specific pattern that is being followed when we practice intercropping so when you see that there's a certain pattern in which the crops are sewn you can identify it as intercropping then of course as we go down we see that they'll not ask you to identify whether this is indigenous or whether it is hybrid they may ask you questions based on the same and in this case at times questions based on a seal and legon can come that is a seal is a indigenous breed legon here is a you know High exotic breed and how we get hybrid breeds from the same then of course here in this case if you see under Fisheries mainly this concept of composite fish farming right composite fish farming can be asked to you and they can represent it as a diagram in the sense that they could give you a pond or a a specific tank and they'll say that you have some top feeders middle feeders and Bottom Feeders and they can put these diagrams of let's say catla Regal cup and they can put it in in their respective zones and then they'll ask you to identify what kind of farming it is why do we practice fish farming composite fish farming what are the advantages so they could ask you questions again based on that right then of course we have it towards the end on beekeeping see with beekeeping always learn about that one topic that we tend to skip is that of pastur GES because we feel like are beekeeping is very simple we don't need to go through it in Greater detail it's very easy but go through why you know pastures are important why the quality of flows are important they may not give you a diagram or they may represent a picture where you will see that in a beekeeping or in a farm same kind of flowers are kept right same kind of flowers are kept and they may ask you what would happen to the quality of honey if I keep only one type of flood which produces nectar versus let's say a farm that has different different types of flaws so these are some kind of diagram based questions that may come but chances are very less so students I hope that all of you have made a note of the important pointers that we have just discussed if you found this video helpful don't forget to let me know in the comments of this video and of course if you have any more doubts please make sure that you let me know in the comments our team will be soon to reply to all of you so thank you so much everybody for staying with me till the very end I wish you all the very best for your exams because I know you're going to do well yes so hoping to see you all soon up until then take care lots of love and bye-bye