Graph Theoretic Models for Optimization

May 24, 2024

Lecture: Graph Theoretic Models for Optimization


  • Professor: Discusses importance and use of optimization models.
  • Objective: Optimize a function (minimize or maximize) based on constraints.
  • Previous Lectures: Introduced optimization through decision trees.

Graph Theoretic Models

What is a Graph?

  • Components: Nodes (vertices) and edges (arcs).
  • Nodes: May contain labels or complex data (e.g., student records).
  • Edges: Connect nodes, can be undirected or directed (digraphs).
    • Undirected Edge: Flows both ways between two nodes.
    • Directed Edge (Digraph): Flows one way from source to destination.
  • Edges Information: Can contain weights indicating effort, cost, etc.

Applications of Graphs

  • Vacation Planning: Optimize travel routes.
  • Drug Discovery: Model molecular interactions and transformations.
  • Family Trees: Ancestral relationships as trees (directed graphs without loops).
  • Real-Life Networks: Computer networks, transportation, financial networks, utility distribution (sewer, water, electrical), social networks, etc.

Analyzing Graphs

  • Inference: Capturing interesting relationships and making predictions.
  • Example: Analyzing character interactions in "The Wizard of Oz."
  • Problems: Finding paths, shortest paths, graph partitions, min-cut/max-flow problems.

Building Graphs

Data Structures

  • Nodes: Represented as objects with names.
    • Node class: Holds a name, methods to retrieve and print the name.
  • Edges: Connect nodes; represented by the Edge class.
    • Edge class: Holds source and destination nodes.

Directed Graph (Digraph)

  • Representation: Adjacency matrix (inefficient) or adjacency list (preferred).
  • Adjacency List: Each node key maps to a list of destination nodes (values).
    • Code: Digraph class with methods to add nodes and edges, check for existence, and print.

Undirected Graph

  • Subclassing Digraph: Adding edges in both directions.
  • Graph: Uses inheritance and method overriding to handle bidirectional edges.

Searching Graphs

Depth-First Search (DFS)

  • Approach: Explore edges deeply before backtracking.
  • Implementation: Recursive method avoiding loops, exploring paths one at a time.
  • Code: Provided for DFS with detailed explanation and example.

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

  • Approach: Explore all edges of a given length before moving to longer paths.
  • Implementation: Uses a queue to keep track of paths, guaranteeing the shortest path found is minimal in length.
  • Code: Provided for BFS with an illustrative example.

Additional Considerations

Weighted Graphs

  • Objective: Minimize the total weight rather than the number of edges.
  • DFS Adaptation: Straightforward for weighted paths, sum the weights.
  • BFS Limitation: Requires modification as it doesn’t naturally handle weights well.


  • Summary: Graphs are versatile for modeling relationships and solving optimization problems.
  • Next Steps: More examples and deeper exploration in future lectures.