okay so if you if you if you look at the office uh ergonomics first of all uh people use computer right um the selection of uh monitor is really important and how they put the monitor uh is also uh important okay so we want to consider the viewing distance the viewing anle the viewing time and viewing Clarity okay if you look at the uh viewing distance if you put the monitor too close the eyes would need to work harder to you know Focus right and that would lead also uh lead to awkward uh posture for the neck right so we may have um hyper extension all the time or hypo extension all the time uh if it's too far um it's hard it's hard for our eyes right and we we may kind of protract our neck and you know to to have that forward leaning posture and that's not not good for our neck as well the viewing ankle also relate to our neck posture if the ankle is too high then we need to extend our neck right um um that will cause the muscle fatigue if uh if we put a maritor to the side we need turn our head again uh we create that uneven muscle force that will lead to muscle as well for the viewing time of course we don't want to uh to look at the monitor for a long time because it would uh longer monitor use would decrease the eye blinking and that's not good for our eyes right and the clarity is really related to the mod itself so uh it really depends on um the menu uh factors um design so you want to choose one that does doesn't um um cause too much um um eye strand to our um eyes and you want to adjust the lighting so you don't have that glare and then that would lead our eyes uh fatig okay so what is the better um placement for the monitor so see uh the ideal viewing distance is um um if you measure from the eyes to the monitor uh the ideal distance is 20 to 40 Ines um the easiest way is when this person reach out it's like a arm length that would be ideal okay the Vie angle um is more like a parallel to the top of the monitor or slightly below so you don't you don't you don't bend too much or extend your neck too too much okay and the monitor should be placed directly in front um of the user okay in the viewing time you want to have a periodical uh break time so you want to uh uh create a schedule for stop and then ask this person to look away and blink you know uh I often times uh have a timer for me so um just myself like stand up do some stretch um I um um um exercise and then the uh Clarity you want to adjust the the brightness and contrast of the monitor um and you want to clean on the skin regularly okay and um yeah so that's that and then you want to mind you want to be careful of the lightning in the room and to the monitor itself okay so um if you are a heavy computer user you may not need that brightness um as you know compared to uh reading a book so because and then um there I know there's some kind of um product that's going to block the blue um light from the computer that would um fatigue our eyes then that that's something that you may want to U recommend your client to do okay so and then um the direct uh light will cause reflection and that's not good for the eyes because that will create some glare you don't want to do that and then you want to block them out for that okay if you if your client is typing a lot you know and then referring to a thing you want to recommend them to have a document holder uh but where to put the holder is is important because we want to be like you know at the same level to the screen as well and sometimes I find it quite helpful if I put it directly under the monitor so I don't need to bend my neck but kind of move my eyes I can read them so I can do the typing okay and then the keyboard and mouse again we want to maintain that neutral position so we want to have that 90 uh uh relax shoulder uh elbow in 90° uh uh RIS in neutral position so if the keyboard is too low then we we need to bend on the wrist the type right if it's too high we want to ra we may need to raise our shoulder and then bend our elbow and then risk in deviation that that's not good and uh for the mouse again mouse should be you know closer to the keyboard and we don't want it to be you know too close to the edge of the table because that will create um too much strats um to the wrist okay um yeah so uh for keyboard and mouse we want to create a neutral wrist okay so um if your keyboard have that tilt up uh that would U require more rist extension then that's not good for the wrist that would create some kind of Cobo tunel syndrome okay um and the design um the size of the keyboard is matters so U I know a lot of you may uh be uh using the laptop okay um and if um the the size of the keyboard of the laptop may not be uh appropriate according to your size then you want to um have um a different keyboard that fits your size because if the size is small smaller like's say iPad um the keyboard may be slow smaller then you need you may have some kind of risk deviation that's not neutral right and you want to uh consider uh if it's a right or left dominant hand when you uh use the mouse okay okay so overall um the posture for using keyboard and mouse is you want to create that neutral posture uh for the for the person and um you also want to consider the the desk height or the chair height um the keyboard trade is is available or not and uh is there any um um space appropriate uh for you to place the keyboard in the mouse if not what would be the possible solution for that okay and let's look at the chair chair is similar to the wheelchair that uh I mean the concept okay so we we want to have a chair that we can adjust the height if you know in case the desk is not in the the desk high is not adjustable we can adjust the the chair to kind of fit our body uh for the task right and it should be a WI enough so we don't uh add more stress to the soft tissue okay and uh we need to have a good support for the thigh and uh sometimes we need some uh adjustment to that okay um and then and good uh base of the chair okay um um for the chair we want to uh you want to uh look at the back rest to have uh proper lumbar support and uh you don't um you don't want to use a chair that doesn't support the back so you want to make sure that when this person sitting on a on the chair uh that the person sit all the way and back and then and use the back support and then go from there okay oh shoot okay and then armrest um it should be removable because if uh it going to get into the weight between the chair and the desk you want to um uh remove the armrest so that this person can uh have a proper distance to use the keyboard and then uh the mouse and even the monitor okay and it should be stable and allow um some swivel to reduce the twist of the Torso and again uh when the person um working in the office that sits for a long time that's not good so uh right now it's quite popular that um uh for office work we have that seat um stance um station that this person can you know change uh or move it uh in in a combination it's it's really good but again uh we don't want this person person to stand for a long time or sit for a long time so we want them to do some kind of a combination of sit stand move routines and the literatur uh suggest that U this person can you know do sitting for 20 minutes stand for eight minutes and then you know pause and move for two minutes this kind of combination uh it's more efficient and effective in preventing MSDS and um um um make the you know a better work performance okay so these are the office uh ergonomics now I want to switch uh our attention to other uh task okay the manual uh Material Handling uh there are five types of activities lifting pushing twisting carrying and holding okay for lifting um we want to stand you know uh we before the lift we want to you know make sure that uh we have a good plan so we don't hurt ourselves right so uh of course we want to avoid the heavy uh moving uh lifting heavy object okay to do so we want to bend the knee not the hip so that means you want to lower yourself down but not bending over your trunk right and then uh during uh the whole process uh you keep your uh back straight and then keep the object as closer to your body as possible and we talk about that if it's larger or away that will create that would increase that moment arm that would add stress on the lar right so we don't want to do that and we want to avoid the twisting if it's pushing or pulling again always do it with two hands is better than one one hand of course okay um and then arm strength will decrease if it's uh pushing above the shoulder or below the hip so we want to uh make sure that uh we are give uh a good uh biomechanical Advantage uh using our body okay and uh flat surface is good for pushing if if you push uh while you're standing you want to lean toward the load and then you know uh uh the the uh rail foot is behind the Body Center of mass and then you push at the west level if you're pulling um again you want to lean away from the load and then your front foot is ahead of your body uh Center of mass and the best uh pulling angle is at your thigh level so again it's really um depending on the task that you're doing carrying uh the problem for carrying is uh we put the uh stress on our back uh doing uh carrying okay if you're uh doing a long distance carrying uh you know putting your stuff on the shoulder like you know carrying lther something you want to use a pad to protect the shoulder and for General guidelines you you want to use the big muscle for carrying like uh for uh the grocery shop you want to um use uh bigger muscle of the of your hand of your arm not your hand right and then you keep the load closer to your body that would decrease the moment arm that require l muscle force from our body and you want to take advantage from the environment so you want to use a card elevator for carrying an object so what about tool that we we can use to help us prevent on the MSD again you want to uh promote a neutral uh risk and then we want to choose good tools that uh can save our energy so um lever uh second class of lever is always better than the third class of De because require less muscle Force right and then yeah so it really depending on the condition of the work um that we recommend um proper tools for them to use