HTML Lecture: From Zero to Advanced
- Instructor: Dave Gray
- Platform: FreeCodeCamp
- Content: 10 tutorials covering HTML basics to advanced concepts
- Duration: 4 hours
- Resources: Available on GitHub
- Instructor Contacts:
- YouTube: Subscribe to Dave Gray
- Twitter: Follow Dave Gray
- Support: Buy Dave a coffee
- Special Thanks: Bo and FreeCodeCamp team
Chapter 1: Introduction to HTML
What is HTML?
- Definition: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
- Purpose: Defines the structure and meaning of web content
- Hypertext: Links connecting web pages
- Markup: Annotates text, images, and other content for display in a web browser
Tools Needed
- Web Browser: Google Chrome (Download:
- Chrome Extension: 'Dark New Tab'
- Benefits: Opens new tabs in dark mode
- Code Editor: Visual Studio Code (Download:
- Platforms: Windows, Linux, MacOS
Initial Setup
- Folder Creation: Create a folder for your project files
- **VS Code Setup: **
- Open Folder: File > Open Folder
- File Explorer: Shows files and folder structure
- Create New File: Click '+' and create 'index.html'
- Naming Convention: Use lowercase, no spaces, use underscores or hyphens
Basic HTML Structure
- HTML Element:
<html> ... </html>
- Two Main Areas:
- Head: Contains metadata
- Body: Contains visible content
- Basic Elements:
- Title Element:
<title>My First Web Page</title>
- Heading Element:
<h1>Hello World</h1>
- Paragraph Element:
<p>This is my first web page.</p>
- Saving and Viewing HTML:
- Save file (
Ctrl + S
) or File > Save
- Live Server Extension: Start a local server to view web page in browser
Code Formatting and Extensions
- Prettier Extension: For automatic code formatting
- VS Code Icons: Adds file type icons in file explorer
- GitHub Theme: Adds dark and light themes
- Live Server: Right-click to open file with live server
Meta Tags and Validating HTML
- Meta Language Attribute:
<html lang="en">
- Character Encoding:
<meta charset="UTF-8">
- Doctype Declaration:
<!DOCTYPE html>
- Validation: Use W3C Validator Service (
Chapter 2: Creating Text Content
Heading Hierarchy
- Importance of headings: Structure page content
- Only one
per page
- Subtopics:
, <h3>
, etc.
Paragraphs and Line Breaks
- Paragraph Element:
- White Space Collapsing: Extra spaces are not displayed
- Line Break:
Horizontal Rule
- Element:
- Use: Visually separates content
Inline and Block Elements
- Block-Level Elements: Start on a new line (
, <p>
, <hr>
- Inline Elements: Do not start on a new line (
, <strong>
HTML Entities
- Syntax:
, >
, ©
- Non-Breaking Space:
Abbreviations and Addresses
- Abbreviation Element:
<abbr title="Full Text">Abbr</abbr>
- Address Element:
HTML Comments
- Syntax:
<!-- Comment -->
- Visibility: Visible in source code, not in browser display
Chapter 3: Creating Lists
Types of Lists
- Ordered List:
<ol> ... </ol>
- Unordered List:
<ul> ... </ul>
- List Items:
<li> ... </li>
- Nesting Lists: Place lists within lists
- Description List:
<dl> ... </dl>
- Description Term:
<dt> ... </dt>
- Description Details:
<dd> ... </dd>
Chapter 4: Creating Links
Linking Web Pages
- Anchor Element:
<a href="URL">Link</a>
- Absolute URL: Full web address
- Relative URL: Path relative to current page
Types of Links
- Internal Links: Link within the same page using
- External Links: Link to other web pages
- Anchor Links: Wrap elements (text, images) within
- Email Links:
href="mailto:[email protected]"
Chapter 5: Adding Images
Image Element
- Syntax:
<img src="path" alt="description" title="tooltip" width="x" height="y">
- **Attributes: **
- Source (src): Path to image file
- Alternate Text (alt): Describes image; improves accessibility
- Title: Tooltip text on hover
- Responsive Images: Adjust size with width/height and CSS
- Lazy Loading:
Captioned Images
- Figure Element: Wraps image and caption
- Figcaption Element:
<figcaption>Caption text</figcaption>
Chapter 6: HTML Semantics
Semantic HTML Elements
- Header, Main, Footer: Define main sections of the document
- Nav: Navigation sections
- Article: Independent pieces of content
- Section: Thematic group of content
- Aside: Tangentially related content
- Details and Summary: Collapsible content
Document Outline
- HTML5 Outliner: Chrome extension to visualize document structure
Chapter 7: Tables
Basic Tables
- Table Element:
- Table Row:
- Table Header:
- Table Data:
- Table Caption:
Table Sections
- Table Head:
- Table Body:
- Table Foot:
Additional Attributes
- Colspan: Spans columns header
- Rowspan: Spans rows
- Scope: Define headers for rows (
) or columns (scope="col"
- Summarize: Describe table content (use caption or summaries)
Chapter 8: Forms
Basic Form Structure
- Form Element:
<form action="URL" method="GET/POST"> ... </form>
- Form Controls: Inputs, textareas, buttons, etc.
Types of Input Controls
- Text Input:
<input type="text">
- Password Input:
<input type="password">
- Email Input:
<input type="email">
- Number Input:
<input type="number">
- Tel Input:
<input type="tel">
- Radio Input:
<input type="radio">
- Checkbox Input:
<input type="checkbox">
- Submit Button:
<input type="submit">
- Reset Button:
<input type="reset">
- Select Element:
<select name="name"> <option value="">Option</option> ...</select>
- TextArea Element:
<textarea name="name"></textarea>
Input Attributes
- Name, ID, For: Linking labels and inputs
- Placeholder: Example text within inputs
- Pattern: Regex to validate input
- Required: Ensure input is filled before submission
- Autofocus, Autocomplete: Enhances user experience
Organization and Layout
- Fieldset: Group related inputs
- Legend: Title for fieldset
Form Actions and Methods
- Action Attribute: URL for form submission
- Method Attribute:
- Submit/Button Override:
Final Project: Little Taco Shop
Project Files
- HTML Files:
, hours.html
, contact.html
- CSS Files:
- Image Files: Images for each page
- Favicon: Site icon
- Examples: Reference images for project
Project Structure
- Home Page: Content sections, images, and links
- Store Hours Page: List of opening hours
- Contact Us Page: Form inputs and location information
Additional Resources
- Practice: Apply learned concepts by building projects
- Validate: Ensure your code is correct
- Resources: Refer to MDN and other learning materials for more information.
Final Thoughts
- Have fun exploring HTML and creating your own web pages!
Completed Project
Your final project should be a multi-page website for a fictional taco shop with clear content structure, semantic HTML, and a functional contact form. Validate your code and cross-check with the example images provided.