Python Course - Lecture by Mosh

Jul 26, 2024

Python Course - Lecture by Mosh


  • Python is a versatile language used for automation, AI, application development, etc.
  • Course will cover core concepts and involve building three projects.
    • Project 1: Building a website for a grocery store using Django.
    • Project 2: Predicting music preferences using machine learning.
    • Project 3: Automating data processing tasks (e.g., spreadsheets).

Setting Up Python and PyCharm

  • Install Python from
  • Install PyCharm from
  • Ensure correct setup with Python 3.x.

Writing Your First Python Program

  • Create a new project in PyCharm.
  • Create a Python file and write a simple print function to display a message.
  • Running the program displays the output in the terminal.

Basics of Python Programming

Data Types

  • Integers, floats, strings, and booleans.
  • Lists for storing collections of data.
  • Example operations: sorting, adding, removing elements.


  • Used to store data temporarily.
  • Assign using = (e.g., price = 10).


  • Arithmetic: +, -, *, /, //, %, **.
  • Augmented assignments: +=, -=, *=, /=.
  • Operator precedence and using parentheses to control order.

Control Flow

Conditional Statements

  • if, elif, and else for decision-making in code.
  • Example: Checking temperature to print messages.

Logical Operators

  • and, or, and not for combining boolean conditions.
  • Example: Loan eligibility based on income and credit.

Comparison Operators

  • >, <, >=, <=, ==, != for comparing values.
  • Example: Validating user input length.


  • while loops for repeated execution based on a condition.
  • for loops for iterating over collections like lists.
  • Nested loops for complex iterations, e.g., generating coordinates.
  • Example: A guessing game using while loops.


  • Define using def keyword.
  • Take parameters and optional return values.
  • Example: A function to greet user by name.
  • Positional and keyword arguments in function calls.
  • Importing and using functions across multiple files (modules).

Modules and Packages

  • Organize related code into separate files (modules) and directories (packages).
  • Example: A module with utility functions.
  • Import modules using import and from ... import ... syntax.

Error Handling

  • Use try, except blocks to handle exceptions gracefully.
  • Example: Handling division by zero and invalid input errors.

Classes and Object-Oriented Programming

  • Define classes using class keyword.
  • Example: A Point class with methods for moving and drawing.
  • Constructors (__init__) for initializing objects.
  • Inheritance for reusing code across related classes.

Working with Files and Directories

  • Use built-in modules like pathlib for file operations.
  • Example: Creating, deleting directories, and searching files.

Automation with Python

Project: Processing Spreadsheets

  • Use openpyxl to read and write Excel files.
  • Automate tasks like updating prices and adding charts.

Machine Learning with Python


  • Overview of machine learning (ML) concepts and applications.
  • Steps in an ML project: Import data, clean data, split data, train model, make predictions, evaluate model.

Tools and Libraries

  • Jupyter for interactive coding and data visualization.
  • Libraries: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, scikit-learn.
  • Setting up Anaconda for a comprehensive Python distribution.

Project: Music Recommendation System

  • Import and explore dataset using pandas.
  • Prepare data by splitting into input and output sets.
  • Train a machine learning model with scikit-learn.
  • Evaluate model accuracy and fine-tune as needed.

Creating Web Applications with Django

Introduction to Django

  • Django is a high-level Python web framework.
  • Used for building secure and scalable web applications.

Setting Up Django

  • Install Django and create a new Django project.
  • Use for starting the server and managing the project.
  • Basic project structure: settings, URLs, etc.

This document provides a broad overview and can be used as a reference and guide for further detailed study of each topic.