Transcript for:
Homeschooling Essentials by Felicia

hello it's Felicia coming to you from my home office slash school room I'm gonna do a series of videos and this is actually going to be the first one I am such a good videographer I'm gonna do these uncut unedited because honestly editing takes so much time and right now as a homeschool mom who tutors two classes both foundations and essentials I don't have a great amount of time I'm very my schedules pretty strict because I am tutoring two classes I have certain days that I have to do certain things and if I don't get those things done in those certain days well that just makes for an awful Sunday night because I'm running around trying to get things completed that um I should have already done so I try to adhere very quickly to my schedule and for that reason this is uncut and unedited then that edited it before I go any further though I do want to ask you if you like the videos that you're seeing on my channel if you would subscribe and if you'll hit the the bell then YouTube will notify you every time I have a video and you will not want to miss these they're like so exciting I am three things I am sold out for King Jesus a lover of the Lord sold out on crazy on fire for Christ one I am the wife of one man who has also sold out on fire a lover of Jesus so much so that it makes his love for me that much better because he loves the Lord so much and three I am the mother of a mind of Christ beautiful daughter and excited and honored to be able to homeschool her and that's who I am I am a Christian who's married to a Christian who's raising a Christian child and we use classical conversations as our curriculum and forgive me I'm looking around because I had what I needed in my hand and now it's missing I was requested to do this video with regard to essential specifically how do we keep it how do i do essentials at home so because that question is loaded with so much information I thought I would just divide it into sections and the first section would be my schedule what do we do at home what does my schedule look like and I told you already that I tutor both foundations I have eight good-looking young men age eight nine that I tutor for foundations and then I have I'm sorry nine good-looking young men eight nine and then I have eight beautiful essential princesses that I tutor for essentials so it's so cool I get my boy groove in the morning and my girl groove in the evening because I've got two different groups it's really cute the way the director set it up and I really love her for doing that because it really it's a blessing I love it okay let's not digress any further all right you have got to be kidding hold one moment okay of course the phone rings when I'm doing my video but that's okay I'm not gonna blur it out because I'm not Eddie editing this video all right back to my schedule let me show you I am a bullet journal or by heart I love to bullet journal but I also love the happy planner and I've been bullet journaling in my happy planner since I don't know since I discovered happy planner which was about a year or two after I started bullet journaling so I would say it's been about three or four years since I've been I know about three years since I've been happy planning and four years since I've been bullet journaling so I've got my own personal happy planner which I plan in and this is not what this video is about but I'm gonna show it anyway I plan in this and I bullet journal in this the reason why I like using the happy planner system is because if there's one thing I don't like doing when I bullet journal it's making the calendars the weekly the daily spread and the monthly spread that's why I use the happy planner in my happy planner there's a section for bullet journaling in the very front the front half is bullet journaling the back is happy planning and I worked them both together I'm not going to show you that that's another video if you're interested in seeing how I incorporate these two together make a comment below and I'll be happy to do a video on that but um it's not a pretty sight though because I'm not artistic and I even Bible Journal I'm not autistic there either but there's a way to get around that so I said all that to say this I use my happy planner for my babies um as for my homeschool planner this cover specifically came from a cheap planner I got last year at targets dollar spot it was a little paper planner it was about that thick I used those pages and I put them in one of the arc planning systems which is what happy planner uses and of course you can get your arc disks and whatnot from many locations but I personally like staples so um I took this off of last year's planner and I just taped it on the front of my happy planner the front the little plastic hard part and I happy plan and I use this as my babies planner I also will recycle plastic folders and that's what this is this is my little current week tab and I put it where I need it and if you're looking there you'll notice it's very manual the letter the numbers of manual I bought the cheapest little happy planner I could and throughout this book I've had to manually write in the months the week spread because I didn't know how I wanted it I figured out what I liked and that's why you're seeing all of this right here for example we do devotions in the morning followed by math spelling foundations essentials and iew which is the writing I don't do it in that order but that's the order that it's in my planner for her because that's how I just known it and just to give you an idea my grading scale is as such she either gets an A or she's not finished I got that from Andrew budva who is the developer of Institute for excellence in writing I love it it works for me I do that in math we use teaching textbook she either gets an A or she's not finished we do it over and over until it's finished and actually I use Andrew Paula's Institute for excellence in writing phonetic zoo which is our spelling program it follows that same concept you do the same spelling test over and over again until you get an A twice actually until you get 100 twice then you go on and I love his understanding of why he does that it is a fabulous um his his thinking process makes so much sense especially with the regard to the English language you know spelling is very abstract the rules some words don't follow the rules lots of you know the rules are in place but there are some words that don't follow any of the rules that are in place so it's just really so abstract it's hard to learn traditionally and I love it I love the fact that I my daughter does a spelling test every week or no everyday and she will do that same test day after day after day until she gets a hundred one time she'll take it again she has to get a hundred twice and most of the time she gets one hundred the first time and the very next day she takes it she gets a hundred again that is happening after probably five to six repeaters of that same spelling test and then we go on to the next list it works great and then every fifth list in the series you can incorporate your own words so that's when I add Institute for excellence writing into the spelling test every fifth list will incorporate the vocabulary from Institute in excellence in writing that's how I do it I love it it works for me my daughter is an A student that's all I can tell you okay now back to essentials and iew this is very big this is a big picture because this is a first video there'll be more in videos to come with regard to how I actually implement but I want to show you share with you how I do this what I do I created a loop schedule the loop schedule this is just a cute little visual of my loop this assures that I get everything done the big-ticket items for example these things in the middle of what I what I have to do daily devotions God is at the forefront of everything we do so we do devotions Monday through Friday and then every night before we go to bed so devotions is what we do first she basically does her Bible reading and I we'll read it out loud or she'll read it or I'll let it be read by an audio recording and we'll talk about it boom then there's English that's going to be your iew the the essentials of the English language this is the main thing here's one of the main things that is a loop schedule because that shows exactly what I need to do in order to accomplish English okay then followed by math then spelling and then you have writing math is very simple we use teaching textbooks it's a less than a day clear-cut boom spelling it's a lesson a day phonetic zoo is what we used clear and then of course writing writing has its own loop with in writing key word outlining retelling first draft adding dress-ups final draft I'm gonna do a video on how I implement both of these loops one for grammar one for Institute for excellence in writing and I currently have a video on how I setup my daughter's binder how I am how we how we prepared to go to our community day etc these two specifically is what I'm focusing on today with regard to the plan so there's my loop some of these extra things like my daughter's gonna take typing next year starting in January we're gonna add a typing course currently with regard to writing she has to write every essay I don't do no finger there's no two finger Jack's typing in this house no she has to write every essay and she has to write it all in cursive she's been writing in cursive since she was in kindergarten so this is required in my house in fact I'll tell you honestly she taught herself how to write in script print because I did not teach her print we started with cursive that's all she did when she started writing in print I didn't like it because hi uppercase letters were in the middle she only did it because that's what her friends were doing a lot of kids do not have know how to write in cursive and you know even as a home schooler you know there's peer pressure and it's just it's it's um abstract or not abstract it's um not on purpose it's just being around kids kids right in print she wants to do what they're doing boom she writes in print because she didn't know the rules of engagement her print was interesting it is noun proper because I've taught her as I've seen it capital letters do not go in the middle of a word formal names should be in a capital letter blah blah blah but these a lot of these rules also apply to script so anyway that's the rules of engagement in my house with regard to writing it's all in script cursive alright no this is my overall loop and this loop is not what I this is just me being artistic it goes in my homeschool planner do not dare do that no you cannot get anything in there right now so this goes in my homeschool planner the one that I showed you with the red cover I wanted I pulled it out just to show you what it looked like here's what I here's what I use for a daily task and this is ugly I have another copy of it in my planner in fact I'll show you it I'll pull it out nope I won't I'll show you it at another time this is what I use daily on each day you see exactly the tasks that she is required to complete on each given day today is Tuesday let me share with you what we completed today Tuesday Bible that's the reading twenty minutes I estimate the time the amount of time it's going to take for her to do each task essentials of English language charts we do 15 minutes of charts she writes them on a dry erase marker there in her binder automatically and they're there her binder is um divided by days or by the weeks so in the binder you see the charts she sees them she writes she rewrites every one in the week she'll rewrite as many as five six to ten charts and then we also go over the rules I do these manually those are the rules that are on the editing exercises the back page we just recite them I recite them she Eccles and that's it um then we she s to do ie W she has to retell on Monday is our Cici day most of the keyword outlining is done at the community I'm her essentials tutor on Tuesday she has got to retell that I use a recording I used my phone to record her retelling it she looks at the keyword outlined one line and then she puts her eyes up and she recites in my phone that sentence or sentences for that line item whether it's the topic or line item one through seven we also will do the brainstorming thirty minutes that day on Tuesday she has to do her teaching textbooks math and it takes about thirty minutes on that is Tuesday and then the next thing we do is phonetic Xue which is a spelling test which about twenty minutes and then for excellence in decent essentials in the English language she does the editing exercise in that that's on Tuesday here's why on Wednesday Thursday and Friday for EE L she will do one sentence per day and one of those three days I think I've got on what is it Oh two sentences are done on Wednesday and then there's one on Thursday and one on Friday that way she gets all five sentences done then she has new grammar that's foundations we review the foundations really quick she's got one of the many books and she will do her foundations review foundations review happens each day Tuesday through Friday because of course she does it in community on Monday and then last but not least I think that is it oh she has to choose her topic which she's going to present on in her masters foundations class on Monday on Tuesday we choose that topic and then on Wednesday Thursday Friday she's either writing a paper or getting her supplies together so that when Monday comes she's got her topic in everything that needs to go with it ready so that's just an overview this is what I have and I move this page to each week because this is what I look at to determine what she has to do in the mornings on Sunday or on Monday or Tuesday sometimes I end up doing it each morning before school starts I will rewrite this in my teacher notebook in this homeschool notebook so I can check it off this is an overview which is a picture of the loop in a format that I can clearly understand when I'm in my school day working the school the home school so this is what I do and as you can see I had to edit all these diagonal words our edits I I got it all I'd saw no need to fix it because to make it all pretty because it's really just for me what I do want to do eventually is to laminate it and I may do it over before I laminate it but right now this works great I open it up for each week I move it when I move my when I move this to show the current week I literally set these on top of one another in my planner on the week that we are currently in for school and just to give you an example here is the current week today is Tuesday here's this is Monday this is what we did at CC boom so anyway that's what we did it CC this is Tuesday look at the checks those checks tells me that those are things that have been done my daughter is in sixth grade she's not independent and I don't want her to be independent I'm in the schoolroom with her when she's doing independent work like math and spelling then I'm doing what I need to do or I step out and start cooking dinner but I'm always very near her because I'm still her teacher if brick-and-mortar school students have a teacher with them from pre-k all the way to 12th grade why do I think that because my child is home-schooled that she needs to be independent she's in sixth grade she's not she's getting more independent with each day but her teacher me I'm always near because if she ever has a question my goal is to give her the opportunity to be successful in learning the information she needs to learn to graduate so it's not a leave her and go off and do what I want to do or go off and rest that's not how I homeschool I'm right there with her or run right in the next room she can always see me just by virtue of proximity with where she is in our homeschool room that's how we do it and these are this is the core I do this every year and this is how I based my homeschool when January comes and I add topic tap typing to the mix we are I'll put it in there and just to give you some idea with regard to PE my husband and I are pretty fitness buff my daughter has a Fitbit she actually should be wearing it now but she's not we work out formally two nights a week she also dances for odd not for nights for classes and dance - one night - another night we are very much into physical fitness so although it is not on the schedule that's because it happens after the home school is done in the evenings when we go to fitness or when I take her to dance it's a wonderful life homeschooling thank you for watching please subscribe and hit that notification so you're not missing any of the videos and until we meet again don't forget look for your se la moments pause ponder and praise the Lord because you know and I know he's been good to you I'll see you soon Shalom Shalom