Understanding Array Operations and Algorithms

Aug 18, 2024

Notes on Left and Right Array Rotations, Zero Movements, Linear Search, and Array Unions/Intersections


  • This video is part of the Strivers A to Z DSA course.
  • Course consists of 456 modules and over 400 problems.
  • Aim: To help clear DS algorithms in interviews worldwide.

Left Rotate an Array by One Place

Problem Explanation

  • Given an array, perform a left rotation by one place.
  • Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 becomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 after rotation.


  1. Brute Force: Use an additional array to store the rotated elements (not required for this problem).
  2. Optimal Approach:
    • Use a temporary variable to store the first element.
    • Shift all other elements one index to the left.
    • Assign the temporary variable to the last index.

Implementation Steps

  • Store the first element in a temporary variable.
  • Loop through the array from index 1 to n-1, shifting each element left.
  • Place the temporary variable at the end of the array.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n) (single pass through the array).
  • Space Complexity: O(1) (in-place operation).

Left Rotate an Array by D Places

Problem Explanation

  • Rotate the array left by D places, where D can be any integer.

Modular Approach

  • Use D % n (where n is the array size) to handle cases where D is greater than n.

Brute Force Approach

  1. Store the first D elements in a temporary array.
  2. Shift remaining elements left.
  3. Place elements from the temporary array at the end.

Optimal Approach

  • Reverse the first D elements.
  • Reverse the remaining elements.
  • Reverse the entire array.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n) (three passes through the array).
  • Space Complexity: O(1) (in-place operation).

Moving Zeros to the End

Problem Explanation

  • Move all zeros in an array to the end while maintaining the order of non-zero elements.

Brute Force Approach

  1. Create a temporary array to store non-zero elements.
  2. Fill the original array with non-zero elements.
  3. Fill remaining positions with zeros.

Optimal Approach

  • Use a two-pointer technique to swap non-zero elements with zeros as you iterate through the array.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n).
  • Space Complexity: O(1).

Linear Search

Problem Explanation

  • Find the first occurrence of a number in an array.


  • Iterate through the array, checking if the current element matches the target number.
  • Return the index if found, otherwise return -1.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n).
  • Space Complexity: O(1).

Union of Two Sorted Arrays

Problem Explanation

  • Return the union of two sorted arrays without duplicates.

Brute Force Approach

  1. Use a set to store unique elements from both arrays.
  2. Convert the set back to a list for the result.

Optimal Approach

  • Utilize two pointers to traverse both arrays:
    • If elements are equal, add to the result.
    • If one is smaller, move its pointer forward.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n1+n2).
  • Space Complexity: O(n1+n2) for the result.

Intersection of Two Sorted Arrays

Problem Explanation

  • Return elements present in both arrays.

Optimal Approach

  • Use a two-pointer technique to find common elements:
    • If elements are equal, add to the result and move both pointers.
    • If one is smaller, move that pointer forward.

Complexity Analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(n1+n2).
  • Space Complexity: O(n) for the result array.


  • Recap of the problems discussed: left rotation, moving zeros, linear search, union, and intersection of arrays.
  • Encourage viewers to practice the assignments given.