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Understanding Array Operations and Algorithms
Aug 18, 2024
Notes on Left and Right Array Rotations, Zero Movements, Linear Search, and Array Unions/Intersections
This video is part of the Strivers A to Z DSA course.
Course consists of 456 modules and over 400 problems.
Aim: To help clear DS algorithms in interviews worldwide.
Left Rotate an Array by One Place
Problem Explanation
Given an array, perform a left rotation by one place.
Example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 becomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 1 after rotation.
Brute Force
: Use an additional array to store the rotated elements (not required for this problem).
Optimal Approach
Use a temporary variable to store the first element.
Shift all other elements one index to the left.
Assign the temporary variable to the last index.
Implementation Steps
Store the first element in a temporary variable.
Loop through the array from index 1 to n-1, shifting each element left.
Place the temporary variable at the end of the array.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
: O(n) (single pass through the array).
Space Complexity
: O(1) (in-place operation).
Left Rotate an Array by D Places
Problem Explanation
Rotate the array left by D places, where D can be any integer.
Modular Approach
Use D % n (where n is the array size) to handle cases where D is greater than n.
Brute Force Approach
Store the first D elements in a temporary array.
Shift remaining elements left.
Place elements from the temporary array at the end.
Optimal Approach
Reverse the first D elements.
Reverse the remaining elements.
Reverse the entire array.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
: O(n) (three passes through the array).
Space Complexity
: O(1) (in-place operation).
Moving Zeros to the End
Problem Explanation
Move all zeros in an array to the end while maintaining the order of non-zero elements.
Brute Force Approach
Create a temporary array to store non-zero elements.
Fill the original array with non-zero elements.
Fill remaining positions with zeros.
Optimal Approach
Use a two-pointer technique to swap non-zero elements with zeros as you iterate through the array.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
: O(n).
Space Complexity
: O(1).
Linear Search
Problem Explanation
Find the first occurrence of a number in an array.
Iterate through the array, checking if the current element matches the target number.
Return the index if found, otherwise return -1.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
: O(n).
Space Complexity
: O(1).
Union of Two Sorted Arrays
Problem Explanation
Return the union of two sorted arrays without duplicates.
Brute Force Approach
Use a set to store unique elements from both arrays.
Convert the set back to a list for the result.
Optimal Approach
Utilize two pointers to traverse both arrays:
If elements are equal, add to the result.
If one is smaller, move its pointer forward.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
: O(n1+n2).
Space Complexity
: O(n1+n2) for the result.
Intersection of Two Sorted Arrays
Problem Explanation
Return elements present in both arrays.
Optimal Approach
Use a two-pointer technique to find common elements:
If elements are equal, add to the result and move both pointers.
If one is smaller, move that pointer forward.
Complexity Analysis
Time Complexity
: O(n1+n2).
Space Complexity
: O(n) for the result array.
Recap of the problems discussed: left rotation, moving zeros, linear search, union, and intersection of arrays.
Encourage viewers to practice the assignments given.
Full transcript