Transcript for:
Estratégias Imobiliárias e Mídias Sociais

[Music] and now i have a little sticky note here on my computer so i do not forget again so the replay of this in case you guys have to hop off early will be in the course so a couple miscellaneous things before we dive in um you know the live calls are every monday and wednesday at 12 p.m eastern so make sure that you have those marked in your calendar i would love to have you on here um you're going to get the most of this when you're on live when you're engaging when you're asking questions that are important to you that will help you and your business that's why i'm here today is to help you so um i hope that you will join us the links i have been emailing them to you i will also have them in the course and then the replays in the course i uploaded lloyda's that we did on monday which was so good about youtube and cold calling um and then i uploaded this morning christie's um and she shared about how she started her business she didn't know anybody where she had moved to so there was a lot of really really good key takeaways there um awesome i'm gonna be switching from my phone to computer in about 10 minutes so okay awesome yeah i will definitely let you back in and any questions that you have as we go through this um post them in the chat or feel free to come on camera i'm glad ashley's on camera so i'm not just talking to myself it's just like it's horrible talking to just black boxes so if you guys would please come on video that would be amazing i would love to see your beautiful beautiful faces okay you guys want me to talk about luxury let me know in the comments um okay hi nicole you look so beautiful okay so let's talk about luxury um so that actually we had gotten this book binder at the um mastermind and i just took pages on pages of notes and the topic of luxury actually wasn't any of the topics that ryan or his team had spoke about but a lot of agents in our different breakout sessions had been asking the question of like how do i get into luxury and asking um if they're a newer agent how do they get in they don't have experience like these other agents who have been in the business for 30 years um i'm going to share with you guys what they had had said so ryan uh said that he completely made this up which i feel like is hilarious but genius at the same time that he made up this signature experience um or signature package or something that he was just always talking about he marketed and had on his website and this was for clients who were 10 million plus so this wasn't something that his brokerage offered but you know with clients who are selling and or buying in the 10 million plus right they want to be treated as vip they want to be treated as exclusive like they are getting more than what a 300 000 client is is getting so he really just started talking about this marking it and had it on his website how uh you know these clients would be getting a signature experience um you know he started talking about luxury listings you don't have to have these listings to be able to talk about it and to educate others on it he started hanging out where these sellers were hanging out he started uh to be seen in their neighborhood he said that he would walk his dog in their neighborhood and just was open to conversations and i think that's what it's about it's like you know he had said like hanging out where these people are hanging out right but there's two sides of this sometimes like i'm going out and i'm just so engaged with maybe the person i'm with or what it is that i'm doing there um and i'm not like open to conversations but i feel like when you are and you put yourself out there i mean that's how you're going to be able to meet people right and um yeah so basically putting putting yourself in these situations where they're hanging out and being seen in their neighborhood and i feel as though okay so they talked a lot about social media and the mastermind right and i think that um he had showcased it a lot of luxury listings and then people started reaching out to him right they saw him on social media even though he didn't have luxury listings yet they thought that this was his clientele because he was educating he sounded like the professional in the luxury market and i feel like i can relate to this um when i first started there was a particular neighborhood that i wanted to work and if there's anyone in northeast florida you've heard of nocatee it's a very desirable area it's the price point i wanted to work in it was the area that i wanted to work in its families that was the um perfect avatar client of what i was where i wanted to work but i didn't have listings in there yet right so i was like how the heck am i going to get in and so i just started showing up on social media talking about nocatee um talking about the listings previewing listings previewing the new construction in there talking about the stats talking about the neighborhoods talking about new places that were popping up i never said that i had a closing in there yet and how i got my first client in there which i was so excited like i had worked so hard i had showed up has educated myself on the area and i finally got a call it was a linkedin us lead um it was a family they were interested in selling their home and when i was at the listing appointment um she felt very this was years ago but she had felt very confident in my abilities to sell her home and it was just based off of what she had seen that i had posted on social media and keep in mind at this time i had not had one sale so i never was like closing day i was just talking about all the things that i just shared with you and i did not have imposter syndrome at all i had all the confidence because i knew i could sell that home i knew the neighborhood i knew the stats i was like yes i am the best person to sell your home and um and then now i've had many nocatee buyers and sellers right so that's i feel as though i can relate to that with in the luxury aspect of what ryan was mentioning is like showing up previewing are you putting on social media right now luxury homes if that's if that's what you're trying to break into are you talking about it are you trying to educate the people who are looking at um your social media channels are you educating them about luxury it's not that you have to have these closings just yet so that was um i thought a really good takeaway that i wanted to share with you guys um and so another question that agents had asked was if i don't have experience how am i going to break into luxury especially with these other agents where they just dominate they've been in the business for 30 years how do i stand out especially if i've never had a listing and he gave two recommendations um and that was one confidence which we all know that right two have more information than others and i think educating yourself about um the the listing is just going to help you go in and have more confidence so obviously knowing the stats it's all public knowledge um but familiarize yourself with everything this community is about its features neighboring areas other homes knowing the stats knowing the market this is all information that somebody who has been doing it for 30 years these are the things that they know but luckily for us it is all public knowledge all public information and so it's up to you to do your research about it and i think if you come into this listing appointment knowing like i said familiarizing yourself everything the community is about its features neighboring areas other homes knowing the stats knowing the market that is going to help your confidence at that appointment if you knew all those things so i just thought those two points were really good having the confidence and obviously um knowing knowing the stats and that's pretty much what i did when i came into this listening appointment i had never had a listing in there before but i came in confident and that was because of all the research i had done leading up to the appointment so i think like it takes time and it takes effort especially with social media like you're not just gonna show a nocatee home or a luxury listing and the leads are just going to start pouring in right we cannot have that expectation but as we show up more and more and we're excited about it and we're educating and we're sharing all the new things about it um that's when you're gonna start getting people to reach out to you wanting to buy or sell these types of properties so whether or not you're trying to get a luxury or not um you know i was able to relate it by a particular neighborhood that i wanted to work so he had said present yourself in luxury it gives this impression to the public that this is your clientele um get a trophy listing um where you know maybe you have to take a commission cut right on your side of things maybe you gotta slash the commission you're hardly making anything maybe you even break even but if you do it right you will get multiple listings after this and multiple buyers right because you're going to market it like crazy you're going to be meeting the neighbors telling them how you have this new listing you're going to be having open houses events around it huge brokers open um you know just getting that trophy listening no matter how you have to get it uh is a really good start and even if it's a less desirable listing like maybe it's an expired that you're just like oh it doesn't really look too glamorous but i'm gonna get that listing because it's in the neighborhood that i want to be in uh so maybe just thinking a little bit outside the box that way and especially when you're first starting out like cut your commission it doesn't even matter about the money it's about trying to get in to hopefully build a life for yourself with these luxury listings right so hopefully that's that's helpful um i just had taken a ton of notes like he had mentioned start acting like the greatest agent that you want to be two years from now start acting that way today um he had shared what his secret sauce is which i have read ryan cerant's books watched his youtube and um all the things right i'm in his course and the thing about him that i just love is like his energy is very contagious like just getting on these zoom calls with him i always leave like super fired up um but you know like he gets up so early he gets that workout in there is no excuse about the workout he time blocks his day he fills everything up 30 minute increments um and so that's his secret sauce is being incredibly disciplined and you know discipline will carry you where motivation will not so i just thought i was like yeah that's definitely his secret sauce like he is extremely extremely disciplined um so let's see let's see do you guys want me to share we talked a lot about social media but i'm not sure if that's what you guys um want to hear about there was a woman sarah gord that came on that i guess she's like on the today show or good morning america she had a really really impressive resume and she had talked a lot about tips and tricks and best practices for showing up on camera like is anyone struggling with showing up on camera or confidence or wanting to know best practices okay so we're getting we're getting head nods so let me get a sip of water okay let me share all the things so why focusing on your on camera presence matters so she had given four points one you carry yourself on cam the way that you carry yourself on camera has a considerable impact on how professional your content looks two appearing nervous fidgety or uncomfortable on cat on camera will distract viewers from your messages three this is something that you can improve with practice i don't think that she really emphasized that like she didn't show up on camera the first time and was a natural like she had to learn she had to educate herself on the best practices on the best tips and tricks on how to be better and i know when i first started my videos were horrible and they'll probably always be a work in progress but i don't think that i could have gotten better if i hadn't started if i hadn't tried if i hadn't failed if i hadn't practiced and um it's just really important to get yourself out of your comfort zone and especially being in real estate showing up on video is the best way to get clients who know like and trust you because they see their your personality right um okay let me answer a couple questions i love i love love love seeing the questions um does linkedin work i haven't been posting on linkedin only facebook and instagram so as far as this linkedin works so there's so many ways to generate business in real estate right and i think that honestly they all work cold calling works door knocking works uh instagram works linkedin works if these are always if you work if you're consistent if you're showing up you can't just post on linkedin one time and think that the leads are coming in i had probably posted on linkedin about nocatee for a year until she had reached out to me but to me um you know it's free to create the videos it's free to put these this on the platform i wasn't only just putting on linkedin i was posting it on instagram and facebook and youtube so um to me it it works but it just depends if if you work so hopefully that that answers your question um i get so present in the moment that i forget to film such as giving my client the keys to their new home when i show a beautiful house okay so maybe set yourself up on some reminders um and but also maybe you set yourself up to batch record some things um it seemed as though the people that i met at this mastermind um that are successful with social media like this one woman glenda baker who crushes it on tick tock she had made over 500 000 last year alone on tick tock um and she bash records oh i'll put her name on her name here glenda baker oops sorry baker um and glenda spell with two ends i was so impressed by her because she's 55 years old and so to see somebody older on tick tock who is freaking crushing it i'm like that was really really inspiring and she is let me tell you she is herself and i am sure there's people who go on there and they're not attracted she's to her like she's from atlanta she's got big hair she's loud she curses like i'm sure there's people who go on there and aren't attracted that but then there's those people who are and those are the type of people that she wants to work with and i mean obviously it's working for her but um what she had mentioned in several other people who are successful on social media was they bash recorded um she had said that the first time that she ended up getting a videographer to help her with the tick tock videos right like she came up with all the content you know this videographer is not going to tell her what to say he doesn't know about real estate or what to do but he can edit the videos um and so the first time that he showed up she recorded eight videos they've actually only met 17 times which if you see her uh tick tock or her instagram she puts a new video on there every single day and these are all done by her videographer and she's only met with him 17 times the first time that they recorded they did eight that was all she could do in a day the last time that they recorded it was like they did like 57 videos and it's like you get better in time right you get more comfortable you get quicker she's like now i've got my clothes off to the side and i'm switching my shirts and like i've got everything ready ahead of time my scripts what i'm going to say so we knock out as many as we possibly can during that and so um basically key takeaway was that you know time block for you to batch this content so that maybe you need to use a schedule scheduler so that during the week you're getting this content out there while you're busy and you can't remember right so hopefully that was helpful also i'm very interested in youtube videos since it's linked to google i'm trying to increase my google presence me too this is where it's at and mccall can attest that i had just gotten a lead from youtube like this works and it's just like you have to keep showing up like if you look at my youtube i do have a ton of videos on there and a ton of content but you need to have more um and i think that with any video that you record for uh youtube or anywhere else like repurpose it everywhere so don't just think oh i just need these videos for youtube you can put them on linkedin facebook and instagram right i really think that we all need to be making it more of a priority um i think it's really really important especially because yeah it's built it's uh owned by google and youtube is not going anywhere i'm does anyone love youtube please let me know i'm not the only one because i literally watch youtube videos all the time like while i'm working sometimes like when i'm getting ready like i have like my favorite people that i'm subscribed to and i'm just like obsessed watching youtube videos all the time um i kim said i have been watching her and i can relate i'm 53. and so to me even yes hi kim even uh me i'm 34 and i'm like okay i'm a little i'll say yeah i'm a little too old for tick tock but shoot she absolutely crushes it so you guys have to um oh glenda baker alex is who we were talking about who's on tick tock and uh instagram and her videos are honestly so funny like sometimes she does like funny ones about real estate and her personality is hilarious um i barely watch tv anymore it's mostly youtube yeah okay that's funny um okay the last thing that i wanted to mention about sarah gore's why focusing on your camera on camera presence matters is the last thing was come in with a smile whether you feel it or not especially at the beginning of your video it makes a huge difference in how friendly you seem it's like the same thing with when you're on the phone right like you you want to be smiling because like they they can feel that um so i have a couple more things if you guys don't have questions best practices and what you need to focus on uh things to avoid there's three secret weapons to on camera confidence i'll just mention a couple of these um okay so best practices and what you need to focus on one pick a location you're comfortable with two limit distractions i don't have any notifications on my phone unless you were to call or text me and even then like most of the time it's it's on silent because i'm like i'm still checking my phone uh a lot right so it's like i don't need to be dinged every two seconds and so all the apps i don't have any i have a lot of apps on my phone but none of them are sending me notifications because that just like stresses me out uh mentally but then also it creates all these just distractions um i think it's even really helpful that if you're recording a video like you don't need to be answering those client calls like don't multitask just focus on the task at hand and you can get you can call them back in an hour this isn't life or death and their question a lot of times they end up figuring it out themselves so it's perfect three be authentic and conversational for choose camera friendly attire five be aware of your posture i'm like always trying to make sure i set up because even sometimes on the zoom calls i'm like oh god slouched over it does not look good yeah alex sit up [Music] i'm just kidding six look into the camera when you're making a point and seven plan your videos in advance so is anyone doing videos now like on instagram or youtube is there anything that you feel like you're struggling with that you need help with um she had shared three secret weapons to on camera confidence one confidence comes from preparation and you can't do a good job when you don't feel confident trust in yourself and your point of view to record yourself and watch the footage to identify areas where you could improve it's just like a photo like you know when we go take a photo and we go back to look at it to like make sure like is it good that's the same thing with video record the video go back look at it see okay where can i improve a lot of times um i'll look back and i'm like okay i was talking so fast or i was looking away way too much so you know coming back to it and and re-recording looking at looking at the work and um identify what areas you need to improve and then lastly practice practice practice um you're gonna probably do better than i will because i was just so horrible but you're just not gonna be great the first time that you do it but in time it genuinely it gets better um okay so one of the things that they had talked about was how to show up on social media um and a great way to do that is by defining your and so like the team really talked about this like asking everybody like what is your and like you're a real estate agent and what there is so much more to all of us than just being a real estate agent and your and is what you really need to be focusing on as far as the content that you're you're putting out there so you know taking time to think to yourself brainstorm three ways that you can post about your and so are you re you know love to travel you're a mom you know into all these different hobbies whatever the case is really focusing on sharing that and brainstorming okay what are three things that i could do um this week to help showcase my and that way it's not real estate related it's so person personal and you're able to attract other people who are interested in that and it's a great way for them to build that trust with you to know like and trust you um i feel like real estate agents just have such a bad rep they're compared to car salesmen so it's like we're all not super salesy and car salesmen so we need to showcase that um to our clients like when i first got in the business i didn't think i could do it because i was like i am not salesy and i just showed up being myself and that seemed to work um okay some suggestions for tick tock that glenda had mentioned was doing home tours so um doing home tours that are fresh engaging and best of all on trend allowing you to maximize views and engagement my huge takeaway from tick tock from the entire time was that they had said that uh with one instagram reel the number of views that oh wait no what was it tick tock i can't remember my brain is fried okay i think it was instagram with one instagram reel it takes i can't even tick-tock it was tick-tock it talked okay the views from one tick tock it would take 73 instagram reels for you to reach this the same amount of viewers so i was like what oh my god i'm totally missing the boat like i have all these reels i need to be putting it on instagram or i need to be putting them on tick tock as well so that was like mind-blowing to me it's like we're trying to be seen we need to be on tick tock so there was um a website that they had recommended if for you to find the most on trend videos and every single day it updates it i think it was like a list of like one to a hundred and it is so you want to find the trending music and maybe something that you can relate with or that you like and going to this website to find the most trending songs that day um could be really beneficial for you um so this the first thing for you to post about it like i said was home tours the second thing is doing a trend plus your and so you know keeping up with these trends so that the video gets seen but also sharing you and you know not so salesy not so real estate related but like things that you are interested in um and then the third was they called it talking heads so remember people follow and engage with you because it's you hearing your voice and seeing your face is the quickest way to cultivate connection with your audience you can do this through storytelling sharing helpful tips or providing valuable insights to your followers so it's really always just like if you're struggling with content ideas think about the questions that we are getting asked every day by our clients and do a video on that like we're always getting texts and calls about like what is this what do i do about that you're explaining what an earnest money deposit is you're explaining the home inspection process and how we we can turn into repair requests and what does that look like you can talk about the market how things are changing interest rates like just really diving into your daily life and your daily business and talking about things that your buyers and sellers are asking you um okay let's see okay and they had asked there's a lot of new agents at the mastermind as well and um one agent had asked this question i just thought it was a really good takeaway she was like i'm a new agent what do i need to do like how do i get leads yadda yadda and i had read this in the sirhant course but they had suggested to write down 200 contacts we all know people you have 200 contacts in your phone write down 200 contacts and call them and tell them hey it's stevie i just got on real estate i want to be number one do you know of anybody who's looking to buy or sell and just start having conversations with them and um it's like that's what everyone on the sirhant team preaches is like if you're brand new you need to write down the people that you already know um and focus on them first and and give them a call pick up the phone and tell them and be confident hey i'm i'm on this team now i am ready to crush it i'm gonna be number one and i need your help who do you know that i can talk to so um i thought that would be really helpful um let's see um okay 63 remembered a story and five percent remembered a stat and i was like yeah if someone was talking about or just put up a stat like you're just swiping through or scrolling away like who cares right but if your friend was on there telling a story about it you're more likely to remember it and even be interested in it right it's just you get so much more out of video than you would with a caption or with a photo um okay four steps moving forward one decide what you want your hand to be like they made each one of us like in our binders like we took the time and we were writing out like we are a real estate agent but we also are all these other things so genuinely writing that down and there's your content right there you can start right with the things that you're writing down think about what you enjoy most select a platform that you want to focus on and dive in on and i think it's important to repurpose everywhere but i'm not engaging with everybody everywhere i'm engaging on instagram because that's the platform that i want to focus on and i'm still putting the content everywhere but i'm not going on facebook and reaching out to people and engaging that way and going on to linkedin reaching out engaging that way i'm just focusing on one um create three to five content categories buckets and update your social bio and include your and so a lot of people have in there like i'm a realtor yada yada but it's like what what else are you let's let's add that in there so that pretty much wraps up what i wanted to share i literally have pages on pages and this binder full of notes it was so awesome um i absolutely loved it and looking forward to going in june but if no one has any more questions then i guess we shall wrap this up and hopefully i will see everybody on monday at 12 p.m because i'm going to be interviewing danielle i know i've been getting a lot of questions about teams and building a team and that is what i'm going to interview her on because she's a super successful agent with a thriving team so i think it's going to be super fun i hope you guys have a great rest of your friday and weekend and i'll chat with y'all soon you