everyone with me there all right so we got it cuz now I'm going to show you the most mindblowing thing that was kept from Satan did you know that Jesus's trial beating whipping and crucifixion was his coronation this was God's way of coronating his son for his enthronement as king because kings are coronated there's a coronation right there is a coronation rituals that go about preparing the king to take office did you know the Bible presents Jesus's trial before Pilate the beatings the whippings of crucifixion as his coronation as his enthrallment as king now here's where we're going to finish it and open up the Q&A you ready here's where you're going to get I hope you're going to get astonished and this I've discussed previous ly too H me I get tired of saying hey I discussed this and I discussed that and but I did not lying watch here let me show you get ready you ready okay here you go are you ready Brethren let me show you something interesting John 19113 you ready John 19113 watch here you we not going to see it see one thing about English translations sometimes they do you a disservice sometimes they do you a disservice why because they'll translate Greek words in ways where you don't see any connection with other verses in the Bible so there's a disservice there either read the Greek or have a good commentary now watch you ready John 19 verse1 and 13 are you ready please pay attention because we're gonna open up the Q&A gonna blow you away John 19:1 13 get ready Kitty to be blown away then pilate took Jesus and scourged them now watch how he's being coronated prepared for his enthronement and the soldiers plated a crown of thorns though they're mocking him they don't understand what they're doing and put it on his head so they're crowning him he's now being crowned though they're mocking him and trying to hurt him but understand what God wants you to see and array him in a purple robe a purple robe is what you put a king a king wears a purple robe so notice a crown even though they're mocking him and his crown THS to hurt him putting on a purple robe signifying royalty they came up to him saying hail King of the Jews are you catching it they don't know what they're doing they think they're mocking but this is God's way of corating in sin and preparing him to enter into glory and sit in Throne as king of creation okay purple robe robe of a king crown of thorns being crowned hail King of the Jews wait hold on this is where you're gonna get blown away oh this not yet hold on okay watch here slowly but surely watch here one means yes two means no when the chief priests and the offerers saw him they cried out crucify him crucify him pilate said to them take him yourselves and crucify him for I find no crime in him now watch the Jews answered we have a law and by that law he ought to die because he has made himself the Son of God unique Divine Son of God which to them was Blasphemous because they thought he's a mere man now watch hold on wait wait wait wait it's gonna get really juicy when pilate heard these words he was the more afraid like wait he claimed to be a Son of God he entered the pratorum again now and said to Jesus where are you from but Jesus gave no answer pilate therefore said to him will you not speak to me do you not know that I have power to release you and power to crucify you now look what Jesus says Jesus answered him you would have no power over me unless it had been given to you from above unless you were allowed to do what you're doing therefore the one who delivered me to you meaning Caiaphas has the greater sin now again side note not all sins are equal some sins are worse than others right there his sin is worse than yours because he knows better he's a Jew knows the Old Testament but you're in ignorance you're a gentile you're guilty but he's more guilty okay now watch okay hold on well on watch here are you ready you're ready to be blown away you ready John 1912-13 John 1912-13 watch upon this pilate sought to release him but the Jews cried out if you release this man you are not Caesar's friend everyone who makes himself a king sets himself against Caesar so notice he's the king crown with a crown of thorns dressed with a purple robe royalty hail King of the Jews this is a king now watch this part when he heard these words he brought Jesus out and sat down on the Judgment seat at a place called the pavement and in Hebrew gabbatha now notice the beauty of scripture because it's inspired does the sat down refer to pilate or Jesus or did the Holy Spirit Inspire John to be ambiguous so that it can be understood that Jesus sat down on the Judgment seat you know why this is amazing do you know what the word judgment seat is Bea be MOS the very word used to refer to Jesus's judgment seat in 2 Corinthians 5:10 here is the Judgment seat the seat of the king who sits to judge Bea beatos from Bea the Judgment seat the Judgment Throne of God the same word will be found here here so you don't take my word for it watch here are you seeing this is his coronation watch here let me show it to you so you don't think I'm lying this is this coronation here it is Bible Hub let's go here I'm G to bring it up okay there it is Click there let me show it to you okay here it goes I know you guys don't believe me all right here go okay let's see okay you see it right there do you see the the Judgment seat BOS do you see it batos okay you see it right okay there's the link then you click on it you click on it see where this word appears boom watch here okay hold on we don't want that okay watch here let me show you 2 Corinthians 510 same word before the Judgment seat of Christ be Matos same word used in 2 Corinthians 510 where it says we will all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ same word brethren same word here it is same word sat down on the Judgment seat Matthew 2719 John 19:13 same word you understand what the Holy Spirit just did do you guys understand what the Holy Spirit just did he inspired the text in such a way where sat down you don't know if it means pilate or Jesus because it's deliberately ambiguous because Jesus is being coronated the Lord wants you to see here's how I'm being prepared to begin my reign as King this is my coronation the crown of thorns the purple robe right this is their way of coronating me and preparing me to assume my role as king the Bei I don't know of any other king who was coronated in this manner in that he was installed as King by being beaten whipped and nailed and killed except for this King who's the king of kings and Lord of lords the Lord in his infinite love humbled himself to allow himself to be coronated by the hands of sinful men to beat him whip him spit on him and nail him and this is the way the path that he went through to be glorified and exalted as king and he says now this is the way for you you must suffer like me if you want to reign with me did it all make sense everyone got it but you see the Judgment seat if you didn't know what the Judgment seat meant you would not made a connection with 2 Corinthians 5:10 and in Romans 14:10 it's Bea same word Ru we'll all stand before the Judgment seat of God