Transcript for:
Unlocking the Power of The Law of Attraction

A year ago my life had collapsed  around me I'd worked myself into   exhaustion my father died suddenly  and my relationships were in turmoil.   Little did I know at the time out of my  greatest despair was to come the greatest gift. I've been given a glimpse of a great secret I began tracing a secret back through history. I couldn't believe all the people who knew  this. They were the greatest people in history. All I wanted to do was share The  Secret with the world. I began   searching for people alive today who know  The Secret. One by one they began to emerge. Do you know this secret gives you everything you  want, happiness, health and wealth. You can have   do or be anything you want. We can have whatever  it is that we choose. I don't care how big it is.  What kind of a host you want to live in? Do you want  to be a millionaire? What kind of a business you   want to have? Do you want more success? What  do you really want? I see many miracles take   place in people's lives, financial miracles,  miracles of physical healing, mental healing,   healing and relationships. all of this happened  because of knowing how to apply The Secret. This is the great secret of life. You've probably been sitting there  wondering what is The Secret. I'll   tell you how I have come to understand  we all work with one infinite power. We all guide ourself by exactly the same laws. The natural laws of the universe are so precise  that we don't even have any difficulty building   spaceships, we send people to the moon and we can  time the landing with the precision of a fraction   of a second. I don't care if you're an Indian,  if you're in Australia, New Zealand Stockholm, or   London, or Toronto and Montreal, or New York, we're  all working with one power one law it's attraction. The Secret is the law of attraction. Everything that's coming into your life you are  attracting into your life. And it's attracted to   you by virtue of the images you're holding in your  mind. It's what you're thinking. You see whatever is   going on in your mind, you are attracting to you.  Now wise people have always known that. You can   go right back to the ancient Babylonians, they've  always known this, it's a small select group of   people. Why do you think that 1% of the population  earns around 96% of all the money that's being   earned? dDo you think that's an accident? It's no  accident, it's designed that way, they understand   something. They understand The Secret and you are  being introduced to The Secret. The simplest way   for me to look at the the law of attraction is, if  I think of myself as a magnet, and I know that a   magnet will attract to it. Very basically put the  law of attraction says that like attracts like   but we're really talking at a level of thought. Our  job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of all   you want make it absolute clear in our minds what  we want, and from that we start to invoke one of   the greatest laws in the universe and that's the  law of attraction. You.. you become what you think   about most. but you also attract what you think  about most. If you see it in here, you're going   to hold it here. And that principle can be summed  up in three simple words, thoughts, become, things. What most people don't attend is a thought has  a frequency, every thought has a frequency. We   can measure a thought, and so if you're thinking I  thought over and over and over again, or if you're   imagining in your mind. Okay having that brand new  car, having the money that you need, building that   company, finding your soulmate, if you imagine what  that looks like you're emitting that frequency on   a consistent basis. Thoughts are sending out that  magnetic signal that is drawing the parallel back   to you. See yourself living in abundance and you  will attract them it. It always works, it works every   time, with every person. Here's the problem, most  people are think about what they don't want and   they're wondering why it shows up over and over  and over again. The law of attraction doesn't   care whether you perceive something to be good,  or bad, or whether you don't want it, or whether   you do want it, it's responding to your thoughts.  s\So if you're sitting there looking at a mountain   of debt feeling terrible about it, that's the  signal you're putting out to the universe. Wow   I feel really bad because of all this debt I've  got, you're just affirming it to yourself, you   feel it on every level of your being, that's what  you're going to get more of. The law of attraction   is really obedient. When you think of the things  that you want, and you focus on it with all of your   intention, the law of attraction will give you what  you want, every time. When you focus on the things   that you don't want, I don't want to be late, I  don't want to be late, you really are calling   that into existence. The law of attraction doesn't  here that you don't want it, and so it's going to   show up over, and over, and over again. The law of  attraction is not biased to wants or don't want   and manifest the things that you think. The law of  attraction is always working, whether you believe   it or understand it or not, it's always working.  It's working as much as you're thinking. Anytime   your thoughts are flowing, the law of attraction  is operational. When you're thinking about the   past, present, or the future, the law of attraction  is working. It's an ongoing process, you don't   press pause, you don't press stop, it is forever  and action, as your thoughts are. Creation is always   happening. Every time an individual has a thought,  or a prolonged clonic way of thinking, there in the   creation process, something is going to manifest  out of those thoughts. Law of Attraction says,   we'll give you whatever it is you say, and focus  on, and so if you're complaining about how bad   it is, what you're creating is more of how bad it  is. I had a student named Robert. Robert was a gay   man, and he was taking an online course I have,  part of which entails email access to me. And he   outlined all of the grim realities of his life. In  his job all the people ganged up on him, and it was   constantly stressful because of how nasty they  were with him. When he walked down the street, he   said every block he was accosted by homophobic  people, who wanted to abuse him in some way. He was wanting to become a stand-up comedian  and when he went out and did a stand-up comedy   job, everybody heckled him about being gay. And  his whole life was one of a lot of unhappiness   and misery and it all focused around this  idea of being attacked because he was gay.   I began to teach him that he was focusing on  what he did not want. I had directed him back   to his email that he sent me and said, read  it again. Look at all the things you do not   want that you're telling me about, and I can  tell you're very passionate about this. When   you focus on something with a lot of passion, it  makes it happen even faster. And then he really   started taking this thing about focusing on what  you want to heart, and he began really trying. What happened within the next six to eight  weeks was absolutely a miracle. He said that   all the people in his office that had been  harassing him, either transferred to another   department, quit working at the company, or  started totally leaving him alone and he   began to love his job. He noticed that when  he was walking down the street that nobody   came up to him and harassed him anymore. They  just weren't there. When he went and did his   stand-up comedy routines he started getting  standing ovations and nobody was heckling him. He's whole life change because he changed from  focusing on what he did not want, what he was   afraid of, what he wanted to avoid, to focusing what...  on what he did want. So we may be very positive in   our outlook and orientation and we tend to  attract positive people and positive events   and circumstances. When we're very negative in our  orientation are very angry, in which case we tend   to attract negative angry people, and negative  angry circumstances. And so you end up attracting   to you the the predominant thoughts that you're  holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts   are conscious or whether they're unconscious.  That's the rub. If you look very carefully when   it comes to The Secret and the power of our mind,  the power of our intention in our daily lives, it's   all around us all we gotta do is open our eyes,  and look. You can see law of attraction everywhere.   you draw everything to yourself, the people, a job  a circumstance, the help, the wealth, the debt, the   joy, the car that you drive, the community that  you're in, and you draw them all to you like a magnet.  What you think about you bring about. Your life is a  physical manifestation of the thoughts that go   on in your head. I mean I'm not talking to you  from the point of view of just wishful thinking,   or imaginary craziness. I'm talking to you from  a deeper basic understanding. Quantum physics   really begins to point to this discovery. It  says that you can't have a universe without   mind entering into it, that the mind is actually  shaping the very thing that is being perceived.   Now if you don't understand that doesn't mean you  should reject it. You don't understand electricity   probably. First of all no one even knows what  electricity is, and yet you enjoy the benefit   of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how  it works. But I do know this, that you can cook a   man's dinner with electricity and you can also  cook the man. People often times they begin to   understand the great secret become frightened  of of all of these negative thoughts that they   have. Two things they need to be aware of, one  it has been proven now scientifically, than an   affirmative thought is hundreds of times  more powerful than a negative thought. So   that eliminates a degree of worry right there. And  the second thing is, that thank God there's a time   delay, that all of your thoughts don't come  true instant. We'd be in trouble if they did. The time delay serves you, it allows you to  reassess think about what you want and make   a new choice. So you want to become aware  of your thoughts, you want to choose your   thoughts carefully, and you want to have fun with  this because you are the masterpiece of your own   life. You are the Michelangelo of your own life.  The David that you are sculpting is you, and you   do it with your thoughts. The leaders in the past  who have The Secret wanted to keep the power and   not share the power. So they kept people ignorant  of The Secret. People went to work they did their   job they came home they were on a treadmill  with no power because The Secret was kept in   the few. We live in a universe in which there are  laws. This says is the law of gravity if you fall   off a building it doesn't matter whether you're a  good person or a bad person, you can hit the ground. Everything that surround you right now in your  life, including the things you're complaining   about, you've attracted. Now I know at first blush  that's gonna be something that you hate to hear.   You know, you're gonna immediately say, I didn't  attract the car accident, I didn't attract this   particular client, I didn't particularly attract  the debt, I didn't attract whatever it happens   to be as you're complaining about. And I'm here  to be a little bit in your face and to say yes   you did attract it. And this is one of the hardest  concepts to get but once you've accepted it it's   life transforming. This is part of the overall  giant secret here. And most of us attract by   default, we just think that we don't have any  control over it, our thoughts are on autopilot,   our feelings are on autopilot, and so everything  is just brought to us by default. Now this is your   first time to hear this it may feel like oh I  have to now monitor my thoughts, this is gonna   be a lot of work. It will seem like that at first  but that's where the fun begins. It's impossible to   monitor every thought we have researchers tell us  that we have about 60,000 thoughts a day. Can you   imagine how exhausted we'd feel trying to control  all of those thoughts. Fortunately there's an   easier way, and it's our feelings. Our feelings  let us know what it is that we're thinking. So   your thoughts cause your feelings. The emotions  are this incredible gift that we have to let us   know what we're attracting. Think about it, we have  a good feelings and you have bad feelings and you know   the difference between the two because one makes  you feel good and the other makes you feel   bad. It's the depression, it's the guilt, it's the  resentment, the anger, it's those feelings, they don't   make you feel empowered. Those are bad. On another  level, it's called bad frequency, or bad vibes, or   whatever you want to call it. The flip side to that,  is that you have good emotions, good feeling, and   you know when they come, because they make you feel  good. Excitement, joy, gratitude, love. Imagine if we   can feel that way every day. When you celebrate  the good feelings, you'll draw to you more good   feelings, and things that make you feel good. So  it's really so simple, it's right there the answers.   What am I attracting right now? How do you feel? I  feel good. Well good, keep doing that. Our feelings   are a feedback mechanism to us about whether  we're on track or not, whether we're on course   or off course. if you're feeling good then you're  creating a future that's on track with what you're   desiring, if you're feeling bad you're creating  a future that's off track with your desires.   As you go about your day the law of  attraction is working in every second.   Everything we think, everything we're feeling,  is creating our future. If you're worried,if   you're in fear, then that's bringing more  of that into your life throughout the day. Whatever you're thinking and feeling today,  is creating your future. And you're getting   exactly what you're feeling about, not  so much what you're thinking about.   That's why people if they stub their  toe out of bed they tend to spiral. The whole day goes like that, you know. They  have no clue that a simple shifting of their   emotions can change their entire day and life.  If you start out having a good day and you're   in that particular happy feeling as long as  you don't allow something to change your mood,  you're going to continue to attract by the law of  attraction, more situations circumstances, people   that sustain that happy feeling. Good days, bad  days, rich get rich, or poor get poorer, it's all   about what these people are predominantly and  continually feeling. You can begin right now to   feel healthy, you can begin to feel prosperous, you  can begin to feel the love that's surrounding you   even if it's not there. And what will happen  is the universe will correspond to the nature   of your song. The universe will correspond to the  nature of that inner feeling and manifest, because   the way you feel. Your thoughts and your feelings  create your life. It'll always be that way,   guaranteed. So basically what you focus on with  thought and feeling is what you attract into   your experience, whether or not it's something you  want. It's hard to swallow but when we can begin to   open ourselves up to that, the ramifications are  awesome. It means that whatever thought has done   in your life, it can be undone through a shift in  your awareness.    It's really important that you feel good, because this feeling good, is what goes out as  a signal into the universe, and starts to attract   more of itself to you. So the more you can feel  good, the more you will attract the things that   help you feel good, in order to keep bringing you  up higher, and higher. When you're feeling down do   you know that you can change it like that? Put on  a beautiful piece of music.Start singing that'll   change your emotion, or think of something  beautiful, think of a baby, maybe one you love. And dwell on it. Really keep that thought  in your mind, block everything out but that   thought. I guarantee you'll start to feel  good. This principle applies to your family   pet for instance, which I believe are wonderful  because they put you in a great emotional state. When you feel love for your pet that's a great  state of love. It's going to bring goodness into   your life. What a gift that is. Once you begin  to understand and truly master your thoughts   and feelings, that's when you see how you create  your own reality. That's where your freedom is.   That's where all your power is. That's when you  see how you can become a deliberate creator of   your life, and when you are a deliberate creator  of your life, and you use this law of attraction,  you will have a life that is beyond what you can  possibly imagine right now. Since I learned The   Secret started applying it to my life, my life  has truly become magical. I think the kind of   life that everybody dreams of, and I live on a  day-to-day basis. I live in a four and a half   million dollar mansion, I have a wife to die  for, I get to vacation and all the fabulous   spots of the world, I've climbed mountains, I've  explored, I've been on Safari, and all of this   happened, and continues to happen, because of  knowing how to apply The Secret. Life can be   absolutely phenomenal, and it should be, and  it will be, when you start using The Secret. Okay what can you do right now to begin to turn  your life around? I'll tell you two or three things. Everybody uses The Secret are we gonna run  out of stuff. There are no rules according   to the universe. Your wishes my command. It took a  lot of years for me to get this. Every time you look inside your mail expecting to see a bill,  guess what? It'll be there. And this is amazing,   today I'll just get checks in the mail.   In relationships we're so used to complaining about other people when we're complaining about those  things we're only getting more of those things. I've seen cancer dissolved. I always say that  incurable be incurable from within. You can   change your life, and you can heal yourself. And  let me help you understand that just a little bit. When we look around us what  we see is the tip of the iceburg. You are the creator of your destiny. You can start with nothing, and out of no way a way will be made. What do you really want?