Transcript for:
Overview of a Chess Tournament Experience

like i gambled so much and it worked out area this was a lot of fun oh one of the biggest swindles i've pulled off in title tuesday [Music] time is my biggest advantage okay let's play queen a7 try to bring my queen here queen f3 king g7 okay now he is making some mistakes bishop c8 improve the bishop queen d7 okay queen h3 rabbi can i play knight g4 bishop g4 bishop f3 is very dangerous for him you have check knight e3 queen g3 king f1 bishop h3 king e2 queen h2 king e1 queen john king 22 no that doesn't work bishop f3 queen e1 queen h2 now it doesn't seem to work let's go back here take how to proceed bishop a6 okay queen c8 now queen can come to c5 i have b4 threat check queen a3 bishop c8 okay queen c1 queenie one should be three okay i have to play really fast now oh he blundered he blundered he missed this pressure eventually the pressure got to him okay guys first win in first win in huh coffee intense coffee intense i always take a lot of time to win the first game that's what i've noticed but then i just exchanged queens yeah if i exchange 93 94 this is supposed to be good for me let's do it let's take ed3 let's play bishop e3 and now the rook will come to d1 if i play g4 he has rook to e5 oh bishop h3 did he miss this move bishop h3 [Music] because then i attacked this yeah makes sense rook to e5 will be played i have a feeling what is sacrificing wait this cannot be right okay he's just blundered this is too much he's sacrificing a knight and yeah this is lost i'll be honest with you guys okay i'm just an exchange rook up in fact yeah before initiative yeah he just resigned okay guys second point in the bag second round in the back coffee intense coffee intense okay position not what i've planned for i have no clue what's going on in this portion okay that's a good move we played well again let's play a4 [Music] let's let's gamble let's gamble a bit again this is a complete gamble i really hope it works please please it should work very very dangerous how i'm handling this position but let's do this let's put pressure on him now i'll bring my rook to g8 i gambled a lot but hopefully it should pay out he's thinking knight h4 rook g3 knight of three let's let's go for some tricks [Music] let's flip g7 [Music] okay i think this i think i got this i think i got this in the back i think i got this yes mate yes oh what a gamble what a gamble what a gamble i was losing i was probably lost but uh i went like you know uh completely all in like i gambled so much and it worked out arrayer this was a lot of fun oh one of the biggest swindles i've pulled off in title tuesday he can play rookie to h7 he did not so let's play let's bring my king up or let's play okay five let's play rook five so i can play okay six maybe g5 let's play ok6 let's bring the king now king king f3 king j3 f3 let's play h4 let's take this f4 i want to play g5 let's play a4 or i should bring my king here let's play king g3 bring the king maybe i can move the pawn now let's play f5 4 e6 25 king c6 okay and now i'm bringing my rook in the game okay yes won this game won this game technique i think it was good good oh king d6 he'll give check then i'll go king c5 again the position looks very very equalish to me if i take this now does he want to make a draw king c5 yeah i think that's the move probably he's okay with a draw if he takes on b5 very likely that it'll end in a draw but let's see always in blitz you know you cannot count out the practical chances rookie six okay he's attacking this pawn if i play rookie 8 i exchange the rooks support this pawn f4 check no f4 check doesn't make sense so i should play rookie 8 i think f4 yeah i think this is just a draw so very likely game will finish soon yeah okay he offered draw i should just accept which i did not by mistake i offered to draw and he accepted yeah there is no material left guys so i had to go for the draw yeah it's pretty that it ended in a draw but you know chess if both players play well the most obvious result is draw do terrible game ah it's going to end in a draw uh yeah okay draw okay but to be honest it's a good result for me because i was losing okay but i certainly got some chances let's play f3 look e5 f5 okay yeah allow me f5 now it should be pretty easy okay f4 check yeah now it's i think it should be winning oh i should have played f5 that was little bit stupid on my part but okay let's just push the pawns oh no he has rook g4 no did i make a mistake oh that was so stupid oh man f62 check [Music] now rookie one oh i'm still winning i almost almost lost it i almost lost it but i had it almost lost it hasn't like lost the win i almost made a draw here [Music] you