Arrays vs Linked Lists Comparison

Aug 3, 2024

Comparison of Arrays and Linked Lists


  • Arrays and linked lists are both data structures.
  • Choice between them depends on:
    • Requirements of the application.
    • Size of data.
    • Type of operations performed frequently (accessing, inserting, deleting).

Key Comparison Factors

1. Cost of Accessing Elements

  • Array:

    • Direct or random access possible.
    • Access time is O(1) (constant time).
    • Example: Accessing element at index i is calculated using the base address and size of the data type.
  • Linked List:

    • Sequential access required; nodes are not stored in contiguous memory.
    • Access time is O(n) (linear time) because traversal is required.
    • Accessing the k-th node requires traversing through k-1 previous nodes.

2. Memory Requirements and Utilization

  • Array:

    • Fixed size; size declared at the time of allocation.
    • May lead to wasted memory if not all allocated space is used.
    • Memory requirement is generally low but may not be efficient in utilization.
  • Linked List:

    • Dynamic size; nodes can be created at runtime.
    • No wastage of space as nodes are allocated only when needed.
    • Each node requires extra space for a pointer (4 bytes in 32-bit, 8 bytes in 64-bit).
    • Memory utilization is more efficient compared to arrays.

3. Cost of Insertion and Deletion

  • Array:

    • Inserting at the end: O(1) (constant time).
    • Inserting at the beginning or any position: O(n) (requires shifting elements).
    • Deleting from the end: O(1).
    • Deleting from the beginning or any position: O(n) (requires shifting elements).
  • Linked List:

    • Inserting at the beginning: O(1) (just adjust pointers).
    • Inserting at the end: O(n) (requires traversal to find the end).
    • Deleting from the beginning: O(1) (just adjust head pointer).
    • Deleting from the end or any position: O(n) (requires traversal).

4. Ease of Use

  • Arrays are generally easier to use than linked lists due to their fixed size and direct access capabilities.

5. Searching Operations

  • Array:
    • Supports both linear and binary search.
  • Linked List:
    • Only linear search is possible.


  • When to use Array: When frequent access operations are required, and size is known ahead of time.
  • When to use Linked List: When dynamic resizing is necessary, and memory utilization is a concern.


  • Understanding the advantages and drawbacks of both data structures is essential for making informed decisions in programming and data structure applications. Further exploration of linked list operations will be covered in the next video.