Transcript for:
Podcasting Insights and Tips for Success

just 20 years ago everybody wanted to be an entrepreneur today everybody wants to be a podcaster they're looking out these numbers but Rogan got a few hundred million dollars I want to be rich I want to be Rich Podcast and that's what I'm going to do but let me give you some numbers here there's 5 million podcasts worldwide 150 million total episodes and around a half a billion listeners so how do you compete wsj comes out with this article talking about who's getting all that viewership you ready 35% of all the listeners of podcast go to the top 10 podcast that's it 133% goes to the next 14 11 to 25 then another 133% goes to the next 74 number 26 200 the next 400 podcast get 16% the next 500 gets only 5% and the next 18% goes to ready 4.99 million people that's who you're competing with so I want to start a podcast pad you just discourage me well here's a rule of podcast I'm going to give you the first one first and then we'll go to the next 19 to talk about never ever start a podcast just to make money only do it if you feel you have a message you have fun doing it that ought to be your number one reason to start a podcast money comes way later on especially knowing you're competing with 5 million other people so stick around for the next 19 keys to podcasting if you value of this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel stick around to the very end to get a free pdf you know why I'm laughing because this is my nin take that's why I'm laughing did you hear that laugh okay top 10 podcast according to wsj number one Joe Rogan Experience crime junkie the daily New Heights with Jason and Travis Kelsey dat Line This American Life call or daddy smartless morbid stuff you should know and by the way a chart came out talking about what topics are the ones that win the most on podcast here's what the numbers were according to Pew research crime 24% of most podcasters then 10% is politics and government then is entertainment pop culture and arts 9% self-help and relation ship 8% sport 6% history 4% money and finance 2 comedy 2 religion 2 Science and Technology 1 Health one multiple topics 20 and an other is 12% now when you think about podcasting most of you guys would say oh my God it must be like blowing up with more people getting into podcast because everyone's starting to figure this thing out what if I told you podcasting gets dropped it peaked during Co because everybody was home and everybody was listening so you didn't really need to be that good to be a decent podcaster at that time and we had a lot of time to listen to stuff that's why Tiger King blew up cuz we were all home not because we're fascinated by tigers although he was funny look at this year from 20120 till today podcast it went from 300,000 active 400,000 boom 600 700,000 almost to 800,000 active and then guess what happened right after Co drop back down to 400 and now we're back down to around 450 Today podcast because a lot of people got into it and they left saying ah this is a little bit harder than I thought it was going to be and a money hasn't even reached podcasting yet right now it's around 3 billion year it's going to be a lot more than this but right now it's 3 billion so meaning the point is a lot of people are going to get filtered out because they're doing it for the wrong reason they're doing it because they want to get rich instead of just trying to have fun with it as well that's why I told you number one reason for starting a podcast cannot be money now having said that if you still want the other 19 tips on starting a podcast stick around Point number one when it comes on to podcasting make a list of topics that you know a lot about that you're passionate about that you can go deep on for example you may say I know a lot about baseball there's some big podcast I know about Walt Disney and the story of Disney great a guy who was a lawyer making 200 Grand you're left being a lawyer and at 40 years old cuz he know everything about the Disney history started a podcast and he blew up what do you know a lot about that you can go deep on if you look at Rogan Rogan can go deep on a lot of different topics and it can go wide but you don't have to be that right now you can simply choose one and go deep and then eventually you can go wide I started off talking about entrepreneurship then gradually I went wider but what's your Niche what is the one thing you know for fact you can talk about it you can hang with anybody on that topic is it parenting kids raising kids marriage pregnancy Finance money investment real estate crime History Military whatever it is choose the one topic that you know you can go deep on and start your podcast on that one Niche number three what is your outcome of doing a podcast remember earlier I said don't make it money what is it is it fun is it curiosity is it documenting so later on your kids can see 10 20 30 years from now what's the outcome of you creating a podcast very basic take a paper and pen and start writing it I'll tell you mine at first when I started value tment wasn't a podcast it was content creation was because I wanted the market to know how I do business if you like how I do business let's find each other if not I totally get it eventually that turned into a few million subscribers it turned into a consulting firm when I got a call from somebody say Pat they called Mario they said hey we'd like to hire Patrick to be our consultant what does he charge per engagement I'm like I don't even know what he's talking about I said just go back and give a number to the guy Mario goes back says hey Patrick consults for $5,000 an hour Mario comes back to me says pad they asked for three hours I said what he said they start they three hours I said what do you mean three hours $155,000 how do we even collect payment I don't know I'm sending a PayPal link that's how it started for us and then now it's a Consulting from 10,000 businesses we consult for 60 plus different countries called you can go to B Consulting learn more about it what's the moral of the story the original outcome was because I was an entrepreneur businessman and I'm sharing my content later on turn into a lot of opportunities Now pbd podcast we already had 4 million subscribers on Channel then we start a podcast because I want to talk about current events and politics what was the outcome of this I want to freely talk about all the events that's taking place because I got a lot of opinions on it our first podcast we ever did I was wearing a Mickey Manel Jersey you know how many people were on our live the first one we did 392 people some number like that do you know on our last live we did two weeks ago how many people were on concurrent 104,000 people do you know how long it took us to go from here to here a long time but the basic outcome this want talk about current events I feel like I have some opinions and I like talking to others and debating others that was the outcome what is your outcome of star a podcast next one is a basic one guys just be yourself there's a lot of acting they're trying to be like this guy they're trying to talk like that guy they're trying to talk like this guy how do you talk however you talk be that person go look at the top 10 podcast there's a lot of podcast Ben Shapiro talks very different than Lex fredman talks very different than DX sheeper talks very different than Rogan talks very different than Dylan then Andrew all of these podcasts call or daddy they're all very different but what's your personality some talk like this so today we will be talking about uh health and and we're going to talk about what you need to do to make sure your stomach is clean like that guy talks at that pace yeah he's got millions of followers on a monthly basis you have a problem with him you'd love to have that as well do you know why people show up to him because he actually has knowhow about a product going deep his personality is trusting likable right and he's curious he's asking the right questions and he's got knowledge to transfer to you right he's giving you knowledge but if there's one thing that the guys at the top do very well they're themselves some energy is here some energy is here some energy is here or regardless every one of them is being themselves and you the viewer likes them a lot of time when people start a podcast they want to interview the biggest I want to interview Michael Jordan tomorrow hey Michael can you get on our podcast you know what I'm saying President Obama I am so committed to your views Mr Trump president Trump we have to have you on a podcast because I think I'm an interview different than anybody else it's not how this works you know who you start off with with the local guy that has a p pizza shop and he's got this nice recipe but they've had this pizza shop for 58 years and it's been past three generations and you tell the story and you know how many views you get 226 if you're lucky without even your mom and daddy watching can you do that can you do that do you know one of my first videos I did I'm wearing a pink sock by the way okay in this video you know how many views that video got first day less than 30 I was calling my friends and family saying did you watch the video they said what video cuz nobody had a clue who this guy was there's like what are you are you trying to be a motivational speaker is that what you're doing no man I'm trying to cre can you support me ah come on you're going to stop this most people don't believe you're going to continue with the podcast that you have what is the moral of the story here's a moral of the story start small don't expect to have the bigger guest you may have certain people locally you know who I used to have on my podcast at the beginning stages you ready for this you ready for this my barber my barber Michael ratoni who's got the perfect hair he would be on my podcast you know who I had one time one time in our office everybody in Texas wanted to get a license to carry I brought this girl Jara to be teaching all of us on how to get a license to carry I liked her so much I invited her back on a podcast she's not a podcaster but it was good to talk to her Tom ellsworth's a regular guy I brought him on the podcast we start having conversation I go to Insurance conferences every year this guy kept coming and talking to me every year leave me alone but I liked his charm and his name was Adam he got on the podcast he wasn't a podcaster you're first going to start off with regular people then I'm going tell you the the other story on how to get the bigger names but first keep in mind you're going to have to start off with the smallest people and then graduate to the bigger one and how do you do that I'll tell you on the next step you want big people on the podcast here's what you got to do it's 2014 I want to go and interview Mark Cuban I tell my guys tiran moral Mario I'm about to interview Mark cubin I say it's six months before it happens because I went to an ink conference and I saw him I like I like the way the sky things I want to interview him I sent an email to Mark and I said hey I want to interview you I think we can move 3,000 copies of your book on competition he responds back and he says do you really think I need 3,000 copies sold at 65 cents a copy I said I guess you don't what can I help you with he says I got a new app that came out call cyberdust if you can help me get downloads I'll consider doing interview with you I said how many P downloads do you need said 500 I said give me a couple months I leave I learn about the app come back I'm doing an event at glendel college with few hundred people there I tell Mark watch this weekend on download we go at glendel College come back by the end of the weekend he gets 1,500 downloads of cyberdust I said how's it look he says you definitely push a lot of downloads I said when can we do it I flew to Dallas American Airlines Center went in his office in his building with my terrible cut if you see this haircut you should see the video it's horrible with an orange sweater I had no clue what I was thinking about wearing that orange sweater but we had a great conversation I gave him a gift at the end which was my signature IED to give every guest at the end a unique gift I gave him a first print first edition first sleeve Atlas Shrug that I think I bought for a few thousand I gifted him thank you that's awesome appr that's a great gift so much that became one of those interviews that took off for me but I went and said what do you need from me instead of let me tell you why you need to be on my podcast doesn't work that way this kind of goes to seven which I kind of give it on six unreasonable Hospitality give me a special treatment if I agree to do certain things for you and I'm willing to do it what gift you going to give me let me walk away thinking about something I gave Kobe right after he was making his movies I gave him the original script of Star Wars who was blown away by it every one of my speakers that I bring at I get him a special gift things that I give him for for them to remember and that was one of the things I did with Mark think unreasonable Hospitality by the way a lot of people want to give merch of your brand why do you think someone's going to wear merch of your brand with 66 subscribers or 177,000 subscribers or 10,000 subscribers or 100,000 subscribers they're not a fan of yours you're a fan of them get them something authentic That Matters to them so they walk away say they treated me well it was lots of respect had a lot of fun good interview good question and they actually gave me value for the little gift that they gave me that was awesome Special Touch on reasonable Hospitality eight you ready for this one most people are not going to like this when I was married and I had kids and I'm running the business and I'm traveling the country all over the place I didn't wait for people to come to me to interview I went to them I'm in La I interviewed Michael Frances 2 hours after I interviewed Jordan B for then I interviewed Lewis house then I went and interviewed three other people the next I had stacks of six interviews I had in two days that I can launch one every week or two every other week and so I was a lot I had a lot of inventory I'd go to New York I would start off with scar muchi then I would sit down with General mcris then I would sit down with Ariana Huffington then I would sit down with Bernard Carrick I would do six interviews but when you're small you got to go to everybody people are not going to come to you when you're small and by the way tuer Carlson just this week was ranked as a number one on Spotify he was ahead of Rogan for a week guess where he went to interview Russia Australia Poland anywhere this guy after he was already number one in mainstream media you mean to tell me you're willing to travel that's why he climbed out of being not a podcaster guy to number one that quickly cuz he went to his guest way after he was already big next Point N listen remember how earlier I said these are the niches that do very well crime heal self help you know all this other stuff whatever you know a lot about you can do your podcast on that or you can do reaction videos here's uh Lebron James just got traded to the Lakers for this much contract you know what I don't think this was a good trade if it was me they should have done this this this that today the interest rates have climbed to the highest they've had in 20-some years you know what are they doing why do they want the economy crash there was an assassination attempt re here's what I think here's what I think that's one format right current events reaction Evergreen interviews success stories talking to people bringing expertise of what they think about what happened that format works so either choose a niche do the interviews have reaction current events but that is kind of like the play on how it works when it comes on to podcasting next Point you'll see somebody these podcast nowadays the way they ask the question you're like he sounds like a little robot that he's asking the question that's okay if you're getting started because you can go on on chat gbt and say what are the 10 most unique questions to ask you know whoever you want to interview right what are the 10 questions that's never been asked of this what are the five most unique angles to takes when it comes on to the topic of marriage right and that can feed the things to you and that's okay to do that a lot of podcasters that are not necessarily the most flamboyant and you know energetic type of podcasters can go that format and that's a good start but that's not what's going to get you to be competing in the top 1,000 top 500 top 100 top 50 that's a whole different skill set but at the beginning leverage AI there are so many tools nowaday to create shorts to create the way your thumbnail the looks you know what things to ask how to ask there's so many things with AI don't be the one that's like I'm too good for AI I'm going to do it myself go use the tools because your competition is going to use it against you and they're going to do lapse around you because they're leveraging Ai and you're not so that's great you you you need to use AI but this is the next key for example you ask a question according to chbt so in 197 when XYZ happened and this is what was going on at that time how do you think your father felt at the time when XYZ happened oh great question let me take Chad gbt right you give the answer but that's where it starts how did it make you feel how do you think he felt what was happening at that time later on when you talk to your dad about it what did he say what did he think did you guys have a moment was there an emotion was there tension what was it like when you spoke to him how did your mom feel cuz that they're no longer together do you still think your mom has certain feelings towards your dad like this is when you're now peeling and you're getting to the real why of the why of the why of the why of the why that's what great podcasters do anybody can start off with the first one but it's the 2 third fourth fifth 6th 7th 8th nth followup boom you got the answer everybody's looking for and and that's the art the art of this is what you got to study the greatest interviewers and you'll see what they're doing I'll give you a couple people you ought to studed to get better at this I studied a lot of coaches football coaches when they're doing interviews I like how they think number two I studied a lot of comedians like Johnny Carson when he's interviewing people old school Johnny Carson when it's interviewing someone you'll see what kind of questions they ask negotiators especially like FBI hostage negotiators I know that's a bad example but those people that are able to get somebody that's ready to kill someone to ask the questions to calm them down and bring them down and be able to answer questions these are some incredibly great skill sets to learn while you're interviewing somebody right so pastors how does a pastor get up there and give a speech and ask you the questions and tugs your heart and then all of a sudden you're seeing hundreds of men and grown women in tears and then they're willing to get up and go up there that is a skill set to be able to deliver a message like that coaches pastors comedians talk show hosts David Letterman asking tough questions poking challenging Howard Stern these are very unique set of skill sets that most people don't spend a lot of time learning but that's the edge if you're able to do that here's the next thing Point number 13 very important a lot of people are getting on there and like you know what I'm going to get cancelled because I'm going to talk about controversial stuff because that's how I'm going to get big very fast cuz I'm going to talk about anything they can't stop me and then all of a sudden you get in trouble with YouTube or SP whoever it is right learn how to communicate okay words to use allegedly possibly we'll see let me speculate I don't know maybe I'm wrong maybe I don't know what I'm talking about do your own research these are words great communicators use that are doing podcast that allows me the viewer to say huh let me go do my own research you know what he's just speculating versus saying I guarantee you these people are lying and I'm telling you there's something like that if you choose to go to politics cuz that's number two right true crime then it's politics and government if you go that route maybe you'll have something like this where you go up but it's like this and it's done you're going back to zero I got guys that put on their profile on Twitter or YouTube six times cancelled on YouTube 15 strikes on this eight times canceled on Twitter you know what you're you know how I interpret that when somebody says something like that all I think about is you don't know how to communicate properly you just don't you don't know how to communicate properly that's not something that you brag about there's ways to deler ing your message without being sensationalist that would be feedback to some of you guys I want to get into politics this next one is basic but it's very important preparation either you can have a research team that you pay 20 bucks like Fiverr and it's easy to find nowadays hey can you research on this topic I'm planning on doing an episode on it next week send me whatever you find on this great or chat gbt research or all these other things but you need The Supporting Cast on Research to send you stuff that maybe you're not thinking about to come up with an angle that's very unique right that's that part and then from there when it comes on to thumbnail editing there's apps that are AI is taking over 80% of the job of creating a podcast at the beginning had a guy spent $100,000 to starts on podcast you know how many episodes he did he shot 10 you know how many went live this many don't go spending too much money basic stuff right off the bat before you do anything wild camera use this camera audio equipment basic stuff to use at the beginning then after about 50 100 episodes you can start investing a little bit more money I'll go buy this I'll go buy that I'll go buy this but at the beginning don't put too much money into it at the beginning you can do that later on this next one a lot of people are not going to likee many people will tell you never read the comments never ever go through the comments I read the comments why do you read the comments not because I'm a masochist I know the difference between people who are just trolls who hate you you can't let those guys bother you but then I also know the people that are reasonable and when you're smaller you actually know pretty much 80% of your regulars that comment I can tell you my regulars the first year that commented I know my regulars the first year of podcast the second year I know now we have a lot but at the beginning guy knew so i' say this guy's actually fair you know what he was not a fan of the way we did XYZ today great feedback let me kind of take that inventory okay interesting they like when we do this great let me see how many more people say this let me run a poll on it but read the comments if you're able and it's almost at the beginning to take the feedback it's necessary to get it at the beginning but be able to decipher between a troll between a guys that you can't make anybody happy and then that's you know special 10 20 30 40 people that are commenting regularly that becomes your real true true true fans follow a little bit of the feedback they give you they're going to give you so many areas that are your blind spots and they'll remind you what you just used to do right next point this is tough to do most people won't do it most people do podcast and then next time they won't do one for three weeks and then they won't do one for two months and then they'll do three in a week and then they'll go do four in a month and then they'll do one in three months here's what I said if you're going to start it be serious about it my dad always told me if you start something finish it I didn't start for a minute but when I did here's what I said to me before I started the podcast show was called 2 minutes with Pat and here's how it work 2 minutes with Pat I said I'm going 2 years one per week that's 104 videos committed you know how many we did one a week for 2 years you know how many Subs I had after 2 years 2,000 Subs barely 1,500 2,000 Subs after 2 years nothing was going on but at inventory of different things that worked and didn't work one got 2,800 views that's a lot of views when you start with zero right and it was exciting to kind of see that but if you're going to say you're going to do it be consistent about it the people that make you to the to we're in the top 10,000 or top 10,000 our podcast they're consistent once a week once a week once a week and don't overwhelm yourself I'm going to start off with four week don't do that if you can't do four a week every week for a year but if you do one a week one a week I can do that you go four a year I think I can go to two a week two a week two a week two a week I think I can do three a week three a week three a week three two a week one a week I don't think I can do three a week two a week two a week two a week but stay consistent when you're doing this if the format you're going to do is going to be with a co-host let's just say you're going to be somebody else and if you guys are going to sit there and say you know I really don't like the way the Lakers played last night yeah me too you know I also I can't stand way when people say LeBron James is better than Michael Jordan you know what me too if it's going to be two of you sit there prep for the podcast how do you feel about this like this well I feel this great let's debate this on the podcast Bingo how do you feel about this one issue I'm here yeah me too well how about this no I'm here no no I'm here are we going to touch this right so now all today we're going to talk about four different topics okay first things first here's a story that came out I don't know if you've seen this or not it says the fact that such and such person 28 years ago one time they did cocaine 28 years later Family Guy married five kids should this person be judged for what they did when they were 18 years old what do you think I don't think they should be I think they've changed I think anybody can change this is America you know what we should hold them accountable because if you did it see now this is the part that becomes a debate and I like I don't agree with you it's a show but also at the same time it's entertaining there's change conflict little bit of controversy little bit of tension that brings out the audience that either sides with you or sides with the other person so when you're picking a co-host make sure the co-host isn't a yeah yeah me too yeah yeah I agree yeah yeah I agree nobody and I mean nobody including your mother will watch your pockets 18 data look at your data there's a lot of stuff nowadays man they give you so much data on YouTube with Creator Studio you can look at when people drop off how the first 10 seconds are what parts peaked in your interview how many likes you got how many dislikes you got how many Subs you got you know how long they're staying what is the percentage of them staying with this video versus the other one typically we're averaging 30% of the interview they'll stay this one was 28% man last week's there was 48% why did they like it so much you have to look at the data to see what kind of adjustments to make and what you're doing right and then typically you'll go out there and you'll say let me see what the top podcasts are that the most viewers what is what is common with these things then one time I brought Mario and he'll never forget this I said Mario notice our last 100 videos I want you to count I would take a piece of paper and here's how I would do it I would go 25 to 50,000 views I'd go 50,000 to 100,000 views I'd go 100,000 to 250 250 to 500 500 to a million and then a million plus right so would rank it like this on go how much is that give me the numbers one boom and then I'd say 38 videos are between 25 to 50 52 are between 50200 only 10 or over 100,000 do you know we don't do 10 out of 100 we've not been good the last 100 videos why is that what do you notice with the trend and we'd watch the videos I'm like you sound angry with the audience they don't like it you're in a hurry we're winging the content we're not prepared with the content we're not taking our time seriously we used to do this we need a break to rest strategize and we would but that that was given to us based on the data pay attention to the data it's going to reveal a lot to you number 19 everything's got to have a CTA what's a CTA call to action so before you start the podcast what's the call to action today it could be as simple as give it a thumbs up if you like the video it could be as simple as hey how you doing today we're going to talk about XYZ if you get a lot of value out of today's podcast give us a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and then at the end of the video if you got a lot of value out of this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel just like I did today earlier to you at one point for us to call to action was subscribe so had a pillow we throw a pillow hey you know time to help us get to 100,000 Subs we need 100,000 Subs if we get to 100,000 Subs we're going to do XYZ I can't tell you how many people send me a man I don't know if you ever used the app man on man you can download it you can ask me it's the only place where I respond to every single one of the questions I get in audio you hear my voice I don't respond email I don't respond instad DM not Twitter not LinkedIn not Facebook none of that stuff you send me a message on M I respond back a 100% of the messages on man that was a CTA exactly what I just did right now as a CTA so if you want to talk to me and ask me a question today's call to action is you can ask me a question on man this is the QR code notice what just happened that was organic that was natural but many of you are going to message me on man and I'm going to get back to you what can you create as your CTA is it sub is it a like is it comment below is it go on Twitter regardless of what what it is before you start the show decide what the CTA is going to be for that episode and last but not least if you still stuck around and you're watching the last one good for you by the way hit that sub button if you're still here let me tell you what the higher law is you ready here's the higher law let's just say you're going to be one of the guys that you're actually committed 99% of you are not going to stay committed I'm telling you right now that's how this thing works there's a reason why this was the chart we looked at earlier oh Rogan made 200 so I'm a bom and then they leave right there's a reason when we look at this what happens with these guys here's the higher law there are some of you that are watching this you're going to say you don't know who I am Pat I'm not going to stop until I win no problem let me talk to you guys for a minute you're going to experience a little bit of Fame and excitement you're going to go to the mall you're going to have the first person recognize you you you step do person as on the is it crazy who was that I don't know he said he watched the episode and your video got like 3,800 views it's going to happen it's very weird and then it happens twice which you say you really get good now you get one video goes viral or short 7.8 million views now you're one of those yeah well you know I'm look you I'm an influencer now you're annoying again don't do that if you start winning you get a lot of eyeballs don't get arrogant as big as you are the Rocks got 600 million followers and Ronaldo had a post that got 72 million likes and Messi had a post that got 7 5 million likes you're still small don't get too crazy here because if you do H the relationships around you your girlfriend your boyfriend your husband wife Mom Dad kind of become too much of a crazy one and it's annoying to be around people like that and then your followship leaves you remember they liked you because you were authentic and you were being yourself if you gain some success have some perspective do your best to stay humble and always remind yourself no matter how big you are you are still not here you got work to do stay humble if you do so you'll continue growing if you don't you'll be one of these guys that quits and leaves this game you don't want that it's time for CTA if you got value out of this video give it a thumbs up and subscribe to the channel and I made a video a few years ago 10 keys to creating content as an entrepreneur I think even though it says entrepreneur it's going to give you Insight on how to come up with the content if you've never seen it click here to watch it take care everybody bye-bye bye-bye [Music]