Transcript for:
How to Learn Data Structures and Algorithms from A to Z

so if you're looking out for a structured DS algo course I must say you're on the correct channel so in this video I'll be telling you how to learn DS algo from a to zed in depth yes so first of all where to learn not on the YouTube channel because it is not structured you'll have to head over to the website AQ you might be seeing it on the screen the UI might be different uh some months down the line but doesn't matter which course is it there's something as a to z DSA course open it up it has 4 55 modules covering 18 or 19 topics every topic has sub modules like sub parts as well so there are a bunch of problems that you will be solving in this particular course is it paid no it is absolutely free and it covers a lot more problems than what the paid courses will do you can buy any of the paid courses and you can have a comparison done as well so the next question how do you get the best output of this particular course first of all the course has like every topic has some Theory and every topic has some problems rather a lot of problems for the theory part what I will say is watch out the videos just watch out the videos and do not dive deep just know the topic and then start solving problems because in DS algo like theory is not that important solving problems is important because that will help you to develop the problem solving ability got it so watch out the videos do not di much and then start solving problems step F pick up a problem according to the step pry out that problem now when I'm saying pry out that problem means if you have a extreme na solution extreme brute solution hit it convert your thought process into the code write it and submit it doesn't work doesn't matter read the blocks there are blocks attached to every problem and solutions are categorized if a problem has multiple solution you'll find categorized so you can read out all of them if you're not able to understand watch out the videos and for every problem that you're not able to understand or there is something new create nodes so that you can revise afterwards right and then again retry whatever solution you have learned retry it without watching the video without watching the blog retry it this should be your method of learning got it and this is how you can get the best output but in order to get a accelerated output what I will recommend you is to get a mentor from pre-placed now pre-placed is a website which offers amazing mentors the mentors who are working at Fan companies or India's top product based companies so if you get a mentor what will happen is they they will have a personalized road map along with DSS system design low level design whatever you require they'll give you a personalized road map and they'll have a deadline check one week for arrays after one week hey did you complete arrays let's have a small test after that they'll be giving you a lot of resources on system design lowlevel design DSL go and other things project ideas since this people work in the industry they know how everything works so they'll be giving you project ideas as well after that once you're prepared you will be able to have mock interviews with them before the real interview resume reviews according to the jobs that you're applying you can ask them to review your resumés you can have referals from them as well and from their friends as well and right at the end you can have a personalized discount code from them so if you are liking a mentor ask them for a discount coupon code they will be giving you if they do not you can use stri th000 for an extra th000 credits so I'll be leaving out the link in the description you can book a free trial session with any of dementor it's absolutely free go and check it out so let's head over to the next part covered to right scam so there is a lot of misinformation in the market because it's not paid it's it's actually taking down a lot of businesses as I said we have 90 lakh visits on this course in the last 1.5 years so first of all the first thing that everyone is saying is this course is in C++ absolute garbage absolute nonsense so I have one video the initial video that that says C++ in one shot that's it that's it I haven't made the video Java in one shot but apart from this video you pick up any topic I'm throwing an open challenge pick up any topic arrays trees DP graphs any of the topics you'll find that I write pseudo code I don't write code in C++ Java and in my blogs we are attaching blogs notes to every problem you find C+ plus Java python JavaScript codes so we are not teaching C++ Java the entire course is in pseudo code Pudo code you're focusing on problem solving right a second thing is it's not beginner friendly this is something which everyone like the influencers are spreading to because it's a free course so what I'll ask you to do is and not say anything reach out to any of your seniors who are who got recently placed ask hey there's this guy striver should we follow him should we follow the stver a toz DSA course you can find reviews on Google you can find reviews on Twitter LinkedIn anywhere you wish to post a tweet people will tell you the reviews of this course do not ask an influencer or anyone who is running a business around this one got it it is absolutely beginner friendly that is why it has 455 modules but I start from easy then go to medium and then I cover a lot of advanced problems with a lot of paid Cod coures in the market or lot of free courses in the market what they do is they cover a basic easy in depth and when it comes to Med and hard they tend to skip you can pick up any of the free DSA courses they will end up at 170 180 200 at Max and they'll be skipping the advanced problems or they'll be doing three or four of them but over here in our course we do a bunch of advanced problems so it is tough but in order to exceed you need to do tougher things got it we need to solve all 455 the answer to that is no technically the scor has around 250 to 300 concepts of problems for every concept I have multiple problem so if you're understanding a concept this might have a four follow like four followup problems so you can solve two and you can skip the rest two that is your wish it's not necessary to solve 455 I've given them for practice for your betterment got it the next thing along with the course what else should you do one thing is an absolute must contest head over to lead code so basically lead code there's a website as lead code head over to code forces give every contest so there is something in the market that like a lot of beginners think that I should learn everything and then I should start appearing for contest do not do that you know BAS B programming start appearing on the contest even if you're able to solve one problem that is absolutely fine give every contest for the next 2 years give every contest along with learning DS algo two years down the line you'll come back and say me you were correct giving contest actually helped me to learn because you'll face a lot of new Concepts a lot of new unseen problems so you'll learn a lot lot more got it so I'll be leaving out the link of this particular A to Z DSA course in the description I'll be leaving out the link of pre-placed you can book a free trial with any of the mentors you wish to and get onboarded with them if you haven't followed me on social media I'll be leaving out all the social media Handles in the description as well with this I'll be wrapping up this video make sure to follow the website not the YouTube channel with this I'll be wrapping up this video let's meet in some other video till then bye-bye take care