[Music] in today's video we bring you an insightful interview with Sachin Tendulkar the legendary cricketer who has inspired Millions around the world known as the greatest runs scorer in cricket history Tendulkar shares his experiences including his early days his challenges as a captain and his triumphs on the field this interview also delves into his autobiography playing it my way where he recounts his journey from a young Cricket Enthusiast to an iconic Sportsman join us as we explore the life and wisdom of Sachin Tendulkar a tennis player or a cricketer uh definitely a cricketer no no tennis was good fun I enjoyed playing tennis I enjoyed watching tennis but always uh was in love with Cricket and Cricket would always be my first love talking about the golf ball significance in my life in fact it was in the early part of my life when I was only 11 11 years old and uh I was staying with my aunt and uh I would make her Chuck number of balls a day golf ball I had purposely taken a blade and made that into oval shape so that it would hit the floor and then change direction it sort of uh you know taught me to play back foot defense with soft hands also not being so tall you know I had to be throughout my career I had to be on my toes and I thought somewh where you know that golf ball practice had had a role to play in my technique and basically I mean as 11-year-old full of energy and in spite of practing practicing number of hours on the field I still had to do something to do with Cricket and that's how I killed my time my interest in Bowling was always there in fact uh as as a youngster I think I was only 12 13 years old I went to Chennai to uh uh to for Dennis Lily's fast bowling mrf camp where uh he suggested that you know I stick to batting because uh you know not knowing that I was actually a batsman wanting to learn how to Bow fast because fast bowling is something which which always fascinated me uh sometimes being a school Captain helped because uh with the new ball I could bow seam UPS then semi new ball I would bow off Spin and old ball Lex and by then the second new ball will be again available so I continued bowling and I thought uh and that continued uh you know even in the Nets because uh when I played for India for almost the first U 20 22 years of my career I bow to all 10 12 batsman in the net uh I would bow SE up if the Wicket was helpful for fast Bowlers ball leg spin Hof Spin and basically you know it's just uh uh playing more cricket and grasping more things in life and then getting to know more about Cricket getting more information from various players the first time I met Angeli at my place was uh angel had turned up as a journalist because I didn't know how to invite her otherwise and uh she said that I'm close to your house can I meet you and and then till then uh uh no girl had visited my house and this was the first time I did know how to deal with that so I said you you have to walk in as a journalist wanting to inter me otherwise you have no other chance of coming here uh so I mean she pretended to be a journalist when she came to my house for the first time and uh I had to offer her something so you know offered her chocolate I would say in fact I only had one chocolate which uh which was uh the case because of uh me and my family polishing off all the chocolates mainly brothers and uh only one chocolate was there so I had cut that chocolate into small pieces and spread that all over the plate thinking that you know there were many chocolates put together to have so I precisely remember that you know that that meeting was uh something special and then uh I think my family realized that she wasn't a journalist the body language says it all and when Sara was was born at that time I was at Angel's house which which is like know 50 m away from the hospital and uh I was with a very very dear friend of mine my childhood friend Sunil H and uh we were on the Terrace of her house Angel's house I said that I cannot uh believe that you know and in hours from now I'll I'll become a father and uh life is going to change so you know we both were sort of you know uh restless and and uh looking forward to what was going to happen in my life and as soon as I got I got a phone call I rushed to the hospital and I was uh I was there I mean that that first glimpse of Sara was special I can never forget I thought um you know the the the first phase was uh a difficult one and uh the the there were differences in our opinions I mean I felt uh the selectors were thinking something different and I was thinking something different and uh I wasn't I wasn't given the team that I wanted there were few individuals that I wanted in the team and um which was which which didn't happen and which was a big setback and a big disappointment because my only goal was to win matches for India I didn't want anything else and uh we we I felt we were not on the same wavelength I mean we were thinking differently and if uh if a captain has to go out in the middle and take his team and want them to play the way I want to play cricket then I got to have the players that I wanted which didn't happen so that was the first thing of my captaincy the second one was uh also a challenging one we we went to some uh you know tough places uh we went to Australia we we went to South Africa as well and and uh you know things were uh not happening to according to the way I wanted uh all in all you know I felt that uh we were not putting enough runs on the board uh I don't think uh uh we scored 300 even once in in three test matches in Australia six Innings if you don't score 300 even once then you know you are uh not likely to win but uh you know lose that test in fact even uh ending up in a draw would have been a great result because Australia being the top side in the world we we we we would have been happy with that uh but that didn't happen so more so because they were not enough runs on the board 2011 World Cup it doesn't get any bigger than that in cricket uh whole country was celebrating and and uh needless to say that you know the dressing room was flowing with champagne and you know photographs being taken with each and every individual with that beautiful Trophy and that's when I called Angelie I mean Angelie saw the saw the match on television because she's superstitious and uh then rush to the stadium only to realize that on all the cars on top of the roof guys were jumping and dancing and celebrating our Victory the moment they recognize her they said not this car let's jump on to the other one and Angeli walked in the dressing room and the same car went out and said now we can jump on this car she's not there so those dents were special ones I mean dents that I'm proud of fantastic experience and after that with all that happening in the dressing room we went back to the hotel uh all the all the room doors were open with loud music and friends there on the floors and then and in our room I remember only the two of us were there uh Angel and I and uh the door was open and we found flowers there so we both put flowers in our ears and uh we started uh celebrating with champagne glass and loud music and be danced uh which I've never done in my life that's the only time that I've celebrated any Victory uh that much and then uh it the celebrations continued till till uh till till morning hours I mean it was fantastic experience I mean it'll stay with me for the rest of my life my my vision was uh on my on my 40th birthday uh we introduced spreading happiness India Foundation where we we decided to light up the villages where there is no electricity and then post sunset there is darkness in their life uh to imagine something like that exists in our nation is a little difficult to digest and that's when we decided that this Foundation is going to help light up the entire nation you know it's all about spreading happiness and that's why we call this uh uh initiative our foundation also spreading happiness India Foundation India because uh India and the is inside your house so India uh it's all about you know giving a fair platform to disadvantage communities and and if uh we can we can allow the future of India to study at night to read books the the backbone of any family the mother to to cook food in proper light and not in darkness it's surely going to change our nation it's it's going to change slowly but surely and that is what uh we are looking at so we will I'll continue to give in 100% And and make all the possible efforts in lighting up the whole nation along with this uh the second vertical I'm focusing on in my second Innings is uh supporting uh NGO called apal I've been associated with them for last 20 years now but uh after my retirement uh you know I'm going to be involved even more and in in raising funds for them and it's all about uh uh women empowerment uh giving them Fair opportunity allowing them to realize their dreams and I think it's so important for every girl child to dream that she can become somebody big in life and and uh bring Laurels to our nation and uh my second Innings is is more about satisfaction the first one was more about excitement pride and playing for the nation wearing that beautiful India cap the second Innings is all about satisfaction giving to the people whove supported me who've helped me for a number of years now visit our site englishspeech channel.com for exclusive access to video transcripts offline audio English lessons and private classes don't forget to explore our free and new ebooks also subscribe to our Weekly Newsletter for the latest updates links in the description below thanks for your support [Music]