Transcript for:
League of Legends Game Commentary and Strategies

okay guys I need to focus up here I need to focus up okay we're going to start playing well this is no joke right now I'm about to 1v5 from the jungle prefer ad but I don't mind jungle is Graves going to be good yeah [ __ ] it it will be good top is T1 why my jungle autofilled double dick yeah GG no way no way I need to call him I need to call him I need to call him gg gg G gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg gg yo G good morning dude good good morning I hope you're doing well on this we lost we are so Gap top already like they have CI and we have Tyler one on Ela it's it doesn't matter all I'm going to say is though I got counterpicked so you did get counterpicked I'm I'm not going to lie to you this this match looks unplayable by the way like I can't imagine how fine if they're bad it's fine in C's washed up it's fine he's washed up bro he's half our he just hit rank one but it's fine because top lers are inflated ELO he doesn't play he can't play that would make sense you did Escape Diamond recently dumb ass I wasn't a diamond yes okay it was for a little bit but I had a child just focus on your own pth I'm Focus I'm focused I'm focused am I going to get a leash or are we gapped already I'm not leashing you you're [ __ ] crazy hey did you did you stop using your own AI buddy I don't use it 24/7 it's not technically designed for me man [ __ ] you I already have mid maxed the game oh I see I see I I'm my mistake my mistake I don't think it was designed for me either it was designed for you I'm just trying to figure out like who was it designed for casuals noobs lower rated players that don't know things like my girlfriend I got crab is it one yes it's one it's so one I'm going top for top grab dude jungle gapped already oh pry top it looks like she's going for it too bro I can't help you think I care luck we win these okay oh yeah I know I know you've never you've never jungled this well in your whole life and so that's why you're I think I'm moist inating right now bro I'm a bit moist that one dude I can't believe you're actually only down like 10 CS right now D you be tired I've played this match up by the way I don't know it's the cringiest pick in the game it's it's so cringe I play B toop when I'm filled it's the most dis play [ __ ] RF RF legendary yes I did not know that was RF legendary bro if that guy's Challenger you're going to be Challenger in no time that's all I have to say what does that mean bro you like I've never been Challenger in my life I know it'll be a big accomplishment for you to finally hit it so I'm just giving you a bit of confidence I was top 20 last before Decay you're coping it's it's just a bit of positive selft talk we can't uplift each other as homies look I'm just going to say it jungle Gap jungle Gap Gap right here absolutely jungle Kingdom oh maybe not nope oh my God maybe it is oh my God yes sorry ke you are just Astro gaps it's just not even on it's not even playable for you oh my god better better jugle a did a reset I have item by here bro guy disrespecting me heavy by the way Heavenly yeah I'm watching yeah I know oh my God are you just that are you just that good at jungle bro I am or maybe Jung B inflated of a role because when you play with junglers who are like Masters you watch them play and you just think holy [ __ ] I could do that with my eyes closed you're literally doing it now with your eyes closed I am wait is that racial you know your you know your AI told me we're not all Asian Pro players and I was Asian all Asian Pro players right watch out for that mouth like it's said the same that they to be it's true bro all right you're not anymore are you no but I'm I I'm still Asian I'm just the other part dude it's just holy [ __ ] I mean bro I'm not going to cap youve been B 100 times y if they can't win it it's a skillers ship it is it is skillers how much um LP you get a win like 25 D I have a deal with freak yeah you're [ __ ] cheating for sure I lose 14 I gain 25 it's so troll yo The Avengers are on the way what the [ __ ] yo Lily's right here he's going to be a banger okay so I am getting dope not really no she's one she's literally one HP really wait like actually one actually what is this guy doing this is a good play Oh I thought to flash out Mony my teammates are underperforming with leads a my God my God stall for 20 I have TP yeah I'm defin I'm definitely going to stall this one out oh no shots no shots V gets it dies let's go let's go woo so why do you like one tricka we now is that actually fun so first of all I'm the most gank player in America yeah you are honest honest to God no honestly I play it's a little bit harder to gank me so I can shut my brain off a little bit I can kind of play I see I see and I don't like csing yes that's not what you're you're good at that's for sure wait you actually kill here you kill here yes she has nothing she has condem actually uh we lost we lost dude no way wave was so messed up for you just going to have to help you out a lot here what do we do in bot Lane by the way what what's going on with our bot um I think good [Music] things and your your wave is so [ __ ] up I'm just going to have to go ahead and uh fix it again [ __ ] you [ __ ] so when do I get to play this game you think dude I don't know but I'm having a blast holy [ __ ] good for you man I'm so happy for you holy [ __ ] dlift that's where the AC woo let's go baby good for you I'm happy I know you're Happ yo top Lan's looking pretty useful he has no ult he's going to have tentacle spawn you'll see him you'll see him I'm I'm seeing him I'm seeing him there right there yes I'm seeing him wait he's actually in the [Music] alov I think so think it it dude I think I'm a [ __ ] idiots why did we [ __ ] are like that bro um I'll just f f it's cooked it's cooked guys yeah just it's myam teammates get leads I'm weak side top against counter rank one player mhm you guys can't perform dude that is so sad why can't my teammates ever perform with leads dude that's what I'm saying if I'm have seven kills this game's over yeah no I've seen it I've seen you have seven I've seen you wait I don't think I've ever seen you drop seven kills wait a second you're right soz always Dro more shut the [ __ ] up okay wait wait wait wait maybe we can do something here guys yeah I'm trying wait how's this lowed bro I don't know Ron's AFK B Ed and used exhaust he there one behind you're kidding oh Baron 20 seconds do don't SP yeah yeah we do we do it wait you guys doing that I'm just like saying words honestly I have no idea what's going to happen here wait how you guys do this so slow I don't know jungle diff I guess oh my God you might be the greatest jungler alive I mean don't say might just say oh my God you're the greatest goddamn jungler alive I'm going to say though is for real for me being 03 if you watch that VOD I want to be that last fight I'm just saying you did you did I have Aura bro I'm glad you said it if you didn't say it I wouldn't have even noticed what you did that fight but you definitely carried it I did my everybody in my chat Wasing PG like holy [ __ ] nice play T I was like thanks bro first time chatter Vibes no you slow 99% 99% you shot her I'm terrible double lift I'm terrible I'm terrible I mean what can I say he's rank one dude he didn't dodge dude he did he did I think you did that on purpose so that I more damage that you got solo gold it's it's this micro movement you wouldn't get it it's rank one player micro movement how's m turet still alive by the way we had Baron for like an hour I feel there somebody's doing something wrong it's not me by the way somebody doing something wrong this game somebody somebody but not the streamers no our bot L has more useful than they are for sure we have the audience and so we can dictate The Narrative and say like it's not us it's somebody else [Music] I I'm doing a very balanced amount of damage yep and I just solo killed their B their top r one play Holy solo killed in a counter match up look at him Big Meech nose Big Meech nose HP unironically you actually you're actually kind of like a smart player you're kind of a brains player yeah no [ __ ] bro yeah du yo actually not playing the game what is going [Music] on hey 8 has no sums I told you man trir free lose champ they just suck it's like gar I [ __ ] hate gar what do you think about that champ uh I think he's op but everyone who plays him has no brain I agree completely I actually think TF toop is brok Bren as [ __ ] they're such degenerate spaz players I hate TF players but bro like I went one and N in my TF top game and I was still useful like that's how disgusting that champ is I'm sorry bro but you range top players are [ __ ] losers no offense I know we are but like you have to play TF you have to you need to go on your TF Park like I might actually watch your garbage stream if that happens what the [ __ ] you guys are playing My Stream now what oh you played My Stream bro that was that was a so you've been waiting to say that I can tell you dou bro I'm trying to get you back to that I'm still offended what bro I heard some rumors it is what it is look at this no vision no nothing Tren bot we're not serious bro dude I'm serious I'm about to get in there thought with TR hard for me we're about to kill them all I hope you're right double lift I hope you're right the guys aren't killing anybody uh I think we're do bar honestly hit for free all right can he end though no okay he has nothing uh-oh he can end and you guys don't get your resets off okay to does it's fine play for fight yeah Baron TR has nothing no ult no ghost we hit Baron he has nothing no ult no ghost dude chill chill chill we get it we get it I'm getting RI the [ __ ] up I'm not going to lie just just sit back I'm getting riled up I I think about snos every time ocean soul comes up cuz they say it's the worst soul in the game and I think it's like one of the best I don't understand how I I think souls are most of the time bait to be honest I think the whole the fight for the soul is the big thing oh I see I see cuz you always get Ace fighting for it yeah makes sense really I didn't he's dead okay here top oh You' head it too soon GG we've lost he's flaming his Jer he's flaming his Jer oh my God oh my God this the academy beef is Crazy by the way enemy supports 094 and this is a 33 minute game just saying he has 4 it's na you should practice gratitude bro I've been thinking about the Su too you should be grateful that it's not a 50-minute game maybe you're right dude maybe I'm maybe my perspective is all wrong your perspective is all wrong you have too high expectations K is kill is on kugs when soul is f they fight it anyway it's fine man what a performance what a performance I am more talented than even I thought how about my weak side uh yeah your your weak side carried it a bit and our botan getting double killed level one really sealed the deal you were going to like fake confidence spot yep this 370 CS by the way what's this guy doing dude I don't know haing God like no Tren players are like mentally ill like this guy a we're just going to end the game now we have Baron still yep I I have TP go Bas race we are literally going to end the game nice winning the game yes do no guys can in the game please stop stop having fun [ __ ] yeah what's happening over there by the way I One V one him under Tower and I got his ult and I stalled the game dude you're insane he has no ult I'm oh I actually died they took me out yo top Gap top Gap top Gap hit the Nexus top Gap [Music] man don't recq double because if you're against down I'm going to take don't put down baby let's go all right don't put down let's go GG bro gg gg bro GG see you see you peace this is that was the most brain Red game I've played in a while I don't know what happened but honor Tyler won holy [ __ ] is double goated by the way it was written in the Commandments for me to Jungle gaap that game [Music]