bro imagine mingle is just right here Western plag lenss he's online should I find him dude he owes me 1,000 gold back dude oh my gosh he's actually online man what is this guy doing what yo chat I I need your help translating what's going on here want to sell black lotus 450g dude dual 500 Oro na bro please oh he he accepted the group invite oh my gosh he accepted what is he doing over here all right so you guys are telling me mingle is a gold farmer and he spends his entire day on a dead realm farming Black Lotus and transferring all of the Black Lotus to a more popular realm selling it on that realm and then selling the gold I don't know about I don't know about all this how like okay how much gold can you buy with like 25 bucks cuz it takes $25 to transfer gold from one server to another server or to transfer a character from one server to another server you would have to make like a lot like 30k so you have to make over 30k just to cover the transfer cost bruh vamos yeah chat chat I need your help let's do a test oh he wants to do a test duel this is the Black Lotus he gave me the other day 450g he says want to he wants to sell it what about we trade a black lotus for a black lotus do it mingle what he's trying to scam me what what the heck bro I wonder if we got any new gear upgrade since I've last seen him dude why does he always use volley man what's up with the volley there's no way dude there's just no way man I I don't understand what's Happening Here I like me what what do you mean should I give him some food and water Boe Boe Boe Boe Boe okay I think this is all the same gear dude this whole account is just suspect to me he's done Zar rub would a bot have done Zar rub would a bot have done Upper Black Rock Spire it's obviously not a bot yo guys once in the chat if this guy's a complete bot bot chos in the chat if it's not a bot what are you doing out here all alone it's raining we should really be inside dude dude wow he's pumping now holy crap oh oh crap okay dude the volley dude there's no way he can't kite me I'm running backwards at him where is he dude there's no way there's no way you can't kite me out dude I'm running backwards mingle run run mingle I've got you corner now oh that was actually pretty nice okay yeah that's right who's the hunter now mingle who's the hunter now 500 G mingle you owe me the 500 if you give me the 500 back I will pay you back twice tien's Bueno armadura yo no you have good armor I don't I take off armor that he's blaming it on gear he's blaming it on gear are you kidding me are you kidding me again no armor Spanish how do you say naked in Spanish chat nude Des n 500 Oro okay oh gosh what is he doing mingle what in the hell was that dude Des n no bro no Veil what does that mean Chad 500 Oro poor favore doesn't he said doesn't count is his PO I'm being hustled dude I I actually gave this guy a th000 gold last time we DED he owes me big time he's probably like what the heck is going on man oh my gosh mingle mingle bud what the heck are you doing oh no watch this chat watch this oh I almost got one shot uh-oh mingle Mingle mingle please mingle please peekaboo has gone offline wait is peekaboo mingle peekaboo has come online pek okay Yono Tango bro solo Tang Tango 60g what is he says he only has 60 Gold I gave him 1,000 gold yesterday or two days ago I literally gave him 1,000 gold how do I say what did you do with the th000 gold I gave you what the heck bro he's giving me swashbucklers gloves of the monkey wow mingle thank you me regalas Oro what does that say me sold the gold or something can you give me gold he's begging for gold yo Chad how do you say where are you from yeah let see where he's from slash dance dude mingle and I are homies now Latino America okay how how long have you been playing Warcraft com chat you you guys translate what he says for me and then when I want to say something I'll just use this because it's easy how do you get gold I scan I bought um Duels for gold I make gold by dueling new dueling other players yeah he's a new one month player guys I think mingle is not a gold sell I think mingle is just a new player I think he might just be a new player I but I don't know why he's on this realm playing all alone farming Black Lotus he might be a legit new player he said you're good at duels uh thank you why do you play on this realm no one is here you guys think it's a girl how do you know it's a girl soy Rec collector oh no one to sell it [Music] to C pocos there's a few people to sell it to but there's no one to play with man like what the what's the point no one to play with here no friends feminine we'll use the feminine oh I copied the Fe I copied the feminine part whoops oh man XD oh my gosh you still nudis how do you do it um Frost no mainly that's where usually what oh my gosh oh me regulus Oro what does that mean you regulate me gold oh wait no not reg regalas in Douglas Oro you gift me gold oh a regulus you give me gold okomo canigo gharelo wh what is that how do I get some all right I dual players for gold and don't lose Want To Duel for gold 500 [Music] [Music] okay how can I earn your gold wait he's asking for a job or she's asking for a job and what do you do with your gold you don't win me [Laughter] hire him oh my gosh I'll pay you 500 gold to run me through Scarlet Monastery please you think do you think mingle will run a Scarlet Monastery for me for 500 gold I I would be lit dude qual monastero wait what which Monastery Armory Arsenal let's go dude mingle and I are going to go to Armory I have to pay him 500 G though what the heck is that I'm getting scammed 500 G for a level 60 running another 60 through Armory why do you want gold it's a dead realm there's nothing on the auction house you can't even buy anything Mingle venty like from Starbucks sale wait does that mean selling gold dude dude of course we're stopping for the plague Bloom along the way what do you mean venty [Music] what oh it means come here oh we're farming herbs now let's go ESO I don't want to play Elder Scrolls I'm playing wow right now man here oh no not here mingle what are we doing oh my gosh mingle come back no don't go in there Mingle mingle no it's dangerous I think this has to be someone's son or daughter and the dad is at work and the son or daughter is at home and the dad or like the parents were like while we're at work if you want to play games go and collect all the herbs and then the dad will sell the herbs at night for gold and sell the gold as a side hustle that's you think you think that's what it is I've 100% done that with my kids yeah I feel like that's what it is dude should I just portalist a Thunder Bluff just across the entire world ask him how old he is is that like Mona to oh my gosh poor favore responder Man Poor favore responder man well boys we can wait for mingle to get back online I could play oh mingle mingle DC