AI generated influencers are going absolutely viral with some of them getting thousands of followers while making a ton of money you see AI influencers like aana get their money from sponsorship but today we are going to add something extra exclusive content platforms the best part is that you don't need expensive AI tools like mid Journey because the tools we're using in this video are free in this video we'll walk through creating your Instagram and X model we'll refer to of as X in this video for Community guidelines sake generating consistent images for both the IG and X accounts and generating assistant videos for both accounts be sure to like the video because you will be pleased at the end let's get started this video will be divided into two parts the first part is for image generation both for insta and X the second part will be generating videos like dancing videos for insta and exclusive content for X we will be using a lot of files so remember to check the link in the description to get all the assets we are going to be using it generally contains things that will 10x your model so for image generation we will use two tools tool a is good but requires payment for a lot to actually do real stuff tool B on the other hand is 100% free so we can have consistent characters and do face swap let's start with tool a tool a is Leonardo so open up [Music] [Music] leonardo.da this prompt indicating the hair color action location and so on then click on generate and wait The Prompt will be in the folder in the description our model has been created but there are some bad results I like this so I'll download it but how can we generate more images with the same face well if we use this pick as input guidance we can see that consistency is a paid feature the best you can do is to use it as a style reference change style to high then type in a new prompt and wait [Music] it has generated it but as you can see the images are pretty unrealistic and they don't all match the character's face tool B is better than this another thing is if you tried any special prompt it would show you this so let's switch to Tool B click the link in the description it should take you to this simply sign in Just click on play then run anyway wait for it then click on any link that ends withg radio. live if you see any error head back and make sure it has fully executed after click on the link again head back to Leonardo and copy The Prompt we used check mark input image in advanced increase image number performance should be at speed for style make sure to check Focus photography and as you can see there are so many styles you can use go to Advanced and turn on developer debug mode then paste in the prompt and generate as you can see the models generated are 10 times better and way more realistic for the sake of our videos in our X account we will use a blackhaired girl so use this prompt to generate a [Music] portrait our models have been generated and I like this one so I'll download it so let's generate consistent images of her in different poses turn off random go to input image simply drag or upload the character scroll down to Advanced and turn it on then select face swap and increase stop at to one and wait to 1.15 then use a new prompt but leave her description there and add the time and extra [Music] details as you can see it has generated different poses with the same face select any and download let's try a new prompt all these prompts and so much more are in the description if you are serious about making money with this now it has generated realistic images of our model these images are very realistic but we can make them even more realistic simply find any picture online and bring it over to the tool I found this ensure the first is at face swap and second at image prompt increase the weight of both of them so they are almost but not equal stop at for the first one should be one then simply describe our models looks and what is happening in the second image describing the sun is also essential for best results but click on generate when done as you can see it has generated ultra realistic images for our model and this is no ordinary faces swap because these images aren't on the internet so let's add some accessories to our model in developers debug mode turn on mix image prompt and in paint go to the inpaint section and drag in our model adjust the brush accordingly and paint around the neck then describe what you want it reduce the weight of our face swap and generate it has now added a necklace to our character so let's create pictures for our X account to prevent Community guideline issues X is used to replace off content or account head back and add some special content to The Prompt this tool allows it try to be very specific with prompts you can specify the location what exactly you want them to do they're and so much more consider liking the video if you're enjoying and once again all the special and not special prompts would be in the description so check it out you could also use certain keywords to trigger the AI like these if you want a more realistic and better pose then go to Google and search for models in different [Music] poses bring it back to our tool in the input image section increase weight these images will be provided in the folder with lots more so be sure to check it out you can try other images as well as long as it fits your preference basically in some cases you might want to also describe the second image so let's create the videos head over to Tik Tok and search for people dancing black hair people are everywhere so you should find them easily simply download any of them then go to Google and search for mioc create and click on face swap go to video face swap and upload the dancing video then upload our face and click on face to [Music] swap log to download more videos will be provided in the link in the description so check it out so now to generate videos for X head over to your preferred site and search for people doing special things to themselves then copy the link to the video and head over to either one of these sites depending but the main goal is to download it however way head to mioc create and upload [Music] it if you see this error then you need to wait for the next day but there is an alternative search for Magic hour AI sign up and go to video face [Music] swap upload the video in the [Music] faces if you see this head back to the video and reduce the frames as you can see you can do only 400 frames to bypass it I use temporary mail because the 400 frames is per male and with this site you can have multiple temporary [Music] males now our video has been generated there are multiple ways to generate income for an AI influencer and I've got another method to see it subscribe so you won't miss it when I upload and like the video if you enjoyed it