Transcript for:
Beardy - Special Episode: Chosen

greetings I am the chosen and welcome to a very treacherous special episode of beardy this episode of this show will test you on whether or not you are knowledgeable enough to be a chosen yourself these three applicants who have shown up here today will be testing themselves on several categories so sorry the first requirement to becoming a chosen is to be freaking serious this happens to me every time we do a chosen video I like can't I lose it okay in order to become chosen you must prove yourself knowledgeable in five different categories number one the tool belt this has to do with items that a chosen carries on themselves every single day level up is all about video games something chosen must be incredibly knowledgeable about the lore Master this has to do primarily with internet lore and internet history chosens have been there to fight every battle known to the Internet so you must be aware of it all show me your moves this is all about well-known karate and other types of martial arts moves or moves in video games and other things chosen must be mixed martial artists even in mythical and Fantastical types of fighting enter The Chosen is all about movies chosens must be incredibly knowledgeable of different types of Storytelling primarily movies I'm not even looking at any of you right now what are you looking at that's what's crazy you don't you don't know where I've look the Future Let's introduce our competitors and see why they have chosen to apply to become chosen all right at the end there Courtney hello I'm Courtney I think I am a chosen because I slapped you in the face one time whoo and you couldn't deflect it w so okay well I was blindfolded and I also did know and wanted give you I wanted to give you some confidence so if we did it again you would not be able to hit me in the face okay all right next up uh I am Trevor and I think that I can be a chosen because I'm taller than you okay worst center of gravity yeah push him around all right finally hello I'm chance um and I'm a different type of Chosen and I am here to prove that today different type yeah fat I'm sorry I'm sorry it wasn't me don't let them in all right what was the last video game all of have you played Fallout 4 Pokemon Mystery Dungeon explorers of Sky OverWatch 2 all right Trevor you will begin that was somehow the most chosen answer you could have could have given I was playing it 20 minutes ago W playing video games while at work incredibly chosen all right pick your category uh the Lore Master for 100 whoa stting right in the middle bold Moon according to noof fap what happens when one does not fap for an extended period of time Courtney you reach nirvana and you have a higher level of Consciousness I will accept that answer one will receive mental and physical health benefits oh okay but Nirvana is one of them I don't know why I don't I don't know why I know that do you want to pick a category level up for 50 please in Kirby what is the name of the signature move that allows Kirby to assume the characteristics of his victims chance uh suction sh suck uh suck your mouth suck your mouth what that mouth do I'll give it to you okay where it's inhale but yeah yeah same effect you you gave us the vision what say I didn't do I honestly I didn't actually know that it was just called inhale I was going to say big suck suck time big suck suck time is good too okay all right chance uh let's go show me your moves 50 what is the name of the maneuver when an airplane spins 360° that would be a barrel roll that is correct wow you got to listen to your co-pilots and Star Fox the Lore Master for 50 the console Wars we know today was originally started by which two gaming companies as part of a marketing Ploy chance Nintendo and Sega that is correct whoa that was unironically chosen that was extremely chosen of you hell yeah you may pick a category woo let's keep going show me your moves 100 according to Urban Legend punching someone in the armpit will cause them to do what Courtney themselves yes that is correct yes wait what yeah it's true I did it to my cousin yes he had to leave the family gathering early it's super embarrassing for him but he he tested me you know the movie Hot Rod yeah he's a chosen extremely chosen Rod yeah Rod is a chosen Rod Kimble all right Courtney enter the chosen for 50 please in the movie Blade Wesley Snipes plays blade a half human half vampire what is the Canon term for this condition chance day Walker that is correct H hot very well done extremely Chosen show me your moves 150 the Marshall arts move that requires a fighter to twist their body while both legs are lifted off the ground shares its name with what flying creature chance I was going to say Roundhouse kick but I buzzed too early not a roundhouse kick Courtney Soaring Eagle is not the Soaring Eagle that is an illegal move that perform she might open up a portal okay who Trevor Falcon Punch Falcon Punch falcon punch punch Falcon Punch it's not the falcon can you give us it one more time can you give us it one more time all right we can give you one more chance Riddler ass I'm sorry I didn't mean that that wasn't me please don't hurt me please don't Hur me oh my God he's pant staring me pay for your sins pay attention sorry the martial arts move that requires a fighter to twist their body while both legs are lifted off the ground shares its name with what flying creature a grasshopper no it is not a grasshopper I would call the move the Dutch oven though I think bro no Dutch oven is when Superman throws his cape around someone and then farts okay he Li immediately yeah killing them yeah the blast of his part I don't know any of you know the answer is butterfly kick wa like the knife oh like Darth mole the knife got so is that the move that black widow does uh sure she gets up on him and then she goes like this no no no no no that's a different thing that's that's a different type of so hot it is so hot chance pick again the tool belt for 50 on what side of the body is the katana traditionally worn left correct yeah nice yes that would be super freaking embarrassing yeah it would my all right Trevor go ahead uh let's do the two Bel for 100 the first Beyblades were released during July of what year Trevor 2002 Courtney um 91 no not 91 chance 2001 no not 2001 okay one more round Trevor 2004 no 2003 no 2000 no 2005 no you guys are9 1998 kind kind of embarrassing it was 1999 you said every single year oh no the year I was born my God the year before the year almost the world almost ended you entered this world the same time as Beyblades pretty epic so true did that on purpose he came out the womb spin doctor got like oh trying to spank the baby up all right level up 100 what was the first mainstream Legend of Zelda game that featured voice [Music] acting Courtney Ocarina of Time that is correct yes yes yes thank you no I'm still haunted by Len M that's that's a different that's that's a different game hi that's breath of the wild you're doing a different thing what's the one with the big women that's breath of the W I like that one why oh my God what link has to go and drag I love that oh my God it's so good I love that wom all right Courtney oh yeah let's do enter the chosen for 100 please chosen in 1994's the crow what is the job of Eric Draven before he dies and is resurrected as the crow chance is he a gravedigger he is not a graved digger Trevor bartender no student no you have disappointed me all on this day that's okay he's a rock musician have none of you seen have you not seen the crow I've seen it not seen the crow oh the crow is freaking sick my middle school theater teacher was in it and she would never let us forget it she was just in the background but we always talk about it those are awesome dude I was like yeah that's you Crow is pretty much Essential watching if you want to be a chosen so are they doing like a remake of The Crow Scar Guard I guess it could be cool all right let's get a point check in you're starting to sound like Solid Snake a little bit let's get a point check in Courtney you have 300 points okay Trevor you have 100 points crap who chance you have 150 points okay it's basically anyone's game and now the points start to get higher and more intense Courtney you may pick a category okay let's do level up for 150 please what are the names of the Legendary Pokémon players can encounter in Pokemon Gold and Silver let's ask the guy who was playing Pokemon yeah 20 minutes that would be uh liia and hoo that is correct wow there you go thank you he knows food and pokeing yeah I know pokon po all right Trevor go ahead let's do to enter the chosen for 150 what is the meaning of the red pill and the blue pill in The Matrix chance to the One lets you see the truth which wakes you up to the real world it's machines and the other one lets you stay in the simulation that is correct yes nice we'll take that yes continue living in Blissful ignorance or accept a potentially unsettling truth SL reality very good red pill is when you start to have questionable political views yeah I'll never forgive them for bastardizing one of the greatest fictional tropes ever yeah pretty brutal all right chance uh let's go the tool Bell 150 this Yu-Gi-Oh spell card has not only been banned from tournaments but is also a widely popular internet meme what is the name of this card Dark Magician that's not a spell card Trevor pot of greed it is in fact pot of greed wow what does it do it lets you draw two extra cards yeah why is it so bad bunch of pot of GRE keep keep playing then you can draw your entire deck there's a video where someone kept doing it and made the other person on the game so mad yeah he's also got a funny face hey okay Trevor uh enter the chosen for 200 in 2007's The Bucket List corporate billionaire Edward Cole and workingclass mechanic Carter Chambers have one thing in common what is that chance they're dying and they have a bucket list to fulfill before they die that is correct that makes sense chance yes you may pick a category the lower Master 150 the infamous corrupted blood Massacre caused online players and NPCs to Die thanks to a debuff that was accidentally spread by pets and minions in what game did this massacre take place Trevor World of Warcraft yeah [Music] you having flash were you there yeah are you having flashbacks come back to us chosen we lost a lot of good men that day awful all right Trevor go ahead the tool belt for 200 in 2001 the world was forever changed Nintendo released the Game Boy Advance name three of the original six colors the Game Boy Advance released in Courtney blue silver black that is incorrect oh chance there was definitely a red there was a red there has to be a gray did you just do that red gray I didn't say I said blue I said yeah red gray and I'm going to go with yellow incorrect Trevor red silver and purple no I think you're all thinking of the regular Game Boy Color and not the Game Boy Advance there was Arctic which was white black indigo go fuchsia which was a translucent pink Glacier a translucent blue which is the one I have and orange but that was only in Japan oh my God those are so SLE those are very slay and I don't think I remember them they are SLE just dang I was thinking of the flapper like flp phone Game Boy where I played Shrek 2 Trevor you may pick again level up 200 in hideo kima's Metal Gear Solid enemy psycho mantis breaks the fourth wall by performing what action a wink what she's saying that they wink at the they wink at the camera no chance do they shoot the camera and break the glass or some that'd be cool though you guys are severely underestimating hideo kajima kima's ingenious was far beyond a wink to the camera uh uh does does just deliver a monologue to the player no oh wasn't he put his name in the in a level no she fart and like splatter the no in the middle of the boss fight psycho mantis would read the player's memory card and comment on the other games that you were playing on your PlayStation was freaking crazy he'd be like I see you're playing Castlevania and then he would talk some I was just thinking Trevor Belmont I weird you it's freaking epic and the only way to defeat him is by switching the memory card into the other PT or else he can see all your moves coming no what no yeah not kidding that's crazy that's next level sh yeah sounds like he's the Kima is yeah sounds like he's the original chosen freaking you all right Trevor uh the Lore Master 200 maybe you guys will get one of these days off what is the name of the first Flash website that utilized an automated submission system and was home to such Classics as The Ultimate Showdown Metal Gear awesome Happy Wheels and Friday night funkin Courtney addicting was not although I myself enjoyed a little bit of kitty cannon sometimes chance Trevor live. there's nothing happen point oh okay then no my really ultimat showdown. comom no Metal Gear Awesome by by ego Raptor and then Happy Wheels was a game you could play there and oh Courtney I was going to say YouTube no a chance you what you guys are about to be so sad the answer is you don't know Newgrounds what this is so chosen of you right now this is like tragic czy yeah how do you not know new grounds that's freaking embarrassing I chose to get laid instead just kidding I like like get owned I was busy fapping my boner well you're lost all right well Trevor I'm going to go with show me your moves for 200 chosen W here is your last chance chance name a finishing move from Mortal Kombat I have the list of moves here oh my chance so my gut's been like get over here but I'm going to go with something like generic like Title Wave I have one tital wave um I do not see tidal wave here no no Title Wave okay Courtney wait he pushed before Oh Trevor uh something like skull piercer skull piercer that sounds sick as hell um I'm not seeing a skull piercer here shoot no no skull piercer uh Courtney katana's kiss katana's kiss she she she just and then interesting okay uh it's very old you don't need to Name the character just a move okay a finishing move from Mortal Kombat and you know what because you guys have not gotten any points in so long Courtney I'm going to give it to you because Sonia blade has the kiss of death the kiss oh Katana has kiss of death in Mortal Kombat too wa wow yeah Sonia has kiss of death in Mortal Kombat the OG Katana has kiss of death um so actually Courtney you freaking nailed that nice Courtney way go and they're not seeing Title Wave on there or not see there is uh rain has the Red Sea okay that's a good name cour will give you those points good job nice work finish it and now it is time for final chosen beardy oh God I forgot that happened in this video are you ready what do we do you'll see okay all right before we begin final beardy chosen we will get a quick Point checkin Courtney you have 500 points W Trevor you have 550 points W God and chance you have 500 points God God that's insane this is freaking neck and neck okay all right final beardy write down five famous people who are chosen you will reveal this list to me and I will determine whether these people are or are not chosen my God are they ranked they don't have to be ranked they just all have to be chosen but they'll probably get like 100 points per Chosen and if you put someone who's like extremely freaking chosen I might give you more points if necessary all right are you ready yes yeah you may begin writing down your chosens there's many chosens I can think of off the top of my head there a lot of them but there's specific criteria to be a chosen but it's very it differs massively people real people we shouldn't put down ones that we've already talked about yeah okay hideo Kimo cannot be put down all right the real people real people real chosens chance yep we will begin with you okay my answers I have answered Neil Dei Tyson interesting Moses Ruth Bader Ginsburg okay I Ro place but this one is uh keani Reeves yes and Reese Witherspoon okay um you sound confused uh explain reee Witherspoon uh no scandals is a star in everything that she's in is Iconic in everything she in it's just playing herself and she plays good people in almost everything she's in which means it's a reflection of herself always she's as Fu she's a family woman okay being a there are a lot of good people who are not chosen being a good person does not equal being chosen necessarily well I don't see a lot of people going to Harvard law lwoods yeah uh okay K Reeves obviously yeah Ruth Bader Ginsburg I will accept I would hope so yes chosen in a court of men fighting until death had to take her out of her position yeah she's chosen nice Moses he was born into the privilege he said I don't even need this I'm going to leave it then I'm going to work on myself and I'm going to come back free all my people as a precursor to the ultimate chosen Jesus he doesn't get enough he's he's a prequel and he doesn't get enough credit Crossing an ocean with a staff he has a bis staff that he that is pretty cool he was you know he led God's chosen people so whoo chosen of the chosens since you all are so close in points I simply going to determine the winner based off of your team right that seems fair in this situation extreme blunt rotation Trevor I have picked for my team Tom Keanu Reeves Daniel Radcliffe nice Jet Lee okay and germa germa holy that's a reference God damn our Legend yeah true interesting all right moving on Courtney okay I put Keanu Reeves whoa Mark Hamill nice sensor agnu Nicholas Cage Zack Snider and Tom Cruz wow wow all right yeah you can only have five though you must eliminate one of your chos oh frick well okay we're talking famous I mean he's famous in my heart but wow damn brutal I'll take him off I would have eliminated Zack Snider what do you mean person pretentious what uh what Mark Hill isn't um I was trying to think of the name of the guy who plays The Witcher oh no Henry Cav their names are so similar no Mark Hamill's more chosen than Henry C Mark Hamill is very chosen like the fact that he was willing to go back and he like really feels love for the franchise of Star Wars and he's just like ra and that's Mark Hill okay fair sure I'll lean into that I'll yes answer wants to play Luke Skywalker then he wants to play The Joker then he wants to play Lord oai if anyone play The Joker they're a chosen whoa that's true all of you have written down plenty of chosens here okay this is really tough especially since some of you included the same ones yeah Kano Reeves is here multiple times all three timeso Reeves is extremely chosen uh Courtney you included Nicholas Cage who is absolutely chosen oh that's good but Trevor put germa which is yes really incredible um okay but I put Reese Withers spoon you did put Rees Witherspoon yeah what is germa germa is a streamer and and a chosen he's like he's chosen as and also arguably just me uh with just different clothing I had probably came down between Trevor and Courtney and Courtney however your decision of Who You eliminated as your chosen it disappointed me you eliminated one of the the most impressive chosens my name is Spencer agnu which means I'm going to give the wind to Trevor yes yes that's crazy this is so big for me [Applause] congratulations Trevor you have passed one of many tests required to becoming a chosen so you still have a long way to go to continue I am ready indeed let us know in the comments how you did on this test let us know what other uh famous people are chosen and we will see you next time on beardy to test your knowledge of random all right we'll see you next time goodbye bye thanks choden goodbye Chen Chen bye that was disrespectful no I don't want to I would freaking slice it in half it wouldn't wouldn't be hard didn't even freaking freck fre the freck