The Rise of European Nationalism

Aug 8, 2024

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe


  • In 1848, the state of a democratic republic was envisioned through four pictures imagined by the artist.
  • The significant role of the Statue of Liberty and the Chart of Human Rights.
  • The end of dynastic rule in Europe and the emergence of nation-states.

The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation

  • The impact of the French Revolution across Europe.
  • The end of monarchies and the rise in power of common citizens.
  • The establishment of the tricolor flag, national language, and national anthem.
  • Formation of the National Assembly.
  • The abolition of internal customs duties.

Napoleon Bonaparte

  • Implementation of the Civil Code by Napoleon in 1804.
  • Equality before the law and protection of property rights.
  • The end of the feudal system.
  • Improvements in transportation and communication systems.
  • Popularity of Napoleon's policies and subsequent discontent against him.

The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

  • The non-existence of nation-states in Europe.
  • The emergence of aristocracy and the new middle class.
  • The Industrial Revolution and ideas of liberal nationalism.

Traders and Trade Unions

  • Tax problems for traders and the formation of customs unions.
  • Reduction of different currencies.
  • Promotion of the railway network.

Conservative and Liberal Struggle

  • The return of conservative rule after the Battle of Waterloo.
  • Restoration of the old order.
  • Critique of the Metternich System.
  • The formation of underground groups against conservative rule.

Revolutions of 1830 and 1848

  • Revolutions in France and Belgium.
  • The July Revolution and the formation of the National Assembly.
  • The Greek Revolution and independence.

Romanticism and National Sentiments

  • Romantic artists and cultural movements.
  • The story of Poland and the importance of language.

Hunger, Hardship, and Popular Revolt

  • Population growth and unemployment.
  • The revolution in Paris in 1848 and the formation of the National Assembly.

Unification of Germany and Italy

  • Middle-class revolution and the demand for nation-states.
  • Formation of the Frankfurt Assembly in Germany.
  • The unification of Germany under Prussian leadership.
  • The unification of Italy and the contribution of Garibaldi.

Formation of the United Kingdom

  • Union of England and Scotland.
  • Struggles in Ireland and the expansion of the United Kingdom.

Nationalism and Imperialism

  • Development of patriotism and national sentiments.
  • The role of nationalism in the First World War.
  • Anti-imperialist movements.