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Understanding Pulmonary Function Tests
Sep 24, 2024
Introduction to Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs)
Series by Eric Strong from Stanford University
First in a five-part series on pulmonary function tests (PFTs)
Topics covered in the series:
Introduction to PFTs
Spirometry and flow volume loops
Lung volumes and measurement techniques
Diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide (DLCO)
Summary with practice cases integrating clinical history and chest x-rays
Learning Objectives
Understand the general purpose of PFTs
Know different types of PFTs
Identify three major categories of chronic and diffuse lung disease
Comprehend the subdivisions of lung volume
Purpose of PFTs
Diagnose symptomatic disease
Common reasons: chronic dyspnea, cough, unexplained hypercapnia, or hypoxemia
High-risk patients: smokers, occupational exposures
Screening for asymptomatic disease
Example: Long-term amiodarone use patients
Prognostication of known disease
Estimate surgical risks
E.g., lung resection in COPD patients
Monitor response to treatment
Categories of Lung Disease
Obstructive Lung Disease
COPD (chronic bronchitis to emphysema), asthma, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis
Restrictive Lung Disease
Interstitial lung disease, chest wall pathology, obesity, neuromuscular disease
Pulmonary Vascular Disease
Primary pulmonary hypertension, chronic thromboembolic disease
Functions Tested by PFTs
Airways patency
Parenchyma (alveoli and interstitium)
Pulmonary vasculature
Bellows and pump mechanism (diaphragm and chest wall)
Neural control of ventilation
Types of PFTs
Standard PFTs
Spirometry (airflow measure)
Lung volumes
DLCO (alveolar capillary membrane integrity)
Specialized PFTs
Arterial blood gases (ABGs)
Exercise oximetry: measures pulse oximetry at rest and with activity
Six-minute walk test: prognosis and treatment response monitoring
Bedside peak flow: measures maximum expiratory airflow
Maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure: diaphragmatic strength estimate
Lung Volume Subdivisions
Tidal Volume
: Air exchanged in resting breath
Inspiratory Reserve Volume
: Volume inhaled above tidal volume
Expiratory Reserve Volume
: Volume exhaled beyond normal exhalation
Residual Volume
: Air left after maximal exhalation
Lung Capacities
Inspiratory Capacity
: Tidal volume + inspiratory reserve volume
Functional Reserve Capacity
: Expiratory reserve volume + residual volume
Vital Capacity
: Tidal volume + inspiratory and expiratory reserve volumes
Total Lung Capacity
: Sum of all volumes
PFT Report Components
Values reported as a percentage of predicted values based on age, gender, and height
Normal range: 80-120% of predicted or 5th-95th percentile
Report Sections
Key measurements: FVC, FEV1, FEV1/FVC ratio
Response to bronchodilators
Flow volume loop
Lung Volumes
Key measurement: Total Lung Capacity (TLC)
Diffusing Capacity
Introduction to PFTs covered
Next video: Spirometry and flow volume loop
Full transcript