hi in this video we're going to talk about printing in Java so a traditional first program that people always write is called hello world where you output hello world to the screen and so the way that we do that in Java is with this command system.out.print line the way you write it is capital S and system.out.print Lin open parentheses and then in quotes hello world and then close parentheses semicolon if we want to pronounce something else like woohoo then we write woohoo in between the quotation marks and so when we're going to write these programs instead of extending Carol we're now going to extend something called console program so we're going to go into our editor and write our first program hello world okay so let's write this hello world program from start to finish so public class hello world extends console program and that's cuz we want to print out to the console and and so now just like Carol we start with public void run open parentheses close parenthesis enter open curly bracket enter and now we want to print out hello world so we type system.out.print Line open parenthesis and then in quotes hello world end quotes and then a semicolon at the end of the line let's click run and there we have it that's hello world we've written hello world to the screen and if we wanted to write something else then we add another line we go system.out.print line something else so now we can run that and you'll see now we'll print out hello world and something else so that's how you use system.out.print line to print to the screen now you can try that out