Over the past few years, I've built and scaled multimillion-dollar e-commerce companies utilizing Facebook advertising. And in this course, I'm going to teach you absolutely everything that I know about Facebook ads. So you can also find that level of success for your brand or your agency. All that I ask is that you can hit this like button on this video as a really helps out my channel. Along with that, subscribe with notifications on if you're into advertising and e-commerce, this course is brought to you by pondir.com, which is an artificial intelligence platform for Facebook advertisers. They have tools that can write your copy, perform creative analysis, optimize your ads. They offer courses, research studies and so much more in fun fact, I'm actually the founder of pondir.com. So with that said, definitely go check out pondir. We've got everything you need. And here in this course, I'm going to give you the education completely free. So if you want some tools to help you out with your Facebook advertising journey and your road to success, go ahead and check out pondir without further ado. I hope you enjoy this Facebook ads course, and I cannot wait to see the level of success that you find using all of our strategies. Let's get into it. What are Facebook ads in? What is Facebook advertising? That's an actual question. I'm asking you right now. And I want you to define your answer of what are Facebook ads. Since I obviously can't hear you in your response, I'm going to use my fiance Maggie, as an example of she has never run Facebook ads herself. So Hey Maggie, what are Facebook ads? And what does Facebook advertising? Facebook ads are advertisements that you see, they come up on your newsfeed that are products that I'm from here is what I was expecting as an answer. And that's what I was expecting for your answer to be as well. Now, let me rephrase this in a way that hopefully it brings some more clarity to why I expect you to say that when I ask you, what are these, what are apple AirPods? You're probably going to say their headphones. They play music, but let's break this down. There's a driver, there's plastic there's coils, there's software there's foam ear tips that produced the headphone that produced the music, the music, and the listening is just the end result. And when you're scrolling your newsfeed and you see a sponsored post appear, that's the end result in order to efficiently run Facebook. You first need to understand what Facebook ads really are. What are Facebook ads more than 2 billion people use Facebook every single month advertisers bid to show their ad on those people's devices. Facebook advertising is simply an online auction. Each time. There's an opportunity to show someone an ad, an auction takes place to determine which advertiser will have the chance to show their ad billions of auctions take place every single day across the Facebook family of apps and network of websites. When we as advertisers create ads, we tell Facebook who we want to show our ads to. By defining a target audience, a person can fall into multiple target audiences. For example, one advertiser targets, women who like skiing while another advertiser targets all skiers who live in California, the same person in this case, a female sphere who lives in California could fall into the target audience of both of the advertisers. So now when there's an opportunity to show that single person an ad, and there's multiple advertisers targeting them, those advertisers will now enter an auction where they will bid to show their creative on that user's device. So how do you win an auction to ensure that the winning ad maximizes value for both people and the business, the winner of the auction is the ad with the highest total value. And this is extremely, extremely important to take note of the highest total value is a combination of three major factors. Number one, the bid, the bid is placed by an advertiser for that ad placement. In other words, what is the advertiser willing to pay, to achieve their desired outcome? And there's actually multiple ways to manage your bid in an ad auction. We'll discuss this later on in the course, but for now the first key of a highest total value is the bid. What amount is the advertiser willing to pay, to show their ad to that user on their device? Number two, estimated action rates, an estimate of whether a particular person engages with or converts from a particular ad. In other words, the probability that showing an ad to a person leads to that desired outcome of the advertiser. For example, if your goal is a purchase, what is the estimated probability that if Facebook shows your ad, that user will result in a purchase, finally, number three, add quality ad quality is a measure of the quality of an ad as determined from many sources, including feedback from people viewing or hiding the ad and assessments of low quality attributes in the head, such as withholding information, sensationalized, language and engagement bait. And the big takeaway is that engaging in clickbait and engagement bait does not improve ad performance. So together these estimated action rates and ad quality measure the ad relevance. In fact, Facebook subsidizes, relevant ads in auctions. So more relevant ads actually cost less and see more results. In other words, an ad that's relevant to a person could win an auction against ads with higher bids. And this is a big trend that we've been seeing over the past few years with Facebook, after they got in some trouble with the government and came with the Cambridge Analytica scheme, they became quote unquote more transparent with their users and a big piece of that was making the user's experience on Facebook better. And so as advertisers, by creating a good experience for the user and a good experience through to Facebook by driving results, it's a win-win and Facebook will actually charge you less to show your ad more against people that are trying to outbid you. So how do you know if your ad performed against those three mentioned criteria? So there's actually a way to view in the ads manager, but once again, we're going to get into that later on in the course, as you just learned, there's a lot more to Facebook ads, Facebook ads, aren't just the posts that you see advertising a product on your news feed or in your inbox. There's so much more beneath it. And as a future advertiser or an existing advertiser, it's extremely crucial that we know the inner workings of how to feed the Facebook system and algorithm with exactly what they need to drive industry leading results. now it's time to actually get into the Facebook advertising ecosystem. So go ahead and grab a cup of coffee and get your computer because we are going to dive straight into it. Before we jump into the Facebook ads platform, you need to understand why you're clicking the buttons. And when it comes to building a business manager is actually extremely vital that you understand the structure beneath it in order to build it correctly. So before we actually go into the ads platform on your computer, grab a notebook, I highly recommend a whiteboard. If you have 50 to a hundred dollars to invest, this is my favorite favorite tool. And let's go through what a business manager actually is. So what you see here is one business manager. And I want you to take note of that. This is the structure that I'm about to run through is only one business manager. And that's what you're going to be building here in the next four to five minutes. So for my business, which is called pondir, you can put your whatever name, your businesses are preparing to launch whatever the name is. This is Potter's business manager. So we create the business manager and then underneath of it, every single business manager can have multiple ad accounts. For example, pondir's business manager now has 15 ad accounts attached. So the ad account ad accounts are the child of a single business manager. What else can have a business manager hold pixels, your data sources, a business manager can have infinite amount of, of pixels, which store all of the crucial data that Facebook needs to deliver your results. Business managers also hold the pages. So any Facebook page or Instagram page that you might want to run ads with can be held by one single business manager, along with that. And that's not even close to what the tip of the iceberg really is for business managers. You can have catalogs, product catalogs, infinite amounts. Here you can have, as I mentioned, Instagram accounts, you can have your media assets, videos, images, your payment methods, and it goes on and on. But what I want you to focus on right now is understanding that we are going to create in this lesson, a business manager and that single business manager will be the parent of everything that you will do in the Facebook ads ecosystem. So with that said, take a moment to understand the structure, understand that what you're going to build is essentially the boss, the owner of everything that you're going to do in the future throughout this pondir advertising course. So let's hop back over to the computer and actually start to implement your business manager right now. Now that you understand the structure of a business manager, it's actually time to go and build yours. So get your computer and go to business.facebook.com/overview at business.facebook.com/overview. And the page that you're gonna land on will look very similar to this one right here, this page, if you're interested in learning, basically what we just discussed about the structure. Um, I actually covered more detail than what's provided on this page, but you can give it a read. Otherwise we are really just interested in the one button up here that is going to allow us to create our account. So let's go ahead and click create account. So at this point you have three options. You can enter your business and account name, your name and your business email. So in this example, I used my fiance's name, Maggie Jean. Um, next we need to enter our business and account name. So let's pretend Maggie is creating a business called Maggie's cupcakes. And then our email is Mae at Maggie's cup cakes.com. Obviously don't enter made up information, just use your information, cause this is your business manager account. I think click submit. Well, you're going to see is mine says unable to create account. You have reached the limit for the number of businesses you can create at this time. As of this recording, Facebook only allows you to create and utilize two business managers. So. Treat your business managers with care. Make sure they're in good standing because you only get to, if you blow through, through, through those two you're, you're kind of out of luck. So create your business manager and hit submit. If asked you for some more details, go ahead, fill it out as they request. And you're going to land on a page like this. And if your page looks a bit different, go to business.facebook.com/select business.facebook.com/select. And you're going to see your business manager that you just created. So for mine, as I mentioned, I have pondir, you can see the multiple ad accounts, multiple pages, and then the people that have access. What you'll also notice is, as I mentioned, I have two business managers. So what I would like you to do is click on this button that says, create business. If you don't have two business managers already pause this video, click create business and repeat the signup steps that we just use, but call it V2 or backup. For example, I have pondired them pondir V2. I cannot recommend having a backup business manager enough. It's extremely crucial. There's a lot of weird policies that Facebook excellently flags business managers for. So at some point you could be advertising and then all of a sudden your ad stopped running and you say, and you check in, it says, uh, your business manager is restricted from advertising for policy violation. You're going to have to submit a review. And a few days later, a few weeks later, they'll give you a callback, but that's a lot of downtime that us as advertisers can't have. So by having a backup business manager, you're always going to be good to go, always prepared for the worst. So go ahead, pause this video, create your second one and then come back to here. All right. Welcome back. So select your main business manager from, for this demonstration in this lesson, I'm going to be using pondir V2 cause it's a clean business manager. It's more from scratch where you are building years from and I've client accounts on this main one that I don't want to accidentally reveal any information that I shouldn't be revealing. So go ahead, select your business manager and let's go through this. The goal here is not to fully configure every single detail of this. We're going to be breaking down all of these different things in the, in the, the next lessons in pondir Facebook advertising course. All you need to understand here is the basic navigation. We're going to go through through some additional settings and, um, somehow twos here in this business manager video. But the main part is to get familiar with it because you're going to be spending a lot of time in your business manager. So let's start with the left hand navigation bar. We have this dropdown, as you can see, it says the name of your business managers that you're currently in. If you click this, you can toggle through some additional ones. So this is a quick way to access all of your business manager accounts. Below that we have ads manager, and we're going to cover this in the next lesson. So don't go trying to create your ad account right now. You're going to get overwhelmed, lost, or you're not going to take away what you need from this lesson here. So ads manager is going to give you access to your advertising account, where you can actually run the ads that we'll be building here in a moment. Next lessons below that we have audiences. So as soon as we get to the part of this course, where we start to get to, we build out your marketing funnel, we build a bond or diamond. We're going to be utilizing this audiences tab below that we have ads reporting, which sounds exactly like, which is exactly like, it sounds when you're running ads, you want to know how much did you spend? How much did you make? What is your return on ad spend ads. Reporting is a great way to quickly pull that data. You can export it to spreadsheets and do a lot of fun things that are very, very useful for your business. That we'll be covering here in the Potter. Facebook advertising course below that we have ad account settings. You can configure your ad accounts, really fine, tune them time zones, conversion windows, some really neat stuff. Don't click it yet. I know all of this is very, very exciting stuff, but trust me, get familiar with this business manager below that we have business settings. So we're actually going to go in there and actually in this lesson here in a moment underneath events manager, this is where you can test your event. So when we get to the part where we get the pixel set up, which is going to be on your website and collects data and events, you can go to this events manager tab and monitor it, make sure everything's healthy, make sure everything's firing correctly. Make sure Facebook's getting all the data that it needs to help you achieve your desired result with advertising. So this is the homepage. This is the homepage and really the door to the Facebook advertising ecosystem. So let's take a look at this main section here we have ad account performance. I never use this section, but basically when you are running ads, you can come here. You can quickly see your spend, reach and impressions. I don't find it too useful, but it's there below that we have pages. So these are all of the pages that this business manager's connected to. As I mentioned, you can have a ton of pages. I've seen account a business managers with a thousand plus pages connected to it. We'll touch on how to connect your page in the future lesson, but it is here. And then alerts occasionally if a payment method fails or something goes down rejected, you're going to get alerts and you can see all of that here for right now. What I want to do is actually go into the business settings. So go ahead, hop over to the left navigation where it says business settings, click it. And now let's enter the world of the business settings. As you can see this left side navigation, navigation got substantially bigger and there's a lot of different options here, but the good news is we're not going to focus on those at this time. So go ahead and for the sake of simplicity and focus, minimize those tabs, that self opened. What you immediately see is this people tab. So under here, you can actually add other people that can manage your business manager. So let's say you have a family member or, uh, an employee or a business partner that you want to be able to access your pages, your ad accounts, your product catalogs, your pixels. You can do that right here. So if in this case, I wanted to add an employee. I would type employee@potter.com. I would enter their email. I would click add they would get the notification. And then as soon as they join, you are going to see them below this list. So let's say that you added your husband or wife right now. It's your account. Once they accept, you'll see their name and you can click on their name and you can actually add the access at different levels for them. It's very straightforward. And, um, there's, there's not a ton to it, but what's important is just to get them added. If you know somebody right away that you want to get added, go ahead and do that now, but you're not going to have any resources to provide access to, but at least you have the matter which we can utilize here in the coming modules. So this is the users tab, and you're going to see people, partners and system users. Don't worry about those right now. People is only one that's important and you can add employees and so on and so forth. Next we have accounts. So this is where we're going to actually in the next lessons, add pages, accounts, asset groups, a lot of really neat stuff. We have data sources. As I mentioned, you can create your pixels, your catalogs upcoming. I know, I know I'm getting you guys excited to actually start doing this, but I want to show you and run you through the business manager in detail. So this is where you can access all the different pixels, your Shopify product catalogs. If you have one set up, um, domains and so forth, registrations, I personally haven't used registrations. Um, I personally haven't used integrations too often. Um, but the big one is going to be payments. So this is what I would like you to do now. And preparation to actually pay for the ad. You're going to be running. You can click add payment method and you can enter in your preferred credit card, business credit card. Um, you can use a debit card, whatever form of payment that you're gonna use. Go ahead and enter it here. And as soon as you have added, just leave it as is because then we can quickly connect your ad account when we create your ad account. So pause it. Get your payment method set up. Let's go down to security center. This is one that I actually do recommend doing. So two factor authentication is a really good way to get in. Facebook's good standing quickly. So what is two factor authentication? So when you go to facebook.com and you log in with your password, that's one factor authentication. Two factor would be when you log in with your password and then it sends you a text message with a code that you now have to enter. That is two factor authentication. Facebook has placed a huge importance on incentivizing people to enable two factor authentication. Why? Because number one, it stops people from hacking business managers, which can cause a lot of issues. Imagine someone hacking your, your ad account and spending $5,000 on in one day on ads that don't go to your website, very bad situation. So two factor prevents that. And the one thing that's really big in Facebook size is preventing people from using other people's accounts. So let's say Facebook banned someone's account, and then they go purchase another one. Well, if that other account has two factor authentication, enabled, the purchaser can access it in Facebook eyes. That's a good, that's a win-win. So a lot of times what has been happening as of recent is people will actually lose their business manager. It'll say disabled, please verify your identity. And Facebook will enforce that user to actually enable this. So what am I saying? I do recommend enabling this right from the start. I have this enabled on my main business manager and I will do this here. Um, as soon as I start running my ads on this account, which you will see me doing the little later modules, but go ahead and get this set up. I would recommend for everyone. Um, that's always the best way. That means anyone that you add to your ad account in the future is going to be required to do some form of two factor authentication. The other way to get in Facebook's good standings, right from the start is verifying your business. If you are someone that has an LLC, you're a sole proprietor. Basically, if you have an E I N number with the government and you're registered as a business, I would a hundred percent recommend doing business verification. Once again, I had my other business manager verified and I'm waiting on my LLC for my new brand purified. And as soon as that is done, what I'll do is I will simply fill in this information. So my new LLC is, is let's just call it purified, LLC. We'll hit next. It's going to actually ask you for those license and those documents. So whatever you have just upload it. You're going to give your address, your phone number, and then it's going to have you finalize that verification. And the best part about that is you're going to get the verified check and Facebook is going to trust you a lot more than if you weren't verified, which means there's less likelihood of you facing those unreasonable policy bans or disabled ad accounts. It's a great thing to do if you have the ability. And then once again, as I mentioned, you can add admins, um, right here, but you can also do it in that people's tab as we discussed. So if you are planning on becoming an advertising agency. When other businesses want you to run their ads, they will actually request you to manage their account. And you will find that here in this tab. So when, if you're an agency or you're preparing to be an agency and you're about to work with a client and they say, Hey, I sent you a request to grant you access. You can come here to this request tab and boom, it'll be sitting there waiting for you notifications. So here's where you can handle all of those emails. Those pesky emails, the ones that get annoying, where, Hey, uh, your ad spent this today. Hey, someone liked your ad. Hey, it's a little overwhelming. If you don't modify these. So I would recommend if you prefer less amount of notifications or more modifying your settings accordingly, you can see mine here. So business permissions I have on, um, business rules. I want to know when someone leaves or joins my business, um, settings, when anything's changed. I want to know when support, when they rarely contact us, uh, does do it. I want to know, I don't want to know periodic emails from Facebook with information about advertising features, et cetera, et cetera. The reason being is if you've ever spoken, spoken with a marketing expert, you probably know a lot more than them. And if you're in this pondir Facebook advertising course, I know, you know, a lot more than a Facebook marketing expert. So I personally don't want to get blown up with those constant daily emails partner program updates. Not really too interested in that newsletter, same thing events. No. Um, and this is where you can kind of modify it on a specific basis. Do you want to see who liked your page? Do you want to see who left the review can leave it on? Uh, and then I leave all of the rest on because those are pretty important. Uh, issues encountered in product catalogs. I want to know if something's going to break. I don't want to know about the newsletters. So this is how I do my notification settings. Finally, let's come down to business info. So here we have the outline of your business information and we're down here on this business info page. So what you can see is your business manager ID. Once again, if you're an agency and a client says, Hey, what's your business manager ID, so I can add you. You can come here, copy and paste this. And they will request to grant you access. As I mentioned, I don't have a verified, uh, email or business phone number yet for this backup account. But for my main one, I do, as soon as I do have the legal information, I'll fill this in and I'll see this become verified. And when you're verified, you also get some access to a couple more Facebook products such as you can become an agency. You can access some early releases, some beta things. It's pretty occasionally pretty neat stuff. So I do recommend becoming verified. They trust you more here. So this is a big one. If you have multiple people managing your ad accounts, your business manager, And something goes wrong and you need to figure out where something went wrong and you want to know exactly who did what you come to this page and you can collect export. You're going to get a list with history and every user of every action ever took on your business manager below that you're going to see ad account creation limit. So when you first create it, you're going to see one as soon as you have ran your ad account for a certain period of time, Facebook doesn't specify, but ran it for a certain period of time without breaking policy. You're going to see this number become two. Then once you've run two without breaking policy, you're going to see it become 3, 4, 5. And I don't exactly know what the maximum is because they're always changing it. But I know that personally, I have five ad actual ad accounts that I own under my other business manager. And it was just over time by raising my ad account creation limit. Once again, the more they trust you, they more, the, the more that Facebook enables you, uh, two factor authentication enabled, and then my info. So I like to use pondir team. The reason being is it's easier for clients and whatnot to see, oh, pondir, okay. They modified it because they know me and my business is pondir. And, uh, that's how I, I do my name. But if you're just running a personal business, you can click edit. Obviously it's probably going to be your name by default, but you can change it however you'd like. And then the email is not necessarily what you use to log in with Facebook, but where do you want to receive notifications? Where do you want to, what do you want to use to access the additional features? Enter that email here and then finally see business notifications toggle it on or toggle it off. And you're good to go. Finally set up guide. So you don't need to dive into this now, but let's say that you, uh, worked, let's say you have a business. I'm going to throw out a scenario here where you might want to use this right away. Let's say you own a business and you were using an agency to run your ads before it decided to take the plunge and run them yourself. I shouldn't say plunge taking the investment to build those skills in and crush it yourself. A lot of those agencies did something that I hear this situation a lot. They do something that's a little iffy. They create the ad account for you and they own it. And they run your ads in the ad account that they own. What you can do is you can tell them, Hey, I want ownership of my ad account and you can hit claim ad account. So this will add an account of your business is going to control the campaigns and billing. You can hit claim. And then it will actually, once they hit approved, be transferred over to you. So if you have an ad account with someone else that you ownership of, you can do that right here. Same with pay. And you can request it here. And then finally there's additional ways to add people to your account, but I still recommend doing it through, um, users and then people. So you have just went through the main parts of the business manager. I know we didn't touch on these other breakdowns pixels ad accounts because those are all in separate modules before going on. Take some time, navigate around. For example, if I told you right now, go find your business manager ID. Do you know where to navigate, pause this video and go find it because it's important to understand how to navigate the business manager. So how would I find it? I'd click business info. Boom. It's right here. My business manager ID. So understanding, let me give you another, uh, uh, I guess exercise go to the location that where, where you can add people and other users to your business manager and add accounts to do so you'd come to users and you'd click people understanding how to navigate it is going to make the upcoming lessons substantially more fun because you're not going to have to deal with the frustration of figuring out where to click and whatnot. You can dive into the pure bliss of direct response marketing. So with that said, that is how to create your business manager. That's how to create the most vital aspect of, uh, really getting your Facebook advertising career started. This is going to manage your ad accounts, your pages, your pixels, your product catalogs, your media assets, your payment methods. So, so much more so if you don't, if you have any confusions about what you just did, rewatch, this lesson do not move forward until you have pure clarity on what you built, what the structure looks like, and you are prepared to move forward with that said, I'll see you in the next one. Talk soon, Senator, we run ads, grab your computer, grab another cup of coffee, because it is time to create your Facebook advertising account. Let's get started our business manager. We went through the structure and really got a good understanding of what a business manager is, what it entails, what are the assets that it's apparent to and so forth. Now it's important to also understand what an ads manager is. So we're going to hop over to the whiteboard and break down what the structure of ads manager looks like, what the ads manager, responsibilities and duties are and what you should be focusing on. As we go into actually building yours out, let's hop over there in the previous lesson, we discussed the business manager and how you could have really any number of ad accounts underneath of it. So now that we've covered the business manager, we need to cover the ad account and the ads manager. So we're not focusing on this. We cover business manager, let's jump into the actual ad account in ads manager with every ad account. You're going to be performing one main task, which is running ads. So where the business manager manages the entire aspect of the business, the ad account, the ads manager manages all aspects of your actual advertisements. So within every ad account, there's really three main aspects that you are going to be performing first. You're going to be creating campaigns. So with an ad account, you can create what is essentially defined as a marketing campaign. Every campaign has what is called ad sets. So just like the business manager is the parents who an ad account ad accounts are the parents to campaigns. Campaigns are the parents to ad sets and ad sets are the parent to ads. So take a moment to really grasp that. Don't get overwhelmed. You're going to see how simple it is to really build this out in the ad account here in this lesson, we're going to touch base on that, but you really should just be focusing on understanding the structure. So while the business manager was managing ad accounts, pixels pages, uh, payment methods, the ad account is managing campaigns. That is really the only duty of the ad account is to run ads with campaigns. When you create a campaign, you can have an infinite amount of ad sets. Actually, I believe it's limited to around a hundred, but that might change. So one campaign, let's say let's change this to one campaign can have X, whoops, X number of ad sets here. So let's actually, let's actually break this out almost like we did with the business manager. So right here, we have the single campaign. Then we can have ad set, let's call it ad. So one, we can have ad set two, it goes on and on. And then underneath of an ad set, you can have, let's say ad one, ad two, ad three, and so forth. Same with this. And same with these. So the campaigns are the parents of ad sets, which are the parents of ads. You're not limited to just one campaign in your ad account. You can actually have really an infinite amount of campaigns. I've never reached. I've never hit a maximum. And I've had, I've had ad accounts, running hundreds and hundreds of campaigns. So let's start to map that out a bit more as well. So you could have another campaign. You could call this, let's call this first one campaign one, and then this one campaign number two, and it's going to follow this same exact structure. So really focus on understand branding what an ad accounts duty is. An ad accounts duty is to run campaigns. Campaigns duties are to manage ad sets and ad sets a duty is to manage ads. So what is a campaign? What are you going to be doing at this campaign level? At the campaign level, you're going to be doing things such as setting your budget, specifying dates and time ranges, and really prepper, uh, preparing to manage your ad sets and ads. What are you going to be doing at the ad set level? You're going to be doing things such as targeting, including retargeting audiences, setting your conversion windows and some other terminology, which we're going to be breaking down in detail later on in the course, what's the ads purposed well, that's actually where you produce your creative. So that's where you take your images, your videos, your, your copy, your link to your website, and you combine that to create a single ad. So all of these different pieces work together underneath a single ad account. And as I mentioned, um, there's, there's so many pieces to this as I'm kind of explaining things, don't focus on, what's an ad set. Do what does targeting what's the ad? Do it builds a creative because we're going to break those down in separate lessons in step-by-step detail. My main goal with this video and this whiteboard session here is to help you understand that an ad account manages campaigns, campaigns, manage ad sets and ad sets, manage ads. So with that said, let's hop back over to your ad account. I'll take you through the process of getting it set up, and then I'll actually show you each one of these pieces as a high level overview. So you can understand the structure in preparation of the future lessons. Let's hop back over inside of the computer. Okay, go ahead, grab your computer and go to business.facebook.com/select that's business.facebook.com/select. You're going to see the business managers that we created in the previous lesson. So go ahead and select whatever business manager as is your main one for this. I'm going to be using the pondir V2 because as I've mentioned, my main one has client accounts, proprietary information and information. That's under an NDA, which I do not want to risk accidentally showing. So we're going to be going into my pondir V2. Once you click on your business manager, go to the left side navigation. And if this has changed at the point that if the layout's changed, by the point that you're watching this video, all you need to look for is business settings. So click business settings. Okay. And now what we're going to do is navigate down to add accounts. So if you look under accounts, you click the dropdown and you click add accounts. You are going to see any of your active ad accounts. If it's a brand new business manager, you're not going to see any here and we're going to create your first ad account. So what you'll do is click add and then click create a new ad account. As you see, mine is locked because this is a brand new business manager and brand new business managers can only have one ad account. As soon as that single ad account has run ads without violating policies for a certain given amount of time, Facebook will then enable you to create a second ad account and then a third and then a fourth, and then a fifth, if you already have an ad account created, and you can not create a new ad account, you will have to use the exist existing one until Facebook raises your limits. You could try to reach out to Facebook support and ask for another ad account to be added. The chances of that happening though, are very, very unlikely. So if you already have an existing one, you can create another one and you'll have to use that or go into your backup business manager and create the ad account there. So, as I mentioned, I can't create it here, but let me show you what it would actually look like in my main one, since I am able to create a new one there. Okay. So this is my main business manager pondir. So as I mentioned in whatever business manager that you're in within right now, click add, then click create a new ad account. So here you can give your ad account a name. I'd recommend just making it the name of your business. So, um, if I'm going with the example I was using before, this would be Maggie's cupcakes, select your time zone. This is actually very crucial that you select the times on that you live within and work from. Because later on in this course, you're going to be learning how to set automations, that help you manage your ads, and they go off of the time zone that you select. So if there's a discrepancy between where you live and what you're expecting in terms of the automations to be triggered and run, it can cause a lot of confusion, a lot of issues that you don't want to deal with. So select your time zone for me, it's GMT America slash Chicago. All right, then go ahead, choose your currency. Hit next, select my business. You're not going to, unless you're running ads for another business or client, but even then, I wouldn't really recommend creating the ad account for them. I'd have them request, access different topic, but choose my business. Once you do that, go ahead and click create. All right. So now you're going to see your ad account that you just created underneath of this ad account section. What you'll need to do is give yourself access. So go ahead and click add people. Select, you'll see your name from this list for me, once again, I always use the name pondir team is I just prefer that, but you're going to see your username. So select your name, then come down to manage ad account hit, assign. Okay, there we go. And now we are good to actually go into the ad account and navigate around. So how do we, how do we get there? Go ahead and click on this business tools, dropdown and click ads manager. Sure. And here we are now inside of your ad account where you are going to be running ads. If you've already added a payment method to your business manager, let me go ahead and show you how to connect that. Now, before we navigate around this, okay. First click business tools, click business settings, come down to payments, and you're going to see that payment method that you added in the previous lesson. So you'll see, it says no added concept and connected to this payment method to connect an ad account to this payment method, please select an ad account, use ads manager to change its primary payment method. So go ahead and click. All right. And now this is where a lot of people get confused. They're like, where is the payment at a payment method button? What you'll need to do is come up to the upper right-hand corner, click the dropdown and click view payment methods. This is going to take us to the section where you can connect your ad account. So you'll see, you need to add your tax information. You can go ahead and do that. Enter your business information, whatever your tax info is. Obviously I'm not going to enter mine here. Um, but yes, go ahead and click add tax info and fill this information out. Very simple. Once you're done with that, you can then access your current payment methods. So what you'll see is this add payment information toggle box. If you click business manager payment method, that's where you can connect your, your credit card. So click this it next. You're going to see the, uh, credit card that you entered a debit card and click make primary. All right. And then once again, it's asking me for my tax information, enter it if you have not already. And then, uh, just go ahead and click save on that. I will do that once again when I'm not recording my screen. All right. Now I want you to take note of the amount due section. So it's going to say you'll be charged each time you spend $2 and also on the 31st of each month or on the last day of shorter months. So basically right after you spend $2, you're going to see a credit card charge for $2. Then when you spend for it, you're going to see another $2, six, et cetera. This will expand once again. Facebook does not trust new new advertisers right now in my main account, I believe I'm up to about $2,000. So I only get charged each time I spent 2000 or on the last day of the month. So that's why you're going to see a bunch of very minuscule charges. As soon as you start advertising. And then it's going to expand, it's going to become 500 a thousand, $2,000 at a time. All right, cool. So we now have a payment method connected come back up to business tools and then go to ads manager. So this is where you're going to be creating the campaigns, creating the ad sets and the creatives. What is important to understand in this ads manager section is once again, just the basic structure and how to actually create, um, a campaign ad set and a creative. What I don't want you to focus on is how to actually set them up efficiently optimization, creating your ads. I just want you to focus on the structure because we're going to be breaking down all the, all the details on how to actually run them very profitably here in the upcoming lessons of the pondir Facebook advertising course. So let me show you what that structure that we broke down on the whiteboard looks like within the ads manager. What you're going to want to do is click create. And then this is where you specify the campaign objective. So, as I mentioned in the whiteboard, a campaign is responsible for the objective for the budget and a couple other smaller aspects. 99% of the time, what you're going to want to run is going to be a conversion campaign. We're going to touch on this further detail, but for the sake of this structure, example, select conversions, click this dropdown. And one, one aspect I want to know is Facebook is constantly changing the user interface of the ads manager. They're trying to make it easy, simple, um, and essentially make it more efficient. So if this looks different, just remember the process is still the same. You're always going to be able, there's always going to be a create button on this page. I can click it here. Maybe, maybe in your version, it's over here, but find the create button and click it. Go ahead. Select conversions, click a drop down. And what you'll see is that structure. We discussed campaign ad set, an ad campaign includes a campaign objective and budgets. The optimization of budgets ad set, determined your audience placements schedule in spending and the ad contains all of the creative settings. So go ahead and name this example. Well, let's actually do this example, campaign example, ad set, and example ad. Remember, we're not going to be running these. You don't want to start diving into actually trying to build these out without going on to the later lessons, because I'm going to teach you how to be very profitable with your ads. And if you start diving in now, you're going to get overwhelmed and not see the results you want. So enter that hit continue. Okay. And now you can actually, we can go through each one of these little pieces. So you up here, you have the campaign name. Special ad categories or things such as a credit cards or credit lines, employment, housing, social issues, elections, or politics. If you are not running those, you do. Now. You want to make sure it says no categories declared because if you select, for example, credit, you're going to, to be under very tight restrictions and limitations and your ads aren't going to perform as they would, if there was no limitations. So only select these. If you are running these types of ads, if not go ahead and select no categories declared. All right. So here we have campaign details. What you'll see is the only option for buying type is an auction. And as we discuss Facebook, ads is simply an online auction. So basically what are we going to be doing? We're going to be bidding against other advertisers, competing against them for placements on potential customers, newsfeeds and inboxes and Instagrams and all over all right, campaign objective. As we selected conversions, Hey, go ahead and hit the show more options. You're going to see campaign spending limit. So this allows you to set an overall spending limit for your ad campaign. And this will, this means that your ad sets in the campaign will stop once you've reached your spending limit. And if you're using a campaign lifetime budget, it's not applicable, we're not using the lifetime budget. I rarely use those. So don't worry about that. Leave this as is AB test. I'm going to show you more, a more efficient way to actually do split tests versus using their, um, set up. But you can create an AB test here. So split testing, what works better than the other. I don't use this. I wouldn't recommend you use this at this time over time, they might improve it. But right now I have a better method for you that we'll discuss later on in the lessons. All right. And now the discussion of campaign budget optimization, make sure I, I only use campaign budget optimization now nowadays. So we'll touch once again on the different types of budget optimization in later lessons, but for the sake of this example, select on, and then what you'll see is you can set your daily budget here. So this is where you're actually going to set your budgets. And, um, you can select daily or lifetime, basically a lifetime budget. As you said, it's suspense 700. It might spend it in a week and might spend it three months, but once it spends it, it shuts itself off. I always use a daily budget and we'll touch on why later on campaign bid strategies, bid strategies are a relatively complex topic. We'll break those down later sections for now. Just know that you can change how you bid against other advertisers. All right. And then add scheduling. You can schedule your ads for specific hours and days of the week. Don't worry about it. Facebook's really good at optimizing it themselves. All right, so now let's go ahead and hit close and just don't hit, publish, just sit close. So we can see our example campaign here and to access those settings, I just showed you, you can click, edit, and then you can access all of those. Once again, go ahead and X out, hit close again. Okay. So now we have these tabs, we see campaigns ad sets and ads. So let's see what ad sets are inside of our example campaign. You can either do one of two things. You can select this checkbox and then click the tab, or you can just click on the name and there we go. Now we see our ad set. So let's click edit and see what that looks like. Okay. So here we have some pretty neat options. Actually, we have conversion, I think conversion event location, 99% of you are going to be using the website unless you actually have a mobile app, then you can do app or a messenger or WhatsApp, but 99% of the time it's going to be website. Then this is a spot where you can select your pixel. We're going to talk about how to set up your pixel here in the next lesson, but this is where you would select it. So for example, here's the one that I created and you can choose your conversion event. For example, purchase. Once again, don't try to follow the setup. I'm just running you through all of the possibilities. We're going to actually set this up and get ads running in the next lessons, dynamic creative. Um, this is pretty, this is a pretty neat feature. You can select a bunch of different assets and, and Facebook will build a creative for you in real time, depending on what they think is going to work the best. Um, you can create an offer for people to save. Here's where you set your schedule. So you can set a start date. Let's say I want to create some ads, but I don't want them to start until tomorrow at 4:48 AM. If I, if I set this right here, Facebook will turn it on. At that time for me down here in audiences, where we do our targeting. So we have custom audiences, locations, age ranges, genders, detailed targeting, which allows Facebook to expand it in hopes that they can drive more results and then even languages. And now if we hit show more options, you can see different types of connections. Once again, I don't, I mean, I don't really use this connection, but it is a pretty intriguing feature. Just showing how detailed you can really get with this. Now we have placements. So what is a placement? This is where Facebook will show your ads. So here we have feeds. So people's news feeds on Facebook or Instagram stories when you're looking at stories in stream. So if someone's watching a video, you can play your ad in the video search messages in article and then apps and other websites down here, we have optimization and delivery. So you're going to want to leave this on conversions. 99% of the time. I then the one that's interesting is conversion. So we'll talk about the difference that this makes later on, but we can actually change the amount of time that Facebook will look at our data to determine who they should be showing our ads to. All right. So that is an ad set. As you can see, this has a lot to do with the targeting and, uh, budgets and schedules and so forth. So let's go ahead and click X and hit close. Go ahead. And now let's enter your ad set so you can see it. We have an example ad within our ad set. Now this tab has changed the ads. If you click edit, this is where you can select your Facebook page for your business, your Instagram account, go ahead and choose preview on. Now we can create an ad so you can choose from a single image or video a carousel, which is where you can create a format that people can swipe and view different images and texts or collection where you swipe up. And then you see a bunch of different products on the actual Facebook in-app here. You can choose pictures, videos, you can create a slideshow. You can even create a video from pictures within Facebook. You can enter your primary text for your ad. So that's a text you see below where it says sponsored post and above the video. Then you can enter a headline, which is showing below the video, a description, which is below the headline. And then finally you enter your URL and select the button that you want to show people, for example, shop. Now, this is where you build the creative that people actually see. So all of those ads that you see on newsfeeds are stories. This is where you're going to be setting that up for your business. So as you see, this is the structure, the campaign, the ad set, and the ad go ahead and hit close. And as I mentioned, a campaign can have multiple ad sets. So let me show you what that looks like. Let's go ahead and click, I example, campaign. We can click duplicate on this example, ad set, go ahead and hit original campaign. Now we can rename this to number two. Let's just exit and close. And now you see that in our campaign, we have two ad sets and each ad set has an ad. So you see the structure in the works in the actual ads manager and in the coming lessons, we're going to be building out your real campaigns, your real ad sets and your real creatives. But once again, this is just to get your ad account set up and understand what the structure I discussed on that whiteboard looks like within the actual Facebook advertising. Before leaving this lesson, please do this with me. Go ahead, explore, look into the structure, looking at the different settings, see what see what's possible. But before you log out, select this campaign. And click the trash icon and delete you do not want to accidentally publish a campaign that is going to start spending a hundred dollars a day with nothing set up Corolla correctly. I've seen it happen. I've had it happen to myself and it's not fun. Seeing a bill come through for $700 and there's no revenue and everything was in correctly configured. Just delete it before we exit with that said, I'm going to see you in the next lesson where we are going to continue, continue the setup of the pixel and some other features in preparation for the actual direct response marketing phases. I'm so, so excited for you guys to get to the upcoming lessons. This set up phase is important. You want to understand how to navigate this platform. You understand, want to understand what are Facebook ads and how do they work? You want to understand the structure of campaigns, ad sets and ads, and how to modify things such as your payment methods, add people to your account and so forth. Because when you dive into the marketing, knowing how to do these aspects is actually going to improve your performance, lower your frustration, trying to navigate it and ultimately make this a lot more fun. So I'll see in the next lessons talk, then at this time you have your business manager, your ad account slash ads manager set up, but in order to accurately run ads and optimize ads, Facebook needs to collect data. So how does Facebook collect data based on actions that we're taking off of the Facebook application and network of sites while they use what's called a pixel? The Facebook pixel is what allows Facebook to track user engagement, actions, checkouts, et cetera, off of their platform. So what is the pixel? Well, the pixel is simply a piece of JavaScript code that is put onto your web pages. That loads, when a specific action is taken, luckily if you shop a fire WordPress or any of the really majority of e-commerce and website builders, they have an easy integration to quickly set up your pixel. So you don't have to touch any code whatsoever. As I said, the Facebook pixel, a piece of code for your website that lets you measure optimize and build audiences for your ad campaigns. So measure cross device conversions, for example, without a pixel, how would Facebook know that maybe someone started checking out on their computer, but finished the checkout on their phone. They wouldn't be able to do that without the pixel. So with the pixel, you can measure someone that checks out. Or starts at checkout on one device and finishes the purchase on a different one optimized delivery to people likely to take action is Facebook collects data on your potential customer base. They're then able to utilize that data to show your ads to people that are more likely to purchase than not more data that you can give Facebook. The better the pixel enables this create custom audiences from website visitors. When we get to the lessons that discuss retargeting, we're going to be utilizing the data from the pixel to break out this bulk audience into separate ones. For example, we might want to target people that viewed a specific product or added a specific product to cart or purchase something in the last seven days. We can do all of that because of the pixel. This also enables us, the pixel also enables us to create dynamic ads. One really cool feature about Facebook is they can take different pieces of media. For example, they can take a different image or video combined it with different texts and show it to a customer because they know that they viewed a specific product from the data on the pixel. And then finally learn about your website traffic. You can get demographic breakdown, audience breakdowns, understand what website pages people visited, what website pages people left or bounced on, and really break it down. How the Facebook pixel works well. As I mentioned, when someone visits your website and then takes an action. For example, the example here, you're buying something or even viewing a piece of content or clicking the add to cart button. The Facebook pixel is triggered and reports this action back to Facebook this way, you know, when a customer took an action after seeing your Facebook ad, and you'll also be able to reach that customer again, by using the custom audience, which we're going to discuss, how to do in a later lesson, when more and more conversions happen on your website, Facebook gets better at delivering your ad to people who are more likely to take certain actions. And that's called conversion optimization. The pixel is truly vital. You cannot run ads without a pixel. Otherwise you're going to waste a ton of money because you're not going to know what results were driven from what ads and Facebook isn't going to correctly optimize. So you need to set up the Facebook pixel and here they have some information on how to set it up. I'm going to cover and show you how to actually create your pixel in the ads manager, or I should say, in the business manager on Shopify and then how it's configured. So let's hop over to the business manager. Here we are on business.facebook.com/select. Go ahead and select the business manager that you're going to be using. That you just created your new ad account underneath. What you want to do now is click on business settings. Once this loads scroll down to data sources, we're gonna see pixels. So go ahead and click this and your, if it's a new business manager, you're not going to have anything here. If you are on Shopify, do not create the pixel. Yet, if you're not on Shopify, go ahead and hit, add, enter in the name of your business. So for example, the one that I've been is using was Maggie's cupcakes and I'll leave Maggie's cupcakes, pixel, and then enter in the URL, go ahead and hit continue. And what you want to do now is click set the pixel up now. So let me show you how to do this with what's called a partner integration. If you use any one of these services to host your website or your store, click on it, and it's going to teach you exactly what to do. For example, this is web flow. It's. If I'm using web flow is actually going to show you step-by-step how to set it up. And it's the same for each one of these. So if yours has a partner integration, use it much, it's very easy. Will step-by-step instruct you on how to do it once again, if you have Shopify, don't follow this just yet, because they implemented a new way to do it. I'm going to show you here in a second. If you don't have any of those, you can click on the manual setup. So if you clicked on the partner integration, you exit out, like I did. Let me show you how to get back in here. So go click on your pixel, hit open an events manager, and then you can click continue pixel setup and then choose manually add. So if you're on an old school website builder, you are going to have to add this yourself. Once again, you can just hit copy code. It's going to copy this and then paste it, paste it into the header of your website. If you're not technical, I wouldn't recommend doing this on your own. Reach out to the support, go to the, find the support of whatever hosts use and ask them to help you set up your Facebook pixel. And you can just say, here's the code. You can copy it and give it to them there you'll hit continue, and you want to make sure you turn on automatic advanced matching. All right, great. So let me show you how to actually do this on Shopify. If you are using Shopify, go ahead and go to your Shopify admin dashboard. Underneath sales channels is where you want to look. So if you don't see Facebook, do the following, click the plus button. You're going to see Facebook right here and click. Plus when you click add, you can then see Facebook in your sales channels, click on Facebook. And now what you want to do is you want to click on settings. So now mine is already connected, but for you, you're going to be able to follow a very simple step-by-step process. It's going to say, connect your Facebook account underneath this. Go ahead and click connect. It's going to have you sign into your account, make sure you sign into the one that you created your business manager on. Once you sign in, come underneath business manager, click connect, select the business, your main business manager that your ad account is under. Then go to Facebook page and select your business's Facebook page. At this point, you can then go to marketing settings, marketing settings, underneath, add ad account, select connect, and choose the ad account that we built in the previous module. And once again, just pause this video and follow along in real time. Don't worry too much about the Facebook target country. Cause we're not going to ever run ads from this. We just want to build our pixel here. Once your ad account is connected, you can click on commerce settings. This is not going to be shown until you actually have a Shopify store with running, running products and so forth. If you already, if your Shopify store is already running, go ahead and just connect your commerce account. What this is going to allow you to do is actually put your products on Instagram for sale and in the Facebook shop. Personally, they're not, it's not a huge source of income or revenue and my main businesses right now, but you can get it set up right here. It's very simple. Finally do not skip this last part. Click data sharing settings. So this is where the pixel is actually created. And depending on how much customer data sharing you enable is going to determine how much data you share with Facebook. So if you scroll down, make sure to turn enable customer data sharing. If you have this off, your pixel is not going to re receive much data. It's not going to be able to run efficiently. You want to choose maximum level of data sharing. Let me show you what the differences. So if you look at standard standard uses the Facebook pixel third-party cookie and shares. Customer's browsing behavior on your online store. Browser based ad blockers can prevent the pixel from collecting data. This is bad. If Facebook can't collect data on actions taken it can't optimize and you can't build remarketing audiences. Let's click on enhanced, enhanced. It uses advanced matching, which shares personal information about your customers, including name, location, email, and phone number. This pixel also shares customer browsing behavior on your online store. Browser based ad blockers can prevent the pixel from collecting data. Not good. So how is Facebook? How can Facebook avoid browser-based ad blockers bot blocking the data being collected? Well, they just released something called the conversions API. So let's go ahead and click on maximum, maximum combines, all data sharing options to reach the highest amount of customers they use is the conversions API, which shares data directly from Shopify servers to Facebook. This means that data can't be blocked by ad block. When you are using only the pixel, the pixel is fired in their web browser. Unfortunately, this means that the web browser can stop certain things from happening, but with the conversions API, when someone checks out the server and if you're not technical, don't worry. It's not important to know this stuff, but I do want to give you all a breakdown of it. When you're using the conversions API, the server, which is what hosts your Shopify store or your website takes the data and sends it back to Facebook. This means it's not sent through the browser it's sent through your own server. The browser cannot block this and Facebook can receive all of the data that it needs. So make sure to choose maximum. And then behavior will be tracked with this pixel. If you don't see this click create and then select confirm. And now after you do that, let's go back to the business manager on Facebook. Once you're back in your business manager and make sure you go to data sources, then pixels and give it a refresh. When you give it a refresh, you're going to see the pixel that was just created in your Shopify here and available for use. As you saw on my Shopify account, my pixel was created and it's called PRF D for purified, which is my brand name. Okay? At this point, now you need to connect your ad account to the pixel. So first we need to add access to yourself. So choose people hit, add people, and now choose both of these. So you want to choose your name and Shopify system user for resource management, select both of them and choose managed pixel. All right. That is great. Now, what we want to do is come over to connected assets. So let me show you what this looks like. You're not going to have anything here. And so these are all of the assets that the pixel's available to. We need to add your ad account. So click add assets. And now you're going to see that ad account that we created in the previous lesson hit add. That is all you need to do. And now your website is going to be collecting customer data, visitor data, and sending it back to your ad account for you to use for your businesses benefit. It can be complicated thinking about how everything just worked and how everything's connected. It's not that important to understand those details unless you're technical and you enjoy those details like myself, because at this point, everything is connected and now we're going to be receiving data. And I want to show you how to actually ensure that your pixel is working. So select your pixel and then come up to open events manager, let it load. And now you're going to see all of those pixels that you have here. We have the one that I created in Shopify, make sure it's selected. And what you'll see is events over time. This is going to be populated with a lot more events. It's going to show page view, view, content, add to cart, initiated checkout, and purchase. It's also going to show events that were fired over the specific amount of time. So since my website isn't live at this time, this pixel the one that the pixels on it isn't live. As you can see it hasn't been received for about eight days now. So if you don't see an event right away, it's not a big deal. It's just because the pixel hasn't been fired, but let's do something let's click on test events. All right. And now what you want to do is go ahead and enter in your, um, your website URL. So this is my Shopify preview. Let me go ahead and click open website. I don't honestly remember what my password was for this. You know what, if it doesn't load, not a big deal. Yeah. Okay. Let's see if it's still fired if we got lucky there. So, um, okay. So since mine's in preview mode, it didn't fire. But if you go to your website, you should see a fire and actually let me figure out what the password is so I can show you. Okay. So I figured out the password, and this is my unfinished version of my website. So this is still work in progress, but I entered in the URL, it loaded. And now let's go back to the test events and see if my pixel is working. So when we go back, check that out. There we go. Now it shows a page view was processed. It shows it was received from my browser. It shows it was connected to the partner integration and the time that it was received, let's try another event and see what happens. So let's go back to this and let's go click on a product and hit, add to cart. Look at that. All the events in real time are being sent back to Facebook, add to cart, page view, view content. And this is how we're going to collect data on everyone that sees our ad visits, our website. And then we can use that data to generate sales generate leads or whatever your objective is. So make sure you're seeing events being fired. If you're not redo the setup process, make sure everything's configured properly pro prop you properly. There we go. And we will continue to move forward from here. So this is your pixel. It's set up, it's connected your website, connect to your ad account. We're ready to rock and roll. So excited for you guys to get into these next upcoming lessons, because we're going to start building out your marketing campaigns and get those going. I'll see you in the next lesson in this lesson, I'm going to teach you how I work backwards. You've probably heard of the saying hindsight's 2020 and the same principle applies here. So you're going to learn how to work backwards. And once you understand that concept, then I'm also going to reveal to you why I truly believe that the traditional marketing funnel is dead in this modern era of digital advertising. So with that said, Ziad, go ahead and play the intro. first up is how to work backwards. So. At some point in your life, you've probably made a decision and, uh, maybe down the road, you come to look back on it and you're like, man, I wish I would've did it differently. Knowing what I know now, or, or maybe you did everything right. And you're like, wow, I truly did everything correct in making that decision or taking the action. What I've learned. Uh, well, a mistake that I frequently made when I first got into e-commerce in advertising is I would have an end goal, um, being like I wanted to start a business or I wanted to be able to quit my job and make full-time income off of a business. So that would be my goal that I had defined. And then I would just start building, I would just start creating a product. I try to find a product. I choose a price for it. I'd launch ads for it. And it would, it would fail. And what I came to realize is that I didn't correctly plan out the path, the journey that I would need to take to achieve that end goal, being a profitable business or quitting. My job, what I do now has saved me so much time and so much money on wasted projects because I work backwards. So let me, let me give you a couple of scenarios. And once you understand this concept, you can start to apply it to really anything in life. And it is phenomenal. So let me run through a scenario here, kind of playing off of the example I gave. So let's say that I want to create a business that, that generates $1 million in revenue. So let's pretend I don't have a business yet. I don't even have a product yet. I have nothing yet, but I know I have a goal that I want to generate a million dollars in revenue with a business. So previously, as I mentioned, what I would do is like I would, okay. So I need to find, find a product first. After I find a product, what I need to do is I'll, uh, create my website. Um, then I will run Facebook ads and that'll send the traffic and I'll just continue scaling, right? So this is what a path would look like. But here's the issue is this is so undefined. This doesn't give me any specific instructions on how to achieve it, finding a product, creating a website, running Facebook ads. But what happens when one of these pieces goes wrong and also what type of product do I need? Um, do I have to optimize my website? Do I need funnels? Do I need upsells? What's my profitability numbers run Facebook ads. Um, how much an ad spend, you know, what are my margins? What are my targets? What's, there's so many undefined pieces here. So let me show you how working backwards actually gives us a very, very clear path of the exact business and product we need to build. So to achieve $1 million in revenue, I first. Uh, I need orders, right? There's not going to be revenue coming in, but how many orders? So this is a decision that I would need to make right here. Do I want to have to sell, do I, do I want to have to acquire a thousand orders to achieve a million dollars in revenue, a hundred thousand orders? I mean, a hundred thousand orders is a lot of orders and a lot of customer support and so forth. Let's say that I want to be able to make a million dollars in revenue off of 500 orders. So 500 orders. So now I know exactly how many orders I'll need to make a million dollars. So 500 orders and now, well, in order to make a million off 500, I need to price a product. So I'm going to do a bit of math. So 1 million divided by 500. So that's $2,000. So now $2,000 products. I know that I need a product of a value of 2000, uh, for Mormon e-commerce example, let's say that I'd be fine. Making a million with 10,000 orders. What you'll see is this, once again, defines the costs that I need to price a product ad. So 1 million divided by 10,000, a hundred dollars. So now I know I need a hundred dollars product. Okay. Um, so I know I need a hundred dollar product and then this, you can see, now I can go ahead and I know I need to source the product, right? So in order to have a hundred dollar product, I need to source it so forth. So what you can see is that by defining the end goal, and then working backwards, I was able then to price a product from this point, I can find, uh, industries and niches that have products priced in this range. And you can get detailed such as like, well, I want to be able to, um, spend up to a $50 to acquire a customer and, and remain profitable. So here, if I state that, then I also know that, okay, well, my, uh, my product margin is going to have to be my product cost is going to have to be less than let's call it $25. So by working backwards, in any situation, you can really define exactly what needs to happen. So this is like a broad economic sample, but if you are working on, if you haven't started a business yet defined your end goal, um, and start to work backwards, how many orders do you want to have to acquire to generate your end goal? Okay, well, you state that now. You know how you need to price your product, okay. State that, then you can. How much you want to be able to spend, to acquire a customer, remain profitable. Now you understand your prop, the margins you need to have. Um, and you can really, really get granular. So let me show you an advertising example of how well this works. So now let's do an advertising example. So what I want you to do is list your, uh, your objective. So for me, I'm going to state, my objective is a purchase. I want to acquire a purchase with Facebook ads. Now let's break this down and get very, very detailed with it. So what happens right before a purchase? What needs it, what action needs to be taken in order for a purchase to come next? Well, we need to, we need that person to add their payment info, their credit card, so forth in order to complete a purchase. All right, so now we need, let's see. So what needs to happen before they can add their payment info? Let me just try this over a little bit on order to add their payment info, they need to initiate a checkout. So they need to start checking out first. Okay, here we go. In order to initiate a checkout, what needs to happen? They need to add to cart. You can kind of see how this is. This is working. We're just detailing the exact process. So what needs to happen before the add to cart? They need to view product page. All right, what needs to happen before they can view the product page? They need to visit the website. What needs to happen before they visit the website? Well, they need to click our ad. What needs to happen before they click your ad? They need to engage with that. All right, what needs to happen for them to engage with that? They need to stop scrolling. So here we now have the exact path of a customer step-by-step of what they would do from the moment that they stopped scrolling all the way to completing a purchase. And now watch the power of this from an advertising perspective. What you're going to see once you launch ads, or maybe you've already launched ads is there's drop-off rates between each one of these. So for example, someone the adds to cart, there's usually on average, a 25% drop off from add to cart to initiate. And since we understand each one of these potential areas of failure, areas of blocking the end, resolve a purchase, we can start to list out the reasons for that. So, for example, why would someone add to cart and not start to initiate a checkout? Well, let's, let's detail that right here. Oops. Um, maybe it was the product price. Maybe they saw the total price in their cart. Um, it threw him off a shipping costs. Well, no, that would be initiated checkout, um, taxes. So you can see taxes in the cart. Um, maybe they have concerns about the warranty or, um, they just aren't truly sold on the benefits. So they don't really know the benefits yet. Um, as they should, uh, well enough to convince them to complete the purchase. So here, now we know why people might drop off from edit carts, initiate checkout. Why might someone, uh, view the product page and not start to add to cart? Well, it's really kind of the same reasons is this right here. So we can actually use this like that. So now we know the blockers, the consumer objections, the buyer objections that someone might have preventing them from taking the next step. Let's go down to here. What must someone, well, we can take this further actually. Why might someone, um, so for us, what needs to happen for they stop scrolling? Well, we need to, I mean, there's a lot of pieces launch the ad, whatever so forth. We're just gonna, um, put when placement auction. So on Facebook, we need to, as an advertiser bid, when the placement in our ad gets placed on a newsfeed, why might someone not stop scrolling? Uh, well maybe bad thumbnail. Um, non-aligned targeting, it's not the right demographic and so forth, so you can list all those out here. So now we know that we need to focus on creating a great thumbnail, ensuring our targeting. So for testing and whatnot, um, and, and kind of the, the same for, uh, engaged, right? Even if they stop scrolling, they might not engage. So we got to work on benefits, but if you go through and list out every reason that might stop someone from buying, in-between the next action. You're going to be able to break this down. So let me just add one more. So we'll do what might stop someone from this last step where they start to add their payment info and then purchase, or actually let's do it from right here. So what might stop someone from an, that initiated checkout from actually adding their payment for, well, maybe, um, you only allow credit cards, but they, they want to use a different payment processor. So don't have their preferred payment processor concerned over quality, um, concerned over. Security of the website of the payment forms so forth. So as an advertiser with custom audiences, which if you've never worked with custom audiences, we'll be teaching that here in the, in the upcoming lessons. But basically what a custom audience is, is Facebook takes the data that they have on a user. Uh, for example, if someone comes to your website and adds to cart, you can actually create a custom audience, a custom group of people that have added to cart on your website. And so since we know the added to cart and we know that they haven't initiated a checkout, and we also know for the most part, the reasons why we can then create ads, we can now create ads that break down buyer objection. So maybe for price, we run an ad that offers, um, maybe like a 10% off or for taxes. Um, you know, we could also offer a discount on the main price to kind of cut that down. Uh, a warranty we state, we run an ad that states we have 90 day money back guarantee benefits. Uh, we run an ad that, um, shows a different marketing angle than we previously did. Or we run an ad that hones in on the main benefit versus like the broad benefits. What we can do as advertisers is breakdown these buyer objections in order to get them to the next part. So in reality, this is simply a marketing funnel. This is the customer journey that from start to finish, to achieve the end goal. And by working backwards, you can see, we very clearly defined every step that someone would take. And now if we spend the time to list out why they might not take the next step, we know how we know what to break down with our advertising as a Facebook advertiser, your goal is simply to break down buyer. Objection, that's all marketing is first. Introduce them to the product or service, build that relationship. And from that point, it's all about breaking down buyer. Objection. Think about the last time you were considering buying something and think about what phase did you drop off. And now imagine if that company would have advertised to you and broke down that objection you had and provided a solution to it, you would ended up making the purchase. And so this is really what highly successful advertising has made up of. And by working backwards, you can define exactly what you need to do to achieve your end goal of a purchase, a leader, whatever it might be. So learn to work backwards, you can apply it in advertising, outside of advertising. I use it to, um, you're going to see one of the upcoming lessons here, how I used it to essentially build out an entire brand. In a matter of, you know, 60 minutes or so it is extremely powerful. So learn to work backwards. You're going to have a lot of clarity moving forward, and you're going to, it's going to make you a very, very effective advertiser. So that is how to work backwards. Now that you can understand the concept of that. I want to jump into why I believe that the traditional marketing funnel is dead when it comes to Facebook advertise, and there's really, uh, two reasons here. So, reason one is we, uh, in the previous lessons talked about Facebook power five and all of the recommendations from Facebook to feed the algorithm, um, especially with iOS 14.5 and the lack of data, it's all about feeding the algorithm, automatic placements and so forth. The issue with the traditional marketing funnel is it does not align with these recommendations by Facebook. The traditional marketing, the funnel is, um, is broken down. We'll just say is very granular by granular. I mean, it's very piece by piece broken out into his small audiences possible. So let's take a look at this reason with more of a visual, uh, and more of a visual man manner. So you've probably seen what the traditional marketing funnel looks like at some point. So there's really, it's, it's made up of four phases. So we have phase one up here, phase two, phase three, phase four, let me label these. So 1, 2, 3, 4, the traditional marketing funnel has been around since, I mean, 1950s. And it worked really well up until about 2019 in regards to Facebook ads. And then the world of advertising really started changing. And in the past year with the new apple updates and the lack of data, it has changed substantially. So in each one of these phases, you would have cold traffic. So phase one is really the awareness phase. It's going to be made up of people that have never heard of your product, your brand, or your service phase two is warm. So these are people that have, uh, seen the ad they've maybe heard of your brand, but they haven't visited the website. They've taken no action. Phase three is your hot traffic. These are people that added a car, initiated a checkout so forth, and then finally phase four is existing. So this is going to be people that purchased existing leads, um, people that have already taken your desired objective already completed that final object, a final action. Here's where the issue arises with cold traffic. Um, there's really, isn't a main issue on Facebook. So I'm going to label this Facebook on Facebook for, for culture. Africa's going to be using interests, um, lookalikes, broad targeting, and then issue doesn't really occur here in this, this phase of the traditional marketing. But what you'll see starts to happen is as we get down into the funnel, so warm traffic, you're going to be breaking out your audiences as follows. You might do 50% video viewers. So people that watch 50% of your video, maybe 75% video viewers, 95% video viewers, um, Facebook engaged, Instagram engaged, um, uh, clicked an ad so forth. So you can see, we start to get very detailed and very granular with the audiences in each phase. So each one of these is completely separate audience. When we get down to hot traffic, this issue becomes even more prevalent. We have view content page view, um, add to cart seven days, add to cart 21 days. Uh, I mean, view content seven days, you content 21 days, page view, so forth, um, initiate checkouts one day initiate checkout, seven days initiated checkout in the last 21 days. Um, payment info, seven days. You can see, we start to break these out into all of these separate audiences, which think about the power five broad audiences, let Facebook, uh, really do the targeting and optimization of the creative for you in all of this goes against it. The other problem with this, um, that really occurred after the new iOS blocking, uh, tracking, blocking update is these audiences are a lot less reliable. So someone might come to your website, they might add, uh, they might view content or add to cart in the last 21 days, but maybe Facebook doesn't track it. And so now you aren't going to actually be targeting someone that took this action. Whereas if you gave Facebook more control, more broad targeting with a funnel, um, they might be able to really identify that, do what they call aggregated event measurement, and still identify that person. If this is a, if you're getting a bit confused with all of this, um, don't worry. We are going to dive into how to implement funnels and so forth in your ad account. But the main takeaway that I want you to grasp from this before this next lesson is that reason. Number one is a traditional marketing funnel is very granular, granular. Previously, if you were to implement this into Facebook ads, each one of these would be a separate ad set. You'd be breaking it out into different campaigns. Um, and it goes against all the Facebook's recommendations now. So it does not align with, uh, with Facebook ads, reason. Number two, that I believe this is a traditional marketing funnel is dead in this modern era of advertising. It is because it's overly complicated. This requires way too much time and manage at scale. So when I sat down with my team. We decided that we want to develop our own strategy that simplifies the management process. So we don't spend hours managing accounts, more like minutes, um, every week, along with driving better results and feeding the Facebook algorithm. Uh, we decided that we got to just completely redo what is known as a marketing funnel. And so here in this next lesson, you're going to see how we void this. What we do is we use what is referred to in the rest of the course is a pondir diamond, um, AKA a nonlinear marketing funnel. So that way, when customers come in from this cold traffic, we take them through a journey that never fully ends. And along this journey, we are, are, uh, we're following Facebook's recommendations for top results. So by doing this, we simplify our account structure, saving us time, saving us money in generating more results. If you're more of an advanced advertiser, this probably made sense to you. If you're a beginner and you didn't really know what advertising funnel is, maybe you don't know what ad sets are. Don't worry about it. Um, come back to this lesson after going deeper into the course, and it's gonna make a lot more sense and you're likely going to be pretty, uh, pretty amazed at how much time we're going to save with our new strategy, the pondir diamonds. So with that said, this is how to work backwards and why you believe that traditional marketing funnel funnel is not the way to go. Today's era of Facebook ads. I'll see you in the next lesson, get ready. Cause you're gonna learn the pondir diamond. in this lesson, we're going to go ahead and build the pondir diamond in your Facebook ad account. So first step is open up your Facebook ad account and let's begin. So we're going to go in the order that it was presented in the previous lesson, we're going to build the pondir diamond HQ, which is where all of your creatives are going to be stored. We're going to build the pondir diamond formation, which is going to make up cold traffic. And then we're going to build the pondir diamonds stability zone, which is going to be made up of retargeting traffic. So with that said, let's go ahead and kick this off So what I like to do is actually build the structure of the pondir diamond. That way, once our creatives are produced, which we'll do in later lessons here, we can then take those creatives and simply drop them into our campaigns and everything will begin running, but by building the structure, in my opinion, it's more efficient, more timely, and it just kind of reinforces the practice of building out the pondir diamond in your ad account. So let's go ahead and knock this out. So first of all, we're going to start by building out the pondir HQ. So we'll, uh, hit create we'll do conversion campaigns. So remember this campaign is never going to run, but I still mimic the settings of the other campaigns. Just for good, uh, good practice. And also ensuring that any, anytime that we duplicate a duplicate an ad over to one of the other campaigns, everything stays consistent. So go ahead and select conversions and then let's name this pondir diamond HQ. All right. And then, uh, we're going to create an ad set. So the way that I break this up is I have images. I have videos, and then I have things such as dynamic ads or carousels. So that's how, um, we're actually going to structure the ad set. So first we're going to create the image ad set, which is going to hold all of your future image creatives, then the videos and so forth. So let's go ahead and create images. So here you can just type images and then click skip ad because we're not actually creating any ads at this time. So we'll hit continue here. All right, go ahead and take a look through here. I'm going to turn on campaign budget optimization. Remember this isn't going to run once again. I'm just following it. So that way everything stays consistent across the entire ad account so we can leave everything else on this, the, this section right here, and they come up to images. So here, you're going to want to select the pixel that we set up in the previous lessons. So purchase. Um, if your intention is to acquire leads, go ahead and select leads. All right. And then we can leave everything else as is, remember this isn't going to run. So these settings don't really make a big difference. We'll come down here to publish. So one thing that I want you to do right away, though, is turn off this campaign. Remember it's not going to run. And one of the worst mistakes that I've made is I was building out one of these diamond HQs and I accidentally hit it, left the budget of a hundred dollars on it, and didn't turn it off and ended up spending a bunch of money, no results, because it wasn't configured correctly and so forth. So right from the get go, just make sure to turn it off. Um, so you don't make that same mistake that I did. All right. So we have our diamond HQ. We have one image or one ad set in here called images. And let me give this page a nice refresh, just cause sometimes Facebook gets all caught up. So here we go. So we have the diamond HQ, then we have images. Now we need to create an ad set. That's going to hold our video creatives. So let's just simply duplicate this. Okay. We'll do video lips, videos. There we go. Um, and then you can publish that. Perfect. Okay. So go ahead and duplicate it one more time. And we're going to name this one, carousel for any carousel ads that we create here. So there we go. Now we can publish that. Okay. It was as simple as that. So we have the structure of our diamond HQ built out. And so when we do produce creatives for a campaigns, if we make an image ad, we can just simply store it in here. And it becomes very, very easy to manage campaigns like this. Now that we have the diamond HQ belt, we're going to build out the diamond formation, which eventually will be the campaign for cold traffic. In this lesson. We're not going to worry about targeting or finding audiences and getting everything set up to run right away. We just want to build the structure that way we have it built and it's ready to run later down the road. So let's say create, and we'll select conversions. Come down here to name your campaign. And in the campaign name, I'm going to put pondir diamond formation. In this one, you can actually go ahead and skip the ad set, which will also skip the ad. The reason being is in the upcoming lessons, I'm going to teach you how to build an advertising story, target those individuals on Facebook and align your creatives to your audiences. So we're not going to do any of this configuration here because we need to figure out what that's going to look like in the first place. So go ahead and skip your ad set. We just want the campaign structure here. So we'll turn on campaign budget optimization. Um, go ahead and just put in our budget right now. I'll, I'll talk about budgets as well in the upcoming lessons, but just put a placeholder budget that you have in mind. So there we go. Hit publish, give the page a refresh, and now you will see the pondir diamond formation if Facebook decides to load here. So I'll give it one more refresh. Um, if you ever don't see something showing up on Facebook, try to refresh two to three times. Um, and it usually does a trick for me. Okay, here we go. So we'll also turn this off for right now just to make sure there's no chance of anything accidentally turning on. Let's see. Okay. Let me give this a refresh because as you see, um, occasionally you do have these weird little bugs with Facebook. There we go. Okay. So now we have the diamond HQ and diamond formation. Now we need to build the diamond stability zone, which is going to be the retargeting campaign. So we'll hit create, come to conversions. We'll go name this campaign, pondir diamond stability zone. We can skip the ad set as well. We'll hit, continue. We'll turn on campaign, budget optimization, set of template budget. There we go and leave everything else as is and hit publish. And then we want to give it a refresh. All right, here it is. And then we want to turn it off. Boom. There we go. So. What my goal was in this lesson was first to just show you how to actually implement the knowledge that you gained from the previous lesson, the understanding of the pondir diamonds. And I feel like it's very important to understand not only the concept behind the strategy, but also what it looks like in the ad account. So in this lesson, we just built the initial structure and the initial outline of the entire pondir diamond. With these three campaigns alone, we were able to generate $1.2 million in revenue in 60 days. And the best part about this campaign set up is it's very simple. It feeds Facebook's algorithms, and it makes your life much easier versus managing a bunch of different budgets and campaigns. So moving forward, when we actually launch your ads, you're only going to have to manage two campaigns to find success with Facebook advertising. It's a great setup. And now you've successfully implemented the Potter diamond in your ad account. So let's go ahead and move into the next lessons where we're going to start building the content, the targeting, and so forth to actually implement here. I'll see you in the next lesson. In this lesson, I'm going to teach you how to build an advertising story. This is going to be the foundation for all of your marketing campaigns. It's going to make creating ads and copy extremely easy and time efficient. So with that said, let's go ahead and get into this So I'm going to show you two methods. I personally use to build my advertising stories. A big mistake that I used to make was I'd try to run Facebook as I invest money into Facebook ads without actually knowing who my target demographic were. And you might be thinking, you know, your target demographic, but do you know all of their problems, all of the other solutions they've tried, um, anything that's blocking them from achieving their goals, their desires, their emotions, knowing all of those are going to make you a very effective, direct response advertiser. And I have two methods for you here. One, we'll be using a tool called Miro, N I R O you can Google it. They have a free version and you can follow along step-by-step here. And then the second one is called my StoryBrand, which once again is a completely free tool. Um, and I believe it was created by Donald Miller. So, um, I want to give credit where credit is due. It is a phenomenal tool. So I'm going to show you these two methods. I personally use both of these methods before I start any campaign. Now I've done each of these 50 times now, and I recommend you do the same. Um, you don't have to, you can do one or the other, but in no way, do I recommend going into a Facebook ads campaign without doing one of these, at least one of these preferably both beforehand. So let's go ahead and start, start out with a method. Number one, which is Miro. So this board, this template here, I will share a link where you can actually open this up and copy it and then make. On your own time. That way you don't have to build it out. Step-by-step so when I zoom out here, you might, I feel like this looks extremely complicated, but it is a actually very simple. So I'm going to go ahead and go through this step-by-step and show you how this entire mind map was built out. But first, I guess I should give you a bit of a teaser and show you what's possible. So let's say that I was advertising a solution for dog's anxiety. So to put context behind this, we, uh, we had, uh, our floors redundant, our condo. We had to live in a hotel for a couple of weeks in downtown Chicago, and our dog did not do well with it, the cars, the people, the noises. So we face the problem of dog anxiety and it made me wonder, can I actually build one of these out for a dog anxiety product, um, in what happened really surprised me and really proved once again, that this is incredibly powerful. So once this is done, I just want to give you a sneak preview here, watch this. Let's say that I want to run a Facebook ads campaign for a canine anxiety speaker. So, so it'd be a little speaker that you put near the crate that plays at classical music and helps them with loud noises and so forth. So if I wanted a, to create a campaign, I could then come in here and now watch this, I could say, is your environment, cars, bicycles, and people causing your dog to have anxiety? Is that anxiety resulting in destructive behavior or excessive barking? Maybe you've already tried some solutions such as training, anxiety, medication, and pheromones. Uh, but what you realize is that it's not one size fits all. Well, here we have a new solution for you, a canine anxiety speaker, and then go into the breakdown, but see how easy it was. I literally just went step by step and I was able to build a whole entire marketing angle that I could presumably presumably use for a Facebook advertising campaign is your dog's stomach health causing anxiety resulting in drooling, panting, aggression, so forth. Maybe you've already tried. So you can see, you can really piece these different angles together. And not only that, but now I understand the core causes of dog anxiety, being the environment, separation health, the nice causes being. If you're in separation, family member changing the schedule of the dog, changing different guardian environment, cars, people snobby really, really have the details of what is causing anxiety. And so now this puts me in my potential customers' shoes. And then I understand the result of this problem, aggression, urinating, drooling, panting, destructive behavior, depression, excessive barking, pacing, restlessness, compulsive behavior, so I can get really detailed. Um, and then I also know what are the likely solutions that my consumer has potentially tried. Well, here they are. What are those price points? What are the pros? What are the cons? I know everything about that, not everything, but I know a very good amount about this market. Just with the simple mind map. This took me a, this specific one, took me about an hour and a half to build, and you can actually watch me build this step-by-step and the coaching call replays, where I talk about building a brand mind map. So if you want to watch that full breakdown with a live Q and a there's people, actually a students actually watching on the call, asking questions, go ahead and go to the coaching section to pondir the coaching vault. And you'll find this lesson there, but all you need to do is first identify the problem and you might be wondering, well, what if my product doesn't have a problem? I can almost guarantee that it does. I've never found a product, a brand or a service that doesn't solve a problem. And you might be thinking like, what if I sell artwork? Well, what about people that are looking for art? Because their walls are bare or they want a, they want something to inspire them, or they want something to impress their guests. Those are problems that artwork solves. There's always a reason that someone is buying a product or a service. And that's essentially what I define as the problem. So the first thing that you want to do is simply just state your problem here, and now we want to work backwards. So now we want to start by looking at the high level causes. So if this was, um, uh, let's say like low energy levels, I'm just thinking of a product I have right next to me. So let's say that a problem is low energy levels. Well, what is a high level because of this, um, lack of sleep, um, stress, anxiety, um, health, well, what are, okay, so then you would put, so that's what you would do here. You would put, um, health that's sleep, stress, and then you would start to break down the niche causes. So let's get more specific, um, uh, maybe like a gas Stratus, which is a stomach condition or, um, low, uh, I don't know too many health ones, so we'll skip that one, but bad sleep. Um, maybe it's loud, loud noises outside. Maybe your schedule changes so forth. So you want to list out all of the niche reasons for these right here. So your niche causes, once you do that, you'll then see how that all feeds into the effect, the problem. So maybe someone, if it's art, maybe they moved, uh, maybe they went through a breakup, whatever it might be. It leads into the problem after this, the problem you want to list the symptoms, what are the symptoms of that effect? So here for the dog, anxiety speaker, uh, you know, aggression, urinating, so forth. Maybe if, if we did have the low energy levels, that would be, um, bad grades, um, low work performance. Relationship issues so forth. So you want to list out what are the results, what are the, what's the symptoms of having this problem? Once you list out all of your symptoms, next, what you want to do is start listing out existing solutions, because you want to find a way to differ, differentiate your advertising story and your product and your service from your competitors. So you want to understand what are the solutions that people have most likely already tried. So here, um, training, anxiety, medications, so forth, if we're still using the low energy level example, uh, maybe they've tried like supplements, oops supplements. Maybe they tried, uh, energy drinks. Maybe they've tried a new pillow, whatever it might be, um, list out solutions. And now you want to break down those solutions into specific products. So like if I listed supplements, what I would do is I would go onto Google, go onto Amazon. We'll just click this, actually opened this up here. Um, so for example, online dog training classes, and you just want to get some, get an idea. You can click on the shopping tab of some of the products out there. You can tell that this is probably a good seller based on the amount of, uh, she reviews it has. So you can do some investigation just simply. Whoops, we'll get into that one next, but simply, uh, just post it here. That way you can come back to this and quickly look, and then take some simple notes, some more high-level notes on the product details. So for example, what's your average online training class, about a hundred dollars. Um, and what you'll see is that any ones that have a red line at this level here mean it's a negative. So a hundred dollars being kind of expensive. Um, you must be an expert to build this type of online training class products, so forth. So list out some details, some negatives, some pros that your consumers feel about these products and the way that you can do that is so pheromone collar. If we go to shopping, um, Amazon works wonderful for this too, but let's look at this one so you can see three-star reviews. Let's go read the reviews. Let's look at where did it go? Oh, here we go. Let's look at the one-star reviews. I bought this thinking that it would help didn't help. Um, so go through and understand, just put yourself in the consumer's shoes. Why, what are the downsides of this? What are the pros? What do people love about it? What do they don't like? And list that out for each product. And by doing this, you're going to have a full understanding of your consumer. You're going to have a bunch of various marketing angles that you can take. You're going to understand what's the typical way someone is advertising on Facebook. Um, what are their marketing angles? That way you can differentiate. And by doing this, you're going to have a, uh, incredible understanding. Other competitors advertising, most likely don't have. So this is method number one, and I absolutely love this method. It's a bit time consuming, hour and a half, two hours, maybe for the first one you do set aside three hours to do it. Dude, do it over the course of two days. I don't recommend putting it off any longer because you get sidetracked and coming back to it, just do it in a preferably one sitting, but max two sittings and knock this out. This is a amazing way to do it. And I do this for every single marketing campaign. That's been highly successful in the past year now. So highly recommend doing this. So this is method number one with mural. So let's go ahead and hop over to method. Number two. So what you'll want to do is go to my storybrand.com and create an account. When you create an account, you're going to have a centrally a blank. So we'll just create this pondir course. You're going to have a blank template just like this one. And what you're going to see is different. Let's call them like notepads. So a character, a problem meets a guide who gives them a plan so forth. And I actually have this book sitting right here. So this book is called building a StoryBrand. It's actually by the same guy. Um, yeah, Donald Miller, the same guy that created this website. And I do highly recommend this. I think it's $11 and you'll be able to go through it. It's a quick read. And it's one of those reads where you can follow along. Step-by-step in correlation with this. So each chapter actually aligns with one of these sections right here. So if you don't have the book, you don't necessarily need it. I'm going to show you one of my examples, but I'll also put a link to this book on Amazon. So you're going to go through and you're actually going to follow a go through step-by-step. So you're gonna define a character. You can see right here. It says, what are your customers want as it relates to your product or service, you're going to define the problem. Is there a root cause so forth? So go through these step-by-step once again, this is probably going to also take you an hour and a half to do one an hour if you're speeding through it. But once again, really take time to make sure this, this sounds perfect. So I'm going to show you the one that I built out for pondir and maybe, um, you'll see that you do fit the character profile of the one that I built out for this pondir software here, as you are using the platform. So let's go ahead and take a look at what I built out for the advertising campaign for pondir software. So my character, what does the ideal character of pondir software want? What do they look like? Well, what do they want? They want to create successful Facebook ads in seconds, create high-performance Facebook ads in seconds, Facebook ads that work without the hard work. Um, and these, these are essentially slogans. These are like the one-liners that really define the brands. And, uh, once again, this book will teach you how to do that in a relatively easy way. Um, but if you don't have the book once, can you don't need it. You can just get an idea here. So, um, another example would be. I think in the book, actually, let me go ahead and open up this chapter here. One of the examples in this book is for a financial advisor and their character is a plan for your retirement. Um, one other one is, uh, for a bookstore, a story to get lost in what does the character want? Well, they want to get lost in the story, a story to get lost in. And so it's really defining that slogan, that one line mission statement that really resonates with your character. So here maybe create successful Facebook ads and seconds aligns with you. Maybe that's what your whole goal with pondir was. So let's go down to problems and take a look at some of the problems that you might face. So the villain, when it comes to Facebook advertising, in my opinion is complexity. It is tough to navigate. If you're a beginner, it's tough to understand data it's complicated. And so what is, and if you delete, you can kind of see what is a problem in customers deal with as it relates to your product or service, inability to profit from Facebook ads. So the complex, the complications of Facebook ads results in an inability to profit and run profitable or successful Facebook advertising campaigns. So this part, how is this villain? So you're defining the villain is complexity. How does it make you feel discouraged? That was the one that I felt made. I almost quit Facebook advertising so many different times before I really cracked that code. Um, and I'm sure if you try to launch campaigns or get into Facebook ads without a guide, you probably felt this discouragement as well. So here's the philosophical, why is it just plain wrong for your customers to be burdened by this problem? Um, well, I shouldn't have to be an expert in multiple professions to succeed with Facebook advertising. You shouldn't have to know copywriting. You shouldn't have to know creative design. Shouldn't have to know conversion rate optimization should not have to know media buying. You shouldn't have to know bid strategy. You shouldn't have to be an expert in multiple professions. Um, I shouldn't have to spend thousands of dollars to get the assets I need for Facebook ads. If you, if you aren't a expert in multiple professions, then you have to go hire someone to write the copy, to do the media buying, and you're going to have spending thousands of dollars. So this is the philosophical angle that I defined here for pondir next, um, empathy. So it meets a guide. So this was the, uh, empathy one. What brief statement can you make that expresses empathy and understanding like you, we are frustrated with extensive time and capital. It takes to run a successful Facebook advertising campaign and then all authority. So you want to demonstrate the exact reason that they should trust you and that you can guide them. So for us, um, we've 75,000 plus sales foster for over 50 brands in 21 plus industries with Potter Facebook advertising campaigns. So that's really, that's what we've done. And that really builds authority that we actually know what we're talking about. So here's the plan, um, on the homepage, you could actually see this, if you go to Potter's homepage, depending on if we updated it. But so the process started trial. Um, describe your office. Being the product, the brand, and then boom Potter will create successful Facebook ads in seconds in our agreements. So agreement list agreements you can make with your customers, alleviate their fears of doing business with you. So pondir's promise is that we'll guide you step-by-step will save you time and money and will become your Facebook ads. Sidekick called to action start trial by now. So forth, simple one, transitional. Um, so this what transitional call to action will use to on-ramp customers. So basically if they're not ready to buy yet or sign up for your service, um, what will you give, save them? That's a separate call to action. So for us, it was watch how, and then insert a brand name transforms or Facebook ads in 60 seconds. So for this example, we worked with a brand and we actually did a live demo of how pondir transfer form their advertising in less than 60 seconds. So instead of a buy now, it was a watch now called action. All right. Um, so that ends in success. So this, I don't know if I can delete all these. Hmm. So basically what is the result of the guide and calling them to action. So smile and enjoy being the hero of your next Facebook advertising campaign with pondir as your sidekick turned five days of work in a five minutes of excitement, as you watch pondir, do the hard work for you so forth, then we have that helps, uh, helps them avoid failure, losing a hundred percent of your investment in Facebook advertising. It looks like this was duplicated overpriced freelancers and agencies that don't care about your brand being passed by competition years of frustration, trying to become an expert in multiple professions. And then finally the character transformation. So how is your customer feeling about themselves before they use the product? And then afterwards? So before pondir, a lot of people felt confused and ill-equipped to really tackle Facebook ads and then after competent and prepared with an artillery of assets. So this is, uh, building a StoryBrand. So the book building a StoryBrand, this is my brand scripts. This is completely free to use. And this is once again, incredibly powerful. Once you do this, you can actually just take this, um, use it for advertising campaigns, like use this as a headline, create successful Facebook ads in seconds, you can update your website with it, you understand your customers. So once again, it's really building that advertising story. The story of being confused and ill-equipped to run Facebook ads, to becoming competent, prepared with an artillery of assets, um, in 60 seconds. So the, that that is method. Number two, um, both of these in tandem is extremely powerful. You're going to be way ahead of your competition. If you do both of these and I cannot recommend it enough. So this is building an advertising story. Once you complete this, then move on to the next lessons. Do not move on to the next lesson without doing these because the next lessons are going to use these assets in correlation with pondir to start producing some crazy Facebook ad creatives for your campaigns. I'll see in the next lesson, toxin. Have your advertising story assets created it's time for me to show you how I create high converting Facebook advertising copy when it comes to Facebook ads. In my opinion, the copy itself is the second most important aspect of a successful campaign with the first being the creative, which we'll get into in a later lesson. Now that you have your advertising story assets in the form of the mural board or the, my StoryBrand go ahead and pull those up and let's get right into it for the last seven months. Um, longer, depending on when you're watching this, I have not written a single line of copy for my most successful Facebook advertising campaigns. And you're probably thinking, oh, did you hire an agency or a copywriters while we did? But we hired a team of very expensive and very, very talented copywriters to actually train pondirs AI copywriting models. So what I'm going to show you in this lesson is how you can take the advertising story assets that you created in the previous lesson, plug it into pondirs AI, and it will write all of your copywriting for you in a very highly optimized in a high performance manner. So with that said, go ahead and open up the mural board that you created or the, uh, my StoryBrand board that you created, preferably both just so you have as many assets as possible. So what I want you to do is find the line that really acts as an elevator pitch for your brand. So what does the elevator pitch picture like this? You're on an elevator with someone, a potential investor in your company, and you have less than 15 seconds to pitch them on your brand. So you have to figure out how to explain what your brand or your product is, what it does and who it's for, and then why they should invest in it. In a matter of 10 to 15 seconds, basically one sentence. I want you to look at your storyboard and pick the key line or two lines in here that really summarize your elevator pitch. And if you don't find one piece something together for me, um, and for pondir, it's create successful Facebook ads in seconds. That's if I was on an elevator and I had to pitch an investor, I would say we have AI tools that allow Facebook advertisers create successful Facebook ads in seconds. That's basically how I would sum it up. So figure out what your elevator pitch is. And go ahead and copy that. So I'm just going to copy mine right here, and I'm going to go back over to pondir. So log into your pondir account and come to fusion. So fusion is our AI copywriting tool. That's going to write incredibly powerful copy for you. In a matter of seconds, this is going to save you thousands of dollars to hire an equivalent copywriting team to do this for you. It would be four to $5,000 per month. You're going to have this done for you in a matter of seconds. So check this out over here. On the left hand column, we have, um, placement. So you'll see Facebook primary text, which is right above your ad. Then you have Facebook headline, which is right below the creative and then below the headline is the Facebook link description. So we can actually create all of these different placements, save it to our account. And then that way, when we go to a launch our campaign here in the upcoming lessons, we can just copy it in and have it done for us. So here's how to use this tool. Go ahead and enter in your product, your brand name. So if you're debating, whether you should use a specific product name or just the overall name of your brand, ask yourself what type of campaign you're going to run. Is it a broad campaign? For example, the campaign that I'm going to run here for pondir is a broad brand campaign. I want people to learn about pondir, to consider starting a trial or signing up. Um, whereas if I was specifically advertising the fusion tool, I would say pondir fusion, because that's going to be what my campaigns based around, but I'm going broad. I want to encompass entire ecosystem of pondir in this campaign. So I'm just going to use the brand name here. Okay. Next you're going to want to enter a product description or a brand description. Basically. This is where your elevator pitch goes. So within one sentence, how are you going to pitch the viewer on Facebook to potentially try your product, your brand, your service. So here we'll paste in the advertising story asset, the elevator pitch that we grabbed, so create successful Facebook ads in seconds. And just to help the AI model really understand, we're going to say helps Facebook advertisers create successful Facebook ads in seconds. And then we can even add onto that. So AI tools that, and then removed plural from here. So AI tools that help Facebook advertisers create successful Facebook ads in seconds. So here's my elevator pitch. Perfect. Here, you're going to enter in your domain name and maybe you're preparing for, uh, a website launch or product launch. You don't have a domain yet. All you need to do is just simply enter in a hashtag here. And, uh, it will validate it that way too. But if you do have a domain, I highly recommend doing it because it allows our AI to actually go scan the website, learn about your brands. And that way we can produce very highly effective and in a copy that represents your brand voice. Okay. So go ahead and hit, create, give it around 10 to 20 seconds on average. And the AI will actually go learn about your brand, your brand voice, and create some content for ads. So here we go. Let's check this out. We know that Facebook advertise wants to make money on their ads. And we also know that you're not a professional when it comes to creating successful Facebook ads, regardless of your experience, pondir can help. We use AI technology to help you optimize your ads, find the right audience for them and show you how to create more clicks and generate more sales, so forth. pondir is the first artificial intelligence ad technology that helps Facebook advertisers create successful Facebook ads in seconds. pondir uses advanced algorithms to produce highly relevant ads, leading to higher conversion rates and more sales for you so forth. So you can see phenomenal copy in a matter of seconds. And here's how you can make modifications on the go. So let's go ahead and, and take a look. Let's just say, I want to format this variation a little bit more, so I want to add, let's add a line so you can click in here and edit directly in here. Um, so I'm going to do pointing down. So I want to do the pointing down emoji. Boom. There we go. That looks good. We're looking at our, this of your experience. pondir can help and then I'm going to put, uh, I want to do handshake. All right. And then I'm just going to copy the check and then I want to just add a simple call to action here. So quick learn more to get started with pondir today. All right, perfect. So now let's say that I'm extremely happy with this version of copy, but I'm not quite yet ready to implement it in my advert advertising campaign. So all I'll do is I'll click save and then whenever you want to go access that again, and let's just save this one as well. I really like this one. Um, you can click on saved items and you're going to find all of the variations of copy and the format in the saved section. So you can come in here and then you can click on this copy button and you'll see when I paste now. So it copies all of the texts. So that way you can click generate, generate a ton of variations that you love, then just simply copy it, paste it in your ad account. You're good to go. You're going to save hours and hours and thousands of dollars because you will no longer have to use a professional copywriter or learn how to do copywriting yourself. So let's go back over to the tool itself and let's create a problem solution, um, format. So problem solution is basically when the AI, uh, let me think of an example here. So, uh, let's say I was advertising this iPhone. So a problem for a user would be not being able to contact friends and family. Obviously that's an odd problem to have, or actually, maybe this, maybe you have a, maybe you, maybe you're trying to hang something on the wall and you don't have a drill. So the problem is, um, are you tired of being unable to hang art on your walls? Boom, the solution is the drill once again, random example, but I had this sitting on my desk, so let's go ahead and switch it up. Um, I'm going to use athletic greens just to show the flexibility of this tool to create a problem with solution had. So for you, you can go back to your StoryBrand. Um, you can switch up your elevator pitch if you want to. You don't have to. Um, if you do switch up your elevator pitch though, it will change the tone of the copy. Um, so let's go ahead and go to athletic greens. So let's just go here. All right. So I'm just going to take their elevator pitch, the daily drink for a healthier view. There we go. Now I'm going to go back to pondir. I'm going to type in ETH letic greens. Um, this elevator pitch is a bit too long, so let's do we'll just cut it off here. We'll just do the daily drink for a healthier you 75 super foods, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Okay. Perfect. Elevator pitch done. Now we're going to enter in the website, which is athletic greens.com. Don't want a space there. Okay. And now we're going to create a problem and solution ad. So let's give this a second to generate the copy for us. And so this button is dynamic. So when it's empty, you're not going to be able to create copy until it refills here. Here we go. So now it creates a pain agitate and solution format. So lacking the nutrients you need to live a healthy lifestyle. Athletic greens provide all of the essentials for an optimal diet solution. Our supplements are made with only plant-based ingredients we offer variety of is perfect for every lifestyle. Whether you're looking to lose weight, manage diabetes, get healthier from head to toe. Our products are designed to enhance your wellbeing. Um, so here's another one pain blending, healthy, nutritious foods into your diet can be a challenge. Agitate three out of four Americans are deficient in key nutrients, which may lead to serious health problems like chronic fatigue, depression, poor immune function, and more solution. Athletic greens provides a re a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and probiotics to allow you to get the, all of the essential macro nutrients for optimal wellness. It also includes antioxidants from whole food sources that protect against stressors on the body, such as pollution or heavy metals. Great form of problem solution. Copy. So once again, I'm going to save this. I'm just an example. Obviously I don't own athletic greens, but I love this copy. So going to save it. And then in the future, if I'm running ads, if our agencies running ads for a supplement client, that's resembles the same type of, um, problems, solution. We can then go in there, simply switch out some of the content and boom, we're ready to rock and roll. So problem and solution is a phenomenal format of copywriting, um, especially for Facebook ads. The one thing that I do want to note about problem solution specifically with health-related products is you do have to be careful, for example, uh, mentioning, like manage your diabetes. This is a personal attribute which Facebook will reject your ad for. So if you say your diabetes or your depression or your anxiety, that's basically, um, that's a, that's basically using personal attributes in average and Facebook ads, which is not allowed. You can not say your, uh, you could say though, whether you're looking, um, whether someone is looking to lose weight, manage their diabetes so forth, um, but you never want to be like your. And this will provide the solution because that is against Facebook policy. So that's one thing I wanted to note. And part of the reason I use the, a supplement company as I've run ads for supplements and CBD and it's tricky, but I've learned all of the, um, the range of policies around it and how to stay in Facebook's good light. So I figured, I would mention it mentioned that here, so let's go ahead and move down to before and after. And we're going to go ahead and switch this up once again. So let's think of another popular brands. Um, one that I see everywhere right now is brumate so we will use brumate and here's their elevator pitch never waste. Another drop gone are the days of warm beers in flat seltzers. So let's just copy this in. There we go. We'll go back to pondir and then we'll put brumate. And so remember you can, the elevator pitch should be less than a hundred symbols. Um, this is optimal because it gives the AI a wide range of flexibility. Um, so try to be very straight to the point specific and state what the product is, what the product does and who it's for in the matter of one sentence. So we'll say, um, on helps. There we go. Um, is that still too long? Yeah, a bit too long. Uh, there we go. Perfect. We're going to change a website here. brumate.com and we will hit create so before and after is going to use a similar format. So you're going to see the three, uh, the structures of before after, and it's going to bridge into offering the product. Um, so here we go. Here's one, I enjoy your favorite drinks without the warm beverages, ruining the taste, keep your favorite drinks, cold up to 24 hours, so forth. Um, so I want to show you, I want to be a bit more specific with my elevator pitch because I didn't state what the product is. Right. I stay what it does. Um, but I didn't state what it, um, what it is. So, um, let's go back to brumate and I'm trying to think what you would call this a bottle cooler, uh, choose that bottle of coolers that help keep all of your favorite drinks, perfectly children. There we go. Um, okay, this is good. Uh, oh yeah, we want before and after there we go. So just take, create, so I just kind of altered it. So that way the AI also knows what the product is and this should help get a bit more specific. Perfect. Before, does your drink ever get too warm before you. After keeps drinks cold for hours and no ice required. Brumate is a smart bottle that allows users to enjoy the favorite beverages at the perfect temperature until the last drop, our innovative cooling technology use patent pending phase change material to keep liquids chilled to just under zero degrees Celsius. So they stay refreshing and cool and crisp press. There's no need for ice refrigeration. Very good. Um, the heat is out of control. I like this one for summer. So the heat is out of control. You're not about to let it the summer heat ruin your day. Keep it cool with brumate. These innovative bottle coolers are designed to keep your water, wine, and coffee at just the right temperature until you finished drinking them. So instead of coffee, I'm just going to say seltzer cause that's a popular one right now. All right. And I'm going to say that, cause I really liked this version of copy. So you can see the before, after a promised solution in the standard formats, whoops, should be used in correlation with one another. They each perform very, very well and I recommend testing and creating variations of each. So that way, when it comes time to launch your campaigns, we can start to test these different formats to see what resonates best with your audience. Let's go ahead and create a couple of Facebook ad headlines now. So I'm going to go back to using, um, pondir. So I'm going to turn pondir how's Facebook advertisers create successful Facebook ads in seconds with artificial technology, pondir.com. Okay. So right below your creative on Facebook is your headline. So here we go. pondirous, Facebook advertising simplified pondir.com. Um, surprisingly, if you've never tested a Facebook ad headlines, a lot of times just using the URL like this or the brand name works well. So I'm happy to AI generated this version that we have Potter helps Facebook advertisers. Okay. So then it used the elevator pitch. There let's go ahead and create one more. There we go. Automated Facebook ads for a human experience. pondir Facebook advertising simplified build a Facebook ad in 60 seconds. I love this one here. Uh, let me do one more here. There we go. pondir it to the power of Facebook ads, Facebook ads in seconds. I like this Facebook ads simplified. Um, I'm going to say, ah, I don't know if I like the quotes on this, but I do like this overall slogan here, this headline. All right, there we go. So I'm going to say that one as well. So then if we go back here, you'll see that boom. Now we have all of these variations here. All right. So let's go ahead and create some link descriptions now. So for this, let's say that I wanted to create a product specific version. So I'm going to do pondir fusion, which is the tool we're using right now. So we're going to say AI copywriting tool that helps Facebook advertisers write high converting ad copy. I don't have a separate landing page. I'm just going to use the homepage and we'll hit create. There we go. pondir is the first copywriting AI that can write ads for marketers. I like that a lot. Increase your Facebook ad conversion rate with pondir fusion. Love it. And then pondir is a world's first AI copywriting tool. Boom. So we're going to save those just so I have some link descriptions. I mean, all of these, these three were phenomenal. I don't really need to create any additional, but feel free to change up the pitch a bit. So let's say AI copywriting two. I'm trying to think, let's say, uh, AI copywriting, I'll show you how I can kind of tweak the elevator pitch to really get a different result. So let's say I have I'm part of my audience for pondir is brand owners that have used agencies and are tired of paying expensive agency fees. And they're also, they don't want to do it in themselves, so that lets business owners replace expensive agent, see fees. Let's see what we get here. We'll do the copywriting for you, boost your Facebook and Instagram engagement with our copywriting service, let's say, and then boom, there we go. pondir fusion, automated copywriting for the 21st century. Love it. Um, okay, so we're good on link description. So just generate some variations for each of these placements and that way, when it comes time to launch your campaign, you're actually going to have the ability to just pull this copy in next. I want to show you this tool right here, and this will most likely look a bit different by the time you're using it. It's going to be much more feature fledged, but this one really excites me because in the future to give you a sneak peek and maybe it's already available by the time we're using this, but you're actually going to be able to produce a creative on the spot for your advertising campaign. But up until that point, I wanted to build something really because it's, it was a problem that I faced. I'm a visual learner. And so when I am doing copywriting or degenerating copy results, um, I want to be able to see what it would look like on Facebook ads without actually having to go to Facebook ads and set everything up. I want to see on demand this tool right here, brainwave will allow you to do that and really visualize what it will look like on Facebook. So let's go ahead and for this one, we're going to generate some copy for pondir brainwave. Why not? So we'll do prom pondir. Brainwave is a AI, um, copywriting. We'll just say copywriting tool. And I'm going to change the elevator pitch that too, to create high performance, Facebook ads, copywriting. There we go. Okay. And so down here we have this button, you'll see, it says auto-generate all add contents. So basically this tool allows you to generate each one of these separately and see it in the same format. As you would on Facebook. So to get started, we'll just go ahead and generate all that contents. Boom. There we go. So Panera brainwave is the first AI copywriting tool that allows us to create high-performance Facebook ads with pondir. You can automatically generate ad content in any language, increase CTR with our unique emotional intelligence engine. Pretty cool. Now we have the headline punter brainwave. We'll write a high performance, Facebook ads copywriting for you, and then the link description. But let's say that I didn't, I don't really like this headline. It's a bit too long for me. And I just want to see what other options I have and what other options would look like. So here I can come over to primary and I'll click this, uh, that I clicked primary. I meant to say heading. So we're going to click heading, but you'll see that now, uh, the primary text actually updated we'll click heading and you'll see the heading will not actually update your ads will never be the same. That's pretty good. Um, and let's switch up the description here. There we go. Uh, one more time on the heading. I want something a bit different. I really like this one. Um, and let's do the primary texts one last time here. There we go. Okay, cool. So now let's say that you've generated some variations and you love this one. You're like, this is, this is the one this resonates. The format just looks good when you scan from top to bottom, it just feels right. Makes you want to click and makes you want to buy. You can hit save. And now what you can do is if you come up to your profile here, you can come down to my advertisements. And when you click on this, you're going to find all of the various ad formats that you've created. So you can see here's one for athletic greens. I did the other day Fiverr and so forth. So that's how to access all of your saved brainwave advertisements. This tool is wonderful for visual learners and it gives us a very easy way in instant way to get feedback, um, through seeing what it's going to look like on someone's phone or someone's computer. And this has been extremely powerful for me, uh, just to come in here and create new variations and just have that, that gut feeling yet. This is it. And then when I duplicate it into Facebook, they almost always, uh, resonate in correlate to what I expected them to do. So this tool has been phenomenal. Once again, it might look a bit different because we do have a ton of features planned for this tool. Um, and so stay tuned for those. So with that said, that really sums up how you can create high-performance high converting Facebook advertising copy using artificial intelligence, train models with a few clicks of the button in a few seconds. So get your copy ready, spend some time, have some fun using these tools, explore some elevator pitches, go in here. Um, try to use different aspects of the advertising story that you, uh, you built. So for example, let's do it. Just one more example over overpriced freelancers and agencies that don't care about the brand. So pondir will do AI tools that help Facebook advertisers avoid overpriced freelancers agencies, so forth, um, a bit too long. Let's just do helps Facebook. There we go. So let's see, uh, how this elevator pitch now works to an audience of brand owners who are just fed up with the expensive agencies. There we go. Do you want to work with the Facebook team, et cetera? Do you want avoid wasting time and money on overpriced freelancers who don't care about your business? pondir helps advertise create launch and track Facebook ads without a degree in computer science with pondir, you can so forth, so forth, so forth. So as you can see, change up the elevator pitch, think about the advertising story that you created. So if you know, by the time that you create this mural board or my brand story, you're going to know who your target demographic is, hone in to the problems. Imagine. Um, so in the mural board that I had shown you in the previous lesson for the dog anxiety speaker, I had mentioned there was a couple solutions that people tried. Um, and one of the main problems is, uh, dogs with bad behavior because of their anxiety. So imagine that you were on an elevator with someone that had a dog with anxiety in a result, in a bad behavior, use that elevator pitch, you would say to them in the place of a place right here, and you're going to get a very highly optimized version of copy for that specific person. And what you're going to find is that by aligning these versions of copy with specific audiences, your results are going to improve dramatically. This is one of the reasons that we've been able to generate millions of dollars in 30, 60 days because we align our copy to our target demographic and we outperform competition. So have fun with this. This is such a fun tool to have extremely professional copywriting done for you in a matter of seconds, um, create some variations, save them and get ready because the next lessons are going to get even more fun. Stay tuned in this lesson, you're going to learn how we produce Facebook ad creatives that generate millions of dollars every single month for our personal brands and for our agency clients, there is a formula to it. And I'm going to break that down for you here in this lesson. the thing that I want to note right from the start is that this has been updated after iOS 14.5. I actually redid the entire last half of this course, um, after iOS 14.5 came out because it was such a substantial impact to the day-to-day, um, strategies of the general advertise. And so in this lesson you are going to learn. Um, and I shouldn't say just this lesson, but all of these lessons, you are learning post iOS 14.5, um, strategies. So you are going to be ahead of any of your advertising competition that is not using post iOS 14.5 strategies. If you're not familiar with iOS 14.5, I'd recommend doing a Google search on it. Um, just Google iOS 14 with Facebook ads, do some reading and you're gonna see it's a substantial impact, a detrimental impact to the general Facebook advertising strategy. The reason being is iOS 14.5 blocks. The Facebook pixel from sharing data on users. Facebook does have a way around this, um, to some extent in the form of the conversions API. So basically the way that Facebook can block tracking is because the Facebook pixel is fired on a client device, client browser being a web browser. And so, uh, iOS 14.5 almost acts as a plugin that blocks the data from being shared back to Facebook. Facebook released the conversions API, which sent the data through the server, which means iOS 14.5 cannot block it. The thing is, is it's not installed everywhere. It's not fully accurate. And everyone is seeing, um, in our accounts, as of today, we are seeing anywhere from 15 to 20% of our data missing just in general. And so moving forward, Facebook ad creatives are the single biggest impact to a successful Facebook advertising campaign, hands down, Facebook ad hacks and all these different targeting hacks are out of the window, double down on your creatives, if you want to see massive results. So in this lesson, I'm going to show you the formula that we use here at pondir to generate those results for our brands. So let's go ahead and get into this. So there's a major problem. And if you haven't started advertising your shirt, run into this, you're going to run into the point where you're unsure of what type of creatives you need to generate results and or maybe your ads that you launched just aren't working. And you don't know why here's the solution planning creatives around the pondir diamond that you learned in the previous lesson, um, and that you structured in one of the previous lessons. So the pondir diamond formation, which is our cold traffic campaign. Remember these are people that have never heard of our product, our brand, or our service prior to this first ad. They're going to see in this campaign, creatives should be utilizing what I call the three E's engage, entertain, and educate by using the three E's you're going to align with Facebook's top recommendations for successful ad. Um, in one thing to note as well is the more that you, um, are in Facebook's good standings, more that Facebook likes the creative that you're showing on their play. The lower your costs are going to be, and the more results you're going to see. So these are the three E's engage being, use a scroll, stopping thumbnail, a scroll, stopping a video clip at the start. Very good. Copy. A good headline. Basically getting people to engage with the ad in the form of stopping the scroll, hitting like, and sharing it. Then you want to entertain entertainment in the form of teaching them something new, which is also educating. I'll touch on that here, but entertaining in the form of something new, bringing out a positive emotions, you want to try to stray away from any negative emotion. So for example, I'm back to that athletic greens reference in the last lesson, if you were talking about a negative health connotation, Facebook does not like negative sentiment in their ads. Think about it. They don't want their users on happy while on their platforms. They want their users to open up the platform and have a feeling that they're going to see something that makes them smile. So by entertaining, in a positive, um, positive way, you're also going to align with Facebook's recommendations, references. So entertain and the educate. If you can teach someone something new, you bring value to their lives, and they're more likely to then bring value into your business through the form of a lead or a purchase. And so the pondir diamond formation being your cold traffic, the first time you should meet someone should focus on the three. E's not necessarily selling. Of course, it's great generate cold traffic sales, but once again, with less and less data, it's much more difficult. So when you first meet someone and think about when you meet someone in person, you're not going to ask them to buy something or do something right away, you're going to engage with them. You're going to learn about them. You might teach them something new. Um, you might entertain them and that's what you want to do with this advertising campaign here. So the diamond formation use the three E's. Here are some examples to foster some inspiration ideas for your diamond formation creatives. And if you're thinking, um, first I don't know how to actually get creatives made. I don't really know where to start. I don't know what should be in them. We're going to cover all of that in this lesson here. So stick around throughout the whole lesson, and you're going to have all the answers to your questions, but just follow along for right now, as I want to show you some examples to kind of kickstart that brainstorming process. So first you'll notice over here on the left-hand side, this company called chili sleep. So let's read through this and see how they utilize the three E's. I want to note there are there's one ad in this bunch that does not do a good job at the three E's. So I want you to see if you can pinpoint that here in a second, but first let's take a look at this first line here, your dream start here with our ultimate hack to great sleep. That is a phenomenal engaging scroll, stopping first line, the ultimate hack. Think about the magazines at newsstands that say like the top seven ways to do X and achieve Y or, um, this mind blowing tip is going to change your life keywords like, um, these buzzwords, like ultimate. Uh, in correlation with a benefit like ultimate hack to great sleep, phenomenal way to scroll, stop with copy. So right away engaging the next thing that they're also promising the user is that they're going to learn something because they say your dreams start here with our ultimate hack to great sleep, the ultimate hack to great sleep. I'd love to learn that. So now they're going to teach something as well. So they do a really good job right there and then entertain. So I'm actually not able to click on this ad right here, but I'll show you how to use the ads library, where you can actually go and explore all of chili sleeps ad and see this one. And what you're going to see is it's very entertaining, very fun, very upbeat, not salesy. Um, but it does correlate that product and sorry, um, teach people the ultimate hack to great sleep. So three E's. So here we are on wise three of this one pre-order wise home monitoring for just 4 99 per month and get the core car starter kit for free. Don't miss out on this great deal. What's important to you, 24 7 professional home monitoring. This is the one that is not a good ad, not engaging, um, besides like what's important to you, but when you see tools, if I'm not interested in building or working on cars or construction, I'm immediately not going to resonate with this because especially when I see pre-order wise, they're trying to sell right from the start. This is not engaging and it's not educating. It's just selling. This might work well later down in their funnel, which is actually where they had it. So I'm assuming it was converting. Once someone, you know, was in the diamond stability zone, but this is not a good cold traffic ad. Let's go onto this one. So the anti creamer coffee, very good job of engaging. Um, and then it is somewhat entertaining for being an image. So one thing that you're gonna find is that image creatives can actually work very well for the three E's. The reason it's entertaining is because when you see the, this poor of coffee, it evokes emotion specifically. I am an avid coffee drinker. When I see something that looks this refreshing kind of makes my mouth water. And then I see the anti creamer coffee engaging and then boom, new coffee, no creamer needed. Discover one of the lowest acid coffees available and enjoy coffee once again. So not only is it entertaining and engaging me, but I'm then if I click this button, I'm going to learn about this low acid coffee that doesn't need cream. So I will learn something, even though at first glance, you don't really notice it, but subliminally, this is going to teach me something is going to teach me about this brand new type of coffee. So once again, it hits on the three. So you can see, um, and by the way, this ad is, um, I cannot remember his name, but, uh, he's on YouTube. Uh, is it Matt Clark? I cannot remember. Um, it might be, but anyways, he actually revealed his brand, his life boost boost coffee brand. I think they got close to a million dollars a month with this single image ad right here. So. Phenomenal job of utilizing the three E's in an image creative, so it can be done and it can be done extremely successfully. So here we have, um, the next one, so this is actually one that I created. So this is introducing the limited Arturo front day art collection by Noah Elias, Arturo Fuente art collection. So you might be wondering how is this using the three E's? So you have to think about the target audience because the three E's deuce, uh, do change quite a bit, depending on the audience. So for this, this is going to be advertised to, um, cigar aficionados being Arturo, Fuente lover. So very niche group of people, and it's going to become even more niche because it's artwork. So it has to be a relatively higher end art collector. So what I did when I was creating this ad is I actually went on to different cigar forums and looked up details and the way people were talking and what they were into and, um, the, the type of buzzwords that would engage and so forth. So you'll see, introducing the limited, that was a buzzword everywhere. I went, everyone wanted a limited edition. They also wanted collections. They want to usually buy more than one to build up a collection. So first I engaged by using those buzzwords. So learn. And once again, this comes back to that advertising story. Once you know, your target audience, you can really, really align to them in a very effective manner. And so we use some buzzwords to really engage. And then with an image, we have to get creative in the way that we educate and entertain. So what I did for the form of entertainment is I used a picture of no actually painting the artwork that they're going to get. It's entertaining because when you're on your phone, you can really look closely at the detail and just imagine, um, getting that piece of artwork it's entertaining because you're seeing the artists actually working on it. Uh, in, in that it's difficult, it's much more difficult to achieve the entertainment education with an image, but it can be done. You just have to get creative like this coffee creamer version. So my form of entertainment and what I saw on these forums and by learning about the target audience is that they love to see the actual artists working on it before they buy it. So it's entertaining to them. And then in the form of education, very, um, it's a very different angle with artwork because unless you're teaching artists, um, you're not really going to be able to educate unless you can provide some unknown details. So one thing that I did with this is you'll see how all of these other ads, um, have the domain name of the landing page. Whereas with this one, it says Fe fb.com facebook.com. So what I did here is I used an instant collection and I will show you how to do this inside of Facebook ads. But basically what happens here is it pulls up. So when you click learn more, it doesn't leave Facebook. It just pulls up a collection of all of the different, um, Arturo, Fuente art by Noah in a single page. And then I included some details. Most likely unknown to the user details on, um, where the, the cigars originated the founders, um, various details like that to provide that education, to make them feel closer to the brand, um, and ultimately dangle being the product. And so what I really want you to get here, and I know I'm going into quite a bit of depth specifically with this one, but I want to show you that you can be very creative with utilizing the three E's. It doesn't have to be direct like this, where you have a engaging hook and educating hook, and then an entertaining video. You can do this in a way that's almost subliminal to the user, but it's still very, very effective. We've been scaling this ad and it's worked great for us. So next onto this one, and this is another one that I created. So your pillows, best friend promotes refreshing deep sleep, helps receive insomnia and restlessness showing to ease stress, anxiety, and then here's a testimonial. So first, um, they engaging your pillows. Best friend. I ran a ton of split tests, um, and actually use pondir to generate some copy. And this was by far the winner, this headline alone improved our click-through rate, which is how many people out of a hundred people, the percentage of people out of 100 that click through to your website. This headline got us up to a 3.7 link click-through rate and down to around a 60 cent cost per click with the purchase objective. So just a small headline tweak was very engaging because when we're targeting people that struggle with sleep, um, your pillows best friend just resonated. So we first engaged with the headline, both being that Facebook headline and the top line of copy here. And then we also put this render of the bottle floating on a cloud, like the pillow, just, uh, feeling so rested. So that's what allowed us to engage once again with an image next for the education. What we did is when you click shop now, instead of going direct to a sales page, we went to a page that discussed some different tips on how to actually improve your sleep. And then being the last tip was in reference to the product saying, maybe you've tried all these tips, or you want something to help boost the effectiveness effectiveness of these tips. Here's this product purified sleep. So that's how we were able to educate on the off ad landing page experience the entertain, um, for this one, mainly being the image, render floating on a cloud, um, and really catching. So the entertaining and educating for this one happened more off Facebook on the landing page. But once again, in summary, the three E's happened. So if you have a product page, let's say that you have a product page for it. Maybe you were selling coffee. Let's just use this as an example, and you're sending traffic straight to the product page. It's always good to teach on the product page. Don't focus on selling the features of the coffee. Don't don't focus on selling. Um, USA made, uh, five pounds of coffee, non grinded beans. I mean, those are important. Include them on the page, but be focusing on the benefits be teaching. So the anti creamer coffee. Improved stomach health through the low acidity. Here's how that works really hone in on the three E's. And you're going to see substantial improvements if you're still sitting here thinking, well, I don't even know how to start creating these. I'm going to show you in this lesson as well. So let's move forward. All right. So under the diamond stability zone, so creative should enforce a call to action. What is your end goal? Is it a purchase? Is it a lead? Is it a sign up to a website? The diamond stability zone is then where you go for that call to action, because remember in the diamond formation, you just introduce yourself, you engaged, you educated and you entertained, you built, you started the foundations of a solid relationship, and now it's time to go for more of that direct call to action, asking the user to then do something. So here's some examples of, um, the different forms of the diamond stability is on creative. So remember the number of diamond. Number one is warm audiences. People that just engage with your ad, like the ad, watch the certain amount of it, but didn't actually visit your website. Those are going to be the people that are going to see these types of ads. And so what you want to do with warm audience creatives is you still want to follow the same principles of the diamond formation creatives. If they haven't clicked over to your website yet, or started to take an action, they don't trust you enough. They don't realize the benefit that's going to bring to their life. Um, and so you really have to continue to hone in on the three E's and you'll see some really good examples here. The one, the number one type of creative, um, that I see working here is essentially a duplicate of the diamond formation, creative. So use some cold traffic style creatives, um, and then also some more educational testimonial style videos. So I'll show you some of these here. So here's one it's by chili sleep, but you'll see, it's a person that is not their company talking positively about it. Late is your man freshly far in the middle of the night. Guys are dying of heat sweats while you sleep. If so, you need to try chili sleep. Pat, I'm telling you it change your life right now, you can get a Chile, blah, blah, blah, blah. And this video with someone essentially giving a honest review of the product and this works really well because it builds trust with that end user, being that someone else besides the brand is recommending the product. And it's still playing into the three E's engaging in the way that they engage with these testimonials is by using different demographics of people. Because I, uh, you, I guarantee when you think about this, you're going to be like, oh, I've done this just subliminally when you're on Facebook. And you see an ad, if that ad resembles someone like you or someone that you aspire to be like, you're more likely to then engage with that ad. And so what you're going to see, especially with a company like athletic greens, is that they have hundreds of user testimonials to their warm traffic running because it works, but nominally well to align. Potential customer demographics. So follow the three E's in the warm audiences. Here's another example by Chile sleep, you can see they changed the demographic, change, the angle chili sleep. Boom. Here you go. Um, and then here's one that I also ran for Noah. So this one was actually too, uh, this wasn't for that artwork, but it's actually to teach other artists of how to publish your artwork. So this is the one that I use for warm traffic. This is scaled to over a million impressions in a matter of months, worked very well prints. They're not dead. In fact, they're harder than ever boom, engaging, teaching them something new. A lot of artists based on research thought prints were dead, but everything was already digital, but Nope, here we're breaking down a myth and really changing a perspective that aligned with our product, but also teaching and entertaining and engaging three E's prints are not that. In fact, they're harder than ever create a strong print business without bogging yourself down with the details, blah, blah, blah. Um, and then on the learn more it's a full page talking about prints and then leading, bridging into the product itself. So warm audiences, you want to continue with the three E's where it really changes though, is how audiences go for the conversion, go for the lead, go for the sale. These are people that have already engaged with your product, your brand, your service, meaning they've been on the website. They've viewed a product they've added to cart. Dave initiated checkout. They built everything about purchase. And what you'll see is okay, a company like Allbirds, a hundred million dollar plus company per year. You can see it's just a product photo, maybe with sustainable natural materials. Give her shoes a shot for 30 days. If you're not walking in cloud nine, we'll take them back. No questions asked if you notice what they did is they started breaking down user objection. Um, here's one dye, different Noah. So once again, with the artwork, this isn't teaching art, this is selling art. People want limited exclusive additions. So boom inventory is limited. One of the blockers, oddly enough, is that people didn't feel or people didn't realize that some of the artwork is limited. And so by telling them it almost removes that buying objection of, Hey, I only want something exclusive, boom done right there with one line. So you can see it doesn't have to be complicated, but once again, we're using a product photo another way. Uh, another big objection in this part of the funnel, if they still haven't purchased or became a lead is price. So you can see what a bill basics does. So this is a clothing I'm actually wearing their shirt right now. I converted on this ad, elevate your Stripe shirt collection with our all new styles. Use code, save 10 for 10% off your first order shop now, boom. I went to the website. You use 10% off and got a t-shirt so broke down the price. Objection, um, purified. So one of the big objections with supplements is that they don't work. So by testimonials, which athletic greens, once again, go to their ads library, you're gonna be blown away. Um, show testimonials, video testimonials, and then boom price. Objection right here. Um, here's the add another one that I created, this one has also scaled to over 2 million impressions. So this one is a supplement for gut health. The gut is the largest organ. So starting to, uh, focus once again, hone in on people with gut issues. So show people that we do have authority. So that's another, uh, blocking objection, buyer. Objection is that the brand doesn't have authority that they don't necessarily know what they're talking about. So by using this very professional, um, terminology, we were able to then show off authority and then also offer 10% off for that final objection. And this one has converted extremely well. So by the time that you get to the hot audiences, you want to go straight for the purchase. So the resources that I use and I'm going to actually hop into these here in one moment is the ads library, and then Facebook ads, case studies. So occasionally you get some very good brands that post some pretty cool case studies. You can see some data, um, but overall, the ad library is really where I hang out. The other thing that I'd like to do, it's not as affective as it used to be, but it still can work, um, is actually go to a competitor's website. So for example, you could go to athletic greens.com, take action. So view their product, add it to cart, start to check out and leave what you're going to see on your newsfeed. As you navigate the internet is different types of ads based on where you took your action. So if you just, uh, view their website, you don't add to cart. You're going to see an ad that focuses on the three E's. If you go add to cart and initiate a checkout and leave, you're going to see more direct buy now type of ads, really good way to figure out what your competitors are doing. And then you can also view comments and such to see what potential customers of yours are saying, the positives, the cons, any issues they've had their experience. And you can once again, use all of this to outpace competition moving forward. After I was 14, the brands that are going to continue to win and the advertisers that will continue to win, going to be the ones that learn their customers from the inside out the ones that can tell you every single detail, every pro every con, every buyer objection that their consumers feel and that they face when buying those are going to be the brands that win because all advertising is, is taking users on a customer journey and breaking down buyer objections. So always remember that the creative isn't just to put an ad out there just to rush something out there. The creative is the sole most important piece of breaking down buyer. Objection, which converts into your end goal. So let me go over to the ads library here and show you how this works. So what I want you to do is go to facebook.com/ads/library. And this is the Facebook ads library. So the ads library provides exercising transparency by offering a comprehensive searchable collection of all ads, currently running across Facebook apps and services, including Instagram. So basically Facebook after the Cambridge Analytica schemes, they allow. Everyone to go on to Facebook and actually see ads that a brand is running. So let's go ahead and take a look at the reference I've been using frequently athletic greens because their ads are phenomenal. So let's go here. So if you type in a brand name, you'll be able to find it. So you can see athletic greens right here. And if you click this, you're going to see all of the ads that are actively running. You're not going to see ones that were paused or shut off, but that's okay because the only time advertiser turns off ad is if it's not working anymore, or if a campaign is maybe they ran a holiday sale, but you want to see the ads that have been running for a very long time. So if you scroll down to the bottom, these ads are sorted by impressions by month. So for example, January, 2021, this ad right here had the most impressions during that timeframe. Let's go take a look at some of the newer ones. So you can actually click play on these videos. You click play on these videos. I'm not going to cause the volume is going to go very loudly into your ears. Um, but you'll see that their top viewed videos are really focused around different customer demographics. You can see in almost every ad, there's a different type of person. I'll see in the next lesson, toxin in this video, I'm going to teach you how to do video analysis using Sherlock and Sherlock's artificial intelligence technology. So when it comes to building high-performing creatives, it's often very difficult unless you have a bunch of ad spend to invest into collecting data. You have previous ads that were successful or you know how to reverse engineer your competition's ads. And so looking back on the previous lesson, you saw how to do that with image creatives. But in this lesson, I'm going to teach you how to do it using Sherlock's artificial intelligence in video ads. With that said, let's go ahead and jump into it. okay. So here we are in pondir and on the left navigation here, we can come down to Sherlock we'll click on the video tab and here I've already downloaded and uploaded an ad from a company called brumate. So brumate sells a very high quality, essentially like a koozie. It keeps your drinks cold, um, very popular right now, very successful company. And so let's say that I was either one running ads for a client in this space or two. I wanted to launch a product in this space. I needed to build a video ad for my Facebook advertising campaign. So I've saved this ad from broom. It I'll go ahead and play this for you here so you can see what we're working with. All right. So 15 seconds vertical format. It's doing really, really well for them. You can see, I added some labels here for a future filtering and accessibility, but let's go ahead and check out what Sherlock can do for us. So just like images, we can analyze object and scene and anything that the AI picks up, it's going to label it here for you. So you'll, um, you'll see. We, for example, we have a bottle. So if we click on bottle and if you look back up here, you'll see that actually highlights the portion of the video that this object is located, or we have refrigerators, so you can see, boom, there's a refrigerator right in here, um, beach. So picks up the objects in the scene. So this is really useful because as a, um, when you're producing a creative or instructing someone to produce a creative, you can now say at this timeframe, we need this object in the video. So let's go ahead and check out image moderation, no analyzed issues, facial analysis, as you saw, there was no faces in here. Celebrities. If there's no faces, we really can't identify a celebrity text. So you'll see, uh, just for example, vodka soda picks it up right there. Um, drink better. Brumate so, yeah, there's that? So that's good to know that we'll probably want to put our brand here at the end about in the last four seconds. So this is really useful just to break down the objects, um, and really the environment you should shoot your video. Very similar to how the image creative works, but we recently updated a new feature and release this called creative structure. So what are, what happens is we have an algorithm that breaks out the ad into important segments. So you can see here that the algorithms identify zero to three seconds being the first, most important section of this creative. Um, let me make sure I don't have anything selected here. Okay. I just want to make sure there we go. So what you'll see is when I choose zero to three seconds, it'll mark it off. So this is all the way through three seconds. And here we can see a breakdown of all of the different objects in this scene. So we have drinks right here. Um, let's see. Beverage is once again, really same thing, refrigerator being in the first, uh, zero to three seconds. You can see the person's arm comes into the video in the first re uh, zero to three seconds. So what you're going to see me do here in a moment is replicate this creative. And now what I know how to do is, um, really how to record it, because I know in the first zero to three seconds, I want to refrigerator, uh, with the drink and I'm going to be grabbing it out of the, out of the fridge. And that's really the first zero to three seconds. So this is their scroll stopper. So I know this is, uh, this is really what I need to replicate here. One thing to note. As you'll see that elevator machine, um, cosmetics that gets picked up. And this is actually very useful because obviously it's not, that's not what it is, but the AI, um, there's, it's reading it as there is a chance. That's what it could be. And so as a user on Facebook, there's a chance that they could be confused and maybe misinterpret the first three seconds. Um, or the first second of the video, instead of a refrigerator, maybe they do think it's an elevator and they skip the ad. So what I'm going to try to do in my video is when I complete it and I upload it here, I'm going to see if I can get it. So the AI doesn't pick up any chance of it being an elevator or being cosmetics. Because if that can avoid the AI thinking, there's a chance, that's what it is. I'm going to avoid any potential confusion from the user on Facebook. So that's going to be one of my goals, avoid any of the, um, characteristics that really don't align with what it actually is. So three to six seconds, let's see what we got here and let me actually check it. There we go. So brings out the, uh, the bottle here. Once again, we still have the arm in there, the human, um, and then we also for example, have the beach. So the beach comes in right at about the end of the three to six seconds. So first scene opening up the fridge. I'm going to make sure all these characteristics are there. Second one. It's really just them taking it out, putting it in the product. So here's the product here and you can see then they introduced the nature. So really focusing on the summer vibe, um, let's see, it's a six to nine seconds, boom product still outside. So here's the, uh, the aluminum, it picks up the can opening it. There we go. Nine to 12, let's see what's here. So really just the shoreline with the logo, then 12 to 15, doing a cheers. So really the can once again, human bottle shoreline. So I'm going to go ahead and replicate this ad and ensure that my version has these winning characteristics in it. So let's go ahead and record that ad Okay. So I have recorded my ad. Let me show you what I did here. So boom, opening the fridge, grabbing a seltzer. There's a sink. Um, and then, uh, one thing to know is I don't own a koozie, like what brumate sells. Um, so I just had to get kind of creative and grab the Yeti cooler there or a Yeti cup and then just dropped it in there. So recorded that. And then what I did is I went up to my roof, so I don't live near a beach, but act like I opened it. Um, boom, put my hand down that way. That was doing a full edit. I could put the logo of my company up here. And then, um, I simply used an app called InShot. So in allowed me to edit this in a matter of about seven seconds, so you can see here, so I just kind of scroll through and I save it. So what you'll notice is, let me show you really quickly. So you'll see. Let me see if I can pause it, uh, right about here and in the clip. So 7.6 seconds. You'll see this little pencil icon. This is where I added the clip on the roof, and then that way you can see it kind of transitions pretty nice. So I simply save it to my phone. Boom done, and then I airdropped it over. So here's the final result. And with inch, I could have added some music, but you'll see right here. Boom. There we go. So now remember, we want to, so let's take a look at this analysis first, zero to three seconds. We want to fridge person drink. That's really going to be the main aspects. I think like the appliance was being the sink. So it made sure to get that in there as well. The three to six, we want same type of things, bottle human person, um, so forth, but then they also include nature coast, ocean outdoor. So obviously, as I said, don't, I don't really have a ocean here in Chicago. So I just got creative, one of my roof, um, to kind of take that nature aspect then here kind of same, same trend, so forth. Um, and then finally the outro where they put their arm down so they can include the logo. I didn't put a logo on mine cause I don't own a brand in the space, but I didn't know where it would be located. So let's go ahead and upload this final version, um, that we recorded here. So I'm just going to drag it to my desktop. So I had this accessible, so we'll click upload. Here it is. Alright. And now let's go ahead and upload this and uh, give it a minute to here to upload as it's a decent size file. And then we will, uh, let Sherlock do the video analysis on it. Now the video is performing analysis or I should say Sherlock's performing analysis on the video, so we'll give it a couple minutes here, let it scan it and then see how our, um, representation of Brewmates ad turned out. And there we go. So the analysis is completed. I'm just going to label this so I'm able to save it. So let's just call this a demo creative. Yep. So I don't really have a brand here. Um, but I'll do I'll call. I'm just gonna put some filters here. I'm going to label this test. Um, it should be good. So let's go ahead and save this. So now we can quickly access both of these and let's take a quick look. So what you'll notice is when we look at brumate, we'll see appliance, um, human person, refrigerator machine shelf, Appliance, there we go. Um, electronics. So I think it actually picked up my dishwasher. Uh, so it had a little bit of confusion between that, but you can see, um, we did manage to avoid, I believe, um, elevator. So I just want to scan and see if it all right. So we were able to avoid the elevator, which is cool, but let's take a look at the overall creative structure and see how well this was replicated. So I'm gonna open up pondir side by side here. So on the right hand side, I'm going to open up Sherlock and have my creative and on the left-hand I'll have Brewmates so we can do some side-by-side creative structure analysis. So let's take a look. Okay. So, um, ellipse clicked on the wrong one. Here we go. Okay. So first thing that you'll notice is remember our goal was to remove any confusion about it being an elevator. So we were successful there. Um, it, it does kind of pick it up as a potential dishwasher, but I don't think that's a big issue as you can see the drinks in there. Um, electronics that make sense cause there's lights. So the, the main, um, characteristics that we wanted to replicate from this one was human, the person human. Um, then we also wanted refrigerator and then drink beverage bottle. So let's see how we did. We have so appliance. I mean, that was same there. Um, then we have shelf, which is also mimicked. Okay. So a person human, um, it didn't pick up the drinks. And so I think the reason why is let's see, let me uncheck these and we can kind of do some analysis here. All right. So, um, I think it might've just been because of the different angle, but I mean, we did pick up most of this, so that's good. And also from a user perspective, they should be able to tell that these are drinks. But if I wanted to be very specific, I can see how I could improve this. So if you look at the angle that this was recorded, it has a, basically like a high level site, a first person view of, uh, of the shelf here. This one's more on angle, which could throw some users off. So if I started by kneeling looking head on to the, uh, to the drinks, it probably would have picked up drinks. So that's one thing to note and that's where this creative, um, AI analysis comes in very, very handy because I wouldn't have realized that recording this on an angle, it could cause potential confusions and it's not picking up drinks. So that's one, one improvement I can make, but overall you can see, we replicated the majority of the first characteristics here in the initial zero to three seconds. So let's check out three to a, to six. Okay, here we go. So three seconds of six is really where I picked it up. So alcohol beer beverage can drink, um, bottle drink. Um, so we have finger, obviously, I believe. Yep. So finger, uh, one thing that I do like that brumate did is I think I understand why they chose to use a high noon for this because the AI clearly knows that from three to six seconds, there's alcohol in here. Whereas the AI in this one scans it and doesn't pick it up as alcohol. So brumate will avoid any potential issues with Facebook ads and Facebook in general, because Facebook, once again, alcohol or anything like that is, is kind of like a gray policy. They're not big on it. Um, and brumate here, isn't getting picked up for alcohol. So that is a, that's an interesting perspective, whereas this, you know, white claw AI knows what that is right away. And so I'm assuming Facebook's AI also knows. So that also explains why this person likely chose to use high noon to record this creative. So once again, if I wanted to avoid any potential issues with the image moderation, I could, uh, go and get a case of high Nunes rerecord it, um, using that instead overall, you can see we once again, did a really good job mimicking the characteristics. So for example, indoors, indoors, human human person, you can see, we did a, we did a very good job, um, aligning the majority of initial characteristics from the segment to, so we're doing we're, we're doing pretty good for our first attempt at mimicking this Korean six to nine. So here, this is when they begin to go outside. So once again, we have outdoor human nature. Um, aluminum can bottle. Those are gonna be the, the main characteristics to replicate here. So let's see we have, did I make it outside yet in this part? So mine is a little bit delayed. You can see that my timing is a bit off, so I could have maybe cut the creative and just kind of reworked it or even just re rerecorded it. So it was a bit faster in this portion. So let's see. Once I do get outside right here, if it's a, if it's fairly well aligned with Brewmates, so let's go here. Alright. So we have so nature outdoors. Let's see if we have nature and outdoors, we have outdoors. Um, it makes sense. We really don't have nature because once again, we're in the city. Uh, so that's, that's one thing to know is if I did want to, um, maybe it was a beautiful sunny day and I went down to the beach. I could just bring my, obviously I had to have my phone, bring a seltzer, bring the product, and then boom, we'd hit the nature characteristic too. But overall, this is still a pretty good angle because we have porch pottery tree plants, um, deck balcony. So it is outdoor. And let me kind of go back a little bit. So you can see, I mean, it is a decent representation. So just a couple of different tweaks and recording this, and you can see how the characteristics of our ad are very, very similar. So if I was to run a, uh, a product in this space, this creative would likely perform, it needs a few tweaks as we've kind of discussed and identified through this characteristic, uh, analysis. But overall, you can see how uploading the competitor's creative, one of their top performing video ads, looking at the characteristics and then recreating it for your own product and trying to align the key winning characteristics is very powerful. This is how we generate our top producing or top performing creatives, take competitors, uh, top ads, or even our previous top ads do the analysis with Sherlock and then ensure any new creatives that we create align with the creative structure here. So this is how to perform creative analysis for videos using Sherlock. I hope you have a full understanding now, and you can use this to build some very, very successful ads. I will see you in the next lesson in this lesson, I'm going to show you how to take those winning characteristics revealed by pondirs AI and build winning Facebook ad creatives. Let's get into it. when it comes to actually having Facebook ads created, there's actually a few options that I want to present to you here in this lesson. Some of you are very talented with Photoshop and editing, so you might want to do your own, which is great. Um, but others might not have those skillset or just don't have the time and energy to do it themselves. They'd rather hire it out also. Great. I'm going to show you both of those options and then also the in-between option, which pondir can offer you as a service here to speed up time. It also save you some money. So this is how to create Facebook ad creatives that follow the three E's we touched on in the previous lesson. So you actually have a few creative production options. First, you can do it yourself. This is going to be extremely low cost, whatever your phone costs to actually record the ad. Um, but that's about it. Um, maybe a subscription to Photoshop or whatever else, but very low cost. There's no cost to actually have the asset of the ad made. Um, and it's quick because it's only up to you. So if you can produce an ad in a day, if you can record the content, edit it, that's going to be your turnaround time to get it launched. Next, you can do the in-between so you can create the assets being, you can record the video clips. You can take some product images or just lifestyle images, then send it off to an editor for them to do their professional work. There's going to be medium cost because you do have to pay that professional editor. Um, but it's also very quick because if you can record those assets in a day, get it off to the editor the same day, and then they have a day turnaround time. It's almost the same as doing yourself. You're just going to have to pay a little bit more to have it done for you. Have that edited. Um, and then finally, if you don't want to do either of those, you just want to hire it out. Um, then you can hire a hundred percent. It's going to be high cost, depending on the level of quality you want ranging anywhere from $500 per ad, all the way up to 50,000, a hundred thousand dollars per ad. If you want to go wild with it, but it's also the slowest, because first let's say that you're having a physical, like if you want to advertise this, this drill back to the drill example, um, you would have to ship the drill out the product out to the agency. That's going to record the ads. They have to structure the ad, get your approval before they start recording, then they have to record and they have to go into production and editing and then get your approval and do any changes. And so it's going to be very high cost because you're hiring a whole team to do this for you. Um, and it's going to be the slowest. But if your brand is at a point where you have a budget and you want to take it to the next level, quite often, this is going to be the best option. As you can find companies that only do this, this is our only focus and the work that they do is absolutely phenomenal. So it's high cost. It is slow, but if you have the capital, it could be worth it. So let's go through each one of these. And then I'm also going to show you some real examples of a couple of video ads that I produced with nothing, but my iPhone that generated a few hundred thousand dollars in sales. In the matter of a couple of weeks, I'll show you the actual videos here at the end and break down how I did these. So first do it yourself. And this is the process that you'll need to follow to really find success with the creatives that you built first, analyze your competitors, top creatives and pondir Sherlock, as we did in the last lesson and reveal the winning characteristics. So the facial analysis, the age ranges, the, if they're smiling and so forth, take those characteristics and produce creatives, produce creatives that you feel match and align with those characteristics. Then once you're done creating those in Photoshop or in creating the video re lo juror version to pondir Sherlock and ensure that the characteristics that the AI find align with your competitor's top ads, the closer you can get to an exact match, the more likely your ad is going to crush it right from the start. As long as you're hitting that same target audience, which you most likely will be as we get into the targeting sections later on in this course. Um, one thing to note this course does not teach image or video editing is I'm not a professional. Um, I can toss ads together with my phone and with Adobe premier, but I'm not a professional. I actually, once I hit a point of scale where I could afford a team, I now have a professional graphic designer on my team, professional video editor. Um, and so I don't actually do any of my own editing more. Sometimes I will shoot assets, like shoot the actual content. Um, but quite often I'm not doing any of it. Um, just because professionals can do it much better. So I'm not going to teach you Photoshop or anything like that. Um, that is something, a skillset you would have to learn. There are a lot of great apps on the phone nowadays that you can produce something and I'll show you at the end, how I made it a high six figure ad a very, very profitable ad with nothing but my phone. You'll just have to teach yourself. So do it yourself. Option is great. It's quick, it's cost efficient. You can do it today. As long as you have your product on hand and you have the skillset. So that is the do it yourself method pretty self-explanatory, but I wanted to touch on it and also know I'm not going to be teaching the, uh, graphic design aspects. Next we have the, create the assets and then hand it off to an editor. This is really a hybrid model of the other two, and this is actually the model that I use 90% of the time it's cost efficient and it's very quick. So it allows me to move fast, which I really enjoy it. So this is the process that I personally follow when I created the most of my ads. Now it is first. I still analyze my competitors top creatives and Potter Sherlock, because I need to know the winning characteristics before I waste money testing an ad. That's not going to work. So figure out the winning characteristics and Potter Sherlock. And then what I'll do is, um, for example, let's pull up, I'll just kind of do a live quick sort of walk through here. So let's take a look at, um, athletic greens again. So I believe I saved one of these, uh, well, here's a, here's a, um, Yeti cooler one. So let's do this. So let's see, let's say that. I see I'm trying to sell a similar product to a Yeti cooler. Um, first I want to find out what the videos and the images I'm about to record with my phone should have in the frame. So first I see that, well, I need a person, so I'll just use myself, um, outdoors grass while I'm not in Chicago, but I do have some like fake Ivy hung up. So I'll use that, uh, plant boom, um, shorts. So I'll wear shorts. I have shorts on right now and then facial analysis. So age. Okay. I'm I'm within the age range. I can still use myself wearing sunglasses. So I would, uh, I toss on my sunglasses and then it's wearing a hat. I don't actually have my head up here. Um, appears to be calm, so forth, and then they have the product. So what I would do is I would go right on my roof here. I have like a bit of Ivy, um, and actually I'm going to go do it right now. In the matter of three minutes, I went outside on my roof and, um, replicated this with nothing, but my iPhone, I just set it on the ground. Obviously, if you have someone taking a picture, you can get a better angle. And the other thing is I'm in Chicago, in a, in a condo. So not a ton of nature on me, but if I went down to the lake and had my friend shoot a photo like this, you can see, we have all of the same type of characteristics. So I have same age range, um, you know, carrying that, that would be my product, have some grass in the background. Got the hat got the sunglasses. I tried to replicate the demeanor. Once again, I was by myself. I'm not even wearing shoes. Well, I guess that works, but you can see how it still resembles this. And so let me hop back over here. So I produce assets just like that. And then I send it off to my editor, obviously with videos and clips. Um, you need to record a lot more. And even with images, I still recommend sending it off to an editor where they can add the right contrast and saturation and your logo. So this is how I work. So this is how I usually make 99, 9 out of 10 of my creatives analyze for the top characteristics, just like we did there. I produce the assets with my iPhone. I sent it to my editor and then, um, they send it back. I re upload the creative to ensure the winning characteristics are identified. So here's, let's imagine that I had just sent this, uh, I just sent, where did it go? I just sent off this picture, this one here. So let's say my editor sent it back. So then what I would do is I'd come in here. I think it's going to be in downloads. Yep. And then I would upload it. Boom. So facial analysis, you can see it matches 22 to 34 years old wearing sunglasses eyes or peers to be calm, not smiling, mail. Boom. We hit all of these, uh, the characteristics. So you could see if I was actually running a product like Yeti and you know, I, I know obviously crop it. My editor would do a good job, but right from the start, in a matter of three minutes, I produced an ad with those same winning characteristics. So this is the process. You use the tool to figure out what your ad needs to have in it before you launch otherwise, without knowing the characteristics you're going to launch your ad. If it doesn't work, you're going to spend a bunch of money. You're still not going to know what you're missing. You're going to have to test a bunch of random variations to try and figure it out. This will tell you exactly what you need in your ad. So save time, save money, save time, save money. Trust me, just find the characteristics in, mimic them. So that is the create and then pass off to an editor model. Um, one thing to note as well is if you want pondir to actually do this for you, uh, use the navigation link that's called creatives, and you can do it right there. We can actually, my team, my personal team that edits my creatives will edit yours for you. Okay. So onto the next one, we have hire a hundred percent. So we've also done this model. Um, it is a bigger investment, I think for the ad that we created. Um, we also created like a series of YouTube videos, which we could cut up into ads. But overall I believe, I believe for the ad itself was around 5,000. And then we did around four YouTube videos, which ran us for a total of 2000 each, but so 10,000 or 8,000 in total there. So it is a hefty investment, but once you have a brand that's at that level of scale where you can take that next step in the professional quality. It's good to do it because it does differentiate your brand from all of the other ones that are running the lower, not lower quality, but non-professional produced ads. There's a level of trust that it just automatically ensues into your viewer. So this is how we went about it. We first tried to find local services through Google and Craigslist, and we did the best part about local is it does speed up the progress time and depending on where you live, um, you're gonna avoid the shipping cost and the delays. And, um, you're gonna save money as well. So if you live, for example, I live in Chicago, we looked in the suburbs for someone, found them, and we saved around 40% versus if we would have hired an agency downtown. So look at Google and Craigslist, just search for, um, um, advertising content agency, uh, video agency. And you're gonna find a lot. So then the process they're going to direct you. I mean, I don't have the specifics on each company, but you're going out of shipping it. They're going to record, edit, get your approval. And then they're going to provide you with the files. This is most expensive and the most time consuming, but it is that next level of professional quality. Okay. So the V if you do want to do it yourself, or even produce assets for an editor, here's what you're going to need for a winning creative, a video creative specifically, you're going to want to scroll, stopping clip for the first three to five seconds, a problem solution clips. So talk about the problem that your target demographics, having present your product as a solution, go into the benefits. What are the value that this target demographic is going to get in their life, from your product or your service, and then call to action. Shop now, sign up now, whatever it might be, and to show you this, I actually have a few of my creatives. These are older ones. So let me see. Yeah, so I created this November 18th, 2019. This ad alone generated 570,000 in revenue. And around 75 days, I'm at a 3.1 X return on ad spend. And I recorded this with the product. So what I was selling at the time was a little, um, security camera. And so it's called the beam camera. And so here's the ad that absolutely crushed it for me. Um, and I will note a couple of things here. Uh, this isn't the one actually. So I split tested like this crazy face at the start and quickly realized that Facebook doesn't like, um, does not like this negative connotation. So the other thing that I want to know is since this isn't the actual file. Um, so we didn't have that weird face at the star. And then the other thing that we had to change as our lawyer recommended it is, uh, we put this as real footage, but this is actually me dressed up. So we had to alter it before we launched it. And we just said, this is, uh, this is footage. We had to put a little disclaimer here that this is an actor and so forth, but this, that modified version of the ad absolutely crushed it with 570 and thousand revenue in about two and a half months. So this is what the ad actually looked like though. So let me, um, first I want to put on my headphones so I can make sure. Your ears, aren't getting destroyed. All right, let's go ahead and play this. So what I did here is I, in, in my old apartment, a couple of years ago, I took my security camera and I stuck it up. It was magnetic feature, so you could stick it to the fridge and so forth. So I put it on the fridge. Then I acted like I would Rob my house because I needed a scroll stopper, which showing footage of a burglary scroll stopper, and the ans I also needed to present the problem being burglary. And so this is, uh, this is the one that did it. And then I also, I bought like a, for $50, the rights to use this hip hop beat. Um, just because it also provided the form of entertainment and of a cool sounding beat. And there was a lot of people that commented like, oh man, I, I just want this beat to work out too. So they will listen to it. They drive up the engagement and so forth. So this is me robbing my own home right now. So you just got to get creative with your creatives. Okay. Yeah. So you can see, we obviously had to edit some of this before we launched. It just didn't want to get in legal trouble, but boom solution. So that was the problem. That was a scroll stopper solution. And then we go through and show. So these are actually like clips from people that submitted it, use our easy use app. So then we go through the benefits and then, uh, the one way that I want to different differentiate from all my competitors was since it was portable, I was like, wait, I can also use this. I can angle this for people that have a car, want a dash cam um, people, pet owners or people with kids. So it's not only a security camera and I can reach a big group of people. So you'll see, protect your home from burglary angle. Number one, use it as a vehicle dash cam angle, number two. Um, see what your pets are up to when you're gone, pet pet owners. And then, um, I think I had the one for the kids, like back in here somewhere, but, and then what I did is, so we'll go right about here. So then the, uh, the social proof, the testimonials. So this is actually right here. This is my grandma. This is my sister. That's my grandpa, that's my dog. Um, and then I just recorded some videos. This is myself, and I'm just recording the iPhone, showing how easy it is to set up and use it. Boom. And that is a half a million dollar ad right there that was recorded and edited with nothing but my iPhone. So that is a, that's the formula. And then here's some additional ones. So like I did different formats, eight second clip that there's a problem. There's a scroll stopper, stop buying outdated, expensive security cameras. People want security, but they don't want to spend that money. Um, and then what I do is I actually show. Stick it on your fridge. Boom. And it worked extremely well. So this is how to go about producing creatives. That absolutely crush it. Um, and throughout the upcoming lessons, I'll be sure to dive into some of my newer creatives that are responsible for millions in revenue per month. And, uh, yeah, we'll, we'll, we'll, we'll get there when we get there. So I hope you enjoyed this. Go work on your creatives and I'll see you in the next lesson. in this lesson, we're going to go through the pre-launch checklist that I highly recommend checking the boxes off. Before you kick off your Facebook advertising campaigns, let's do this before you kick off your Facebook advertising campaign, I want you to go through this prelaunch checklist with me and ensure that you have everything prepared and ready to go. Before you start implementing your creatives into your Facebook advertising campaigns. The mistake that I used to make frequently was I would get so excited. I'd build one creative, one variation of copy. I'd go straight to Facebook ads and then launch it. And then I would go get another one and then I'd plug it in and so forth. And things got messy. Very quickly. Data was coming in. I wasn't sure if I should keep ones running. If I didn't see results while I'm installing new ones and implementing new creatives in, this is what I recommend doing now, have everything for your first campaign ready? And imagine like you have a boss that you are going to run a marketing campaign for their company and your boss will only approve the campaign. If you come to them with all of the assets ready in hand to show them what you're about to launch, that's how you should treat this, have all of your assets prepared, and it's going to make the launch process and the testing process so much more efficient. So here we go. This Google, this Google sheet is below the video. You can simply make a duplicate. So if you go to file file, uh, make a copy. You won't be able to edit it until you make a copy. Once you make a copy, let's go through this checklist. So number one, do you have the advertising copy for the diamond formation? So go ahead and go to pondir. And if you go to the fusion copywriting tool, then saved items. You're going to find all of the copy that we created in the previous lesson. As long as you have copy here, that you feel follows the three E's, it'll be perfect for your diamond formation and your cold traffic. So let's go ahead and check this one off next. Do you have advertising copy for the diamond stability is on, which is going to be your retargeting. And remember from the previous lesson, when we were looking at those ads for inspiration in really, we saw focus on breaking down buyer objections in the form of discounts, in the form of showing off authority and so forth. Do you have those ready as well? So once again, go back to fusion. Um, you'll most likely have some, but remember you can always find some and then edit it. So for example, let's take a look. So let's say that I want to convert this one a to a diamond stability zone, lower funnel, retargeting copy. So what I'll do, so I'm just going to delete the, uh, the break points here. All right. So I'm going to space this out a little bit. There we go. So create successful Facebook ads in seconds. pondir is the fastest and smartest way to create a winning ad campaign. You select your blah, blah, blah. So here's all 30. And now I also want to break down the price. Objection. Um, so I'm not even an offer discount here. I'm going to break it down in a different way. So I'll say save, save thousands when you use pondir instead of an expensive agency or freelancers. So that's another way to break down an objection. And now we also have a form of a lower targeting lower of the funnel bottom of the funnel retargeting copy. So remember, you are more than welcome to generate variations and then just add in those styles and those inspirations of copy that we used in, in saw in the previous lessons. So we're good here. Let's go ahead and check off diamond stability zone retargeting. Copy next, do we have advertising creatives for the diamond formation? So remember as long as it falls at threes, you're good to go. Um, I would recommend having three to five variations of advertising creatives before launch. I mean, you can launch with one, but then you don't know how it is working in comparison to any other ones. So try to have three to five ready. And I'll actually take a note of that here. Um, pulled traffic three to five preferred. All right. So do you have three to five cold traffic ads? Remember you don't need to, but I highly recommend it. Let's go ahead. Check this off. So add creatives, diamonds, stability zone. I would recommend having at least one to two of these. So we'll just add that here. One to two preferred, do you have one to two video or image creatives that are good for the bottom of the funnel traffic? Once again, go back to the lesson where we talked about the ads inspiration and went through examples of bottom of the funnel and replicate your competitors. Let's go ahead and check this off. Do you ever advertising story? Do you have the Miro board? Um, and or do you have a, my story brand built out don't launch Facebook ads without having it because you're going to spend a lot more money, um, less efficiently than if you would. So we've got that, um, daily budget. What are you going to start advertising with? So right here, I'm all you need to do is edit this first number here. And, um, I always use an eight, uh, 80 20 split for new campaigns. So 80% of the budget going to the diamond formation, 20% going to the diamond stability zone. So let's say you have a budget of 50. $40 to the cold traffic tend to the diamond stability zone. Um, let's say you have 500 per day. You can see. So it's just a simple 80 20 split. This is what we use for our brands, all of our client's brands, and it works well. Um, you were going to learn how to scale it and how to modify budgets and upcoming lessons. But for right now, just pick a good starting budget and we recommend an 80 20 split. So we've got a daily budget and then we have, uh, the conversions, API and pixel, do you have this set up? Is it working? If it's not do not run ads, you need to make sure that your conversions API is installed, set up. You have max data sharing, um, and your pixel is also integrated. Do not run ads without these two. And finally ask yourself, the creatives will state this. And then if you believe it, you can check it off. The creatives I have are my absolute best effort. Do you fully believe that put your best effort forward when having, um, when building or having these advertising creatives made or do you feel like, ah, there, okay. Oh, they'll work or are you like, yes, these are it. You want to feel like, yes, these are it. Do not check this box unless you truly believe it because I was 14.5 and in moving forward less and less data is going to make it so much more important to have phenomenal advertising creatives spend as much time as you need to, to have these highly, uh, highly professional creatives made use pondirs designer. If you need to hire editor, if you need to, but spend a good chunk of time and a hundred and put 110% energy behind your advertising creatives and only check this box when you truly believe that the creative that you have are your absolute best effort. Once you're done, we are ready to rock and roll. So in the next lesson here, we're going to take all of these assets and we're going to actually build out our campaign and, uh, get it, get some data flowing in and get some results flowing in as well. So I will see you in the next lesson, do not skip this checklist and do not cheat. You know, if you're cheating, you know, if you are not putting your best absolute effort forward, when it comes to creatives, do not skip it because your results will feel the, the harsh impact of that. So with that said, let's go in this lesson, we're going to launch our Facebook ads. We're going to take all of the creatives, the copy, and so forth and import it into our campaigns and then push everything live. We're going to go over custom audiences, how to do your targeting, who you should be targeting and much more. So without further ado, let's jump into it. As we go through this lesson and the rest of the launch in the analysis and the scale lessons, there's going to be terminology. If you are new to advertising that you don't understand. And that's okay, because what you are soon to realize is that what seems really complicated is actually very simple. Once you have the core concepts and pondir, Milo is here to help you. So pondir Milo is your advertising assistant pondir Milo. It knows the Facebook advertising ecosystem and the documentation. So for example, um, maybe you have a question, like what, what is CPM mean? Some, some terminology question. What does CPM mean? CPM is a cost per thousand impressions. Okay. Well, what if you were wondering when I'm talking about reducing CPMs, how do I reduce my CPN to reduce your CPM? You need to increase your impressions. You can do this by using Potter Facebook ads, we'll split testing your ads and improving your targeting. Remember to use a scroll, stopping creative, engage, and then use a call to action. Um, or for example, maybe you just don't remember the link to the documentation. What's the link to Facebook ad documentation. So Milo is here to help you with, there you go with any questions that you have. Um, you can ask any terminology questions. If you try to go outside the scope of Facebook ads, it won't respond to you. This is for legal reasons because AI is very powerful and in the wrong hands, it can do some bad. So, um, if I was trying to ask what's the weather today, um, you'll see, there's a filter that kicks in. Sorry, I'm gonna I'll answer, but anything related to Facebook ads, Milo is here to help you questions, terminology, strategy, and so much more. So I wanted to introduce you to Milo first. So with that said, let's go ahead and start the process of launching your ads before we launch. I want to refresh your memory on what each of these campaigns will do. So we have the diamond HQ, we have the diamond formation, and then we have the diamond stability zone. So if you'll recall, let me just change this color here. If you'll recall. Um, the diamond HQ is the headquarters where you will store your ads. So all of the ads that you've created in pondir all the copy, we're going to import that into the diamond HQ, which is going to act as, as a vault for all of the creatives moving forward is going to help you stay organized. Um, it's also going to make this process of launching ads so much more time efficient. All right, diamond formation. Remember this is cold traffic. This is, these are people that have never heard of your product brand or service. And then finally we have the diamond stability zone. So this is going to be retargeting. Um, these are individuals that have visited a website, so viewed. Um, added to car initiated checkout and so forth, maybe signed up there or a lead or a, whatever it might be. They went off Facebook, they engaged with your content or your product. So each of these, these he's in total makeup, the pondir diamond right here. So we got the diamond. Okay. Let's go ahead. Start out with the first portion of all of this. We can't launch ads without ads actually being inside of our ad account. So, um, for this example, one of my good friends, mentors and business partners know Ally's has graciously blessed us with the opportunity to use. One of his campaigns is a real life example. So Noah we've been running Noah's ads. The pondir agency has been running those ads for a little over one year now. And one of the main products, um, to know ecosystem is a book bundle. So Noah has a amazing story. Um, and the book bundle gives people a way to really learn his story, but not only that, but understand how to use points of failure as launchpads to Excel in a variety of different areas. So we're going to actually use the new creatives. So we have creatives for cold traffic and for the retargeting we have copied, produced by pondir. And we're actually going to go ahead, go to his ad account and build it all out. So I'll see you over there. Okay. So one thing to quickly note is mine say pondir 2.0, this is solely for filtering purposes. As we have countless other campaigns that are actively scaling in this ad account. So we want to make sure that everything's kept separate. And this gives me a nice, easy way to use this for demonstration purposes and actively launch a new campaign for this product. So you don't have to fall on with the 2.0, you can just put pondir and then a dash and then the name of the campaign. So this is the same structure that we set up in the previous lesson. So let's go ahead and start by importing some creatives. So I always use Google drive. What you'll see is I actually break them out. So I'll do, um, whoever we're working with. So in this example, Noah, them I'll put the product name. Then I break it out in a formation being our cold ads and then our stability zone. So for example, if we come into here, these are all of the cold ads that we created that. Whereas if we went into stability zone, you'll see. So as I mentioned, remember I said, we record the assets and we send it off to an editor. This is how we do it. So we record the raw assets here and then my editor comes in and creates a folder called final. And then boom. Now we have, uh, our diamond does to bodies' own ads as well. So let's go ahead. I'm going to download these. So you're going to need to have them stored on your computer. And the one that I want to launch is actually this one here. So I have a couple of variations, but this one, um, I had my video editor add caption soon. So we're going and go ahead and use this one. And remember I said, I recommend three to five, so. The other one that I want, I want to image ad. So this one has which one was it different? So this has like a frame around it. Let's go ahead and use this one here. So we'll download this image. And then I also, um, one thing to know is it's always a good idea if it's possible to just take your iPhone. Um, if you are recording your own ads and make a vertical format, if you're not recording your own, just ask your editor to do it in a, uh, what is it? Uh, 10 80 by 1920 format. So that's going to be vertical just like this. This is going to be native to stories, uh, the Instagram story, Facebook story placement. So I'm also going to use this one. So here we're going to have three cold diamond formation ads being, um, so which ones did we download here? We downloaded this one that we have, uh, and the images and then a vertical ad. So we have those downloaded and then we also downloaded both of the retargeting ads. As I mentioned, I recommend at least one to two stability zone ads. So let me go ahead and unzip these files. So now we have, um, all of the ads. I'm just going to drag it in here, make it easy for me. All right. Boom. Here's all of our ads that we're going to be launching with. So just get your ads in a, uh, in a, in a folder or all the files in a folder on your desktop. That way it's just organized and ready to roll. So let's go back over to Facebook ads. So when we come into the diamond HQ, remember this is where we store all of our ads. We'll go ahead and come into the diamond HQ. And then we have our images, may refresh. Remember if, if Facebook ever gives you any issues, just refresh. It almost always works. So we have our images, we have the carousel ad and then we have our videos. So let's start by importing the images. So we'll come into images and we're going to hit create. So you'll see the campaign, the ad set, and now we're going to create an ad. This is how I do the naming conventions for ads. So a big mistake that I see individuals make that I used to make is messy naming convention. So how consistent are you with the way that you name ads, it's going to make a huge difference. As soon as you start to scale, once you have 15 to 20 different ad variations in moving pieces, you want to be able to understand what that ad is just by looking at the name. So here's how I do it. So first I label all of my ads pondir. The reason being is if you've ever worked with anyone else or an agency, or you're running a new product, just give it a prefix of pondir. That way you can filter by it. So similar to how I filter by pondir 2.0 any ads created by pondir or by Potter copywriting, I can quickly filter it with this naming convention. So I always start with pondir. I put a dash and now I'm going to use the product name. So if you have an ad account with just one product and only one variation, you don't need to do this, but it's just good habit. So we're going to do book. Just like that. Um, you could, even if you want to just give it a BB, so just give it a abbreviation, but I'm going to do book bundle. Okay. Another dash. Now I'm going to give a small description. So I put a bracket and you might be thinking like, this is so weird. Why's he using brackets and all this stuff. I have run, I've run, I'm running accounts with thousands of different ad variations. And this naming convention makes it so easy to find what I'm looking for and understand what it is right away. So put a bracket and then give it a description. So let me think first, I need to figure out which one I'm going to do. So I'm going to do one of the images. So this is, um, so this is like an outline glowing book. So I'm going to do a glowing book, boom, like that and bracket then dash. Okay. So hang in there with me. Let's just run through this one more time. Um, there's nothing magical about this naming convention. If you, for some reason, don't follow this exactly your ads aren't going to blow up and theirs is not going to decrease results. This is all about organization right here. And this is the way that I found works. The best pondir book, bundled, product name, a description of the ad. So in this one, I'm, I'm immediately going to remember, okay. Glowing book, um, actually books. It's plural. There we go. Okay. Now dash and this last part is a bit odd, but just trust me on this. What you're going to want to do is create a random string of numbers for you, mathematicians. This isn't truly random, but it's worked very well for us. So what you're going to do is just on your keyboard, you're going to hit a bunch of numbers. So literally like this, just like that, you might be like, what the heck, but what this does is create somewhat of a random ID. So if you want to filter by all of the campaigns using this ID, you can do that in the future. So it's just a random ID. There's nothing magical about this number. You can add letters, have fun with it, just smash the keyboard. You can do that, but just create somewhat of a random, um, somewhat of a random, unique idea at the end. That way, too, if you ever create a second variation of glowing books, then you can create a second variation of this ID and you know, it's different. You can filter different. It's all about filtering and organization. Okay. Enough about naming conventions. Your should look something like this. It continue. All right. So we're going to go ahead, um, and just make sure your Facebook page is the one same with Instagram. Let's turn on preview. Okay. And then we'll keep going down. Let's say ad media ad image. We're going to hit upload here. Okay. So we'll go to my downloads and then drive, download. There we go. So here's our file. So I'm gonna choose that image so you can see, we have a bunch of different ads running here. Um, but I'm gonna choose this hit next. Don't um, you don't really need to switch anything here and I'll explain this in one second. Uncheck allow enhancements and hit done. So you might be wondering why didn't I hit allow enhancements, um, in why don't I want Facebook to make these auto adjustments to the ads? Well, when you do that, the social engagement doesn't transfer over when you duplicate it. So basically what I'm trying to say here in simpler terms is once we start running this ad, you will see, you know, likes and comments and all of that. And it's beneficial to carry that over to new campaigns because it, once again, it shows social proof. If you have positive comments, you want everyone to see that you don't want it to reset. And when you do the enhancements on or a dynamic creative Facebook, doesn't transfer those over if you duplicate it. So here's what I want you to do right now. If you have, see how it says six placements, five placements, three placements, we're going to clear group customizations right here. Um, okay, there we go. So you'll see that we just have the original selected. We don't really have any enhancements on it is what it is. This is the format. Let's say that you uploaded an image in, you wanted to crop it so you can still do that, but do it as follows. You can hit edit, then edit media, and then you can choose crop right here, and then you can resize as follows. So you can zoom way in so forth and hit save. That is okay to do it that way. Um, but what you don't want to do is modify it where you come down to stories and you hit edit group and then crop it because it's going to create a dynamic ad. Once again, this is one of those things that does sound confusing you for new. Um, but you will get the hang of it just for the sake of, uh, of this launch. Just keep it as is if you want to crop only use this tool at it media right here, this top one. Okay. So we have our first image imported. Now we need to use pondir to import our primary text. So I'm going to go over to pondir and I'm going to generate some copy on the fly because I want to do that. So this is how if, uh, if you want to generate some more copy and just follow along, um, feel free to do so. Otherwise you can just go to saved, um, and, and drop it in, but I'm going to generate it on the fly here. So, so created, uh, we're going to do product title, create a success book bundle. Then we're going to do it. Learn how to break free from fear, harness your creative energy and do the work you love. There's elevator pitch. Boom. All right, let's go ahead and create this. Give it a second. There we go. Okay. So, um, quick glance, all of these. Uh, great. So I'm just going to save these and let me see, let's go to saved items. So remember if you save them, you can just go to save the items. Go ahead, scroll down. Are you ready to take creativity next? Um, book, this one's really good right here. I really liked this one. So watch how easy this is. Once you're in your saved area of a copy, you can hit this button here. Copy, go back to Facebook ads and just paste. There you go. So I want to give you a quick tip here on mobile. Uh, Facebook's only going to show the first three lines of your copy on someone's mobile device. So the way that you can get an idea of what it's going to look like is if you click these three dots here and hit expand, you can actually see so on desktop, still three lines, but you can see a lot more, whereas on mobile, you're going to get cut off right here. So it's super important to put that, uh, that engaging hook right at the top, which is, are you ready to take your creativity to the next level? So there we go. That looks good. Next. What I like to do is put a little teaser, so see how you can see more. And then it opens up. I want to incentivize people to click that, see more button. It's a little kind of hack that we've been using that we've seen a good improvement in our, in our click-through rates because we get people to read the rest. So this is what I'm going to do. Um, let me go ahead, expand. I just want to kind of reset this, this format. Um, let's see. Maybe if I had, uh, you don't have to leave the screen. I just want to go back. There we go. So I wanted it to be minimized. So how do we incentivize people to click see more watches? Do you want to learn? How so? What if I put, let's see what this looks like. Okay, there we go. How to, all right. So this is, and then I'm going to do pointing rights, uh, emojis, and want to work, but let's go. So I had this little emoji icon here and I'm going to find the one that is pointing to the right. You don't have to do this. I just want to show you a little technique. That's worked really well for us. So check this out. Are you ready to take your creativity to the next level? Do you want to learn how to.dot, dot look at what we're pointing at? You'd be surprised how well this works. So then they click this and now we can just kind of format it so we could actually go like this. How to, I might add couple more emojis just because, uh, I do know emojis have been working well for us. So we're going to go ahead and do this. All right. There we go. So take a look at how good that looks now. We've got that. We've got the hook, we've got this, this, uh, this bit that, uh, this text that incentivizes them to click Seymour. Then we got the benefits and more. Um, and so let's end this. So let's end this with a call to action here. So. I can actually take a piece of this copy here. So I'm just going to go to pondir and just look through what we built, uh, get the crew. I actually liked this almost as a hook right here, so we'll just go here and then we'll say click shop now to get yours today. There we go. So a nice call to action. Okay. So we have our copy. And if you see this button here, add options, once again, this is also going to create a dynamic ad so that the social proof isn't going to transfer over. Um, the other thing, the other downside, when you're launching a new campaign with this is it's going to take a lot more money in the form of ad spend to optimize. It's going to be more difficult to read results and make improvements. So stick with one, let's stick with a static ad, not a dynamic ad and continue building this out. So now we have our headline, so let's just go back over to pondir. Um, one thing I need to do is, uh, make sure that it doesn't clear when you leave. So by the time you're watching this, hopefully we finished that feature. So let me just quickly paste this in. We'll just, I mean, it's so simple to do this. Okay. And we'll click on headlines and we're just going to create some headlines now. Oh, this is good. Perfect. For the artists writer, entrepreneur dreamer and all of us. Oh, that's really good. I like this one too. Let's just generate a couple more variations. I like this. Okay. So let's go to saved. Um, I really liked this one. Perfect for the artist writer, entrepreneur dreamer, novelists, but let's see how it looks. Remember this is one of those situations where we could go down Sue. Um, let's just use brainwave actually, cause this will be a perfect situation to use this. Um, so just copying the elevator pitch. Oops. I didn't even hit copy on that. Uh, but man, look how fast this is to, uh, gone the days of me ever writing copy again. So here we go. All right. So what I want to do is I just really want to get an amazing headline. I don't even need the rest, so let's just do heading, uh, not big on that. Uh, I mean that does look good. See the difference like this is too long. It's just way too long. Whereas when I look at it here, I can see that this creative success book bundle looks good. Um, I do like Dominick, just copy it. Uh, not a big on that. Learn the secrets of creative success. Uh, so I th I think this variation right here, the creative success book bundle, it just looks good. Um, okay. That's good. And now description. So let's go ahead and create a description. Here was something a little bit longer, a bunch of books help you become an entrepreneur. Um, but it's not necessarily for entrepreneurs. Hmm, I'm wondering, I'm wondering what type of angle, um, uh, that I can take with this and apologies for this loading. This is our development server. Um, you can see staging. So we are actively working on new features here, which I think is what's happening here, but let's go ahead. So bundle of books to help you become an entrepreneur. I like the start of that, but I'm not big on the entrepreneurs. So I'll bundle of books to help you achieve creative success. So there we go. The other thing to know is, uh, descriptions don't show on mobile formats, but for those on desktop, it does look pretty good. So let's look at on desktop so you can see that that looks good, but a bundle of books doesn't really isn't descriptive enough. So what I want to do, um, let me just give this a quick refresh. Uh, I'm going to rely on pondir again because, um, I, I wasn't big on that one, so let's just, uh, quickly punch this back in. There we go. Creative success book bundle. All right. And then I want some link descriptions. Let's get a couple variations. Ooh, I like that. That's a really good one. This is a good one right here. Say that I'm going to copy it in break free from the constraints of your creativity. Boom. Awesome. So shop now, I'm going to shop now over, learn more just because the goal is for them to shop now. And there we go. Look how clean that looks image. Number one down. Here we go. First ad. Okay. So what we'll do is we're going to publish this and remember how I discussed, uh, apologies. So if you've got an error here, you, whenever an air shows up, if you hit view details, you'll see if you hover over this required field is missing. The link field is required. So that's very important. Nice catch Facebook. So what we need to do is copy in the link here. So we'll paste that there we go. Um, you can leave display, link, uh, blank. Um, you can leave these blank, make sure your pixel selected here. Your domain selected. I should say, uh, looks good. Okay. So now we'll publish it. And as I was mentioning, um, retaining social proof is very important. And so what you can do is actually use what's called an existing post. That way Facebook doesn't create a new post every time. So think about when you post to your newsfeed each time that you create something that's a new post in Facebook, assigns a new post ID to that, to each individual one. But now imagine if you made a post a year ago in each, um, each week, you just duplicated, it it'd be the same exact post with the same post. So that's where we're going to do here. And I'm not sure if that was a good explanation, but hopefully the demonstration here, um, helps. So what I want you to do is first refresh, and you might need a refresh a couple of times, so just let's do a two refreshes here after you publish. So now when we go back into edit, what you can do is come down to where it says, create ad and hit use existing post. And what you'll see is that the creative stays the same. So all of this, uh, let me annotate. So you, um, make sure you see what I'm referring to, but see how this is all the same, but what's different is not says, use existing posts. And the other thing that is substantially different is you can no longer edit the ad creative. So there's a rule. If you want to carry over existing social proof and engagement, likes, and comments, you can't change the ad once you create it. And it makes sense. Imagine if you posted a picture of a puppy, got a bunch of likes and then switched it to some evil picture of something that people don't like, but yet it has all the social proof and it backs it. So Facebook doesn't want you to do that. So once you make an existing post, you can not change it. So here we go. We're going to go ahead and, uh, really quick, let's say that you do want to edit it. If you come to create ad, you'll see that it does reset. So you are able to come back. Um, but you just, aren't going to re retain that social proof. So we're going to use existing post and, um, we'll hit publish. Okay, sweet. So now we're going to go in, so this is going to be, um, one of our image ads for cold traffic. This might actually work really well for retargeting, um, as it does kind of follow along with our three E's, but let's go ahead and create a video. So we're going to click on, let me just show you a few actually, and backed out. So once again, remember we are still on the diamond HQ. These are going to be the two. So these two campaigns are the only ones that have active ads. Diamond HQ is the one where we store ads. So we're going to go back into diamond HQ. Okay. Now videos let's hit create, let's follow the naming convention first. I need to remember which one I'm going to do. So I'm going to do the one with captions right here. So we'll pondir, um, book bundle. It's a product name, um, bracket. And then to describe this, I'm going to do, uh, so I recorded that with my iPhone. So iPhone video with captions. Okay. And remember the best part right here. It just smashed the keyboard, give it a unique ID. Okay. We'll create this. Once again, make sure Instagram accounts are selected. There we go. Preview on, and now let's upload this. So we'll come to add a video. So click on add media. Um, let me make sure my cursor's highlighted and we're going to upload this. There we go. Book, uh, with the captions open. Okay. All right. It might take a second to upload. I'll let this upload and be right back. Okay. The video is uploaded and we are good to go. So if you hit play here, you'll see a video looks great. All right. So let's continue with that same process that we did with the image. Let's ensure if you see this a little trash icon next to stories are right. Calm, make sure to click it. We don't want to dynamic ad. Um, the one thing that we do want to add though, is a custom thumbnail. So when it comes to thumbnails, thumbnails are very important because it's the first thing that shows before the video starts playing. So when there's, someone's scrolling really quickly, the thumbnail is going to show. And, um, there's multiple ways to split test thumbnails, which we'll get into in a later lesson. Um, but for right now, what I want to do is I'm going to use that image that we uploaded is that as the, uh, glowing book, as the thumbnail of this video, that way, if someone is, um, let's say they're on, on a mobile phone and they don't have a good network connection, Facebook will actually realize that and show them an image ad because they know they can't load a video, but let's say that same person is then, you know, at home on a fast wifi connection. And Facebook wants to show them a video ad by using the same thumbnail. They're going to remember this and hopefully it'll make them watch it. So we're just going to use that same thumbnail for right now. So we'll click edit video and we'll go to thumbnail. And if you click on manual, you'll actually be able to choose from here, but I want to upload. So I'm going to upload. And since I already uploaded that image, we'll click continue. Boom. We're good to go. Okay. And give it a second. There we are. So you can see Instagram feed, um, and so forth. So looks great. Um, let me make sure that this is not playing music. There we go. All right. So let's go ahead and create some primary texts. So I'm going to, um, I really do enjoy that primary text for the book, but I'm going to switch it up a bit. So let's come back over to pondir and let's do a problem solution. These were great for cold traffic because you're also in a way educating by explaining, you know, we understand the problem. Here's a solution to it. And then teaching what the solution is. All right. Um, I do like this one. It's tough doing the work you love when fear and self-doubt has it strangled on your creative energy. Um, the one thing is that's a little too intense. Um, remember we want to try and maintain positive sentiment whenever possible. Um, creative tip. I like this one, you know, you're, you're at this, uh, you have a lot of creativity, but don't know how to use it because it's, it's a compliment like, Hey dude, you're super creative, but let me show you how to use this. Okay. So this is a good one. Um, I'm going to save it, but first it looks like it picked up his name. There we go. Okay. So, so the pain, you have a lot of creativity, but don't know how to use it. It's time for you to take that next step in your career and turn your ideas into reality. That's good solution. This bundle includes three grade books from no Alaska will teach you how to harness the power of your imagination. Perfect. So copy that. I'm going to copy this over. Um, the one thing that I want to do though, and that I want to show you very viable option is I want to combine these, the, this ad with the previous one. So let's go to saved and let's go down. Um, and then this is the one that I really liked. So we're going to do this. So I'm going to take that group right there and then let's see where this fits. So it's time for you to take that next step in your career and turn your ideas into reality in this book. Uh, I'm just going to say, in this bundle and this bundle, you learn how to, there we go. Um, the bundle includes includes three grade books from no Alaska will teach you how to harness the power of imagination break. Um, okay, I'm going to cut it there. I'm gonna make these lower case. Okay, awesome. So remember how we did the image, where we wanted to kind of incentivize them to click the, see more button. The other thing is when you're running on Instagram, you'll notice that you really don't see much of it. So you really don't have much besides your hook. So the hooks the most important, but incentivizing the Seymour click is also extremely, extremely important. So we're going to hit, um, also instead of expands where you can see, you know, the specific one you have up, if you click on a few more variations, you can actually see a wide variety. So all the stories you're gonna see, just how it's going to look. So we want to see, um, we mainly want to look at the Facebook feed and the Instagram feed. Those are gonna be our main placements. So let's go ahead and. Um, let me click on here are okay. So if you click it over here, it'll show here. Okay. There we go. So you have a lot of creativity, but don't know how to use it. It's time for you to take that next. So there's kind of where our, uh, our incentive, uh, our opportunity to incentivize is. So it sounds for you to take that next step. I'm going to move the word it's and see if I can fit next step. Yup. There we go. Uh, C cut it off. Um, are you ready? Basically? I just want it to cut off at next step, because next step is a kind of like a cliffhanger. It's going to lead them into wanting to click. See more. So we'll go ahead and see what that looks like. Are you ready to take that next step? If I do the, oh man, that's a tricky one. So let's do this still, still getting me there. Um, are you ready to take the next step? And I'm working through this live because I want to show you it's really about testing in seeing, um, what feels right in your gut. Once again, if you go back to that checklist and you look and you ask yourself that question, do you feel a hundred percent confident in the creatives? It's the same type of thing here. W when you read this, do you, does it make you want to click see more? It, if it doesn't, it's not going to make anyone else want to click see more. So I always put myself in the consumer shoes and I read it as though I'm reading it for the first time. And, um, I'm, I'm the potential consumer. Okay. So what if I did, um, is it time to take the next step? So is it time to take the next step? Okay. We're going to do this. I wanted to get rid of that word in and we can even do that, that little trick right here and just bring that finger up like this. All right. Let's see how this looks up barely. And we can actually remove that. This looks pretty good. Let me see what a space works. There we go. Okay. Have a lot of creativity, but don't know how to use it. Um, I actually want to use, uh, like the, Hmm, that thinking emoji. So remember whether you use emojis or not really depends on the product you're advertising and your target demographic, this specific product. Um, very, it's a friendly, open, um, non-judgemental type of product. Like it's, it's here to inspire it to be friendly. Whereas if you're selling a $5,000 luxury watch, you're probably not going to be using emojis. So remember the context of your consumer, think back to your mural board and your brand story, who are you advertising to? It's going to really be dependent on, uh, what you use here. Okay. So there we go. A time to take the next step. Okay. This looks great. I really, really liked this one. Um, although I'm going to use the emojis here, so if you're wondering, well, why are you using emojis if, uh, if you're not sure if you know the right for your audience, um, I've split tested emoji's in this ad account. So I I've literally ran split tests where I have emojis and then add variation without it. One with emojis performed better. So I kind of have a little, a little sneak, a little cheat code, so dot, dot, dot, and more. Okay. I'm, I'm really happy with this copy. So let's go ahead and grab our headlines. So we already had some saved here. I'm going to use this creative success book bundle once again. Uh, and then I actually kind of liked this headline for, uh, for the description. It's very flexible. Okay, awesome. And then call to action. I'm going to use shop now, remember to enter in the URL. So we'll enter in the URL here. All right. There we go. So we'll hit publish, and, um, this is going to give us two, um, diamond formation. So our cold traffic as this is going to give us two of them now. So for the last one, what I'd like to show you is how to create a carousel ad. Carousel ads are really engaging. Um, they're really fun for mobile and they do work on desktop as well. So let me show you how to do this. So let's go, uh, actually first let's do our little refresh a couple of times here, so let's just see if it works with one refresh. Sometimes I get lucky. There we go. Okay, cool. So it might take you a couple, but either way, um, and see this idea right here. So this is a post ID that Facebook has science. Let me annotate. So you make sure you can see it. So this right here, that is a post ID. So every time an ad's created Facebook assigns a post ID, if you were to then, um, change this ad, you would get a new post ID in Facebook engagement. So, uh, we'll just. E N G. So this is going to stand for all of your likes, your comments, your saves, your shared messages on that post they're attached to this post ID. So if the post ID changes, everything else goes away. So that's why we're using the existing post. So hopefully that one made more sense. Okay, there we go. So we have a video, we have image, and now I want a carousel ad to run alongside all my cold, um, my diamond formation. So we'll go to carousel so you can click on it here. You can click on it here either way is fine. I'm going to use this menu though. So we'll click action menu, create ad, and we're going to follow that same goofy format pondir dash book bundle dash. So, um, I guess one thing that I'll need to note is with a carousel ad, actually, let's just go ask Milo, um, what's a, what is a care sell ad on Facebook? Let's see if he can, uh, give us a bit of a description, show up the four images or videos on the same screen. So what does that mean? We're going to need up to four images or videos. So obviously I don't want to use a bunch of different, like variations, the same type of video. So what I'll do here is I'm going to get creative. Uh, I'm going to take, I'm gonna come to is a landing page. I'm going to save image as I'm going to download this. Uh, uh, I'll take a picture of Noah here. There we go. And then I can use all the ones that I have on here. Okay. So check this out. So what we're going to do is hit carousel and now we get to choose, um, up to four images or videos. So check this out. This is what we're going to do. Manually choose images, videos, or links. If you installed the, um, Facebook Shopify integration, if you're on Shopify, you might have a product set we'll. We will get into that in a later lesson for right now, just that's manually choosy. So don't get too ahead of yourself, manually choose select image. So let's go ahead and upload. Um, so I've done so many various creative test today. I have so many random files here. Okay. So we have that one, um, then, uh, saw click on that. I'm going to upload that one first. Then I want this one as well. Oh, so it failed that one. Doesn't want to seem to upload. So let's try. Uh, so there's this a handy little plug. If you're on Chrome, just a side note, um, you can get this plugin. It is called save image as type, and it allows you to actually select which one. So I'm assuming that the format was all funky and it didn't want to save. So where'd it go. Here we are. Okay. Nope, I was wrong. I know what the issue is. Let me explain. So if you ever have an image that won't upload a lot of time, it is due to the size of the image. So what you'll see is see how it's like 345 pixels wide or tall. That's too small to actually advertise on any placements. So Facebook's rejecting it. That's my assumption. I'm 95% confident in that there could be something that was just a bug going on, but no big deal. So what we want to do is select an image for this first one. So if you look on mobile, this is one of those where you can slide with your thumb left and right desktop, um, you'll be able to go like this. So let's first use that first image that we did so you can see boom, there we go. Um, or even better, what we can do is let's add a video here. So we're going to, um, select the video. If you didn't see what I did there, let me just redo that with my cursor highlighted. So I want to add that, uh, the video ad that we use here as the first one, and then the next slides after will be, uh, pictures. I feel like it be more engaging that way. So what I did to do this was see this ad media button, click that and hit add video, then click the last one. I hit select video. Okay. There's an ad. Okay, awesome. So to get this up to the top, I'm just going to simply see how my cursor changes. I'm going to drag it all the way up here. Boom. There we go. All right. Now, down to the next one, let's just add in these images here. And I do really like, like a picture of this book bundle. So here's a little, somewhat of a cheat code. Um, so on Mac, if, if you don't have a Mac, not sure how to do this on windows, but on Mac you can hit shift command and then four, and it's going to open up a screenshot tool, which you can then just kind of take a screenshot. So, and then in the bottom hand, uh, right of the screenshot, you'll see, it is a much bigger image, not high resolution, but it should be a little, uh, little work around here. So let me upload this weird. It does not want to upload images. Um, in your case, just upload images. Here's a picture. I took a Noah though that will work perfectly so you can see him holding up the book in this next slide there. So let's go to. Um, Instagram feed. So Instagram feed. You'll see how having a video first just looks really nice. Okay. So there's a second image. So now we're gonna, I'm going to add a third. Let's do a picture of Noah actually working on art because you know, he's creative and that's what this is for. So this is a, uh, image here that we've run ads with before. So what you're you're seeing me do is reach deep into our assets. We have produced hundreds of assets specifically for this book bono campaign. Um, needless to say, so as you saw me put 2.0, um, we have actually, I've been scaling a book bundle campaign for Noah for over a year. Now the campaign itself has over 3 million impressions. So it scaled very well. And over time I just continued to produce assets. I would shoot Noah text and say, Hey, I'm need new videos. He'd take a selfie video talking about it. And just constant production of assets is so important because it allows flexibility. So there we go. Let's see. I think somewhere we actually should have this book bundle uploaded anyways, uh, or like a picture of it. Yeah, here we go. So I'm just gonna use it power. Okay. There we go. So let's go through now in ad headlines for each one of these. So it's still the same type of layout. Basically. We want to add a headline that goes right here. So let's go ahead and go back to our handy tool. Um, we're gonna, uh, and this is where like just creating a bunch of variations and saving them comes into play because it it's going to speed up your launch time, but let's just do this creative success book bundle. Okay. A book bundle. I like that. By the way. I like that. All right. I'm going to do one more generation and then we're just going to import these, um, Ooh, perfect. All right. So we'll go saved. So I need four. I like, uh, I like this one right here. So this is going to be the first one. So headline, what you'll see, is it updates? You go so creative success of book bundle. I might actually just do creative success book bundle, um, for the first one. And now this is, what's pretty cool about carousel. So you can actually in a way, break down a buyer. Objection, ad by ad. So we will for headline number two, let's say someone watches the video. They see creative success book bundle. What we can do now is if we go back to the copy we generated and you'll see, we have, uh, we have these three benefits right here. So I'm just going to take the benefit. Number one, And where are we at? Uh, here we are. I'm going to add his headline number two. Okay. Here's number three. So harness creative energy. There we go. Um, and then I might end this with the more call to action one. So, uh, by the creative success book bundle. Awesome. Okay. So that looks good. And then what you're going to want to do is get your URL and make sure it's added on every carousel. So website, you were out that way. When someone clicks on a specific, like part at carousel, it'll still take them to the same website. Ah, there we go finally. Okay. Perfect. All right. That looks good. Um, I'm going to uncheck automatically show the best performing card first. Cause I want the video to show first, add a card at the end with your profile picture. Um, it doesn't hurt to leave this. It really doesn't make a difference either way to be honest, we haven't seen an improvement or decrease improvement our tests so we can leave it on. Okay, there we go. So we have four and then what we want to do, uh, I'm also going to leave the description blank just because the majority of times carousels show it's on a mobile placement. The more majority of times they're just very effective on mobile versus desktop, um, in descriptions, not going to show on mobile. So I'm not going to worry about the description here. Okay. So let's keep going down and our primary text. So what we can do is I actually am going to use this variation right here and I'm just going to paste it in and then I'm going to do the, uh, what's a good, uh, emoji for the creativity to the next level. Okay. And then I'm just going to leave this one, like this, uh, run one without a lot of emojis. And mainly the one reason that I'm not going to sit here and try to incentivize the Seymour click and so forth is in our tests. Most of the engagement happens on the carousels. So let's actually click this button to hit expand desktop suite. So you can see it'll play the video, showing him holding up the book, showing him what you're going to get. Harness your creative energy, showing that he is a creative there's authoritarians, and then here's a call to action. And then there's the profile image. So if they click that and that'll still take you to the website, it's just a picture of him. Okay. So this looks great. Let's do. Let's do a get offer on this. I like get offer on this one. Cause I refer to the bundle and we're showing multiple carousels, uh, and just having some variety in our ads. Okay, perfect. So we'll paste in the URL down in the Seymour in case they click one of the other buttons here and make sure the pixel is set up and good to go. Okay. So we now have built out a carousel, just double-check your Instagram account, uh, and then publish. All right, let this go ahead and publish. And then what we're going to do is actually take these three ads and build out our diamond formation campaign. Then we'll come back and do the retargeting. If you need to take a break, if you need to rewatch sections do it. This is, uh, this is like the down and dirty technical aspects of running Facebook ads. You have to learn this if you really want to scale campaigns. So take your time. Don't get overwhelmed. If you feel frustrated, get up, take a shot at tequila, do whatever it takes and, uh, get refreshed before diving back until you want to make this a fun experience. Okay, so we have this, there we go. Oh, I almost forgot to use existing post, so you can still do that with carousel. So we're going to go back in there, carousel. Uh, we'll hit edit, and we're going to do use existing. Perfect. There we go. Publish. Okay, there we go. So we have now created the, uh, the initial ads and actually, um, we don't necessarily need to do the stability zone as on this, uh, video, as it is a longer tutorial because all you're going to be doing the same exact process. So if you have an image ad that is ready for the retargeting, if it's a, if it's more of a direct call to action, um, then you would just go to image and you would create an ad here and follow the same exact process. So let's go ahead and start to publish, um, these campaigns. So the next step is going to be getting your audiences ready? Who are you going to be targeting? How do you know who to target? Well, it's actually a very simple process nowadays rewind to three years ago. Um, if you go to some of my, uh, if you go to my YouTube channel, you can search Dylan pondir and go watch one of my videos from two and a half, three years ago on Facebook ads, you're going to be blown away by how much work it was to find the right audiences to target, um, to do the right placements, to ensure that your, your budgets were set in a, in the, in the right way. That was profitable. Like all these little things had to happen, but nowadays, um, Facebook preaches the opposite. So let's go ask Mike. What is the Facebook hour five. I'm going to be impressed if he actually knows this one. I don't know if we've trained them yet. Yep. So I don't think he knows, uh, what Facebook power five is yet. Cause it is a pretty, uh, pretty hidden topic here. Okay. So Milo doesn't know, Milo, you got to get better at the power five. I'm going to have to train you, but let me just go ahead and show you man manually. So if you search Facebook power five, Facebook power five. Okay. So basically Facebook and we've touched on this in the earlier lessons, but nowadays you're going to be following this exact process. So you don't need to do all that manual work. So let's go ahead and target your customers in a way that's relatively simple. So go ahead and go to the diamond formation here. We're going to hit create, and we're going to give an ad set a name since we don't know the name of the ad say yet, because we haven't, I haven't shown you the naming convention. We'll just type one and then hit skip ad. So select the dropdown, skip ad. Okay. You want to select your pixel. You want to choose your conversion event. So we're going to do purchase, um, one thing to note. So if you see on my screen here, it says set up conversion API. So we do have it set up on the Shopify store, but we utilize this pixel on various landing pages and um, other websites, honestly. And so those don't have the conversions API, which is flagging this. If you are seeing this and you feel like you should have the conversion API set up, go back through that step-by-step process and get it working, do not make the mistake of running ads without it. If you run ads without the conversions API, you're going to miss out on a lot of data and Facebook actually just won't be able to show your ads a certain people because they don't have the data they need to do so. So make sure that you don't see this. And if you do just go back through that process again. Okay. So we'll go ahead and scroll down. You can leave all this by default. So when it comes to custom audiences, what we first want to do is exclude our retargeting traffic. So remember, let me go ahead and just, uh, kind of annotate this out for you. So diamonds, stability zone, I'm just going to label it DSE. This stands for diamond stability zone down there, and then we have the diamond formation. So remember this is cold traffic. Um, this is people first time seeing brand or product advertising to these individuals. Let's say that, uh, let's say we have a user on Facebook, um, and she's named Sally. So Sally sees one of these book bundle ads clicks through to our website. That would be a view content event. She's viewing the content on our website all now, she's going to be placed into our diamond stability is on, which is retargeting. We don't, we no longer want Sally in this cold traffic because she's not cold traffic. And if Sally was to make a sale, we then want to see the sale attributed to the retargeting, the diamond stability zone. So what we're going to do is actually build a custom audience of individuals that are, are, uh, are retargeting audiences, and then exclude them from our campaigns. That way, the moment that they take an action, they're no longer considered cold traffic. So here's how to do so come over to all tools and click on audiences down here on the bottom left-hand side, I'm going to open this up in a new tab. So here we are on the audience, uh, section of Facebook ads, and don't get overwhelmed with all of these on mine. This is because we've been creating custom audiences for tons of different campaigns. Yours will be empty if it's a new ad account. So let's create a custom audience made up of our retargeting traffic that we want to exclude. So we'll hit custom audience, your sources. So website on the next. So we'll, we want to select the right pixel, make sure you have the right pixel selected. And then, uh, you can do all website visitors if it's a single product, but in our situation, we have a bunch of different products running. So if the same thing is happening in your case, here's what you can do. So you can come down to, um, page view, uh, and we want to exclude people for 30 days. Usually we do 21 to 30 days of excluding from cold traffic. Let's just keep it at 30, 30 is a good amount of time. Uh, you can do this also, if you think about the last time you considered buying something, but didn't, how long did it take you before you reconsidered? It that's basically the timeframe that you want to put here. So 30 days is a good average amount of time. So in this situation, we only want to target, uh, ex good people that visited the book bundle, because what if they bought a one to know his art pieces of art, and then saw this, we don't want to exclude them because that's not technically a customer of this product. So here's what we'll do. We'll hit refined by URL or parameter. So if we go back to this, uh, page right here, you'll see book. So let me just copy, go ahead and copy, uh, the back half of the URL. So I'm just gonna take the word book here. Let's go back to audiences and just, if you see URL contains and we'll put book, boom. So now this custom audience will only electively grab people that have visited that book page. The other thing that you can do is if you have Chrome, you can install the Chrome extension called Facebook pixel helper. And if you click this, what you'll see is if you click on the view content, um, you should see a, uh, content ID. So let me go to like brumate for example, For this, this isn't Shopify, this is automatically built in. So we don't have this setup here, but let's go to, um, so if you are on Shopify, here's what you can do. So we'll go to a random product here. What you'll see is if you click on this, so view, content, see this content ID. So once you have the content ID, what you could do is come to events, give you content refined by URL, parameter, content, IDs, pasted in, and now Facebook's only going to use, uh, this, uh, people that have added that specific product or viewed it added a car and so forth, but we don't have a contact ID for the sales page here, this landing page. So we're just going to do page view or find by your all parameter paste book. Boom. Now we're good. So when it comes to the diamond stability zone, we're going to do a much more, uh, in-depth breakdown of custom audiences. But for this example, I want to ask you a question. So think about it like this. When someone visits this page, they pull up my annotation tool. Okay. So they're on, um, this page right here. So this fires a page view event, let's say they did purchase what would be the flow of events? Well, then they would, uh, add to cart. They would, uh, initiate a checkout and then finally they would make the purchase. But the point I want you to see is that they first have to do a page view. So everything else is going to be grouped into a page view, custom audience, unless it's excluded. And you can see this process. I'll show you this right now. So you'll see. Um, we have page view. Oh, actually we do have, oh, we're still showing brumate let me give this a refresh. So it picks up the right pixel. Okay. So that's really where to show him brumate. Um, but you'll see page view fired. So we click get book bundle, give us a second. And um, it's going to take us to checkout. So now we check the pixel helper and it's still picking up roommate, um, in this situation, just close your browser, restart it, but what you would see if it wasn't, if it was working correctly, is it would fire initiated checkout and edit card and so forth. So in this situation, we're okay. Just to simply do a page view for the last 30 days and what we're going to name this pondir. So we're going to follow that same naming convention book bundle. Um, and then we can just do page view and then 30 days create, all right. So we just created our first custom audience. So let's go ahead and go back to the ads manager. And if you click on custom audience, you're going to see your custom audience that you just created. So here it is right there, but we want to exclude it. So exclude. There we are. Okay. So age range, um, when it comes to ages, obviously, you know, your demographics, once again, refer back to your mural board to your brand story. What is the general age range, if you aren't sure. Leave abroad, if you are very sure. Like for example, we do have data on this, as I mentioned. So I know for a fact that our top performing ages is 27 through about 57. There we go. Um, if you're sending a selling a gender specific product or offer a specific service, then you can edit here, but for us, gender neutral. So we're going to keep it as is detailed targeting expansion. So let's ask Milo what is detailed targeting expansion. Let's see what my last is say here. Yeah. It's a way to target people or interest your products or service to reach people who may not be your typical customer. Good job, Milo. Um, that's exactly what it is. So basically what this right here allows Facebook to do is go outside of your specified targeting. And let's say that you target people who like to read books, but they see someone over here in this random fish fishing audience. And they're like, oh, actually he saw his profile fits the right customer. This toggle right here will let Facebook go out of your audience and try to achieve that conversion. So when you initially launch, um, it's tempting to do this, but I prefer to wait because when you're launching, it's, it's much more important to learn what audiences on Facebook are showing promise, versus maybe it's the audience that showing promise, or maybe it's just Facebook going out and doing their own thing. So later down the road, when you have a lot of data, it's okay. When you're scaling to use this, we do use it when scaling, but for now uncheck this. Okay. So now we have detailed targeting, include people who match. So this is a very powerful tool. You can do demographics, education, financial, so forth, um, but really it's going to be, it's going to come down to a lot of interest targeting. So for this situation, we want to target creatives. So let's go hype. Uh, let's go ahead and type in creative and just see what it shows creative. Look at that. So we already have an interest writing technology, creative ideas, all of this, uh, amazing. And if you look, you see the audience size here, 74 million people, 20 million people so forth. Um, back, if you, once again, kind of referring to my older videos, if you were to watch 1, 2, 3 years ago, I'm talking about trying to sniper, target your audience, get really 74 million would've been outrageous to do, but with the power five, they want you to go broad because their algorithms can optimize better. And we have seen better results going broad. We have essentially a much larger room to scale. And Facebook does a really good job of pinpointing your target demographics anyways. So it's less about sniper targeting and all of that. More about going broad with that said, I do want to know if it is a very specific product, like a $5,000 luxury watch that has a Chicago bears logo engraved into it. Well, you're going to want to get very specific, uh, fluent individuals that live in maybe Chicago that are Chicago bears fan. So you want to niche that down, um, that also collect watches. So certain situations you can get nice, but if you're selling a book, bundle for creatives, entrepreneurs, artists, um, so forth, let's go broad. So we're going to type and creative again. I like this creative ideas. So just choose one. That sounds right. Think about it. 20 million people. Facebook's going to do a better job targeting the right people than you are. So this is how we name our ad sets. We simply just take the, uh, the name of the detailed targeting. So creative ideas. We'll copy it. We're going to paste it in. All right, looks good. Go ahead. Scroll down. I leave it on automatic placements. Now, once again, feeding power five, optimize optimization for ad delivery. So if you click this, you're going to see an option for value. Um, if you have enough data, if it's a new ad account, you're probably not going to be able to choose value. So conversions are fine. I'm actually running an active split test of using value optimization versus conversion. So if you do want to see that, um, that'll be in the coaching role at some point, but leave it at conversions. You're going to be set doing it like that. Attribution setting. Leave the default, please leave the default. Um, and then go ahead and hit publish. All right. So we just published our first ad set. And from here it gets very, very fast. So let's go back to campaigns and what you're going to go. You're going to go back into diamond formation and now click here to select creative ideas, hit, duplicate and type a under number of copies. Put three. So right here, you want to put three and duplicate. So now let's go find three other audiences to target. So there's a really easy way to do this. What you can do is come down, um, under detailed targeting, hit, edit, and then turn off detail targeting Spanish and they will automatically turn that on by default when you duplicate something. So make sure to shut that off and then just simply hit suggestions. It's going to show you a lot of different, a variety of audiences to target. So let's just choose artists. Um, there we go. So we're going to do artists in one. All right. Next, we want to have suggestions. We're going to do entrepreneurship. Sweet. And then let's go ahead and do, Hm. So for this last one, I'm going to get a bit, get a little funky with this targeting, but I want to show you the flexibility of this setup. So let's go ahead and choose creativity. So there's 402 million people in this audience. We want to remove creative ideas. So let me just double-check. I did that from the other ones. Yep. So, uh, remove creative ideas from there, leave creativity. And now what I want to do is actually narrow the audience. I'm gonna hit narrow and I'm gonna hit, uh, suggestions, but let's think like if someone was to buy this book, remember, pull up your Miro board, uh, where you're advertising story. That's going to be extremely beneficial here, but creativity. And, um, specifically with our ads, we're talking about, let's just go to our saved ad. So I can really reference these break free from a break that's a tongue twister break free from fear harness, your creative, inner energy, creative genius. Um, turn your career in ideas into reality. I like that. So let's think about it like this. What if we target creativity, but then we narrow it by entrepreneurship. So now we're getting creative entrepreneurs and we narrow it further with Hm. With let's do small business, small business owners. There we go. Um, and if you want to see the audience size, if you have a custom audience on here, it's not going to show it. So let's just remove it and you'll, you'll be able to see it. So we still have 700,000 people here. Um, let's just, let's just test it out. And um, if you do decide to do one of these more narrow audiences, you're going to find that the cost to advertise do become much more expensive because you're limiting the amount of people, the broader the audience. Usually it's substantially cheaper to advertise, but Hey, if it's profitable, we're all about it. So creativity, entrepreneurship, small business owners. So here's how I'm going to name this one. So I'm going to do times. So I'll put the X entrepreneurship. There we go. Times, small business owners. There we go. Perfect. All right. Let's just verify all this. All of this looks great. Boom. There we go. Um, to select eggshells, uh, just hit publish on this one and then we'll do the other two separately. So I want to just show you so Facebook makes ad sets disappear all the time. Refresh comes to the rescue. There we go. If it says in draft or if it's highlighted green, it is not published. Do not hit discard, drafts, hit review, and publish. Then. And now, um, we're good to go. So how do we, you get these ads that we created in the diamond HQ in our diamond formation. Let's go in here. Um, let's just without selecting one of these, let's just click on ads. That way we can see all of the ads in this campaign. So if we expand this, we'll see, we have the, um, I don't know why it's not loading the full name. Oh, it's because I didn't finish naming the carousel. So let me just do that very quickly. So care O cell, uh, and then we have video number one and then images. Then we have like, so I'm just going to do one video with captions, three images and then smash the keyword. Okay, sweet. Okay. There we go. So let's do duplicate these into those ad sets with a couple clicks of a button. You don't have to do this manually one by one. So click select all hit duplicate. Now choose existing campaign. This highlight this, uh, this campaign here. Delete it then, um, filter. So this is where filters come in. So if you put like a book bundle, you can filter by all of your campaigns. Um, I'd actually didn't name the book bundle. I just did P under 2.0, so there's Panera 2.0 quickly filter through hundreds of campaigns that we'd previously run. And now I'm going to choose diamond formation. I'll click an ad, um, ad sets. I'm going to just choose one. And then I'm going to click add to all it's going to select all of them. Number of copies, one duplicate, and we are good. So if you look, we over here, we have this diamond formation campaign. Each ad set has drafts. Remember these aren't published yet of the three ads, so we're going to hit publish. There we go. So let's go back here and let's just take a look inside what's going on in here. So you'll see we have our ad sets, and then if you go into one of them, we have our ads and the best part is, see how it still says use existing post. That means if that video ad gains likes or comments from this ad set, the rest of the ad sets are going to see the same social engagement. So make sure, um, when launching campaigns, if you want to build up that social engagement to use the existing post. Okay, here we go. So if we go, um, if you use that the pre-launch checklist and you defined your budget, I'm just going to use the example of a hundred dollars per day. So, first thing that I want to do just for safety measures is move the diamond HQ budget down to five. Remember this, this campaign is never going to run, but in case it does, I don't want to spend a hundred dollars by accident. All right. So we'll keep, um, that a five diamond formation is going to be 80. So 80% of our $100 budget is $80. Then I might as well just set the diamond stability zone. At 20. Okay. So now we have a diamond formation ready to go. Okay. Now it is time to build out the diamond stability zone. So if you remember, we're going to have a couple ad sets in here. We're going to have our warm traffic, which are people that engage with the post, engage with the ads, but didn't visit the website that we're going to have one for our hot traffic being website visits, add to cart initiate checkout. And then finally, if your product is one that is consumable, not in the necessarily in the form of like drinking water, but in the form of something that you use, for example, like a candle, you use it in a runs out and you have to buy another one. We're actually going to build an ad set for existing customers. On top of that, you're also going to see how to use dynamic creatives in the power of that. So let's go ahead and build this out. One thing to note is to get your, um, your diamond stability zone creatives, just build them the same way that we did with the diamond formation. So for example, let's do one for it, with this image. So I'm just going to hit, duplicate is I'm going to use the previous one is a, is a base. All right. Create ad. Okay. So as you can see, we have a fresh ad now, so I'm going to use the glowing books, but I'm going to put, uh, Dr. Four exhale put direct response. So direct response. Now I want to change that random bunch of letters. So just follow the same process that we initially did to get your diamonds, to build these on your retargeting ads in here. All right. So let's go ahead and do ad image. Oh, I could actually use that product photo. So the photo of the book Bondo would be good. Here it is. All right next. We'll it. Next late, Don. Okay. Sweet. All right, so let's go ahead. I am going to crop this, so see how this one doesn't fit. Well, if I hit edit, um, whoops, almost made that same mistake. So make sure to clear that if you see that trash can, and now I can hit this, I edit dropdown. So edit media. We're going to do, um, we're going to do square. Ooh. Yeah, we want to do square here. Uh, but it's not really fitting so you can kind of see my dilemma here. Let's let's do a, we'll just stick with square, but I'm going to resize this down to a, uh, it's really just the books. Yeah. So this looks great. We're going to use this one. All right. Save. Okay. Much better looks great. And now remember when it comes to bottom of the funnel, we want to be direct call to action. So let's um, let's see. We could just say. Don't forget your creative success book bundle. And I believe Noah is actually running a disc on this. Let's see. Um, yeah, so previously all, they were all, uh, $60 now, the 39 99. So that's save $20 on it. Um, saved $20 or a limited time. I do definitely need to confirm when that pro shin ends. Um, but this is an example of direct response. All right. So headline creative success book bundle. And remember in pondir, we actually created one that said by the creative six. Yes. I like that. Um, so you could do one like this. You could also do save 20 hours limited time because save $20. Ooh. How about this? Let's just do, you can see how I'm using all caps. I'm being slightly like, almost yelling through the internet, but we're at the point of the funnel where we want people to convert. We're right there. They've at this point, we know they've added to cart or initiated a checkout, so what's, what's hindering their, what's their objection to buying it. Maybe a surprise. So we break that down. Um, maybe it's authority. So like, what if, if we add onto this, just to tackle all the objections in one place, so we could say, um, I believe, I mean, thousands of individuals have used these books, um, and great feedback. So let's do something such as, uh, Hmm. Thousands, thousands of individuals. Um, let's use this just like this for right now. Um, and then I'll show you the other format in a minute, but I want to, I don't want to get too overwhelming. I get excited when I'm building creative, so we'll keep it like this. Um, I'm going to use sharp now. All right. And then I'm actually going to use my favorite pointing, right. Emoji. There we go. And you'll see that emoji points to the shop now button. So once again, remember your audience. You don't have to use emojis. What does this look like on a separate line? All right. That looks kind of cool. I like how that stands out a bit more. Um, and then this was not going books. So remember, we want to edit this to say, we'll just do a book bundle product render. I'm going to, I don't remember if I changed the numbers, but I'm going to change the numbers there. Okay, perfect. And then we're going to publish, uh, did I forget the URL? I did. All right. So that is published. Let's go ahead and refresh. We'll hit, edit. And remember, we just want to use existing on this as well. Oh, perfect. So this gives me opportunity to show you what might happen on your end. See how it says select the existing posts so forth. Um, if you click this, you can actually select that. But what'll happen is it's not going to show your texts. So hit discard draft. Don't publish this, discard it, once you discard it, refresh, let's just do two refreshes to really kick things in action here. All right. So then we'll go back to that edit. Now let's try using existing post. There we go. So you can see it's just a matter of refreshing and, uh, making Facebook work. Okay. So now we have one of the diamond stability ads follow that process for the remainder of the ads that you've created and the copy that you've created. Let's go build the diamond stability zone now. So in here let's structure, the ad sets. So we'll hit create, um, you can hit skip ad. We don't need that right now. So we're going to do diamond one and you can label this as warm. Uh, you don't have to. Um, but just for, if you're, if you're new to this diamond strategy, you can label it as warm. Alright, cool. So we'll select the pixel, select your pixel, select your, uh, conversion event ex uh, uncheck detailed automated placements. All right. Great. Now don't click anything besides go to action. Menu, hit that and hit duplicate two times. Okay. Now let's select this top on this as warm copy. We're going to change this to diamond, to label. It's hot. There we go. Now, click on the other warm copy. Now this is going to be diamond three. I remember this is going to be existing customers. If you don't have a product that people are going to come back and buy or a product to cross sell, um, you don't need to create this audience. And realistically for this book bundle, it's not really a product that once you buy it, you need to buy another one books last a lifetime. So in this situation, I don't need to create it, but I will just to show you how to, how to actually set this up. And then finally go ahead and click on the action menu again. Hey, quickly duplicate. But this time. We're going to use, uh, a dynamic creative, creative, so DCO. So, um, put diamond number four and then just type DCO. Um, and we can put stacked, uh, rights. I'm trying to think how to filter best, but, um, diamond for dash pondired, DCO. Okay. So what you can do to publish all of these at one time is click on the top on, and just like a normal application on your computer, where you hold shift to select a bunch I'm down to the bottom one, hold shift, and then click. It's going to select them all and you can hit publish. All right. So what we need to do now is get our audiences built for the setup. So let me show you how to do this first. We're going to build our warm audiences. So go back to your all tools, scroll down to audiences and then click. And you're going to end up on your custom audience page, where we created the previous ones. So go to custom audience, create audience, custom audience. Um, and now we don't want to use website. Cause we only want people that engage with our ads off of our website. So only on Facebook. So we are going to choose, um, first let's do video. So any, or your video ads, we can actually track how long of the video someone's watched. So we're going to choose video. We're going to do 95% choose video. And then you're going to see all of the videos that we have, uh, have run. So you can see, we have, um, quite a few impressions on some of these. So you can see a couple of these 82,330, 4,000. Um, the specific book bundle, one that we previously ran has around 3 million now. And the best part is like those 3 million people. You can actually get data on how much of that video they watch and then re target and build audiences. So check this out. So here's the, um, the video with captions that you saw me create at the start. So select that, and you can choose any of the other ones that you've uploaded in this, for this campaign. So select all your videos and then hit confirm. So now what this is going to do is create an audience of people. Who've watched 95% of your video, and we're going to do 30 days audience name. So we're going to label this pondir, same format, book bundle. We're going to give a description. So a video with captions and then 95% video viewers VV for video viewers and then 30 days. So beat is scripted. If you want to be able to look at this immediately, know what it is and the people that are in there, and you can even add a description, but our audience names are descriptive enough. All right. Create audience now. We're good. All right. Let's create another one here. So instead of video. Let's do Instagram account. So we'll go here, select the Instagram account for your brands, everyone who engaged. So you can also get more specific, save the post, but everyone engaged is a good one. So we're going to do 30 days, same process. So pondir book bundle, um, we're going to do, there's really no reason for description and we can, we can say everyone who engaged that works and then dash, um, engaged. So I'm going to do IgE engaged actually. So that way I know that this is Instagram engagement, uh, and I maxed out the amount. So all, all engage. Let's just put on engagers dash 30 days. All right, sweet. Create another custom audience. And now we are going to do Facebook page. So hit next. Choose your Facebook page. Same exact process. Sweet. There we go. There's everyone that engaged with Facebook, create another custom audience. Let's just take another look around. Really. That's going to summarize the majority of your, your profitable, warm, um, audiences. So we're good on this list. You'll also notice that there's things such as like uploading customer lists. So if you are existing brands, you can upload those here. Um, but for the sake of this warm traffic example, I wouldn't even consider that warm if they're already a customer, right? So we're not going to do any of these other ones for the warm traffic. All right. So we had the warm traffic built out. Now let's go back to the ads, choose one, a diamond, one warm, let's go down now, check this out. We're going to do custom audiences clicking here, do custom audience now select them. So, uh, not page view, we don't want page view cause that's a hot audience. Want Facebook engage, Instagram engaged 95% video viewers. And then we want to exclude our hot audiences. So remember how I said anyone that viewed the page would also have to add to cart, initiate, checkout, so forth. So we'll exclude page view 30 days. There we go. So now the way that this, this funnel works is if they engage with the page or engage with our ad, but then click to the website, they get removed from this ad set. So this ad sets only going to track people who engage with the ad and bought that first time. So this is a very good way to, uh, really move people through the funnel. All right. Well, continue scrolling down. Um, you can leave your age broad once again, it, unless it's specific, same with gender, but as long as you're doing that filtering and your cold traffic, that's going to be the only people that come through into this one. All right. So there we go. No detailed targeting, no reach automatic, boom, publish. Let's go, go ahead, go back now and create our hot audiences. So create audience. Now we want to do website. So as I mentioned, page view works, but I want to show you how to create the other ones. Because when we go to scale, we will be using initiate checkout audiences and so forth. So here you can click on all website visitors, and we're going to do, we did Pete page view. You can do view content. If you have a product ID for this, we don't. Um, but we're going to do initiate checkout and we're also going to include food. So if you hit that include button and you can just, yeah, all website visitors, you can do add to cart. So that way now we're grouping, initiated checkouts and add to carts together. The reason being is especially with iOS 14.5, I found the pixel tracking to be, everyone's finding the pixel tracking to be much less reliable. And so if someone adds to cart and then initiate checkouts, but the checkout pixel doesn't fire, you still want to retarget them. So I'm going to group these two together like this, here we go. pondir book bundle. We're going to do edit. Uh, so I don't really need to be descriptive here. We're just going to put, add to cart plus initiate checkout 30 days. All right. The other thing I want to note is that this pixel, we do have other products. So if you have other products, you don't want to include those in this campaign, right? We want to be specific to this book bundle. So this is where you can use this. So we're going to come here refined by URL, parameter, paste it in refined by there we go. Great audience done. Okay. So since we created, it might as well exclude it from here. So we're just going to come into custom audience. Uh, where are we at? So a filter there we are. So now our warm is complete. Let's go ahead and set up hot. So include. So we want to do add a cart. We're going to filter again. There's our hot traffic custom audience we just created. So who do we want to exclude from hot? Well, we want to exclude existing customers because once they buy this, isn't the type of product that we want them to buy again. And if we did, we have a separate ad set for that. So let's go ahead and build that. Create another custom audience hit website next do purchase. And if you have a content ID, you can refer refined by that. For this I don't, I'm going to do URL. All right. pondir book bundle, um, purchase 30 days. It's a very descriptive, I know what it means. All right. So then we're going to exclude, um, purchasers, um, and might as well, actually we might as well exclude that from warm traffic just to be safe. So let's go ahead. Um, go back to warm. So you click there or we're just going to exclude purchase. So I typed a filtered book bundle purchase, so you can see how easy it is to filter. If you just type the word book bundle now all of your, your various audiences pop up. All right. So we're good on hot. We're good on warm. Uh, we're good here. Ah, perfect. All right. So now for existing, all you need to do, so uncheck detailed come up to include, and then this is where it's, depending on your product. Let's say you have a product that runs out in 30 days, so you don't want to retarget people that bought within 30 days. You actually want to exclude people that bought with them 30 days. So you go back to your audiences, um, create a custom audience website next, um, purchase, and then you're going to want to do, um, let's say so we're going to exclude 30 days. Let's say that. Let's just say 180 days. So 180 days is the max. So if you try to 180 1 has to be 180. So we'll enter this. Oh, refined by. So enter your content ID or your URL. All right. And then, uh, we're going to do purchase 180 days. So now in existing, what we'll do is we're going to include so search. I can search 180 there's audience. I created an exclude 30 days. So once again, I have so many audiences you will, when you scale, um, we're just gonna filter 30 days. All right, there we go. So now we have our existing customers that after they purchased for 30 days, but haven't bought again within 180, then we'll start showing them ads in this ad set. So it's a great way to track, uh, for my, uh, my personal brand, that's done around $4 million in 12 months. Our existing ad set is generating a 17 return on ads bed. So every dollar that we invest into the existing customers, we generate $17 back. So if you have a consumable product and you're not advertising to existing customers, you're welcome. This is going to be a game changer for you. All right. So we have existing. So now we have these three setup. Now let's get our DCO going, but first let's publish these. So click on existing hold shift, click publish. There we go skip. Right? So now DCO, what is a dynamic creative? Basically you can Facebook all the assets that you've built, all of the, uh, the actual video or image creatives and variations of copy, and say, here you go, Facebook, I'll let you, I'll let you produce the final result to show to a user. And this can be very powerful in correlation with the remainder of the pondir diamond stability zone. So the, the way that I look at this, the way that I would like you to look at this, to understand this a bit further is, um, oops, there we go. So let's say that you take once again, let's just refer to, um, so we have that user Sally. So Sally first season ad, so she goes into your warm audience. She clicks on that ad. So now she visits your website and now she's in the hot ad set right here. She still hasn't purchased what this fourth ad will. Uh, this fourth ad said, the DCO will allow you to do is essentially tell Facebook, Hey, I've shown Sally a variety of creatives here. I've tried to break down her objections in my warm and hot ad sets. I can't really figure out what it is. Um, I want you to take a stab at this. So in the DCO, you give Facebook all of your assets and Facebook's going to then create a custom creative instantly on the fly for Sally. So Facebook's going to read all the, uh, probably way too much information that they have on, on Sally and all of their users. And they're going to look at your assets in a matter of milliseconds and saying, okay, well I think so I was going to respond to this, copy, this headline, uh, this creative boom. Let's show it to her right there in a matter of seconds. So that's where the DCO comes into play. That's why it's been so powerful because sometimes is advertisers as humans. We don't have the right creative to breakdown every single potential buyer's objections. The DCO allows us to do that. So let's go ahead and set this up. I will note, um, my mistake. We need to delete this first because you cannot look at, you can not turn on dynamic creative because it's already been published. So let's just, uh, click on action menu and delete that. Okay. So give it a second. There we go. So here, um, we will click on diamond subsidies on create ad set. Alrighty. And then we're going to turn on dynamic creative. Yup. Hit, continue. Sweet. So choose your pixel. Choose your, uh, So when it comes to audiences, remember we want Facebook to have a chance to convert at any point in time. If Facebook feels like they're going to have a better chance at driving a conversion event with a personalized creative w by all means, let's let the robots do the work for us. So we're going to stack all of our retargeting audiences here. So this is a proprietary pondir strategy that you are now learning that I've been using for the past nine months to drive phenomenal results in this crazy world of ILS 14.5. Thanks to this, uh, last DCO stacked ad set. So custom audiences let's filter. We're gonna select all of them, literally all the ones that we created here. Um, actually we don't want purchase though, because if not for this book bundle, all right, so I'm going to filter again, book bundle. So add to cart. Perfect. All engaged, Facebook, all engaged Instagram video with captions, 95% video viewers and see how naming it helps so much, like, you know, who's going to be in these audiences and the timeframe they're in there. Okay. And then we want to exclude purchasers. Um, so X could purchase at 180 days since this isn't really a consumable product. Right. Go ahead and come down on, check that sweet. Then click on. Um, so let's just name this first. So pondir, uh, whoops. Uh, so this is diamond for the completion of the diamond stability zone, pondir, DCO. This ad set. Once you start scaling ads, or maybe you've already tried to scale ads, or you've done it successfully, but you've hit a point where ads stop working. This ad set has been the sole reason that we were able in 60 days to generate $1.2 million off of $200,000 in ad spend with two campaigns. This ad set right here, it prevents ad fatigue and at high budgets, it optimizes. All right, so we have our name click on new ad. There we go. Select your Instagram account. So now let's drop in creative. So single image or video, and now let's select these. So for example, we have a, let's just use a picture of no, that would work good. We have this one, this thumbnail, um, we have, we have that product photo that I really enjoy somewhere. Um, which one's this? Uh, where is that product? Ah, here it is. Okay. So you can see, you can select up to 10 images. Um, do a few hit, continue sweet. Now let's add some videos. So we'll take that. Um, so that's the one that we've uploaded for right now, but let's go ahead and upload the other ones that we have downloads. So remember we downloaded these at the start, so we're going to do, I want a vertical one. That'd be great for me. So I'm going to upload the vertical format. Okay. There we go. So go ahead and click to select it. You can upload your other creatives the more, the better here. Um, so we'll hit, continue, and now check this out, turn on preview and start to scroll down, leave optimized creative for each person on. We want Facebook to be personalized, right? Um, and if you click see possible optimizations, it's going to explain what it could do. So now primary tax, let's go over to pondir if you have it generate a bunch of copy. So here we have this version. So we're going to go back to the ads. There we go. Just kinda break that out a little bit. Sweet. Then click add options now drop in another variation. There we go. So just kind of format this a little bit more. Awesome. Bye bye. There we go. Um, let's add in like more of a direct, uh, one. So we'll say, uh, save $20 on the creative, uh, book bundle today. Sweet. And then, so just drop in up to five variations of primary text. Um, here's a good pain agitate solution. So I'll drop that in. And also remember you can just copy this from the ads that you've already produced as well. If you have a lot of confidence in it, but go to pondir and generate a bunch of more variations here, the more variations, the better. All right. Proofread, normalize. That's awesome. So now we have a few variations here. Remember, you can add up to five now we're going to do headlines. So headlines let's go to pondir. Whoops. Uh, that's a copy. Okay. Awesome. All right then descriptions. So we can go ahead and get some descriptions. Um, honestly, I, I, I'm fine with, let's just do one more. So, uh, did I generate another one? No, but what I did like was I liked the, uh, I liked this headline. That's what it was. All right. Description. So also we could also do something like more direct response bash, uh, USA shipping. If you order the next 24 hours. All right. Cool. And remember, a lot of this is going to get cut off a lot of the link descriptions don't show. Um, there we go. So now we need a URL paste that in, we can even do multiple buttons. So let's try adding a get offer. Where are we at? Is gate offer really not showing anymore? Yeah. Gate offer. Doesn't want to show in here. Oh, that's a new change, but learn more is a good one. So if you're doing lead, you could do sign up. Okay. So check this out. So this is how to view, um, and also select your domain. So select your pixel and your domain so forth. So make sure it matches the one that you're advertising. All right. So let's go ahead and hit, sorry buddy. Let's go ahead and hit view more variations. So this is all of the possible combinations. So once again, shout out to Sally for being the example here. Let's say Sally, uh, Facebook thinks that, uh, Sally might resonate with the product photo. And then, um, let me actually open up all these here so I can show you. So let's say Facebook looks at all of Sally's data points and says, um, um, Sally is most likely to resonate with the product photo. Um, maybe she's like maybe she added a cart, so maybe it was price. Alright, well she'll probably want to save $20 caption. Um, how about the headline? Well, we know Sally was looking at different ways to become more creative and not really unlock it. So probably this headline here, and then we'll just do this description since it's cutoff and then, uh, for the button, she already knows she doesn't need to learn more. She's been on the page. So shop now is the one to go to. So what Facebook will do will literally boom, build the ad on the fly for you just like that. So, and it's going to optimize it. So remember how I cropped it in the previous one, we can do that manually here. Uh, but Facebook will do that automatic automatically. So let's do a square version just to tell Facebook, you know, this is preferred. We think this looks best. So save it there. So now, um, maybe for this one as well, we'll do a vertical shift and we'll crop out like the white edges to make it fit in here. Um, kind of bring it to the forefront. So Facebook will optimize these, but you can kind of give it a kickstart there. So the cool part, um, and don't worry if the face doesn't show up because Facebook will move it down. You could also, um, preview it. So if we hit, let's do so you could view it on desktop here, but if we do view more variation. All right. Sorry. If we click under view more variations under stories, you can see check this out. This is perfect. One for Facebook stories, and then it would actually show the text right here. Like maybe someone engage with Noah's a fan page, so they know who he is already, but they're not sure about the book bundle. So Facebook would take this picture of Noah since they know the user knows who he is and then introduce the book bundle. So this DCO is incredibly powerful, and I know this was a very in-depth lesson, but this is the technicalities of Facebook that actually used to be sued three times more complicated a couple of years ago. And the unfortunate part, well, I guess not for us because it's our competition, but we see our competition still trying to follow those same standards of two to three years ago. And then they wonder why they're not getting results. So utilize these tools in correlation with the standard ones. So let's go ahead name this. So we're just going to name this one, number four, pondir DCO. Um, and actually just to be more specific, let's do the following book bundle. D C, there we go. All right. And then I'm gonna just going to put it in this ad set too. So I clicked, let me highlight my cursor. I clicked here and then I'm just going to, all right, now we publish for those of you at this part of the lesson, shout out to you. I've been recording for 11 hours today and going through this, knowing how, how beneficial this is going to be for you and your business and made me so excited. I don't feel a bit of a, of tiredness. So thank you. All right, let's go take a look. We got everything. We got the formation, but now we need to import our as the stability zone. So this is how you would do it. Same way we did for a formation. You click on the campaign here. You can go to ads and then select your retargeting ads. So if you remember, this was the carousel, um, here's a direct response one. So I definitely want this, this image. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to replace the glowing book's image with this one. So I'm just going to slick. These three here hit duplicate existing campaign stability zone. So Facebook will not allow you to duplicate this into a DCO, but watch what happens. So if you click and you hit add to all, and if you were to try to publish this, it will throw an error because for some reason, even they don't let you the added it. So just remove the DCO and there you had duplicate. All right now. Good. So one thing as well with the DCL is you'll notice that we didn't do that existing post that's because with all of the different assets, um, you can't copy the post ID because technically each time there's a new variation. It's a different post ID. Hence why you can't duplicate engagement. So. We are ready to launch. We made it through, we built out a full fledged Facebook ads campaign. And what I want you to take notice of and be proud of yourself for is look at how organized this is. We, um, we ran just the formation stability zone for our main brand. Through November, December in those two campaigns were the ones that, uh, turned 200,000 into 1.2, 7 million, just two campaigns. We didn't even have to update our ads because that DCO ad took, oh man, I'm pumped. So needless to say, let's go ahead and flip these on. So toggle toggle, your ads are now in review. So if it's a new ad account could take up to a day, two days, um, if to, for example, this ad account, if I come back in five minutes, these are going to be live. So what's next steps. Well, next steps is a, is a creative analysis. Why aren't your ads working? Or why are they working? And if you find a couple that are performing really well, how do you continue to improve those? That's the next lesson. And that's where pondir Sherlock really shine. So you saw how to reverse engineer your competitors, but watch what happens when you put, when you start to analyze your own ads, the light bulb turns on and the opportunity of a profitable and successful campaigns really opens up. So I will see you in the next lesson, let these campaigns run for preferably two to three days, collect data. And then, um, if you're seeing really good results, go ahead and, uh, and just leave them, leave them running while you do the analysis. Uh, if you're not seeing results, feel free to pause these. But what I don't want you to do is start to overanalyze things. For example, I'm going to teach you all about how to set up your KPIs and how to look at data, but I don't want you to do that yet. I just want you to collect some data first. So then I can show you in real time. So with that said, that was a two hour lesson. I will see you in the data analysis phase. Welcome to the lesson on analyzing your Facebook ads. I'm really excited to have you in this lesson because this is my favorite part of being a Facebook advertiser. The reason being is this was the difference maker when it came to me finding success and sustaining success with advertising. So with that said, if you are someone that's maybe found a bit of success or you've launched ads and not seeing any results, you don't know why this is the key lesson of this course. If there's one lesson, um, that I could subtract away from the course and say, watch this a million times and learn it. This is it right here. So without further ado, Ziad cue the intro to analyze Facebook ads, AK answering the question, why isn't my ad working. The first thing that I want you to do is coming to this lesson with no ego or. About the work you've produced. It was a big mistake of mine where we might not be seeing results. And I was always, oh, no, we had a professional designer create this creative. Oh no, the creative looks great. Um, you know, it just came into it with that excitement about the work that I had produced, whether it was a strategy, whether it was a creative and ultimately I overlook them as potential key areas of, of needing improvement or problems. So don't do that. Come into this lesson. Um, use my mistake is as a way to avoid it yourself and look at every aspect of your advertising with a blank slate, with no bias. All right. So now that we've cleared our egos, what we're going to do now is start to do some math. So I'm going to put on my thinking cap here. I'm terrible at math. Um, if you're good at math, you're going to love this. If you're not, hopefully, uh, the fact that I'm not great at it either. And the way that I go about it, um, resonates with you and you can understand all this. So it's really not too difficult. Um, once you understand it, but at first you might feel a bit, uh, over, over not overwhelmed, but just a bit confused. And if you do, especially if it's about terminology such as CPM or link CTR, go to pondir and ask Milo, what is CPM? How does CPM work? How do I reduce CPN? Um, Milo was created by us to help you with that exact issue of not understanding key terminology and key strategies and concepts of Facebook ads. So if you have any confusion, go ask, um, and also go back to the very first lesson in this course where I would do the animated whiteboard explainer. And you're going to see this broken down in a much more visual format and much more detail. So without further ado, the very first step is to define what's not working. I've had, uh, um, consulting calls or clients or students or YouTube questions that say, uh, my ads just, they're not working. My question is always, well, why what's not working about your ad. And a lot of times the response is I'm not seeing results. Why? Right? There's always another layer you got to get. You, you have to peel back all of the layers of the onion to get down. So this center to understand the problem. It's just like when you break a bone, the doctor doesn't know what's wrong until they do an x-ray here. We're about to perform an x-ray of your ads. So to define what's not working. The first question that I want you to ask is is it because your costs are too high, 99% of the time? This is, this is likely the reason this is the high level reason. The costs are just too much. We're paying too much. We're not getting enough traffic so forth. All right. So when it comes to this, cause this is most likely the issue, my costs are too high. Look at your CPM. CPM once again, go ask Milo what CPM is, but CPM is a cost per thousand impressions. This is how much you pay to show your ad. 1000 times CPM directly influences all of the correlated costs below it. So we'll look at cost per click. We'll look at cost cost per result. Um, your, your cost per purchase so forth CPM is the, is the, uh, main driving factor of, uh, of all of your costs. All right. So CPM influences everything. CPM is the most important cost-related metric to be looking at. There's a big misconception misconception out there though that CPM can't be influenced this isn't true. And this was one of the more exciting things that I found out as I went super deep into the algorithms and the formulas behind these costs and Facebook ads a couple of years ago, this excited me because if I can influence CPM, I can influence everything else that is, um, costing us, uh, potential profitability or revenue. So, one thing that I would recommend you do is you go to the pondir coaching vault. And what you'll see is there's a lesson here, a live lesson called how to decrease CPMs. And this was actually a live coaching call that I did, uh, a little while back with students on the call asking live questions, probably asking questions that you might have. And what I showed is that it is actually possible to influence your CPM. So what you'll see is in the matter of about a one and a half, two weeks, I took my CPM from 46 to 37 resulting in a 19% decrease in my costs, a 95% decrease in my cost per initiated checkout and a 52% decrease in my cost per click, all because I influenced my CPM. So I highly recommend first going in. I mean, you can watch this lesson, but definitely go check out this coaching calls. You're going to see a live case study that I did on reducing CPMs. And so when it comes to, uh, influencing your CPMs well, right, CPM here, there's really three main factors that I want you to focus on. All right, it's going to be quality, ranking engagement, rate, ranking, and conversion rate ranking. These are all columns and Facebook. So if you go to customize your columns, you can add these three. And these are three very big players. When it comes to Facebook, deciding how much they're going to charge you to show your ad. And what's interesting is Facebook even says for those advertisers that have above average, I'll just abbreviate that above average in all of these, they're going to receive a essentially prorated placements, which means Facebook. Actually charge you less than direct competitors because your ad is better. And remember all comes down to Facebook, wanting their users to have a good experience on their platform. So quality is actually made up of both engagement and conversion rate ranking. So let's break these down conversion rate ranking. What does this mean when someone clicks on your ad and lands on your website, how often do they take the objective? For example, if your objective is a lead, what's the conversion rate into a lead. If it's a purchase, what's the conversion rate to a purchase. Facebook doesn't want to send traffic to pages that don't convert because ultimately they know that advertiser is likely going to stop advertising because they're not making money or getting results. The other reason being is there's a reason that your, your, your landing page isn't converting, maybe it's the wrong, uh, audience, maybe the creative doesn't align with the webpage. If that's the case, Facebook doesn't want to show it once again, because it plays in to the overall quality engagement rate ranking. This comes back to the three E's entertain, educate and engage. You're going to knock this one out of the park. You focus on that. You focus on putting a smile on someone's face and making sure they share it. This is going to be really good and then quality ranking. Um, so Facebook doesn't obviously release all of the facts, the variables that go into this, but they do note that engagement rate ranking and conversion rate ranking are a portion of quality ranking. So go watch that coaching call. You're going to see another strategy that I used, um, to reduce my CPM, but ultimately these three are just going to make such a big, big difference for you. Okay. So when it comes to CPM, let's say your CPM is like 50, 70, a hundred dollars. Start by focusing on these three aspects. I would see there's things like competition that plays into it and so forth. But remember, if you can knock these three out of the park, Facebook will charge you less than your competitors who have lesser quality rankings. All right. So is it because your costs are too high likely? Yes. Okay. So what is the cause and effect? Well, how does CPM influence the rest of the costs? Let's look at it like this, so CPM, and then you have a link click through it. So what is link clicks through rate? Once again, go ask Milo. But in the meantime link click, the rate means what is the percentage of people that click the link to your website out of a hundred that saw your ad? So if a hundred, see your ad and five click. Well, that is a whoops. That's going to be a 5% link CTR. If five people click, if one people at one person clicks out of a hundred, that's a 1% and so forth. Okay. So you have your link CTR that is influenced. Um, that's kind of couple that should say with CPM, and now you have your cost per clicks. So this is the one that, uh, a mistake that a lot of newer advertisers make is before anything. They go look at their cost per click. But what they don't factor in is that correct per click is directly influenced by your link CTR and your CPM. All right. And once again, this, the process of analysis and these, these random, uh, terminology and buzzwords, it sounds good fusing, but, uh, you need to learn this. I'm not going to say that you're gonna learn this overnight. It took me years to really get to the point where I feel, um, I can say I've almost mastered the process of data analysis, so don't, don't worry. If, if you feel confused, pondir's here to help you with this. And, and this next slide here, I'm going to show you exactly how CPC your cost per click, and then your cost per results. So your cost per purchase cost per an issue to checkout cost per lead is all once again, influenced by CPM. All right, so let's go ahead and break this down. Okay. In this example, we have an advertiser with a $50 CPM. So thousand impressions cost us advertiser $50. Okay? So you can plug in whatever your CPM is right here. So to acquire 10,000 impressions, this advertiser would have to spend $50 cause that's a CPM. And then they took 10,000 impressions divided by 1000 to get the multiple, which would be $500 in ad spend. Right? So $50 CPM to get 10,000 impressions would cost about $500 in ad spend. All right. So if that's, if you're confused, just take a second. Understand how this math works. All right. 50 10,000 impressions, $500 in ad spend. Now let's say that their ads that they launched have a 1% link click through it with 10,000 impressions. If 1% click through that's a hundred clicks. If you take $500 in ad spend divided by a hundred clicks, you have a $5 cost per click. All right. So what I would recommend you do is actually do this math yourself. It's going, uh, for me, when I, I watch people do it on screen, it doesn't make sense, but once I do it myself and take 30 minutes to learn the formula behind it, then there's something that clicks. So if you're the same, go ahead, pause this and do it. So as you see, the seat PM directly influenced how much we have to spend an ad spent, which directly influenced the final formula to calculate our cost per click. So now let's break this down and say that we have a $10 CPM, right? Let's say that we still want to get 10,000 impressions. So what we have to do is spend $10 times. So we'll take 10,000 impressions divided by 1000 since that's what CPM stands for. So 10 w I'm going to do this math here. So we'll do 10 times, 10,000, um, divided by 1000. Equals a hundred. Um, okay. So here we spent 100 in ad spend to acquire 10,000 impressions. Let's say that we maintain that 1% link, see a click through rate. So we didn't really make any substantial and, uh, optimizations here, same link, click through rate. So that's going to give us so, um, 10,000 impressions with 1% is 100. So we'll get 100 clicks to our website now to calculate cost per click, we're going to take the a hundred dollars in ad spend divided by a hundred, which a hundred clicks, which leaves us with $1 cost per click. Hopefully you can see that we did not change anything besides our CPM. And now look at the difference we just had to, what is that 500% reduction in our cost per click. So now if you were to go spend 500, you're sending 500 times the amount of traffic. So if you can reduce your CPN, you will reduce all of the associated costs along with it. So let me jump over to this next slide here and show you this. So when it comes to a CPM, obviously decreasing, that's a big, big game changer, but let's say that you're already at like a relatively good CPM, 20, $25. Um, and you've already have all of the great quality rankings and so forth. Um, what can you do? Well now it's time to focus on the lower portions of the formula. So let's say your CPMs already looking decent. How can you improve your associated costs? How can you make it? So your costs aren't quote unquote, too high. So here we have an example of someone with a 1% link click through it. All right. So in, in that previous one, we just did, we sent 10,000 impressions. 1% is a hundred clicks. Now let's say this advertiser has on their website about a 3% conversion rate. If a hundred people click over, that would equal three sales. And, um, this is just an average order value from one of my previous brands. So about $94 per product, you can insert your product price here that would result in $282 in sales. All right. So we didn't alter the CPN. We didn't do anything like that. All we did was just look at link click-through rate now. All right. So what if we were to improve our ad? What if we improved our copy? What if we improved our scroll stopper? What if we improve the three E's and we bumped her ad up from a 1% link click through rate is simply to a 3% link click through it. What happens? All right. Well, we're going to stay with 10,000 impressions so you can see nothing changes here. The only thing that changed is we improved our link click-through rate from 1% to three. So now we sent 300 clicks to our website. Still have the same conversion rate. So nothing on the website was optimized. But now check this out. Nine sales, $94, $282 in sales just went to 846 by improving our link click through rate. So let's, let's take this further. What if you took your 3% link click through rate to 5%, boom, $1,400 in sales. What about 10%? That's where it gets crazy. $2,820 in sales versus a 1% link click through rate with $282 in sales. So you can see just by improving your link, click through rate, you get a huge improvement in all of the following associated costs. So work backwards and look at the first key piece that I want you to ask yourself, is, is it, is your ads not working because your costs are too high? If so, well, how do you reduce it? What is causing your cost to be high is a CPN. All right, we'll improve with the three E's is it, uh, maybe your CPM is good, but it's just too much, uh, to spend cost per click. It's costing you too much to get people over your website, improve your link, click through rate. And that's how data analysis flows. It's all about breaking down, peeling it back and looking at the exact causes and the effects. So now you're asking yourself, well, how do I improve my link, click through it. Let's say that you've got your CPMs down. You've improved your ads, but you need to improve your link, click through it and get people more people over to your website to generate results. So I'm going to take you through a real life. Um, essentially like a case study that we did here at pondir. So the problem was we had launched a client's image ad and we saw no sales and a lower than average link click through rate. So as a team here at pondir, we had to sit down and figure out what, why that was, why the ad isn't working solution to that is creative analysis, right? This is how to do that. So this is the ad that we launched. So this was a render that we had made, um, for the, the product it's phenomenal, um, shake for gut health and so forth. And, uh, we launched this based on some feedback from the client and one of the angles that they recommended and the link click through rate was, was bad. Cost per click was like in the $3 range link, click through rate was less than 1%, our CPM wasn't bad. Um, and so we need to figure out why this ad wasn't working and then obviously create ads that did. So why do you think that this ad didn't work and, um, you can pause this and think of three reasons why? So when I did a live call and I broke this down, the main points that the students said were improve immunity is vague and it doesn't align, agreed, uh, image doesn't convey context or benefit and no people or no faces. So I want to show you how to actually use, um, pondir to help you with this. So if you come over to. And you go to the Sherlock analysis tool, you can upload your creative here. You can also do it with videos, um, with images, let's go ahead and pull this up. So this is, uh, the, the image that we ran as you saw, and here's the AI analysis. So the first thing that stuck out right away was what the AI assumed was in the object, what the object was and what the scene contained. Look at the top. Most result, the AI is 96% confident that this is a cosmetic product or that it's deodorant, or, I mean, there's a plant, but the main two products that this AI thinks it is as cosmetics and deodorant, this is a gut health supplement that tastes like a chocolate shake. So by using this tool, what you, you will be able to see what we saw right away is that are the users on Facebook that we advertise to had no idea what this was. Maybe let's say that we were targeting gut health and, uh, maybe the user would have loved to try this product, but when they're scrolling their feed really quick, they're going to see this. And they're likely thinking that this is cosmetics, which they don't have interest in or deodorant. They're not going to stop because, oh, wow, that's a gut health drink. This, this is for me and so forth. So it's very important when it comes to creatives to understand, um, that especially images that the image should convey what the product is, what the product does, and who's the product for right from the start. And this does not do it. So let's break this down a little bit further and I'll show you what we did here to, uh, make a big improvement. So these, uh, the, what we, what we started by doing was looking at our competitors and I highly recommend doing this. Look at the top competitors in your space. If you ever add this, not working, go look at your competitors ads and figure out, um, well, just sort by impressions and take their top ones. Here's some top ads. So you can see this one here, ample, uh, Munich. And then, uh, this is healed. All right. Anything come to mind when you see this? So what is pondir? Uh, so we just looked at this one, but what does pondir say about the competitors creatives? So let's go jump back over to pondir here. And, uh, and let me show you what pondir says about those creatives. So here we have the heel, um, breakdown and right away, you'll see that, uh, pizza food person, and then the bowl pizza, if you are hungry, pizza is a, is I think it's like one of the top favorites of like the entire population. Like if you ask someone what their favorite food is, pizza, this brand right away, correlated the taste in the, uh, the positive emotions of someone seeing pizza to this ad. So right away, scroll. The other thing it does is I don't think this is cosmetics or deodorant. Right? I can clearly tell that this is a meal. And then aside from that, if we look at the text, break down the world's number one, complete food, over 150 million meals sold from as little as 2 51 per meal. So you can see that the AI is picking up the really standout texts, which explains what it does. If we look at this one that we created, I D-line li nourish meal. It is all over the place. The eyes don't know where to go and it doesn't correlate. Like I can't tell that this is a meal replacement shake that I want, or a gut health shake. When I look at this picture here, I know it's food and I know what it is. I know who it's for. I know what it does. All right. So let's go take a look at the, uh, the next one here. So you can see that this is very easy to consume. Uh, yeah, no pun intended. So let's look at this one right here. So this is, uh, I think the company is called Munich. So what we'll see is that once again, it picks up what it is, juice, beverage, drink, smoothie, milkshake, dessert. People know what this is. They don't think it's deodorant. They don't think it's cosmetics. If we look at the text, tastes like dessert, but helps you lose weight and balance blood sugar right away, the most important texts and what it does stands out. So you can see three E's and it also what it is, what it does, who's it for stands out right from the start with a competitor's ads. So we have one more here. Um, but first let's touch on what did this teach us? Ads have to be consumable during the scroll. Can a Facebook user answer the following after scrolling past your ad, the one that's not performing or not working, can they tell you what the product is, what it does and who it's for? If not likely the ad is not going to work. So let me ask you this question. Is this a good ad answer? Yes or no to yourself right now. So let's go, go take a look at this and pondir here. And, uh, it was kind of a trick question. Cause that's a tricky one. There's no texts or really anything, but take a look at the results of this. And this is by a company called brumate. You've probably heard of them. They're everywhere. Crushing it right now. This is one of their number one ads in terms of the amount of people that have seen over the past month. And if the AI takes a look at it here, you'll see that immediately knows alcohol beverage drink beer bottle logger, right from the start. No, one's thinking that this is deodorant cosmetics. If, if you enjoy a nice ice cold beer, you know what this is, even though there's really only two colors here, there's no labels. There's nothing, there's no text. Um, you can see it, try to pick up a little bit of the text right in there, but it's a very basic image. But when you look at it through the AI, you know exactly why it works. So upload your creative to pondir and look at the winning characteristics. Does it make sense with what you're advertising? Is it what you're advertising? And if not, that is likely the number one reason that you are not seeing the results that you want. And so when it comes to our, uh, well, this, this example here, they did a great job. They didn't have texts, no people, no bright colors yet. It's very consumable because you can see the breakdown in the AI explains exactly what Facebook users are seeing. Subliminally. How about this one? Is this a good ad? Think about it. Another, uh, kind of trick question. Yes, they did a great job. And here's why when we look at the face analysis, you'll see face one 19 through 31 and a breakdown of it. Now we know that if we were to get into the CBD space, this is likely a demographic that we would want to be targeting. If this is their number one ad, and this is a very, very, uh, successful company. They're not running at low budgets. This is likely their best performing demographic. This is if this is their number one scale. So by uploading it to pondir and looking at it through AI, we can get a breakdown of even their target demographic. So maybe you're creative. Maybe you are advertising it to 60 plus. Whereas the competitors that are finding success advertising in this space are 19 through advertising in 19 through 31 year olds, or maybe you were advertising in a way that was negative in terms of the sentiment, showing someone that was hurt or tired and so forth, you can see facial analysis. Mouth is open. Eyes are open, appears to be surprised, but they're not sad. Whereas if you look at some ads, which I'll show you right here, if we look at an ad like this, um, let's go to facial analysis. You can see appears to be sad. Facebook doesn't like this. And I took this one from a company, um, and another CBD company on the ass library. And this was like their lowest impression ad, which tells me it's not working Facebook. Doesn't like it. And if you look the key difference between this and something like this is going to be the facial analysis, you can see same age range. So they, they have the targeting, right. But appears to be sad, not smiling. The other thing that I found interesting is how CBD MD did the following. So when we go to face, uh, facial analysis, we can see there's two obviously. And the second age range is five to 15. So what this is telling me is that they've really pinpointed, um, younger parents as a demographic. So you resonate with this. And if you look at the object and seeing, you'll see tattoo, beard, um, so forth, and it really makes sense why they did this because this age range, they know that. People with tattoos likely use CBD it's maybe, maybe they looked at their demographics and they're like, all right, well, we know exactly who our most profitable customers, this age range, a lot of them had a beard. A lot of them had tattoos. Um, the other reason I thought this was good is, uh, D it's kind of like the stay at home dad or mom, feel with the apron and the light, bright blue colors, so forth. So it really resonates. And you can, I mean, we figured this out just by looking at the AI analysis. So if you have an ad, that's not working, go look at your competitors, your top competitors in scan their top Facebook ad creatives. You're going to figure out the exact characteristics that you should be including in your ad to find success. So they did a great job here, um, less than a great ad, quickly reveals a company's ideal customer. So here, here it is. That's another great thing is before launching ads scan your competitors. And, um, you're not going to have to spend as much on targeting and figuring out who your target demographic is. Late twenties, early thirties, parents of child aged five to 10 K apron tattoos, beard, light colors relates to a wide range of individuals. So do you think this is a good ad? Yes. So this is a art company called society six. They sell a bunch of different art prints. Um, but art collectors immediately know it's art and star wars fans know who it is. So it ultimately the, the result of your creative come down to does it align with your demographic? And if you are into star wars, you immediately know who this is, and if you're into art, well, you can tell the AI knows that it's art. So there's a 96% chance that 96 out of a hundred impressions on Facebook also know it's art. So star wars times are boom. You can see why this is a very top performing ad for society six. So great job. So think about this in, uh, when it comes to, uh, analysis. There's no, there's no complex like hacks or tips of like adjusting, whatever it might be. All of these ad hacks that you might hear online. It doesn't come down to that any longer. Those did work like two, three years ago. Um, but that's not what it's about nowadays. Now to find success with advertising comes down to who can figure out the key, uh, points of optimization in their ads, and then actually perform an execute and implement upon that. By looking at things like your CPN and your link, click through rate, you can influence all of the rest of your costs by doubling your link click-through rate. You're going to double your revenue. You're going to double your results, your reduce your, uh, your cost per click by half. There's the two key, uh, pieces of data that the team and I here at pondir, look at CPM and link click through. So focus on getting those down. Once you have your ads to a point where your CPMs is as low as you can possibly get it. And your link click through rate is as high as you possibly can get it. And you've done tons of variations and revisions, and you're at that point. Well, then now you can be confident that your ads are honed in your targeting is honed in and it comes down to the website. And then from that point, you need to work on the website side of things by kind of doing the same exact process, but when it comes to analysis, so you've run your ads for a few days. At this point, look at these two pieces of data and figure out which one you need to focus on. Improving is your CPM low we'll focus on improving your creative, run it through pondir, figuring out if all of the characteristics align with your competitor's top ads and their characteristics, if not all through your ads until they do and relaunch. And tell me and just watch what happens. Um, it's pretty mind blowing at the dramatic increase in results that you're going to see by aligning those characteristics of your creative and performing creative analysis. So with that said, this is not just a learn and forget type of a ordeal with analysis. This is what you should be doing at least a couple times a week. When you're scaling, you're going to run in, um, into points of your advertising career, where you find something that starts crushing it. And then a few months in maybe a few weeks, and it slowly stops working and you have to figure out why this is the process that you can use, um, to prevent any downfall of your brands. So with that said, I hope you enjoyed this lesson on Facebook ads analysis, improve your CPM pre-build link, click to rate, and you will improve your results. I will see you in the next lesson, welcome to how to scale Facebook ads. If you're in this lesson, I'm really excited for you because that means you found some success and a likely profitability with your advertising campaigns. So, first of all, congratulations, that is a huge achievement. And in this lesson, I'm going to teach you how to take it to that next level. Let's get into it. on a scale, your Facebook ads, the easiest part of Facebook advertising. Did I get you there? You might, you might be like, well, did he just say scaling is the easiest part of Facebook ads? Yes. Is actually the easiest part of an advertiser's job. And I'll explain why here. So I'm a little proof that we know what we're doing when it comes to scaling. This is an email that I received. Uh, so what's the date today? So about three and a half months ago, what Shopify does each year is? They says that they send out an email to the top 1% of all of their Shopify stores. And I'm blessed to be part of that. So our e-commerce brand, um, I have a business partner and our e-commerce brand is in the top 1% of all of Shopify. There's a over a million stores. And, um, 95% of the traffic came from Facebook ads using the pondir diamond. So this was the email. It was pretty, pretty unreal. Um, to read this, just thinking about the progress we had made in the fact that we're in the top 1%, it's just so first off, I'd like to personally congratulate, um, and that was our brand name we're, um, currently in the midst of, uh, of a business deal. So I can't state this stuff, but first off, I'd like to personally congratulate our brand name. I'm being one of the highest growth brands on Shopify in 2020. The recent growth rate of our brand name is in the top 1% of over 1 million brands, mindblowing. I want to make sure you have all the tools and information. You need to keep up the momentum. And then that's when they go to Shopify. Plus if you're not familiar with Shopify, plus basically it's a Shopify subscription, that's like $4,000 a month, but you can do a lot of really great things in terms of optimization at the checkout and so forth. You just have a lot more control. So for the brands in the top 1%, it does make sense to upgrade as long as you're, you know, you have a strategy behind it, but main point here is that email. Um, I just want to show you, we do know what we're doing when it comes to scaling and, uh, it was a wild, wild email to receive. So we, uh, we were able to generate 1.2, 5 million in 60 days using this pondir diamond strategy and specifically the scaling strategies that you're going to learn here. So our Facebook ad spend was about 260,000. Um, on Shopify, we did about a million and what does that, let's just call it a million. And then Amazon, we did about a 200,000 and the reason I did list this year, and as part of this number is we weren't really running Amazon ads and our listings were relatively basically brand new. And so the fact that we did this tells us that a lot of the traffic was landing on our Shopify and then just going to search for our brand on Amazon to order it with prime. So this was a lot of run of traffic from Shopify overall, though 260,000 into about 1.2, 5 million. You can see here, uh, we peaked at about a $75,000 a day, which was, it was that will, that is the day. I won't forget until we double it this year. Um, it was wild though. I mean, I had to turn my phone, all of my notifications off, at least from Shopify because my phone kept going dead. Cause it was go ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. It was, it was nuts. Um, I think that day specifically, we spent around 18,000 on Facebook ads and we also ran like an email campaign and so forth. Uh, but mainly mainly Facebook ads using two campaigns in the, uh, pondir diamond stability zone. And. The, uh, should say two campaigns that the pondir diamond stability zone and the diamond formation, that's all we used during the 60 day period. And that's all we're still using. And so you can see down here, I mean, these, these days right here are still about 10 to $15,000 days. That's $75,000 a day though, just really made a big spike and you can see, we maintained an average of over 30,000 a day for about a week and a half, two weeks, um, all from Facebook ads. So just want to show you that what is capable with this strategy? It's very, it's a very simplistic strategy, which was the whole, one of the main purposes behind it. And it works extremely well when you, when you start to scale. So it might've surprise you that scaling Facebook ads is actually much easier than getting started when you're testing and optimizing and just trying to achieve profitable ads. So if you're still someone that hasn't hit the point of scale, but you're watching this to get, you know, get some motivation, get excited, just know that what you are doing right now to try and get your ads to the point of profitability is much more difficult than when you reach it. And then you're just scaling it. So testing and optimizing AK, when you're launching and getting started, it, it requires a lot more work. You're producing creatives, you're writing new copy. You're optimizing your website. You're split testing, thumbnails, analyzing data. You're doing all of this. And once you start scaling, it's not to say you won't be doing those cause you, you consistently are, but 90% of your focus is going to transition to adequate attic, adequately adjusting budgets and, uh, the formation diamond formation and the diamond stability zone, and then refreshing campaigns with new creatives. It's really going to be your focus while you scale. During those 60 days, uh, we didn't do a ton of, uh, of split testing or optimizing the website, um, and not, not even a ton of like brand brand new creatives. The reason being is because to get to the point where you're ready to scale all of that's really in place. And so once you start the scale, it really transitions to a focused on just adjusting budgets, um, and refreshing the campaigns with any new creative. So, um, duplicate side, but I want to talk about now, first of all, is your campaign ready to scale? And the way that you can ask yourself, this is if you can hit your targets, do you know your targets? So I put together this target calculator. This is also going to be in that pondir pre-launch checklist, um, form over here in scaling targets. And I will zoom in on this so you can all see, all right, so this is, um, the stale scaling target calculator. Before going into a scale, you have to ensure that you can stay profitable. You should also ensure that you're prepared for the worst. Um, you're prepared for rises and CPM drops in link clicks. Uh, you want to be ready and know that you can handle anything that's going to come. And the way to do this is by, uh, prepping and really knowing your targets. So in the, in the previous lessons, we talked about reducing CPM and improving link, click through rate and so forth. And in this calculator, what I want you to do is run some estimates. So the first thing that you'll do is putting your target cost per acquisition. So let's say, um, if we look back to that, that campaign, we ran for those 60 days, our target cost per acquisition was around $40. We knew if we hit a cost per acquisition of $40, that we would be profitable. So, um, you can put in whatever your, your target cost per acquisition is here, and now let's start going through the CPM. So the first thing that I want you to do is take your current CPMs. So at that time, our CPMs were 15 and we had link click through rates of about, I think our average across all of our campaigns were like 2.9%. So you can see your cost per click was phenomenal. And two, to get a hundred visits on our website, we paid about $51. Our conversion rate was about 1.9. So you can see leading up to the scale. We were very profitable. So our estimated cost per acquisition was about $27. And if I remember correctly leading up to that point, that's like right on the head. So knowing where we're at before the scale really helps us start to estimate what's going to happen during this scale. So as you start to scale, if you haven't already a couple of things that I can almost guarantee your CPM will go up, um, your link click through rate will go down and all of the correlated costs will be modified, uh, um, accordingly. So as you, if you remember in the last lesson, we talked about how CPM and link click to rate really influenced all the costs those go up, and one goes down you'll, you'll see the rest of it really changed as well. So the reason behind the rising cost of CPM is number one, you're going to start spending more, which means Facebook's going to have to go into a smaller audiences, different audiences, more competitive audiences, uh, which brings up your cost. The other thing is you're going to be focusing a lot on retargeting, which smaller audiences, once again, in your retargeting funnel, the diamond stability zone are going to drive up your costs. So you are going to see the CPM go up, uh, in, in very, very rare, rare occasions. Like one out of 20, I might see the CPM go down, but don't expect that, uh, the other reason that your link click-through rate is likely to go down is because as Facebook starts going. Your ads, aren't going to be as targeted or as aligned to, um, you know, in correlation to what, what they currently are, um, with your existing targeting. So they go broad, Facebook goes broad to reach the masses with your, with your massive budget and Julien click. The rate usually drops accordingly. So what I want you to do is estimate what would happen if you face 10% increases, 20% increases and 30% increases in your CPN. I then want you to estimate, if you saw about a 0.3% reduction in your link, click through rate, uh, let's do a 0.5% reduction in link, click through rate, and then a 1% reduction in link click-through rate, let's run through these numbers and, uh, see what happens to our estimated cost per acquisition. So here, um, so 10, so that would be 10% of 15 is 1.5. So we're going to put 16.5 it's up a bit. And now let's drop this down to 2.6 to align with that reduction. Look at that. Look how much that, that cost per acquisition rose and it, uh, in a narrowed, um, that the difference between target and estimated. So now we have an idea, okay, well, if this happens, I mean, we're still going to be profitable, but it's starting to get a bit more concerning. So now what is 16.5 times 0.2. So 3.3. So 16.5. So 19.8. So let's say our CPM bumps up to 19.8 and now we're facing a, a, now another 15.5% reduction in link, click through rate, boom, look at that. Now we are no longer profitable. So when it comes to running these numbers, you can see these, uh, what seemed like minor increases or decreases. And these top two correlating, uh, pieces of data really, really affect the end result. The other thing, obviously that's going to come into play is conversion rate. And once again, as you go abroad, you might actually see a drop in conversion rate. So let's say that dropped to 1.4, cause we're going very broad here. Target cost per acquisition is no longer profitable. When we started running these numbers you saw as 27 is now 67 and we haven't even done this right here. So like let's, let's estimate the worst. Let, what if the CPM, I mean, it's super competitive black Friday air, or like time of black Friday and it jumps to $35. What if our, our top ad stops working? Um, what if our conversion rate, let's say it did go up a little bit. Uh, I forgot to put percent so you can see just a absolutely massive, massive difference. So you have to know your numbers, where can you remain profitable? Um, and in order to scale your budgets, uh, and really know how things are performing, you have to know all of these right here. This also gives you a very good way to understand how conversion rate would influence things. Let's say that we work on optimizing our website and we can get that to 3%. Um, let's say that we use pondir Sherlock and, and analyze a lot of top creatives, keep testing so forth, again, get those up to a 2.3 and let's say, then we focus on the three E's. We bring the CPM down. We really create some engaging, entertaining and educating focused ads. We get this down to 27, boom we're back in profitability zone and the other, uh, other way to ensure that you stay profitable while scaling is a, is a, is a method off of Facebook. So it's a method of upselling and you have to look at your product line and think, what can I do? Can I, can I create a bundle that allows me to get my, uh, you know, my break even cost per acquisition, up to 55 at a $15 profit, uh, addition on top of that, that'd be great. Cause then we're very profitable at this phase. Um, what if I, what if I sold a bundle and then after they bought, I could get 50% of people to convert on a, just a amazing upsell offer. And that might add another, let's say $4 to, to my lips that would add another $4 profit, um, availability to my target CPA, look at what can happen when, uh, when you know these numbers and you can prep for it. So prep for the worst, run the numbers as though things are just going to jump in price, understand what you have to achieve to remain profitable during a scale. And you're going to be much more comfortable going into it now that you've run your numbers, you know, your targets, and you know, if you can hit your targets, let's go to the next, uh, piece of criteria. Step one point B, are you ready to scale? Ask yourself, am I ready to scale? And then here is essentially a checklist that you gotta mark all the boxes. Number one, I will produce new creatives every week. It's one thing to, to get to a point of scale, but it's a whole entirely different thing to maintain a scale and maintaining a scale for, for weeks for months. Um, even for days really requires one main thing, a constant refresh of a high performing creatives. As you scale, you're going to start to run into audience fatigue. So let's say, um, you have a couple main interests are lookalike audiences that just are working really well with your current set of ads. What happens when you've really advertise to everybody in those audiences or at least everyone that is likely to purchase, you're going to see your results start to diminish. And so your option then is to go broad. So use new interests, new lookalikes, do broad targeting. But there's a good chance that your creatives no longer aligned to these new audiences. So by producing creatives that, you know, have different marketing angles and so forth, you can test ahead of time. And so when fatigue starts to kick in your results, start to diminish, you can quickly drop in one of these, uh, pre-prepared creatives and maintain the scale next. So as long as you're ready to do that, check that box next, I will allow time for attribution and optimization with iOS 14.5. It makes it difficult to be patient because attribution is taking longer. There's a lot of attributions that's missing. And so it's tough to say this ad generated the sale. You have to give us some time use tools like Google analytics, use tools like Shopify. Um, but you got to give it time for, uh, you gotta give Facebook time for them to, to get the data, understand where it came from and then optimize your ads. So when I used to say, you know, you, if you're scaling, you could really optimize correctly the same day. Even now we're waiting two to three days, preferably longer. If, uh, if we're really confident in it and that way we're going to make the best decisions when it comes time to, uh, decide what's next for our campaigns, whether it's raising budgets, shutting off ads, launching new ones, so forth. So you have to find the patients and it can be a bit nerve wracking if it's your first scale. And the finally I will be able to maintain production capacity. So this is a business angled, um, question for you. Can you maintain inventory? Can you maintain good shipping times? Can you maintain good customer support during a scale? Do not overscale that is the demise of any brand I've made this mistake personally, multiple times before. If you end up over scaling to where you can not support it, you're going to have angry customers and Facebook then runs a survey on their newsfeed asking about their experience with your company. And if enough people say it was bad, you will be banned from advertising, which ultimately prevents you from trying to achieve your goals. And, uh, if, if you're you own the brand as well, then your brand's main source of traffic is out of the window. So don't, overscale the, the short-term profit almost always turns into a net long negative because once chargebacks start flowing in, you're paying the fees on top of that. Uh it's uh, it's a mess. Just do not do that, check it off, ensure you can maintain production capacity. Um, and you're prepared for that. So make sure you're good on these three. So what is my process like, how do I actually manage my ads during a scale? And here is how I do so, so let's go ahead and hop over into my Miro board for this. So, this is how to, uh, how I, I actually scale my ads, how I manage them in ads manager, um, in, in the ads manager. So over here, let's first go through, let's start up here. So as you're familiar yeah, with now the pondir diamond formation, which is your cold traffic, and then you have the pondir diamond stability zone, which is your retargeting. Uh, the, the diamond formation is just going to, um, evolve over time. You don't have to create a bunch of duplicates and so forth just to evolve the campaign with your scale. So here's how we do this process. So as I mentioned, you should be creating new creatives every single week, analyze creative, your competitors, your top performers, with a Potter Sherlock, optimize your own ads, and then produce, produce new creatives, new optimized creatives. Once you have produced a new creative, here's what we do. We take it and we use it. Who's our diamond stability zone to test our ads. So we just drop it into a diamond one, which is our warm traffic and the diamond stability zone. The reason being is we find this audience is most mostly correlated to or cold traffic in terms of what type of ads they respond to, what type of ads they convert from. And so it's a great place to test ads because it's not going to affect the optimization negatively of your diamond formation. And it's a very, very cost efficient way to test ads and still churn sales or leads. So we take our new creative and we just drop it into this ad set. And then a couple of days in, we take a look at it, did the creative perform. If yes, then we duplicate it to our diamond formation, which I'll explain here in a second. And then if, no, we just pause that. So it never leaves one. We just shut it off, leave it. So if it did perform, if it was profitable, if we saw a great link, quick Duray, great CPMs, we're going to duplicate it to all of the diamond formation ad sets. So as you saw in the launch, how to duplicate an ad, we just duplicate it to diamond formation and we select all ad sets. And then what we also do is in the diamond stability zone and diamond for the dynamic creative, we just take the individual assets. So the copy that we used for it, the thumbnail and the video, and then we just drop it into the DCO to see if we can get some improvements, you know, individual individually with each, um, piece of the creative. So that one's pretty straightforward, but let's start to break this down. What happens once it lands in the diamond formation? Because a lot of confusion arises when people ask, well, how do you scale your cold traffic? Like, what if I create some lookalikes? Do I have to duplicate the campaign? Uh, no, this, this is how we do it. So what we do is we have four ad sets in our diamond formation at cell. One is made up of only. That's at two is made up of only lookalikes ad set. Three is used for audience testing ad set four is our broad targeting. So, um, an ad set one. So let's actually, um, first I guess what you're probably wondering is, uh, before scale I'm what do I do with my existing ad sets? So maybe you're asking yourself, well, I'm ready to scale, but I already have this campaign, uh, with some interest in it. And I don't know what to do. Cause you know, maybe I have 5, 6, 7, 7 interests that are performing, create a new ad set and take all of the interests and just stack them. So put them all in one ad set right here. Ad set number one. Okay. Ad set. Number two is going to be made up of lookalikes. So in order, if you haven't run any lookalike shack, you're going to test them, which is going to be done with ad set number three. So this is the process. Let's say you've got your, uh, your interests stacked, and then you create, maybe you create, uh, and I'll, I'll map this out for you. So you can, so maybe you created the, uh, the view content and you did a 1% to 10% look alike audience. So you create your first lookalike and you're wondering how to get this running in the diamond formation. So step number one is what you can do is simply take, oops, let me just change this marker here. So you can take, um, this lookalike and create an ad set that's in number three, you can call it audience test and just run it in here. Use the same ads that you're using elsewhere and see how it performs. Did this audience perform, was it successful or did it fail? So right here, so after testing it, um, and let me zoom in. So you can read this, this ad set is used for testing new audiences. For example, if I wanted to test 95% look alike, uh, I would create a new ad set three, test it. And if it performs, I'd stack into ad set number two. So we have a lookalike. Did it perform, was it profitable? Yes. No, if no, we simply just all, is this ad set and label it retired if yes, we ask. Well, what type of audience is it? Is it a, uh, is it a lookalike? Well, yes. Okay. So then we're going to add it to our lookalike ad set right there. So ad set, number two, we're going to stack it in here and if it's the first look like it's just going to be alone in here. So then let's say a couple of days down the road, we're like, all right, it's time to test. We have enough. Add to carts, says to add to cart one to 10% lookalike audience. So we do the same process. We drop it in. We create a new ad set, number three, labeled with, uh, you know, the lookalike name. Then we run the test two to three days of data. Was it good? Was it bad if then retire it if good stack it. So we'll still keep, if this one's already in here, we're going to keep, uh, keep all of them. We're just stacking them on top of one another. So this is the process of how we introduce new audiences into our currently scaling campaign. And it's the same process for interest. So let's try, let's say you test the interest called the Netflix. You're going to follow this exact same procedure. You're going to create a new ad set. Number three, you're going to run a test on it. Yeah. Or just collect some data on over the course of a couple of days. Was it profitable? Did it fail? Same process except here, what type audience to interests. Now we're going to add it to ad set number one. So as you can see, and then, uh, even if, uh, let's say after you stack it, you still retire ad set number three. So you're going to have eventually like a ton of ad set number threes, but they're all going to be labeled retired and that way you can filter them out easily. And you can also go back and look, maybe you're like, uh, five weeks down the road. You're like, did I test the add to cart one to 10% and you can go check and you'll see it. And you'll see the data right there. So labeling it with the word retired in the ad set name is just a very good way to filter things. Uh, and you should only ever have one ad set, number three, running at a time at a given time. We don't want to introduce too many to really throw off or cause too much fluctuation in the optimization of our entire campaign. All right. And then number four here. So number four, ads and number four is going to be broad. Um, you can, I mean, if you know your customers like above a certain age or a certain gender, you can, you can narrow it like that. But by broad, I just mean demographic targeting. So no interest, no lookalikes, only demographic targeting. And just let it run. What I wanted to note here. If it's breakeven or profitable, this broad ad set, I prefer to let this run consistently because it's constantly collecting new audience data. Remember the downfall of any scale is, is a fatigue. So if you're constantly collecting new data, you might find new opportunities and you're in a, the pixel, the algorithm, the campaign is going to be able to quickly adjust. Um, yeah. Remember scaling is easy. Maintaining a scale is not this right here really helps maintain that scale. So this is the, uh, like the cycle that we use to introduce. New creatives and new audiences to our existing two campaigns. So you can truly scale using these two campaigns and by stacking, you're preventing that audience fatigue. Um, and you're really feeding into the Facebook power five large audiences and giving Facebook every opportunity to acquire a result for you. So this is what the process actually looks like in, uh, in the ad account as we're actively scaling. So let's say a, your ads are working, you're prepared, you understand the process, but you're not sure how to actually manage the budgets. How do you, how do you manage and how do you know how much to increase or decrease your budgets spot? So this is the process. What we do is use rules, both for the automations and also for us, and then automations as well to do this automatically. So why automations? They save time and they prevent human error when analyzing data, making budget changes with that said if there's human error, when setting the automations up, that is a, it's not fun. I actually made a mistake where instead of turning a, uh, a campaign off, I adjusted the budget to like $5,000 a day. And I didn't check for a couple of days and ran through some budget, no results, very big mistakes. So just double check your, uh, automation rules before activating them. And then after you do activate them, check back occasionally more, more frequently than when you, you have full trust in them. So when it comes to the rules, this is what we use here at Potter for both of them, all of our brands and for our client brands. So we have three methods and, uh, I'm not gonna, I won't have to read these because it's pretty self-explanatory, but I'll go through the first one. So diamond passive there's a, the purpose behind this strategy is to grow results through a low risk and predictable scale. So each of these have, has a different risk tolerance, um, allowed essentially. So the risk here, if you have a low risk risk tolerance, this is going to be for you. The diamond passive is also very good option for your first scale, just to see how things kind of move, how they work and sure you have your processes down and so forth. So when it comes to the rules, we look at, if you're running for a purchase, we look at the previous three day return on ad spend. And if it's 25% higher than our target ROAS, remember you checked your numbers already. So, you know, your target ROAS, if it's 25% higher, uh, we simply increase the budget by 10%. If it's below, we decreased by 5%, the same for leads. So this other one is rule for leads. So we just put our target cost per acquisition, um, in terms of like a leader, whatever the result might be. And really the only difference between passive and moderate and turbo is the increases. So moderate is going to have a 20% increase, 10% decrease. Turbo has a 50% increase, 35% decrease. And you're also looking at two days of data here, and one day of data here. So turbo is what we used as you saw in that screenshot at the start of this lesson to go from 10, $15,000 a day to $75,000 a day, we use turbo to scale like that. So that is a that's. I mean, that's pretty straightforward. I'll show you how to actually use automations and Facebook here in a second. Um, but it is very easy as well to go in and manually make these adjustments. Just use one of these rule sets, depending on your risk tolerance, the maturity of your ad account, how long you've been running at high budgets and so forth, really go off your confidence level, go off your gut. You can always go up. You can't get your money back so frequently tested audiences when it comes to lookalikes and interests and broad targeting. This is what we use when scaling and lookalikes are number based on the amount of data required. So if you're a brand new company, let's say you've have, you have a hundred purchases, but it's your first week. And I mean, that's, I mean, you just launched, you just find a bunch of success. You're likely going to want to use the 95% video viewers and engage look like audience. The other ones, you probably don't have enough data yet. Maybe view content, but add to cart initiate checkout purchases. Definitely wait on these for add to cart. I'm looking at at least for a thousand, add to carts, initiate checkout, same and purchases the same. So really once I hit a thousand in each one of these is when I move into it, view content. I'm looking for five to 10,000 of these, and then you can launch those lookalikes interest targeting, try to identify interests that align in favor of your target demo, target demographic, target customer target audience. So previously Facebook had the audience insights. They just remove that. So what you can do now, and what we do is we use Google analytics and we just really break down the demographics locations, ages, genders, so forth. And by doing this, we can look at other companies, not necessarily competitors, but, um, let's say like I, I have a candle company and I do research on my target demographic and see they're also into, um, into football. So, or like maybe, maybe the, maybe the bears and so forth. So what I would do is I'd launch it interest targeting NFL, um, targeting the bears, try things that are odd, try interests that seem odd. The goal is simply to get broader audiences moved into the diamond stability zone to convert. This is also going to help maintain a scale. For example, one of my companies, our top, our top interest was Netflix and it has our, our product has nothing to do with watching TV. It's actually like almost the opposite, but what we found is our target demographic is also a target demographic of Netflix. So by targeting that, uh, it became very profitable and we faced a lot less of our direct competition over in that audience. So try some, try some odd interests. And then broad previously, this only, uh, really worked when your pixel had tons and tons of data. But today I find this targeting to be quite beneficial in early stages, even just collect data, let data flow and so forth. And we just let broad run. If it is like extremely unprofitable, you can turn it off, but if it is close to break even, or profitable and best case, keep it on. It's gonna, it's only gonna benefit you because you are collecting more data that is outside of your initial targeting. Facebook's artificial intelligence is extremely good and they know who to target much better than we actually do. So let them do their thing, let them optimize, put some trust in it. And once again, view this as opportunity to fill, uh, fill your funnel with potential customers or leads that you've might've missed with existing targeting. So this is how we scale Facebook ads. This is a full breakdown, all of our strategies, all of our, uh, our data, our process, and it has worked extremely well as you saw from, from our results that we've been able to generate using this. So with that said, take your time. Don't rush into a scale. Uh, it's extremely fun. It's extremely exciting. And when you do start scaling, uh, it's going to be a blast. So with that said, I'll see you in the next lesson. Thank you so much for watching the pondir Facebook advertising course. If you found this useful, please, don't forget to go check out pondir.com. If you haven't already sign up, get a membership there. You're going to get access to all of our artificial intelligence tools. All of the upcoming courses are going to be released on pondir and you'll have full access to those. You'll get access to the research coaching vault so much more. So go check out pondir. Thank you again for watching. I'll see you in the next video, Dillon out.