Transcript for:
Cold Calling Strategies for Success

hey do you notice when you cold call your prospects and say hi my name is I'm with XYZ company and the reason why I called you was click or they say not interested or we already have somebody for that you know why the prospect is doing that well if you don't I'm going to show you why they're doing that in their mind and then I'm going to show you how to Rel language certain things you're saying and how to use your tone to get your prospect to let their guarden come over here to my VI board now I know most of you have been trained when you cold call to do what what's the standard pitch hi my name is James Miller I'm with ABC company whatever that is and the reason why I called you was now I want you to think about this for a second are you the only person that's calling that Prospect day in and day out cold calling them you got to realize they're getting cold calls from everybody that's selling anything from maintenance equipment to what you sell to you know cyber security for their office it doesn't matter so when they hear you say the same thing that everybody else is saying that they don't like when they turn down the other salespeople what do you think is happening in their mind their guard goes up okay they go into what's called fight ORF flight mode and they say they react to you that's a what we would call a defensive mechanism I'm not interested we already have a vendor for that we don't need that okay you're literally triggering the resistance by the way you've been taught how to talk to them in that first 30 seconds are you with me on that okay so what I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how to Rel language that and then how to lower your tone to cause them to want to engage and Trigger curiosity you might want to pay attention to this this is going to be really important here all right so the first thing that we want to do when we cold call is we want to trigger curiosity in their mind so so they actually want to have a two-way conversation like there's something you're going to say and how you're going to say it and how you're going to ask that's going to cause them to open up okay I'm going to show you some examples of that industry specific ones and generic now this is what we call a pattern interrupt now I don't mean saying something weird or like some type of joke or something like that those very rarely work so be careful of those so when I talk about pattern interrupts it's just a certain question you're asking and I'm going to show you up here that just causes them to be like oh yeah that's us and what we're going to do rather than going into I represent ABC company and I'm calling about our new XYZ software where you start talking about your solution we're going to talk about a problem or two that most of those people answering can identify with which then triggers curiosity all right and then we're going to do it and I know some of you going be like Jeremy why would I do that you're going to act confused in the beginning not very long but in the beginning of that cold call where they actually come to your rescue I actually called this the confused old man technique now where did I develop the confused old man contique you see one of the industries I sold in during my 177e sales career was B2B and I was calling cold calling prospects like you I was cold calling SM type of companies I was cold calling even Enterprise level companies Fortune 500 and Fortune 1000 and I quickly realized that if I sounded it like everybody else that if I sounded sharp and excited and right to the point that the prospect viewed me like everybody else cold calling them on a daily basis and so I literally had no shot I had to play the numbers game at that point I don't want to play the numbers game because you don't make that much money playing the numbers game so I quickly realized that I acted kind of confused like I wasn't quite sure who I was supposed to be talking to that the average person whether they were a gatekeeper like a admin person or if they were the individual I was supposed to be talking to like a c-level executive would actually come to my rescue and tell me who I should be talking to and actually transfer me to them or if they were the person I was reaching would say oh no I'm the person you should be talking to and I'm going to show you what I mean by acting like a confused old man it's the confused tone like I'm not quite sure confused tone I'll show you in a second all right you this will be interesting all right now I'm going to give you a generic example here so you can plug in what you sell to this example and then right after I'm going to do this you want to stay around for this I'm going to give you two completely different industry specific examples where you can actually see the framework in action I'm going to show you how to do pattern interrupts all right so let's say that uh somebody answers the phone okay and I'm going to show you my tone in this yeah is this is uh is Jane there hey yeah Jane it's just um James Miller with ABC company I was wondering if you could possibly uh help me out for a moment now let me talk about what I just did there I'm going to get a drink of water and I'm actually going to do that over because I want you to hear the tongue my my voice is just I had no water in there that caught in mouth all right yeah is this Jane oh hey Jane it's just uh Jeremy Miner I was wondering if you could possibly um help me out for a moment now I want to show you what I just did there okay what type of tone did you hear me use okay that was a what a confused tone all right now why would I use a confused tone there why would what why wouldn't I just say hey this is James Miller uh I'm with ABC company I was wondering if you could help me out for a moment because I would sound like a what a salesperson trying to sell something I don't want to sound like that okay now why would I use the word J why would I say yeah it's it's James Miller uh my yeah my name is it's just James Miller why would I use say J why would I almost downplay myself there because you're probably taking sales train like never use the word just it implies that you're not important well I hate to tell you on a cold call when you're calling a prospect who has no idea who you are from Adam or Eve you have zero trust and zero credibility they don't think you're important already I hate to tell you that so by using the word just primarily just cold calls now inbound and outbound much different examples okay but when you cold call the word just implies what that they should already know you yeah it's just Uncle John calling you back okay it's just like it's not a big deal see I want them to feel like it's not a big deal so they what lower their guard okay they relax they don't put up the guard where I have to compete with the wall of sales resistance you see why I'm using that okay uh I was wondering if you could possibly um help me out for a moment now when you do that with that type of tone that confused tone you know what most people will say they like uh sure how can I help you or they'll say like if they're really like in a bad mood they'll be like uh sure how can I help you or who or who is this or what's this all about most people will say though uh sure how can I help you okay like how can I help you because I'm asking for help when an old man goes into a grocery store and his GPS doesn't work on his phone he's like ah I'm not sure how to get to my daughter's home everybody does what come to his help because he's asking for help I'm using human behavior I want to work with the way the brain is already working now let's look at the next part here I was wonder if you could possibly um help me out for a moment uh sure how can I help you well and I'm not sure if you're the right person I should be talking to but I I call to see um who would be responsible like in your company at looking at any possible hidden gaps in your blank that could be causing you guys to blank um who should I be talking to about that now let me analyze what I just did there okay that is a generic example all right now why would I say even if the right person answered why would I say well I'm not quite sure if you're the right person I should be talking to but I call to see who would be responsible now why would I say responsible who would be responsible in your company now in this example this is more of a smaller company if I'm calling an Enterprise level company that has thousands of employees I'm going to say responsible in your department for looking at any hidden gaps so a little bit of a shift there this would be a smaller company you'd say company if it's a really really big company more Enterprise you're going to use Department okay if you sell B2B you know what I mean by that okay at looking at any possible now why would I say possible why wouldn't I say looking at Hidden gaps because they might be say well we don't have hidden gaps but if I say possible hidden gaps see that's a neutral word possible hidden gaps that causes them to think oh what what do you mean by hidden gaps or do we have something wrong it just seeds that there could be something wrong okay that's all I want I'm not trying to sell them with this all I my job is to get them to let their guard down where they open up and have a two-way conversation that's my only goal on that first part of that Cod call any possible hidden gaps in your blank now the blank will be determined about what you sell let's say if you uh sell like accounting services to small business owners to help them with their accounting so they don't overpay the IRS with taxes I'm just throwing out something any hidden gaps in like your accounting like your uh you know your accounting with what you guys are doing that could be causing you guys to overpay the IRS every year now if I said that any possible hidden gaps in your accounting that could be causing you to overpay the IRS every year what do you think that's going to do that's going to trigger some curiosity how do you mean by paying the IRS or how do you mean by overpaying it's impossible for them not to be curious at that point when I plug in the negative consequence of the possible hidden Gap in your blank that could be now notice I didn't say is could be why would I use the neutral word there because could be if I get an A type personality I'm never going to trigger that Prospect to say we don't have any problems we don't have any hidden gaps if I say could or possible it's neutral it's a neutral word all right and then at the end I say who should I be talking to about that now most of the time if you're talking to the actual person they like oh that's me now why did they say that because I said who would be responsible for problem with negative consequence it's hard for them to say oh that's not me and try to transfer like almost impossible because they could get in trouble all right all right so that's a generic example now there's some offshoots of that okay and we train all of that uh you know actually some of you are probably wondering like how do I how do I write these cold calls out for my industry so if you're wondering about that um why don't you go we'll let you go to one of our Facebook groups you can go to um sales revolution. proo go to that one sales revolution. proo I think there's like 85 90,000 uh people in there and we do a lot more of this like uh specific industry training in that Facebook group so you're welcome to go there if you want to U learn more about cold calling for your industry all right now you want me show you a specific industry right here I can't get a water here just caught in mouth what are we going to do now let's say that you sell SAS all right we train thousands of salese in this industry we train 158 different Industries uh SAS is a big one for us as well but let's say you have some type of of uh some software like a recruiting software that helps trucking companies okay this is a big industry that helps trucking companies hire better truck drivers because a big problem that they have is they Place ads on indeed and linked in in in different places and they get kind of flaky people not really uh LinkedIn but more indeed and they get flaky drivers that then get hired and you know after a week they're like I don't want to do it and they quit and when they quit guess what happens you know that tractor trailer that big cargo that they're hauling across the country that they make money once they deliver it well that's setting in their parking lot now because nobody's driving it and they're losing thousands of dollars a day because they don't have enough drivers to drive all the trucks and they can't expand and hire more drivers uh they can't get more trucks they can't expand their business so it's a big problem that this company that this industry recruiting SAS solves for these truck drivers they get much more qualified candidates that last and they're more experienced all right so let's say in this example if I'm typically calling a trucking company most of the time that's going to go into like some type of recepti not all the time but most of the time so let's say that Wanda answers ABC company this is Wanda how can I help you okay I'm going to say this oh hey wand it's just uh Jeremy miners I wondering if you could possibly um help me out for a moment uh sure how can I help you Jeremy well and I'm not sure who I should be um talking to um I'm trying to reach the person who would be uh responsible for like overseen like any possible hidden gaps in like your advertising you know how to hire like new truck drivers that could be causing you guys to have to keep several of your trucks you know vacant every month who should I be talking to about that now what do you think Wanda is going to do notice I didn't talk about my solution didn't talk about how awesome it was or do you have 2 minutes of of your time time can I can I take too much of your time to talk about our ABC wonderful thing nobody cares about that any over now what did I do the person who's responsible for overseeing so I just said something different okay I can tweak this overseeing any possible hidden gaps that triggers what do they a lot of times you're going to get prospects to say oh what do you mean by hidden gaps and that's what I want hidden gaps in your advertising for new drivers that could be causing the firm to have to keep several trucks vacant every month who should I be talking to see that's the problem advertising for new drivers okay the the thing that they do and then the consequence is they're having to keep several trucks vacant every month which she would know is costing them tens of thousands of dollars a day in Lost revenue and then I say who should I be talking to about that you're going to be surprised most will be like oh that's Jim over in shipping or that's uh Harry over in human resources or whatever now now you don't want to say okay can I talk to him cuz then they'll say do you have a scheduled appointment a lot so I'm going to show you an easier way a much softer way to get her to transfer you over to Jim or Sally's office number well um should I have you transfer me over to her to I guess leave a voicemail and she can just call me back if she needs some help with that see how easy I made that for Wanda well now I'm acting confused again okay well should I have you transfer me over to her to leave a voicemail now why would I say leave a voicemail rather than should I have you transfer me over to her so I can talk to her about ABC because leaving a voice message seems much more easier for Wanda to do now if she's transfering me over to Sally and Sally's there I wouldn't leave a voicemail cuz Sally's picking up the phone you see what I'm doing there I my goal is not to leave a voicemail but my goal is to have her transfer me over to Sally's phone because if Sally's in the office she's going to answer the phone if she's not then I'm going to leave a voicemail and that's a whole another training all right and then I said and she can call me back if she needs help see no pressure that's what I'm trying to do keep the guard down you're going to be shocked here you're going to have like nine out of 10 wandas be like oh sure I can transfer you over too that's probably not a problem and you transferred right over see how that helps all right you want me to show you another example okay so this is another industry specific example let's say that you sell real estate you're a real estate investor okay you know those distressed properties you always see those signs on the road that says hey uh we'll buy your home 30 days for cash guaranteed or you see the Billboards or you get the numbers okay we train thousands in this space as well now I'm going to show you how to trigger engagement and I'm going to show you a different way to do this I think you'll find this actually quite fascinating uh stay right there Nick I'm going to come back I've got to get some documents here just to show everybody what I'm going to do cuz I think they're going to be like oh my gosh I can't believe he's doing that all right so here's what I'm going to show you how to do so all right in this example I'm going to show you an example of a pattern interrupt and you can do this in any industry but we would just obviously reord this now if I'm a real estate investor the advantage I have to cold call here is in most counties in Most states I can go print off property tax records of the homeowners that I'm calling does that make sense so I want you to go to your county most counties you can do this there's a few you can't but 99% you can and I literally want you to print off the property tax records of every single homeowner it's going to take you some work but I promise you you're going to make a lot of money if you do it of every home that you're cold calling and I and I want you to hold them in your hand because this has to sound real you don't want to fake it fake it to you make it I don't want you to do that like I literally want you to print off the property count tax records of of the homeowner you're calling all right now you're going to hold them in your hand don't cheat it won't make any sense if you don't why do I want you to hold them in your hand because while you're cold calling I'm going to have you shuffle them around and they're going to hear their property tax records being shuffled around and what do you think that's going to cause them to think they're going to stay really engaged I promise you it's very rare never going to hang up with you let me show you what to do okay yeah hey is this Sally is this Sally uh Hodes yeah this is Sally who's this yeah it's just uh James Miller I'm holding a I'm holding a copy of your uh property tax records at your property at uh looks like it's 55 five Willow Lane there in Savana and I was wondering if you could possibly um help me out for a moment now how many prospects when you cold call with their property tax records and you say I'm holding a copy of your property tax records at 55 Willow Lane how many of those people do you think like are going to say not interested when you're holding their property tax records shuffling them in your hand I'm going to go on a Lim and say zero unless you sound super salesy and weird all right now I'm going to do that again I want you to pay attention to my tone what type of tone did I use a confused tone that triggers curiosity that triggers them to want to help me hey is this is this uh Sally Jones oh hey Sally it's uh it's just James Miller I was I'm holding a copy of your property tax records of your home at um at the 55 Willow Lane I think there in Montgomery and I was wondering if you could possibly um help me out for a moment you know they're going to say uh yeah sure how how can I help you or what's this all about you know what's going on in their mind they think it's like the county commissioner with their tax records that something could be wrong so I promise you I can assure you it triggers massive curiosity okay then I'm going to do this okay now my biggest thing that I have to do here after I do that opening statement is you don't go into your sales pitch if you're in that industry you're not going to be like well hey I'm an investor and I really like your home and I'd like to make you an offer on it because they're going to be like oh I don't want to sell my home because you're going into your solution too fast without triggering engagement to then get into it all right so let me show you what you're going to do here your biggest thing you have to do is get them to keep their guard down if you can keep their guard down you get into a two-way conversation it can be very fruitful you can make a lot of money and you get to help your prospects solve their problems so here's what you're going to do well and I'm not sure if it really makes sense for us to to even talk but I represent a group uh that's buying they're buying like four to five uh different properties and like the kind of that three block area where you're at there on Willow Lane and after reviewing doing your your tax records here U especially on page three um I called to see if you would be opposed to maybe even having a brief conversation around that because we we might actually be able to do something for you and you're going to go silent now you're going to notice they're going to be like uh sure or how did you get my property tax records or yeah uh possibly but who are you again now that's what I want because that causes me now to be able to have a two-way open conversation rather than you like hi my name is I'm with XYZ company the reason why I called you was and you try to spit out as much information and solution as you can and hope and pray that they bite you don't want to hope and pray that is not a winning strategy so I'm going to do that again I want you to hear what I did here it's very important for you all right so I'm going to go through the whole thing again I'm going to get a drink of water here cuz I'm losing my voice sh so many videos today for you guys you're welcome by the way I think you're going to enjoy this one all right so you're going to print off the tax records yeah is this um is this Sally Jones oh yeah hey Sally it's just James Miller I'm holding a actually let's do that over again I lost my voice okay all right so I'm going to show you again how to do this and I want you to pay attention to my tone and how I'm pausing and then I'm going to break down what I did there okay yeah is this Sally Sally Hodes yeah yeah Sally it's just James uh Miller I'm holding a copy of your uh property tax records at your home at the uh 55 Willow Lane address and I was wondering if you could possibly um help me out for a moment sure how can I help you or sure you got my property tax recers what's going on well now you're going to downplay it well and I'm not even sure if it really even makes sense for us to even talk but I represent a group that's buying looks like it's four homes in like that three block area by the Willow Lane property and after kind of going through your your tax records on that property especially Page look like three here um I called to see if you guys would be opposed to having maybe a brief conversation around that home uh because we might actually have something for you should should we have a conversation now it's very hard when I say let me show you how to do this okay why would I say well I'm not even sure if it really make sense for us to even talk why would I say that because it causes them to lower their guard if I said I'm so excited you answer the phone because I really like your home and I'd like to buy it then you're going to get oh well we're not we're not interested in selling or well it depends on what you offer but if I kind of push them away well and I'm not even sure if it really makes sense for us to even talk I push them away they do what pull me back in see how I'm doing that I'm not being negative I'm saying well I'm not even quite sure I'm like I don't know yet I'm neutral so you don't want to be negative but you don't want to be positive right I want to I'm right in the middle I just don't know know yet right I don't know enough about the home I I just represent a group now if you're if a real estate investor you don't want to say I represent a group of investors because they might have been called 20 times and they're saying I I'm with a group of investors so I just say a group all right a group that's buying looks like it's four homes and it's I a three I get very very specific not generalized in a three block area by your Willow Lane property and after reviewing your tax records especially yeah here on page three three now why did I do that cuz now they're wondering what what's on page three property tax records it's impossible for them to want to hang up okay that's what I want all right and after read your tax especially on page three see notice how I slow down on that home I called to see if you guys would be opposed now why would I say opposed why would I not say I was wondering if you would be open because what does the what does what do most human beings want to say on a cold call no so if I say opposed I want them to say no you'll find a lot when you say I was wondering if you would be opposed to having a brief conversation around that most people will say yeah I'm not opposed what do you have it's hard for them to say yes I'm opposed it's very hard because they already want to say no so like I said I'm using that to their advantage of mine because I'm working with their brain the way they're already wanting to think I'm using no to get them to say eventually yes see what I did there having a brief conversation around that now sometimes you can add cuz we we might actually have something for you should we have a conversation okay might it's a neutral word does that make sense now if you want to learn more about that specific cold calling techniques uh you're welcome to join one of our Facebook groups sales revolution. proo we do a lot more inside there hope that helped you