Apostolic Culture 1.3 - Understanding Apostolic Belief Systems

Oct 13, 2024

Lecture Notes: Apostolic Belief Systems


  • Culture and Belief Systems: Every culture has inherent belief systems.
  • Focus: Four major beliefs of an apostolic people within an apostolic culture.

Apostolic Prayer and Decrees

  • Matthew 6:9-10: Apostolic prayer of the disciples emphasizes "Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
  • Ephesians 2:6: Being raised and seated with Christ in heavenly places to declare "Come thy kingdom, be done thy will."
  • Living from two worlds requires aligning belief systems.

Four Major Belief Systems of Apostolic People

1. Covenant Community

  • Covenant People: Apostolic people view themselves as a family.
    • Gather together not for agreement in doctrine but because of family bonds.
    • Reference to Hebrews about not forsaking assembly.
  • Catholic Church: Universal church concept, emphasizing family and community.
    • Contrast with Protestant Church which historically split frequently due to disagreements.
    • Importance of learning family values from the Catholic tradition, despite differences.

2. Denominationalism vs. Apostolic Family

  • Protestant Movement: Birthed from division (protestant = protesters).
    • Denominations are seen as tribal groups.
    • The danger of denominationalism is focusing too much on doctrinal agreement.
  • Reconciliation: Ministry of reconciliation against denominationalism.
    • Preaching should inspire and impart rather than just convince.
    • Kingdom of God is about freedom versus control and fear.

3. Essence of Covenant

  • Covenant Definition: A lifelong commitment, beyond geographical proximity.
    • Tested through disagreements and adversity.
    • True loyalty is tested through disagreements.

4. Family and Society

  • Family's Role in Healing Society: Malachi 4:6 - Father-child relationships heal the land.
    • Society’s brokenness is linked to fatherlessness and broken families.
  • Role of Sons of God: Reveal the Father's love and heart.
    • Dynamic of family - everyone contributes through the Holy Spirit.
    • Prodigal Son: Father's attributes are love and freedom, not control.

Covenant Community in Practice

  • Accountability and Impartation: Emphasizes accountability based on identity in God, not faults.
    • Barnabas and Paul Principle: Transition and growth within relationships.
    • Impartation: Romans 1:11 - Desiring to impart spiritual gifts.

Apostolic Family vs. Student-Teacher Dynamics

  • Family as Experience: More than a classroom - involves opening hearts and sharing experiences.
  • Sons vs. Students: Sons carry the heart of their fathers; students mimic methods.
  • Call to Follow: Jesus and Paul taught by example, emphasizing relational over instructional learning.


  • First Belief System: Apostolic community sees itself as a covenant family.
    • Aligning to this belief is foundational for living in an apostolic culture.