Transcript for:
Exploring Salat in Quranic Context

[Music] salaam everyone super excited thank you so much for being here my name is dr syed and of course i love to research the quran and bring you as per quran only so welcome or welcome back to the quran only channel certainly appreciate it so we're going to be talking about what is salat the much awaited topic that i've been researching for quite a while and of course looking at various aspects from a macro level as well as from a micro level including history and whatnot so been through all of the majority of the text so far and this is a super exciting lecture that i'm going to talk about what is salat according to quran only so here's the agenda i'm just going to try to stick to the core point the meaning of the word salat what is all about it's not something new right so this is not something that was just came about when the quran was revealed it's been there before the quran also right so we're going to talk about of course everything in context as we always do because that's the the way the quran is supposed to be read and understood so we'll talk about the meaning of the salat as first part of our agenda then we'll get into the tri-literal root the swat lam wow right the meaning which occurs 99 times in the quran so it's not one of those words where we say well jesus is only you know a few times in the quran we don't know what it means well it's been it's in the quran for 99 times in various forms and primarily in four derived forms 12 times as form 2 verb sollah 83 times as a noun one time as a also a noun and then three times in the form to active participle right so we'll take a look at what these are and then i'm going to talk about salah which is also you know occurs in the quran as an abstract noun for example in chapter 2 verse 45 which is surah al-baqarah and then of course the same surah verse 153 so we'll take a look at what that is also right so all these different forms of if you don't know arabic of course you can always look them up as two different forms of verbs in arabic and i'll also demonstrate so i'll have the tabs open so you can of course reference if you need be and then we'll take a look at of course the fact that the quran is consistent right so there's no inconsistency in the quran and that's the key point of the quran as a book because the quran claims itself to be complete right so and of course it proves itself to be complete and consistent so we need to take of course the book try to understand the consistency this implies that the words the text in the book the stories in the book for example are consistent no matter which chapter you read them from or which surah you're reading the entire concept the words the meanings must remain consistent or there should be no contradiction right that's the book claims and that's true because um yeah i've yet to find something that is not consistent so we'll you know keep this core part of the text in mind and then we'll of course take a look at what salat is all about all right so number five part of the agenda point is salat which means duty oh well we'll we'll see we'll see what that means after we go through all of this then you probably be in a better position to really understand what salat is all about and how do we actually uphold salat what do we do do we pray do we what kind of prayer i mean how does it work you know who sort of like told us how to pray and what's going on right not just in islam but also in other religions and of course we understand that there are two kinds of laws right there's there's the quran law and then there's man-made laws rules and regulations all right so that that's also an important aspect that we'll explore as we go along all right so let's dive right in so thanks for being here one more time by the way please um if you're new to the channel if you subscribe i certainly appreciate that and of course share this knowledge if you find it useful i appreciate that too all right so let's take a look at first what is the meaning of the word salat so i'm going to minimize this here's the arabic lexicon this is edward lane's lexicon if you need i'll just put a link in the description so you can take a look at this too by the way i have downloaded it in the pdf but it's available online as well all right so here's the word solu which is the root word for prayer or salat right what does it mean well the basic meaning of this is for example i struck or beat that part of him or of the back which is called sullen or i hit that part with a thing or with an arrow or some other thing on the authority who says that it is of the dial and one you know and one says also which is of course with respect to derivation unless it be an instance of interchangeableness of comma and whatever right said of amer or she camel now what this means the word swadh wow is simply to follow something closely right so so you hit something at the back or it's it's the tailbone um of the she camel the horse or whatever right so that's really what what salu is but that's that's quite different from what we know what salat is uh you know in terms of his meaning but if you go to soli which is number two for which one should say not right i'm just reading you know this the same word okay so we'll come back to the different forms a little later right now let's go through this so you understand all right so sully for which one should not say or the latter is allowable as agreeable with rule and is occurring as old poetry so for example he prayed supplicated or petitioned so one of the meanings is of course uh you know following closely or doing your duties for example or petitioning you know he prayed supplicated he performed it the divinely appointed act of prayer commonly termed salat or salawat or the different forms right and then pray thou for them you can pray thou for someone for example he prayed for such a one and praised him and hence um for example it is said in a tradition who so is invited to a banquet or a marriage feast let him comply or if not let him pray for the inviter okay so you see what's happening there they're just you know all over the place meanings right so it's just a think of this as a macro term so it's not a specific form where you know you need to know like oh hey go do something go you know this is how you do it so so far it's just a broad broad concept of various meanings so keep thou to the like of thy prayer he enjoyed her to repeat the prayer for him so once again that's repetitions like something you know you're following someone you're following something closely doing something the meaning upon thee be like that for which thou hast prayed these words he addressed to his daughter on the occasion of her saying oh my lord ward off from my father disease diseases and pain so once again you're supplicating petitioning they're saying for example the slaves of such one performs the divinely appointed act of prayer means that they have attained to the age of virility said of an angel means he prayed for or begged forgiveness or pardon for him and thus the verb sometimes means when said of other than an angel as in the tradition of saudi in which it is sad when we die will pray for forgiveness for us right so that's really you know more continuing on let me let me move forward he blessed him meaning he invoked god's blessing upon him namely the prophet said allah by what here follows according to the rendering of salualay or al-anabi and others so once said of god he blessed him meaning he conferred blessing upon him and he had mercy on him and he magnified him or conferred honor upon him hence the saying and so on right so or for example in allah will mala this is of course in the quran also so and and the verb does not import two things here for it has there only one meaning which is magnification that is these words mean verily god and his angels magnify the prophet okay or rather i would render them bless the prophet so this kind of continues right but overall and if i go further for example let's go to number four right here said of a mare the parts on the right and left of her tail or other part of either side of her tail became relaxed she being near to bringing forth or said of a she camel her young one fell into part of her called sultan and she was near to bringing forth so the word sullen the middle of the back of a human being or of any quadruple or as some say the part that slopes down from the hips or haunches or the space intervening between the hinder projection of the haunch or rump of a beast and the tail or the part on the right and left of the tail right so it's just like you know you're like like the backbone basically going from front to back right so which is similarly in relation to a sheet camel properly meaning the two parts bordering upon the tailbone or the place in which it is set the tail of a horse or the bone upon which there are two buttocks right all right so that's and and similarly if i move forward a little bit salah to be written or prefix to a pronoun and also in dual number so that's really you know and of course there's other forms of salat like masala and i'm going to show you this next also where in the quran it is 99 times in which derived form we'll talk about that too but this is just to give you an overall idea of the various broader aspects of the word salute the root word and of course his various forms now based on this okay based on on the root meaning of the word the quran has placed this word this root word 99 times okay in one form or the other so let's take a look at where in the quran this occurs okay and this is to our let me bring up the agenda points here so i don't detract myself because this topic is huge okay i can talk about this for hours and hours and hours i'm going to try to make it very very concise and very very keep it too within the ambit of our discussion here so so we know the meaning of the word salat now this is the meaning according to the lens lexicon we'll take a look at what actually it means in the quran once we take a look at you know in which forms it occurs in various places within the entire book 99 times but of course i'm not going to cover all the 99 times we probably don't have time i mean i love to cover it by the way but it's just going to be a huge long lecture so i'm going to try to show you the the objective here is to show you the consistency of this word in the quran right and if we can find the meaning the consistent meaning in the quran boom that's it that's where it's you know that's what the word would mean and it has to fit perfectly within the context also not just you know one sentence for example or one verse but it has has to flow right that's what consistency is all about all right so next is we're going to take a look at the trial literal we didn't take a look at the meaning we'll take a look at the different occurrences in the quran now before i jump into the occurrence just a quick non-religious definition of the word if i can find it in my notes here yeah just this part okay so i'm going to highlight this so the core non-religious dictionary meaning of salat is that part of the rump or tailbone of a lead horse to which a second horse adheres which means follow the lead horse closely okay that's what that means now the definitions that we've taken a look at by the way right here the word salute sort of like mean the same thing right they're talking about animals they're talking about tailbone they're talking about prayer they're talking about supplication they're also talking about petitioning right so something related to following right or doing something that is closely related or following closely to certain orders right or to a certain instruction that's what that sort of like implies overall so far all right so let's go back to our occurrences in the quran there we go which is our next thing i want to talk about so the word right here let me scroll up perfect so if you research the tri-literal root swath wow occurs 99 times in the quran in four derived forms twelve times as the form two verb sola and we know verb sort of like an action right doing something 83 times as a noun which is by far you know the highest number of occurrences of the word salah right is 83 times so the word salat you know with with the you know the t at the end right the at the end is 83 times once as a noun muslim and three times as a form ii active participle so now just by looking at the occurrences 99 times in the quran we know that majority of the times it is used as a noun which is a thing it's just a thing right now what thing this is that's exactly what we're here to unpick right according to the quran only so the verb 2 occurs in the following chapters right surahs and of course the verses and then the noun occurs of course similarly in other places all throughout the quran now to make things simpler okay instead of going through each one of these verses in context that's of course going to take a long time for us to take a look at this but of course [Music] to make life easier what i've done is i've first taken a look at the different types of prayers in various religions and there are three major religions in the world of course christianity judaism and then islam okay so the concept of prayer has been around not just you know in the quran but before quran also okay so it's not something new that's we must understand this and even in the quran the word salat by the way which means prayer in in if you're muslim you would know right that the prayer is or salat or namaz as we call it that's persian name for it it's it's not something new by the way okay even in the quran if you read the quran quran talks about salat for jewish folks salat for christianity and nazarene is not not christians right at that time of judaism talks about abraham the word associated salah and you know adam with salah and all the messengers with the isa they talk about salat right so this word is is uh with every messenger of god okay so every messenger of god used this word salat so that kind of tells me that hey this has to be something that everyone can follow because the quran is not for muslims only it's for humankind right we know that this book says that it's for everyone so that means this word salat must be something that can be consistently followed by everyone but of course we look at the christian prayer which is absolutely different well relatively different i should say and it has many forms you have the lord's prayer you have the child's prayer and there are many types of prayers right we have the meal time prayer we have the seasonal prayer we have prayer sayings we have the listening prayer and so on so there are types of prayers if we go to the jewish prayer area we also notice that there are traditionally three prayer services like the morning prayer the afternoon prayer and the evening prayer and there are two additional services are recited on shabbat and other holidays right like music and so on so that's the jewish prayer similarly the word salat which the muslims categorize as of course is the persian word and and they have their own types of salah and it's not just the you know basic five prayers it's actually additional prayers also like you have eight prayers you have friday prayer you have um you know if it's not raining for example there's a prayer for that um let's see if i can bring up the list of prayers yeah there we go so there are many many types of salat even in islam some are compulsory okay and yeah i mean this is all of course man-made right it's not something that the quran talks about we'll take a look at what the quran says of course just in a little while but just to you know set the stage so we know exactly what you know the concept of salat is so there are many many types of prayers in islam also like compulsory prayers we have five the daily prayers five uh daily prayers then we have um different sects within islam of course they have their own types of prayers also special congregational prayers like like the the eid prayers there are two eids and then there's nafl which is extra prayers and so on right so each religion or one of the top major religions whether it's islam christianity or judaism they have their own you know types of prayers the common meaning among you know all these three is is the fact they're they're just petitioning to god right it's just bowing in front of god which is which is great because overall that's the concept the way they do it of course is different and that kind of makes sense because if you're a muslim you have to follow a certain set of rules and regulations set forth in islam right and if you're a christian you will follow the rules and regulations set forth in the gospels for example and if you're you know if you were of the jewish heritage you would maybe follow the talmud now the talmud um is sort of like think of this as the hadees of jews right just like we have the hadees for muslims so there's extra text or books available that sort of like relate to for example if you're muslim you'll relate to the prophet right who basically told everyone how to pray and set forth the tradition now before islam there was for example yeah there was no even even during by the way even during the life of the prophet from the first rahi there was no salah there was no prayers it was only when uh according to the hadees it's not in the quran by the way none of this is in the quran that i'm saying it's only coming all from the text of hadees right sahih al-bukhari or muslim or other texts right so according to those texts of course the the five compulsory prayers only got compulsory when the prophet went to the maraaj right when he went to the heavens and talked to god and that's really when the salat became compulsory same thing with the the azan right the five you know in the mosques we hear um this was not uh in the early years of the prophethood it was only afterwards okay so we know that you know that these texts that you know typically muslims follow are they hadis primarily all right so now we know the different kinds of prayers and and what different you know religions overall kind of follow and we also know the meaning of the word salat or swaddle okay all right perfect so let's see where we're at all right so we looked at the root word and it's 99 times in the quran and four derived from all right let's dive a little bit deeper into the quran now and see what the quran has to talk about and and say about salah so i'm gonna just take a look at the three occurrences um maybe four or five occurrences and then take a look at in context and that will set the stage for you to just let you know when you read the quran when you try to understand the quran you will see the word salat just read the context and see if the meaning of the word as we just talked about fits in the context or not it's just this simple i'm going to keep it right here okay all right so for example let's say we take a look at chapter 2 and then we look at 238 okay where god says okay so let's take a look at what what god is talking about you know of course the the general meaning keep in mind is prayers right i mean is one of the meanings also so let's open up the quran and see what's uh chapter 2 verse 238 has to say all right so i have it right here this is surah al-baqarah by the way and if you go to verse 238 this is where the word is used salawath and then okay all right now before i read the the actual meaning let's scroll up a little bit so we know the context of course we always read the quran in the context because if you don't read the quran context you would not know what god is talking about so here in this section right god is talking about marriage and divorces that's what's going on so if i scroll up a little bit let's say we start with verse 235 god says and you do no wrong in what you intimate to women of engagement or hide within yourselves god knows that you will remember them but make not nor take an oath with them secretly say that you speak a fitting word and decide not upon the marriage contract until the law reaches its term and know that god knows what is within your souls so fear him and know that god is forgiving forbearing verse 236 you do no wrong if you divorce women when you have neither touched them nor appointed for them an obligation but make them a gift the wealthy according to his means and the straightened according to his means a gift according to what is fitting is binding upon the doers of good verse 237 and if you divorce them before you have touched them but i've appointed for them an obligation then half of what you appointed save that they forego it or he forego it in whose hand is the marriage contract and to forego is nearer to prudent fear and forget not kindness among you god sees what you do now verse 238 keep your duties which is salute right to to follow something closely it's just like the lead horse you know the horse is behind the lead horse they have to turn wherever the lead horse turns they have no choice per se right just like in a buggy right when you're you know when there's three or four horses tied to each other in in you know in a row i mean the lead horse is the one who's yeah if he turns left you know the rest of the horse is behind him they must turn left because they're tied with the you know with the reins or whatever right so keep to the duties half of the allah now in traditional of course meanings or islam is the prayers the is the prayer the middle prayer right but in fact it's the duty between extremes because the word in the quran the arabic word means between extremes okay which means a balance somewhere in the middle so now if you read the if you remember the context what we were talking about is about the marriage and divorces so if you divorce you know then you have to make sure that hey do not you know tilt yourself from you know to an extreme position but keep your duties and the duty between extremes now what duty of course the duty that god assigns on top here right about you know making sure that you're giving okay and making sure that you're not forgetting kindness okay so that's really what the word here implies salat okay so that that's one example uh i like to give right now all right let's take a look at the other ones now in the quran and of course traditionally speaking it's always translated as the prayer okay and then when some verses which are a little bit sometimes the word doesn't fit or the word prayer doesn't fit in certain verse then the meaning kind of changes right so we change the meaning here typically like for example the synagogues are also called salawat that's the synagogues how can you say you know salawat is now synagogues it's like well massage it right so mosque of course and salawat so but let's let's stick to the to the basics for now all right so that's that's one example let's pick a few more now i've selected uh three things because most times these three verses that you see here in my notes salatul fajr salat alisha and salah now i've covered salat al-vusita right this is in chapter 2 which we just talked about which is actually not related to prayer because the context speaks about divorces let's take a look at the other two the other two interestingly fall in surah nur which is chapter 24. and verse 58 just in one verse god talks about both of these two instances so let's go to 24 58 and see what this means okay so let's see if i can find it there we go so let's see if the word prayer kind of the meaning that the traditional meaning of salat as prayer fits here or not okay so verse 58 says yahyou lazina then it starts from here and then where's the word salat there we go all right so before the fajr salat right that's what traditionally we speak but let's take a look at the context see what's going on all right so let me scroll up a little bit perfect so let's go to verse 55 this is surah nur which is chapter 24 in the quran and god has promised those who heed warning and do deeds of righteousness he will make them successors in the earth even as he made those successors who were before them and he will establish for them their doctrine which he approved for them and will give them an exchange safety after the fear they serve me they ascribe not a partnership with me to anything and those and who so denies after that they are the wantonly perfidious verse 56 and uphold the deity this is something interesting too by the way the word salat always comes with the word right means something to to uphold right like it's just like the foundation to to make something claim right not just read if it was just reciting or read the word for you know reciting reading is is of course reciting is the quran right the words read the the salat words never occurs in the quran with with the word it doesn't happen it's always salah so you have to uphold the something and it's always a noun and i'm also going to talk about the the concept of abstract nouns in with this word also so here right which means uphold your duty follow something closely so make sure you follow what god is telling you right and god is telling from the top that i talk about do not describe a partnership right always serve god that's what's happening from the top from the context so and uphold the duty and give the purity and obey the messenger that you might obtain mercy verse 57 think not that those who are indifferent warning can escape in the earth and their habitation is the fire and evil is the journey's end now the verse comes oh you heed warning let ask leave of those whom your right hand possess and those who have not reached puberty among you at three times now this is just one verse one sentence we cannot break it down and to say before the prayer no it's just one context right so and those who have not reached puberty among you at three times what are those three times before the duty of the dawn and when you lay aside your garments in the midday heat and after the duty of the night when we bought this so they have saliva and then we have saliva which means just follow something closely your duties right uphold your duties three times of privacy for you so there are three times of privacy that people typically have and that's what god is letting you know you and they do no wrong outside of them so also these times it's perfectly some of you move about others of you thus god makes plain to you the proofs and god is knowing wise so it's fairly straightforward right because it says these are just plain you know proofs of god nothing complicated but the the of course objective here for us is to take a look at the concept of salah right and then wherever it's happening in the quran wherever this word is occurring if we consistently translate this word which it perfectly fits in every instance of the 99 times it occurs in the quran it fits perfectly if it's in fact translated the way it means plainly and we know what it means plainly right it means to follow something like a lead horse have you know horses at the back and they follow the lead horse whatever the lead horse goes they go so it means doing your duty following closely so if you translate if you use this you know translation across the quran you will find it fits perfectly every instance of where the word is all right so this is and by the way the reason why i chose so far these verses is because some muslims for example think that there are three prayers some things there are five prayers there are many many sects of course among the muslim community and of course everyone has their own verdicts right because based on their rules and regulations set forth by their own systems of different sects that are out there all right so but so far we understand that if you translate or use the word duty um that kind of makes sense all right let's move forward let's take a look at the nouns right or what happens look at you know there are about more than 80 instances of the word salat which is actually is a noun for example all the way starting from which is of course has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 instances of the word as a noun so if it's a noun it's not an action right now there of course form two verb which means to pray or to bless okay now this is of course since it's a verb it means praying pray let them pray you pray or bless and if you recall if i go back to for example the meanings there we go the word the word salu and of course the different forms that we talked about earlier i've already talked about this of course you'll notice that the word muslin or salat or mussalin or salla different forms sort of like means right here as as the work to bless like for example if you're not at the banquet you're invited then a person didn't arrive then you say all right pray for that person okay so god bless that person we've heard this term it's a fairly common term like even in in you know other religions god bless you right we say hey god bless bless you so the muslims say it everyone says it so that's also to pray or to bless okay now i've also had several comments by the way many of you have asked about the verse where god talks about blessing the prophet so i'm going to cover this in a different lecture specifically just that verse and we'll take a look at the context of how the word salat or your saloon and nabi right how does that salah happens to nabi to the prophet so i'll talk about that too but all of these instances as noun in the quran would mean duties to follow something closely if that's all these meanings fit perfectly well in that context okay and not just these verses of course each verse has context something from the top something at the bottom okay all right so and then of course active participle and then a noun as a the word doesn't occur just in the context of strictly as a prayer right so it has other connotations but more importantly since like you know i already said that the quran is consistent which means that the word salat also has to be consistent and the meaning is straightforward according to the arabic lexicon it's just yeah it's just following closely so that's what we do we follow closely who do we follow we follow god's instructions the laws set forth in the quran by god all right so that's salah let's see if i all right so yeah we did talk about number agenda point number two all right let's take a look at three quickly salat is an abstract noun and this is interesting this isn't sorel baqarah also chapter 2 verse 45. let's see if i can bring this up so let's go to 245. here we go so it's al-baqarah verse 45 where god says right so and seek help and patience and duty but of course we know the sabbath is of course patience right to be patient and then was salad typically of course as as the traditional translation is prayer okay now we can take help or seek help from sober which is of course an abstract noun and of course salat here is also an abstract noun so because you can't have a verb with an abstract noun it doesn't it's grammatically incorrect also so not to get into technically but let's take a look at context and see what this means so god says enjoin your virtue upon mankind and forget yourselves when you read the law will you then not reason of allah and and this is you know i've i think made a video on occul right which is reasoning you know the quran is is actively telling us to reason out things not just blindly follow right just because someone tells you you have to reason and when we say reason which means why right why should i do this and once you ask this question that's when you start to figure out the reason why right so god says will you not reason and seek help in patience and salat which means duty and it is hard saved for the humble which means you have to be patient and you have to continue to do what you are doing and follow god's commands right god's law that's what this here it means so even is an abstract noun that's what it means so regardless of which verse you look at you would see that this meaning fits perfectly okay all right so that's the note so far and of course point number four is quran is consistent i've said this before i'm going to say it again because quran says hey there is no inconsistency in the quran which means you know within the context you would understand that the quran is talking about if it's talking about salat that's what it's talking about when within the context which means that it's the primary duty to god which whatever god says we have to do it that's what shalom means upholding salah that's why it's always right duty as a general concept so you can treat salat as hope patience or petitioning to god generally which all human beings or you know whether the christian faith or judaism or islam or muslims you know typically it's always petitioning to god and the third aspect of course a context dependent duty clear from text we should do and that's true because every time we look at the various meanings at 99 times in the quran this word occurs each instance if you take a look at or if you keep this in mind that this is the primary duty to god it is general concept whole patience petition a context dependent duty you will know what to do when the when god uses the word salat in the quran all right now typically human beings of course we like rules and regulations we like to create those rules and regulations and of course they're they're so uh some of these rules and regulations are so difficult uh at times uh that you know it becomes a ritual it just becomes a word it just becomes uh a thing that most as if you're a muslim for example then you have to pray five times a day well there are other prayers also and and and if i can say this muslims not all or not every muslim prays five times a day all right even though that's the most important pillar of islam out of the five pillars which is salat which is namaz right but muslims today they treat namaz as just a thing where it's just all right they go to the mosque they do the ritual and then they go or if they're home you still do the ritual in the home all right so now the the big question right the big question how do we actually pray i mean since we know that salat in the quran is different you know everywhere this word occurs it doesn't talk about the actual doing or performing the ritual as people have created themselves and if this was even though this word occurs 99 times in the quran if god wanted this to be a ritual or god that wanted this to be a specific instruction like god gives specific instructions when god wants to give us specific instructions for example if inheritance the law of inheritance in surah nisa god talks about specifics one eighth you know half brothers and daughters and sisters and whatever god talks specifically but god never talks specifically about the word salat as to how to pray right so the how part is something that mankind has created and and there's a reason why you know people created this and the reason is simple because they want to be able to petition to god and different times of the day right for example we saw that you know christianity has come up with their own sets of types of prayers judaism has you know of course came up with their own types of prayers and then muslims also have different types of prayers so you know going back to my initial thought and discussion that prayer is something petitioning to god now whether you do it in a ritual format whether you do it once a day twice a day whether you are a you know whether you're doing it five times diligently perfect so everything is is good because as long as you're petitioning to god that's what salat is all about and of course more importantly as per quran it's the duty that is assigned to you in the quran and this word of course has occurred 99 times if i were to pick any one of these verses and let me know in comments by the way if you need me to cover because of course i would love to cover each one of these in context and read through it but that's going to take us a long long time maybe i'll do it in parts but more importantly if you want me to cover a specific verse where the word salat occurs out of these 99 times i love to create and help you out and of course it's all learning we learn from each other another video just to talk about that and bear in mind the basic meaning of the word salat is duty we must uphold our duties and continue to petition to god um you know whether in in terms of just seeking forgiveness or let's say praying um for anyone for ourselves for people like we say god bless you right which means hey let's god have mercy on you that's all uh one way or the other in one form or the other meaning of salah but you take it to the next level where you're actually now ritualizing the concept and then you're binding people to follow certain rituals and among these rituals by the way there are many many forms some people pray with their hands open some people pray with their hands closed you know hands on so there again they're they're you know as deeper as you go things become little complicated and that's what's happening in the world today within the muslim world and of course in other religions as well i hope this helps let me know if you have any questions of course post your questions in the discussion area i'd love to cover other instances that you feel that you come across or any other questions that you have regarding the word salah with this thanks so much for being here my name is dr syed please subscribe if you're new to the channel before you go give it a like i appreciate that thanks so much i'll see you guys next time