first sketch next is ninja dear God bro leave me alone I will say though bro like the internet lately though it is um I'm pretty damn confident that uh your boy's clean everyone is just it's just it just seems like people are just literally looking to cancel anyone and everyone at all times um and it's just I feel like the internet like literally it's every day but dude chat it is every day it is something every day it is something it is someone someone's getting canceled or trying to for something social media and twitch right now and streaming it is just so it is so stupid I'm so over it bro someone does something someone does something suspicious something does someone sus bro a million people posting on the internet everyone's giving their opinions that no one really ask for by the way but we're all doing it anyways right w w this L that I can't condone this what the's happening bro remember when we used to just I feel like this has been going on for like four years five years this isn't new yeah this has been going on for a bit five years yeah yeah this like whole like oh this person gets exposed for doing this stupid thing that like everybody does but like we're going to act like it's bad like bro this has been going on for [ __ ] a while play video games remember when like like there weren't these drama channels like a million of them by the way like I wonder I wonder who he talking about who Could That who Could That what do you mean who's he talking about I don't know who who is this what do you mean this is streaming dude like this is it's it's taking o it's taking over it's only getting worse no bro you know what the truth is you were the one that started this ninja was the one who started this and here's the reason ninja was the first in my opinion real ass gaming streaming celebrity PewDiePie was bigger but he wasn't just gaming and streaming and ninja brought it up to a level ninja walked so Kai and Aiden Ross and all the jinxy uh [ __ ] sketch could run you started this you don't know that xqc I feel like xqc was really really popular but he didn't have the main excc was really popular in terms of like game gaming but like he never got like the mainstream recognition that ninja did he didn't get that main stre he didn't bro he don't have his [ __ ] being sold at Target that's really the truth right and so yeah ninja did Ninja's playing with Drake doing all kinds of [ __ ] right then and so yes absolutely and he would [ __ ] agree with me on this like he he knows what I'm saying I think he'd probably agree with this whole thing is that ninja started this and ninja took streaming to a place where it never was at before and I think that what he's complaining about is that the celebrity culture of mainstream celebrities is mirroring gaming culture now and the reason why is that you have a mainstream audience because you popularized it and and I think everybody respects Ninja for that by the way ninja is an OG it's not like it's a bad thing I'm not blaming him I'm saying this is how it's happened ninja grew twitch then twitch outgrew him well he went to mixer he stop like I mean it's just the way it is with anybody right it's hard for people to stay like Bro think about how long a lot of people stay relevant it's hard bro like it's [ __ ] hard to stay relevant most people fall off I would say 95% of people that are popular even which is 1% any examples no I don't give examples uh because then it's me shitalking other people but like we all know who it is we know who it is fall off yeah no I I as as an example I fall bro I'm going to be real like I got more people talking about me thinking about me watching my videos more now than pretty much ever it's it's been a lot it really is it it's been a lot like it's been crazy yeah so I'm I'm feeling good man I'm feeling great so humble I'm just looking at data I'm just saying like this is where the numbers are that's it like I'm not talking about like an opinion where were all the funny clips bro like we're you know what I mean we're all dude I miss the pubg Highlight days bro where every morning this is like straight off of like an lsf comment section or every like every other week every week there was a new pubg highlight video right of all the best of of all the like dude just anyone anyone in any pubg streamer the crazy thing is that like I actually agree with Ninja I missed that a lot too but I just missed the pub I missed pubg I missed 2018 as well right I mean like I'm going to keep it real like I missed 2018 a lot like I I remember I was watching videos and it was like me and like train Nick and like we were out doing something together and I think it was like train talking about like a story like a sexual experience he had with like a transsexual person or something like that and he was at like we were at like some random bar downtown and like people are looking over at him and like I think cloy was there too and it was just like it was so awesome but like I don't really like I don't really miss the internet back then I just miss like you know my friend group and like hanging out with everybody right I mean and you know being younger and [ __ ] I mean like my mom being around like streaming like was less serious yeah for sure but like I I know how it is I know how it is I had more hair back then too just a little bit more was this before or after the clip no that was something else crazy moments everyone laughing everyone tagging each other having good times bro like Tim and I have talked about bro like a lot like it's just it that would have been crazy if you saying I'm getting too over this [ __ ] dude well there's no reason you can't just go back and do that again like there's nothing that's holding you back from being able to just do the same type of entertainment that you used to do like there's no problem with that yeah you just go and do whatever the [ __ ] you want yeah no one cares about gameplay anymore well people care about gameplay but like here's the reality right is that like game play so you look at for example me talking like this is why a lot of the most popular streams are like if you look at okay let me pull it up uh twitch tracker so where is channels so if you look at ebi he's doing IRL content Kai doing IRL content queso to be honest the only games that queso plays a lot of are games that are super accessible and easy to understand directly and I think he does a great job at that that's it he does variety games that are simple and easy to understand right there it is jinxy to be fair jinxy plays Rainbow 6 he's a [ __ ] like you know like whatever right I can't believe that right but yes jinxy does do really well by himself also but he also plays other games he does IRL too Etc right uh then there's me right I'm doing different random variety stuff too and Hassan Hassan is also doing random variety stuff uh trick does valerant to be fair right FPS shakka plays a bunch of different games a lot of the top streamers and the people that are popping off and growing a lot are the ones that are making content that's very easily accessible because you think about like how many concentric circles of interest do you have to get into in order to find people that want to watch a video uh watch a stream about running Mythic plus and like wow or they want to watch somebody play Escape from tarov because escape from darkov generally pops off because of drops it's not necessarily because people like watching the game like after the drops fall off then so do the people that are playing it that's just the way it is uh Poe yeah Poe is the same thing OverWatch yeah because OverWatch is hard to watch that's the reason why you see people that aren't doing gambling or sorry aren't not gambling um well there's that too gambling is easy to watch and that's why gambling streams are really popular uh the the reason why is because it's just much more accessible Hassan makes content for people who hate the West most privileged Americans well yeah but like there's a lot of people that hate the West like even if you're right like I don't think that's true but like just okay let's say that that content is more accessible than even watching fortnite the only reason why fortnite is accessible is because the game is so popular that a lot of people know about it I know that it's like um it's like Beetle Juice where it's like if you say or like Marco Polo if I say the word Hassan people have to give their um unasked for opinions about Hassan so I understand guys you have to do that this is like just how you're programmed but uh I'm just talking about like the accessibility of the content and you know the barriers to entry for being able to understand what's happening on the screen that that's all dude parents basement ninge dude man I'm I'm I'm like I'm starting to have like a lot of real Nostalgia about my streaming career man I I don't like I don't know how many years I have left dude like I'm I'm not joking when I say this it could be five it could be one no you're not going to quit shut up shut up stop it stop it what are you what are you talking shut the [ __ ] up you're not going to quit stop being such a [ __ ] you're going to quit for like two weeks you're going to come back this dude has over $50 million probably you don't need to stream right now there will be NE there will never be a monetary functional difference that streaming will create in your life it's it's not going to happen but like d we've we we've gone through some [ __ ] man we've done we've done it all bro we've done it all man we streamed from it's not cancer guys I'm I I I'm I don't have melanoma anymore I'm good for now yeah I'm just I'm just talking about like I've been I've been in this space for so long dude and like I'm I'm literally seeing the new Mees right I'm seeing like the new young kids that are streaming with like you know a $5 webcam terrible microphone in their parents house or in like a you know a $500 a month rented apartment like many gaming uh streamers don't do a lot they don't make the game entertaining yeah they're [ __ ] boring they're [ __ ] boring and like nobody wants to just like sit you like watch you sit there silently and play a video game like the only people that can get away with that are people that are insanely [ __ ] good at at the game and whenever somebody says oh I'm in the top 1% no these people are in the top 1% of the top 1% of the top 1% of the top you know [ __ ] 10% this is this is not like you being good at a video game is not even remotely comparable yeah I I started from my parents' basement dud and this shitty $800 a month apartment with my brother into a house that I rented with Jess that was before Jess and I rented another apartment we gone from a house to house to apartment to house to apartment to house just we've been through so much man it's [ __ ] crazy I think sometimes I forget how long I've been doing this thank you as honestly just shout out to everybody who's been with me this whole time even if you guys even if you guys have only been here through the fortnite Journey bro the fortnite journey itself has been crazy enough but I've been streaming since I was 19 years old so almost like 13 14 years retirement is not imminent I have a good feeling about a lot of good stuff coming up but it just feels yeah you're not going to quit shut up you're not going to quit every time I hear somebody streaming that's talking about quitting just stop it stop you're not going to quit like what do you mean it's like there's so the [ __ ] uhoh uhoh [ __ ] this [ __ ] everything's going to be all right man mind your language some little kid if you land right you see what what just happened the kid got knocked real quick good stuff coming up but it just feels like there's so [ __ ] uhoh he got killed [ __ ] this everything's going to be all right man mind your language land oh he left yeah you didn't [ __ ] get him up man bro you left that 12-year-old out there to die won't you quit streaming one day I might not be able to stream fulltime because something in my life will change in a way that I can't predict right now but in a perfect world I will always be making content and making videos yeah that that's the way I look at it it's like if I never like for me there's never going to be a point where like I I'm going to get bored of doing this because I've just been doing it my whole life see you guys don't know this because like I you guys started seeing me streaming like you know maybe a few years ago or whatever what you didn't see is me at like 10 9 11 years old making videos as a little [ __ ] kid and then get getting into middle school and high school and doing the same thing yeah like I I like yeah dude upload I I will upload some of them myself yeah any video yeah we would make videos and [ __ ] like this all back in the day so it was never really a time where I was you know like not doing this and and the only reason I didn't do it earlier than nine is because I didn't have the tools to do it I would have been doing it when I was like five if I could have right so yeah I mean uh what's this here at the uh at the risk IND the up on register we have to see them videos well hey I mean like I I hope I keep doing them right that's really what it comes down to you didn't have cameras back then no I didn't uh do you still have those yeah I do I have them all on like a big box I have to actually put them on like a digital thing I got a machine to do it I just haven't done it so yeah no I mean I I I'm I'm very happy with like the way that I do things and everything and so like yeah there's no no problem with it I I think that really like somebody like ninja is probably the I think ninja is very much the same as I am and I I think ninja like I I wish ninja would ninja in like a way like it's kind of the same thing with like myth right where like people always talk about like kind of oh ninja fell off or myth fell off and like [ __ ] like that and it's like you can say yeah they're not as popular as they used to be like that's obviously [ __ ] true everybody knows that but that doesn't take away that they were popular and I wish ninja would just um embrace the fact that like he is an OG like he was the guy that walked so everybody else now could run you don't need to compete anymore you've already won in 10 years people are going to remember you like you're that guy what are you talking about why why why are you doing this like you don't need to compete and like prove that like you're different than them or anything like that yeah that's it so yeah you kiss your with that mouth exactly right yeah he's a competitor though he lives to compete well you can't I mean like that's the thing is you can look at it that way and if you want to do things that way you can but at the same time it's not like you have to nobody's asking you to do that nobody's making you do that I feel like streaming now is great I'm very positive about streaming I like streaming a lot now has streaming changed and become more uh more like celebrity culture Baseline I think the answer to that is yes it definitely has but why is that happened it's happened just because it's grown naturally yeah i s s respect for Ninja yeah athletes can't play Forever yeah look at Shaq like Shaq is a great example like Shaq whenever he was in the NBA was a good player right he was not Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan or LeBron James but he was a good solid player and now like he's retired and he still does commentary on the games he still talks about it like just be Shaq man like [ __ ] you don't need to be like you know constantly trying to put yourself out there and you know like competing with the new people now it's just not the way the world works it never it it never needed to be that way at all so I I I hope I hope ninja realizes that man yeah Jay-Z 50 Cent Snoop Dog yeah exactly like Snoop Dog's not really making a lot of music anymore like yeah he'll do something every once in a while but for the most part he's just an OG yeah he's just an OG sha is an incredible investor yeah he sure [ __ ] is like bro I go to Target it's like Target is sponsored by Shea like I I look around there's like five products by [ __ ] Shea like you know I go to the grocery R there's something by Sha I go to like you know there's like a the exercise machine it's it's Shaq over there there's some other [ __ ] machine it's sha over there oh my God this guy's [ __ ] every office chairs yep there he is shakaroni pizza yes it's insane man