welcome welcome to the second part of our Adobe Captivate series on how to create amazing e-learning courses if you have not watched the first part of the series please check that out because we cover a lot of great features in that video now what will you learn in this course we start off discussing the value and applications of object Styles we then get into importing and editing pre-existing PowerPoint documents after that we'll learn how to work with captivate's amazing animation tools we then get into the wonderful audio creation and editing tools that Captivate offers we then do a nice Deep dive into creating quizzes that you can use to conduct knowledge checks on your students and finally wrapping things up literally we go over how to customize the Captivate skin and table of contents now this is an interactive course and we do provide class files for you so occasionally you'll hear me say things like pause the video and practice that so you can go ahead and find the link to these files in the description below lots to cover so let's get into it and welcome back everybody we are going to start off the session two of our Captivate series talking about Styles let's first Define what a style is a style is basically just a saved format why do we want to save a format we want to be able to use that format over and over again so we can have efficiency and we can have consistency so if we take a look at this little caption box that we have from a previous lesson where we did screen recording you see that Captivate automatically generates this little caption box for us and you'll see that yeah it kind of looks sort of how we want it to look right and then this one looks also kind of how we want it to look but I might want to make some changes to this but guess what I've got so many caption boxes everywhere all throughout the place that I want to actually just change one and then make all of them follow suit so there's that term again okay I want to have have consistency and I want to be able to do it efficiently okay so let's just kind of look under the hood a little bit before we actually see how we can create Styles let's see what's going on inside of the properties for each of these individual captions so I'm going to click on this caption let's bring up my timeline so you can see here's my text caption great there's text caption one okay so I can certainly rename that if you want to okay but I want you to notice over here that when I click over here on the right hand side you'll see it says default capture caption style that's what this is there's a little plus sign this might have been modified along the way it's fine all right and you can see I click on that one also default capture caption style okay and you're gonna see I have them kind of all over the place right now I decide I don't necessarily want it to look like this now let's go ahead and go down a little bit further in our properties panel and see what options we have for ourselves you'll notice here is this caption type and there's a little drop down that's going to give me more options here so I'm going to go ahead and just choose like Adobe blue okay let's go ahead and choose Adobe green let's keep going okay let's just do glass blue okay great now you'll also notice that as I choose a lot of these I'm going to get these other kind of variations right these little call out options potentially or potentially I might see something a little different if I come to here I'm going to go to here notice how I can have kind of a different type of like Adobe pop-up with different colors on top of it all right so we'll maybe explore some of these you know in future lessons but let's just kind of try to keep a little simple for right now all right so I'm going to make it so I'm just going to have a very simple call out with no tails or anything like that and I'm going to come over to here I'm going to change the format even further which is going to be maybe to a different font type right so I'm just going to choose Maybe this one here nice all caps and let's just maybe make that 24. okay I like that and then maybe you want to change the color to something let's maybe do kind of a charcoal gray I like that now keep in mind we've got all kinds of different options you can be working with in terms of your margins top bottom left and right you can be putting on different highlights of things if you wanted to your text effects we did some of the stuff in our last part of the series go ahead and check all those out all right but now why are we here we're here to make it that when I change this capture caption Style I want all of them to follow suit right so I really like this one and I want all the rest of them to basically mimic that and I don't want to have to do that one by one manually I'm going to use styles to be able to do that okay now you will notice that this default capture caption style has a little plus sign next to it this one also does right it just means that they've been modified somehow from their original right default capture caption style okay so what we need to do in case that's ever happened is make sure that you're going to have this little check box right where we have this replace modified Styles so therefore it's going to kind of go across the board and make those changes accordingly all right but now here is where the rubber meets the road here's where we actually get what we want to get is going over here to this little menu here that's as if it does not want to be found and we're going to choose save changes to existing Style really strange language I'll be the first to admit doesn't make a whole lot of sense but what this is going to do is it's going to take what we have here and make this the default okay so I'm going to go ahead and click on this save changes to existing style it's going to say you have chosen to replace the overridden Styles changes made to the overridden Styles cannot be undone do you want to continue them and say yes okay and guess what no more plus sign now and because I have this replace modified Styles I'm going to come down here and ah look at that beautiful right let's come over to here very nice look at that and see it's kept the little Tail as it had it earlier Okay click on that right nice that one has it and no tail because it didn't have a tail before and I really really like that okay so let's now go over to here to a slightly different type of style all right so the object that we were just working with was the capture caption style okay now what we're going to work with next let me zoom in a little bit is going to be this guy right here what is this this is the blue Highlight box style right and we made some modifications to this right and we really like it and we want it to always be that right but maybe you want to be something different right so you have all these options for maybe you want it to be yellow right and maybe you want to put a stroke around it right something like that right just kind of make it really stand out let's go ahead and maybe just see what we can do here right click away and then oh okay you know what I really like that okay and if I come over here to some of these other ones oh you know what that doesn't look that way and then some of the other ones I might want to see here right when I say hey click on that they don't they didn't inherit that so I know and my boss knows and my client knows that you know what this is exactly what we want to be done is to look like that so let's make it across the board in other words this is now going to be my default style so not only is it going to change what's already here but then when I bring in a highlight box it's going to then have all of these style formatting options okay which is going to be just this yellow and just this red okay so again what am I going to do click on it come back over to here to my style name click over to here and then save changes to existing style all right I'm just going to say okay again and then again what happens let's go over to here to my next slide yes beautiful exactly what I want to see scroll over here oh so nice across the board it's making all the changes so I don't have to okay and then this one I probably wanna maybe make this go over the entire thing and then earlier we talked about you know what we actually want to just change the names click White area okay so we can very easily do that and that looks really nice right like really powerful I'm glad I chose that font it looks really very clear everything okay and again this is part of that style and if I take a look at some of my other highlight boxes right see there's that one all right and then I would definitely make this a little bit bigger okay and then right click foreign and I can move that anywhere over here and this is looking pretty good okay very visible so now let's go ahead and just check it out in preview mode so remember how we do that I just want to see the next five slides I'm going to do F10 as my keyboard shortcut or click on this and you can see here is the next five slides or certainly choose any one of these do F4 to do the whole project if you like so I'm going to do F10 on my keyboard wait for it to load up and I'm going to see all my highlights there and you're going to see fantastic there's my beautiful capture caption Style great wonderful I can see all that there press the delete key good it tells me that and I've got a lot of work to do to kind of clean this up of course all right but you can see how that works beautifully all right now let's just see something else now okay so I'm going to go ahead and just insert just a new content slide here okay I'm going to bring this up right here and let's just bring this to about 66 maybe maybe a little bit let's do best fit okay good and what we're going to do is we're just going to kind of bring in something that's going to be hey this is just a little bit of text that's going to talk about whatever it's going to be right so I'm just going to so go to a text caption and I want you to see here this is my default caption style not to be confused with my default capture caption style okay so this right here we don't want it to be this size we want to actually every time somebody brings in some text that's going to be text caption we want it to look a certain way all right so I'm going to go ahead and make this nice and big and I'm going to choose a different font all together let's go to our good friend bebus okay let's go even bigger than that all right and lovely all right because maybe I'm going to do another section right after this to do a different type of set of instructions okay so this is going to be my default set of captions here okay so great fantastic so let's go ahead I'm going to say how to use the magic wand tool Okay click away make that okay that's great and if you recall from previous lessons if I wanted to make this centered right throughout the entire screen here I can go over to window I can say a line and then what I want to do is I want to make this perfectly centered you can see there it is Center horizontally and then let's also Center that vertically beautiful I love that okay now this still has not accomplished my goal of making it so the next time I bring in a text caption right so you can see here I go to a blank slide see and I say text caption it's still coming in all puny right not very impressive so what I need to do is make this my default all right so let's go ahead and do that one more time for our third type of object and then we're going to see how we can do it in a slightly different way that you may appreciate all right so very simply I'm going to go over to here and you guessed it save changes to existing style click OK and let me scroll down here even though I have no text in it you can see there it is ready for me to bring in some content but keep in mind it does not do all of our centering and all that stuff we're gonna have to do that on our own because that's not about what the actual styling does Okay so Next Level around Styles is to go to pretty much the nerve center or all of our Styles live and where all of our object Styles live okay so what we're going to talk about now is something called our object style manager okay and where are you going to find that you're going to find that inside of the edit menu okay you click on that and you're going to see way down here is your object style manager okay so where are we going to go to manage our object Styles we're going to go to the object style manager and wow you have so many different types of objects to manage here right the different styles associated with them so let's just kind of take it slow here so we can see that we have a grouping here called standard objects and then within that you have one called captions and then within that you have a series of different captions here so you can see here's my text caption and that's why it looks the way that it looks okay all right that's that's pretty cool I get that all right and then if you kind of Dig Down Deeper you'll probably see your capture right there it is default capture caption cool that's the one that we created before if I decide you know what I actually don't want it to look like this anymore I can absolutely change it from here if I'm going to set myself up for the future to know that whenever I'm going to create a button I want it to look a certain way I can do all that stuff here right here's my highlight box right oh look at that I can make changes from here so pretty much every type of object you could think of you can make your changes here instead of doing it on the front end so totally up to you so let's now go ahead and let's go back to our standard object let's go over here to our capture and let's now just do a slightly different variation on this okay so let's just now go to I don't know Halo blue okay and let's go ahead and just move our Mouse over here won't be able to see it but you could normally see it over here so I'm just going to go ahead and click OK for right now come over to here and we'll be able to see there it is that made the changes okay let's go back to it again edit object style manager and again I'm going to go to my standard objects go over to here but this time when I can see this visibly I'm going to make some changes to it so I can know okay what is this going to do before I even commit to it let's go over here to this Adobe pop-up right actually let's go to a different one something a little prettier okay let's try Adobe red and then instead of clicking on OK I'm going to choose apply and then look at that I can see it before I commit to it right pretty cool so I'm going to go ahead and click OK and then guess what every single one of these now is changed all right so really cool really powerful and again it's about what efficiency and consistency okay so therefore every single one of these now gets updated so whenever you're working with these guys it's very important to establish what you want to be working with right what kind of look and feel do you want many of you are going to be working on teams and you're going to want to be sharing your styles with people some people may be sharing it with you all right so if we go back to the object style manager I want you to see way down here is this option here for importing and exporting everybody see that importing and exporting all right now if I click on this guy here you're going to see what am I going to export the selected style only all styles of selected object or all styles of all objects if you're like man I just worked on like 15 different ones of these and I just want everybody to see all the work I've done I'm the designer I'm the one who's in charge of this right I've got the style guide I know what fonts we need to use what colors we need to use everything let's stick to it then I need to share it with everybody so then they can import it okay so let's just say I'm ready to do that I click on this and then guess what when I choose export you're going to see it kind of names it let me just go ahead and do this one more time all styles excuse me I must miss that step click on export and you can see here is the Captivate Styles file for the entire document okay so you can see that it actually does the entire documents Captivate style files okay so really really heavy stuff here right and then once I bring this in here let's just go ahead and bring that into our class folder you'll have that access to that call it whatever you want it's up to you and then it's exported successfully I click OK click OK and then later on when I'm ready to do a blank new one guess what I'm going to do I'm going to go ahead and go over here to edit object style manager and guess what I'm going to import it and I'm going to find my class files here go over to here and then bam there it is and then you can say import operations is about to begin the style that you're trying to import may already exist do you want to overwrite the existing Styles right okay I'm going to say yes may take a little while there we go and now if we take a look bam there's that and then you can see awesome fantastic I'm so happy and now you can see if I'm ready to do a new object and more specifically I'm going to do new text caption holy cow there it is how to be amazing at Captivate okay and cool and there you go okay so we're kind of just sort of doing a nice little round trip about this so we can actually see how cool that is to be able to create your Styles be efficient with them but then ultimately how we can share them between projects between teammates okay and collaborate all right and you can see how you can do it for every single object available okay then really how are we defining objects there's a lot of different objects around here right a lot of different things you might be working with you don't even realize like click boxes and things like that but if you want to really get a review on what they are just really go through every single one of these to know what in fact an object is click on it make your changes and then bam save it and then export it once you feel like you're confident with it and you are good to go all right so again it's about consistency and say with me efficiency pause the video practice this get it down get your Styles down share it with your team and soon enough you will be rocking and rolling with all of your different projects executing flawlessly and efficiently see in the next lesson in this lesson we are going to continue on with our magic wand tool demo but we're going to talk specifically about Mouse options in our previous lesson in the series we did talk a little bit about how we can work with our Mouse and change the size and change the different types of mouse we're going to continue on from there but we're going to maybe go a little bit more deep and sophisticated with this lesson now some of these slides have Mouse movements in them how do I know that when I recorded this right using my screen recorder I said listen I want to record the mouse movements verification of the fact that it has Mouse movements on here is this little mouse icon there right across the board you'll see it mouse mouse mouse okay and you can see if I were to click on this now here's a little mouse movement that's happening right there click on that there's one right there bam just like that you'll also notice that within the timeline I also have a little mouse thing right there and you can see when the mouse is actually coming in when it's going to leave right click on that and you can see that now some of these things you might want to change right so as an example you might want to have control over what the mouse is going to even fact look like all right so when I click on this layer Mouse I want you to notice now I have properties for that Mouse and you can see that maybe it's going to be a slightly different thing and this one just happens to look like the magic wand right do I want that probably not just a coincidence but notice here's one that looks like a little hand okay all right or maybe I want to do it like an arrow okay but guess what I've got some other things kind of hiding over here depending on what you are trying to communicate right maybe you're doing some of these little resize things moving or moving around if you're doing like Excel you know you're resizing the pain you just really want to communicate this is what people are going to be seeing on the screen okay so it's really nice to give you lots and lots of options all right another thing you may want to do is change the size so I'm going to go over here to double the mouse size right making it a lot easier for people to see great can't mistake that so turn that off turn that on right it's probably even more than double the mouse size right so I like that pretty cool pretty happy with that then you also have this straight pointer path what is my pointer path right so if we zoom in a little bit you'll see this little sort of blue set of arrows and then you see this little kind of red thing happening there that's my pointer path what I'm going to do right now is manipulate this I'm going to go right on top of where that red part is here and I'm going to bring this down because now I'm able to control where the mouse is coming from right so if I undo that let's take a look at it in preview mode okay I'm going to go ahead and say next five slides and I want you to see what's going to happen right after about about a second it's going to come in and then it does that okay and then from my viewers I've gotten feedback that you know what I don't even really see where that Mouse is coming from it's really sort of coming out of nowhere so I want to kind of give them a little bit of kind of ramp up time so I'm going to actually come down here right and I'm also going to make this start a little earlier okay so this is a little bit of timeline Basics you can go and review the last video in our series if you want see how we can actually make this come in a little sooner right and then so I'm able to do this now this option here is to straighten the pointer path so let's just go ahead and see what it looks like now non-straightened but moved hitting F10 on my keyboard bam that comes in very graceful okay like that kind of nice all right let's get out of this all right boar I might actually want to make it so it's going to be a straighten path and you can see all right you know what don't waste people's time you don't need to baby or spoon feed them let's see what this one's going to look like it's going to go straight through wait for it and then bam it's just going straight through okay totally up to you how you want to do it there's another mouse movement there's another mouse movement Etc okay so really up to you how you want to do this I'm going to turn that off I kind of like that sort of graceful little slope that happens there let's take a look at some of our other options reduce speed before click another really nice and I think considerate type of educational technique that someone might see the mouse and they're like oh whoa I didn't see that coming and then it slows down gives you time to sort of process what you're about to see all right good then you have the mouse click sound do you want to have a mouse click sound yeah it's some nice feedback so I know that so I can see it I can hear it that really helps the learner sort of have a kind of a more well-rounded experience around it okay is it going to be a single click or a double click totally up to you then we have some show Mouse click options okay so this is the default entry then you also have a custom entries let's just go ahead and take a look at that one F10 see what this is going to do when it finally clicks let's just see how it shows it okay so very subtle right it didn't do a whole lot and which is fine you know maybe you don't need that much but let's just see what options we have in terms of the color you can choose that or you can go to custom so I choose that and you're going to see how I have these six different kind of like animations that will happen so for this one I'm going to choose it's going to look good with this kind of background of my yellow and my red I'm going to just make this a green ring and if I don't know what that's going to look like I can actually preview it by coming over to here and we'll see what that's going to look like oh okay that's kind of neat what about another one let's go ahead and just say blue circle oh okay yeah maybe I like that one so now now that we've kind of got this going on let's go ahead and hit F10 and let's preview it wait for it bam see that and that was nice it gave me a little bit of feedback and kind of fun a little more visually engaging all right so really nice the fact that we can do that all right now a few other things to know about Mouse stuff is that if you were to click on this mouse icon you're actually going to get a lot of options here also that you may want to be working with right you can see here is a line to next slide like oh well what happens here let's just say for example something got moved or something like that right you can align it so it makes it actually goes and it stays with the next slide like if things just kind of got a little bumped or something like that you can make it so it's going to line in this case we don't need to but just nice to know that that's there all right here's the option to straighten same way as we saw before now sometimes if you don't want to show the mouse right so if I click on this now notice the mouse goes away maybe that's not what you care about you're just basically saying hey click on this but you're not showing the mouse movement so if I hit F10 right now you're going to see you're just going to show my little highlight box right and then maybe your voiceover comes on it says click on this Okay now click on it okay but here's the mouse movement but I said yo you know what I don't want that for this guy either so I click on this looks like a right click or just a regular left click and I can say don't show the mouse okay but I can very easily bring that back too right but where where is my option there oh look at that I right click and there's Mouse show Mouse oh good didn't just go away for good I right click Mouse and then ah okay good that's better okay so really all depends on what you want to do okay so really nice good options there okay and now I'm just going to go ahead and choose this last one use the current Mouse pointer for all slides okay and you're going to see it does kind of like sort of what you hoping to do but not entirely okay and don't blame me this Captivate situation and the mouse that it's chosen is just essentially this little arrow thing here it didn't make it bigger but it did make it so it's the arrow so as an example I'm going to go ahead and change this to be the hand okay and then regardless of the size if I choose this now use current Mouse pointer for all slides it will change it to the hand but it doesn't change it for the size right so just keep that in mind you'll have to do a little bit of that extra stuff but it does make everything become the hand though which is really kind of nice pretty helpful okay now let's say you wanted to show Mouse movements but you did not actually do any screen recording so therefore there was no mouse movements to show you can actually bring in your own custom Mouse movements so let's just say as you know part of my sort of you know presentation I actually wanted to show people bam how to use the magic wand tool and I want to kind of have it move in there and then maybe this time I'll actually will show that little magic wand you know coming in there right whatever you want to do to kind of trick it out a little bit so how can I insert a new mouse movement very simply we're going to go over to here to modify it's a little bit of an odd place to put it but you can see here is modify here is mouse and we're going to say show Mouse even though there was not a mouse movement to record we're still kind of like showing the mouse if you will right and you'll see here same thing I can now say where I want it to start and then where I want it to end okay and then I can actually make it to this and I can double it it's like oh that's kind of fun so maybe I'm kind of just experimenting with it kind of being again a little more sort of visual in my communication to show this movement okay and once again this mouse did not exist I did not record it I am bringing this in for you it might be a little bit of a different thing where you're just showing people instructionally how to click on things how to work with things bam you didn't do any screen recording but you're kind of creating the illusion as if you did okay so now let's preview this and we're going to see how to use the magic wand tool and then just watch it come in nice there you go cool yep and then it starts off from there okay so pretty cool lots of good stuff to work with there all right so practice setup you might be not be using that currently but practice up on what we have here for you to work with and see how easy it is to work with your mouse movements from screen recordings as well as ones from scratch resizing your Mouse's changing the timeline changing the the different types of mouse movements where they're coming from straightening them doing a double click doing different color click right all kinds of great options to work with all right practice pause the video and we'll see in a little bit in this lesson we are going to switch up gears in a very different direction and talk about animation we're going to talk about how we can make objects on our screen kind of move in and out in different directions and different pacing different timing all right now if we take a look at a finished version of this we're going to see here in this welcome to London slide we have all these little arrows here right we have a green arrow going into a red square right you can see this one's coming from the bottom going to here going to there what exactly is actually happening here so let's just see when I preview this you can see I'm just previewing Bam Bam and Bam right it starts from one place and then it goes to the other let's just preview this actually inside of our player so let's just say next three slides because that's pretty much all that's left all right let's just see what that's going to look like and see how that comes in how that comes in and that comes in so that's the kind of thing that we're going to create on some of these other slides okay but how is this done if you click on the object that you want to animate very simply you go over here to the properties panel and you go over to here to timing all right and you're going to see that there's going to be a lot of options here under the effects to make it do what you want it to do this particular one is easing in right this particular one is easing in from the top this one is easing in the bottom and this one is easing in left okay you'll also see that there's a number of other additional options here for ease percentage and initial Alpha and a few other things so we're going to do is we're going to play around with these a little more so we can have them a little more nuanced all right now I'm going to come over here to my timeline so you can see that other things are happening here as well now hopefully at this point we're pretty comfortable with the timeline and you'll notice that if you're comfortable with the timeline you've never worked with these little timing effects you will see that there is something new here these little triangles so when you click on that this is actually telling you that you now have a new timing effect that was not there before okay so if we were to go to for example this one notice no little arrows here because there's no movement here there's no timing or anything like that happening for these to have them move okay so let's go ahead and see how we can create this so I'm just going to go over to here to where are you no might as well just use these guys all right so I'm going to go ahead and just select this okay let's go over to here down to our massage slide and you can notice when I click on it right there's not going to be any kind of movement happening here all right so what do you want to have happen I want to actually start making these moving I'm going to do something similar so very simple I'm going to go over to here to my timing tab within my properties panel and you're going to see that within that I'm going to have this little drop down for the different types of guess what different effects I can work with and you can see here it's broken down into different categories basic emphasis entrance exit and motion path right so if I just say entrance you're going to see all right what do you want to do ease in left okay that's kind of interesting he's in right oh okay gives me a nice little preview all right using bottom all right well let's see what else Captivate has in store something like this all right it's a little bit not my cup of tea but you can see two in a variety of different things oh look that's kind of an interesting one spiral but maybe that's that's the look you're looking for okay let's try out some of these remember these are just kind of different entrance ones let's just try emphasis okay A little bounce okay A little flicker okay Free Fall that could be interesting maybe you want to do a little faster right so it's really up to you you know so make sure it kind of stays professional but also just make sure that these have a purpose you know that there's intention around it don't just kind of go crazy with it just to kind of show people you know animation make sure you're doing it with purpose many times the purpose is going to be about pacing your content because you kind of want to bring it out one by one maybe you've got voiceover coming in and saying hey here we're going to have you know this amazing type of hot stone massage and we're going to have shiatsu and then we're going to have Swedish and then bam it's going to come in one by one as the person is speaking okay but we don't want to overwhelm the users so therefore we use this type of pacing and you know we kind of show it in such a way that's going to be a little more elegant all right so let's go ahead and just choose this one we go to timing all right and then again if you want to do any of these other ones we can explore those right we're going to probably maybe do a little exit you know after this we just kind of play around with that all right so I'm just going to go over here to entrance and I'm going to say ease in right and you can see all right that's doing that and there it is my little green going to Red we'll be able to play around with that to a certain degree in a little bit click on this one go back over to here to entrance okay what do these guys do okay yeah kind of like that very nice and then look at that as I'm doing this notice my little arrows now appear to tell me okay there is in fact going to be some type of timing and effects that's going to happen there all right and now we got that one and then let's do one more for this guy here entrance right he's in from the top and click on this one let's just do one completely different now let's just say emphasis and let's just I don't know let's do a uh free fall okay so maybe that's what you want to do totally play around wherever you want to do it you know it's really up to you okay now you're going to see there are going to be different options here okay and there's also going to be different options here so we're not done yet but I do want to preview this so I'm just going to go ahead and hit F10 and you're going to see they're going to come in one by one right that one's going to come in that one's going to come in and notice how they're kind of overlapping and it's going to kind of come in and bounce away obviously we don't want that one at all so we're going to learn how we can say listen I don't want that let's override that let's change that for something else let's do these kind of one by one I click on this and then you'll notice here is my Marble Arch 23 I have no idea what that is horribly labeled we'll just say two women okay great we have that all right what's this one oh you know that's a hot stone massage okay ah okay you know what it's really important we get this down all right here's our flowers okay so definitely make it so we have some good labeling happening here okay woman reading okay good fantastic now I can actually see it I know what it's going to do all right so let's come back here and now let's see the different things that we can do here all right so let's take a look first of all at this little green arrow here this is telling me where it is now starting from notice how it kind of starts almost kind of like halfway inside of the canvas already right you can see it's already starting there maybe that's coming in a little too soon so what I want to do now is say let's let's start off kind of way over here so what I'm going to do is hold down my shift key as I click and drag on this right and now let's watch it so that comes in just like that right all right kind of like that now why did I hold down the shift key because I wanted to make sure this line stays straight shift is usually kind of a Perfection thing you know Perfection thing right so held that down okay so maybe I'll do the same thing for this one right let's have it start up here a little more of a Roundup same thing for this guy here all right now for this one let's actually remove this animation how do you remove it notice it says here apply effects list this is free fall nah not a big fan we're experimenting but don't want to do that so I'm going to go ahead and just say listen goodbye no animation is going to be on this at all all right so let's just come back to our old tried and true entrance and then I just say ease in left and very good now let's just go and have this stir up a little bit over there and we're good to go all right now let's just preview this and see which ways we can do to kind of improve this so I'm going to hit F10 and that's okay but I'm going to experiment with something called easing all right so I'm going to come over to here and I'm going to go ahead and make this go ease 100 percent and then my initial Alpha what does that mean if you recall from one of our earlier lessons earlier in the series Alpha is essentially another word for our transparency so the initial Alpha it means it's going to start off invisible which is probably not what I really need necessarily so that's just more work for the program it's going to make it just kind of a bigger file if you will right so it's just like hey you know that's extra work so that doesn't necessarily need to be at zero so I'm just going to keep it at that okay the effect duration okay the effect duration essentially is like how long is it going to take to go from here to here right it's going to take two seconds to do that right maybe you want to change that so if you click back down here you'll notice this is also two seconds that's two seconds that's the same thing so if you wanted to change this to three keep an eye on that pink bar down there that's going to grow if you wanted to change that again maybe you want to make it go a little faster go ahead and bring that in so it takes a second to go just right to there okay so change that to one very nice all right so let's just see what that's going to do I'm going to experiment with it so you can see the differences with our easing and then also with our timing when we experiment with kind of the variations combining them all right so let's just take a look at that first one that we have that's going to come in fast but notice how it kind of like stopped in a more natural way all right let's do that one more time and if you notice that but let's go ahead and now do a little longer right F10 and keep an eye on how the differences with the easing just kind of looks a little bit more kind of smooth and elegant and graceful see I'm just kind of stops right there it kind of stops more like a car would stop or this is more kind of robotic so I'm going to suggest we do a hundred percent ease for all of these and I can type out 100 if I want to or just click and drag on that all right and if you wanted to you can experiment what does that look like with a hundred percent Alpha versus the other ones that are at zero this one is at 100 but it doesn't really matter because it starts off the side of the main stage anyway so let's see it go watch it here it comes it's visible that one's visible notice how it kind of like comes to a nice graceful stop big difference when you're working with your easing okay so you'll want to play around with that all right now some other ones you may want to consider doing is working with your exit okay so what I'm going to show you here is not only a new kind of Animation but you may want to actually have it so you have animation on one object that's going to have more than one time of Animation okay let me say that a little bit better so in other words you can have multiple animations on one object okay so let's just say I want this one to come in and then I wanted to leave okay kind of the same way it came in all right that's going to be kind of a nice little effect here so I have my two women right there and then I'm going to add on a new animation see there it is right there so I'm going to go ahead and click the plus sign and this time I'm going to say exit all right and which way do I want it to exit it's going to go ahead and say ease out left now those of you or Keen observers probably see now I have two little pink boxes here here's my ease out left here's my ease outright but they're conflicting with each other right they're fighting over the timeline because they're coming in at the same time so it's a really easy fix just go ahead and drag this over because it's part of its own timeline now and then I'm going to have that just only do it for the last maybe like second or so so then it's actually going to leave so it's going to show up here and it's going to be up there visible for about what one two three seconds and then it's going to leave all right and you can mess with the easing if you want to totally up to you right but we won't be able to see it anyway so it doesn't really matter the final Alpha is going to be zero so when it fades it's going to fade into invisibility right so kind of neat so let's just see what this is going to do just keep your eye on that first image comes in you look at it and then it goes away okay so you really have that kind of control so let's just do one more so you can see this right I'll do it for this guy here and then we're going to have it maybe just go down this time so I'm going to add on a new animation for this one right I'm going to go to exit and then I'm gonna have to ease out to the bottom all right and then this one I've actually got to go up kind of a a little further with this guy here because I want you to notice again here's my ease out bottom right it's going to leave at the same exact time but I needed to actually really really kind of go right because I don't even know where it's going to go to so it's very important you keep an eye on these because it's like well where are you going to same thing for this guy right he's like okay well where's this going to okay so we need to make sure that we're selecting on the right thing here all right and then that's going to go where it's going to go all right so we have to actually go right right to it okay so let's now just at least play around with this one so we can see now what's that going to look like all right so we're going to ease that out I'm going to say all right go up to 100. and now let's just look at those first two I don't think we need to keep going after that let's just see it's coming in and watch them both leave the same time cool so maybe that's like a little kind of a little Sizzle reel you're doing go Bam Bam Bam it's coming in going out coming in going out whatever right no need to study it necessarily all right so really slick this can be done with any kind of object not just images it can be text right it can be all kinds of different you know bullets or something that you're working with you know again it's about timing of your content pacing it out but it could also be for visual interest like I said kind of a Sizzle reel just things kind of popping in flying out and maybe you're doing something a little bit more kind of exotic right like having it kind of Bounce right or whatever you're doing but just know how things work in terms of our layers within our timeline and understand how we can add on more than one type of animation and you can ease in ease out to all kinds of fun stuff all right so go ahead and pause the video practice this okay and then just make sure you use it with intention purpose don't overuse this it can be very easily overused okay but just make sure you're using it with kind of good design in mind and we'll see in the next lesson and welcome back everybody we are now going to talk about working with PowerPoints I know that we are currently working with Captivate but we are going to explore this option because many of you are working with recycled Powerpoints and you don't want to toss away all your old work and have to do it all over again so how do we bring in PowerPoint slides into previously existing Captivate files or how do we create a Captivate file based off of a PowerPoint and that's it entirely okay so we have a few different options we can work with then after we bring it in let's say we want to make edits and it's linked up to that PowerPoint how do we work with all that right so we've got a number of different options to work with here so let's just say I have just a previously existing file right here so I'm just going to go ahead and call this rate of return okay and this is going to be a rate of return and call this cap for Captivate and this already exists and I know I've got a ton of Powerpoint stuff that I want to bring into this so what I'm going to do is go over here to my plus sign for slides and very simply just say Hey listen I want to bring in a PowerPoint slide so it's going to tell me here okay so insert slides and insert after the selected slide below it's like okay yeah that's fine and then it's going to ask me well what actually is the file that you want to bring in and you can see here I have a rate of return dot pptx file okay good idea to be working with the latest and greatest version of PowerPoint if possible namely having the extension be the PPT X all right so I'm going to go ahead and double click on that what are you going to see it's parsing it's processing it's doing all kinds of wonderful things a lot of magic happening in the background could take a little while so I'm just going to keep talking to kind of stall and pause all this until it now finally pops up and you can see now I'm looking at 22 slides everything that's in this PowerPoint okay so what do I want to bring in so um uh well you know what I actually want to bring in very few of these so I'm going to go ahead and clear all notice how these check marks now go away I'm going to say yes I want this one I want this one I want that one all right and then that one's pretty good right and we'll just keep it at that for right now then it's going to ask me all right so how do you want these to advance do you want them to advance on a mouse click or do you want them to advance automatically my suggestion for you is to choose automatically because automatically is going to give us the ability to then have some more manual control over it if you choose Mouse click it's going to create this interaction of a clickable kind of like invisible film over the whole thing and you're going to have to remove those right so it's a little bit confusing when you actually do it so there's going to be a little option to be able to do that right so let's now go ahead and we're going to say like I said from my drop down here we're going to say automatically and then I want to have high fidelity meaning high quality I do want them to be linked up right meaning that if they make changes here I wanted to actually show up here as well and then slide duration whatever we have as the slide duration inside of PowerPoint I wanted to show also within Captivate all right so let's go ahead and click ok let's wait for it to parse and process and very soon you're going to see we're going to have one two three four additional slides there and again this could take a little bit of time it's doing some pretty magical stuff and then it starts to pick up speed and momentum after a little while but of course that could take more time depending on more slides you got now it's giving me a little bit of a warning and saying hey the height and width of the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and the chosen Captivate project are not the same this might affect the resolution of the imported slides and Captivate but the quality is largely regained on publishing I'm gonna go ahead and say yes and just like that now I have them in here and I really didn't lose anything at all now just one little tip for you in case things are a little bit funky and you want to be able to work with a little bit better in terms of the sky the size and scaling and all that if you go over to here to modify and choose rescale project you can then reset it to be whatever the the resolution and aspect ratio that you want it to be all right let me go ahead and cancel that out now let's go over to here to this slide and you're going to see there it is now if I try to make edits to this I won't be able to do it come over to here can't do it right so what I need to do is actually make edits to the PowerPoint in order to make this work now before we make those edits let's talk a little bit about the library so if we come over to here you'll notice here is the library right next to properties and within the library we're going to see a number of different categories like our audio which we're going to get to in a little bit if we have images right if we have video but we also have something called presentations okay now here you have a presentation called rate of return now you'll also know that on the right hand side I have this little green circle I move my mouse over it's telling me that it is in sync with the source meaning that no changes have been made to the source so therefore everything is hunky-dory no problems at all but let's say I make some changes to it so I'm going to go ahead and make changes to my PowerPoint get a rate of return then I'm going to go ahead and just make some changes to this all right so I just know that you know what we're actually going to remove this okay and then maybe I'm going to move this guy up a little bit and also make him bigger right just like that okay and that this one also this is going to say risk tolerance levels okay or just level okay good super happy about that right and then maybe that's all I'm going to do for right now but it could be you know any of these other things you want to do as well you know maybe I'm going to make this and just go a little bit more kind of extreme really test it out green okay excellent now that is Saving right I'm gonna go ahead and just take care of that I close out of this and now I want you to notice what's going to happen these guys get all sync up with each other right I come over to here and then guess what none of these changes are actually happening right okay all right so what's going on here I don't see that happening that happening but now I'm going to come over to here and then notice how this turns red and now watch this let's keep an eye on like this one's a good example you move your mouse over that little red ball is saying not in sync with the source and all we got to do is click on it to update so watch this and keep your eye on all three slides click on that it's now syncing up I didn't even really do anything there right just so you know right it just kind of said Hey where's that PowerPoint file this guy's been working with let's go and bring that up and let's just refresh it it's doing its thing it's finding it and it's updating just as the caption says so we're going to wait patiently while Captivate and PowerPoint have a little discussion shake some hands negotiate some treaties and wait for everything to get up to date and this is very good if you're working on a team that you are the developer you're working in Captivate somebody else is working in PowerPoint you can still have all these things sync up with each other that your other person who's in Tallahassee urine Tacoma and all of a sudden bam those changes are made you see a little red circle and then you say oh you know what we should probably update that and it's going to come in seamlessly all right so let's just wait this could take some time but that 10 will just jump up in no time and we're back and we have our little green circle there and let's check it out that's bigger and there's our coup de gras there we go we have different colors and it actually says risk tolerance level okay so very cool now let's see this as an actual presentation so we know that this in fact even though it looks a little grainy here this in fact will show and play quite nicely so it's going to go ahead and hit F4 that's going to be playing the entire presentation there and let's go ahead and run that okay that's nice and clean of course that's my text and then look at that beautiful PowerPoint I'm gonna go into the next one this is animation that I have there I brought that in good more animation there now Additionally you could also go directly from Captivate to do that just to show you this here you go to edit and then edit with Microsoft PowerPoint and then you can go ahead and just edit the presentation or edit individual slides if you want to and then it's going to open up to another window to be able to pretty much do the same thing so you have choices you can do it directly from Captivate save your changes because a kind of a ghost version of PowerPoint will open up or you can do directly in PowerPoint save your changes and then come back over here to your library and then click on your little red circle when that appears and then bam it will update okay it might take a little while but you can see how easy this is right how seamless it is to work with PowerPoint and Captivate now keep in mind that this is a hybrid okay so I could very easily now just still insert all kinds of different slides here right so you can see I can still work with you know my PowerPoint and a regular slide here right see all these things now kind of work in harmony with each other so it's really really nice all right now let's switch up gears a little bit kind of still talking about the same topic all right let's just do another one I'm going to go ahead and say file new project and this time it's going to be a new project from PowerPoint okay so let me go ahead and just close this out because what we did is earlier we had a currently existing project but this time it's going to be a new project that's going to be from PowerPoint and we'll go ahead and do the same thing and Bam this is starting from scratch right just to make the distinction and you're going to see that we're going to get a very similar dialog box here okay and you're going to see I'm going to go ahead and say clear all and this time maybe let's do something a little bit different let's go ahead and get these guys here all right and maybe just one more for good luck here okay that's great and then High Fidelity yes do you want to do it on Mouse click nope I'm going to say automatically slide duration have it come in just as is but of course I can make it my own if I like and then click ok wait for it to come up and again this could take some time so be patient there's a lot of Science and Technology happening in the background we're grateful so we are patient and when this is done you're going to have a brand new one okay you can see bam here it is great fantastic all right let's go ahead and just make this all right excellent and you know what this maybe needs to be up here so just the same way I can play around with these and same way I can do a whole bunch of other things that I wanted to on the suit copy duplicate delete I can even add on a mouse onto this I can add audio onto this okay and then here's my option to edit with PowerPoint if I wanted to and just the same I can go over to my library and you're going to see look at that there it is right different presentation altogether but same type of interface where I can see it in my library and I can make changes to it here on the fly or go directly to the source and make those changes okay so super super easy to do really powerful very valuable all right so pause the video bring in some PowerPoints that you want to work with I'll bring in parts of it bring in all of it make some edits how easy it is and how seamless it is to work with the two different programs together and we'll see you in the next lesson and welcome back everybody in this next few set of lessons we are going to discuss audio in your presentations now audio can come in a couple different formats it could be a WAV file it could be an MP3 file you can also import audio into the background of your whole project so it's just running pervasively like music you just kind of want it to be in the background kind of give people a little beat you know something like that a little momentum but you can also have audio that let's just say text comes in and each time the person is reading what's on the screen there's also a narrator that's coming in to say the same text that's on the screen okay and you can bring in all that text piecemeal meaning that one slide after the other or you might want to do it so it just kind of goes throughout the entire slide deck all right so we got lots and lots of options here okay including the ability to even edit your audio so we're going to break up this series of lessons into all those different components okay so the first thing we're going to talk about is working with background audio so if I play this currently I'm going to go ahead and launch this now you will not hear any audio at all and what I'd like to do is have a nice little background audio so I'm going to go ahead and play this and if I play it there's nothing there right and which is fine you know maybe that's what you want but other times you might just want to have a little bit of you know background music for just entertainment purposes right just for kind of energy morale you know engagement all right so that's what we're going to do here is we're going to work with bringing in our audio from the background or into the background so how do we do that I want you to notice here is an audio tab right up here and I'm just going to go ahead and say import to and guess what I have objects slide and background options I can import my audio to okay so we're just going to say import to background and I'm going to go here to our class folder you'll notice you have images and assets and then here is audio and you have lots to work with here if you want to experiment so we've got a few different background audio right background music right we have another one we can work with but just notice here that some of these are mp3s and one of these is a WAV file okay so let me just go ahead and experiment now I'm just going to go ahead and just double click on this and as soon as you bring it in you're able to actually sample it and potentially even do a little bit of light editing on this right so let's just see what is this going to sound like before I commit to it so I'm going to go ahead and click on this I can pause it okay and that's it right so so yeah well you know it's actually really not that long so I don't even really know if I want that so let's try that another way right so I'm going to go over here to import to background okay are you sure you want to change the background yes so it's going to override it let's try a different one same process foreign [Music] and you can see here this is 32 seconds long okay and then I might want to have that Loop all right I have some a little bit of variety happening there let's maybe try another one say yes all right how about this background music oh it seems like it's going to be a little bit bigger and you can tell before you bring it in as well from your file manager so this is probably going to be a longer audio file all right let's play this one and just like how you can do with your timeline I can hit the space bar on my keyboard [Music] [Music] okay got a little little ominous okay so it's up to you you have these to choose from okay let's maybe just go one more and let's try background four [Music] okay very good so I'm going to choose that one now now that I have decided okay this is what I like let's just see what this dialog box is going to do for me all right so first thing is I want you to notice obviously we can play and pause it right and of course we can use our space bar to play and pause it as well down below you're going to see these options to fade in and Fade Out maybe I want it to fade in nice and slowly right it's just like two seconds it's gonna be a very gradual fade in so just make that to two seconds and I don't want it to fade out at this point right we're going to try it out because it's going to be about 17 seconds and then we wanted to kind of blend right into the next one but it's up to you right and then you want it to Loop over and over again yes right because my project is much longer than 17 seconds so I wanted to Loop stop the audio of the end of the project I definitely want that I don't want it to continue going when my project is over right so um just kind of just have the audio stop just the same now this one is quite important adjust the background audio which is what we're looking at here adjusting background audio volume on slides with audio so let's say I'm going to have another bit of audio on this slide that's not the background music but it's going to say hey welcome to this presentation on safety in the workplace right and I'm talking about that right I'm going to say in this presentation you're going to learn this and this and this and that okay great now this background audio might interfere with that so what you'll want to do is kind of duck this right so I would probably want to bring this down to like 15 is a good number to start with so it's actually going to get 15 lower in its volume okay so great I'm good there right so once I've done all of these things here I'm going to go ahead and just say save and then close it all right now I'm going to go ahead and present this hit F10 play it lovely and there's my music now I'm going to go to the next slide and notice how it's still fluid it can to go next one next one and next one okay let's get out of that all right because that is background audio now let's just go a little bit under the hood now where we can actually see where some of our audio elements are okay so we're going to go a little deeper into this audio tab up here and we're going to go down to audio management you're going to see here that there's actually quite a bit of slides for us to work with right and none of them actually have any audio on them right so this is pretty great to know that you can see all right you know I got a lot of slides is there audio on any of this nope however if you scroll way down to the bottom notice here is there is audio on the background right and it gives me all kinds of different specs about this right the duration of it are we fading in right are we fading out how what the size of it is ETC all kinds of good stuff here if you wanted to export this especially if you made some edits to it you can do that right so it's kind of nice if you want to share that with other people bam you've got that there let's say you you lose the file at some point you can always export that all right now you'll also see you can update it in case maybe the file has changed a little bit it'll update it and resync okay this one right here if you click on that that's going to allow you to then actually do some edits which is really nice we're going to learn all about editing in an upcoming lesson on audio but you can see edit is readily available to us let's go ahead and close this out all right and then at some point you may want to actually print all of these out because maybe you're kind of talking to your designers you're talking to your voice Talent you're talking to your music department and you just need to see what slide has what and for how long and do all that other good stuff there okay I'm just going to go ahead and just say okay and the next thing I want to talk about is your library in another context right so if we go over to here to our library you're going to see now how I have this audio part right there okay so let's go ahead and click on this and we'll be able to listen to it one that I brought in another that I brought in another and another wow how interesting is that okay the fact that I brought them in at any time at all Captivate still remembers it it has it there in the background so I don't have to do that again so in the future if you ever want to use any of these ones that you brought in it's still in the library okay now check it out I also have the ability to right click and do all kinds of different things with it if you wanted to edit it if you want to export if you want to delete it rename it duplicate it do all kinds of different things directly from the library okay so really really helpful stuff here okay so just know how it all kind of comes together from this audio tab up on top here we imported it right and then once we imported it we're able to go over to our audio management and we'll be able to see it down below we have all kinds of different options here and we also have options within our library to then work with other audio file in whatever way you want to do it right so in terms of playing it renaming it deleting it doing all kinds of good stuff here including all the other ones that we tried that we decided to reject okay so background audio I think pretty important definitely worth adding something on there there's lots of places to get background um all music or whatever it is if you want to get it from Adobe stock you can do that Getty Images actually has some royalty-free types of audio that you can explore but there's lots of stuff out there that you can see what's available alright so go ahead and pause the video practice bringing in and maybe doing a little bit of editing and you know some organization around your audio and continuing on with our discussion about audio let's now do some recording of our own audio so you may want to do some recording Slide by slide as you're looking at your slides whether it's going to be what we call scratch audio because you're going to be working with voice Talent or you might actually be the voice talent and you're going to be recording the audio on the fly as you work with your slides as you work with your production okay now a good little tip that I recommend you do is you actually have some notes or a script already for you okay now Captivate provides a really nice tool to be able to do that so if I go over to here to window I want you to notice here is this option for slide notes and you'll notice that the timeline now gets kind of split up into two all right so for this particular slide I want to have some notes essentially it's going to be my script for this so I'm going to go ahead and click on my little plus sign and I'm just going to say welcome to the lesson on safety in the work place we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job okay we're just keeping it simple here all right click away and now that is all ready to go for when I start to do my recording okay so you'll see this in just a little bit but I think it's important for us to understand that this is available for us how we get there okay again from window and you can see here is slide notes right if that goes away don't worry about it you can always bring it back over to here to slide notes and then bam there it is now keep in mind that every slide is going to have its own little area for notes right so depending on how you're doing this okay so if you're going to be just doing Slide by slide you want to have notes available there you can absolutely do that all right now let's just see this in action so I am ready to go I'm ready to do my recording and I'm just going to go ahead and just say okay let's just say record and then what I'd like to do is start my recording okay but a few things I got to do all right first of all take a look at your device right you can see here it's okay well which device are you using and make sure it's calibrated so when you click on that you're going to want to make sure it's all good and all ready to go calibrate input okay so go and say Auto calibrate and it's listening to me that's great fantastic stop calibration okay record okay and then I'm testing testing testing fantastic testing it can pick up on me that's great all right and I'm good to go all right so I'm going to go ahead and click OK and now I click OK and it's pretty much good to go right so at this point you're probably already clear that it's working this might be an optional step for you especially if you see the name of your microphone there but at least I know that the recording is going to happen the fact that you can hear me right now means that my microphone is working all right but also the fact that you saw those little lines there okay now before I start going into just recording which is going to be this red circle right there I want to do a couple of other things first of all I'm going to click on preview and guess what I'm going to preview the current slide that I'm on all right and this is actually really important if you're going to have a step-by-step type of recording that you want to make sure that your timing is right because as I am recording my voice I might want to see what's on the slide so as my animation pops up here's step one and here's step two and here's step three so I am now speaking in sync with what I'm seeing here in my preview okay so keeping that in mind that this preview can be very very valuable for you now let's come down here to our captions and slide notes remember we just did that a few minutes ago right so let's go to here and then guess what's waiting there for me so I don't need any kind of shuffling piece of paper in the background I have this right there for me to cheat okay which is kind of nice also the option to make this nice and big so I can really really see it okay okay that's fantastic and this is going to kind of hang out here and sort of be floating as I click on this record right so it's really nice very smart very considerate for us as developers and us as voice Talent if we are the ones doing this okay so have a cup of water right clear out your throat have a little tea Brandy whatever you're gonna do to actually get yourself all set up you might also want to rehearse a little bit welcome to the lesson on safety in the workplace we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job good okay got it right on the first time for some of us we're not used to doing this okay so you won't want to rehearse this before you do the recording okay all right so here we go click on record three two one you get the countdown welcome to the lesson on safety in the workplace we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job and then there's my stop and you can see bam there is my recording comes in I click OK I can now listen to it welcome to the lesson on safety in the workplace we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job okay good and you can see it maybe got a little some of my Clicks in there right I got my little in there we're going to be able to actually edit a lot of those things out in just a little bit but for right now let's just say I'm happy with that okay and we'll just go to do one more time welcome to the lesson on Save okay all right and then I'm gonna go ahead and just say save do you want to extend the display time to 7.7 seconds to match the new Audio Oh yes I certainly do thanks for asking me that okay I'm going to click close all right now let's go to our timeline I want you to notice that there is now a new layer within my timeline let's go over here to my library okay and you're going to see here is recording one okay I don't really like how that's named so let's right click on that rename that and I'm going to call this slide one audio all right and it does not sync up here but that's okay maybe if I drag this over here we'll do that say okay there you go good and we're going to go over what that little dialog box in just a little bit but it doesn't actually sync up with it so I just dragged it back over here but my audio should be the same so let's go ahead and play just this Slide the lesson on safety in the workplace we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job okay very good so I'm pretty happy with that right and again this may just be your scratch audio because in the next lesson what we're going to talk about is giving people the ability to bring an audio from the outside meaning you're working with voice talent and then they're doing all of the recording right professionally in a soundproof room and all that good stuff and they send you all of these MP3 files or wav files and then you import them that way okay but for right now right this is a really important lesson on how to just do the recording on your own because maybe this is ultimately your final production level or you just want to show your voice Talent bam this is how we want it to sound I'm working on the pacing but I don't have a good voice but I did write the script so I know this is how the tone should sound so I'm working on this then I send it off to them they view this then they're the ones with the voice they're the ones with the acting abilities and then they're the ones who will then create the final audio and that's what we're going to do next to import audio from the outside okay now keep in mind okay that we have the same ability with our audio tab here to go over here to our audio management and let's scroll up to the top and I want you to notice look at this here is start course and now there is something available here within slide one and all of the information around slide one give me the ability to Welcome to the lesson on play it and stop it right export it edit it do all kinds of good things with it right closed caption we'll talk about in a subsequent series of lessons Okay but lots of good stuff here okay so it comes back full circle same way as what we did with our background audio okay so keeping all that stuff in mind it's a pretty feature-rich series of organization that we can do with our audio alright so let's just go ahead and click ok and I'm pretty much good to go so practice that you can use my audio if you want to or I highly highly recommend using your own using my audio is pretty much going to be what we're going to do in the next lesson you're going to want to practice doing your own recording okay if this is something you're going to plan on doing in the future all right we'll see in the next lesson in this lesson on audio we're going to import our audio from another file the last lesson what we did we actually recorded it here on the Fly using our record option right there so what I'm going to do just for so you can understand that you can do this but also just for purposes of our lesson it's actually going to remove this all together so you can see Heroes down with slide one audio right click and you can see here's the option to remove okay I'm going to go ahead and remove that and say yes I am sure about it and it's gone okay but keep in mind it's still here if I ever want to use it again I can drag that in there do whatever you want to do right super easy don't worry about it just because you removed it from your timeline all right so I already have audio that exists and recall this is audio that I work with my voice Talent on right we paid a lot of money right they did it in a studio it sounds great it's clean right and they did it for every single slide okay now you have to ask yourself what type of kind of format do you want to do this in meaning do you want your voice talent to record per slide one by one or do you want them to record one big fluid one audio document excuse me one audio file and then it goes all the way through my suggestion is that you do it slide by slide right so in this case if you have audio on every single one of these you'd have 31 bits of audio right you'd actually have 31 audio files okay it's gonna just make it a lot easier to organize ultimately I'm just going to show you how to do one just so you can see how it works it's pretty much going to be rinse and repeat for all of them okay so currently I have no audio on here I am not going to be doing recording because my voice is not the voice Talent someone else is so what do I do very simply go over here to audio and we're going to say import to and we're going to say import to slide and you can see all right there is all my audio right here and then here is my how to stay safe intro audio so now I'm going to double click on that and you're going to see I get this very kind of lengthy sort of tome of audio import options that come up right that flashed up earlier and I told you we would talk about it and this is when we're going to talk about it they give you three ways that you can import your audio and this comes back to this discussion of what is that format you want to do so let's just go ahead and read this First Choice is show the slide for the same amount of time as the length of the audio remember earlier how it gave me the choice it said hey do you want to bring this up to 7.7 seconds whatever because the audio was kind of the boss the audio was governing how long the whole slide will be visually so you can see your note the entire audio is added to the selected slide if the audio duration is greater than the slide duration the slide duration is increased and that's what happened with us before because before it was only like a three seconds or whatever and we just increased it to the seven seconds great and this is actually what I'm going to end up doing but just notice what my other options are in case you want to go further with this distribute the audio file over several slides so this is going to be good if you decided that you're just going to do like 20 minutes of recording and then it's going to allow you to distribute it over time okay now what happens here is the entire audio is added to the selected slides Captivate then opens the audio timing dialog box where you can change the timing and distribute the audio file over other slides the onus is on you at that point then you'll need to actually kind of like sort of dissect it according to slide two start started at nine seconds like three started at 14 seconds okay it's really up to you some people use other programs like audacity to do this ahead of time right or maybe you have some other audio editing programs like GarageBand or something like that to be able to do that okay we're not going to choose this and then we have this option here retain the current slide duration right meaning we still want it to be three seconds and distribute the audio files over several slides okay so it's kind of the opposite as the first one whereas the visuals or the boss right they're the ones governing things note current slide duration Remains the Same and the audio file is automatically distributed across the following slides based on the slide duration and audio duration again my visuals are then going to be the boss it's going to stay three seconds but then the audio is going to automatically spill over to the next level all right to the next slide all right so I'm pretty much good here I'm going to click OK and now let's go ahead and play it welcome to this presentation on safety in the workplace in this presentation okay so you're gonna see here yes it worked it was successful and guess what I have another element here inside of my libraries okay that's the one here you can see how to stay safe intro audio okay let's go back over here to audio go to audio management and you can see yes there it is and notice it's a little bit longer okay and I click ok and that's the process okay now well you probably noticed that there's like a you know a throat clearing there's a sniffle going on in there and what we're going to do in the next lesson is edit our audio okay so so far we've done background audio we've recorded our audio to this particular slide and we now inserted pre-existing audio into our slide okay that existed from our voice Talent okay so what we're going to do next is learn how to edit our audio in the last lesson we imported a pre-existing audio file and that file had a whole bunch of issues right let's go ahead and review that um welcome to this presentation on safety in the workplace all right so we've got some throat clearing there we got some sniffles right we got all kinds of stuff even at the end we haven't seen right not great but the good news is is that Captivate gives us the ability to make edits very very easily okay so that's what this lesson is going to be about many times you're going to need to edit out clearing out some things like this but sometimes maybe you just want to increase the volume decrease the volume okay maybe you want to kind of flatten some things out right you're just basically saying Hey listen I don't want that there you're not necessarily deleting it right that's called silencing okay maybe you're going to cut and paste something right lots and lots of options for you to work with all right so if you recall there's many ways to be able to do some audio editing okay so let me just show you one of them if you right click right here on our timeline here is edit we go over to here to our library I want you to see here is right click and then edit right you can see edit within Adobe Captivate okay also notice there's a little pencil all right and then one we have not talked about is this guy right here okay if you just do a regular click on there notice you can say play stop export edit oh look at that or even remove okay so lots of great options pretty much everywhere you're just going to sort of trip over them okay and this is very similar to what we saw with our Mouse movements right where it's like okay you just simply do a regular left click and all these options comes up so it's this is a new one let's go ahead and just use it click on edit and you're going to see wait there it is there's all my audio right there all what 19 seconds of it now what I'd like to do first of all is explore some of these options up on top and I'm going to start off with this Zoom option because if I zoom in like this I'm able to actually see all of my audio kind of in one place right or you can really Zoom really in right this was zooming out excuse me this is zooming in and what's so great about this is that like you can get to like the thousandths of a second right to really kind of get what was that little sound that came in right a little bird chirping something like that cool you can get that if you want to right so you can really get granular with your editing okay and what if you want to see everything kind of all on one page you can do that here right which is really nice okay so that zooming can be super helpful for you all right now I'm going to go ahead and play this um welcome to okay so what we want to do and this is a nice little hint for you is I want you to think about your audio like you would text imagine this is like a Word document or whatever kind of word processing type of program that you use what would you do if you wanted to remove something first thing you would do is you would highlight it right so I have a little kind of lip smack here okay see that that little very subtle right maybe you didn't hear but I heard it I don't want that okay so very simply I just highlight it okay just like that okay super easy just to highlight it to be able to do something with it I don't know what I'm going to do but you got to select it to affect it right so very simply you just click and drag over it now let's take a look at some of these options up on top here in this editing group cut copy paste delete that sounds tempting there's my undo and redo pretty great and then there's also something called silence okay what's the difference between deleting and silence what delete is going to do is actually going to remove all the space from the timing so therefore this 19 seconds it's going to get less than 19 seconds right minus whatever I've highlighted here right it's going to be like maybe a half a second if I do silence it does not change the entire length of the audio okay so let me go ahead and watch to show you here so I do this delete and then notice how it's now 18 seconds let me go and undo that as opposed to silence it remains in 19 seconds okay so depending on what you want to do for my purposes I'm going to see here that I actually want to get rid of all of this stuff here all right so what I'm going to do next is I'm going to highlight just this and play it hmm and then notice what that does that just plays only my selection so if you really really were like what is that let me just back up a little bit I'm just going to go with what is this thing let me just zoom in a little bit see what's going on here play it see that I'm playing it over and over and over again so what is that okay you know what yeah we really don't need that so I was able to really zoom in really highlight it right and only just play that okay so for my purposes let me go and start from here welcome good so you know what this is really the only good part so let's just get down to it I'm gonna hit the delete option here the icon or I could just hit the delete key on my keyboard and that's great so go ahead and let's just go ahead and do another one welcome to just start from here welcome to this presentation on safety in the workplace oh got another one to highlight all that I'm gonna hit the delete key on my keyboard this time in this presentation we're going to learn how to stay safe on the job are we still rolling oh okay so there's a lot of stuff at the end also I did not need so very easy let's go ahead and turn that off all right now just like how we saw earlier with them when we did our recording you have the option to do your preview if you wanted to as well right so you'll have your preview option there if you want to all right now a few other things you might want to do is potentially adjust the volume okay so these are kind of our basics of editing but if I say adjust volume this is going to allow me to then even make it louder right if the microphone didn't come in that great or make it lower okay so let's go ahead and make it louder see if you guys can pick up on that take a look at my little sound waves there welcome to this presentation on safety okay now let's go ahead and make it lower welcome to this okay so let's go ahead and bring that back up again maybe a little louder welcome to this presentation in the workplace in this presentation we're going to learn how to stay safe on the job excellent okay no signs of any of that gross misconduct from before right and that's great that's the nice thing about doing this is that you have a pretty powerful and very simple to use editing tool to be able to get rid of any flubs right so don't worry about that in case that happens let's actually get rid of that one right there I'm actually going to do a silence for that one okay welcome fantastic good so now I am ready to save this puppy close it out all right and then let's just go and go back to our audio again right I'm going to go back to my audio management and I want you to see I still have my background okay and I still have my slide one okay now if I go back to my background let me go ahead and edit that okay I want you to notice right if I go back to my ADD replace option here remember how I had a just background audio volume on slides with audio right so my background should actually not be as loud as it was when it first started okay because it's going to duck down to 15 because now there is in fact audio on this okay so let's go ahead and preview this now I'm going to go to the next slide you're going to see how the background audio is going to get up a little louder welcome to this presentation on safety in the workplace in this presentation we're going to learn how to stay safe on the job [Music] thank you okay and then my background audio stays there all throughout [Music] fantastic all right so go ahead and pause the video practice all that stuff you can see again how powerful and easy to use all the audio tools within Captivate or going through our library going through um your timeline going directly from the slides themselves going through audio and audio management okay and what we're going to do in the next lesson is working with some of our speech management tools because some of you may be using some of the robots right and that's the choice you have so we'll just see how that's going to work for you all right excellent pause the video practice and we'll see you soon and in this final lesson on audio and audio management and audio generation we're going to talk about the speech to text option okay working with the little artificial robots that Captivate provides now Captivate provides just maybe two from what you've seen but there's going to be ton more that you can download so I'll show you how to get those in just a little bit but the first thing we want to do is go back to our slide notes let's go over here to window we're going to go over to here to slide notes because guess what I have all of these already typed out so I'm going to go ahead and highlight it and copy just do Ctrl C or command C on the Mac and then if you'll notice over here is this option for text to speech okay now you will also see that inside of audio and then speech management but I'm going to go this way I think this is a little bit easier to use so I'm going to say text to speech and this comes up and it's not as overwhelming if I went the other way because this this just shows this particular slide that I'm working on okay now I'm working on this slide which is my start course and what I'd like to do is actually bring in a text to speech option so I'm going to click on the little plus sign and then you'll notice here that there's a drop down for two different voices I can use and there's also an option for me to put in that text that I just copied all right so it's a little bit of a kind of circuitous route to get there but this is a great way to do it okay now after you've done this you want to now generate the audio okay you see that generate audio and before I do that I just want you to notice this little note here from Captivate you have not installed Neo speech voices you can install these voices from the installation DVD or from the download site okay so when you click on this it's going to be about 1.8 gigabytes of downloaded voices and you're going to get way more choices than just these two okay so just keep that in mind that's available all right I'm going to go ahead and say generate audio it's going to generate audio based off of this little line of notes that I put in there it's going to say hey are you sure you want to change the audio for start course because I still had my other audio in there that I brought in I'm going to say yes and now here I'm able to play it welcome to the lesson on safety in the workplace we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job okay so that's how that sounds just keep in mind that you do have the option to download some other ones from Neo speech voices and of course there's there's other third parties available as well that you can put in your own text and it'll generate it for you some with a nominal fee so pay more for more voices and you know for different quality but there are a lot of other third-party options out there so go ahead and check those out all right but for right now let's go ahead and try out zero generate audio say yes welcome to the lesson on safety in the workplace we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job okay so none of these are really ideal but again should encourage you to uh then explore some other options so I'm going to go ahead and click on close okay go back to my timeline okay I'll go ahead and play it well welcome to the lesson on safety in the workplace we will learn all about how to stay safe on the job okay so there you have it so you do have the option if you don't have voice Talent if you don't have it in your budget you can go ahead and just very easily take your notes that you've already written up and then put it into your text-to-speech option and it'll generate it for you as we've discussed in previous lessons Captivate provides a number of different assets available including some preset slides and projects now you can get there from your assets and you can also look online at the Adobe website lots of places to get all these things even from third parties but now what's really neat is that Captivate offers something called learning interactions it's also another very hidden but very very valuable set of learning interactions to be able to kind of be a little more creative with your approach of how you're going to share your information okay so let's go ahead and take a look at one example so I'm just going to go ahead and just preview hitting the F10 once you know what pii is you need to know how I'm going to go ahead and just pause that but I want you to just notice that I can move my mouse over these and I click on that and you'll notice that this cool little interaction appears here okay so not only is it Interactive but it's also going to show different text when I click on something see that so secure it bam this tells me all about secure it limit it okay great this tells me all about that now okay very cool so it allows the user to have a little bit more engagement right so instead of using bullets you might decide to use this okay instead of having to actually put in captions to be able to you know have something kind of fly in and do something which is pretty neat this is just another way to do this okay so I'm going to go ahead and get out of this and I want you to notice now when I click on this it's actually something called a widget okay so if you look over here you see it says widget 13 if I go to my timeline you're going to see here it's going to show my widget 13 right there okay now there is a little bit of audio associated with this that's not part of the widget but that was brought in to be able to be in sync with whatever the widget is showing okay now if I double click on this I want you to notice this is now taking me to my widget properties okay so we're going to get into this but pretty neat because it allows you to very quickly change the whole look and feel and design of your widget without really having to do too much so that's what we're going to get into and just notice how there's a lot a lot of options here now this is just one of many widgets okay so they're calling it widgets in this case but it's also called a learning interaction someplace else right but they are the same exact thing all right so let's go ahead and we're going to just do a new blank slide okay so let's just go ahead and do it from here actually it'll probably be a little bit easier and then I'm going to say interactions and learning interactions now welcome to the world of widgets so you're going to see here I have a number of different options here like really really slick to be able to have again the interaction of the user that's why they call it learning interactions so you'll see here I have the option for an accordion okay different tabs a timeline okay you can see here pyramids right you want to kind of make a little gamified you can see here surgical Matrix maybe you're doing a type of a certification of something like that we're going to talk about that in the future how we can bring people's names in there a little glossary I mean really neat there's so many things you can do okay so you'll want to explore these we're going to do a handful of these just so you can kind of get the feel for how we can interact with it because it's not super obvious at first right but eventually it will so let's just go ahead and do an initial one here okay so we're doing a lesson on let's just say accessibility all right so what do we need to do to make sure that we are 508 compliant so I'm just going to go ahead and just say insert and here we are at this window to configure the interaction okay now you can see here I can choose my different looks and feel okay sort of right this is an entirely the NLB all but you can see all right great I'm going to choose this one all right then you'll notice that down below I have this option to customize so you can see here's my default colors or I can choose my own colors for my buttons you can see here let's go ahead and just change that to a very different color so you can see I get a nice little preview like this orange color good that really stands out and when somebody mouses over it what color is that going to be maybe I'll make it a little lighter orange color that's not get too crazy all right and then this is perfectly fine all right so it's just going to stay white all throughout when somebody mouses over it and it's going to be bold it's going to be dead out whatever you want it to be but you can see up over and active something we talked about in our buttons lesson that was somebody mouses over it it's going to look a certain way when somebody clicks on it's going to look a certain way okay but let's just keep it at this for right now okay very good and then you can see here you can change your overall theme colors if you want to right so then bam bam you can go into these if you want I'm just going to go ahead and just keep it as is all right and then do you want to scale the text for responsive projects I would say absolutely you should be doing that okay so just keeping that in mind all right so let's just come back to where I was before all right very good not going to play around with this but just know that you have the option to play around with your content right everything else that you want to get into here so actually you know what let's just go ahead and do that I'm gonna go to my background color and then make some changes maybe I'll just do kind of a stay kind of a little subtle little backdrop there so people kind of get a feel for it okay and then the text you can click on that you can see all right great what's that going to do right and then bam okay great all right and I click back over here and then go to my header do you want to turn off the header right totally up to you you don't care about that but maybe you do you're going to put a title in there okay so for my description I don't want it to be italic so I can just turn that off right make that bold okay and then let's change it to a different font altogether and good idea to choose some web safe fonts you don't want to get too crazy with this so I'll go to calibri see if I can find you in there calibri there you go and you can see I get feedback right away and let's make that white okay good a lot easier to read for me okay so we're pretty much good there all right but now let's say I wanted to give some information about my lesson here right essentially I want to work with my interaction title great so what do I do so very simply just go ahead and double click on it if I wanted to change this I click on this right come to here I click on that right just very simply you can see just do a simple double click on each of these elements here so let's go ahead and again change my interaction title okay it's going to say 508 compliance how to make your learning module accessible all right so first things first okay so alt tags on images right so I come down to here I'm going to double click on it and you're going to see here I want to say ensure that all of your images have alt ter alternate tags on them Captivate you can do this by clicking in the drop down menu here's a nice little lesson for you okay next to the object name and by the way in case you're curious it's going to be this guy right there we're going to do a whole lesson on accessibility okay and choose the alt tag option great good now I'm ready to do something else right let's do another one here okay and then I'll just say heading Styles I'm gonna do another one here double click table headings okay and sure PDF and and websites are compliance okay and then maybe we're gonna have a website or something like that that's going to be there okay so now you may have noticed that when I clicked on these and I went into here I have a few other options here you can actually add in some audio if you want to and you can also add in an image if you want to okay so let's go ahead and just add an image here and I'm going to import and let's go ahead and just bring in a picture of good old Jill and she's going to be there great fantastic and now I click back on this and you can see I have the option to then also move the image to left if I want to don't worry about it being skewed right now it's not going to show up that way but you can see I have that kind of control all right now this might be an example of how I'm going to show right bam this is going to be a screenshot of me doing what I'm doing right totally up to you now you could also add audio now the audio may already exist that you want to import into here you see I have some MP3s or wav files totally up to you and then when somebody clicks on it they're going to have that double triple interaction right they click on it they're going to be able to read it and they're also going to be able to hear it okay so you want to reinforce that bit of information okay so and the list goes on and on from here again just double click and it's pretty much the same thing okay so pretty straightforward all right now let's go ahead and I'm just going to say okay all right very good and again when I click on it can't really do too much with it right but it looks pretty good all right but I'm going to go ahead and just double click on it to be able to make some edits just like I started off with all right I'm pretty happy with this but again you can very easily customize it and you can very easily make changes to it if you wanted to right so these are all these pre-built ones okay let's go ahead and just cancel out of this now before we actually do our preview of this let's make sure that we have a button that's ready to go on here because we need a button to actually kind of pause it because if we don't then it'll just continue to go right we don't want it to necessarily do that so we need to do is put a button in there okay so earlier lessons we talked about the buttons and we talked about what it's going to do to pause the timeline all right because right now if I preview this let's go ahead and just do it so you know what I mean all right this is going to go and I can certainly click on all this stuff here right it's like oh you're now I lost it right I don't want it to do that I want it to kind of allow the user to then do what I wanted to do when I'm ready to do it okay so let's go ahead and do the same thing now let's just go ahead now and I'm going to bring in a button okay and I'm just going to make that solid and let's make that kind of Gray all right and then I'm going to just start typing in there okay next slide all right and I might need to kind of adjust this so it's going to be centered get some of my weird stuff out of there I bold it and everything okay but is this a button yet nope I need to say use as button now you will notice that something happens here all right I now have a new layer right called smart shape but then I also have this guy right here okay and what does that mean so let's go ahead and just go ahead and click on it let's go over here to timing and I want you to see how it's going to pause the whole slide after one and a half seconds right the amount of time doesn't really matter as long as it's in there to pause you can even move this up here if you want to if that feels distracting but essentially we're setting this up so it does not just automatically jump to the next slide right so we need to actually set this up in order to do that ahead of time on top of this widget okay so that's very good so let's go ahead and preview it now all right we're just going to wait you see how it doesn't go it pauses this time and now I'm able to here's my cool little rollovers I do that okay cool very nice excellent I like that nice and Slick cool and now I've read it all then I click here and look at that now it's going to go to the next one see I'm in control of that right I want to be in control of everything okay so just keep that in mind you're going to need to do that for all your slides that are going to have these learning interactions all right so very good now let's go ahead and do another one it's going to do another blank slide learning interactions come to here all right and let's try one that's tabs click on insert the customization options are pretty much going to be the same thing and also how we put in content is going to be the same thing that's what's so nice about this right so you can pick and choose which style you want so you might want to go a little bit deeper with just trying out more and more and more every time you come on to here right and then you of course can click on it to see what is it going to look like here's a little bit of a different one see that when somebody activates it right slightly different style okay kind of a neat one all right so just go ahead and double click in there all right we'll just say compliance 101 double click back onto the description okay let's learn how to stay legal with our practices okay so check it out here is one label I just simply double click on it okay review HR forms contact legal and you see what I'm doing here all right and then let's see maintain ethics instructions Etc okay now let's go ahead and just go right to here and you can see I have another section right down below all right and then maybe this is going to be a picture of the actual content something like that whatever you want it to be okay now with this one I want you to notice there is another option here to add the button right so you'll see here I can actually add on a fifth button right so pretty cool if you wanted to do that right so really nice it's all set up ready to go I don't need to really worry about these too much and let's click ok just to see what that's going to look like and again remembering that it will continue on unless you put the button on there all right so I will just copy this and remember with the action for this particular one is is just going to the next slide so it's something I can very easily just copy let's go over to there all right and also keep in mind that you can resize these as much as you want right so you can just kind of move this you know and just kind of have it do what you want to do right if it's taking up too much space or something like that you can very easily do that all right now let's go ahead and preview this one we're good so you notice how it pauses click on that see nice slick different way of showing your content okay very good now let's just maybe do one more just for fun and let's maybe do something slightly different okay like this glossary okay and again same exact thing how you can try to choose a different theme whatever you're working with here right and again you can customize it same thing however you want to click on customize and notice this time it's going to be terms content okay and the header all right so again we don't need to spend time doing that but just know that you can very easily do that all right so these come built in already right see that because it's like Captivate stuff okay cool right if you wanted to change any of these you can very easily just remove that word okay we're not working with that okay but if I want to add in a word very simply all right let's just say Ada okay Americans with disabilities act uh I'm making this up now but I think it's maybe 1992 something like that right and then you put all your stuff in there okay click on ADD and you can see bam there that is right it just gets added in there okay you can continue going on from there okay let's just go ahead and do another one okay we'll just say headings okay headings are an important part of ADA or 508 compliance okay and then you'll give some more information on that okay we'll do one more just say alt tags okay alt tags are okay very good and click add all right so you can see it's really starting to build out very slick so what you might want to do is you just have a little link on your master page and your master slide that says Hey listen anytime you want to get some more information go to this slide right and this will just be that slide that you can have people go to right so really really nice okay now those of you who are pretty gung-ho about using this they do give you a nice little feature here if you are comfortable with this you can see here you can import your words from an XML file right if you're not sure what that is they do give you an example of what this looks like right so it's pretty much this is it so this is already set up and this is how you are you are structuring your content you can see here bam this house has to start then you have your term right you can see notice these little carrots here and you've got the label okay and then bam great and then you can go ahead and just bring it in yourself or copy and paste the above example to create your own glossary X you can basically start from scratch and put that in there all right so just note that it starts and ends with this open term and then it closes this term okay then you start over a new one right there okay so you'll be able to see what that's going to look like once you preview it but basically of your term your label your definition you close out the term and then you start all over again for each of the individual terms totally up to you maybe that's how you have yourself organized but I didn't want to ignore this all right so excellent I'm ready to say okay and it's going to create it it's doing something pretty amazing and then let's go back to our button copy that and let's just go ahead and make this a little smaller all right paste that in there okay very good and now let's preview this F10 and because I have a button there it will be paused no problems there and then alt tags nice nice nice okay a few other things here here's headings what I created okay great and then you'll also notice that I have this little alphabet clicks as well pretty cool takes me right there all right so we're checking out all of these all right so just keep in mind there are quite a few to work with in here all right so we won't really have time to do that but the one that you saw earlier this is this process Circle so you've really actually seen about four in action but once you know how to do just one or two of them you'll know how to do pretty much all of them okay just give them a shot all right so pause the video practice that and good luck in this next lesson we're going to talk about how to build quizzes now you are going to want to do some knowledge checks all throughout your module just to make sure that people are learning now sometimes you're going to be reporting some of these knowledge checks to make sure that hey the manager knows that the student is learning this and they have been graded on this and in order to actually go to the next level in order to get a job in order to get a certification of some kind it needs to be documented that they have actually passed the test so you can see here I have one particular slide here that has some questions about pii personally identifiable information great so you can see the student have just learned from all these things here great so I need to know that they have actually learned so at the end I'm going to have a quiz on these elements here so you can see here are some questions right about certain things here okay so we're going to have people arrange the following steps in sequence so that's going to be an interesting one okay you can see here's one that's just going to be a simple multiple choice here's a true or false here's going to be one that's kind of interesting now like okay so which one is this going to be right so mother's maiden name is this one versus this one right so this is going to be a slightly different type of platform using matching now there are several different ones that we can do we're going to be exploring just a handful of them for right now later on we'll get into drag and drop and we'll do some other kind of more advanced ones in terms of you know how we can do some different types of knowledge checks all right and let's do another one here all right and then finally you're going to see here is this final quiz slide all right now what this is going to do is going to tell the student how they did on the quiz right you can see how their accuracy was right but there's a lot of things we can add to this right we can add in you know how they did out of a total amount right how they did compared to others and you know a few other things that we can do here now what I want you to see here is when I click on let's just say this one right here okay I want you to notice that there is a new tab called quiz that you may not have seen before okay and when I click on that you're going to see it tells me what type of actual quiz question this is the fact that it's created how many answers are going to be and a few other options here okay let's go ahead and go to this one you're going to see here is quiz again you can see this is a multiple choice it's graded this time it only has three answers are we shuffling the answers and so we're going to get into these in more detail but I just want you to see how we can at least deconstruct something that's already done okay so let's go ahead and click on quiz this is going to be true false graded okay what's this one this is matching graded Okay cool so I'm able to see kind of what's going on here because this is a sequence all right so let's at least kind of run through these so we can see what types of quizzes we can actually do all right and then when you finally get to the end you're going to see that this one is going to be your your quiz results right and we're going to be creating this from scratch in our next slides right so let's just go ahead and preview this I'm just going to hit F10 I'm not sure if I know the answers to these at this point so bear with me here okay so here we are all right so arrange the following steps in sequence of the home start okay so you can see I can just go ahead and just drag them and what is going to be the order of what I want to do okay so let's just go ahead and just say limit it restrict it okay dispose of it secure it I don't know maybe that's it but you can see what I'm actually having the user do right so bam just do that all right I'm going to go ahead and say submit and they tell me right here right on the fly if you wanted to do that you can see right Incorrect and it's giving me an explanation it was pretty neat that you're able to do that are four basic steps to safeguarding are to limit information restrict what they are secure what's needed and disposed Okay click anywhere or press y to continue go ahead and do that all right good select the information that represents pii okay okay good so I'm on another question you can see here it's going to be a very simple multiple choice right so this could be it right there I'm going to go and say submit incorrect oh man okay good I'm I'm learning but you're going to see my score is going to come out here all right so let's go ahead and just say why this time that works okay a home Start employee took down a computer social security number then crumbled it up and threw it in the trash when it was no longer needed this is a good example of safeguarding that's probably false okay I'm gonna say submit good and you can see here how I very specific feedback for people correct safeguarding means proper blah blah blah blah okay that's great so go to the next one please match this piece of information to its appropriate category which is this this versus this personally identifiable by itself or identifiable when it's paired I'm going to click on the drop down you can see this is how this particular question works so I'm going to go ahead and say B cross my fingers and look at that you're right several people could identify mothers with the same maiden name this identifier does not need to be okay great fantastic I'm just going to go ahead and click and finally we're at question five Order each piece of information by its value and assuming another person's identity okay so what is the value of all of these right so it's probably going to be this and that okay and then bring that back up here good all right and then I'll go and hit submit correct great blah blah blah and it gives me a nice little description I click on that and then that's all I have because I only did five slides right so I'm actually not going to see the results in this case let's not worry about this right now I'm going to click out of this so now you can see wonderful right so this is just going to be how we can view the quizzes how we can actually take a look at them right and we can kind of break all these down all right so what we're going to do in the next lesson is we're going to actually build them out from scratch and we're going to have a nice idea of what each of these things does as we build them out and we're going to see what other quiz options are available for us as well as we're building it out from scratch now that we've seen our quizzes in action let's see what it's like to build out a quiz from scratch so we can see here we have this compliance quiz learning module but it has no quiz questions at all and for most of you that's where you're going to be starting off so we need to actually build something from scratch so what do we do first we need to actually create a results slide and this is actually going to be a very important part not just to show results but to actually do some reporting for your results so just like how we did with our audio we're going to see we have the ability to go up here to our file menu tab up on top here and just choose quiz and then come down here we're going to go over here to quiz preferences now there's quite a bit to take in here like question slides right and a few other options right here knowledge check slide maybe some of you can be working with question pools we'll maybe talk about that in future lessons but for right now let's just talk about our quiz preferences and it's going to take us to a dialog box that is essentially our preferences that we've seen before all right but you're going to see that I have one just called quiz and you can see here I have quiz reporting settings pass fail and default labels Etc all right so let's start off with the reporting and if when you click on quiz and Reporting and notice it's the same tab that could be confusing just notice it's the same thing all right but you will have to expand this out to see all of your options here all right so do you want to report this quiz right do you want to enable this right essentially when somebody goes through the quiz do you want to make this so it gets reported into scorm all right so let's just go ahead and click on this now and you're going to see how we have this LMS and we have our scorm standard here all right so LMS is just your learning management system all right so when you are reporting this right it's going to go through your learning management system right you're going to upload it in there okay and then your learning management system presumably is working with scorm or scorm compliant type of platform and that's going to make it so it's going to analyze the quiz results and it's going to have an independent level to be able to present that information as something independent so nobody's really messing with it so much right so let's just start from the beginning here you can see here's your LMS right and you can choose which one you want I'd say 99 of you are going to to be other standard lms's okay and then you can see here which scorm level are you working with right most of you will probably be at 1.2 you're going to want to talk to your learning management system administrator okay and then when you click on configure you can see here you can then put in whatever kind of information you want to be able to identify that course inside of the learning management system so when you finally do your exporting your zipping and all that stuff it's going to show it all in here okay so I'm just going to just say okay this is going to be compliance intro right I'll just say 2022 okay and then put a description in there okay totally up to you all these things are totally up to you whatever you want to put in here okay so you will most likely have some kind of naming convention however you are structuring your content right however you work you will put all this stuff in however you want to right but I'm just going to keep it as I have it right here but you can see how easy it is to change that all right so this is pretty much now ready at this stage right to get exported to my LMS it will be compliant with my scorm level right with what standard I'm using right now all right now we'll continue going down here and we're going to look at our settings as well so what we're going to do next is okay are you working with any kind of template I'm just going to keep it at the default not get too crazy with it all right and you're going to see here status representation are you looking at whether someone's completed or incompleted or are you going to be judging their success on better whether they incomplete or they just did not pass or fail right so I'm just going to go ahead and say incomplete pass or fail and that's going to take me ultimately to this place where I'm going to say well what is a passing grade what is a failing grade right so it's going to be based off of the percentage of questions answered correctly as opposed to how many slides that they watch totally up to you right you could just make it be whatever you want okay now success completion criteria again totally up to you slide views or if whether the quiz is passed right maybe you want to do both one or the other totally up to you all right and then you can turn that off if you want to again Tinker with it you'll know what your standards are what your criteria are okay data to report the quiz score okay are you doing percentages are you doing points right again totally up to you I'm going to keep it a percentage all right and then you may have some kind of initialization text that you want to show up on your LMS right that you're basically saying it's loading or something like that you click on Advanced right you can do a few other things on here as well this is all going to have to do with what your LMS is dictating so I'm not going to get into this at this point but I just want you to not ignore that all right so let's now go over here now to settings go a little bit further and you can see here these are our quiz settings this isn't about reporting this is the actual quiz settings and keep in mind a lot of these things you can change later on okay so don't worry about it okay what's going to be the name of this just keep it as quiz okay required okay so require the user must take the quiz to continue okay good we net definitely need that the user can skip the quiz right totally up to you pass required right the user must pass the quiz to continue so we basically we really want people to learn we're not testing them out so you just want them to keep going and going and going until they really get it which is totally fine it's just nice to be able to do that okay answer all the questions the user must answer every question to continue all right so really up to you right see these things might kind of overlap a little bit so I'm just going to go ahead and just say the user must take the quiz right I'm not going to be so Stern about it bam they went through it all and that's probably going to be the most standard one that you're going to do all right then we have these settings down below here all right so earlier I showed you one that shuffled the answers so maybe you want to do that for every single one do you want answers shuffling for all the applicable question types I'll just say yes why not okay do you want to add on these buttons do you want to have a clear button a back button a skip button right sure why not okay yes I do want it for all of them so I want a back button yes I want it for all of them do I want to skip short why not right give people the benefit to be able to do that and again some of these I'll be able to remove so don't worry about it review mode navigation buttons okay so there's going to be a little box in the bottom for people to be able to review the answers that they gave and also review the feedback as well okay I'm also going to add on a submit all button right this is a good thing to have there just in case people Miss at the end right they keep hitting submit submit right and or you're hitting next next but if they haven't actually submitted it I just have a rule of thumb to always keep that there there's going to be a message that you can customize all of this stuff here totally up to you right that do you want to say submit all do you want to say you've answered all the questions what do you want to do next if they're incomplete what do you want to have here submit all answers all this is customizable whatever you like okay but again that's entirely up to you all right we're not going to talk about branching right now but that is something in the future you may want to do if there is going to be branching that when somebody clicks on something then you want to actually go someplace else we'll talk about that in future lessons all right show progress so as they're going through it's basically going to say Hey listen how far along am I right one of five questions great you want to have that or you just want to say all right just showing five questions right totally up to you it's going to say relative you want to have that there do you want to show the score at the end of the quiz so I'm going to say yes in fact I do okay allow users to review the quiz do you want to do that okay and then do you want to hide the play bar right your play bar at the bottom which we're going to show we can customize that in upcoming lessons right do you want to do all that all right now let's just take a look at some of our options here congratulations you passed sorry you failed right or you know take it again come back again or let your manager know something like that right now this is where you can now really customize that quiz results right slides usually do you want the score the max score okay correct questions total questions okay bam all these things here right quiz attempts okay so all these things you might want to have here okay so again totally up to you but I'll just put them here for now so you can see what they all look like all right let's continue on pass or fail what does passing or failing mean right so earlier we talked about that what are we going to use what score in order to determine what pass fail is I'll just go ahead and be nice I'll say 75 percent okay then we have an action if there is a passing grade what you want to have happen right so I can then just kind of take them maybe to another slide earlier we talked about some of those learning interactions maybe you want to take them to that certificate slide that's great right so you can go directly to a particular slide and you'll have that there okay I'll just say continue for right now all right and then if failing right I'm going to go ahead and just uncheck these and you can see what your options are here Bam Bam Bam you can see pretty much similar options there maybe even want to send an email right you can do all kinds of everything send them to your website so many different options here maybe even some audio you want to be triggered okay but the reason why it was grayed out is because if you're giving them infinite attempts they're just going to keep going and going and going until they pass right which is maybe what you want to do okay but if that's not what you want you can just uncheck these all right and then you choose the action you like all right and then these default labels this is again something you might want to customize but you can see what we saw earlier correct click anywhere or press y to continue okay great that's when people are giving the correct response or the incorrect right so you can see that bam bam bam so whatever you want to do there but then for each individual slide you'll be able to customize some of the choices that they're going to get when they've gotten it wrong all right so pretty cool excellent so I'm pretty much done with this right now so I'm going to go ahead and click ok and you will see that it now puts in this quiz results slide okay so um and you can see all the different fields there and everything like that so I'm just going to just drag this to the bottom I might just kind of end up where it wants to go and you're going to see now that this is available with all of those boxes that I checked what my score is going to be my maximum score correct question all that good stuff there okay and then when I go to quiz you're going to see I'm going to have all those choices back again you can see do I not want some of these things here do I not want to show the max score turn that off okay total questions don't need that okay and all these things are clickable right so you want to move this around move that around right move this up right whatever you want to do you can do all this stuff here right so just keep this separate if you like and in the next lesson we are going to create our new quiz questions or we're going to see how they're magically then going to feed into this we're going to see our score and we're going to be able to see all the different quiz questions options available and how easy it is to create okay we'll see you in the next lesson now that we've completed the very important task of creating our quiz results slide let's actually start creating our quiz so a number of different ways we can do to create some quiz questions is we go over here to slides and we can say question slide and you'll notice this insert questions all these little types of questions you can say I want to do multiple choice true false write all these things here and also notice how there's the number of multiple choice you want to do Etc and also do you want it to be graded survey or pre-test right so what is that going to be right so maybe it's going to look like a question pre-test but it's actually not going to be graded so it's not going to be part of it but people will think it will be survey just might be like you know what department are you in something like that let me go and cancel out of this and let's show another way you can do it if you go back to quiz you can see here this is option four questions slide and then here is shift control Q and you're going to see same options now up here all right so let's just go ahead now and I'm going to click on multiple choice true false I'll do fill in the blank so we can do something a little bit different right and then there's matching all right and then you can see there's our sequence right so you can see list goes on and on all these things that we can just add in there right maybe you want to try a hotspot who knows right let's just go ahead and just check it all out click on OK and you're going to see it's running this little engine there and now you'll see I have all these questions now coming up as they're coming up right so really cool and then finally there is my quiz results all right now why is it coming up the way that it is in terms of the look and feel okay because of the design that we have here so I just want you to note that this is still connected to the master slide right so if I go over to here to master slide view I want you to kind of look under the hood a little bit I want you to take a look so you can see that that I have this McQ right multiple choice question true false or fill in the blank matching they're all pretty much like as they are if you wanted to customize these you can customize them right if you want to get rid of this thing here if you want to just make this left aligned right all those things you can do right totally up to me if you want to get rid of it all together you have the choice to be able to do that on the back end right so this isn't necessarily creating the quiz but it is looking at the back end right like what we've done in the past in in recent lessons of how to work with the master site to be able to make these changes if you want to all right I'm going to keep it as is but just know if it's coming in it's not working the way you want it to you can very easily make those changes Okay so let's go ahead now and start making some changes all right so type the question here okay great so I just simply double click all right and I'll just say what is an example of pii okay personally [Music] to fire all information okay great and that's it right that's your question I also want you to notice here that there's this multiple choice kind of just sort of automatic placeholder you can absolutely remove this if you want to or I can just say Hey listen this is going to be a question one right or call this pii right whatever you want to say you can absolutely do that and remember the location of it and the look and feel of it and all that stuff is all because of the master slide view that is determining this all right now let's go over to the quiz tab so we can see what's going on here so notice how this is a multiple choice slide right hey that's the type of quiz that we're working with here and we chose it to be graded okay it can be graded or surveyed right so bam we have that there right and the reason why you can see how this is grayed out is because we are reporting the answers down below see that and this is all coming down to how we set it up earlier though okay this is going to be set up through LMS and it's going to be reported however we want to be reported that this is the person got this result right bam or you could turn that off if you want to all right good now how many answers are going to be in these results right in these choices I should say right right now we only have two so guess what I could just change this to 4. and hit enter and look at that now I have four all right do you want to have multiple answers so what is the difference there basically you might want to say okay what are some examples right so you can say sum what are two examples okay and you want to say go back to quiz here could be multiple okay so you can see here I can then choose my two that are going to be the case all right notice how when I turn that off it's going to change from a circle a radio dial button to a check box all right so you can actually pick and choose which one you want right so I'm going to keep it as this because understand that what's selected here is going to be the right answers all right so I'll just go ahead and just say social security number I'm sure you don't want to watch me type all day but let's just go ahead and put this in here okay I'll just say birth date and then favorite color first pet's name and it's going to be your birth date and this okay so these two things are going to be our pii but when they take the question they're not necessarily going to see these all right but we know that these are going to be the right answers so it's very simple all you got to do is just pick those two now you can give people a partial score if you want to since there are two things happening here so you can say all right you know what let's give people partial score so it's a total point of 10 but they'll get five as a result right but you can see here you can say you know all these different things if you want to as well but I'm going to keep it as is right now I want them to actually get both because that is part of the question if they get it wrong you can penalize them too if you want to it's not very nice but you can definitely do that all right and then you can see here is numbering right how you want it to be structured ABC small ABC right how do you normally do things bam you can do that super easy okay let's go ahead and go on to another quiz type and you're going to see here very different right a little bit more complex all right so I just want you to see how these guys are interacting with these guys you got column one and you got column two all right so which one matches up with which one and again I know you don't want to watch me typing so let's just go ahead and just see okay item this item is going to match up with C so that's how we're telling it bam that's what that's going to do this will match up with a you can see that and this is going to match up with B all right so basically we're saying okay this one matches that one all right so you can say like all right you have a particular situation who do you contact all right so maybe you're saying situation and we might want to say Department to contact okay so you might just change this this is going to be i t this will say HR okay and we'll just say us governments all right and then we'll just call this virus okay call this fishing and call this theft right great so yeah much of these are matching but let's just make a match so for a virus this is going to be 2it all right now I'm starting to say okay this is making sense phishing that's probably also going to be i t and then theft I'm going to call the police all right so let's just change that okay now we're starting to cook a little bit so before we get any further let's go ahead and just preview this guy all right very good looks nice got some questions questions one of five because it's all relative good good good I'm going to say false I'm going to say next all right complete the sentence okay maybe by filling in the blanks so oh it looks like I skipped one all right we'll come back to that one just a little bit all right so let's just try this one then let's see how to do film the blanks in a second good all right so which is which fishing which is it okay I think we're gonna go to it for this and notice how it's shuffled right theft C virus also I.T great okay good and we're gonna see what a hot spot looks like in just a little bit all right so I skipped this one so let's go ahead and just work on this one here so type in the blank phrase Okay so the term for when a threat actor poses as a company in order to collect private information from a user what is that called that is called phishing so that is what I'm going to have people put in here okay so if I double click on that you're going to see what is going to be the option here okay and I'll just put in fishing but you know what some people spell it differently I'll do fishing okay I'll do fish or fish okay just to be fair about that okay so you can see all right and then let's take a look what this is going to see all right now let me go ahead and just do this one right here all right type the phrase so I click on that I'm going to type out fishing I'll say next excellent and there I am okay so you can see how we can do a series of these all right so this is definitely going to be something you're going to want to you know practice over and over again so here we are now on the hotspot option and just for the interest of time let's just go ahead and just imagine we are wanting people to just click on a certain part of an image right so we'll just use the background as an image but you can very easily just bring in your own image and then you can make that all clickable so in a good example this might be you know working with with a map right working with a floor plan working with Anatomy right something like that all right but now I only have one hot spot I want to make it so okay I need to tell me okay what's going to be you know the whatever fingers or something like that so I need to go back to quiz I'm just going to add on two more excuse me I should actually type in three total all right and then great there they are move them around accordingly okay and then these are going to be the areas that we know are the right answers but they won't know it right because they might actually click on the palm of his hand right on his eyeballs right we don't know right they don't know now what you want to do before you actually preview it let's back up a little bit is you want to turn off this right because you do not want people to actually see that there is any type of this is for you but if you were to preview it you actually it's going to show all those lines there so now let's go ahead and preview it okay and now notice when I Mouse over I'm not really getting any kind of like feedback right I'm going to click here okay cool click there and then if I click here notice it actually does add on that right and I know that's not right but I want you to see what that's like for the user in case they do click on it right so I can just go ahead and click on it again if I change my mind right I say submit all and then great one of the more of the questions is incomplete that's fine because I'm not done yet so I go next and then here I am okay very good and now let us preview and take the quiz so we can see what it's going to look like at the end so here I am at this first slide and I'm going to say is preview and I'm going to say from this slide so I'll be able to see all of them not just five and here I go I'm going to go ahead and take my quiz and see what it's going to look like okay so we'll see what are two examples of personal identical information okay what was it again okay I think it was this one and that one say next all right so Security numbers should be shared a phone okay well I got a typo there I gotta fix that I'm going to say false and then okay the term for thread actor okay who poses that is the fishing okay good and I am kicking butt here so let's see Department of contact situation all right if we're going to say virus that is going to be i t theft that's going to be I think I said police oh yeah okay fishing that's also going to be it great and then let's just see here I got this one this one and that one okay there's my hot spots submit all one or more questions it's incomplete answer all the questions go to the next one hit submit all a little prematurely all right and then let's go next submit all answers and here it is quiz results I got 40 four questions my accuracy is 67 because I think I missed one and I give the option to retake the quiz if I want to because that's what I said in the beginning and I'm good to go all right so of course we're just testing it out at this point but just know I do have you know one that I didn't finish and you know you have all these things here okay now just keeping in mind right that you have all these options here within the quiz themselves right you have all the options within the actual like quiz settings right all your preferences you can always go back and make these changes right so let's just go ahead and go back into here and check out again all your reporting options right what is going to be you know uh pass or fail okay all your settings what do you want these options to be here or not okay do you want to have review mode right so all these things here you can change them anytime you want okay so I think pretty straight straightforward you know give it a shot in future lessons we're going to go a little bit deeper into quizzing we're going to do drag and drop we're going to be working with question pools we're going to be doing a little bit more but this should be a really good foundation for you moving forward okay pause the video practice up then we'll see you in the next lesson before you publish your documents you're going to want to make sure that your skin or the wrapper of your player looks the way you want it to look so we have the ability to really customize what the skin is going to look like maybe you want different colors maybe you want certain buttons there certain bugs you don't want put there for example maybe you want to have closed captioning button maybe you want to have a mute button okay maybe you want to have one color look different than the rest maybe you want to add your logo in there certain bits of information Captivate gives you so much control and so much personalization options that you can really make it your own and make it stay in line with your company alright so let's just go ahead and just do a quick little preview let's just go ahead and say next five slides and we'll be able to see in fact what our skin currently looks like so what am I talking about when I say my skin so if you take a look down here you'll be able to see I have all these colors and everything like that I have this little play bar I have the ability to mute I have the ability to close it if I want to right you even have some other options to rewind you know all this stuff here but this particular document does not have a table of contents so we're going to work on that later on okay but you can see here I am and I can go ahead and begin and do all this stuff and this kind of moves on and that moves on you can see it coming just like that now is this going to be important for you maybe maybe not so what we're going to do is we're going to customize this we're going to kind of just start from the beginning what this might look like for you and what you might want to see all right so how do we do that we're going to go over to here to our little project menu and we're going to come over here to our skin editor all right so what we're talking about with the skin again is this bottom part down here now this can be very very customized all right now what you're seeing here might look up a little bit different than what we've seen in Captivate so far and this window is actually a lot more than meets the eye and then we're going to go even further when we get into our table of contents so there's actually quite a bit going on here so we're going to kind of take our time looking at all these so let's just first start off with this right here we have this skin and we have different themes that are built into it some of you who do absolutely nothing at all will just see this and this is your Captivate default and this is what it's going to look like okay and maybe that's all you care about right you just want it to look like this and then you're going to move on and this is the end of the road for you and this is exactly what you want okay let's go ahead and take a look at a handful of other ones let's go to aluminum very similar to that one let's try cool blue okay ooh very different okay let's try Mojave okay so you see how we have all kinds of different choices to go through right and there's you know you really want to explore these now what's so nice about these I'm just going to go to black glass okay what's so nice about these is that they're very customizable right so you start off with one template with one skin but then guess what we're going to be able to then customize it even further all right so this is just going to be a starting point for you all right so first thing is do you want to even show playback control see that when I uncheck that all this disappears sometimes you just want people to kind of kick back and then just watch it or you're creating the buttons you're creating the interactivity and you don't want them to be distracted by anything here right which is totally fine you don't even want to give them choices to do it you're going to be in control right if I'm going to turn that back on do you want to hide the play bar during the quiz you don't want people to kind of think that they have control when you really don't want them to have control and then maybe the play bars are even interfering with it it's like oh wait a second you know they're trying to click on something and then it kind of overrides what's in the quiz so let's go ahead and just hide the play bar and then we also have the overlay option notice how that's just kind of going up a little bit I never really do the overlay right because it's kind of cover up all my beautiful stuff there so I'm going to uncheck that all right now you will see here that my play bar is the black glass skin all right now what's neat about this part is that now we're going to be able to customize these so we're saying Hey thank thank you black glass but I'm going to take it from here and I'm going to do things a little bit on my own all right so first thing is do you want to have your Play Bar in two rows right maybe that's going to be a little bit better for your users right who knows maybe they just prefer to do it that way they give you those choices next level of customization is going to be your playback colors right so check it out we've got your background your button glow your button face and your button icons right believe it or not you're seeing all those things here right here here right but guess what I can't actually click on these why not because I have to click on this check box to then activate them okay so now let's just see what does the background do let's just go ahead and make this jet black we'll say okay very good right I can see what the background does button glow oh okay let me just do like yellow glow yeah kind of like that very nice button face oh that's the scary okay let's maybe just do like kind of a grayish color okay nice kind of settles in a little bit but if you change your mind it's maybe a little bit lighter note you can even put in your RGB your hexadecimal code you can even use an eyedropper and take it from your canvas if you want to totally up to you all right very good and then the button icon I'm just going to let's just make it red okay fun all right again of course you can change all those things there all right very good now let's go ahead and just take a look at some of our other options here so some of these may be grayed out mostly because we are working in responsive mode right and they don't necessarily let you change certain things when you're in responsive mode if you're not working with responsive right you may actually see these things lit up so just know that all right now do you want these elements or not do you want the play button do you want the rewind button all these things here right so I'm going to uncheck rewind and fast forward and notice that's going away I'm going to uncheck the back why because I'm going to have a back button on my actual module itself potentially right do you want to have a close button there right let's just see kind of that comes and goes right so you want to give people these options or not if you're going to have sound you want to give people the ability to mute pretty straightforward right really nice they've thought about all these things do you want this progress bar um to you might seem like yeah sure I do right I want my users to know what's going on many times it's not even going to really matter right so turning this off will just kind of give you more space here you know for other things potentially right and it's just going to be less kind of you know distracting for people so many times the progress bar isn't going to really make a difference but of course if you want it and it does make a difference for you you can always turn that back on right we are going to do a future lesson in another video session um about closed captioning and accessibility so stay tuned for that but this is where you're going to find that all right then you also have this no tool tips at runtime right so as it's actually running you don't want any kind of like little rollover thing to tell you what it is right so maybe you want to turn that off all right I kind of like people to have that so I'm going to keep that going all right so now if I love this right and I'm ready to go and I want to keep this and use it again and again and again I can save this right you see here's the save as I can do that and I'm just going to say black glass DC 2022 okay and I click on my drop down and guess what's there okay this is my personal customization option that I have now saved all right so I'm going to go ahead and close this out the closes way up here this tiny tiny little X so if it does not want to be found and now I'm going to go ahead and preview this puppy next five slides and wait for it let me see my beautiful little thing here there we go okay very nice okay do I have that there okay that's great I changed my mind I want to work on a little bit more let's go ahead and go back to project skin editor and you'll notice it does something a little bit weird it's kind of space them out not what I asked for okay so unfortunately that's just how it's set up right with your HTML5 it automatically does the stretched okay we cannot unfortunately remove that so just keep that in mind that you may not get exactly what you had expected to see okay so there are a few bugs here and there within Captivate maybe the next version they will work on that all right so but just know you can always come back to these anytime so I decide you know what actually don't want it to be red now I'll just make it maybe a lighter gray color okay that's a little bit more tasteful okay and very good this is good and then I would just save it save it okay I'm going to replace it good come back let's do F10 see if my changes were activated and updated here it comes very good there's my colors my overlay still works excellent super happy good to go all right so pause the video and then in the next lesson we're going to work on creating a table of contents for your learning modules in the last lesson we worked on creating the skin if you recall you go right to project you can go over to here to skin editor and you can see all the things that I've changed there looks great super happy with that okay now within this same dialog box you have this third tab up here you see here's table of contents where you can actually start manipulating it from here now hiding inside of this is this other one in case you ever want to do a border right so you can see how there's a few options here not a ton right some of these might be kind of grayed out just because of the HTML5 so I'm not going to focus too much on that all right so just want to not ignore it really okay but I want you to see here is this table of contents because you can get to it from here and you can also get to it from project and then table of contents right and it takes you literally to the same tab so let's now build out our table of contents why do we want to have a table of contents we want to be able to allow our users to be able to see what different types of chapters are coming up within their training module want them to be able to go to and fro right within the training module and also we want to be able to organize all of our different chapters accordingly all right and maybe we want to color code them and everything like that so making it more interactive more instructive just kind of more user friendly so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to say show Toc all right and you're going to see a lot of stuff Piers here okay and some of you may notice that magically certain things already populated start course oh welcome layout course topics oh my God look at all those this is why we talked about initially making it so your slides all have names right so if you need some review on that go all the way back to one of my first lessons in the last part of the series Okay so excellent so you can see here I can click on these and also you can click on these to see what it's going to look like eventually we're going to learn how we can actually customize what these are going to look like but right now it's looking pretty good now some of these you may not want right so the ones that just say slide numbers I'm going to actually turn that off okay so what else do not don't I want okay no not necessary let's get rid of these now okay so let's get rid of this one okay not so good okay great so we can see here I've got a lot to work with right but I have a lot of stuff happening this is a very robust um training module Okay so now let's say I want to get things a little bit more kind of organized a little bit okay so I'm showing my table of contents I'm deciding what I want to see here but number one I may want to rename things in terms of my organization then I also might want to structure some of these things as well all right so I'm going to change this from start course to intro so all you're going to do is simply double click right here and I'm going to say intro slide okay and then notice it changes here and it also changes there so all you do is simply double click okay so come to here let's say our mission great and then that changes here all right so very easy to do that okay so so far we said show table of contents we've said certain things will not be visible and now what have we done we've renamed it so it's going to show accordingly on the table of contents tabs as well all right now let's go down below here where we're going to have these little icons this is going to be give you the ability to make folders which we're going to see what that's going to do in a little bit okay you're going to see this is going to allow you just to reset it back to where it was which we're not going to do but it gives you the option and these guys are going to give you the option to kind of create sort of headings and subheadings but then also you can move some of these elements up and down if you decide you want this one to be you know third or something you can very easily bump that up okay so let's go ahead and start off with the folder option okay so you can see here I have this topic name okay I'm going to double click on that and I'm going to say welcome and I'm not going to capitalize these welcome slides all right and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to bump this so it comes inside of it just like that bam bam and Bam okay and you'll notice that welcome slides does not have a slide number it's just a container you'll also notice that I have a little triangle to allow me and my users to collapse and expand it you see that and you'll also notice that same thing is happening right here so for this particular training module there is a lot of slides a lot of pages here for people to look through maybe they want to collapse it so they're not taking up so much or maybe even for you you might want to do that okay so let's just go ahead and just do another one bam this comes up and we can start another one okay so we'll just say our team all right and this time I'm going to go ahead and just highlight four of these by holding down the shift key and then bump it in okay see how fast and easy that is do one more okay all right and then we'll have another one so let's call this one resources and let's do a bunch for these holding on the shift key and then bump it in and you can see all right very cool see that so I've got a whole bunch kind of sandwiched inside here I can collapse and expand that right you can do the same thing here of course all right so really neat great way important way to stay organized with all of your content and allow your viewers and your students to do the same okay now we're on our way let's now go over to here to settings okay so I'm going to click on settings and now this is going to take me to a completely different dialog box and it's going to be very similar to what we saw with our skin where it's going to give us some choices of how do we want our table of contents to look how do we want the layout to be how do we want it to act essentially all right some of these things are going to be grayed out again because we're working with are responsive you're working in a non-responsive you get different choices so just keep that in mind okay so what do we want to have here okay runtime options collapse all okay see that collapse versus expand so when this is running at first I want all of these to potentially not be showing all their contents maybe you don't want to do that right because you actually want people to be able to see them you're finding that some of your users completely miss them all the time so you can you can go ahead and just turn that off right totally up to you all right so um your self-paced learning just allowing people to click through if you want that okay show topic duration you see all these guys right here okay so I can turn that off I absolutely don't need that because it's not always going to be the same duration okay navigate visited slides only yeah you know probably not like you want people to go wherever they want to go again totally up to you you experiment with this now you can see here is show search maybe you want people to be able to search throughout so you can turn that on turn that off right you can see there that is you want people to be able to have the quiz be part of the search totally up to you status flag you're going to see right when we have visited something we're going to see like a little thing that's going to show up there okay so we'll keep that on just so we can see what that's going to look like all right and your clear button relates to the status flag itself so you can say Hey listen you know what I want to clear out that I visited all of these so you can just say hey clear and it's going to go away okay so okay all right and then the whole movie duration you'll actually see that on the bottom it's not showing up down there but normally you should be able to see the whole movie duration and then this is where you can really start doing all of your kind of design work and very similar to what we saw in our last movie background just go ahead and do black all right and then heading let's go ahead and just make it red so you can really see what it's doing there okay active entry let's just do completely different color okay when somebody goes through it that when they're actually on that particular one it's going to show all right and then you can see that's where these are right there these are going to be a bunch of nice looking for the most part little gradients here click away and then heading I'm going to make that just a little more subtle TSC outline okay good that's coming together all right now we're going to go a little further with this level one level two level three text okay so what are we looking at here so let's just go ahead and just bring this up to let's just say 16. there you go level one that's our heading and our subheadings okay I want to make these so they're going to be bold okay maybe 16 is too much so okay very good I can make those changes there maybe you want to change it to a completely different font we're going to keep it a predata for right now let's go over here to level two and do I want to bold that sure it's not so bad let's make that 12. good a lot easier to read now we don't have any level three but if we did we would be able to make those customization right there okay oh and one last thing you might want to do is adjust the width of the table of contents do you see that there so you might want to make that wider you cannot actually get any more narrow than 250 but if you wanted to make this to 300 you can see you can do that and you can also move your mouse over you can make it wider like that now you'd want to do that in case you wanted to see all of your text here right because maybe your text is not showing all right you can see it's going to allow you to do that all right let's go ahead and click ok and do one last thing with our table of contents and that is fill in all of our information about the actual training about the company adding a logo and we're going to really sort of complete it with some of this pretty valuable and necessary information okay so how do we do that we're just going to come over here to this little info button and this is going to take us to this very simple form I'm just going to say okay well what is the title I say safety in the workplace okay you'll notice that as I'm typing it out here it's showing up here in real time okay and our name is going to be Safeco okay email it's going to be HR at safeco.com website www.safco safeco.com safety is our middle name okay now can't really see it here don't worry about it but it is there but what we're going to do in a little bit is we're going to customize this right so it's going to make it so we can actually see it a little bit better in terms of size and color and all that stuff and that's where this area comes down before we do that let's just kind of go in order of what we see here and that's going to be inside of this photo section okay photo isn't really a photo it's more of an image if you will and it's really good for working with logos so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and just add this on there go ahead and import it and let's go ahead and find our logo here I'm going to say that much like that and you can see oh that fits in really nicely right it gets just perfectly in there with my text and everything like that right doesn't warp it or anything like that great then my font settings notice here is title name designation email all that stuff so I'm going to go here to title the question is how big do you want it so I'm going to say 14. say okay that's pretty good what about 16 am I pushing that too far yep a little bit too much but it's very easy to change and I can see it in real time okay I can also bold this right you can italicize it you can underline it right it can un underline it it can un italicize it very good you can change the color if you want as well let's go over to here to name can't really see it there definitely need to make that bigger and also a different color so let's go ahead and make that 14. it's getting bigger can't see it though let's go ahead and make that white okay good love that and then any other change you want to make as well you can do that let's go over here to email all right so email I want this to come in looking blue right so people can really really see it and it's also clear that it is you know a link of some kind but I don't want it to be underlined I'm not a big fan of that so I can very easily un underline that I'm going to keep it let's make that 12 so it's readable go over to here to website make that also 12 and then go over to here and then let's see if I can just grab this color perfect all right and how close did I get to that perfect there we go all right and now we just learned how to use the eyedropper okay and if you have a description of some kind you can put that in as well and that's going to show when you Mouse over this here but let's make that a little bit bigger group 14. and it's kind of somewhere in the middle there we're going to see what that's going to look like momentarily okay excellent we are almost complete with this amazing project with this amazing tool and when you're done guess what you can save this table of contents to your skin as a whole as well earlier we did just our skin but our table of contents is also part of this so if you wanted to override that just go ahead and click on the save icon you want to replace it yes and now our table of contents is now part of that saved skin all right so now let's go ahead and preview this guy let's do F10 and just watch me as I'm going to go through it here's my stuff down below here's my little table of contents and I can go ahead and collapse and expand very easily okay good there's my active slide that looks really cool love it good excellent okay and then here's my info I was talking about before there's my red if you wanted to search you can search from there okay and then if you wanted to clear out your flags that's what I was talking about down there below all right so lots and lots of good stuff here okay so you really want to just experiment with this have fun with it but it can really really kind of add on a lot of you know texture and personality and identity to your whole experience for you and also for your users and that concludes the second part of our series on Captivate congratulations and once again we covered a lot of powerful Tools in this course at this stage you probably already got your feet wet with our first series so this new material helped you get your e-learning development to the next level let's do a little review on what we learned we started off with the very important skill of learning how to create edit and manage our object Styles we then went into importing PowerPoint decks into your Captivate modules as well as how to make seamless edits to them we then had a little fun animating our objects to add some movement to your content we also did a super deep dive on working with audio including background audio recording your own audio editing your audio and finally using captivates text-to-speech audio tools and the last few lessons were about creating amazing quizzes wrapping up your modules and some nice looking table of contents and skins we really did Cover a lot now keep in mind there is still more to Captivate so stay tuned for the next lesson in our series for yet more exciting tools to incorporate in your e-learning modules thanks for watching and happy creating thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit learnit.com for more details please remember to like And subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music]