so you load up balance and are excited to get some wins just kidding the reality is is that you queue into a game with four other teammates who you aren't even sure are actually human [Music] you constantly feel like you're getting one tap by the enemy team and you just can't hit a shot I know most of us can relate to this taking gunfights and Valor is not easy and sometimes it feels impossible to link back to this video you will turn from a little Timmy into a ranked demon many of us practice in AIM Labs the range or even Deathmatch but still don't see much improvement a big reason is because you're not implementing the correct techniques in your mechanics and this video we'll go over how to maximize your skill with simple tasks and quick fixes to your gameplay let me start by showing you a clip of an average low ELO player playing Deathmatch this player makes nearly the same five mistakes on every kill and at the end of this video I will show you the same clip but by then you will know the fixes that are needed to be made now when you are looking at this clip you need to understand that there was not a single kill here that was good and the fix required is far more than just stop crouching you see the way this player enters a gunfight and then engages in the gunfight is entirely wrong and if your death matchers look remotely like this you need to understand you are building bad habits and are wasting your time but before I can explain the five mistakes being made I need to show you how to properly engage in gunfights so with that being said we will first start with three exercises you need to do in the range which will directly translate to the practice you need to do in death matches before you do anything make sure to go to your settings and turn the shooting era graph on the goal of this first exercise is to develop coordination between your your movement and your shooting this is fundamental to winning gunfights and Valor first select the Bots to easy mode and purchase a vandal Press Start and when the Bots spawn to your left you should overflick to the left of the bot and then walk to the right only using D until your Crosshair aligns on the bot's head then let go of D and one tap the bot if the bot spawns on your right you want to overflick to the right then move to the left only using a until your Crosser aligns on the bot's head make sure to not overflip too far and to immediately start walking after your initial flick you want to have a fluid motion between your flicking movement and shooting and your shooting aircraft should only show Orange to indicate maximum accuracy for easy Bots you want to Target a score of 25 to 30 with minimal effort after getting comfortable with easy Bots you want to do the same for medium Bots and Target a score of 20. this exercise will force you to coordinate your movement and your aim you want to start slow and develop the correct muscle memory to stop and shoot as you get more comfortable the faster you will be able to go the second exercise you need to do is the advanced version of the first exercise but it is even more necessary to master the goal of this exercise is to practice firing a fully accurate shot while moving before and after you shoot in the first exercise you would overflick move stand still and finally shoot but for this exercise you need to slightly overflick move stop for a very brief moment hit a fully accurate shot and then immediately move in the opposite direction the key difference in this exercise is that you cannot stand still for more than a second when shooting start with easy bots in the range when the bot spawns to your left you want a slightly overflip to the left of the bot and then press D until your Crosshair aligns on the bot's head the moment your Crosshair is on the bot's head you want to immediately let go of d one tap the bot with full accuracy and then immediately press a to move in the opposite direction if the bot spawns on your right you want to overflip to the right of the bot and then press a until your Crosshair aligns on the bot's head then immediately let go of a hit a fully accurate One Tap and then immediately press D to move in the opposite direction this technique is called Dead zoning which is mastering the timing of when to shoot a fully accurate shot while moving before and after you shoot it is important to keep practicing dead zoning until you're very comfortable coordinating your movement with your shooting the third exercise you need to practice in the range will help your tracking I do it almost every stream by the way I'm live most weekdays on YouTube and twitch I recently streamed myself solo queue all the way to Immortal and it's a great place to learn or ask any questions you have plus it helps me survive the solo queue jungle first set the Bots to eliminate 100 then buy a share track each bot for a few moments before stopping to shoot the bot when tracking the bot you only want to move pressing either a or D you never want to track the bot holding W you also need to practice tracking from different ranges and this will require a lot of focus after eliminating 100 Bots with the sheriff you want to do the same with the Phantom and the Vandal and if you want even more practice do it with the ghost and guardian after a couple hundred Bots your aim will start to feel very crisp next let's discuss how to properly play death matches and how to engage in gunfights using the practice you did in the range these few fixes to your gameplay will help your aim out tremendously the first aspect you want to focus on in Deathmatch is how you are moving before you Peak an angle if you have been loading into death matches and have only thought about warming up your aim you've been playing Deathmatch wrong this entire time which is why you may not have seen much improvement in Deathmatch there are a couple of areas you want to focus on the first area you must focus on is your pre-gunfight engagements simply put when you are playing Deathmatch you need to focus on when you are holding W and when you are pressing A and D in Deathmatch I will always hold W to get to an angle I want to Peak however just before I expose myself to that angle I am solely using a or D to Peak this means that when I expose myself to a new position or an area I hear an enemy at I'm only moving with A and D while this may seem simple so many players still do not do this if you feel like you're getting one tapped all the time it's because you're not implementing this technique into your gameplay it's also important to note that before I peek I have my Crosshair pre-aimed at the angle I intend to take a gunfight you see you don't always need to aim with your Mouse as a matter of fact using your movement to line up your Crosshair on the enemy is more efficient for aiming which is why pre-aiming before up makes aiming much more easy you also want to keep moving with a or D until your Crosshair is on the enemy's head instead of immediately flicking or Panic shooting check out this clip where I get caught off guard by the enemy jet but I keep walking to my left using a until I'm ready to shoot which causes the enemy to whiff planting bike plan so again use W to get to an angle you want to take a gunfight app but before you Peak you must only use a and d this is a very active process in death mattress I'm always thinking of when I want to let go of w and when I want to start pressing A and D after focusing on this in death matches you will start to notice significant Improvement in your ranked games but there is even more you need to focus on in Deathmatch to make you a consistent player the second aspect of Deathmatch you need to focus on is a mid gunfight engagements a huge concept that's holding people back in their games and in death mattress is how they've wired their brains during gunfights many new players and players who struggle to get kills have the following mindset they will move before a gunfight but during the gunfight they will stand still and try to shoot now on paper that seems right but it's incomplete for one simple reason what happens if you miss or the enemy also shoots back now we're just a stationary Target because it's easy to shoot at but before I can explain the fix you need to make make sure to drop a like and hit that subscribe button so that you can rank up faster we're so close to 10K subs and let's get to that 25k also turn on notifications so you know when I go live and make sure to join my Discord we have an awesome community and it's the best way to interact with me outside my streams so the way you want to approach a gunfight is to engage using A and D next you want to keep moving until you have your Crosshair lined up on the opponent however here is a small change you need to make which will create a massive difference in your gunfight Wing conversion so pay close attention if you miss your initial shot or with your initial spray your immediate thought should not be to stand still and try to move your Crosshair to the enemy's head to start shooting again your immediate thought after missing or shooting a body shot from long range could be to stop shooting and to move to the right or left solely using a or D so you can't get shot at while correcting your Crosshair to start shooting again the problem in your gunfights is that you're so focused on trying to get the kill you forget you also need to avoid being killed your gunfights need to be shoot and move shoot and move shoot and move foreign this is a key difference between a high skilled mechanical player and a low skilled one because the high skilled player can not only aim but can also avoid being shot at which means they consistently win more gunfights than someone with just good aim you see even if you got better aim you will just get hard stuck again because of how easy of a Target you are to shoot at furthermore even if you don't miss your shots you still need to practice dead zoning almost every kill you get in Deathmatch you want to move hit a fully accurate shot then move immediately after you need to avoid standing still for longer than a second when shooting entering gunfights with this mindset will help you get more kills but it will be hard to implement at first so when you queue up for Deathmatch you need to incorporate these two key Concepts into your gameplay the first is to use W to get to the angle you want to peek at and then to press a or D before exposing yourself to that angle practice this with short Peaks and wide Peaks and have your Crosshair prepared for each angle before you peek the second tip is to rewire the way you approach gunfights and to use dead zoning to get kills you never want to see yourself standing still in shooting you want to focus on moving before and after you shoot especially if you miss your initial shot with your initial spray or hit a body shot at long range if you struggle to find the timing to shoot go back to the exercises I showed in the range also the direction you move is completely under your control you can move left and right left and again more left right then left or right and again more right the more unpredictable you move after you shoot the harder of a Target you are to shoot at you need to abuse the fact that your opponents can't track enemies easily and have poor movement themselves the last thing to focus on Deathmatch is keeping your Crosshair centered around a corner when holding W this is a tiny yet crucial detail for your mechanics if you are holding W and are moving fast you need to Center your Crosser at head level and slightly away from the wall you are staring at you need to round your Crosshair along the corner of the wall and make sure it's not inside the wall this will keep you prepared for a peak when you are in situations where you need to move with W after holding W and getting close to the angle you are staring at you want to let go of w and start clearing the corner using a or D moving on another important tip to keep in mind is how to approach a gunfight at different ranges each range has its own optimal style of fighting at very close ranges you want a run and Gun because many bullets will connect and you are extremely hard to track trust me it works more often than you think just look at these clips kill it one enemy remaining Flawless at medium ranges you want to use a and d to enter a gunfight ideally you want to strafe in dead zone to get the head shot but the exception at medium range is that if you don't hit an immediate headshot you can spray and control your recoil to get the kill and if you know you are facing only one opponent you can use Crouch to control the spray however before you commit to a Crouch make sure your Crosshair is on the enemy instead of immediately crouching and spraying hoping some of your shots will land because they usually won't spray control is not something you want to consistently rely on like in CS go because Valor has random spray patterns at long ranges you never want to spray or Crouch you can only strafe and shoot if you miss your initial shot or even hit a body shot as your first shot you want to move and then reshoot never stand still in a long range gunfight it is far better to shoot one body shot at a time and Dodge the enemy's bullets than to stand still and hit 4 body shots in a row now that you know the proper techniques needed to improve your aim let's go back to that Deathmatch clip we saw at the beginning of this video like I said before there are five major mistakes made on almost every kill let's start with the first and most which is that this player is instantly crouching and spraying when they see an enemy you want zero of your kills to be Crouch sprays and Deathmatch the next mistake this player is doing is that he's holding W and exposing himself to multiple angles very fast this causes him not to enter gunfight solely using A and D this will make it harder for him to dead zone and he will be an easier Target to shoot at the third mistake he is doing is that he's not properly pre-aiming angles before he Peaks this leads to the fourth mistake which is that he's not taking his time to use his movement to line up his Crosser on enemy's head before shooting he's Panic flicking instead of remaining comp and simply walking to the right or left until he's on target the fifth and biggest mistake is that he's doing absolutely zero dead zoning to get a kill none of his kills are a clean burst fire headshot while moving before and after shooting so now let me show you what some of his skills should have looked like if you're going to practice your mechanics in Deathmatch you gotta do it right for some of you this may take hundreds of death matches and for others it may be a few quick fixes and technique regardless you rather die trying to execute the mechanics correctly then get a useless kill with poor technique now that you know how to get better at shooting and Valor you need to learn how to capitalize skill in clutch situations so check out my previous video where I break down what I learned from analyzing 100 clutches remember to download gamerlink using the link below to help support the channel and to join my Discord drop a like subscribe and comment your favorite tip below