Introduction to Python for Data Engineering

Jul 4, 2024

Introduction to Python for Data Engineering

Why Python for Data Engineering Projects

  • Python is extensively used in data projects like data warehousing, data migration, and data engineering.
  • Reasons for Python’s popularity:
    • Handling various types of data (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured).
    • Essential for complete data management, engineering, and analytics.
    • Growing focus on social media data, application data, and various logs (system, server, browser).
    • SQL is typically used for structured data, but Python’s versatility allows handling all data types.
    • Combination of SQL and Python is optimal for modern data engineering tasks.

Benefits of Python

  • Open-source: No cost associated.
  • Mature language: Over 20 years old with a vast number of libraries.
  • Object-Oriented: Supports complex and dynamic data types.
  • Simple Syntax: English-like and easy to learn.
  • Automatic Memory Management: Manages memory allocation and deallocation internally.
  • Integration: Extends easily with other languages and tools.

Python in Various Domains

  • Used for data engineering, machine learning, data science, deep learning, application development, background processing, hacking, and automation.
  • Focus for data engineering includes:
    • Basics (data types, variables)
    • Data structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets)
    • Conditionals and looping (for loop, while loop, if conditions)
    • Functions (for code reusability)
    • Advanced topics (file read/write, exception handling, lambda expressions)
    • Regular expressions and custom logging
  • Key tools: PySpark and DataFrames for big data processing.

Learning and Practicing Python

  • Tools for Practice:
    • Databricks Community Edition: Ideal for learning and practicing Python, PySpark, and Delta Lake.
    • Free resources: and W3Schools for comprehensive learning material.
  • Steps to Start with Databricks:
    • Register on Databricks Community Edition (no credit card needed).
    • Create a cluster for computational tasks (15 GB RAM, 10 GB disk space).
    • Use Databricks' built-in Jupyter notebooks to write and execute Python, Scala, SQL, and R code.

Working with Databricks

  • Cluster Setup: Create and manage clusters for running code.
  • Using Notebooks: Write and execute multi-language code (Python, shell script, SQL, etc.) in notebooks.
  • Magic Commands: Special commands like %md, %sh, %fs, %sql for different operations.
  • Import/Export Data: Import .dbc files for pre-configured notebooks.
  • Resource Management: Community Edition clusters terminate after 2 hours of inactivity; can be recreated easily.


  • Python is integral for modern data engineering due to its flexibility and extensive capabilities.
  • Combination of SQL and Python is required to handle today’s diverse data types.
  • Databricks Community Edition offers a robust platform for learning and practicing Python for data projects.
  • Utilize free resources and practice consistently to build expertise.

Note: Always remember to register on Databricks and create a cluster to start practicing.