Exploring Environmental Science Basics

Aug 16, 2024

Introduction to Environmental Science

Lecture Overview

  • Define and describe the environment
  • Brief introduction to environmental science

Understanding the Environment

  • Definition: The environment includes everything around us.
    • Components: Air, water, pollutants, people, noise, etc.
    • Interaction: Direct and indirect interactions with surroundings.
  • Broad Scope: Includes biological, geological, and human factors.

Environmental Science

  • Definition: The study of the environment to gain reliable information.
  • Science as a Verb and Noun:
    • As a noun: Body of knowledge in textbooks.
    • As a verb: Scientific method to gather reliable results.

Scientific Methods

  • Observation: Studying behaviors, environmental factors.
  • Experimentation: Testing hypotheses, e.g. using fertilizers.
  • Exploration: Discovering the natural world.

Scale of Study

  • Global, regional, or local (e.g., Clovis, Sierra Nevadas).

Components of the Environment

  1. Biotic
    • Living or once living entities (e.g., animals, plants, decomposing materials).
  2. Abiotic
    • Non-living materials (e.g., air, water, rocks).
  • Interaction: Biotic relies on and alters abiotic.

Human Impact

  • Humans influence both biotic and abiotic worlds.
  • Examples: Pollution, urban development, resource extraction.

Natural vs Human Systems

  1. Natural Systems
    • Pre-exist humans, operate without human influence.
  2. Human Systems
    • Influenced and driven by human activity.

Course Topics

  • Land and Water Use: Usage implications, pollution.
  • Pollution: Impact in water, soil, air, and noise.
  • Energy: Production, renewable resources, minimizing impacts.
  • Climate Change: Driven by human activities, affects all systems.


  • Understand what constitutes the environment.
  • Brief understanding of environmental science.
  • Next Topic: Overview of Earth's layers and atmosphere.