[Music] thank you development index often abbreviated to the HDI is a score between 0 and 1 and indicates the development of a country the closer to one the more developed a country is the score is calculated based on the development in three areas Health using average life expectancy education using mean years of schooling and the average income using GDP per capita [Music] the score on these parts is between 0 and 1 where the mean of these three parts become the HDI [Music] the eye is used because only GDP per capita can give a distorted picture in case of high income inequality not everyone benefits from a country's wealth moreover per capita GDP does not tell whether and how a country is developing this becomes clear by including important indicators for health and education such as life expectancy and mean years of schooling in the HDI with a score of 0.394 Niger has the lowest score the Netherlands occupies The Joint eighth place with a score of 0.944 however for years Norway has had the highest score on the HDI list the HDI is therefore a comprehensive indicator to measure the development of a country