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Understanding Booleans in Programming

hi in this video we're going to introduce booleans so what is a Boolean remember a Boolean refers to a value that is either true or false remember Boolean is one of our primitive types from earlier so booleans are named after George bull so let's meet George bull that's you greeting George Bull and George bull was an English porn mathematician philosopher and logician so what does a Boolean look like well right here I have some code that declares a Boolean named is student sets it equal to true and then prints out the value of that Boolean so let's go into our code editor and write some Boolean okay so let's declare a Boolean called is student and set it equal to true and then we can print out the value that [Music] Boolean so when we run this code we'll see that is student is true change the value to false and it runs so one important thing about the way that we name booleans is we name them like their questions just like we did with conditional methods in Carol so is student is either true or false now it's your turn to use booleans