Changing Your Life Through Meditation

Jul 22, 2024

Changing Your Life Through Meditation

Effects of Morning Thoughts

  • Most people think about their problems tied to memories & emotions when they wake up.
  • This thought pattern is like an old tape recording, playing the same memories over and over.
  • Your brain is a record of the past; thinking about problems puts you in a past mindset.
  • Recalling memories of problems brings negative emotions (unhappiness, sadness, pain).

State of Being

  • How you think and feel creates your state of being and character.
  • Living in the past ensures the past becomes your future.
  • Example: Consistent anger from past events can become part of your character.
  • Thoughts influence destiny; thinking in the past recreates an undesirable life.

Daily Routine & Subconscious Programming

  • Typical routine: checking phone, same behaviors, same routes, same emotional triggers.
  • Routine turns into subconscious programming, ruling your actions.
  • By age 35, 95% of who we are is a set of memorized behaviors, emotional reactions, unconscious habits, hardwired attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions.
  • Conscious desires (e.g., wanting to be happy) often fail against the subconscious.

Making Changes

  • Need to get beyond the analytical mind (separates conscious & subconscious minds).
  • Meditation helps change brain waves, allowing access to the subconscious.
  • Most people wait for crises to change; Joe Dispenza suggests changing in joy and inspiration.

Living in Survival Mode

  • Many live in stress, anticipating the worst due to past experiences.
  • Negative thinking patterns recreate negative emotional states and experiences.
  • Body and mind are conditioned to negative emotions and survival mode.

The Unknown & Meditation

  • Body resists change, prefers familiar negative states.
  • Meditation helps enter the unknown, essential for creating a future.
  • Imagining and emotionally feeling the desired future helps rewire the brain.
  • The brain doesn’t distinguish between real and imagined experiences.
  • Meditation changes the brain from a record of the past to a map for the future.

Emotions & Thoughts

  • Thoughts are the brain's language; feelings are the body's language.
  • Emotions signal the body about thoughts; crucial for creating the future.
  • You don’t need to wait for external changes to feel differently (success, wealth, love).
  • Feeling emotions of the desired future starts creating that future.

Meditation & Awareness

  • Thoughts don’t have inherent truth; most routine thoughts are repetitive.
  • Meditation helps become aware of how you think, act, and feel.
  • Familiarize with old thoughts/emotions to prevent them from influencing you.

Creating a New Self

  • Like gardening, you need to remove the old to plant the new.
  • Training the body to meditate is challenging; it's like training a wild animal.
  • Consistently bringing the body back to the present moment disciplines it.
  • Over time, the body surrenders to the new program initiated by the mind.

Liberation & Consistency

  • Liberation of energy occurs when the body acknowledges the mind’s control.
  • Consistent practice leads to noticeable changes in life within seven days.
  • Persisting in this practice transforms the future reality into the current reality.