Transcript for:
Building and Pursuing Greatness

there's women out there that that want greatness for themselves and they want to be with a great man don't don't lie to them that you want greatness for yourself right because they wasting their time with you and they could be helping a great man Joe Biden's son has finally been convicted of gun charges that that go-getter mentality ain't in everybody seen the good brother b b just went to court last week oh yeah when he was crying um yeah he he actually got on the stand you know and start crying but I'm going to give yall the back story right quick and I just want everybody to be honest with themselves I think that's just really what it comes down to push past those feelings and he think about his vision he think about his will his plan his ideas and [ __ ] he ex that's man if it's a problem it's a solution that's not acceptable for men to do I'm building I'm writing down my goals and I'm executing I'm on my mission tunnel vision I like the setting of man of man man this is like a a safe space to just speak freely upon everything we talk like men to to God peace to the God what's happening man what's happening with you man how you doing good to see you man I'm good back you know what I'm saying arms out yeah you know I mean no she leave Summers we' been back in the jam y I ain't going to lie I done got up a couple times this week when went you know no he did twice literally I did he said a couple times he mean like I ain't a couple for I only laugh to police and judges first of all so yeah I did tell the truth but anyway how was your um you know the last couple of days man you know I've been out of commission oh yeah you was blind for the for a few couple days tell the people about that man listen you know first of all it's been busy you know I don't know if we talked about this last time like what it what does it take to live your 100% life um and you know today been like a super productive day right they had like five six cars closed all of the Cs all of it successful um I Heard a man talking about like you know there's a lot of people who sell but not a lot of people who close and I I think about that I'm like you say okay let's say uh take this shirt for instance right yeah you like the shirt right that's that's your style right you see yourself wearing it right if I get three s is close and I've been kind of taking that approach with when I'm talking to people like let's close a deal and move forward on it um and let me know and the way I've been approaching it is like really asking people what do you want out of itz I don't want to close on what I want like what is your ideal deal how do you feel like it a of you right like how can you get the most value like I even took uh a smaller percentage on the deal today specifically for that reason because I felt like you know um you're going to be more incentivized if I give you more points on the deal and I'm not greedy like I want it to work right for the purpose of the impact and making it work and of course it got to make Financial sense but you know I just been really following up and following through and getting things done and learning how to work uh when my energy is high right um and and and understanding how to cultivate that and that's why I tell people when you going for your 100% you have to focus on your body first right because your body is the vehicle that's going to get you know all your ideas out and all your goals out so this week has really been a very productive week for me right working out ment uh mentally physically and then like executing things on a business front So when you say that right cuz you know it's mental health month for men you will put physical physical body Health above mental health cuz I feel like I feel like your mental Heth got to go first they they correlated the same right cuz the physical is going to help you mentally right um there's something called the glymphatic system right your glymphatic system right a talking about flushing out the neurotoxins in your brain so if you don't get enough sleep you going to wake up foggy brain right um and sleep is not what's activating that climatic system it's going to be like working out being active so movement is necessary and also like for a person that's like depressed go work out right there has been studies that shown that you know active exercise and working out at least 30 minutes to an hour a day actually help right relieve those symptoms of so-called depression um which for me it's a lack of movement it's a lack of activity it's a lack of motion so you know it also keeps your brain more focused right it helps your blood circulate right it has all of these very beneficial and positive things that come along with working out daily challenge yourself daily I can agree to that cuz I ain't going to lie y'all when I work out I have better days like waking up making my bed I have a like a clear day every time I make my and I've been practicing that lately right like for sure for sure making my bed before I do anything and leave out the house I've been doing that and I've been having like straight like everything been flowing now so it's like what's why why wouldn't you want to and and here's the the important thing about working out is doing it when you don't want to I think that's the the best workouts is when you don't want to because I've had plenty of days I just don't want to go for whatever reason it's just everything is telling me f that gym and then those are the days I'm like I needed the most because that's when I work the most things out right I'm working my mindset more than anything than my body my body is fully capable right the capabilities of my body yesterday and today did not change right but it's my mind that's telling me this enough and I'm stretching my mind right to let it know like no I'm changing the Baseline I can do more so I'm going in there right so now it becomes easier for me to handle the next time so when I go and have them workouts where I really don't feel like doing it at all I'll be by myself and it's like bro you really about to go in here and stress yourself and test yourself to the Limit and it's like yeah and it happens when all right I'm about to do do one more and then I'm like come on man you got another one that one was too easy then you start trying to trick yourself saying that was enough and it's like bro that wasn't go to success right cuz I always say don't go to failure go to success so when I go to success and it's like all right I've put my body under stress that forces it to grow it's the same thing when you put your mind under stress and challenge it forces you to grow and now you can handle more why you always get on a stair Master when we go to the gym on stair Master shout out to my brother the Wall Street Trapper um I was talking with my good brother Wall Street Trapper he was talking to me about the Atlanta stair Masters um and I was telling you know we when we work out and shout out to you know all the people who stair Master because I you know I think you know utilizing the steps and you know what y'all doing Pilates and what's the Billy Blanks workouts you know what I'm saying shout out to the Billy Blank the Tabo Champs out there you know for everybody to do those kind of workouts that's good it's good to add it too right cardio is very important right now now relax you went too far no jumping rope is necessary that's boxing stuff now you giving you giving credit with credit a now you're going too far so anyway the the cardio is necessary you feel me but if you going to have and and I'm talking about the 60-day challenge I seen Wall Street trapping 500 the rest of them like if you going to have a challenge it's it's really a Warrior Man challenge right it's not just about we don't want to see you just you know I mean doing Tabo you feel me we don't want to see you just doing Pilates you know I mean we don't want just want to see the stair Master champions We want to see that Warrior strength right you can you can be out running hit the waist do the pullup do the calisthenics Right add that on top of everything else right I think when you you you you're trying to skip the the the stress right because you get a runner's high when you run so that becomes a little easier for a lot of people they love doing that you get that run is high but like that weight it's really no matter how many times you pick up that weight it's going to be heavy right no matter how buff you are it's still going to be tough and it's like going in there like I like what Michael she says going in there and purposely putting yourself right under stress right for the purpose of growth that's real manhood so in in this era this is what I want to see more a bigger gym culture in a black community um there's a huge gym culture out there right I've SE so many different dope trainers and things of that nature and people out there really teaching I want to see that gym culture and that active culture grow right in the high level club we got the high club we got the uh bonfires right we G to have the the uh the sound healing the sound baths right it's going to be some marathons going on I want to see more of that active culture be outside right get in motion move because as we talk about mental health we're talking about brain health and if you're talking about your brain health you're going to need to be active right same thing as you getting older I know some people as they old the way that they that their T themir is go age a little faster than some people right because the stress that they under their you know um their their their brain is going to go through that degenerative process quicker right than some people they're going to lose that memory right that that mental sharpness that ability to retain information quicker and you know whether it's the physical working out and then it's the mental of life reading and that's why we got the book club that's a whole another level as well and then I'm asking people like why haven't you started your financial journey of like investing and so it's easy for me to take a person through like the physical right and the mental and like the spiritual routs and when you clear all of that blockage out the way everything that's left next is to do the things that build up your life right so financially we we can now start talking about how we're going to you know um give you a financial plan and set up your Banking and your credit and your trust and all of those other different areas in life that you're going to need and you know dollar cost averag and putting away a certain amount of money every single month you know so that when you hear news about the stock market it benefits you so you actually care about it but I think that there's challenges in front of people today from a mental and a physical level that they're not getting over and then it's the opposite of people who start from the financial incentive and now physically right that's where they need to start because they got this money but no energy they tired they're overweight and they have to get into those zic Olympics to try to catch up now something that happened over the um past weekend that I want to bring you know to everybody attention we end up doing a bonfire yeah and we did a ritual what not to where everybody who was at the bonfire had to write down they goals whether it was mental physical spiritual and financially and the whole purpose of writing these goals down was you know we at the six month Mark of the year you know the year halfway over and it was just basically putting you back in the mind frame of what you need to get done for the remainder of the year you know and when I say I needed that again because you know sometimes we can be be so busy and get distracted and put our attention toward other things when we might lose focus of the things that are important and I want to ask you a question what you learned from that and I was talking it's it's an immersive experience like you know having a world that's like a like you got to think about world designing right how you design your world right that is reinforcing and reminding you of your journey in life right that is affirming that journey in life because the phone can be the the thing that helps you manifest or the thing that distracts you the most are the calls that you receive are they talking and giving you information resources education guidance inspiration towards right your journey of success right your journey of goals and things of that nature or is it information completely opposite of what you want to be focused on so every time you get a call you got to audit that like nope that's not have anything to do with my ideas goals and journey people sharing information right yeah articles news scientific research testimonials podcasts YouTube videos whatever that has something to do with my goals and journey so it's like first it's like you infecting the people around you with all of your ideas so that when they talking to you they understand that these are my interest I know you probably want to call gossip talk about things that's going crazy in the world but I'm going tell you the only things that I'm interested in so that if you call me I know that it has to be in line with what I have going on and what I'm doing because otherwise you know I'm not interested and so it's like you are World building in the sense that the people that you have you you're helping them become greater influences on you to help you along that journey and so when I'm sitting down at the bonfire you know at one of the rituals was write down you know uh a goal in like the four areas you know mental physical Financial spiritual and then before you throw it in the fire remember it so that it's on your head right like I want you to like really think about it reflect on it that contemplation is important spend some time contemplating and reflecting on it right and then the last piece that I had everybody do was what is your why right why is it because a lot of people have these goals but they can't tell you immediately why and a why is why you're going to stick to it right and so that's going to make it stick in your head that hey I forgot what the goal is but I remember what the why was and the why G keep you going and so once you had it I said once you have that memorized now put that in the fire right because now you don't need the paper is in you it's not on you and so the idea was can you get your mind currently fixated on your ideas and goals that is at the Forefront of your focus because if the your ideas and your goals aren't then what is and that's what you're producing that's the reality that you know your life is ultimately going to go down this this Rabbit Hole of you know what's on your mind what's on your emotions what's on your feelings and so we got so much unnecessary things and we be wondering why is this the world I'm building well that's what's on your mind that's what's actually on your heart subconsciously this is what you're trying to put on your mind but this is the life that you're actually manifesting because this is what you're actually thinking about yeah and so you can't trick your mind in the sense that just because you say something that's what you believe that's not how it works so we're fast vibrating molecules of frequency and so whatever is on our subconscious frequency right whatever is on our emotional frequency is what we're emitting right not on your thinking frequency so you have to impregnate yourself right with those ideas so that's what you're giving birth to and a lot of people they they they they on the Forefront of their mind is negativity is Devastation it's it's fear it's anxiety it's worry it's doubt it's abandonment it's issues it's trauma it's all of these things and you be like why is this the world I'm manifesting you are success your mind is working you're just successfully producing the life that is on your emotional and subconscious frequency and you want to have the thoughts that is on your conscious mind that you're trying to embed to be the reality that you're producing I ran into Michael Beckwith of the secret and that's what they talked about in that that movie a lot you know it's like whatever's on your mind you're going to produce but go whatever in your emotions you emit it goes back to them phone conversation Idol conversations too cuz you can like you said you can be focused and getting all your [ __ ] done but people are project what they thinking on you bro think about like a dream I'm tell my people right now don't put me down as an emergency contact man please though put me put me down as a as an investment contact a celebration contact you know what I'm saying like you just got me in oh if it go down call Keys No if you go up call Keys you know what I'm talking about fast always call me problems and I to make your day dark and then then they get mad when you just when you got to break it down and explain it to them like this put my emotion people be wondering why you dream such crazy stuff what is your intake throughout the day you know I mean I think dreams are perfect representation of like why our lives become what they are or we be having crazy dreams and we be like why is that what did you intake right because we think about food if we have if you got diarrhea if you got constipation if you got some sort of issue with your bowel movement right you going to know why because you going to think about the food that you've been eating that previous week right but when we think about our mental diets we why all this crazy stuff on our mind what have you been intaking over the last week what's on your mind right and so our dreams become this amalgamation of all of these things that's on our heart mind Spirit soul and it start playing out and he like oh I said why dreamed that cuz I watched this show or oh they called me about that bro just told me about something crazy that happened last week now that's in my dream so it's like you got to understand that you we we literally are these these machines like manifest realities right from internal and external dimensions and you have to be careful what you put in yourself because you're going to be producing that thought in one way or another whether it's just your internal world right and if you have enough power then you're going to create an external force that becomes that reality as well is it ever okay to inake some of those things every blue moon like for an example I call myself I haven't watched a horror film in like years so I sat down last week and I actually sat down and watched that new um TV show entitled them uhuh and it was good it had me watching it because I'm like damn I ain't seen no movie that was actually like a little scary a little cringy in a long time and what's your thoughts about that like is it is it okay for for it to be entertainment sometimes it's it's tough to say because the technical answer is like they say just one sip of alcohol is bad for you right so you got to kind of look at like that like it's kind of like you taking a shot you know what I'm saying it's not good for you you feel me regardless of how you slice it it's not it's not good for you because it's literally meant to cause stress and Trauma in your life it's literally meant to induce fear so anything that's meant to induce fear in you is not good right it's like there's no way you can that nobody can explain why alcohol is good because it's not meant to be good for you it's meant to take you out of control and out of your spirit and lower your interventions right there's there's not a positive effect to it so you know it's it's it's it's it's all things in moderation right as you consider to pick your poisons but you can't never look at it as a a healthy habit right so I I I feel like even though we do it I think the better way to look at it is it's like it's liquor you know what I mean it's alcohol right it's still poison that I'm intaking I just feel like I can handle a little bit of poison yeah so I me on the way here to the shop we was um um you know ring up here you was like man I can control my phone with my mind so he like click tell me which app to click on no so I'm telling them you know it ain't work you know what I'm saying it I mean it it barely worked but I can prove it come on let's talk about these um new um Apple updates man you know all right what's your best update that they did so I got two phones and I use one of them to do the update to check it out U the iOS 18 I wouldn't say the best because it's not a full update yet it's a beta update right um so it's not your mind you controlling it with your eyes right so you controling with I knew he was camping your eyes I wouldn't sign up for nothing like that you feel me but it's your eyes that you can control it I think that's an unnecessary feature for the most part um you know there's going to be application for it for some people disabled people and things of that nature you know but especially where the software is right now I think the eye tracking is not that good and you know it's just too many complications in it but um they got that one you can do voice control as well um the sir is updated to where it can create actions within your phone so I can tell Siri go go look up this email and it will do it right you can tell it to open different apps and pursue actions that's going to be the long term I think there's a danger in this old thing now um because the Apple intelligence can be in iOS 18 and I think by the time we get to iOS 19 right I think it's game over like 100% this is their introduction with their iOS system by the time we get to iOS 19 which is ai19 right is is going to be like global domination and Apple has you know billions of users right um amongst all of these devices and they're now about to get access to all of your information to so-called Le the way they say it is to be able to create a custom AI personalized AI on device now they claim that this is not you know taking your data right um it's using your data that's on your phone on the local server of your phone so on device and they claim that it's safe to where this information right cannot be siphoned by anybody else so because they saying it's not collecting your data basically you know we know that this well I just know that Apple doesn't have a a strong honest relationship with the consumers right as far as them being honest they were stopping iPhones from working right because they wanted more people to update they wanted people to buy new phones and they got sued for that right so Apple's going through lawsuits and anti- monopolies and a multitude of different things and Elon Musk right was like yo I'mma ban these phones if they do that because you got to understand like what kind of map that gives you it gives you access essentially to all the information of all of these different companies how the employees operate how they move the algorithms of their movement right um you're going to be able to query and utilize that information in ways to where you can tell things about people patterns so much stuff that if they were to utilize that data collect it and sell it right that's extremely dangerous but let's say it's just powerful just Apple just think about Apple having that that they're not selling it to nobody else but they're using it like what kind of what kind of machine could they create because we know that open AI is spending you know billions of dollars to create a super AGI right um that's going to require multiple nuclear facilities to power and they're partner with Apple so you looking at open Ai and apple and once they have a machine like that that can take all of that data right they may and you talking about these Quantum machines they may not need to collect data in the conven way that we think of it right they may be able to use data in some way that we don't even know in a way that they can pattern map things and I think that gives them too much control over society and I don't think AI regulation is going to catch up to the capabilities until you know maybe when people trying to create their own AI then they going to regulate it but these AIS have already been trained on public data to where they have already built their machines so it's like hey change the law after right we collect and build our megga lied God machines then change the law so nobody else can do it and that's that's not like the only way that data is actually being collected when it comes to your personal data I seen a um I made a news clip the other day that shows your vehicle takes your personal data oh yeah that's crazy so for Beyond just tracking your location they can they know your gestures they know your your sexual orientation your phone conversations everything and you sign them in the fine print when you buy the cars you know they got the sensors on the with the microphones and all of that so you just got to be careful out here living in this AI World cuz um ain't nothing off limits no more you know so another news right this let's get let's get in a little bit political news Joe Biden's son has finally being convicted of gun charges you know of course um Joe Biden says he gonna let his son go to jail if that's what he got to do you know how you feel about this I mean I mean I think that's part of the political warfare that's going on between um his son is a is is collateral for this if I was a president I would part my son you know what I'm saying I'm just I mean I just always thought about when I was younger If I Was President what I would do I partner all the homies all the dogs yeah I go full Donald Trump on him like I'm partnering everybody you feel me might be salm mates with Donald Trump know the question I think somebody asked like with Donald Trump part and I heard Brad pel talking about how it's the it's the the sins of the father karmic cycle coming on the sun right which can definitely be true in this case you know I think it's a it's a political war it's funny I've been seeing pli becoming political commentator for and shield for the Democrats heavily uh but you know it's it's one of those things where it's just a political war right I don't like to have too many takes on a political war because I don't like I'm going be honest I'm just one of the people I don't like jail I don't like see people go to jail no matter what it is so I don't know how to celebrate a man's downfall in that capacity but in a sense to where this a political war and political chess I seen that move already happening and I feel like he had to be a sacrifice so that the Democrats can seem equal across the board right um but especially if them after they've been going after Donald Trump heavily theyve been figuring out any and every way they can so for them to uh the the hunter Bing laptop thing had became a huge thing you know he was smoking crack hookers he had he was doing deals with Russia all kind of crazy stuff you feel me so I think it's just it's another day in America to where you know crackhead goes to jail I don't think it's nothing crazy but now speaking of you not you know being the advocate of seeing people go to jail and I and I don't mean that I like got some sympathy for the guy nothing like that nature I just don't have my heart to see the prison system be fed with more people and they ain't got nothing to do with hund B whatsoever right fact it's just I really think about the black experience when I'm talking about these things it's just when I think about the prison system I just seen my brother out there in Philly he was like man Philadelphia would take $50,000 per citizen right per year for you know jail sales as far as they budget but they only putting 10 to 11,000 towards education so that lets you know that you know they building out these prisons and they would rather you go to goddamn prison get educated and get free prison monetizes off human misery man I think we sit out and had this talk last week but I'm bring I wanted to bring up this topic because in the news I had seen the good brother BN B just went to court last week oh yeah when he was crying um yeah he he actually got on the stand you know and start crying but I'm going give y'all the backstory right quick five years ago someone tried to forced their way inside his home and he was upstairs at the time and his wife opened the door the the guy forced his way in the house I think he was about 17 at the time and he held her at gunpoint and went in the garage to try to steal her car he was I think yeah he was he was definitely young little teenage little young dude at the time and he um stole the car but by this time he get by by the time he made it in the garage and into the court Bun B came downstairs and actually shot the guy the guy end up getting away but got caught so fast forward five years they finally go to trial and Bun B actually got on the stand you know and told his side of the story say his wife is real traumatized haven't been the same haven't been back to that house since and he start crying like he gave a jury tears and they convicted the young guy 40 years in prison they gave him 40 years now a lot of people in the comment sections were saying like [ __ ] he's not in the streets anymore and he he changed his life around he don't have to live by the street code and all I was thinking was what PMC say you know cuz like me personally I I feel like you shot the guy already you know I'm saying like come on man like if anything try to talk to the young guy you know I'm saying or send him some resources to get his mind right you know because we know a lot of these guys that age they only learn from the [ __ ] that we done that we told them right UGK music used to be drug dealing music or pimp ho culture you know all of that you know so I feel like bro you got to use your platform and your voice to like guide these young men but you just took another 40 years away from the young man you know I agree I agree you know um I mean like you said you you talked about the you know that wasn't true they they used to no they used to rap about you know I had the the uh conversation with buun b and um Tesla and figuro yeah I was I was that yeah um CU he opened up the burger shop and everything everybody's coming through the burger shop and I I remember actually I got to I got to pull a clip but I was just explaining how you know it's our respons ability right to to usher in a new culture with this whole thing and part of that new culture I think would have been cuz I don't think that's not it wasn't that much cultural value right seeing him cry on on the stand and you know the conversation was about whether he snitched or not but the culture of value could have been about you know forgiveness and him creating an opportunity right to see that young man out in the streets um because you know how it goes down in Texas you know how it goes down in Houston you feel me when like you said when you when you make music that's degrading you make music that's pimping music You Feel Me gangster music you feel me Mob music if you will me um and then there's a generation that got that same mentality you feel me like part of that you got to have some sort of empathy right for that generation that was raised on your music quite frankly raised from that culture right so it's like there's a certain time where people that's in the streets man they do something dumb you go rob somebody feel me it just happened to be his house and where he's a changed man in the future but I think it was a missed opportunity to to have a message there that wasn't the only the only thing became a debate was whether he's in the streets and whether you retire old and whether that code still matters to you and whether you snitching or not but I think that um and I didn't hear the full testimonial so maybe he did I don't know that was just the only part that what became viral but I think that man when we think about these young cat that's in the streets now nowadays man the unfortunate thing about life is that when you make that one mistake and nobody care and your life is gone after that cuz that's the question do you think that young light man life should be done for right because he made one mistake uh and and I can't come to that conclusion because I made a lot of dumb mistakes in life and sometimes you just don't get caught for them right and you get another opportunity so I'm big on Second Chances right I don't know the circumstances around that young man right um I don't know trauma that bun be has been going through his life over the last 10 years and what really came up and all the particulars around that but it's just hard for me not to have empathy for young black men especially during mental health matters M you know I mean seeing young seeing bun be cry that's trauma right uh but then seeing a young seeing that young man get 40 years right I don't think he deserved 40 years whatsoever I think that our prisons are not a place for rehabilitation right so you know if we're not rehabilit that life then I think that's an unusual punishment for the crime you know um the man was caught he was shot you know what I'm saying he he he he got caught up and I feel like we should have places to where we can restore our communities not throw away our young men yeah cuz man was crazy like they should allow the N they should allow them brothers to to join the Nation of Islam right as a a source of Rehabilitation and the nation Islam she get funding right to because it has been the greatest Rehabilitation for the streets right in the history of America and if America and the rappers and the culture right um got behind that vehicle as a place where these young men can go and get their mind right and shine up and get some knowledge s we will see the Black America change cuz it's like it's hard trying to I know it's hard trying to like tell the youngest to like stop the cycle you know cuz we used to be in it and they look up to it I had a talk with um with li block today he called me from the fed and he was telling me that his little brother is on House of res now and you remember young son the little little kid now he's 18 and he's on house arrest getting caught with a switch or a gun or something you know and I had he was actually on a three-way and I had to explain to him I'm like bro I I literally told him I said you want a life sentence you want to go to jail for life well keep doing the stupid [ __ ] that you doing I had to break it down to him like that all your brothers in jail facing and you steady putting your mama through the stress got to steady pay for cases and help y'all out like we just got to break that and just get a people guidance cuz [ __ ] at the end of the day just telling on somebody sending them to the jail that ain't going to change like you said we got to actually get them the sources the resources yeah that's what I said I said I remember I gave him all the toys I remember his mama used to play ratat to she used to play that movie ratat to every single day every single day that boy had to had that movie memorized yeah but it's it's it's just sad though bro like just watching your childhood friends especially like when when you like trying to be the example to show them like it's an alternative way then to just run the streets and they still fall victim to it it's like it's like damn I mean you know that's that's one of the things is like getting the like if if if I had the unlimited funding on the president and this why I was telling RFK I'm like bro you I don't expect you to have a deep awareness and understanding on how to change Black America one thing if if if like the president's job I was talking to Kenan about this like your job is to create opportunities right and our job is to take advantage of the opportunity that's provided but in the sense of how can you create the most impact in the black community is by giving the resources to people that's already leading and creating an impact right the this connection between funding and the Grassroots is horrible and there's this bisi control of the funds that's close to the money that never get to the surface so there's never the impact we see we see which I think are U good intention celebrities and things of that nature right that do philanthropy that have these campaigns but we should see more change that comes from this money you announce 100 million $200 million fund something crazy and it's like we don't see enough stories that come from this money so it's like either the the the sources that they're given to is so disconnected from creating real impact they don't know how or they're spending money on researching and trying to figure out how right or they're allocating it to something that where they throw a big number at us but that money doesn't actually really get allocated at least not you know uh in a in a Time span that matters it may be a 30 40y year allocation right of a few hundred million dollars as the problem continues to stack up and gets more expensive but we just don't see proper allocation of funds to Grassroots to create real impact and if I had my way I would just have a task force that identify Grassroots only right and focus on giving funds right to the people who already are doing and creating the most impact but need to scale their operations you make everybody wear crowns they ain't got work crowns they ain't got work crowns they ain't got to wear they a't got work crowns only if they want that God body representation they want to step outside with the highest flyest cosmology of style ever known and man then yeah they can wear them if you're going to jump into Crown Society you're saying that I represent power I represent knowledge of self steing in the name ofp get ready with steing in the name ready I wear the crown to just symbolize like I know who I am I know why I'm here I know my purpose it's abundance it's royalty it's prosperity it's energy in I got to wi with my head hell High because you got to see this and you got to see this I believe that if anybody wants to be able to protect their mind and be able to think freely you got to get Crown societ [Music] pesx ER but I think um you know Dr Nori Muhammad has said something powerful he said the most powerful thing is a madeup mind and I just feel feel like you got to have your mind made up when you ready to get your [ __ ] together and just stand on the B business cuz it it's really it's really easy bro once you get into the routine of changing your life like I it become a routine it become a new habit it becomes a new system you know so you got to make your mind up unless you want to keep falling victim to the same Cycles cuz we already know the outcome of that you know um let's shift it again I know you've been doing a lot of traveling you know where the whole team like you know we be traveling a lot of what not so today I just seen that they finally made it possible for you to use your ID on your phone a digital ID instead of you know you know you lose your ID a lot I know I do but it it's only in nine states right now you know but you can scan your phone now you and show them your um physical ID now what you think about that man that cuz I feel like when it I mean that's common sense that they should have been that way give you digital tickets America systems are old bro like it's nowhere near caught up to our Tech to to modern technology iCal advancement right it's supposed to make it's supposed to make everything more convenient right you got to like America is old if you want to see new technological Advanced systems go look at Japan go look at Korea right go go go into the Eastern world and you're going to see advancement go to Dubai right and all these different places America is not that space the DMV is still old as hell right like for real like it's been the same since I was a child there's no reason you should have to be going through that system and something that they forcing people to get right um I'm not even going to go into the driver license versus traveling and whole thing that goes into that but when we talking about being able to travel somewhere right if if if it's not a commercial reason you shouldn't need a driver license in the first place you should be able to travel right through America um no just travel right as your right you feel me so but the idea that if you don't have a physical copy of something or there or you know this this license because that's what it is it's a license right um to do Commerce and business on the interstate you feel me you know basically like you're traveling with goods and if that license expir then you can't but it's like I'm not doing no business so why does me having an expired license matter I'm a human being that wants to travel you know what I'm saying like how is that not a govern human right so for me the idea of it is is is false in the first place even the whole like process of getting another IDE man you got to have a piece of mail and come on man take the damn picture none of it matters you know what I mean and that's that that goes into like really understanding the way America Works understanding how law works right and that's something that you know we have private conversations in a high level club for people that want to get you know go into that later but the real question is who let you get your license though who was the officer bro I taught you how to drive stop it bro you know with keys D you got to put three seat belts let's let's do this how many who who you think has had the more accidents me all right then but I don't want to hear nothing else I got every car fixed that same week show that ain't got nothing to do and they was no crazy accidents and some of them wen't even my fault you know you crash into a funeral I drive more than you too I did what he crashed into a funeral home like I wasn't driving I was on the passenger side but look that was that's a true story we real talk we hit a tombstone um building and you know of course I got out you on your own dver but anyway the tombstone place they was like [ __ ] y'all actually helped us out cuz we was going to knock the building down anyway allegedly allegedly but listen though but I can drive defit can drive better than you Bro you've been in too many accidents to I am a th% keeping it real you think you can drive better than me I know I can a man he's capping have you have you ever been in the court with key Drive n he you been in the car me driving before yeah I can drive St you can't drive either bro I know I didn't know how to drive prior to me having contacts but now I can see I definitely don't trust contact drivers I can see everything I drive like I'm on the run I think the safest driver I know is my father man he 80 but he always drove like that speed limit you would think I used to think like a gangster like he he supposed to drive mob that man drive like Daisy I do dve like I'm on the run cuz in St Louis you know like we got a culture like at the time but now I'm now I pull off because I got my license and [ __ ] and I'm always legit but back in the day why nobody stopping for the police like for real that's just how we grew up but you still can't drive though bro you've been in too many accidents to be a good driver but yeah Harvard scientists said they discovered um aliens on our Earth they said they live they got that from Dr West they say aliens live inside the moon or underground hold on hold on no no no we going to go to crypto terrestrial yeah crypto terrestrials yeah right they laid it out this is something that's in the book Chariots of the black Gods the UFO reality and alien hoax by Dr Wesley Muhammad he was the person that laid that out 100% they are just taking the story and the information and that's their whole study right it's the black Gods up there so they watch high level conversations in 100% bro it's the charot of the black God the Bro relay everything out they saying that Harvard Professor AV Lo says that aliens may be creating univers including our own and Labs because they have Godlike intelligence right and you know they they're basically saying that this is a a plausible you know study for them to go based on all of the uaps UFOs whatever um that have been cited in the technology that it be required now Dr Wesley laid it out to where he talked about the crypto terrestrials he talked about you know their Advanced technological capabilities under see right um and the extraterrestrials the ones that's from different planets and how these are humanoids as we call them aliens meaning they not from here but when most people think about it they think reptilians but these are humanoids these are human beings right melanated human beings from different planets so the brother lays it out clearly right he gives you the evidence and Harvard and all these other places all they really doing is just copying the sence of the black gu so shout out to my brother Dr Wesley part two coming soon I definitely believe it though because I remember when I first met Billy Carson you know and he he talked about this before so I can bring it up I actually asked him like how did he get into his studies and this was after y'all had filmed high level conversations we had went out to dinner and all of that you know just you know just pay respect for him coming on the episode and I was asking him and he told me like [ __ ] he basically got abducted but his energy was giving me extraterrestrial Vibes in like real life so I believe like it's like something he might be on or something you know like I actually believe it though and I and I think it's some far more far um far beyond just humans on this Earth You know no I mean they humans I think why why why we so disrespectful to humens why why why does something to be Advance extraterrestrial has to be like humans are the greatest in the universe of all universes that we ever go get right like there's nothing past us we the gods the center of the universe yeah everything revolves around earth we the center of the universe we the greatest life out there that is and the most destructive at the same time humans play God that's what we do that's all we do all day long we create ideas from our mind we imagine things come up with it we build Quantum machines computers flying Creations we've been doing this since eons of time we have no beginning nor ending right and it's always been that way we the gods and if you don't want to believe it that's on you you can throw any book you can go any problem you can you can justify it through however you want to but you know it innately when you sit down with your human self and you think about the power of your own mind you know that that's God right the the God is only conceived in the mind of a human being right like understand that now do you want to um go with those horv Sciences to go find out if there's extraterrestrial no I'm not doing that I'm not going up there I'm not talking I'm not doing all that why not man because I'm not I'm first of all I'm not traveling with no white people to the Moon I've seen nothing but bad movies about this nothing not one single movie has ever ended well submarine [ __ ] we not going I'm not going under underwater I grew up watching all them underwater movies what's what's what's it some good ones like the sphere I think one was called I don't even know how to swim it was a bunch of well you not going swim in deep water I'm just saying like I just know me personally the I'm not going in I'm not going no deep underwater not with white people if black if black people make it I'm going like if we because I know if we make something that Advance it's gonna be like next level you know what I'm saying super advanced technology I'm rocking with it if the mother ship pick me up and be like bro you trying to take a trip to Middle Earth let's go but I'm not going cuz white people that a't got this stuff figured out they just be testing stuff you know what I'm saying they be sending rockers that just be exploding every single day just wasting money so you you really think I'm going go up there hell no they ain't got this figured out people do crazy I seen the um this ain't got nothing to do with this but I seen some Sky some um what you call it people that dive in the water the skydivers that's what I but they went under water and whatnot and they found 25 kilos of cocaine and turned it in to the police and it was valued at a million dollars say black people would have kept there I would have did the same thing I know you would have turned it in for real yeah I would turned it in to a drug about Salon what you would have did though you would have turned it in no I wouldn't have turned it in I wouldn't have turned it in because I feel like they would have tried to like they tried to arrest me like they making a bust on my way there it's the thing black people can't call it cuz you could have had a bench one more D tring to call if anything I'm if anything I'mma just leave it alone I can't first of all I don't I don't sell drugs I don't have no connect to sell that kind of drugs and I'm definitely not about to be moving it so what I'mma do with it and I'm not about to be making a phone call to ping my sell there so they know I was around when they G try to track who it is I'm leaving it and I'm moving about my day yeah ideally it sounds I'mma do this BR you go get caught I bleed the you go get caught everybody think they smart until they get caught you now you going to be trying to explain how it's not yours I ain't going to lie bro this and then a cartel coming after you taking be dealing with um with crackheads and all of that [ __ ] no more like it's like no I probably left it too bro yeah I mean cuz when you you this the thing about life like when you think through stuff yeah now like you realize logistically you can't handle that yeah I ain't got like where how you going to hand first of all I don't even want to leaving the beach and all that and getting pulled over and then you know cuz that's it's the same question saying do you want to drive with all of them drugs in your trunk of your car and is it worth the time that you would get then afterwards now you got to go now you got to become St Franklin okay I just would have took [Laughter] one hell no I'm cool I'm going to tell you how you can make some money off of it so what you do is you come across it you can turn it in right right but you Vlog the whole thing you Vlog the whole entire thing put it on YouTube bro you going to get paid yeah you know what I'm saying oh I just found this boom you know the iage you sitting there trying to figure it out you do like a a Tissa Issa story where it's like 40 Parts man you go get paid now you selling your story now you everywhere I'm just go make some fake you got to learn how to hey that's the God go make some fake ones and then do that that's the god mind man you got to learn this is what creativity is you got to be able to use your mind see you would have went a person looks at this is like abstract thinking you look at it what can I do with this oh s go to do dangerous nah fool we in 20124 the opportunities are more now Vlog this people will watch this if you want to turn it in that's fine right now make it a documentary what they going to say how come you vlogged this and got make content before you turned it in because I wanted to make money cuz I don't sell drugs but I can make money off turning into drugs you know what I'm saying theud life no but it's all documented yeah there's no law that says you have to immediately call the police yeah that's great I could take an hour or two to Vlog and and talk through my process you know what I'm saying it's documented all on camera so you know the evidence going to be turned in so it's good the EV I'm blast the evidence all on social media now you got to deal with somebody going to come after you for turn like this that's the fool that that's the fool that turned it in now they gonna come after you for the money you made on the content to get the money back for the drug loss oh you got a lot to think about is all I'm saying it's a lot to think about but but use your brain man use your mind man it's is is there's so many more routes to success and wealth today and the hood routes are the lowest of thinking because first of all it's not a single thing original a million people have got caught before you right so it actually makes it the dumbest route because it's a route that is full of failure right and nobody wins in that route so you got to think abstract think differently how do you command your reality in a different way to where you can still be successful and I think like as we laughing that's an important piece of understanding coming from the streets right how like there's there's people that's in the hood right now there one thing I respect about like La they've been really turning like you know and unfortunately some of this stuff don't just stay on social media turn to Street politics but they have learned to take some of that lifestyle right that intrigues people that Hollywood has always glamorized and they say how about we document that ourselves and monetize it right and get paid off that and there's so many people that have created jobs just off their lifestyle there's there's people that create funny videos off of it whatever and it's like you know instead of being caught up in it use it yeah right your lifestyle is a value to somebody else right there's somebody that's homeless right now if if they got a phone and some Wi-Fi they can document their process and probably get people to care about them and get paid right like YouTube allows everybody to be able to create their own show and their own movie at will right use your life social media allows you to be able to do that you can download apps and invest there's so many different routes to success and wealth today that all you have to do is use your creativity and your imagination and then the world has already built the tools as resources for you to get them done at a low cost so it's like your excuses are your ignorance and so if you educate yourself there's really nothing that you can do the hood is no longer local it's Global right it's only local if you don't tap into the resources of the globe which you can do directly through your phone man because you just reminded me of some you excuses over with a homeless guy had asked me for some money right and I was like [ __ ] I don't even carry cash no more he he say I got cash up and I got um CH I said it sound like you got a computer too so you know like you said man excuses over with hom I seen I seen I seen a uh a post where they was showing how homeless men used to look and how homeless men look now and the homeless man look like a regular person now you know what I'm saying but it's like the the the the gold post has changed right uh if you look at the statistics on the average person is is is broke they don't they don't have $10,000 away for Savings in an emergency so it's like I don't judge people based on that but what I what I am saying is that in order for you to get to that point first of all you got to get your mind right I remember when I didn't have 5,000 for an emergency or 10,000 for emergency 20,000 whatever it may be and I just had to start with self I started with self and I went through that a it like what does my 100% life look like I thought about the things that I wanted then I thought about what was I willing to do and or become in order to get those things right I would listen to the same programming every single day and it became ritualized in my mind to where that was what I was immersed with so I would I would literally wake up every single day and listen to the same recording over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over then I would only surround myself with people who had what I wanted if you wasn't making more money me then I don't want to be around you if you didn't have the type of influence I wanted the access the resources you didn't have some knowledge to put me up on game I want aspects of your lifestyle so I want the transference that Quantum transference that happens just being around people right um to influence my life and my reality so therefore I was able to start building my life right from where I was to where I wanted to be and that's why I came up with that quote what you do frequently becomes your frequency see and so I think it first start with like Dr my brother Nuy says cleaning up your life right cleanliness is Godliness clean your life right clean your life mentally morally spiritually financially clean your debt out clean your credit out right clean your bad habits out clean your room out right clean clean clean clean clean clean clean right then add orderly construct organized build so starts off with those small list of right what does my 100% life look like right what are my top three goals that I can compete um this month three months 6 months 9 months 12 months 3 years 6 years 10 years right and it's important to increment those into short-term goals into longterm longterm is necessary for a vision over your life so that you don't get to a place of comfort Comfort is the enemy of success is a comfortable man is not a real man I'm just I want you to understand and I might not said it in a way that you may appreciate it but once a man gets comfortable he dies the spirit dies the ambition dies and you stop wanting to be seen and you go into the darkness and once you go into that Darkness you start to implode those characters that we seeing that brightness that you have that joy that we have that you have as a young ambitious man that you you think like oh I can do anything you start becoming negative all your selft talk is negative nobody cares about nobody gonna help me nobody going to do this and then the battle becomes beating your own negative selft talk to get to a positive space so that you can actually start producing because everybody understands the things I talk about Keys is I be like this opportunity is this they like I'm fighting myself though I'm fighting myself every day and losing and it's like okay do something different right what is that thing that you can do that's a little different that's going to make a difference right and you know once you you start cleaning up your life it's very hard not to start organizing get rid of the sugar get rid of the process foods workout go do something different go make a take get up in the morning and go run around the block early in the morning break your your current like this is a huge great example your current self has current habits if you watch yourself from a third person perspective you will watch yourself get up every single day do the same routine every single day live the life and get the results and then it's like okay if you wanted that version of yourself to do more you would have to break them out of their current habits so you would start writing imagine if you can just write down on the paper imagine if you can just write down on the paper and everything you write down they started to do right so hey I need them to get up earlier I need to them to get up at 5: in the morning and go run cuz what you're trying to do is break the chain you're trying to break the the cycle of habits because their current habits is only producing their current results then you say okay I need them to start writing down their goal because I wanted to be reinforced on them then you say okay I need them to start detoxing from answering the phone from certain people then I need them to start ex taking themselves in new environments and exposing themselves so that your brain start to change right the things you think about one of the greatest hacks is taking yourself to places of luxury and immersing it and and breathing it in as if you deserve this right um looking at you know trying on clothes that perhaps you can't afford right now but you're trying on your next life right your next level I've done this plenty of times I've done every routine ritual that you can think of to break the current Paradigm of myself to get to new habits enter into a new paradigm a new world a new frequency and so like change the chain of habits you have and you break free from that version of yourself and go into a new chain of habits so that you can go into a new version of yourself so I think this is where a lot of people get lost I like I I I you know in the book club we definitely go read the the habits book you know but it's like thinking about it in that capacity I think about that all the time of Designing myself how do I change myself at a fundamental level and that change really just looks like breaking your habits so start from there write down the things that you need yourself to do in order to get the results that you want yourself to get right in order to live the life that you see yourself living and so if you don't want those results then don't do it if you happy with the life and you comfortable don't fake it don't act like you want more yeah don't and then leave people alone that want more leave women alone that want more like if there's a there's women out there that that want greatness for themselves and they want to be with a great man don't don't lie to them that you want greatness for yourself right because they wasting their time with you and they could be helping a great man right so I think that that's an important idea and the same thing vice versa women if you're not trying to be a great wife to a great man don't waste your time meaning that you need to be a partner you need to understand that you know he's going to invest his time on his vision so that he can enrich himself and knowledge wisdom understanding so that he can execute you got to be challenging and putting your energy into helping that person Advance if you don't want to don't don't don't aspire to be with a great man if you're not ready to be a great partner so I think that we got to be accountable right not just for our own self- desires but what we can add to other people and I think that that's where things get mismatched because I don't think that people should get married for love right I think people should get married for life and when I mean by that I think that pick your partner based on who can help you build the best life and I was um I was actually having a talk with somebody in the high level club and you know he he's basically saying like [ __ ] how can he get focused and I was like man I try to tell all the young Brothers to write it down that way if you get distracted you got a piece of paper that you can look at physically you know what I'm saying I'm like even if you got to put it in your notes or make it your screen saave on your phone make sure you got this list and then once you complete everything on the list make another list because this [ __ ] don't never stop you know and I try to explain to them like don't never like you said get comfortable because when you get distracted and get comfortable you guys always remember you got that list in your pocket for real that that go-getter mentality ain't in everybody you you you have to want it for yourself at a different level and I just want everybody to be honest with themselves I think that's just really what it comes down to just be honest with yourself yes it looks good because the way greatness looks on the way you wear greatness everybody go love greatness it's like you put on a tailored fresh fly suit everybody want that you know what I mean it looks good when you put it on but think about all the things that that person had to do to afford that right so a person be like yo read this book real quick you know I mean don't do nothing else until you finish reading that book you don't want to do it you want to go watch TV don't say you want what comes from this habit there don't say you want what comes from this activity right you like that car out there it looks beautiful right you like that new Tesla go ask that driver how they got it right go ask them ask if you ain't willing to put that work in on there n Go go ask them about their routines and their challenges if you don't want their challenges you don't want their rewards you know what I mean go ask that bodybuilder man how the hell you you know what I'm saying what what are your challenges what are what are the hardest thing about getting this if you can't overcome their hardest challenge don't ask for their rewards when that person tells you man I ain't some days it's it's tough being this discipline having this consistent intake right um doing this every single day pushing yourself past the pain you know what I'm saying you know having this anxiety about reaching these goals and sometimes not having people right that's going to help you with it and going through that dark space like like ask who about their challenges because what if it was success comes with a challenge like like if it's a ain't no such thing as a big reward and an easy challenge listen ke like what if I ask them like how did you lose this weight and they like [ __ ] I just took this OIC shot and you know C the shot they ain't go to the gym do none of that [ __ ] you know they just jumped over a little well you can't you can't fake muscles you know what I mean you can't fake that so you if you want to look like one of them addicts you feel me that just got off you know what I mean whatever they was addicted to and just got out the have I don't think you walking up to one of them people and asking them that but the one thing about it is you can't fake the gy no matter what you have to work out no matter what you have to go through pain unless you know you were you you inherited some money and you ask somebody about their wealth that's different but what was their challenges they challenges is that they couldn't do it the natural way they challenge was that they were so overweight and their habits were so bad and they didn't have the discipline didn't have the Focus right they couldn't do that and so they still have that problem right to this day just cuz they take it they still have that problem so like do you want they insecurities their depression right then follow their routine because because you're taking on their discipline so I'm just getting to that point of like bro I just want people to be honest about what they really are willing to do for the things that they say they want because I just think we got a society of people who be lying lying like a mug like bro you don't want to be successful you don't want to be rich you don't want more for yourself I had that conversation with myself when I see people with things right or achievements and I'm like all right do I want to do the thing that they did to get it not do I want what they have do I want to do it then all right what's that process am I willing to do go through all of that and if I am if I say cool then all right then I'm go get it but if if I'm not then we move that to the side it look good on them happy for you brother but I'm not willing to do what you did in order to get it so you know I just think that's a message that we need to have especially as we talk about entrepreneurship you know uh we talk about wealth building we talk about accountability I think Honesty with yourself is the biggest cure right now right to public dissatisfaction um it's the biggest cure to getting people to go from where they are to transform their life and to live they 100% I don't want no more weak I don't I don't want any weak men around me you know what I'm saying I don't want any weak women around me right you have to be strong in your pursuit of things you have to be strong in your mind I don't want yes men around me I want people yes women around me I want people that know who they are right uh and that's honest with themselves because you coming around for the right reasons you're doing things for the right reasons and we entering a new Earth man and this new Earth we don't want the same curses so this has been another wonderful episode of the manto man podcast appreciate my good brother Mr 19 Keys we know for way dropping the game and the wisdom um the next episode um I feel like you know for it's for it being mental health month and you know juneth and everything coming up I want to C episode that's like extremely impactful like one of our most impactful episodes ever that we ever did so do your research y heard what he said Steve said he's going to do an extreme amount of research for the next episode I'm holding you accountable to that I'm going hold myself accountable all right good good I'm holding you you accountable to that he's holding himself accountable to that y'all holding him accountable to that the whole entire episode is going to be programmed by Steve I'm not going to do any work every episode program about me that's not true that's not true man and man that ain't true that ain't true yeah po the cap all right welcome to the man man podcast talk like God man man man