Transcript for:
Fixing Me Box Android TV Boot Loop

this videos for anybody who followed this video from 2004 installing Android TV and you know onto your me box I tried exactly as what the video did commented asking for help he got back to me and he pointed out that I should try formatting my USB that I have on my AP case on and after playing around for a while I did figure out how to fix it so if you are getting stuck in a boot loop as well and if you're going through some trouble this video will help you out all credit goes to 2004 the uploader I will put the links for the original video in the description and all the download files are there as well I will put these download links on my description as well but if you want to go and see his video that's there but this video is for anybody who's get stuck in a boot loop and wants to know how the hell you fix it follow the steps that I show you to get into the me box recovery just need to hold the ok button and the back button at the same time unplug the power cable plug it back in just watch for the light this soon as that light comes on hold the two buttons like so very close copy far away for some reason till you get to this screen once you are at this screen I don't know if this matters but I always just go wipe all data and press ok on that confirm then go to restore system all the way down here it will take you back into like this ancient software that first came with you have me box click OK on that confirm I'll let it do its thing once that's all done reboot the system once that's done just go through the set you must login to a Wi-Fi network then you will get to this screen after you go through the setup there's like full-on engine software have a USB I assume that got all the files that you need for flashing Android TV on Jimmy box plug that in now I find it easy to install the English settings now go to your USB and that should be the folder or whatever you name it to I just skipped it the way this go to zero apps and install the settings it's the first option you click on and on once you're here click okay and then just take the top one go to your left side option click OK go back install now that's just for unknown unknown sources to install on your Android box second option and then go down until you see the little earthing you to change the language first option again and you should see English there and now we go English once you have English just go back to your home screen click up and go to settings system update turn that off and you should have the newest update which is one point five point three three stable click on update once everything has done updating and restarted go up press up and go into your removable hard disk and go into it find the folder way all your apk sir and then it will be the king's route and open from here on you're gonna need a mouse just any Mouse just plug it in to your me books and then you see this little arrow just click and drag it up and click on try it once you're here click on try to route once you get this I just first cancel once it's all done just go back you will get this pop-up and just click on cancel again and go into and install the s manager apk and stole that and click on open click on boss browser says root click OK you should get this took a while for some reason but wait until you get this so this is your giving root access to the s manager just click on allow click on storage that's down here and go into USB on-the-go USB OTG click on that go inside your USB and you should see the folder that you have renamed or just this name and that contains all of your other folders with the apks hold it copy click on the storage tab here again and then go into sdcard 0 slash storage slash emulated slash legacy go into there you don't have to click on any folder just click on select this directory it will copy the files from the USB to your me box once that's finished copying the folder should be here and if you're unsure where you can click on the storage tab here again and make sure that you're inside the me box folder which is the emulated legacy click on it again and once again you will see the folder that he just copy it onto the here click on that root folder 1 root click on that and you will see the super su dot sh click on that super su thing up here it should turn green once up you click on that click run and then we'll bring this up and asking if you agree just I click on apply to all ok all right it's a matter if your expert or a new user just click on expert and click continue make sure you click on normal then click on reboot once the system reboots click on my apps and make sure that you don't have fury' fie on your system still installed I don't know why but for some reason after you installing supersu purify get leftover and funnily enough for some reason it's been uninstalled this time so the trouble that I had was purify was still installed once I after install supersu if you do have purify it's still installed make sure you uninstall it to uninstall something you can just sitting set you can just hold the ok button on your remote and go delete don't delete the settings obviously delete the purify that should stop you from getting into a boot loop because that's what worked for me because when I first followed the tutorial it didn't work he also recommended that I vomit my USB which I didn't do but if you do see purify do uninstall lit yeah so that's how you get rid of purify you just simply hold on it and go delete they should go out of the way once purifier is not in your system you can go on to do the next step if that is that you will get stuck on a boot loop I tried like six times going through this whole entire thing restoring it to like the ancient software and updating once you go through all of that then you can click on s manage again or as you get stuck in a boot loop click on s manage it then and then click on grand just for root access click OK click on storage just to be on the safe side and go into your me box folder which is the emulator slash legacy go into the folder which holds all the apks G EPS TV folder this time and you should see this in here once again before you do install this make sure that purify is deleted from your system if it's still there after installing supersu or else you get stuck in a boot loop so if that's not there that's great click on that little file click on su and get into the building animation of the Android TV once again if you didn't if you didn't delete that purify at from your system if it wasn't deleted after you installed supersu file you have a boot loop it will just stay like this for the rest of your life and it wouldn't work but if you did delete purifier if it was deleted after installing supersu you should be fine it takes I don't know like two minutes to five it shouldn't take too long and it should put into your logging in to the Google account and stuff like that you know that you're in a boot loop if your screen goes off um goes black for like a millisecond then it comes back on and it's just the same animation that means you're in a boot loop you don't even have to try to do anything you can have to restart I have no clue what that is it just comes to the Kings root thing like I showed before 2004 he's the one who mentioned that I shouldn't be there so I just tried deleting it and it worked for me so that's the way to fix your boot loop so it says Android and you can choose English but not go through all of the settings I'm not gonna do all of that because I have another me box and I will unplug this one plug the one that I have already this is the second me box it's the first me box that I just installed on so that's my second me box that's just booting up now that's I already have set up there you go you should be inside yo me box with Android TV flesh huge thanks to the 2004 to recommending me that I should format my steak hard and letting me know that purify shouldn't be there so that was a big help so this should work for you people as well just make sure that purify is not there after you're installing supersu if it it's not there then that means you're good to go if it it's there just uninstall it and you should be all good so hope this helps everybody