Mastering Do, Did, Does and Verbs

Jul 11, 2024

Lecture Notes: Finally Mastering Do, Did, Does


  • Tenses: The foundation of language and indicate the projection of the verb.
  • Is, am, are, was, were, do, did, does are auxiliary verbs.
  • Use articles correctly: "a", "an", "the".


  • "Do" is used to indicate an action.
  • "Do" is used for plural subjects and "does" for singular subjects.
  • "Did" is used for the past tense.
  • Several types of questions exist where the response can be yes or no.

Use of Could, Should, Would


  1. Past ability:
    • Could plus v1: When someone could do something in the past (Example: I could climb trees when I was younger.)
  2. Modified possibility:
    • Could be: Might be (Example: He could be busy.)
  3. Possibility in the past:
    • Could have: When something could have happened in the past but didn't (Example: He could have passed the exam if he had studied hard.)


  1. Advice or suggestion:
    • Should plus v1: Giving suggestions (Example: You should eat healthy food.)
  2. Expectation:
    • When you have an expectation from someone (Example: She should respect her elders.)
  3. Moral or obligation:
    • (Example: You should not talk during the movie.)


  1. Expectation/condition:
    • Hypothetical conditions or expectations in the future (Example: We would go if we had time.)
  2. Habit (past):
    • Past habits (Example: As a child, he would play for hours.)


  • Correct usage of articles in English:
    • 'A' and 'An' with corresponding consonant and vowel sounds/letters.
    • General speech and written English.
    • Articles are used according to different sounds.


  • Forms of verbs: Three important forms:
    • Base form of the verb
    • Past form of the verb
    • Past participle form of the verb
  • The most important part to always remember: is, am, are / world / future can happen.

Types of Present Tense

  1. Simple
    • Add "s" or "es"
    • Rule: "do" for plural, "does" for singular.
  2. Continuous
    • ING added to the verb form.
    • Rule: The singular is, am, are, and ING.
  3. Perfect
    • Third form of the verb + have, has.
    • Completed action.
  4. Perfect Continuous
    • Third form of the verb + be + ING.
    • Completion + continuation.