Creating Urgency in Major Changes

Jul 10, 2024

The Importance of Creating a Sense of Urgency in Major Changes

Key Tip

  • Always start a major change by creating a sense of urgency.
    • This applies to mergers, reorganizations, culture changes, etc.
    • Reduce complacency and other negative feelings such as anxiety and anger.

Why It's Important

  • Common Mistake:
    • Many do not start with urgency and fail:
      • 90% of significant changes do not meet original aspirations.
      • 20-30% are complete failures, requiring abandonment or restarting.
  • Successful Cases:
    • The 10% of cases that do succeed started with creating urgency.
    • They communicate the need for change and reduce complacency.

What People Often Do Instead

  • Task Force Initiatives:
    • Assign a task force with a mission or hire consultants to develop solutions.
    • Often done with secrecy to avoid worrying staff or impacting stock prices.

Problems Without Urgency

  • Lack of Foundation:
    • Urgency is foundational for lasting change; without it, efforts are temporary.
    • Difficulty in pulling people into the change team.
    • Information gathering and strategy communication suffer.
  • Complacency Issues:
    • People do not understand the need for change.
    • Brilliant strategies fail if not understood or prioritized.
    • Key team members may neglect tasks due to lack of perceived urgency.


  • Understanding the Need for Urgency:
    • Recognizing and addressing urgency can prevent common failures in major change efforts.
    • Ensures that strategic initiatives are understood, prioritized, and executed effectively.