Building a Restful API with Laravel

Jul 5, 2024

Building a Restful API with Laravel


  • Presenter: Jeremy McPeek with Tuts Plus.
  • Overview: Learning to build a RESTful API using Laravel.

Key Setup Requirements

  • PHP
  • HTTP server (e.g., Apache)
  • Database (preferably MySQL)
  • Laravel framework
  • Recommended tools: Laravel Docker image, XAMPP
  • Composer for Laravel installation

Basic Setup Steps

  1. Install Laravel: composer global require laravel/installer
  2. Create new project: laravel new <project-name>
  3. Database Setup: Configure the environment file for database connection.
  4. Database Management Tools: Use tools like phpMyAdmin with XAMPP.

Developing API

Models and Migrations

  • Create models & migrations using Artisan:
    • Example: Customer model and Invoice model.
  • Define relationships between models (e.g., one-to-many).
  • Migrations for data structure in the database.
  • Example column setup: name, email, address for customer; amount, status for invoice.

Factories and Seeders

  • Factory: Automate data creation for testing.
    • Example: Customer Factory for creating random customers.
    • Conditional logic based on random type (individual or business).
  • Seeder: Bulk data insertion for testing purposes.
    • Example: Create 25 customers with 10 invoices each.

Building the API

Routes and Controllers

  • Setting up API routes in api.php (version control).
  • Group routes with namespaces and prefixes for versioning.
  • Example of setting up Customer and Invoice controller routes.

Handling JSON Responses

  • Utilize resources for data transformation.
    • Example: CustomerResource to control JSON response structure.
    • Use camelCase for JSON properties (e.g., postalCode).
  • Paginate responses with metadata and navigation links.

Querying and Filtering

  • Query syntax example in URLs for filtering: ?postalCode[gt]=30000.
  • Use of Request to handle input and create dynamic queries.
  • Filter based on predefined allowed parameters and operators.

Advanced Features

Inserting Records in Bulk

  • Custom bulk store methods for mass insertion.
  • Validation of bulk data using a request class.

Token Authentication with Sanctum

  • Sanctum for token-based authentication and authorization.
  • Setting up users and tokens automatically with a custom setup route.
  • Defining capabilities and protecting API routes using middleware.
  • Handling tokens in HTTP headers for authenticated requests.

Additional Functionalities

  • Including related data on request (e.g., fetching invoices with customers).
  • Creating, updating, and deleting records with validation.

Tips & Best Practices

  • Versioning: Keeps old versions functional while opting into new features.
  • Avoid over-engineering: Start with basic features and expand based on user feedback.
  • Use resources for consistent and conventional JSON responses.
  • Protect endpoints with appropriate scopes and capabilities.


  • Laravel provides the tools needed for scalable APIs.
  • Leveraging form requests and Sanctum for secure and robust APIs.
  • Community resources and support.
  • Contact: Jeremy McPeek via Twitter or Tuts Plus forums for questions.